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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1903, p. 4

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AIl the Leading Teachers of Cookery use it. w-hyi Does better work and goes further than any other. MARION HARLAND, author Common Sense in the Hoassehl 4Î The learing-out sale at Young & Co's China Hall cou- 4î tinues. We must soon move our Crockery Stock frorn our east store to make roorn for ai terations. S weeping redue- 4qtions in this departrnent to make Our stock as mil as pos- sible when the carpenters cone in. Last week's list of 4~Dinner and Toilet Sets will bc continued. Remeniher these 4 lists are onîy a sarnple-everythilg is reduced. This week we eall your attention to the followillg: 4 Dîilner Ware White Anld Colored. Dinner Plates, regular $ 1.20, Sale Price 61.00. Dinner Plates, " $1.00, " .80. Breakfast " " $1.00, '.80, Breakfast " " 85ce "1.75. 4î Tea 80eSO '.70. Tea 75ce " 65. 4~Cups and Saucera ' $1.20, $1.00. Cups and 9aucers 1 i00, .80. ~n our Grocery Departrnent you find us giving our usual beAt attention ln filing your orders. Special this week-31ustard Pickles, godo quality, regular 2îc size 4î for 15c. 4î~ -4Î BOWMAN VILLE. CHINA HALL. ~ Carinage BuildingN And Rempairing1. The undersigned wishcýs to annoiunce to the, pubilie that having purchased the iut,ýrc;st of the Morris Estate in -the Morris Carniage Wrks, Bowmanviile, lie is pre- pared to receive orders in the above line in ail branches conne--ted with the trade, Prices riglit. Satisfac- ion guaranteed. Thanking customers for past. liberal patron- ,age and soliciting, a continuance of saine. Wm. Edger, BO WMANYILLE Thos. Peate desires to inform the To Toronto Wednesdav, rate by citizens ofBowmanville and vicinity that G. T. R., only Si 95. returný, including ho is stili carrying on the Clean1iný and froe admission to liorse -Show Thurs- Dyipg Works King St, West, and that day, Friday and Saturday $2.45 with ho will do ýour work quite as well and admission to Hlome Show. Alil tickets flot charge you hait as much as outside good to Mondav May 4th. firms. Give hlmn a trial and be colviiie. Above ail there is a snap and ed character about 20th Century Clothing ________________________ which vou don't rucet in the common kinu. Cost no more and keep their ~ shape well tilt worn out. Suits $500 to l7; $15.00, Overcoats $6.50 un. Raia or LI7 ýî! ýshine coats art, hiandy-.McMurtry sole OolorInst Excursion agentfor Bwmanville. One way tickets at low rates on sale uui $50.00 to California and 'return. Jun 1 t o PointeS in Monta na. Colorado, - 1Urtih Creoln, ahntn a om Via Chicago & North-Western R'y, > te olmi.First class round trip tickets on sale trom bERVIOE TO THE WEi3T Chicago May 3rd and May i2th to l8th, to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Cor-. Leave Arive Arrive Arrive responding(r low rates fromn other points. Bowmrnville Tarontb Detroit Chicago Favorable limits and stop over privileges. * 5.15 a, m. *6.15O .m. tfi 10 p. un. t6.4bp,.m.1 Low one way settiers rates to Western * THE jCANADA PERMANENT *-AND WESTERN WI.wI~ 0 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO * SAVINISS DEPARTMENT ID and upwards receved on de- 0 $1 Oi Itrspd :compoupded Jntereaor 3 . 3 flfln upwards received for qund lhi debentures arei' *b sued w ti haif yearly coupons A oe s *attached for interest at - 1 o >- Pid-.upCaptal 47ff1 and $7rp 600W,000ta~.0a THE BEST LINE. From Bowmanville to New York- Grand Trunk sud Lelîigh Vallev, through Puilmans Toronto to New Yors sud Buffaln to Philadelphia Dining Car trom Toronto to Nia.gara Falls and also fromn Easton bo New York. The Lehieh Valley bas three Stations in New York-Uptown> near ail first cisss hotels, and Downtown uear ail Enropean. Steamer Docks. For tickets cali at'Grand Truuk towa or station ticket offices. 