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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1903, p. 2

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AIT P~TTTTTT m-l m mT~TT~i rinUs wiiioucease to follow sn ~ I"U1 IIIt IvWill ou here and no surrender OtL .U J. ' Jj~0j'J I" life, your bro1ken ife, fiteo h When the priçe peid is te miot!L~r's IlaudLýs of the Divine Master? lhn 4lmit ad appne Te athier at that, giab momnt ail thje celes- doesn't realize as, le mp ihthe tii hme iliig olit the tidinýgs *They Assail a E1iný at the W,ýeakest Points ch id whtye Y,~ lei suf~ig tita mir Risi C li É2ï hI R R NO ES WT flrair t suicl , ýcst t-hat inin aL ~en in ________________becom)nes a ulnothCr. Sncbi a piie is o t 1' heu~nd Nie Uu are ad 'Jhee akth ore agru theo moren by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1" -ti -a',oTriu ttS a' ht teqikani okt yh s of f arr's Maga2ine. They are ~prtIetof Agriculture, Uïta'.1 Io1 toco -lres~~nî, c rc the iiipractic'd eye as stronjg as aoco"o-- a crtit tile by 0 the roeïl unier your feet makes thocir aoie re JoehKglt MrAby Ai dep-c froà Cage says in-vitations to step upon therr the teriýis nMade siire, where lie lts elle, of the înost S~t aaoi Mus Be r ign tur 1ev. Fran,., D eu Vt Taniae preacl- more fatal. "r~i1yb a' ifl tu is n te c u tr.h m e s u tÎ u f ' t r ' l op el froni the foilowing text :-Pro- TRKsTEWA STPI. Litti r aig acritio noa atrb i'is 9,gis "Pooe luak aiotuter- qure covaie- Te Oen Ar Nmbe of esie's and Soothing Syrups. it conti.snihrOim entns a hirwýks 1ce lg assmred Monthly justifies is ane b' Moe~orphine nor other )actic'sbtce Iti ean. There are times when hints and points. Is there auy man foolish i lms ev- remarkabie out-of-door articles on S for uefu prsoog, ar nd wethae enoul te think that bis eh-aracte.î cr' case. the mo-iern sailor, the Canadian- Its guarantee is thirty y ea r,,ueyJ'illoso frueu upsadwe'teis se perfectly formied that thýere- -s nu aIn plsed fi-ontier police, the first perlious as- lilothers. Castoria dlest,-oys Wormsad llyFveih Ses acSl!Wrpî Below., kindes't and wisest course is-to use i tog lun'tSy ee fMutlrye n h i planouspoen cl aactriatonno weak point in bis moral amr9noyand wi.h co1rco cheol e tyt ol fn od nt a trout reani,e a rttlifg ncsS. CaStoer:a c Dre Dar rhoa and idCle.Csoi tero oala~ as eas= sti fn or ion. rrows of denuca-tru n bis sagging girdecs- 1eete e. basebaîl story and a.l story of ci-ar- rlee e~g ruis ue ~n~p~o n ~*tkeaisanar.tin ad xcriaio. S l îr txtcriminal. AWful was the catas- -o- -'frr e c t.ateiistie sentiment by Henry Har- ~ O~UAfACLSolonmon says plaînly thiat the iaan PlPirrsaaort;lrd bo wrt te Crdna IFCý-'~~~~Faîueuy 9.a1toiHra apmiete whhe aod regulates . lnd ho woe h "adia who inockis at sin is a fou!. 'Wheu pleSenafwyervgiaget pecrpin Bx" In "1hat the Trt the Stom hl and Bowei of If* .5 £5ATE FO OZZIUL e îuna'iboy i slwi bu sue-bridge across the river Seine brn!,, uewts~èg fKrnt - 5ui.