tistinguislîed firon tiisat usere store courtesy wlîlch siralces iîasds viclent- "'V'V Ys ly witis yeu, askfsîg about tirelisealtis Of your fasîîiy wiîeu t ieîe is fno1 auxiey te new ihtb'ý-r your chilti is iveli or sick, but tl'ç asîxiety i K any Young Men Rave Found Religion asdiadkrilfs uwltake TIEAIMSHR.hv a Practicoal llelp. it will Prepare you for tise piactical an' the arrl s ni tled1 haveit ________Of_________ 111e. Ildo siot, returîsed oit ltise wastes fromt mleu to say tisat religion wiill makeanml-ub dr ad hv it (Eniss srigte A iýth e Parlirmeent ft bigiiest scisool ufmdcss sts fiîanciaiiy ricis, bot I do say amt d alhsasmu u cauedl e tiseyes'osAe T'ous,îid Nii5 Huen dred and Two, by Williani Baily ofToronto, at ,HOL0 -RS, that it wiii gime 0US, it wfll assul-'ist5de a ceîortudîesustssauIlatthe cec Onccessary for tise successful l i s D p a tr t m f n t Wag s hi ngr e t o s. e a. 1 i s i c i s d p l r e si t l s a t " g e d u] - s t r t , a c o s f o t a i - e sî s s î s i s ,t e u , ' , a l ri l ss d u c t a s ' i î p r t i m s i b the way troughe tdiie sdi htisatstiseprudent l'armer A des atci iross Walssuton sys: sesa îs prfita le ono alI tie way tiss ugli aud t mvii isipauitiî maplail bis lans mbraetth e]P' S 1ev. Dr. Talmage preacised irom tiings, isaviug tise promise cf lise te direct tise baisa tmîariage tise soiî's oueds. In the puu'cisase of L t 1,»f£i llStise following text:-I. Timethy, iv 8, 111e that uow is as well as f Ilsat traiffic, te comduet ail eur business commsercial feetis, ai! otiser tblogs -GOdIliu-ess ta profitableaunto 'aitwhich iste cosule."ane if pou start matters andti :omake tise mosh . oh dingt-ts msr ~IStBarSgrasuo t tiings, liavi ig promise of tise Ife oit tive men iu tise îorld witis equîal siguificant affir cf or -111e a, asatter bin ua, ise miiigise prefereuce cOmle." ýtiieil shah lget tise religion Of Chisjt Christianuprincipie. sulte, i eI tie fitssffrilvey Tisere ilaa glooisy and psi vyin lus iieart and the etiser shah iot Iiw1a yu gn'esg vllo stcdle ii I e ee isatoftise 1a e4ý_ ý,4eeý o~~f atiss" foi' esests teresue upon get it, tise one ivis becesiies a sOlut' iis r'eligionî? is yeus' Pimsicalcenn ri h ait rwmt us, ant ti are isaheî'osc way ef go- cf, tiseLord Aisîig ity wili ive thise htsse gooi-you do îlot want cecstIcnts ui scsmtr us,,and heÉeis ,1 a 0cd animal is msure m aluable foi'. en- Se. Fac.S1mele Wrapper Below. ssîg eut te Iseet tirent, sts'oog in 6-ot longer. "Witis long life ivili Isatisfy this diine toiic? lis y oir iind , icisnient thasi tîat 1s'ossthîe groîviug Ters'isîman a~<ta asy'anti feasiug îîetiing. Wlîentiste body iimanti sisewv iy salvatiosi." 50 clears', 0 ast, so csurlsss cerjoie. - m e a ayof Catiliise was foîudi tise battie- Again I reisiaris tiat godiîess is tisat yoss do iot ivan.t lu di ji iii Exrice fdesaefllaae to take e;>sagr. fieldi it ivas fosrd fat is admoure of geet ler'tise isteliect. 1 know sorise I inlspiratiesi ? Isyeus' oriiy i tsattie cnîy p'arefi-cm awa ailtiis trocps ansd asssosg tise euemy, baie sopiiesedth iat just as soon as urss se tlIisrîmuoî.iy, esttaîlsis'eti el oten e.nvprftro a -FUR HÂOaiLndsth ie best îîay is net 1cr us te a man enters iste tise Christian 1h10e you haie noe use for ii'at reldgicîs season's feeding is representeti by tise LA TE SFOCR DZNSlie doiv andi Jet, the events cil 11e iis intellect goes ilnho a bedwarfing wii sajes teiU at c in anure, anti as tiss is tise f arn's whic. ha bcn th liep ald dl sis- re of ftisetrasîsactios i lu eromes a CliNES rsi pii l tisat, cou* h fnier ws'. iseislis it ini trust foi' iTTEF wssa& hita pst e"mnt ec i lll gie new, bîilliaimcy te tise iitei crises cf woridiy tr'ouble ? 