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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1903, p. 5

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TO MOVE. We have to leave the stan( we have occupied foý considerably over'quari er of a century. Ouft stock is too big to mov( and we have decided t( eut it clown one hall This will be done ak speedily as possible. In some uines our prices will be less than cost. fiai a ton of Blatehfords Cal] Meal will be' sold at a big reduction to clear. JEair Brushes, Purses, Tuoft Brushes , Itubber Goods, Toilet Soap, etc, will be sold at prices neyer be- fore heard of' in this îSectioai of country. Don't Miss This Chance. stott&Juy The Druggist and Optielan. Bargais Get 3,our eyes tested before we move. We waut1 you to eall îîow before the rush o f moving begins. Theprices of every pair of spectacles iu the store bias been reduced and now is your chance. You have neyer ha d such an opportunity before. It May neyer occur again. Don't Miss It. Stott & JurIy, Graduate Opticians & Druggisîts. il r Grand. Trunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. .BOWMANVILLa STATION. Golie Fre 11GoING WE4ST Mail..... 9 2,a. j Ixpu s..5.15 a.4 i §5~prei ...102 'tI Lca.,7 50 aîe . 56 p.m. Passenger... 1 4L p. mi Local.... 658 p.m.i Mixed. 7 38 >Express ...Il 25&n., 8xrs doses not g o west Menday morning. !5Undays night only. . Daly. STOTT& JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, %.PP. 29, 1903. Miss Ethel Scobeli, Toronto, is home. O Mm. Howard Shipsean, Tooto, spent 0Suuday lu Iown., Mr. Sase Ctarke, M.P.P., Cobourg. was in tewn Fridav. Miss Olive Wi!mot, Toronto,hbas been 'Svisitiug frieads bere. MVr. D. Wallace Dewney, Uxbidge, was in town Iis week. Mm David Fombos, St. Thomas, vieil- ed Mr. Mamkus Rayer. Mr. F. H. Outrase, Fort Hope, was lu town on business Tliursday. The Steamer "~North King" will mako hem flnst trip on J une lst. Misses Millie a n d Aunie Mayer, Stouffvitte, are visiting rotatives homo A gathertng o! Ontario ceuntv oldi boy s wilb hoeld at Brookîju May 25. Miss Nettie Ormieton is visîting, lier sister Mme. Wit! Hepburn, Kedron, 1 East Whitby. Millem's Compound Imon Pilis, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stot&Jury dugists. 3 A lot of Men's and Boys' ready te wear Suite just . opened eut at Coucli, Johnsten & Cri derman's. Excursion te Tomoûnto Herse Show te. t day (Wednesdayj fane by al 1ains8 $195 inclnding admission. Mm. Chas. Tambli n, Chicago, Ill,has been visiting is aged mether aIis brotlier's, Mm. W. W. Tamblyn. Rev. Mm. Hill, Toronto, occupied the pulpit et Trinity Cong-re.-ational church f, Sunday lu the absence of the paster. S Rov. W. M. Kaannwin, B. D., bas d aceepted a cal!lte Woodviile Pmesb -V terian churc aud was înducted Tues- day. 1 Tho romains efthle laIe Mr. B. M.A Brisbin, M. A., who died reenî!y atd bis home in E'.ville. noar Coîbomne, weme intemred lu Orono cemotery. Trinitv Ladies' Ai have secumed Rev. ri J H. Fletcr, "The Black Kigit" for a lecture lu lie Congrogational cinrel IV on Tnesday May 12. Resorve lie date. Admission 15e.n Mm. GoSmith' who lives with bis, Mm, W. J. Coulter, Ponty-c pool, wilt ho 102 years of age May 4th. si Ho is an nid esideut o! Carke towu- 6 ship and is quito halo and hoaty says je The Guide, n Dominion Lino SS., "Canada" saiied d frose Liverpool Apnil 22 for Motrealv with 1,242 paseongers-119 flrst, 860 second and 763, hhîrd elase Sie saits May 9 for Liverpool. Ask M.A.Jame3. ' Bewseanviile, about ates. Citizens are re&Lponding vomi' nicetv ta our open leIter about impmovîng the the hown. If eveybedy glaus up bis 1 or ber. own promises the whole town t wil soon ho him and neat. Many S, thanks