~h1rn ~ILIOhJ~NE8, being by ancer, it ~under the fect of the multitudes e' liox 6 hi fier m- I ttie y wS treaiu Saw," theý ilurtrationls byhltyad trasIe.C toiis he hirn' ITTLE mereiy because one ~~~~of the iron links àvecsy n î rîlg'et 'it and Ca e i rsenBl ndtetx I ~ JORIDLIVR, time te use the slirgeon's knife The saer.Poistegeal h pu-hc1W:uueaesimie idby W. D. Hnulbert, suplOmentI -na a~caTi llother's Frîengl. VIlL , F O T F T L gangre-oe imb n ods amputation, o h r M s(i a FBf ~ALBW8KW îot balis or piasters or poultines ro vglatabu ne r.ewha iwasgî1to. 1'ie s1vcl Liher" n'esth ec t Iveloy. "tf cn o! ,an or raiat luaint. nd wienweakest part of bis fortifications. e-ie rPiresFvorite ,'ecpin i iad i ,%tra Ii rgatonreË,ý t)iWe t Was after th,- famous r-ime wa. onvu~ orbiis iecrec t.Peces who lbpe is ns coo' > ate on atr .Caor. roRP Ï TE elîU.1P L EI à0m iiiea anld Wen xwilIk i openýi vc Iepti ae -iain upeitres b an ocer lic, r atrn oler l'Z3CaToxI5 iS 11 an t1jý ec llentmeicinelo C caltraX ewi datdt bi eyestýId feitrtl plac teslvseldd uîdrhearwork of, el 1 13ete ere.Irceinn r.1 jna oito wee hezayihaePeedsîr ha heFdea toosI'ecesmeieaa e4 yfredac:fsoos r aan s twadonsaId Cilrn.Mthr h'crpetdl el e ha rcmn"d tasSueio or( pp were ublu t rte b c olet E ibs ewiem il1i gladiyý, ans er ips l a ni ng a ir a n' d l ao f c ~ nilij hlde. eipinkow om N C RE $I K EAD GM . ' t e eti auto pier, rekî witbi j1l, L ees fcc rt lcio r. A f r Pec' a eie Pecito os h moUem, aiioris r dio l:. Agne Cod c2"ý . OOeL wl ti.i.A A clM D Uoky __________________________ thednly gesoiht tgscoi eta i- i orbanjtisn aicobol Dr. .isit enti,,ricrn C.qý iLaut'sI(l!I "Tls 0fil the Nothwes Dli.q .PTT .aniftl ilieoleiSit i nifreadpateprec o pim oen n i otbr-urcoics Poi e"eI ta! C. qi to ifrn H AeSMSG A U E 0 anll apps'pniat rame £bef arer1ý netnrI\niý DEN TISTRY, iisguide hide who are iîieieî naue? ae ou noiel or bcen lesa incritorious- nedicines. Elis pr-ofit 1Outram, one of the mos-t fn.îumsiL, of 0 BONNYCASTLE, L D S, nnD S, Hotice lost in the crooleed( oyay f life's tentpted iiu the past andi ove- is your legs; tber,-.4ore, accept no sub- I iuntain clinibers, is a great story Git,,einfLetlcttry of TorcRito University eybycnseteei e thrown ? Can you net realize that stitute.j faprins~t. TeAuo- OmFcn:-Over Centr ai M*ilinie y. Entrance f you may bie tcmptod again ini thle - Dr. Pierce's Picasant Pelleta reguiate j ahy of a SýpGirl" is continu- SoEt deor West cf Big 20, Bo*mavilie suits of sin everI-wbere, tbey go if e- ga'y S tywilny loksthy aefuture and overthrown jr the same tbe bowels. I dscesulyl hsnubr Bn MISS ETHEL NORRIS, Capable of lookoing. They are rot way ? too 8,'the-story of a Yale-HI-ar- AITI'I. nsrutinsgienn AITIGmental weakliugs who bave been Soioiîion well saîd that wben a tatýd buse bail gaine, stands ont O ABCi. InFr elrcid Civnlna k'ehuG ~ ie eidtoio aso a \Vau ith bis moral wcakîïesses among the fiction, and PUlIS Par ker AIý ,S V FY VV A PR