~i 44V' V 77 -ZVOTANýD COMMIENZ'S'. I accession of the flrst Pharaonic dy'- almost invariably fatilures. Aln n KRP AL YSHUG , aasty, the natives of Egy pt bve structive account 0 bmia eWt noea 35OOO H The conîPletion and d"dicaticn of ever poss-ýssod so much culti, )ile soul found ln Beatr-ice Plotter's"Isor Never R ad Enough Àta ' t a£ the groat dami at Assouan, by wîià ste iloohnefrac etr fteCoooaioMvmn. nteresting Oeiieîe f the thoarbl aeaof gyt vii e1frtilizing hr nd of Englaad. - - - lato Fredleric -Alfred Krupp have 1 re- A< Irof z.Hodsozb.EIH8, Offlcial Analy.1to 0 ý2~ -t' ï iC I.Vil l' et atio scitie l rour ra'-dividend based on. thro amount of ilisXUIp to a gr(eat întoresC for 4 t nie 1; las l, l Lie tirct i 1 s o o-ir, ýamo Èifty thous,ad-" rogmowhilîlis nad te tllrscf flt ovea "ostore. TeCrsinw is e iac tîfientCire Kearn far L, 1 -'Fjf-ty tbou-sand dollar" rik Lîthe soit ptOeir(ospf'r(-us thon they! sot-! lists, dd, started sorne aald a hait iMiles wosrýt of Middileportdte vi ifsaeloinbi j ed th lovingwife a sh(- Con lis machneaildefctfr pats ein C rges and -tak th inaczr,, al deectivu prts rzpreseiited soiu n e repiaced ' brand 'new f eayIl vau send cash wit inviigoratiî'u ofnantive'iîu~tisai the recun(juc't of the Soudan , ~ h t E e y lnnd wou'ýd l a l u "nd ,Ila leior-- îble place in the. long E]st of rulers o YCI SiS in the I\ie Vall2y. Gý,DC It. mrayho qucstioncdl' 1 oW 'c'i ci, '~ yi wlie her ail of Enhaîtd 's prcci-,diti., ia iletroit. Ti' e, brotliu's nt atnei, as, tbcir -mothor, who leeps liouse- for, thot-, was away on a vis- it. Tir ày Iiad rct;r'd to bcd, wilen ouaretÀrcdr.À"rac'd un-ý uîîiiuicel odniteanentrr'nce fin te 1bouse. The t, oncathouglit anf"i, ghlhe vg a few ciotrs,rinade an e: cape tru' iobnomwn d'îw. Afrr rioanîrg witha iacigbbor to the bouse 'lai h- rai î rmled Are you educating vour son for out he is educating hasl to bc the husband of on c"s" A CIIIESE II\T 'the following is only a portion of 1lie nrciiu of a baacquot gix cn tic otýher day bY thé lcadirg Chli: eof tl- l"cderatcd lalkty States: SI rksfn, birds' aest, rnw rush- rooro, gg's pallo, stecd îpigeons tmd wal-nut, friLd rmiacecd ou1,el- Icw nus:'-omstewcd duclis, ;fried Earks iig u frlid lurk 'g oi.iiwi IIOticO 1 a r M>re ab Ut hm sson particulars. It la sent ara. irrice -liAt issjued mnthly. THE Canuadian Typewriter Excoliange. 43 Adelaide St, East, TORONTO. Write at once., Address The F. E. Karn 132 Victoria St., Toronto, THE COUN TRY P.1:N TIý Mi1A l Jl ,soisSweets, lily se eîeepromptiy anct cure more quicly itananyotirv-r kidney 'tererl hy the Nie w'os xery mucb gret'tcr il ~u it wus o i. a rite F'~ ra- iiVc!s o-cru cccrted; but tltQre f5 fîçi re- 5 m te i dci c thai, t aav tia'e dtniu~' rit: hi'-tîric j.o.'i~ d -it ce tue ~) iaie bcatryng o ctc yo fo ~ aodever fanoh tcheZ Tiis CANADIÂs Si'STEC-MAN is p:iblii.hed evcry lI tIVnf afhu! I ' hcdoadpordo ie, ed.:eaday mornfig atthdeeoffice '2 S ~i'icd bick *Tht's hor theainiactrersavegarateedt. Scte-N s ]1oKing S let.owvmaîvilie, (Oit., by is ~ oun mn bc bo' bentry brs vbt teythik fi. Yn an seif n 1-5o0s orer aiCt.1:, or ý 1 1if patd 1-sir ic tyfta do ' for grîoîîrmccv brk i ne cued. O~ be, ~ d cca.Adveî4g rtes tansienit adveLr- iîto thie snei g tOaleac~o DASNBtTs&C.Trea i etn cent, uer itý, rt insertliu; liv mtyes nih iantcultae ç ts rt lno eniiîb-cqueet inserri, dO. esiî'Lo.ajiiaiu bodty lotcrested týaney WIIY l eee LUTH'lER TIJCKER& £~"Sbseipttr.eteka et!ibis Both iper uge ~,i bave non ffect on harness treated wt Sureka 1Har- Î ncss Oit. It te- il- ti ee t l at pay- order iw Co, Capala. us1w. herself; Vhe noi later Wou