1Usd lifi tise furm to observe al ccoîinrinl g F~ <unrssasaass. quer-. xou are expecting prosperity, loch, ssew streogtis te tise imaginsa- isîat I bave Sait islatruc ielei o u sn-citatiapin ftte PI LL. FOI'CONT1PAION. andtiasdetermissetiso fat as I bave tlois, isew force 't( tisewill ant i iuer sece mwh a aatacl bloîstici t is iîlmn fumitiom tvasaiecîdt FOI ~ALO SK. assytiing to (eIo ithis t, tlat yen swsing te ail tise imectal fcihs asa tjesiss e Ie epiatonsnin tniemsthiligetsmsr'. Rconeo FORTHECOMLEXON sisaui net lbe issappoinl cd, and, Chis'iasity is the great cenîtral fig- tise îsi I eîiî, na isso effortishaninte lgenhtmanuelrarefpro- MUS5SV a~5A~A5, hiireisîre, I propose, as Goti stay lie at wiiclpbilosoplîy bas lgseispnsligte oigione ut~.in oiS ffoprty cf bmae asît ame fore tise __________________________ îelp sue, ho ps'ject upoîs yoar ah- its brigistest tforchir 'ise religion of 1age getaS religionm fifty yaOfteelae sîily fmtanuesaldpspei t usat hentoisia ueîv ceieset cf suecess.1 Yen Christ iS tise fountain out of wiiicisHe îss einotisy ealîîgoo0f ]aiteal ite wsetilierotise sit at-a N CURE SICK HEADACHE. haveienustise buises firrm fsoglity, leasniîsg ibas dipped its clecareat by finial repenitansce, buit iiliit cao 13eele soîe0 iereiintcees -patiencre, isdustry, perseverance, c- cdraft T'ise Ilelicon polireti fosthsnîleompensate hlm nfor a whîole IifetiIîeý colcritrates cf commsserce o only eîscmîy-a ery strcsmg businîess fiint suciesipring muers as thosewiiiich usaleviatecd andt uicemfos'ted ') Yeu orMEYC R\E1 DU. L. POTTER. -but tisere ieetis te bceonue flow frosîs under tise thitoucf (loti ni, religion ho-day in tise sraisssgl 1!,rEYCI-,D'--l. Offe ard rcidence,Ciurciît.,oppesi!teTr-inity mnsiser asid, isîgitier tisais tliesîscleas' as crvstai. Ini tfslt.Yuisl vaî e li timeiquid portions ocfltie mianure Corgrgatcisl isres, lomaivile.~5i ail, asicîlot a sulent pal'timeî', eitiseî, Now, I cosîsîneni gtîsincss as tise iOgionate il. ouwli ciantîg mi Iare founîd ftis-eereted nîits'ogcn front. DR._____ W.____P._____________ tise osse intî'oduceetiby usy text, best menthal discipline, bettes' tia iiat cuIstouîmer. Yen wanteti reijgion hi-s igete fod as veliassmoat 0f Grada.eo W.Tro.o JiACKAY,1,-G dlursess, wischis isprofitable uuto belles leftfies te, purfy tise haste, [ esteiday te csîr-b 'ecîr femîper. 1-,lste ptsi.This lh'uid smanore Naughiten's citi ofice, Newcastle, Ont. tai hings, liiîgtise promaise of tire iettes' tlus aieote oisresicl'as tîcî nui ebstholtý is t iit poasla ___________ -___ -----___________1e tisat îoîv is asiveilias(of tisat tise imini tteail iutriacy andtieIabeir yous way tistecgis tise floti ?Caîî soluîble comndition ansd anc adînixtuse MISS ETIREL M~ORRIS; %ihIr(1îis 1:0 hoû iP"aticîs, hte hnlgct rsrîa oosiios b sest nts f extranecous water takoîs i-p by Iups ou i si iini l ieimelle ha frrs fr sîst oi wiîtih ouit i's etei'îa eîp gofî'in the sese elemenis, hlscitistiersi in solo- ARTISTl. Instî'nctioa givenin PAIN'lI'IG o aeat ilng t ir nelcu fcsfoostadili foseenlhlpg o-h 1Ii.aeCli hdhia kecign' io', anti if aiicweci te uecil or tdrainu lu il.W'terCoor îî Chîî. Setbin ~ admsit thiat gedliîiess is importasît lun mictoty. it miii go wifiî IlisgliMil- I amidth te assaîsît cf ail heii's sîsarli-avy0fcise hs u wath r ainig îrem inature. KIYN 011 pîsmimes, tir jils efesisai relatiosns, but perbaps let anti showîvbila tise Icotpriîsts ef. sisooters ? Cali yocs 'w aik scicue wyocurefllsjst hai LnIt g tîsîîai prices. 