siii!, gfromnatuie. IN'oce omie.4, fir lunatic asylumn. Tbey can tbirk, scofs' t smI hoe is a fool. 1 hoeurd :changes into the hilly rond covered lButier's "Romance Trust," amon-gst gati cîal pIle,5.m and c]early thiuk7 if tbey ai ad 1the reforumcd John Gotigh, alter hoe vîtb jngged rocks andi ruin'g by'the Margir-alia. NCNTUCOPV7 MNASAr.CWOR51. do wbat they Iulh to do. Sncb ba enfryyasatetotaCr-, the side of the ýynWning precipices. ai-d womrea are displaying sui- Say : Rather than ontn plece oi 'The bracelets ..of gold ai e Selon PIIE PARATION Or SEEDBED. _______ nB]lter, Scllttr and Coveyancer. Offie- cidai folly, Wr th oyaprpiaeMinice pie fiai ored with brandy I chauged loto the handcutffs of steel. Briahley Block, El, g Street, ljowmanvlic. _i the1 Ovnleta aprpFe zud etof'l rmkr wl on ea h iecaaiyo n XGLey ta banl aieaSonable rate',. 43-lyr, name for tbemn is that which Solo- wMuY cu ff m iglît ai -u I The meri kr ilsonba h The productv cactyo ny ______________________Mon applies to thesu tbey are WOel,Ï 11o L ose tu-lt , ' ig ecboes of tlîeir' iaughter la the soul ils measurKrd inrgeiy by its abil- - - -fools. Goirng te destriulition iby MY pin sical and moral weakness shriekis of the dooîued and the iost. ity te boid the proper ainount 0 adoedrbeulwpfe.Seilyutbefren O FICE IN HflSEY'S BLOCK, OPPIOS- ing at -victiîrs wbo have aire-d be wJ1l;ug to teuoh a lighted sin. Mai-k that, my brother --noInecd by the plant. At soi-e timefr2 ET PRRNIGFOT utbiJ 0ille Town Hall Elltrance, -A ler e hie iillbe beer destroyed, beeedless of the fate rmat -h to a -ke, of gùeLwdî-'- îeibappiiuess la sin! idurirg the gsowing periori there -is - ic rapp Wioo'fl1arijjrc ound~~~I frei aoitne i,ý.r manly te ru. Us. M. Ngtafsa sePge Il arm Fonc and ol9tyNtig edrdne f îreSa.iy opost 9 1ru. ig caled. 17ly iîulpendirg oves their own bonds Tt1 oitmsmr alora 'ell rie,, O drur.kard, that you are tisually a dry speil and if the soil is pg wrPncCaLileWIevOti.o the ae a foiib s oul b a ren S tanit s o fgh siGo lalppy? No, ro! Ay ne Whco bas in suc mechanical condition that M st res 1,aa . QihiE gea capitiairi wbo ir niflocc-an ros inl gave us two feet as ixeli as twO heard John B. Goughi doîcribe the' it cao bring up from below and sup- the grip of a hurricane broke bis fi st S. That nleans theî-e aie certain ise-r les of lils past îLie knows that ply te the planît tac neeýded mois- IAG LIENSý,3-M.A r)l huis, hre bi chrtoe-tintes 'When We s ýould fico frei n o di-uni ard is happy. Tell me ture, the crops will be large. Ti MJRI IGeu LICENSae~M A rcussir cansthew is ChMartou-tarpain tn esiol oe that the libertir'e is happy -,ln by s really of' mucl more importance Jeience, lacite srecft MaraeLcncsbadadsr-se i cnps. so ourselves -to holie lced iii a bis crmenis lie lost the respect of ail thaîî wbether os not the soul cou- ________________________ WHY3MOCKERS ARE POOLS. 