16-8w Society of Christian Endeavor, Den- ver, 1903. The Passenger Dopai tmeat of the Chicago & North- Western Raiiway bas issned a very iuterestiug foider on the subject of the Christian Endeavor meet- ing bo be beld at Denven,,Julv 9th t10 131h, together wibb information as to rednced rates sud sleeping car service, as well as a sbort description of the va- rions points 'of interest lu Colorado usnally visited by touriats. Seud 2 cent statnp te W. B, Kinskern, Passeneeri TraffieManager,Cbieago, 111 , far opv 17 4%v The, Can adiau -Statesilafi BOWMANVILLE, APR. 29, 19*03 Ontario Connty is wîbhout a ýWardeu, Mr. Bnocmfield wasunasettlt ecans( hoe was a scboot truste3a a the lime o bis election. -Ideal Public Sebools"' on auothi page is an article we wlsh every teacho: trustee aud panent to read, because i desire b see great imp rovementso schnnl grounds as welt as home sur rnuiudiugs, sud Arbor Day will ho good lime tb begin. A comparative statemeut taken frou s Goverumeut report is publisbed i The Mouetary Times, April 24, wbie shows thlait the 1. 0. F. spend $22 51 ou of _every $100 of Îts total lacome fo expeuses while the Royal Areanun spends only $2,80 and bas 50,000 mnr mombers. Bnwmanville Coucil ni th Royal Arcanm is baving a boom i uew mem bers. The Gainev-Straltoa trial drags it weary length along in Toronto. tae day citv jounuais coulain page afte page of evideuce. but be% oud Gamev own statemonts n confirmation of bnit ery charges bas been fouud bv the pnc secutonu Frank ii.illvan's evidenc icontnadiets Gamey's lu mauy polutE The evideuce for the defeuco is nnw b( Îiuf baken Hon J. R. Straton is eo pecled to bake the wituoss stand in i own defence. The Cobourg Sentînal Star aiso cou siders bbc Good Friday 'outing" of Coir missioners, Canlaw sud Tnebilcock,t Millbrook as s joke, saying, " We bad quiet cbuckle when we read of bhc ianr of tbe two Counties' Counci!lors, but the oat n lime, (ilb was a holiday), sudc course wilt only charge thbc mileagt The County town is bbc proper place fo sucb an iustitution, aud il was maduesa a.joke on bbe part of bbce Vsibeu to ir vite bbc two innocent gentlemen to vis au out-of bbc- way place on such a foolis mission." A moub's rest sud quiet in bouse of refuge woud be a gond pisc for the men wbo suggested sucb a jaur for lb must have been bbc resuit of, ovi wrougbt brains. Those couuty counti sessions are very exhausbiug 10 bhe ir defategable work crs! 'lhe musical baste of our iî fo higbh clas4e iousic is amI as matmfest a one con]d desire. judging tronu Il scaîîby ateudance at the botter cias concerts givea bore. Tbe teudanu, soems to ho towards Ibo commoupîsce light sud comic, uufortuunatety, i parents sud guardiaus of the young i should 8how groater approciation o! th, reu, meritorioits lu music rather tbsi t0 encourage the centimentat a a î'ulzar. ItL i a common sasing tha lb takes s "igger sh w" to drawi crowd. Surely one on two first-clas programns in a season such as the ver, excel lent, nue given Fridav uigbt tý Miss Luttîreit sbould fi n d enouzi patrons in a uotably musical town t4 Lenaraule b b e necessarv expenseh Truiy t is discouraging 10 Ihose wli so courageously a n il commetudabi underbake to caler to music loyers ini wonlby Wav tb be out of pocket f« actual expeuses sud 10 take ail ti trouble of preparationsud carr3Jie tbrnugb the ente,taiumeal besides. THE CIGARETTE HABIT. Business mca are beginning bo accon asme considenstion of ci.