5.6m. c aies frontss tise malueutIeîan sorte c? yon sauy, "Ail Iwsait is aistishe Creator !iltise ted saîsdsuonc. it 1arrosa thesee rrumbîuig 'gr'aves andîhecan oppelruîîssm.y to say a pi ayeî' befcsse I w sîl go itisftise betanist anti Show' iamidti hiese gapissg rsrthqusakes ? uîe. JTho piesýer-i sctîeî of tise solublei DEI. J. C. MITCHELL, due, aii fai wil bemell." Tisute are bll rcelestial glos'ses esseaspet i der' iCatin îs telgci uln nntreisdeti su asto1v bcas M MEOFOi QOPiYSICIANS a greaIt înany people iVio suppose 'tise cîtain nf a mates' liiy. 1h will ssimesei, cuithimo tise gale ? Ohî, himeîilreptesesîts fiflîhi eehall cf tise and urgons OnariCoone, ec, that if tiîh eau fti Chinly get safelY go wiijfiltie astronosses'onu I hogroul. mou iithiouhav, ebelli îhie, postpuii- mur' at' u )cl13 e Resideace. Enniskilien. 7 cnit ofthuis worhd tiîey xiii have ex-liegiss s ete Gotisisepierds thue iîsg hue religicsonýf .lisui hrssoluble it is jinmediaiteiy avlsîiha hausteti tise ctire adi'antigeof cfar great flock of worlds that ivantier isase picîsge i liste mistakles 1îeyfer plant assinîlilation. it is seatil A. E.MeLAUHLIM, j hîly religions. Tilly taik as tsousgb on tise bilsaof iseai cîsanswering luis es et ceuiticorrîect, altîseuglu sy te go te wom'k ah Onîce ho assist lin Beýrtter, SoIcitor anti Cenveyanee. Office-: eiin r ee--iea i al toab hi ietsxyyasa hyissakisî tise sew ci-op to l'e matie Busakiey Bock, iig tiesi, }owmauvi meiicmi'o' amr idc asb cls tleî b islteiclrxy as le, man iedc-itomrenamîse TilaIcoli i Meey 0 loan atreaisoriabie rates. 48-lyr, NOD 0F IIECOGNITION narres. Pears etuisiset ontier rart wilîels urnio e mapie Thgisciuiii se wisii wie are te, gise e tis gls 's' sthgeeuiie usdraggetitiieit mauslet bodies ntier'iiî w eî-ib los î utss IOE' 'UG .S. Lord Jessson eut vay up to a hîca tprofitable for ene's dispositions. Lord ftisech,s thodie. S. tishe,,, i .se!tiroîertg fosorute, ROER IIJGV.Asiey, before 13e mx nt inte a gs'eah îaiîc'n oîsder thme ivieel of awu cl cal- cre f thec liqoit inssuy sciak away ( FIEIN IIORSETS BLOCK,ýOPPOS muîsy ssasssson, as tu i 5 e t lîwacard to effertatis ps'aîY- ainîlti.white a vast mltiude ~of i the cartis of the staisles. Biedding ~Jlis Towu Rail Entrance, Mwhers ho wil hbe an admissions ticket, of nlo aise ex- f cmatise abserbsent qîsalities shioclt f0nuit rouSa. m.50pm. to9p .Ngtril tcett ive at tise (ooi-of seavesu. o' '4or.0ha 3eîr busY otisers bave takeis tisereigions, o lef 0 i sfiietqîuîttls h resitience, direetis' opposite Drill Shed . 7lyr Asiti there re tiîon!aaf1sds ef peeple orge .liTesti.-sChistuinho ceerydai hile anti, bI taLe u a insicenhiqlniti. fs'a ta et ilc thuSards o pe l ot.