1position w home we îoay hoe teoîpted. good Mnem and worireu? Tell Me thai tains a large quallit of plant -food - Evii- tosaptatiors irvariably ar 'femptation alwnys fieudishly strikes tlhe gnnib'eî' is Lppy? No, no! cnoîety10n lgpeaa r.u.~MPOQ CCA. .BARingly barmless wny. They seek Theiefoi e "let himi that tlik'et* h l ie nt only test 1,1, hu)no, bu is Particuins point la view. The ______ l'e 11511 obitosNotalfes, 1ic MorsYn'Col anionsliip ut first nsý standeth tai,( eý "eed lestl . homl. hm, bis bu;,siness, bis aiIl. 1!,e cao- IThe trentaient of the difforon.t j~,Nie sd~ otW! os ~lrl, p-lssKieg Street,' Iiwmanr-il'e fiirindk, andsiirot as eneaies. They EVIL I1UGECS rot eîea onbuy a poi i of sho, for bisI kinds of soîls in dr to hringl!ouhv î,e c-dagitise Soîkcitoîs, for fi e Oîîraio Banki. PrIrate do not apr lc T"ooa flL555UEJ. ù,1i D rlcIl(ll - z isicteye l allied et icw est i steî ju ~ ms Tie gidadting ortl.e pat alyz- foot or z aet forbs bai. - about tins very desirabie condition ILT dpr~ icessh-oweisdtosnac coox alsively "'. ,Iiiig their rilaw s ing or tule Ino-a sJI uite ty the Gluthîie once dcscmihod the ctm or varies. For a light, sandy, open CURE prlisn' ies. Treatwt redfcpyiin urd oupat enas te ama atig1 oucb of sia May bo seet n lathe, lue sin us a beautiful chalice filldwt soli, as is fourd la Soeine parts eofoeoss A h ge-f1,Iisodaa mnste- nîgt ti to get at vour i of a country boy whofibas coane to, burt at the botten ,of :the CUp I the middile vest and in mary parts hs1b1t--ld at9coraced asercna-disease. Itreatediîiaoedcoswo thloat ine la fil bs fui-y hoe is live in our lartge cities. Wheî tat Jlay cýi l ed a serpen t. And 'se ofter of tlîe far n'sconservation of sou rmsdauee regem oendItibdheies.Ile îe A11RISTIEli,SOLICITOIý,NOTARY cagod lu lte zoological gui-dons oyeng mmaa ieft 1omne, lie wns as Ive haiLe Asip ed f or a, little wliile the, aoistnre Is secured by plowirg luitiiayoniececîe on thotp, and Dr. K<ennd gedocr ec >uhc cl)reTar ce r. Mcney, Privais snd Calcutta. But tenîptatinis corne te pure as bis sister or bis moit-Ier, dei ou f pleasure,, "Iln the ontl ses-j the faîl to a roasonable deptb.)-, T&]a ~Ater tkn h e ehdTetsn o t ek o lc e Co-rina leFîods te iend et bewrest cari eit ra e3 cesscd, Tehen ren -siperd nars;_e-sreer C S El, g St, oi)POsite Dr. 1-ariidetri' yoI at first w ith the soft fu s and Lad a delicate, spiritual tou, Ir. H o p onit xii ap:o r ai sting ns a od' raies aud sooxs of w inter and eIyt p e ain u, ui e h rie ce r a d m e c i o g n lale . ' a 1:enLIai hieome, llnville 13-6m* the Purî-iîg salutation of the little conîri distliiguislî rlgli, fmoma xviong bite us ns 'te ut the chalice te OursPigaemr sedlvbob-d nrlyrctbyU eeysu.ecmedhmfriobttmc nyen" ___________________________kitter wihitb migbt restie in yous as readily as n traired artist's ce e 111--s. tLet n- mna cousent to ho' thon if the plowirg is dolayesi ntil tcurUesurlDcag-,8miiWakoKisy iap. Tbey corne insidiousiy, as the tan te'I the barnîory of coiers or a a înocking f001 by s xppotin t. a 1pie' If 11,eteSu rfs ac iida ieuo choiera ,,ernis mnight rencli yen i nusic.Iians oas caa'be shocked at the an ex-il life cl brings happinesm1 vy badly, this full piruwing is rot cQNSULT'AoeION PREE. IIOOES P REn. Cmii orWiefrQes0nBal C"50.000.00 TO LEND wraplied in the beantiful gai-nient slightest tlisceiid. But afier .awhile this side ofthie grve. niso satifblr and it may b s2îgO de KENN DY KERGAN A. fllLunmcilonwarleo Ihidia. 