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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1903, p. 4

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41 Going To CIear Out. e Young & Co's China Hal. . 4îllaving to vacate our east store, we will close Out .& ur entire stock of China, Crockery and Glass Ware at elgreatly reduced-prices. This is an opportunity that bas 4îlot been offered for a long 1ýixe and yoii should embrace it. 4î The folowing 15 a sample: TOILET SETS. 4î Regular $2.50 for $1.90. Regalar 3.00 for 2.35. 4î Regular 4.00 for 3 10. 4q Regular 5.00 for 4.00. 4î Regular 8.00 for ' 6.00. 4î IDINNER SETS. 4î Regular ?6.50 for $5,25. 4î Regular 7.50 for 6.00. ]Regular 9 00 for 7.00. Rtugular 10.00 for 7.75. Ilegular 15.00 for 12.25. 4îRegular 20.00 for 16.00. S .îRegular 25.00 for 20.U I îFnui Stock 0f Groceries As Usual. I BOWMANVILLE. CHIINA HAL'L. The Canadian statesmian BOWVIANVILLE, APR. 22, 19013 A GREAI CAREER CLOSED Sir Oliver 'MoNvt, Ontario's grand Cid man, passe]ftac ll.awaý Sundav morning l in s ý,8 lrd 'ear -iur- rounded bvh. ii fanVlv aud personaf friends No man in th Province stoed higber in the etimation of the e'ftire people than dl d the late Lieuteant Gevernor. Sir Oliver, as fi lawer or politician, was industrieu 4e~ iC~ clear.headed and 'r~en.Noe 515h is attached te hi, naine Tîhat was a bousehold word We will ha% e te rail lback the ua"'es of I istory teo bis hý pcer. lie hold the Pretniership of Ontario for a longer terrm than an' ottier man in Great ihitain or anv i<f lier many colonie9 and his rnenory will long be reveed by the peop'eof Ca.naia iriespecti e of irceI or political pro- clivities, The touerai taltes place titis [Wednesdaý1 afterioneenfront Go' e.-i ment House tbMeunt Pleasant Ceine terv. Mr William Mortimer Clark, M. A., K. C., will ho the- uew Lieuten ant G ix rner Cartwright Sehool Case of "la site for a now sehool bouse", or "the agreoing upon a change ef site for an exising school bouse", shail originale with the board ef trustees, and net witb the ratepayers. and when the board dees aci ne site shahl be- adopled or change of site made, witbout the consent et the ratepayers given ah a meeting called for the purpose cf consîderîng lte mater ; and it is provided that lu case cf differenco the question shail ho referred ho arbitrai ion. The meeting was cailed and with a înajority voe declared ln laver o! the new site on wlich te build. f he incividuai meml-,ers of the board had a iite ta]l1,ai the meeting, and with the cciv siter trusteflot taking part, appoint- cd an arbitralor te represent them, lte ratepayers another, andt Irspector 'i iiey bv xirtue of bis office was lte alter The gun was thus prctty heavily loaded, and they brougltit n an award, as was oxpected, fixing the old site as the p!acc for the n w school. If ibis award wa-s legal the question of site cauld net brs raised for ive ycears, anxd if the new school ivas bulit it s probable it would neyer again ani-e,, and te scbeel on its present site would not ho ever disturb 'd, a[thougui a majrity cf lte i atepayers desired il shou'd be. Counsel for the ratepayers ndvised titeni that the avard was cleariy void anîd had ne pew;%er. Tiie board wae advised by lte Inspecter that te award was r.înding.