- Witl sulci a Cbîhr s ii iirst, imnpractlcai usis.,ssilmmakelpattlelqi.s w 'i Mise ive grtciitadmiriatîio oi are- . fastscodomtiehsnef I essifosiietisîeina si- '~r JIIAE LICENSES,-M- A. 1ligiesi e? the srod aîida religioni of sh icmmtîcs mtpit vl sl tonî, iieiîîîae rkis fonîticih benian e nuli Eeic entre treet. tirenshavetise fl nîsti1'soîlgienlieI.JÀlsaiecf ariecliacI,'tc. Nti' uaei vater!pî"cfici ___________________________hears aunti auî'eigiesî of thre cenietetir iie yime Isi vii aoesIee il 01 anýiti ti]55-ispotciîaîduiesitc'as NATIJI-AL TE -M 1 'ERAMENT. merse appreî'd, tis gie istrustisC iriseR, li ai e smo apps-ciaticiiof eautî'ig- I~. .iais 5trlesu'h utmg J SIIIIPSON & BLAIRiln fer fhuebank, les' hue latin, ls'If a Inainhec s'osýs asit Ssiur zipîti is s s rifîa 1î1le u loc'îuisgi îei1acrtk îopo 1? B SMPON Q C, RA. . LAIR tise farte for stheîe ,tiîtuîso, for frefful nahsîraiiy, altes' fle tecrcil 1 a 1 aitbiîîigs, isav1ingfle relse of fisc Blrr, upstars, ing tret BoIr flime jeîvcler's sseop, fot fli1eeflice. Christianlhe î'tiii aIways have t L e, 11 ibli ioeis as iveli as cf thil. tua ui sbc~ liî'h h i isli"as orlie îîaro ak.Prvas cw mlsheI solti it Iii ',wasîy lammed againast the meelilen of, tiss vscsl ecile"'od0 sot f oretsttis <aies scîs rsi a pest-snlomtess seligiesi, i cul inclinatiens. But religion isas ferfizisîg eleiseîts agssiissf iates' ivant hn-duîy ho cuiegize an alite- tainet tise iiltest nastures. Ih lias, FOR, OVER SIXTY YEARS dilution amnd losa, bof if tise Imsrel 1* ' IUTIl lrtesît mriligin. A rI- t Ilt iespncsfeîscy e o gattue oABSE1OIIONTR f 1n0 use,,h ou witcn l wil etoneti fîffismesa d inhoradmill~.ins oSoOthsfriiPSrP35ehil uie 1 1Sah El T O i TIdIrEEctLfr is ..DîîsliCevs~ncî'Mens','p.latecsiti13eoiuse te ion îvbesîyou due. tiso iho ivere liard ai-id unges'eril- teethi' g. Iftihlerbedatulgbt -tnd brokea o'î r igr'p rî'sr lsa C~mupaus'iitiate 'eîti I le-es cuîeit rates "G odlulss his'ofifable nuite, ahtable ad'isii ucnssprensing ihave beemi 'rr"est a stick chilti suo'eriîsg sudcry cuiky eiespca tw ts ts y opibeadcoclaoy odwiîb 13e pin f euttlug teeth senîti St once ac uîlsbgicrOtt'1iit h OFFIES:Rin St, oposte r hfarues tbings,Iiîam isg preitihse cf hi-se hfe md lal st cciitr.Goigia>lle ofhlrs. Witieiows' Scetbing Syîep soul, tise armeî' usas ciiage is Denal ecisBo'îwnvile 15m" tit Inow 15 as wieliass f e? shah ireseltîtion, teforisahoiy efotr, will lcrChiidreusTeethiî'g. il wilrelievýe imierstewardship iveli. OdoraIrnmi mari- xshicliis haltecoise' Andti1 haie, cal- net effeet tise chansge. 1htaLàes nlitltesuiferer at one. Dependupoîîltnotmeraieaeawy ariýso oso tiserets 0o misiake aboutit. It cures tîarrlîîasitài'l~isîatuig fbs 0 -110 To LE1ND îvsys netîreci thiat wlscn grace sa mery igisirassasi rsgri adregeiategstheestemach anItl ~eicures Wiuî tfhe velatile etgornisportiossinho go ecîmis' h ncterae aceos useret'lcîvinii a saî's heurt houe, fniks ka h oisndh evilihabits tisaisfisc band Cole i, 10utsa- eue îllrraiî ie aîuaîsr.W-cesuic R.MLÂuis.stoiiitoBemaniulou grat ealiiiiîryermo"iîss siut 1fisatbeiit tise bow 'of Uiyssea, andtiandigîvea mune anîd cu'gy toIte whole symmern gret ealinpryernle4iig ;( îrs.Winislowa' Soihi Fg S'rup for cisîsies piied andi fei'meîufttflii allove t t le -u.Ideatlis a sîsiabout coffinss andtiabout su hies a strenger lasse tisau cicr eethi' g is ple.%alai'eieeîaste âud l htisepu I-ecousse active. decýnipositionîpro- graves andi abtout cîînrcîsyarcîs. I ueit tise bcîfale0on tire prairie. e ipiPcoI cf one cf the oldest andeti fetoaislesssrpci sosfti oui n,,:Ennn iave moîced that tisheslcisty (hîsis- Agan -1 t emnrk tiiat religionis P. la e btle. Sujd by aIl dr ggisti chroo gih esesîl s, i olatfiizatfon liseues asnd hiasu~~, themenanri ha isiinug iens' te Igoifor ivtuldhy businesýs. , I ksîw outt le werid. Bd ueaniekfer ŽAirs. tWaIN io -a'sestda ivt' bugi prcnt Goti andtisonthe straiglitîroait ho tise geisrai thory l is e more isusi- L0sL oJOthIsng yrum age of tise win ci ftise iisire goes DENTISTS. heaicîl, is fulli of juibilant saîtisfac- riess fisc lesa religion, tise moee e- inhto fisc ahmeapiere. -- ioî and tsalks abeut tfiscdisies tuf ligioitfheo tessbusinîess. INot se, i BYING 1is ýQUA-sNT[TY. To giïard l'gaii1 1iis ls cf Wiii bc at Blackstock on tise first uhis lire, s.