825. 000 TO BE Dl'v'DeD INTO 64Pros 1 st priae, cah $4rw0 2nd prize. gooda . 3.00 - r prz' goo . 200 4th pie. god. - 1.00 Te each of the next 60 we wil ive a bottie of that most exquisite of ait toilet articles Creamof Violet, 60 at 26e 15.00 Total -$25.00 Our advertisement i this paýper wilbe BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 10, 1902. Lindsay's new hospital hias ten patients. Opening for a smart boy te learn priating -at this office. A new opera-house wiIlI be erected in, Peterboro next Spring. Commencement exercises of the Higb Sehool will be held Friday ]Iec. 19. Port Perry is cotnsideing the putting iu of a system of waterwarks costing Miss Mabel Wolsh las gone to Uxbridge where she lias accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McLaughlin's I I Printer wanted at STATESmÂN ogie., Steady job for fast comapositor. THEs STATESMAN gOeS free, balance of 1902 te new subscribers for 1908- Exhihitors who have not calied for their prize money will plwise do so. Monkey Brand Soap will dlean a -house from oelar to roof, but won't waah clothem6. Until furth er-notice ail photos taken bv Freelaud w Il be finished before The -pimples have disappeared. Miller's ýCompound Iron Pis did it. Sold by Stott & Jury, (ruggists. Your attention is called to the -advt. on auother page of Mr. W. H.-Wîllih.ms who is offering his fine farm for sale. Our offer of one old and one actual new subscriber for $1.50 stili holds good. Try a Hot Soda at Tod's. Gold bracelest lost. Seo ad. Hot Beef Tea and Chocolate at Tod's, Hum bugs-1Oc por lb., Saturday only at Tod's. Order sale-bis at STATESMAN Office and receive notice free. Bowmanville and Cartwright coancil reports appear on an inside page. Always a fine line of confectionery to be had ut the GRAND CENTRAL. Hum biîgs-1Oc per lb Saturday only at Tod'6. Marriagé licenses oilly S2 Ut STATES- mAx office. No witness needed. SSmart boy wanted at once to learn printing at THE STATESMAŽN ofic. A full auid complet;e stock of Toys, Doîls, Picture Book at GRAND CENT- The Living .êge is advertimed on an insîlde page. Say, young man, secl the offer The Mason Coû make y ou-a $15 suit for $9. Hockey boots tan or back-Get themt at the Parlor Shoe Store, Bowmanville. Farmers wilI find the coluron On the Farm, very interesting-on an inside page. Beautiful new lot of Xmas s[lk neck ribbons just received at 'West End House. Ratepay.ers in BçwmÙanville wilI be charged interest on unpaid taxes after Dec. 14. Special attention of thought!ul people is directed te Notes and Comments, on an! inside page. Ladies ready.to.Wear waists 50e; Wrappers $1.00, at West End Hase- good patterns. It will pay you weIl to exumne our carefuliy seected stock of new Fruits and high clasîi Groceries.' We keep in stock the choicest goods that cau b,- ùutrchased, and seil them at such lew figures that wili tueupt the i eýr. 0 ýr business methods are up7-to- date, aind people lFke te draI with u,, as every day is Bargain Day. OU81M r~and -FIÉl OfËa ifl in~