- The board then made a demand on te Council tor the moneys neccssary to buld the ,choo!, note,%ith- standingr the iatepavers îcfused te SenooL -SuscnoN No 5, CARTcWRIGHT -s. sncinsuch an act, and the Coiuncil CaA-RwRIGaî' MUN1CIPAL COUNcL- was disposed te grant lte mono s, but COUNCIL ()RDEISED BY THEI COURT OP threats of legal action caused thei te APPIS!AL AND H IGHt COURT TO FASS A sto)p arnd action wvas deferrod. BY LAW. It the moantime another December (i8991 came around and the ratepayers, A case bas arisen tram the burgh eft sil determiued, droppcd another cf lte Cadruns and about saine which bas oîd site bi)ard and e ected T. W. Rlobert- caused muich moe e Ian local lut eresi sou afler a spiitod conleast. His election and has sprecad 10 the boundaries cflte was set aside bv the Inspecter on a very whole township cf Cartwright and un'ess tr a becinwn nweelo blood ceols scmewhat lte future et l ordcred, which thie ratepayers rescnted several wiil be effecied by giving Robertson and increased The ratepayers cf School section No. 5, majority. Matters were allowed te resi Cartwright, which has as ils centre the q-iely for another year, when December village cf Cadmus, have long been again coming around, the last ef the old disputing oyer lte preper location cf site members cf lte board, bad te gi. e their school It now occupies a plot on way ta a new siter, and lte board ivas the east side cf lot 16, Con 5; about lte constituted of ail neîv suons, it barmony miiddleocf lte concession wbere a portion with lte majcrity cf the ratepayers 'The of the cammunhîy lhinks il shou1d hoard was determined te carry out lte remain. A majorily (sinall) tbinks"it wislîes cf the people and buiid a new sbould ho removed down la the soutb school on te new site, and rcgularly east couruer ot thc lot a trile leas than selocted lte new site and cal cd a meeting italf a mile train where it now is ' bis cf lte ratepayers ho confiin the selection, contention is af long standing. Over 25 whicb tbey did. and aI a subsequent years ago the forefathers ef the present meeting authorized lte board ta apply generation dîsputed over the question ho lte council foc the necossary funds. an d under the scbool Iaw as it then The application was made ta the Council s! d lte board cf trustees and the who teck legal advice frein Ibeir regular rai epayers differing as te te location it solicitors who lu s rcported advised the was by an auvard placod where il now is Counicil te paxss lte by-law granting the Mr J. J. Tilley, now Provincial ,Vodel mcney. ScItooi Inspector, was tLe County The dissentino' minorityo h ae Inspector at that lime and the chair man î'c h ae ef the arbitraticu board. payers consulted lte Inspector, aud The obol i ailIt preeniurn una hing informed by bleti that the former Theschol s a th prsen fiie n aaward was legal and bindiug, and ltai porcondition af repaîr and the present the present board ha-i ne ighhte i he Ins1pecter Mn. W. E. Tllley bas on mnoneys le bul- on any site ciber thani occasion intimated ibat it must be imi- th" old one, roîaincd Mr. H. F. uter, proved and as lte Goverument grant solicitor ah Bowmianville. te press upon to te scbool is dependeîtt upon ltelte Couneil Ihat ibeir duty was net to Inspector's certîficate as ta ftness a grant the requesi fer moncys, and ho, change was decided upen The question advising ibern that the award was h<nd. came up ,uib te year 1898 wben il ing, and that tbey cculd net legaf fi appeared thai the ralepayers were grant the moncys. lhey consulted the unanimous in the opinion Ibat a new cbeap and free legal carresuondence scbool should ho buit to replace the old columu et The Municipal World wbo onc The boue of contention arose over gave them, the cheap advice that the the question of wbere the new school award was binding and that they sbou!d shouid ho bui t The board oftrustees not grant the moneys The Council thon was unanimous iu laver of rebuildinz oit tormally refused le grant the maneys, the o.d site. A majority cf the ratepayers thus setting theinselves up as judgxes t. declared theinselves in favor of lte new defeat the will of the whoie board of site. The ratepayers, thon began ho trustees and the ratepayersila ie section. take maltons lu their biauds,, and putting Mossr.s. Simpson & Blair at once made a up Mn T W. Robertson ibat