îîdertassdissg wivoitfinit ifthosuîghDr. Minos, fin bis "Bicgraph'r _Vî'eitiie asîluosiiili t iscstabîles andt Monday of each mentis. at Orono 2nd Geti îîoîps hiiîto liv is'ghttlie i;viî cOf a Cisristians Merrisast" ei ho îîe Tise inei'clisunt us buyiîsg geetsin S- a0 ie sss i'e sfgu'îts Monday all dai, and at Newcastle îst uephslh icîiîh as:"l rî ugaets atsisis or geffisîg-îvhat lbe busis frein setlthfuîness cI !tise ai sues anti Wedniesday freinl 2 p Mn. Sowis' ti ile irst place, I i'emnai ix ~Yearsscf his isfe. During fbosc Iàa bouise tsat is beat fitteu ho 5uiPPiy barils nccuîpicd isy )i aiable! animais, OrFiCR-'Temperance St., Bowman-Itîsat gcîcîiîsess is geeti lor t a ua's sx 'et h atmrebsns ise markts'f b a alr I'msomne sulciabsorbent cf gssses as tuaiti i'uteea ofHiginothm'sdrgstrephy'simal hentis. Ide set mîîealu ho croîvdlîg hlm than rahany otiser tî ssrcs fthe wvensth e best pliusuer or sucphpiosphate siiousîtib1e - 5y huîfitxxiiî'sfs' nbrkes ue." lî otiser isords, flic more pieduet1s,lise feels sahisfied omet mhît fr n Iseci il, cnjeeticîs iqlIiiirli ticîîs omsstitiou or dii-e 1i'helsisut is'oildly busiîîessa aamanl bas trisemore le ius uîioe îe rsetfriiddabscrbiug itter. saý,ns, ii l i tire fi nibs et ne nii ziafrotta OPPrhnnify te serve Geti. ises1Iîts. S l: ideais that liecari'sget Of course' tLuepiate'anîd super D E ~ 1IT I tise h les haor piu'yfiss iieIse Nw, reî"cvi ii e Yîurbte'iuhue rmfo.eiie acphsosphsate alqori i{ilid,ise and sýicie, huit I do e sanIo su humt 1hbusinecs iiff ho à a lnt cis 1,iîsea dolg luirgebu.,iiness andîti eclippeti înork iii conjuslnloîs w itlîtis e bd- C.H R D N h .. ginsciseesuch habits aud psuts one'or if i i 3eo getibusiness ivrosgiy- ir oi' pî'esîmp ýtlyhsidljig lus o tti ding. ly takimsg pioper ruî'e cf imun- 0- HAR DEN, .D.S. in succondeçiutuon: as are mmost lamer- cemîticheci. Ifyou otelies bebliàI'iýis isreasenabl nn outise paurt cmil f i re oee uay feeti ipurcîsaseci concert-t Gradnate of tise Royal Colueeof abiles'opiîî'aical licaiti. Tisat t1iso tise ceuitneî, if yen use î aise lsnerriscaîthut atiisy nîca 1ls sisssstr-eti lcisg stuîfs te lbe feci aia,- Dental Surgeons, Ontario. lieve, andsth iat I as ou'.Everybody xx eîgihssandci sîeaîstes, if ycsuspit jo\î erlook tisis x isenif coules te tisesmais uit a profit inithu flic, fuir as- ksstssvshat bsioyancy of sp:int .'s5 saîsd iu sugur anti beet juiee in ii1e- asnattel' cf taikiîsg to tîseir cusfoners. I sramsce tîsat fhcy ha carry a sec-f 4JFFICE-Opposite T.Binigham's office. geotilui-siaaiadiht'tage. Igai'an ard-in usbttes-, anti adI foi' Tiseirtaik te tieit custesuers ocm ci VITALIZED GOAIR. NRST DJETIN, uhinthiug tisat wiih i usothierltise conîshes about thseir .quaiiica-f ______________________________________ lîca en eigion wxiii interfere tiemîs fcor gining ivaines iscause tbey aire at mat iitis emeî'y Puisa- miih that buisiness', bush afisi are aisay front kn business ceater or - .~ui IT i. .2. ioîs o? tise iearf -anti o- uibsitss, li'fiscsdsce, miibe.anse fheu.urîeît is ioxn alti thueir -Mi i Ai 'ysu -L -aL ery respirationsuof tise longs. They finsd tise religicon 0fftie Lcrd Jeass"enîses ligisf. 