- arette users& on youug men wbo drink intoxicants- tbey refuse 10 employ bhem. As we stoo on King St , Toronto, onue day last wee[ nsudaw bbc great number of youtbs young lads sud others who passed aloni sucking dcgar tIcsor cîgans we though what a nation of smokers Canadiaus arc becoming As 10 bbc injury resultinc from cigarette smoking, s physician en inent iu bis profession say s .:«'Suppose2 boy bas a lot of cigarettes sud smok es few of tbem cvyerv day. Is Ibere an) injury lu this? I c-an tell you for I bavc had such boys for patients. Such smoh- ing even la so-caiied modenatiou(assi there were any sucb thing as modersticr la stimulants for bbc youug) will do bb«e thinga for hlm: i Il wîlIruabis pulse up toi mue bundred on more pen minute.2 It wil! reduce bis weigbî below thbc bealtby standard. 3. It wilt neduce bis sreugth sud zoerai. vibsliby, as wiil appear lu Wh pale complexiou sud bis diminished as- petite. Cigarette smoking is one of thc wonsb habits pbysicaily that s boy cal fonni. t injures the hcant sud digestion, aud it tends 10 check bbc gnowbh. lb gives a lad false sud siîly notions, sud it does not brnag hlm imb good company. Tbe romains of the late Miss Mlii Everson, daughter ofthte lte Robert Eversoa, Oshawa, were broughb bere fortv ',ears ago sbe was married sud seîtled îu Oroîxo whene she remaiued until a feîw îeans ago wben the familv removod c.) lugersolt later on 10 Swoa- burZ. She leaves bebind hen to moun ber departure a husband wbo bbrou±mh illness was unabie tb ho present aI the funeral, onue son sud oue daungbbe(r be- aides a large circie of relatives ail of whom bhave tihe oympatky o!flthe satire la the fngeri, toge, arma, and other parta of the body, are joints that are inflamed and awollen by nheumatism- tha*t aid- condition of tii. blood which affects the. muscles aIao.' Sufferera dread to move, eepecially after iting or lying long, and t.heïr Icondition le commonly worse in wet yeather. Il I sufeéred dreadftilly trom rheumatiom, but have been completely cured by Ilood's Samsparlila, for whlch 1 arn deeplygrate'- 1 toi." Ming. PRÂNfC SMITE, Prescott, Ont. 1 Il .d an attack of the grip which lett me vweak andi heless aud sufferiug from rheu- ra3atom. 1 began takIng Hoot'. Sarsapa- rila and this mediclue bas entirely cured Iue. I have nheton isaying it aaved Hood's Sarsaparilla Kemovea the cauie of rbeumatiom-no «BWard applieaton cmn. Take it. LOCAL AN4D OfflRWISE. Mr. 5 Wick-ett, Toronto, visited Mr. John PReid. See our Ma>ttreSSes at $2.65. M D. Williams & son. Capt. S>uilivan was registered-at Ben- itet 1louse orn onday this week. Se the wovon wire spriugî we offer at $2 90. M. D. Williams & Son The best 810-00 Suits ia Bowmanville are bain- sold bv The Mm dson CO Quarterly Sacrameatal serviees in Methodist church Sunday May 10 Chrysties' Hais are the best bats in the worid The Mason Co are the sole agents for Bowmianvilie A number of Odi fellows weot to Oshawa Snndav afternoon sud attend- ied service with their brethren ln that town. The weak, fluttering heart bmcomes strov)g and rezular wheu Miller's Com- pound rou Pills are used. Sold by Stott & Jury. drug.-îsts. Just arrived a car load of Horsetooth Corn for seed-Mammoth Southeru Sweet. Leaming t eI Cob aud yellow Dent at J, B. Martyn's. Mr John James sud son, Mr. M. A James, vlsited Oshawa friendesud at- tended the funoral of the late Miss Milite Everson, Suuday. Ail disorders caused by a bilious state cf the system, caunhbeucred by usiug Carter's Little Liver Pil. No pain, grpn rdiscofort atteudiug thoir nse. rythem Contractors may look out for advt. 