rodoubtabe motion ta the Higit Court of Justice aI champion cf pecple's igbts as their Toonto ton a mandamus 10 compel the leader, they went lu te win, with what Councilta pass lte hi' aw and graint the seemed terrible odd& against thern .Tboy nioneys The Concil retained Mr. tetaîned Mesrs Simpson & Blair as Hunier te conduct their defence. The their legal advisers and dnectors, and Reeve, the Inspecter, and two ofthlie thorcughly erganized tbemselves The aId site members ofthVIe board, made sehool law ouly requires one trustee a affidavits te back up thein acîs Îyear ta retire and lte sehool houird bin fuil et opposilionisis il loo'scd omienus. The counicil had a temponary succoss The firai movo, was te replace aI tbe un the argument lu the first instance I898 meeting, Mn. William INcLaughlin before Mr Ctis! justice Falcanbnidge, as trustee, wiih Ny Edward Montgomery but, when tac malter came before the a strng supporter of the new silo The full Divisional Court, composed of Chief board still stood 2 toiî - The boand justice Sir W. R. Mereditht and Justices ,called in the, assistance of Inspector MaeNlahon and Lount, the weakness and Tille Y, who was an avowed. old ster ta absurdily of the position the Council flad heIp Ibera also called lin eprosentaîlves taken becamne apparent, and the Judges efthOe law troin nearly ail the surround. 'wore unanimous in directing a-mandamus ing towns, Lindsay, Port Penn', Bow. to issue conimanding the Council te pass msanville and even the City of Toronto. lte by-law and, raise the moneys asked At a meeting of the ratepayers called to for and pay al lte costs încurred by the consider the question, a petition was put seflool Board, The full Court held Ibat ln sigaed by ten ratepex ers,' requirîng ,the award spoken o! was an uuwarnanted the board 10 cali a meeting of lte raIe- pnoceeding and wholly ioîid,, and that il payers for the purpose of selecting a had and has no controliing or otber site on wbicfl ta build a new achool. 'I fils effect was wrong and the new sitens, saw il at 1 Not satisfied wilfl Oie- uiin,'.tous fflce but allowed il lo go on In silence., decWson of these titree eminent Judges Th t Sttute requires that the selcct%7çi -o! tht ivisional Courttht soLicitor for the township Coun cil advised theun tO New Yorkerg have two fashiOpab le test their fortunes wjth an appeal to the functions à year where the miii ionaires', Court of Appeal for Ontario, composed ambitions wives anai pretty- daughters ci lire judges 'and presided over by do congregate to shiow, their new gowns Chief -justice Moss. The case was and bats and other rich creations of argued i ast Noyember, and judgment Dame Fashi(in's fancy-tbe Grand delivered last week, when everv Judge Mîlitary Tournatiient ln the spring and said that the award in question was bad the National Hors.e Show inthe feul, in form, as well as void, and that the bot i n Madison Square Garden.' The Councit was derelict in its duty in not Mflitary Tournament is next week, for enqui*i*g. to am, and finding out and particulars of wbieli see fi r3t page. dismissed Ithe sappeal with costs. The Many Canadians attead every year resuit- is that the Corporation of Cart. One o! Canadas crack re.-iments is, wright through the Council have ta pay on the program. ai the costs incurred ln the three different Courts. The costs of ail parties A YEAR 0F INCREASE. wîf I probably amount to nearly $1.000, sufficient to have builîthOe achool fbouse. Our enternrising 3-naug merchant, There is a veryi large moral to bc Mr F. R Foley of the Parlor Shae drawn from thi interesting legal Store, la happy Ibis week in compfeting- squabble, which is so apparent that it bis second succeqsful year in the she need scarcely be written down. Laymefl, business Mr. Pnley tells us bis trade whether "1cheap and free" or otherwise, fias greatly increased durîng the past oshould attend, to their own yatcýrýear and to Meet the growing demana line of business, and not attempt to tread bas argely increased bi@ stock in al in the paths af speciaiists who have fines of fin e and heavy footwear for made a lifelong study of their subjects this season. His store lis alwavs tîdy, It was a departure from this axiom which bis windaw neatfy trimmed and the caused ail the trouble, ail the vindictive- general mariner of Mr and Mrs. Fol ey ness, and ail tbe costs It look s as if tbe in dealing wuth their custemers is Olten old constitutional axiom that "the people commented upon Mr. Foley believes must govern in country over which the in edvertising and always fias a klndly iBritish fiag waves," is again exemplified word for THE STATESMAN ln belping ta et the instance of the ratepayers Of S S- build up bis business. We congratulate No. 5, Cartwright. the Parfor Sboe Store on its second an- Mebsrs Simpson & Blair were the niver. ary, mwbicb wililibe celebrated hy solicitors for the School Trustees,, the a general bargain Day next Saturda*V successful parties, and Mr. H. F. Hunter and wish il contintied prosperity for efor the Council of the Corporation of the coming year. bCartwright. LOCAL AND OThFRWISE. APRIL WDDINGS.You can eupply your crockerV ed at a great saving at Young. & Cols. JÂCXMAN-MOORE clearing sale. A pretty wedding Apr. 8, Every ladY in town and country is at the horne of Mr. Fred Moore, Port cerdîally invited te the Women's insti- rPerry, wben bis eldest daughter Neilie tute meeting in Council Chamber, ,was United in merriage to Mr Frank Bowmanville, on Saturday at 8. p. m. Jaeck man, Bowinanvil le. The ceremony sharp. was performed by Rev, G IL Copelaud, Selitbransudneresad lu inthe presence of ai;eut thirty guests. Sto ists l Young &n Co'esev.tsn IfThe bride entered the parler, leanirig twcek. serthiong &llbeCles.ardt.-t eon the arsein(Ibler father, dressed il xia r reducerýthion, spot eca a uts rwhite organdie, and wore a bouquet cf apries. eucin po ahri hs ;white roseR. Miss Lena Jackman, rcs fsister of the groom, acted et bridesmaid The delog-ates frein St. ,jobn's 1drecssed. in white musliu over pink, Women"'s Auxifiary to the wearing pink roses Mr. Ernest Lioore, aninual meeting ln Toronto are, brether of the bride, assisted the groom. Mrs Tamblyn, Ars. Hiler and Miss Al ter parraking ef the wedding break- Armoire. 'Ubstitutes, Mes. Jamies Reid, fast, the3 oung couple le! t on the 1. 45 NII;staYnes, Miss RaIson, and Miss train amidl bowers of rice and good fielland fer Junior Auxiliari. wishes fer their bonte in Bowmanville Will be found an excellent remedy The bride was the recipient et rnany for sick heedechie. Carter's Little Liver usi-ful and valuable presents.indicetir. g Pils. Thousands of letters frein people the high estoem lu wbich she is beld b'. who bave used tbem prove tbis fact. ber manyfidsfrbe qualities et Te% them. beart and mind. An evening with the children Mon day April 27 in the S A. B3arracks-a GRILX.-MASON.« special programt will be rendered cou- sisting of songs, recitetions. drills, etc. The toilo wing report wil1 Le et more by the cblîdren, aise a geod number of thai) erdinary initerost te manv ofcfajr boitgraphic selections ou h e largest readers, the bride being a grand.eand besi phonegrapbs lu town Ad- deugbîer ef eur esteerned and bonored mission 5e. Proceeds of meeting to~ frieUil. Mes Samuel Mason, sr , ani- a buy books fer the chifdren. daughter cf Mr. J ühn L. Mlason, wbom CEisr-tbflSa Prlnd we are pieased te welcoune te bis nali O BattE'ps Thrld, ar sPvcf acb Low& cccasionralv The Times sas:- Btl' hrod -rs spl fec A pre'tt twiligbt weIling took place just te band,- alpo salt lu barrels and at the borne of the bride's parents Mr. s4ael<s fer domestic and agriculturai a nd Mrs. Joh a L. Maso n, 8l20 East Four. purposs and fresh ground Grey Land teeîith street,Davenpcrt, la, when their ilser t wli 1pay xon to caîl and see onît daughter. Miss Marion E, was us, Look for advertisement in another unitdclin ,marriage with Mr. Chas. Grilk, euamit MeClellan & Ce. King St a prentinent. oung atterr ey of Daven- E ast, Bowmnanville. 