'I'ey fail teo remeins- Alw ysUp tobinoes' hie i itality ansîtlackea tise Chîrist ifs uîughtiest uxilia'y. Ilettisat people li1ce ho tracte iviere cirruluchiomi, whitie exiiatation ptsurs llhge xl im ueîîpîeOfrciere ha- lots nf business going on,f tise vcs'y biîsloî f henvea threuigisai 'spirit. It will keep yeus fî'oîseluîlli- snisetilere arc large fs'sîssacfiens, ne tise new improvespents are placed on j sicerity ululeS sosmetimnes ILîciessl greut sîsany fie buiîesses hase'been ae fiiepitelsases by aI, large 3 tise market. 1I awP rs imakie t a speciai e' n us rsate mîari or ponres iîuîcînîte atoimg 1-yrî dtemes ifdeaier. if is betcr ho Lep blter . - 1 __u 1 flic Lor", , l u-...., - nt!moe ervu-ani-iriabl.1inc......._-,.--1ý _-G -",-.rStrust cor sove. tRelaxationî is ounscà, %,,0 A Pare back effthie itiler andithcis Jn beginuing tise use of Dr. Chases Nerne ,ADVRTIIXG LATE. -onne de)n th shrp lsh o theap ooti I feel altogether tihfereaf. It bas su diversion. CA A D V E JI T I S I G R A T E S . o s e s t îIl v ti es I faî' nu c i s e a p . i g r a d u a l s' s tr e n g th e n e ti m y s' n e rv e a a n tidY T E G N I E M N F D 8 osle a he n s, "1 us-is si mvi ilIt up m s yste ni wonderfully. i B Y T E G N I E - A O TECANADsAN SrhrATMAN Il pibislîed evers' iot itt.ncither sîsalise est." leep weli ncw, anti amu cghsrui- MJge'" e c'egtapr Wcdn~tia' unrniig utliseoffie i, StA]a O , I-soim uportaîin mtisîs day, ly restoredti te eaitisanti strengli. i rot." Tiinsîbb-"Ye, asîti le's FP IA !r /PP mËSAS BUDock, Rýing Steet. Iiexuniaiiville, Ont.,.s x'î bimil asic butnium oiv tlateSa eiiet i h iss i'iynee an"1.le IL yIIL4IJl\i whi1A. 1;J( l s sd 111t1i tor aussibll Proprictheor., iieî Subst b te werip muF iNA FGs m tienI 81.5)', e ],i* ousus ou'1.)0 if iitrictis' in auti pi'ioiegy auul t1iscui-utima ai' bati dforttise neuves." 3g er" a alot Ifcf h.ese Itiuigs î i1c ~u~u ~ant asu,~ l ti umedrle l evu'Dr. CaesNrn od 0cents a c i: ?" KYigmb -'1,nve'si >' ~ î? ents 1;er lins suml ffbequecd nt lusrtsn. (Cois- spiîsgms îpc ise iveîthobo, 6boxIes fo)r $.5.ahail dea<iers, ow' in.Tsa' ieei1wse (ýshosbsr11;1 BYI PGGSS RIEScPEBT tract rLso ppialoî jfhifye îont caUcsa.îdtIa ts timnsn!Bts& e, eoao Stop Buying Millinery VeIvçteen for SIkirt Binding. When you buy 8 of a yard of velveteen to, cut into stripS for skirt binding, io times out of i i a velveteen is sold you that was neyer intended for skirt-edge wear. It was woven for trirnring hats, etc. S. H. & M. Redfern-a bias corded velvet - ts malde frorn velveteen manufactured expressly fc skirt bindings, fast dyred anîd durable. 20 if youo do mt raid the letters nn tise bek -of Bias Výelveteen or Brus Etige Skirt Bindiuigs they are net the ist. Thle e r lck Sl We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lote to dispose of yet, and very cheap-flrst-class goods at very small nriOOa. SOi carry a good agsortment of Ladies' Oxford,coiored and black a; 81 00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 (0 $2.50, worth $2.