'Tenders Wanted«" for netv publie hniidiugs la Bowmanville uext week. Building commictee meets to.,uight. Beautiful dtsplav of Dress Gonds at West End IInu.,e-Crepe De Chenes, Armure Cloths, voiles, Poplils. Bengalines, istiu n tsPisl~' Black Dross; Goods-always biack- Corne aud iaspect, prices low._ f Mr Roht. Brnth's string of four ouug Hacknevs creýated a sensation as ther passed down K-nz St. ou the way to the stationu% esterdaN for the Horse Show lu Torouto wboe they -wili win glory for ttheir owner. It mav bc a secret but we take picas- ure lu telling the public that Wm. Edger, lateý Morris' Carniaze Works. has just fiuished one of the finest delivery wag- ons ever seeu on Bowmanxitlle streets for Mdr. T, IH. Knight the Model Grocer, Itis a reat J im DandY. 0f course W. 'lorrison was the artist and it is a credit to his brnsh sud srtistic skil. Wa tch for it. We congre tulate Mr Knight on1 bis good tasto. Ouîr Customors bave repeate-lv asked "Whv dont vou put in a lino of ,uen's furnishings which wonid harmonize wirh tle higb qualitv of the ctothing von seil? We hiave met the demand- W. G.- & R , Tooko asud Croscent Braud Shirts, Wakefield English Rats, Arnet jean Hats sud King Quality and McPbersou's Fine Footwear are trade wiînerd. 11mw we cao parents and teacb- ors iuto el'oser relationswith ecca offher sud the boueficial resuits of sncbh alli- ance, are the points ou apaper on Cbild- bond, by Mrs. -Theodloro W. Biruey lu the MlavDeiae. the article includes a iist of quustionsregarding food, cioth. ing, care of i, exorcise, sleep, etc., lu their relation to the chfid, about whichi parents sud teachers mar coucerui thi inteives in joint confierences. But- tenrick Ph CohugUn, 7 -10 17 w lSth St , New Yort itY. 20 Yi.ARs oFi, -TCHiiNcPiLEs-.Mr. Alex McLau-nliii, Bowmanvîlle, Ont., writes that for tweuty years ho, uffoed terrioly froru itcitug piles Seveit vears ago hoe xskoed a drugzist for the best cure for piles sud was told to use Dr Chase's Ointment Ho coutinued tbis treat- ment antil entirel 'v cured, aud as hoe lias neer had auv return of bis otd trouble considers bis cure Permainent sud remarkabie on account of the ieugtb of lime ho suffe rad. West Durbam Womeu's Institate hold their reguIar meeting ln the Roy ai Tom plars' ha ll Saturdav afteruooa when about 25 ladies were preseat. M1rs. Law, president, was lu the chair, Mrs. Raines gave'« Some bluta ou bouise. cleaniug" sud Mrs. Thos. Power some practical rem-irks on "How tD make our work easier "asud Mrs Iaw a bu morons paper ou 'Mittimony."~ Mrs. Chas. Kersiake favored with an instru- mental a id a number nf questions lu conuection wibh bous3hold work was discus, ed. Oue uew member was re- ceited. The annual meeting, wilt ho held t n Tue -day Jâne 2 when the ofil- cors wili ho electeïd for the comi ng vear If vou bad tak en two of Carter's Little Liver Pis before retiring ý On would nt bave had that .toated ton gue or bad baste in the monthi this 'moruing. Keepa vint with YOU for occassional use. Mr. Thos. Tod, baiter snd' confection. or, with hs usual enterprise, bas im- proved the interior of bis stor sund ice ýeesî parlor ubtl now t is onue of bbth icst audmost u-to-dat1store lu t. GREAT BARQAINS,' WALL PAPERI You will be delUgkted tvith the beautiful patterna and veny low pnices.