't'bey comne witb ail the f ra-h le liteý iuoal ents hoe the exil roe5uits ef sin on «71 oth-O oiO pigpoeiiid eCr b'la v.adSeb tet eriMe, i6 -Cm. gac0fthe puiSonouus leaf wuicb XXbcn ie lia aveacbartlrg lli0, a or idotegae atigersebe should he com) pnctod in onriyin Fhly te hsings death te every cmentame thaý fery bicshi matled bis ciiaell Bu -mîg is -tlpi- d fuir. Can a Wolf, spsieg by the use of the disit, si touches' it. Dr. Cuyler once gave J, after axx bue bis porcepqtioos are bave bis hiais bleacheti irto the Surface packer, actre sud omît of tîte n l, ord em ci description of oneo0f thel dulleti; exil is no longer rcpulsiîe te, i-bite xxooi 0f a lanb? Carnîado okngipettswchtd_____________________ poisonons treos, aptiy calied the,ý I hlm; lie- hegins to heicexe that the bol-n in sin, renrein lusin anti living jte brook 1-p the riods, close up the -GARE OF Tlli,- NE ROOn. exr>eîîentîyfra]uefrfeig Juds tee.He aidtha th bls-,theatile May lhsve n beceficiai inu- in sin and dylng li in l eh eunuci- Pores and prevoot î'spid evapora- Bt e gE'I~S oins of this tree areoef n briliit, erre. Ito rau argue fer it witil a pated frein sin mnemey because uisI tion of moisturo. After the lansi bas Dîîruîg the hatciig, if you are ta viesrt rot-. Fronl far ant ienon the fatni clear oye aîîd a stcady boartbeat. -body sirops for a little whmile in the'-bora tboroughiy fiud; a surface soul W's". ýyen wili fot ho te() curions, liaeuct fedng i avsbe W'ili, be at Bc-tokon tîme first beat of thlose flowers attsarts the After nwh'elife o n go and witli ah- terni? Oh, ro! The seul tlnt sir-l muicb, must ho crenteti to prevent the but xxiii aiiow 'tire instLinct of the hve ladeclen eut 1 o Monday of each ioath. at (irono 2nid insects. Yet "overy bec wnndsumîg soiutely ne quaiîs, or ujpbraiding3 of reth is the seul that mist sufier the xvaste of moistîîre. If iight soils ai-e lien toe(le lies Itîk mray ho weîî .e n n îci a. 0 iM-ondas ail dai, and nt Newcastle îst in soarcb of boîîoy that lig-bts conscience can sit and lîsten te tLho resuits of its sins unless Christ for- igivon this treatmenit for n series of tO (juletly reamb ntlc-r bier and îe- cîc ~Veneda foî 2P ii tpe te iosonsimibs fatai vilost of faits whirb ose heing uttes- gienMs issd ale hmynsvtoewl oatndnyt h îo sch ogg-slîelis as ear ho re course csta îîîhfo s eur Wednesday~~~~ ~~~~~~ ifo th cpiko ar. fepou they oncein asie ie hs isadwse hn!yerteewl i ednyt h ol OFFIE-Tempe-anco St., Bowman- opiate anti(drop.