(oO to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25e, 50~ 75c, wortl, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond iu priceb. We will tell you what the stock is nla cd and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles -now in stock in every liue. The publie is iuvited to inspect Our stock; ne trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain:- Dresý!ing, the very best that eau b. bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appi- ed to. Repairing done lu ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thaukiug my customerrc for past avors and hoping for a continunce of the tame. -Beaver Block, I3owxanville. * DAVIS. * Webeg te cai your attention to a new and indisp 3n)slb article In * Barclay's Patent Attacl ifent ri0O1 'rUE CURE 0r * Balking and Kicking 1 orses. * ill entrol any vice knewa to a horse. lnvaluiable for f breaklng iicls au be adjasted ln two minutei lç tused with any horness, yehtcle or implemeut To jý Pi 0' roressive farmer sud horgeman this article la a nec$,%- itY. Apply te 83-1 yr ROBERTI HOOEY, BLACKSTOCK. te 13e enaetidp5lv cure fua Vasuicosiele and btrîcture w cnttig, aretcing s o i f re.bV'arcoüee 1habsorlbas baggIng'o 112h tetsus tp smarting sensation evucssina.be(e~ î te d,, wileiii alprostatic 'trouibles ilithet ilme ai ecelsIr PAY WHEN CURED on nscd paYn othlngacntil you are convinced tisat a tbcrou.gb nd eo pisýte cre hsbec stabiished. It :muekes ne diOerûns- who lies .8friled id car.5you, cail sud see us.a swiii giv e 'rou a thorough exanlination fr01e of charge and may' le ths means of saviug yon 'rears of sufferi lg. E_-ach ti me you callyo.u se. Dr. Goldberg pers,ýoiiag*y' Ho blas 18 dipioa s, certificates, etc.,which testifte bois standing and a llities. The Muinbr lit yearsws have been estLablidii Detroit and the cures',ws efFected have ranked usi the f or6 mset specialists cf tise countr.y. We eau givs no stronger guarantea of our abililties toc ur1 yeu than thse tact that yen need pas' notbioig until cursd. OUJR LATEST MIETiIOD TREATMENT GLJARANTEED TO CURE Výaricoce'e and Stricture witheut cutting'. stretchinpg or loss of tinie. .Aise Biood Poisn Chronie, Private. Nervous, Irrnpotsncy, KiNieuy, Liver. Blad1der. Stemnach, 'reniais and Rcta! Troubles. CONSULTATION FRISE1. Cali or wriuu For hianli for homle trsatment. BOOl FREE. Heuirs, Sa.m. teSp.mi. Sundars, 10,am.to Sp.mi. Al »ledisines for Canadian Patients Shipped from Windsor, Canada : GOLDERG, 2B WoodwardAv, Patients' private eiitrance, 7 WitÇax st., DETROIT, MICII. ond profit te tiseland iii thse man-' thebri or spinal cord, associated Lire, the latter profit being often sat- with- a brc.akiug clown cf the nLerveý isfactoril, cortimuasrai witlî their tissue of the brain. It is popularlye frst cost. talled "stagger-s," or "mnad staÈr gers," becaujse cf the promnineut' U s F10or COVE R CROFS. synmptomis i. Thse Symptoiils arc 1-tbose of braltin iaseS. The animiat P1rof. 1. P, iloherts, of Corn-eli appears h linid aniionlpairtLally com- 1Jhîrst, says :-"Cover creps film siosayco aotnn eduvt in, a mensure, take the place of foer- turit la a circle te 1tIsergto left., tilizers aýiLd fiansîres. They arc îlot, and a ýstagger-ing 0os» a straddIlg. howeî ci', a :universal panacea for ail gait. There is u naiyatremnbiing soul deliciencies, ieitiser areý they a .of tise musclesý. bore the spinailL fui1 substitute lu ail cases for fer'- cord oniy is aletc ise animai ire- tilizers. Tiiere is always a wicle qently recovers., Laxative food feld for tise profitable use of eue or should 13e given, and iodide of pot- ail of tise concentrated foruis 0f fer- ash lu ýone-drachm dse dissolved tilizers niamed, and inin auy cases la water eau 1be gixen ,once daiiy foi, there la aise a special place for the three