RENEWING SUBSCRIPTIONS. HAMPI ON. lof * "hiIBîIVSHOE STORE, M OSHAWA. slubgîsh, aud c rnu l digestion is impaired ana d te nr ruieDC. ,Bult Dr. Chase's Kidnev-t-iver Pillsby, ýilviýger- ating the acti )a of these orc"ans onsure gond digdIztion acti sound hoath. One pilla doie 2 3 cents a box. DIR RICKAPf'S BANQUT.~ 21; D>.Leloie, Au-. z26;'lThos. F in. UUd: iirRw e cottage, J.R. Cole, returinu ton, l1d imand, Siept. 18; WY. H. Lang Pctl'ily solicit your vote and influiece! No 3, Maple Grove, Sons' Ela Oro] rez-omMitted Sept 18; Peter ili nm. favor, pledging- rinysLf, if lctd owerurigfic. Olivdr i righton, Sîpt. '22; Wm I RU to te 'Ve the beb't intere't~ of theCunities Ca el Sons'IIall, Arthir JA Hadta ,Ot16; lleury Deromo as a whole and Division No. 5 la parti- returning officer, 'In Bowni Murray, ;~ct. 4; Thos. Gage, Oct. 16; cular. Yours respectfully, -%t adat DiiSI Jas. Rogers, Cramaheo, Oct. 17; Peter W. J. BRAGG. MleDougall, R 0. ; South Wi Myers, iffbrook, Oct. 23, Wm, Fergu- Hall, R. W. Scobbell. R.0 per tIo and officiais to a eda social hour ngle i igji ýe r on , i rd n tried a, great nany re-tme l tning IIl We a r ong a big trade uccpain iybtack g alot ào whlileisome uîunie P iington and Bowî 'e ing their own poo the hands of the Clerk on or - first day of the session, and ,k iarlin- served you faithfully and 1 arn led to s rernaintain- belieye accoptably as couiacillor for towns of the oth-1 somoe years, I at this- election- ask fori Roi ore the mv name to-beplaced in nô at pas' candidate for the Towlisti ination as council, 1 p or town bIliots. stood the vote in Iast eoction? ~er's Hair V and 1'roâsperoug Now Year. BOWNANYTLLE. cent s a box. Alil dealers, or Edmanebn, OSHAWA. Bat« & Ca.. Toronto. Wishing our large acq- T.H. KilIiuI, uamintalce in the east a Pr. Chase's THEMODL GOGEY.happy and prosperous ma,» LU L~LI L' v~lIu3n1 respectfully solicit your vot dh. Fisher, N% ho is retir1ng. Very nico flueneinimy behalf on Mondas' next, tbings were said of Mr Rickard, Al or.h JprmieIfenetdb o 1h P., ho a aso etiing ExWarensbusiness intrusted to me in the besi Fisho3r andc Rickard fittiDgis' ackii.ow interest of the township. ledged the coinpiime1tary expressions of the members. Medsrs. James and YTours respectEUllv, Miller Dinde speeches. W. L, LAW.. hair. If yoi amd, uLs ym a 1» ࣠3%omoe 0 n,~ a( r i 1111,11 ',leI qver. 'Ç the supT $100 a 1,ote. l ingglaiLs - --------- - ----------- ----- ---- - ---- -L: à% 1 &4%