te the tadies for their asistance. V. Mr. Walter Baker, Cobourg, wlio N, visits hie cousin Mmr. Geo. Freeland Sn -occasieually, won the Robert Anderson t! busary lu tbeo!ogy for the juinior yoar Ih at Congregational Ceitoge, Mont-oui cf Ho wiit have charge cf a ehurcli ath Ce- ni bogue, N. S., Ibis sunîmer. The 700 unaffiiated Oddfeilowe in D. Toronto have !ormed theseselves int an association called '-Tbe Triple Link ai Club." At their last meetingiMm. J. D. Keachie, a well-kuown fermer Bow- seanville citizen, gave au addrcsou ai 'ýPoetry, Music and Song.", Mms.C. Bennett wiose iusband is oe- ai plo.jed lu lie D. 0. & P. Ce, died aI cI' Oshawa April i9th. She was the only dangiter cf Mmr. IIenmy Adame, lormer- ai ty et Newcastle aud had i'oon mamried Je about three 3 ears Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell attemsdeci the funeral ounrTues- is< day. - 11 C *No dressmaker sliould ale ow ler heaith to slip' away, and backactIe and kidney troubles keep ber i i .xxisry, when -sucli ease, coinfort, .ýieeom from pain and invigoration of the system eëau nbe -obtained by -asing Dr. Pitcher's Backaehe Kid- ney, Tablets. ne'sB.s.dO9Is chIanIges whiîuvu ia le the cenuvnionceo rfhils dispensing departmeut, M. Belmau lias added au optical r9oos especially adaptod for Ibis brandi of lis business. Ho atso me ceuîly instat<led an acetylene igiting plant: QueQfthelageturm n te of Odd- fellows ever heid ini tho history o!thie Churci Suuday memrning w hen members ACTED SPLENDIDLY. of F oeuco Nighiungele Lodge No. 66 Min A. Schwartz, 4 2 Water Street, 1.0,0F. and visiting breliren trose 'Dmlin, ont., States ber expeýrience wjich Osh&wa, êcosememr)rated thie 841h an- Dm. Pitcher's Bachache Kidney Tablets as nivensarni of Oddfetlowsbip lu Amnica. follova: I suffered from backache ani Rev. RSeaboru, Rector peacied an kadmey trouble for ses-e yearà, which 1 excellent Fermon freux the womds 11 think was ue .to Sitting so close and bend- bave ot cal Led you servants buitfriends" ïWC ove't imy work. The troube at Ou eturning t10 hIe Ledge om beaty Uaes waa quite seveme, so I got a botl- ,- votes eftihanke were rasseà ho 1ev. Mm. of Dr'Piteber'os Buekuche Kîdney Ta-ble],s Seabomn and lie churci officiais. *4 lo91 -,ug store. They eertainly acted, *Iniffy qnhme' for I1liadne nsiJ TO CURE A CULD IN< ONE DAY th»£ra botleuntîl Igoti coeti e cef. Laxative BromeoQiine Tabiets. AI Prie@ w*. a lbox, ab 411 rue'altar bw rays efuuili th e nw.vIf ilt als cure 0* l )IAm égu m -Casgkatrt4v "bx W cf the name o! Toonto's begt baritono Hies numbeme were aIl well suug and hie cultured and iwell trained voico was heard te spiendid adv-antaZe lu the diffeme-nt seiectiens. The appreelaticu of lie audiene-wae lshown-iv- lhe -ou- thusiastie encores ho, received and on hie iast appearauce wasreca.led twiceei. .Mm Franik E. Blachford is a violinist of unqueshiolied ability and haudted bis instrumient wlth tice kill and adroit- ues.o! one tborGughly familiar iith the diff [cuit c3etiOdis endered and master of bis inistrument. Miss Ethel Y. King, whomn we have hourd wibi se much pleasureono former occasions san o. twe Ee,,ectieus very nicely. -Mies TiIIev and Miss Luttreîl eaeh gave soveratl p iano numbers, and d ucmpauied ,the vocalists, and tioliuistinlua manuer iighly creditable le ihoînselvos anld wstb perfecl satisfaction hto their hear- ens. Mise uîeid~re unstintei liaukafô afordn us sncb a deti.4hît I f usia olu seevodroseli atelyr place to' Red Door, N.W.T. Before remeving Mise Edthh Gourd was pre-ýenredé with au addmess and a ring for valuabie service in lie dhurci choir Mr. James Gourd was aise -presentedwiti a. very flatterng address., For Choiera Menbus, Chioiera Infant- use, Campls, Cele iarhoaDvsenîer.v ai Summer Comptaint, Dr. Fowter's Extrach cf Wild Shawervt a prompt, safa. and sure cure litat' bas been a penular favorite ter nearlv 60 yoars. The annuai meeting of the Woman'e Auxillamy ef St. John's ehurci was held March 26th lu the seheelxroos, and was well atended Rev. R Seabemu pre- sided and aIt tat, and aI.' a subsoquent meeting lie folowng officere weme eýlected.:- President -Mme. 