os' fout' days. useO0f fel'tfiizes's, tlsesefoî" ise mo0 11re' Practîcaily ail cases, -wisere tiseý ueed of honest goods. Consmeirciini braîi is the seat cf the disease, dIi c. feî'tîlizes's furnisîl pa]'ilpaut and ail mnethoda 0 f treatmeut su f ar food, but ne humus. Tihe cover have proven cf ne value. Tise ani- cro f risshe boisbut it 5 0lli mai should 13e piaced whes'e it wil fair te say that the plant foods 10 13e corafortable, and caunot injuire tise former are miore avallabie thaîs itseif or other aunais, asnd supplied lu the lattesr. Coves' drops luîproî'e with sotItlaxtiNe food, sncb as thini tie physical condition of the_ sou, bran muashes. T he osîly treatuiient lessesissng the cost of tillage. Pisysi- for tise disease la preî enti-% e, by caily, feî'tilizers benefit tise soli littie avoidissg wormy, mocsidy corn. or none. Thse hums furuislsed by the l'vouldy or wesmny coi'n does ,net coi er crops incî'eases the'a vailabiiity sccus te be lojursious to othes' ani- of the plant fond aireadv in i thc mals aud eau 1be led to cattie and sou' 'fertilizers3 do snot.' Cover crops isogs witbeut danger. sisade thse lanmd anti conserveesuois- -l- turc."- 1 "SILEr CE!" It is impossible te accuratly comn- pare the cost of fcrtilizes's witis the Lord Kelvin,. wlîo for suany years cost cf seeds fer the cover crops and has iseld tise chais' of natural pbii- tise ps'eparation of tise soul for themn. osophY at Glasgow University,- is The co,,t cf increasiug productim ely tise subject of aunmuitsissg story il- by extrai tillage, by tiseLise of fer- lustrative of tise sisîgular for-ce of tiizrs b (ciel' crops os' by ail' habit. As a.-professes' of science tisree measîs, (,as only 13e determiuied Lord Kelvin ranuose long wcs'ds ini lu eicis case by the fariner interesteti. sîich formsidable alr'rv as te, puzzle 1 give below a single illustration tise average laysuass, lbuithte Glas- of wbat a cover crop coutains, isnow-ý gow studeut is suade 0f sternes' stuif. nug that another cover cs'op under Durissg a cour'se cf lectulres on inag- otiser conditions, miigisa eltises'bc netisul, 13e once deinied au idealirîag- moreo or iess valuabie. Second uet as -ain infiniteiy long, infinitely growtb 0of clo ver, furniished in roots thisi, uuiforrn, andi uniforsnlv and anid tops per acre tise foliowing :- Ilcimgitudiually mansetised basr," and Nitrogen 138.86 Ibs., pisosphosir acid the iîguideti stsîdessts vecileî'cusiy 6V7.35 113., petasis 109.90 Iiis. There ciseered, wisich caused the veuerabie is remoîed by -95 busisels w'heat aud pr'ofesser' ho say, "Silence!"'Tis accosupanying straw, nitrogeti, 43 defusntion was mnade andi cieereti, uspboopisoiic acid 20 lbsa., andi witi tise' usual reprisnd, ls'eqîîentiy potash 9,7 lbs. It is helievedth iat dus'ing tise lectures. Once near tise ncst cf tise nitrogeni taken uip hy ronciusiic, isowem -er, the students did iegismies is secured fror tiseurcoinsroct cileci, but Lord KelvinsI)l]O'cuPt- bismed sîltrogen inth, ntmclsphere. iy rapped out '8hur!"as i3e Oe Tise clover diti not add. ho eitises'the+ stor'e of pisospiscrie acid osr lotasis..1'lis vour mistreslu, Mary?" ini- Tise plant took thesîs roisitise SO' quireti tiseiscad of tise bouse, as he and msade1ý tiseui avaiabie-F. W. caile lîcuse.."Ne, soir. Tiseo dress- i-Iodsoss, Lii e Stock Comjiîsissiones'. - marn( spcilt lieýr new s-ilk, au' sise's goe îere te sec aeutit." "STACCEIsS" IN IIRS (S Ï "\1-e !"oiitle i si n