--j ~ We Tender To thiose w1îo ýgtve tliir su)ppo)rt -toý otir store during the past year. The very liberal pLatroniage wve consider is un endorsement of our business, inteý,rity, and 'an ac- ceptance of the fact that Ufie igah class. of groods wvhich we show is not excelled by any. We shal endeavoi to mantain this enviaible. position and the entry of the New Yea r will find us better stoéked and betteî' equippeci ftan ever to cater to the requirments of our patrons. Ric e &co., Heatdquarters for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Phe66. One Door Wcst of Post Office.1 ,THE PEOPLE>S PROOK, Wanit aniything tronger to conviiice of the m-nent of any article in daily use than the unsolicited'testim-ony of the people whove used t? The souRange - has alCanada to its back in testifying to its merits in everything that goes toý - c~- ~make it the most perfect soein the world of stoves to-day-and the army of, ( "Souvenir" o wners necruits yth housands every year. bythet that be the case if it had not been proven l'the best by test"-for appear- ance -for durability -for, convenience-for up-to- dateness in appontmnents- improvci-ets--econiory in fuel and general good ser- vice as a hecater, cooken and baker? if you ne thinkxniýg of a ne,- range question,-yeurself a bit-then put the " SobSrenir " to the icst. - old everywhërc. 0ntçýwili last a lifetîme. j. ~J w ~' * q NI (4 . 'j,.. "Do not Wugc~btwe ftlcnds." If yout s1hoeaiitelk you he hba favoeite Une Which l i better titan ous-Con't question bis Motive. Go dircettotheDcalZt 1Who bas the ýýhtto un Oth i;eal rf it shoe'- the real thing- "4The Siater Shoe Ili If joKN NIEILYA. Sole LOC.I Agout The Canadiall State3maRn BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 31, 1902 DARLINGTON LLECTION. A hot contest is on and unusually lively interest is felt in the resuit. As ail the candidates are goodmien, eleet- ors can makç no mistake. The old councillors are ail offering but ]Ar. Ciemens, reeva, who retires. So far as we know they ail deserve re-election. Mn. Alex. Wight, boinz the choice for No 1 sub division lias a strong daüim as that corner of the township bas flot had a local represerîtativefo192 He wiii make an excellent concilior. Yi.eld ing to the solicitations ùf IMs fiends Mn. R. Foster lias entered the contegt with Mr 'l L. Brown for reeve. Bth rnen, have been active and efficient ceuncil- lors and Mr. Brown was Rssessor for some years. so that they are weli-known to the elect,rs. Mr. È. Milison is an extensive land ownier and successfuI business mari and therefore ha,- a strong dlaim. Mr. Law polled a surprisingly large vote last year and is a succeýsful [armer May the best anxd most effi- cient men win. THE CITIZENS' COUNCIL. The efforts of the Board of Tnade to eiect a business men's, council failed. Sevenai meetings were heid and success seemed certain tili the Dictator called off somne of the vnoposed icouncillors andý burst the combination.' The unanimous choiceof the meeting for Mayor was Mn> D B Simpson, K. C, and several men c hosen for councillors conditîoncd their acceptance on his consenting to accept. MnJr J. Mason was first choice for counicillor, -also una nimous. Others chosen by unanimous consent were Messrs. F. H. Mtason, j Pency, R R. Loscoimbe,' Dr. A S TiIley and jos. Pattinsoni. Among those who wene ;ne- quested to become candidates wene 1MeSssrs. I1. MtnW_ ann, A'ait llarry KceÇ. N ua, ..nu- BOOTS AND SHOES. -1 1Ah~tnd Huse.John McMtry. SA Drop Sale Pric of e'1Overcoats.u $10 ()0 Men's Overcoats in the short, box back style, pure wool, beaver eloth in gre y, black, blue and brown shades, hair cloth sleeve hining, Italian body lining, sure fitters, ~ e sîzes 34 to 44. Sle rc 790. $ 8.50 Overcoats, in grey and blue cloths, in- the shDrt box back style, at present al Sale Price $6,.90.' $7,50 sieswhietheyingrey, navy and black beavers, best of cloths, ýgood fitters, al This sale is a bona fide sale, exactly as advertised. SBig reductions on, left-over holiday goods, J0hn ]c wty The Clothier, Bowmanville . lýý 1 GIROCERIESe DRY GOODS. %JW- %d'- %.p 0 y -IT