- te the eartb. Be- ed i por tlie stage; sit theme xvith a dlean in the blond of the Ln-b. Andi accuntulation of moisture, te titie o1voti xxith eut tiistusbiîtg bier, but tond e -ioii lîysoeft ,çi1le,rear 0f liggiahotham'sdrug-store îîoatb this> euticirg tseo the eartb yoI rng guI i y bus sitie who is ne wheneî r t1îere is sin, wlmether ln, oves the dry year xvbirb fretîuentît aothing further shouitilho attempt- thsee orufie iie dy tdoi iS strewn wýilth the vicflîîms of its niot'e iLs'.aiîot of xvhot lhe sOC anti this worid or the next, tliere is' oppesi-s aud would otberwisc bc 0d, writfls Mr-. H. S. Bahrork. thlnaume fo vudh curt. -fatal flriain"Ta faital jîaut ýiearS t'aan ms bier msuieesromt. sgeîc'l 10 Pot case whethor you 1 disastrous. The first dutYiv i. o provide a ons oeioit oiki eh D EN 'TI S1'B,~Y is n -tivisi syisoî of tihe waytiatl The fa'-t tha.t th II e.nuýlg m'ilanis abe rail the pince of eternaL punism'um-ent 1 On dlay sous the treatmeut mu(st coop for thic lieu anti brooti. No Wsoi u htciies x h A.. si, Ne Tpei te St vict.. ln ,0 arguel, ii ionI nnd Ila he505a'Inke cf fise anti briastýore," a! ho, somoa diireut. Tho fart tha nttr s kird of n copl, froîn a500 siresmi i n in mo ixehegnnig fsciate cowrog bwatlmig asinul inygicat, lirai ing, mllton son 0f h-un-ý tboyl\, rua together ant ipeome lery bare int doxit homs a a I hv iîî îae t yst C' AR DE , .DS. as ivti te rihtst0f la P50i05 bei, !r n ut ha h i-a 11,l imn, al ci; ngeon or, the l'Iuui]n j tgicompalct itru st ho takeoý inmItno acount.L p'rox Cd( paLte(nti a t 1ic je, is us, se 'fto. 1 -se,, i lIýý_ a,-, 1 larg bondId l1( b l ofrcng. Wimot mole bit-dîs of teý ' of'lre Itl lIeI itiistl belen it.g Jr'pd 11ro- moratII Il(l tis fr eneyot f l"( in le hny.d W7on tbe ctn the wle tIei hsr ~rJ( Denostal TBigm ' aofe the, ,,SvotŽ softue s ofl n (-g)' fh loouoîi eîgi co so sn- ae to the iare.gos officLe.E AIR.,l uw xoil bereath isI enenet ile un- supmiy ns mnch stable rm aîxure as are 24 bours' îl.hey ar -e should bh , xhmbxiikl 1 Z LD ~ har AIaR, 1t firc xto it olistingulsh warnug signalisýI1A OLY r te lc ablop ten SITC.A 11LY fon't, lmoxvetei-sblsa ead uusI heray ele ioedt he vîti t piix IhiT~ti po te iogid te elrat tri unt ybothors anid sstet s, who hianevpese, s e and to tit huse the me ati to hotoxhtotei Fiou antiro -1mî ove tubnriia quarters. Up te this time they grste thahitn non -iti toi ïco'e- blirlnos isierix simîful j l-eretofore iseer imioclting'at sin as 1 condition. Growimg legumnineus shct iiercieih otte par tita thdo(o h eai o lep of a beuif liliah, aiiixt 0ie 1roui. Affe- aixhile isy the toit ,_h of lisve heen painîtinmg foi- Iou a. picture, j rpeitedtroxîeso vea rimiabsorbeti visioni for theli support.i o eIo tri a xuîu tho irnr soop bi iis s-e artsin thesinner loses bis capacry te' xvuh the clark backgroundai fW ami j flie ut dinnry rrops sumb as sye, anti But they a-o îiow roady for theil' chance efisrlton casao A lw ay s ~ ~ ~ m U p- t - d t n asinile as hoe dreair-s the appiest ditn u s ight front x'rorýg'anti , wili yeun oat lt nie palt 'a 1 turning if umder xiii do very nurb -lirt Meal. (ino thon wnfer to o mi y oixvs geae hn iity ofse'IS isie the tols itien mole bos bendu nitungoaibsmnotgttotbde. 