17-2w, port. It was a quiet affair, a compauN Th2 gret~a spriîîg i-Torse Show and o! onl thty relatives and a feýw clos'e Mi itary Tournament at the Armories, ; riends being preîent. Before the ap- Toranteocern, off next xwek-April 27 pearance et the bridaI partv,- Mr. te £MaY 2, . i s ex pected te be botter WA<lace È~. Mood v, beautifuilv sang the ttan, last sear Cheap î7ates on ail rail. touer solo, Blumentwbein's "Ail Fer wa-',S Mr, R. Beith's string of Hack- You." fl035 will be there and wilf make another At te apoite-1bou, 630 oclok. n ncord. See announcementsor write ta At te apoinel hur :30 'clck. n ýtewiiirtllcuston, Seý,retary. 182 Vic- twiligbt ettlieperfeut spring evenirig tarie St., Toronto, for pragraun. lte openîug strains e! the Lohengrin Counties Cucl isT .Cra we ding marcbnpiaeed the'aMrs J.H. fiand P. Trebilcoci, met Warden S. E. tFerruiannounced'Ltle Masproiabh cfFerguson at Millbreek an Goed Friday lbridIprv Lti is lzbt te inspect B. Raper's farm for a count- Roe Masoîî, niece o! the bride, un a les' bouse et refuge It would be worse daint' trock ef white moul and Maste- thanl mariness te place a counties inst-ý Chas. Mood', alsocelad in whiie, E treth- tOulscbainceileeaiî ed tbe wide satin rubhens forming an ias Cav shaiwnbinaccessblde oui aisie. Mrs. Webster L. Matson attend-asCvntwhi holben ed the bride as matron et houer and main line oi G. T. R il bult et ill. At Mr Victer L. Litigsred lhe groom preseut. from aIl we bave lee-ned no %S best man. The brI etvrue institution of the kind should be built theinsefses in the wide bow wiudow of If ssck headache te misery, wbat are lte south parior, wbich was banked at Carter's Little Liver Pilîs if' they -will cubher side wuth great patins, potted positively cure it? Peopie wbo bave plants and Easf or lillies, while smilax used them speak frenkly of their worth. grecefully fostooned the curtains, and they are sineli and easy t a e. hors the impressive service was; spoken The public should art f airly wilh us. by Rot'. Arthur M. Judy efthlIe Unitar- We prin t wodding- carda and i isue mer ian eburcb, niage Reenses. If people lu this district The ridewas ci i a eautflg o elsewheis for these neeessaries, tht 3y Thebrde asgowne .u i ahîu must net be surprised if w. show la- lace creatien made entraîne over white difference about pasing a reporter te peau de soie. Her long tulle Veil was ethpaiulran-wt U te caught with e wreath of myrtle and she geddith e ricufars irie these carred shoer ouqut o brie'setc , and compesitars for setting the roses. The metron of houer wore F-er type and asing aur space that is wortb brida] robe o! grey voile. made over m I grey affete silk and elaborately tri- Morley. rned with antique lace. Mes. J L . We were shown through the large Meson. the bride's moîber, was attired jswelery and diamond bouse of Messrs li black chiffon embroidered in white A. Kent & Sons. Toronto, on Friday made over black silk, with îrixnmings and were surprised to sees uch au ex. o! Duchesse lace. tensive establishmnent. We were pleas- wft hib~ hoors U lIto junior E Jeffries, 44 Hricks Ave., iKingston,, memer ! be awfrm a! îÎWlson & Ont, stetes: 111 suffered agany wilb Grilk, la rapldl.y riblng la hie profession itcbuig pifes. In fa.ct. I don't believe and bis ability gives promise o! a future that any persan who bas not had pile s brillant ceer. en realize what, 1 endured. The