d,,-1 -, ar: aIserious trouble is prevented. It r: -,ei fails ta cure whooping cou,-',.," X7.s t old bv drL'ggist evryv.bcte Aýi V ('7 -Crpsoeie iout£ t, inc iidi.g the Vapori7ier and. Laii ,t eb buld lait a lita-uini, and aL, tî3 oý Cici nicoplte, $î.5o; etaapîe fCres.u~ î ctsand 5000ts !}srtdboitcnau *gpyian'teeýtimonials frec iuporrqus.Vao Css~'rCa., 130 FUI. t t, New Y".*, V1 Mise IttiS t4 ole, aunig Vcalisit ram Taoat*o, bas a eirong voie ocsider&ble Olunpaefi, wbile Mises Jûne Jeukins, also from Lrogla, in ber edacutionarýy umbers provAd a oharmint ilte entertainer. Boili aLüqi w-ro septurouply, nscored, ard remponded graolbumly. years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. naa ard coMas, @e.; $1, Most economie 1 orbrntc cass and to keev on band. . 0.AER (Co., toweu, mais. titled ta vote, wîll have a rlght ta vote at the place at whieh they would have voted if they had nat removed. Per sonâ whio have moved ta some Place atLitede ut the Provine of Ontario have bast thele votep.J reachsing i effeet, even in therost serion-s and chronic oasea of constipation, lddney anid livet discaaes and atoma,.h trouble.. One pill a dose, 25 cen-a a bax. Kidney-Liver PiI1u'ý Tuesday, Decem ber. 9th ADMISSION-25Ç and 35c. Sale of Seats begins tit Mr. Trebilcock's s tore, on Saturday morning, Nov. 29th. TORONTO. ~ A srangscho1ol with te patronized by tdv sf provine af the Duidu $ W. H. SUAW%,