I OSHAWA- Fair waà,a grE CIHRISTMAS» VISITORS. BLA.OKSTOUOLdn% The aniimal festival of the S. 0, E. B . kxs% Mr Wallacce Shaw, London, at home. S. came off on Frlday 5tb, wth it us-1eEAO Misa 1Ethel Potter. Toronto. at homu. ual inàterest. The ladies made an abun-E M A L7 cruato,'rmonerv( at his U i -0-rf- lw.- L--- ider ýthe care sund-Patronaàge f he ats, Christy's make. I ~ i -eone~a~ati~g et ~ ~'Th~!P ~ L ~ Tea served from-5 o'cIock. -Concert at HYOI 8. Mt Vernon choir and Dr. .E Brown, Arkona wilI sinig.' Prof Wilson, Mr, Thos. Ashton has purchased the Tpropertv of Mr. 'eo,'Cowlinir and interids WrVi. B. Tueker took ner at Belleville-....Mr L roofH ubert Reid, tetsitat lr . 'bornas Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Todgbam, and Fulland free fIieCUsaioflanda qnea. R. E. OSBoRnE, Pres'î. ivisdom) for t'-e whole United Couxties~....Mrs, ai d iiss Emma Hogàith,7 rbese nominations-we3re mnacle: . Ex-eter, visite 1-frieîîls- here.-ev. .F, Det, Thos. Baker, Anson Tayor , Anderson delighted all hy bis lecture Johe MLuglnJ J Vrue re'onl"Booker T. Washington" ...Mr, bu cLrauR hlin, J J Vrtu, re 'Georze Cowle. Folev. la visitinx bhis d a so tUic d(ecoratio*n com- Miss ampbell, 1Florence, 'Or. Arcnie TO CURE A CuLD IN ONE DAY - Saunder's.metn.Orid ýhir wî'rk i a very satisfac- 'Campbell, Norwood, and MUr Colin Take Laxative Bromo Qutiinie Tablets. Ail Mis9es Mabel 1-and Et 1ta Tait and metn. Jeffrrened bsRpoto er ..., ViFtor-s: Miss N; eCampbell. N. W. T , spent Xmas with draggists refund the monsey if it failisto cure. Msr Pednan onTat oon oîR. elIryef omltee.is Rortg of 'oo ,at P. Moronýey's; tîr. their miothier, Mrs Camýbýl_...Mes. R. W. Grove7s Signature is 1n eaie l box. essPeso2n5on0at.oo. orRlefC)nlte4soiga ngadfamily tZon e McGill adsnRy ehn,âevst-to, at home. 6xpenditure of $962,84, being exe8m of tm., iýobbins1 at Havdon: Mr.1 ing ber father, iMr. Thos Ashton..,.......LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Rev. H. W. Foley, Southl Dummer, $12.84 over estimates, and aaked fo r ChilrenCry for n~a C IP' A around again.. . .Xmas visitors:, Mr. Arthur Cox, Dâtntonia Stock Farm, To- ronto; Miss Roseé Elford, Islav; Qrandý pa Bray, Enfield; Mr. Bert -NortbCott, O.-' A. Ci Puelpb; Mlr A Hogarth at iSi eI0i 1 "0 ý . - nh .tS cmfSt...[.....--- -itv D r.loiy rýeverit roin a serou irle-icqs::.... I- u-li - vatitreanv rtnf ,J.NLawre's. Oia motion the Mayoar was rEquested ~ razto !ii werrie se attesbye; at church Sunday red corpuscles in the blood, created Mr. Dera Pinch and son John, Delor. Mrs. S. Stanlev andl Mrs. D Livinz- 1xo vacate the chairand Mr. GalbraithTe tereaitonfth trutb sud Mr.c --iR Brone; etvening service new, healthy inerve cells and puts ints aine, Man., are visiting bis mother Mrs. stoe. Barie, wih ther mothrf Mpiraitueto tke hisplace wich weR'r highly rc two solos the system thoiesýap, eo îorAy aao John Pinch. James Knight. Mored by Mr. Loscombe, jeconded a clearer vision of the redeeming Christ, Sericeitesbghy arian spiritr.%ual realli3sdst,îfl Ms.Jae Bow, ieaA; n M niBmham appreiaed... r.butit ta dIisdPeO.Mrs. JmesBrwn dand, ail, er rcnd Mr. Geo E. McRowan, Greensville, by Mr. Mitchell, that the thanks of tii and of the actuel need, and divinely in- blefor i- Ieedy r indispos. Te u e______ m.Kap Efedwrarcn nd Misk4 Amy McKowan, Shirkston, fjonneil, and as fer ne we can do oo, tended glory of the woid Ho redeemied.' hoereoer... h pp1 guest of their brother Mr. J, Beacock. with their mother. that the thanke of this town be glven TpAv~~ of S S No. 17 oresented their teaeher, -. A--A- usa vnn. itemtnîq fiut Ladies' lJonH an as a Chrstmnas 1 deetamment on Dcii£J(.2liUas one Ci r cent at the close of the scliool terni. unusuai interest th school1 roorn being Di ui ng closuire of our telegraph offi, e far t c smali to hold the'c crow d. 'Ihe ail messages w\il he immcdiately deliv-- arcli laden with oranges and boxes of eretd by i ý r Coi\ai) by te ci hone to Pur candies for ali members of the schooi villge if sert teol3urketori office, With ts decorations of flags and strings of, ____________pop corn was very pi etty The programi con-îsting of dialogues, recitations and musî was well reiidered at the close of whisihr. F G. Tiull camne forward f j~ T1 ~and read the fo'ltwi-ng addIress LL.C ~aLy.F T., Guy, Esq, - Did ,ou -know you, cou]d Our dear and rr inn .cteemed superin- ,v givemiýediîcI ieîto youýrchbild- tendent. we, soii e o! xolr 1 upils and ren hie tey 'ee ~ many friends a c Pis o:,I ortunity of -~ sle~i:? Yu crtanl\tryin ,te how in sorne littie way our IYà>p.1'Ëý Yn eraiji a 1re-iation a.il admiration (if vour Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Feeguson, Black- stock, and Mr. and Mers Chas. Hock- ridge,, Cedarilile, are visiting at Mr. JohÏn Beacovk's. Rev.W.Pascoe Goard, Banff,N 'W.'T., peeacbed ln the Metropolitan church, Toronto, Chbristmnas Day.