'rTamblyn; 1 vice-pros -Miss Raynes; 2 viceý-pros. -\Ims J. W. Alexander, Treasurer- Mise Moffaîl; Secretary--Miss Armour; Superiulendenî o! Junior AuxiUry- Mus Armoiur, FLOUE, 41 100 los ........81 80 to$ý2 20 WHEAT, Fait, bush. (>00 if O 70 n Sprîng......U(0 0 O70 -- Red Fife .......000" 0 075 Goose........ 000"e 062 P' It~~bush4, NO. 1 .-V) 40 O(0 il e li3 u,.89 et0 40 'î etTwo ro-wedd O40 et O O0 OATeS, Whie 1......O0 O0 et O 29 RYE ' - il............O 0 (>0 O n RucgwuEAxrIn.............O0(>0en0O'10 plm AS, i3laCkeyýe, P () Où et0 (0 Canadiau Beauties 0 00 il 060 et Mummey met O000 1bO0(00 le Smaill te O60 be 0 65 et Blne if O0Oce, 0 6 5 C'LOVFRR SEED............. 6 50" 700 Ï'TRo' vSîczP-----------t75" 2 20 i3JTrî-ERl, basit aclot h, e O £G i0 mt 017 K7v,ét Pdoz ............0 00"e0 11 Po ArOms, o 00 le O 75 11Aý *on .... 8 W , 885 LA. Brick honse contalning 7, reoos andi woodshed. bard and sOfi water. haS acre o1 land on which are a number o! small fruits. For particulars appiy on thle premises to MRS. S. F. EloormR, Queen St.. fowinait ville. 17 4w W ANTED - SEVERAL I NDUJS- trious persons in each siate o iravel for liense estabiihed eleven years aud wilh a 'large capital, to cai!l upoÔn mrhnsud agents5 f o'recssuad 'oa i ne Permanent engagement'. Weekiy ca-di s.aar of $18 and ail traveling expenses and hotel bis àdvancetilu cash eaeh week. Expersenca flot essential. Mention reference an > encloesel!- 1addreesed.envelope THE NATIONAL.,13341 FARM FOR SAL,-Beiugn1i acres, more or lss., outh pari o! lot 1 con 1, Darington. on wli"h are dwelling honc and uecessary tarinbuildings with stone stable aid cellarunndernieath borfuillsize. Orchard of il, acreB,weIl wa ered by two wells and sinail runniug sbreatn, (>nveflieist zbDarltngtoni Sain .R nost office ,tand sehool. Posn- 7sedsiofl immecluat y or s may ha agreed 1unûn. Very favoralte errns wuid l 'e given, App te5 JOH WTlKaýI)F,11prernîiSeS W.T. Wi ý1EP- ixi,29 Va stl t o 1 or to N. A, For Sidawaiks, For.Cuvmsand Solid Masonmry, RTiVIB URN98 c"STAR"9 Je lie ieading Canadian Brand for Bank Bamue, Sîabi iei Fioors;aud- Silo Work. IJhtTLE'«S "TIIOROLD"Y Is, a verv G eueral Favorite and etn sive ued N'e have a fre§i stock 'ef both tiese brandis and are peparecl te (uruisil bler at satistuchomy prices, Aise an expert to, superiutond lie usiug i f tbie'um-h '.iii pay ymn te seo us ho- fore patrouîizag the travelling sale3., mnan wboum yenu cannot roacii ag-ain. We hav~e aise a full lino cf«liard ant. ce!f t oüd ari Cea, aise hrca Lusnbew tdessid a n 4 tvndressed. .hgi.,Dours, Sash, Moulaings, Salt QtiiV Ruit.Prices Rasonable, McO1~LAN& 009 Oshawa's rate of taxationis 2ià miut for 190W. Hunibuzs 10c. a lb.. Saturday at D. Luttreli 's. Don't Eau tn secumo one of those cheap overcoats at Conch, J ehuston & Cryder- man's Have yen babnl in te soe that $17.75 five piece Parler Suite ? M.D.Williams & Son. M A. James is Goverumeut issuer of Marriage Lieuses for Durham Conntv. Washable Kid! gloves iu white and colore, just meceived at Coucli, Jolinston & Cryàerman's. Yeung & Co's. China Hall clearing sale is ne make believe. Geuuine me- duction for cash. The very latest ia Wedding station- ery and Weddinz cake boxes at THiE STATESMAN office. Ir. J. W. McDermid, the West end druggist, lias greatly improved