firet A pst~npIalrecplin u hnorofapplicatbito! ofDr. Cha"u's Olaîment Ar aon rstilk aetnd Mr. an MOfbrought relie! and il bas aine entirely r . GraondaMrgind vMr. cured me. i hope that to tstimonial Webser . àfsonwas ive by 1r.wii b. Ine means Of bringinx comfort and lIre. J obn L. Mason on, Thtirsday to other auefrers by makinjgrknown the evenln K. April 168-aStUliy hall, 10 1 gretî p0iwer et tih!s olulment" ,'hlch »Volikuag Rt$IbW West End House. A MAING IN4 BYERY ITEM. West End House, iIts Easy 'Blying Wlxen 1011 Know bouj E Get Only The B8st Tube Hade Dress Skirtis. In ail wool Cheviots, Homespuns, fLustres, Serges, Zebelines with braid, satin trimmings or stitehed effects, lots of cloth, some are lined, most unlined, ~ ,~ gooci fitters. $2.00Oto $7.50.- i Hotise Furnishings. Chenille Goods. Curtains in pleas- Average igue ng and fashionable colors .$3.75 and $5. AveageFiure apr. TVable Covers 50ec each Up. Extended Hip, Eret SErectForms, W. B. e s9ovr 12 Corsets, Americas Dms Table Cvr 58x83 at$12 Form, W. B. Corset, SBest. each. Damask Coverinrs 49 inches wide Axnerica's Best. ý1.25 Pr.- at50e yd. $1.50 Pr. M Lace Curtains. Whi-te Spreads. In floral, spraylor plain design s, 15 per cent lower than regular very newest, biggest values, youll prices, we bought. them when theyý like thern. were at low market tide Marseil- 25e pr to$4.00. les $1.75 to $4.0O. Soft Finish IgWÎldow Shades Reduced. Kn 10 n We have about 50 window Whiîte Spreads 80c. Sblinds lef t. We're going out of th-- I eaa wa ot 10 business. ilere is a chance to buy eahtI reu la way wort $1O00 Sclieap window shades.eahtiwekhlehelst8. 65o and 75o kind 45c. 40o ond 45e kind 25c. Marseilles bpl'eads Are Extra Uane. k Ring, Quality Ladies Footwear.M You nearly all of you know how they fit, and how they wear. llnspect our spring styles. Johlnn M Cflrurty ]BOWMANVILLE. Brillg Al VYour Produce Here, W'e Want IL Highest Prices. Dry Goods. Men's Clothiers. Groceries. [To Cure, a Coldin One Day inWDS Tà&e Laxative Bromo Qiuihie 'aets, Obn evy Seven mlon boxes sold in past 12 monthis. This signture, e .A7Vv...'box. 25&. The 'Port Darlington îRarbor Comlpany Annual leeting, N0.4 OIE [S HEREBY GIVEN Tixat 1h nulgnee etn f the Stoek. holders of The Por1t er1lim.llingon Irbor Corn- eny -1" be held et the offices of the Oom- eny Mt Port D rlgon, on Bowmenville N MODAY he KRSTDAY OF .IUNE 1903, t the HOtJR OF FOURt O'CLOCK in the after- ron for the electton of Directors of the said 'ompany for the ensulng year and transection ,foe nons utias at4y corne before the uo5t- Lig . D. B. SIMPSON , U-if Dated at Bowrnanville, 27th Ap'ril, 190W. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Tilley, Miss Me- Wain, Miss Nellie B. Hall, Mr. H. J. Knight, Mr. R. D. Davidson and Mr.M. A.James, Miss Moorcraft, Miss Edith Fteeland and Miss Eva Cryderman at- ýnded the musical festival in Toronto rhursday nigbt. Ch-ildreri Cry for CASTOOR IA Ohiciren Ory for. C**ASTOR ÎA. Chiidrcn -Cry ror CA 5*TOùgR lA Tbe kind o! furnnshinga we seii are te kind we can recommond; Tooke's, and W.G. aud R. shirts, Rig Quality shoos, and Wakefield bats. John Me Murtry. Th 3Days for Farniors Day's Englisf Tonte Powdero, Day' Cream for Calyes, Day's Stock Food for fatîsning aIl stock prepared from aronuatie herba-S lb. bag- for 80e. Ask J. W. MdoDiuutui, Drugghet, Bowman- ville. 1 ai B etween .Seasons' But plenty to interes t you. lleadquarters for every- thing you need, in Station- ery, Faney Goods, BDoks, Albums. Pietures always a specialt-y. A splendid lineo!f R Yt ain Pens, from 75o Up. I have made ample pre- paration for the Wall Paper season, anai if you want anything exclusive, we ean give it to you. Samapl book now ready. No troublu, to show the, stoCk. 8OWMAMJLLX,

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