-, A 'grand musical service was rendered. Mr. M. W. Muedoff, trayele for the famous Queeu Qualitv Shoes of Boston, Mass., called on Me. Fred R,,Foiey lRst week, and gel a fine ordier for spring gonds The services in the Methodi stl church Suuday were ln keeping with the Christmas season. In the morning NMr and Mes., Frank Peardon, Mr. and Mrs. If. Goodman asnd family, To- ronto, at Mr. Thos. Thos. floar's. Mrs. (Rev.ý S. T. Bartiett and son Fred, Napanee, and Mr. anîd Mrs. W. H. Helly11.ar and daughter, Cobourg, at Mr, Joh n lellyars. NMr Donald McDonald, Barrie, Mr. Mr , Neil McDenald, Toronto", Mr. John J. McDonald, Cadmus, at thelr father's, Mr. John McIDonald's. Mr. and Mes. Fred Mooreand Mr.and Mrs. G. W. Tomilson, Toront(o; Mr.anid Mis. James Trimble, Gainsboro, Assa with their motherl Mrs, Wm. Willis. Mese. ha.Keith, F rank Kight, Mr. Parcy, Chairman o! Spécial Committees, presented Report which baSl heen prevlocslv read and laid on the table, was efier oins discussion, moved hy Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Mitchell, that the Report be adopted tu the date, Deèc. 18, 1902 CarleS>. Moved by Mr. Per4y, seconded by Mr. L-jscombe, that the Mayor be pre- senteS the suma of, 850, as a siight rec- ognition for extra services readered te tbis office. Carried. Oa motion' Mr. Gsihraith was ce quested to vacme the Chair, and the Mayor re&ume thé marne. Carried.' Aurongu rfauîn in Uflrist,aoct by the indtiei- ing Of the Hoiy Spirit, ýbmIi be wholiy cflriitian, doing God'a will and winning Boula tb Christ, Wednesday evetiing at the Preeshyterian obturch-bpealier, Rey. B. H. ilsyden- Subjci-' Christian character and life, Rucb' as3 shal be attractivo; pteasant in, the home, honoured in Lusines relations,' and tielplni te hnmamiuty. Frayer aise for Bchools, al institutions o! learning and benevolence.' Thlnrada y eveLing,, et Congregaliocal churcb, Speaker-Bey. William JoIlJffe- BLACKSTOCK The Anniverstry services of BlAckitoec Meth di Chu ch were held Sunday Dec. 21mt, Liev. M. B. Wilson, of Brooklin, con. yet fIi )se Who a tanded; iisüened. to two thout htf ni, inepirin - and very hslpful er mous. On Xsnas, Day, an overcrowdedý bhouf.e greeted the Re v. Dr. Speer, of Toron. to, who gave a most -excellent Lecture, on "A Night with lrishimen." The Lecture abounded in humorous and witty sayings, clear'y indicating that the Irish are masterr of repartes, an'l al ways ahle te resp»nd to the demands of theoccasion., But the aud- lence were aq well treated Vo an historical account o! the unique position Ireland oc- cupies in everything that bas concerned the welf are of the world froin a commercial, Military and Legisîstive aspect. The Black.- stock Methodi@t Choir very acceptably - Ceslee n bevaa:zer lgh te îetl ong t) our untiiing efforts diîvinitýof ubrist and in the evenîng HarrN Aiexander, Harry TaYlor. Otto 8100O tor bis services for 1902 as Street and lac riar he ed.Thetha ou scoo is in ,a:h a -flourishing on -'looking backward". The hoir Mayer, Herbert Jenninge,. W. Pinch, Comiisioner. Carried. Atl bo Pra.,e service theen W.. Â.. Tae.sotbo nset larnp, c lc, th e h'ondition te dav and e tru ýt that your sang Christmas anthems splendidi, W Freeland, E, Meader, Wm Barrett, Council adjourned. U.ridayol aerg et Dicpe ono-adesa h coec h etr. childreri quiet1yhrethe-ithevpor itîeti ths noble wor 1may never indeed, we beard one gentleman Who Fred, Trebiek, E W. Loscombe., Pr I vucatDsil hr Crsfncomp ete, 31.5 vx ra supplice c îe~ -{tsîW os.huu 1~~~ o ar stanclin-gw ain the schook room ci t Paleliiic . q. t to.r'- Iran P1 aýWi1LT i csnkatai-L, ,~~~,e25srn~~~~~I-q-anY7K ffi-yn -5rînoeîO RfBLA _________si.a secv .:,,~,~ sEhe . .n~te~ is vonme n rs r crtae, eir rec"-- . ».......Uý.,U._l 1: jýý ilý,ý"Ilý"'ý'ýl"."'i",;ý'iïýý'ý.ý'ý7t."ý"i'c«,"ýý,,,,,,>ýý'*i-'ýý,ý i FkEiý.-G. T?,uLL. Peàde."£All Sang welj.-,, -hivi ted to--be pre ftnt. date entert"ment st-Xmaitime. lit' and buy her--g' box"?