the front of is store by a coat of paint. Ladies' black sateu blouses, aise some elegant white blouses ait uew at Couch, Jolinston & Crydermau's. Men's Hats-the vemy latest English and American styles at Couci, Johnston, & Crydermau,' S. Spongea at roduced prices. Sec Our special 2,5e ne. A fresh lot0f camplior halls at MeDermia's drug store Ladies' Waterproofs-the finest Stock wo have ever shownfromn $3 50 up. Couch, àJohuston & iCrydi3rman's. Our tine of oak Sideboards are well worth seeing. Just cati and compare our prices befomo bu3ing-. M. D. Wil- liams & Son. Just received direct frose the makers hundreds ef pairs of lace curtains newest designs, iu ai! qualities frose 25e up te $9.00 per pair No better values anîy- where CouciJohuston &Cryderman. F A !iver pi!! liat is smalt and sure,B tiaI acîs gently, qniekly and tioroughty that dees net gripo Laxa-Liver Plls ri possess theso qualîties, and are a, sure J cure for Liver Constipation, Sick Head- ache, elec Wberever themo are sickly people 01 with weak bearts and derauged nerves Miilburn's Ileart and Nervo Pills witt ho A found an effecruit s eodicine, Tiev me. gi store enfeobled, enervaîed, exhausted, lovitalized om over-worked meu and wornen te vioous healti. p Baking and Bakery Methods, Two S( )aNs' Sehool to-day and te-seorrow April 29 and 30, ait classes abselutely pl ree in Toronto Teehuical School. rwe M lays fuîl cfhelpf ul. practical informa- e ion for tioso interested in brea l'and cake niaking. Reduced tares on aIllf railways., ai The Easter number cf the Canadian st Magazine is well worth perusal "The Burning of the Parliameut Buildings" vit! be inlerestin te eIder moadlms. se 'Frese Quebec te aubes Bay" coutalns Di onsidemable information on lie pos. sibilities cf that undeveloped country- "The graded Country Sehool" is a sub- Pg bcjt oecupving the flinds of our pro- e , munent educationisîs and givos a great gi eal cf information along tiat lino. Ne one shoutd mies reading this number. M Vo tiink every Canadian fasitiy ed 3hould subscribe te Ibis excellenit Ci magazine. - $1 An oid Thme Gatiering will be held In Toronto frose JuIy 1s1-4th. The ta: Board of Trade effer tliree prizes o! $100 as e50 antd $25, for, the Iliree best poems on gi 1e Old Home sentiment lu its relation, li te pmoposed gathering. sent te the cf erotary, Mr. Stewart HýOuston, 18'2 ab Victoria *St., net tater than Mav 151h. w. qo pcern must exceed 100 linos.The b!( scmetamy would be pleased te mecetve ;e addresFes cf aIl Canadias Il iin- 1u sel îe United States. Cieap fares will be i ffered on raitways. Wmite for part;c AI ilars. C Nice tine o! pan taffy and creams at 1 )Luttrelt's. 1ht Pure Maple Symup aud Sugar jnst mu for dCawker & Tait's. wil New dress goode lu the latest styles at :S W. Mason & Sou's. J. Yen eau supply 5our emeckerv needs ýa great saving at Young & Co's Ba Jearing sale. jus Dress Goods, Suitings, Silks, Prints sa id Cbarubrays. all uew at Couci,lu, foiustou & Crydermau's. usi Ladies' taitor made suite and separate co :rts-la test sti les just te haud lat Esi 'uch. Joinston & Cr,;demman 's. House for sa!e.-see advt. Hiumbuge, 10c, a lb , Saturday ai Luttrelt's. 1Nice line ef pan taffy and crease D. Luttmelt's. 10,000 dozen gond fresti. eggs war at Cawkem & Tait's. Cmockery Barga lus for cash at You & Co's. clearing sale. New suits for mon and beys this wE at S. W. Mason & Sou s. Dr. Gmev of Kingstou lias been g u of hie cousin, Mms, A. MeCmoadv. Tmv our Lomon Polish for y4 fumnitume M. D. Wilitams & Sou Spming overcats-rain pmoof-at dueed pmiees. 