1iaiiiai Thi i .y ooto:- ac î ar as xvot A th ny Bcges. - oo foîm ie datn ss f nilngh. drbe fo ~ or fie hrst xve hen piscti to a ooi ieîb ~ funotxhe Ix o'dîîry pute-m tîî noit ani od. rnu ot coisi tn toibe preseet anti mie lie a ew Sults coI-dani enitor the snall aperture of fol remeiy. It ia truly worthils weigbt aiu. If is for ion Just as if ivas for ou oistmme consorvoti at this tiuîxe ing elenxents. If f0 thé rornx is ad- i oîix W e k e p a m le e e o t - p i c s i g t h o f a a r p , b u t ste s th e iu te r ij n g o îci a n ti 1 n ov r tire clf reco x nm en iun g th a f p o o î- tru n te n lo nf or ish o iv l o i v i a b e i n yo u- c a n o mî f a i a o ti I e - B t i ca î a - i o t JOHNx T, AT.î.-XN, the fashionable tailor bas soattereti aioîg the foresf pathx il ta othe sufferers," crawlod np f0 fthe aitar, lu Pifti gnst ration xviii ho bettes. For a singloeot aef ho tmog- h io ne rl o po it TA ES AN ofic ,Bow the _m a rly grains of co rn this w i-d B esides beig -a thorugli cure for bIl grary yoarsde ago " W hat bs obtaie- ot ren ait L h u e r h t l inanx'ille. 45îtf bugmm yas .- t i chapl eroiiot if rout bef o bxar-t _su obt iiireiti ro -- foxvt wiîl loiver bis beati sud ontt eczemnaand sait rbeun, Dr. Chase's Oint- the gooti of trying f0 -sale biai?" rapyeogbIsoutpifsts-w oulti bae1e at naxe anti ont uinfilieh is ronflueti ivitini mont cornes tisofuin a nurtu way 1S in iN;% To liQve~ %a yott that Dnu ley. 1mbaive tisOt clats, cern nîcai short titre. fli iîr sroes ren xbih o wîîevrybore orevey ori f sm rrta soino rien saidti f Francis Mcrr y. î CÈlise's J-,tmentiis a certala anti hoof scaps withý vol-y satisfac- Officeî' -"Wbat is' the complaint hoe tatou ont te bis death. NIy lion anti cmuption, cbapped skia ai '-o goy ot, asved urphy -" vyfornibslt cefe cig lîcro?" Ordeîiy (offerinig bazsini) -bter anti sstrl, eion Gmo blban.6 cents! a box, at ail dealers mle to ristesav iinx bu u Isaa prr o o lesn, tor ruts 1 ati ult ix vahte e Ahithuh theotunîuff eso Etim anusn, Bates &a, lironso goty0e oitsy"At oi~b f-ýse h iit t' f txeln sou raeM ol . ~ iisl.1e put hi i ireovng mnisi teaîrcidshyunigi ixtr lions istfh eomu aos 15ll P. ahn it' yenllli sori ar2 r fosivi\ing amuii about Captlini Ba-' hMr wla tytil oi.Yncýs . s4 Fv iî n dyfr ix rsMnchuria, Mmgla ieat Ortieiy "V- jes, sir: tlat's tholi o-lybcus fcossamuxi os tnhfeoioctratsnboan uîcnssrEîtcsN!v5&Ct,-eto aiet tretirso a orîeîetI hrme Tmtofahaobt1-e trube Tlmeyý xvaat tu erO55iiI i lu, aL hariitiltss way Y Tho r mo-efat e czh-ld i r&,m0 ~~etig~ ~uesmi iieOdy~haioi 3 mhin s nni ~x~t if tea." hat f L higbwaman csochcs hj IM Ly~ S Ille J,_11 a.- l 1ae ,Ilit j~-fisn'aty vi i oîi ±snss't- tua _________lies ~ %ào ze_____- ~ N- - -- -- __ --

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