- _________ As I have to vacate my ALLAN IU NE present premisea very soon i lviiii maKe it prot'nauîe rV-sii fa- hrra TT7i-ii... m., want in my line,. Don't Delay. Get thte anapa while they are going. New Base Bail Goods, Spaldings manufacture, just receiveci. BO0WMAN VILL. PAINTINfQ AND PAPER HAINGING. Now Ms the time to leave orders for al kinds of painting graining, hardwood finishiugý,Bkalsonxiing. etc. Orderg left at .M artyn's, at Rice & Co's o at residence wili receive prompt attention. Prices moderate. J. W. LITTLE, Bowmanviiie. LAWN MOWERS. I solicit a cal] from my nid and new customers. The sharpeunR. sand re- psiring of Lawu Mowers, warranted to give entire satisfaction every time. Scissors aud Knives GrounJ; saws sharpened ;linght iobbinp' aanemialty ROYAL MAIL STEAMER. at the West End 5»jihv, King st F'rou, From W. FI. Wrt.LI&1i1s Montreal. Quebec. 1 m Corinthian ..-«May 2, 9 a. ,m.... May 2,6Sp. mn. 1 m Bavartan.,..May 9, .. . .May 9,II Innian ...May.16, " Mayl65.7.30 p m Tunisian ....May 23. ...May 23, p.n. RATES 0F PASSAGE. -D OUNW lst Cabin-ilavarian, Tunisian and Ionian,$75 DOY UK O and upwards, other steamers $655sud upwards. 2nd Cabin-Liverpool aud Londonderry- ýThab lu our Sehool we employ navarlan, Tuffisian and Iônian $40 and $42.50, T 97ELVE toachers'sud Use one other steamers $37.50 te $40. London $2.50 extra hundred typewritiug machiines. after Apr. 30. Third Class -$25 and $-26, Liverpool. Derry, It 15 a tact sud that is onue reason Belfast, Glasgow, London. Tlirough ticket to why we produce the. best resuits. Bouth Africa. 5We cannt begin to8supply the lontrealhT Glasgolw Direct. demaud f n r o a r gajit Etrany tm. Write SardIiniani (1dand,3Srd class only) May 20 Catalogue Sicîlian May 27. Carinthian liane 10. Firsi CAbin M5, $60. sud $75. Second Cabin $35. Thirdi 0Cass $25. .-JCent'a, Business College. For Tielketennil ,very infomiýattofl W. iB. SuAW, principal. liply te.A J!S Yonge sud (lerrard Sts., Toronto. MIL . L lqA Ji MEp8S ; West End, HOUse. On0y One Quality5 Tbe Best. West End House X ~No Matt er What Your Taste Is, We Can Satisfy It. No Matter What Yotir Income Is, We Can K.eep Within Ite Liniits. SFinest Range of Dïainty Wash Goods Ever Sliown In Bowmanville. CJotton Eoliennes. Very newest of goods importeci direct from. London-ln white ground with, black spray or polka dot p attern-in black ground with white designs-in plain ground with green, pure white, biscuit, pearl and Spale blue-beautiful sof t goods, look like silk. Per yd 35c Dainty New M'uslins.M JIn plain grounds or with floral. and stripe desigas, 'some have thieM nice cool open work patterns, every shade here that you wvill be lookiiig for, in pinks, pale blue, greys withmixtures. black and white, white andi black, linen effeets. You can't imagine how real pretty they are till you Msee them. ioc yd up to Sc Pretty Waist Oloths. White Vestinga in pretty canvas weaves, more 'rized effect or in the neat raised stripa effect, very cornecrt indeed., biù sellera, 35e and 45e T6.M Fast Col-or, Chambra ys. reeaIn plain shades, pink, pale blue, linen, mid blue, new green, biscuit, reeagreen also in neat delicate stripe goods, some have the raised effeet S15e and 25e yd. SEverythîllg That la New in Dressa Goods, Prices Rigit,w W Tne Naffe of CrunV s Prînts la a Qllarantee of Fast colora. ~ Special Value In Silks.M M30o yd, big value Japanese Silks in ahl leading colo S. J 50e yd, 27 and 29 inehes %vide Japanese Taffeta finis'h, a big, seller, Sexi-Ta value. Eo Jhn cfutry BOWMANVILLE. 2Oth Century Brand Clothing. Leading Grocer. Fine Footwear. To urea Cold inà One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quininle Tabets on3 every UV ila jmboes sold hi past 12 nots hssin r,*box. 25c y 1. - ýýe

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