8 W. Mason & Sou. Appreuticos wanted te leaamu mut ery. Apply at Central Mitlinemy Partc HAD)DY a Co, A fuil stock of Frost Spring Coil w! aise Barb, Anuealed and Galvanli wire at close prices. . B, Martyn. Tak-e vouroeggs'te EF. Camr, Chur St , Bowmanville. and geltie cash . ,Sugarlias advanced but The Mas, uo.asmosellng at lie otd price, gel barre! now and Bave money. Now is the lime te buv Semeen Dec before thte flues come, see nur stock t] prices wiIl surprise you J. B. Mvarty Now le the lime for nelw Campet Lace Curtains, etc See the large ai choice assemtmant siewn by The Mas( Co. Miss Eva J. Luttrett was eue o! t accompanists at the Womeu's Music Club mecitat in the Temple Buildin Saturday afternoon. Couagbs, coldi, be*Arues0sand other thra alments are qntckly relieved by Oresolgi tablets. ton cents per box. Aildruggists Coke Shaviug Foase. Coke Siavin F'oarnWhatile lat? ija!Iat Pethie Barber Sbiop and sec. For the nowest, best and cheapei endy te wear cIothing cati at Coudi oheston & Cye ea'. Lawn Mowems, we sou eonly th Voedyatt, aIseal! gardon requisitei ur pricos are tcw. J. B. Martyn. Pethick, tie barber, still uses Coke Attceptie Shaving Foase. Corne an ^et e.haved witti il and sc how it workf Get oeeoe our 86 50 Couches befex bey &It oeo, covered in velour Lt wil pa v you to ec hem. M D Wiliams, Son Scores cf ligit weight a n d water moof coats a r e seltiug now. Ti [ason Co. have a greal assorlînent au- Ktra values. > Have yen friends eoming te Cauadi rom the Otd Countmy? Ask M. A Lbout rates; cheapest -passages bv a: oRimsiip linos. A 15e bottle of furniture emease wiil re nove the spots frose' veur furuiture au( nake il shine tike uew. Sotd ah Mc emmid's drug store. Weo are sole agents fom lhe Pittsburgl erfeet feuce-tie euly fence witl: eetricalty weided stav wimes, let ui rvo von pricos, J.ý B. Marty n., Mmf. J. E Fishier, organist cf the ethodist Chumeli, Cobourg, lias acceptý I a situilar position ln Coîbomne St. 'nurci, Brantford, at a saîary o! aboni .000 a « ear. Mitler's Wormn Powders are the besa xative medicine for eiildren; as nie 8sugar. Sold bySWott & Jury dmug, îss. A white Feason -theme is le be lots fwhite goeds s!d ýi 'aar, ne doubi bout il. se MeýMutrtrv,'s dýsplav o. bite %estings, whiteo muslins, iwhite louses and Minerva whitewear. $1950 made by eue man lasI year ttling eut household necessities. Did nu make as rnuci Try our Unes. Awatýs seling. Write G. Manha!! & o., L~ondon, Ont. P'olatees only 80e per busiel whi!e iey tast-only 150 busiels left. Good )r seed or cookiug, tihe very beet. Yen t! lpay $1 wen these are gene. Come tonce te Evaporator, Bewmanvitle. R. Finkte. C-uEETs-Rathbun Star Portland attle's Thorotd, a fresi eupplv ôI oaci ilt te hand, alvo sait in bamrels and teks for domestie and agricultural .mposes and fresi grond Grey Land laster. It will pay voen te cal! and se s.Look for advertisemeut lu aneher )usen MeClellan & Ce. "King St aIt, Bowseanville. 17-2w, Kitchen chairs well made and strong Lt .* 89c. M D. Williams & Son. MissBle left Toronto last week is at for NewYrkorut to Bermuda. ~' lMilIer's Grip Powders Cure. Soldb r- 1 ated by Stott & Jury, druggists. ~ w, j j,~~ Mrs. John Curtis, Port Hope, lias_______________________ aug been visiting lier cousin, Mr Jou Stephens. fIyucrnorwy el edvefong aus eek MilIer's Worm Powders cure fever inifi uconOuwaQv'lsdoetoigvlesý letchildren, Sold by Stott & Jury, drug. your way. Pis ilIwShmhodr ta d I o leave a 'ollar with us, its mereiy exchianging the rour mark or crease your shams at 25e th is eoetoiseqvaet.I gcres week onlv. M.D Willianms & Son. What we send you wid bc as souund and as geniuine as re- Port Hope citizens are discussing the th e money. erecton of a ospital., A committee__ * las been apPointed to devise àfyuaea -eu pnar hssor vl.aps11t O ThIt m c trouble w ill ce se if vol&s eud r, Mhi Mst r il p ea oSo irwill take Miller's Compound Iron Pills. E ~ T iZ? V E ..T zcd Oue after eachi nteal. SAld by Stott & Smoked Hase and English Breakfast Bacon, Our Cooeked Simcoe Street Methodists, Oshawa ý Ham and Tongue are delicious, selected from, the *tendernesso ,rol are having their churcli renovated be: youth, fairly meit in your mouth, and seÏl at 30o perIb. ;*fore Cenference and are holding service c I, J~-3 ~ iu the music hall. 3Of Pale cheeks rapidlv' become rosy a when Miller's Comepound Iron Pis are N ice Sweet Oranges for 2oper doz. 0 taken. 50 doses 25 cents.. Sold by If you are anxious to secure goods that are flot afraid of rs Stott & Jury, druggists. the Aca Iad f oaesMcia the closest scrutin y, this is the place to corne. [t is a good place n ca arietv-has jost arrived at u te cerne for every reason that makes one store better than another. ds. H. Knight's. Price right and quality GIad to greet you at any. time, A ad the best, cal! and see these. KE ;on Springs and Mlattresses are being CAVV R o& -T'AI sold at our old prices. we will not ad- - he vancti the price. Ask for Our felt THiOU A G CC R - al Mattress. M. D. Williams & Son. ig ANTHEm BooKs FOR SÂLE-One8 dozen "Winnowed Authems No. 1, lu goed atcondition. Haîff-price, Apply to MRs. SR. D. DAVIDSON, Beecli Ave,, Bowman- ville 18 1w. gS Toronto Horse Show and Military ks Tournament opens to-day (Wednesdav) for four da.ys lu the Armouries. It'isî'J ýst expected to be a graat success. Cheai) é, fares on railway, tickets good tili Mon- day. ie Hadveoualled at the West End Hadaestore 3 et? Mr. F. M. Souci lias something niee te sbhow Nou lu flues of tin and granite ware, wringers,fence .. .- wire. forks, spades, shovels, and every- .d thing usualîv lkept in a first-class hard. :.warestore and at rigit prices We will be pleased to sh'owv you ladies our new Fe WANTED,-EverylFarmner iu West. Durham to cal! at J. B. Mart3-n's andS iL WS rS Gros ias 1l lnE nc m, & e ew hat seeds hoie may require sncb Sprig(as rs ~odPitM sis iga as Red Clover, Timotliv, Alsike, rLucerne. Rape Seed, Leviatian: Blouses and White Wear. le interseediate and mammoth long red id M angel, Sugar Beetaud Sugar M angel For a fui! stock of everything ré,quired L - 0 la for farta or garden, cal! at J. B 1Martyu's. Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles,Chenille Cartains Il On April 28rd 'Westminster Presby- -Ol terian cinreli Denver, Co!o,, celebrated and Table Covers, Window Bllids, Carpets, F'IoorOa e-by appropriate exercises its '-comtng of A azA," havingbeeu eganized April 23rd >188-2 The churci lias been thoroughly and Linoleums. renovated and presents a most plissîng ýh appearance, having heen ini the hands ~ ~ ~ h of t, e decorators for Eeveral weeks. w is At the aunual bu4;iness meeting of the congi egation reports were received lu U from the varieus departments of the ai churclishowinga very prosperous cou- dition The church eds th e ear with- to add $200-to the pastor's salary. Tie pastor, 11ev. Wm Altan, B.D., was for- ;tM-irlv pastor of Newcastle Presbyteriau We invite you to see the finest display of up-to. 6churci. He and Mrs Allan visited s thiurlie n minsheel date fuirnishings even shown in Bowmanville, consisting FEAR OF THE FUTURE-MOSt peopleOî,r es twho dread the future are victises of seme oflats, Caps, Ties, Coilars and Cuffs&,nderwear, Brcs terrible disease. Mrs. W. Francis, 201 Coîborne St., Kingston, was in a bad Socks etc. state with Kidne v disease. Sie had rsevere pains in back and legs, was 1 gradually losing flesi and feît a dmead f S o f the future. A friend recomseended rDr. Chase's Kidut3y-Liver Puis and th e result was a comnplete cure. Thtere is K aa l o -W a l tÊ f, a no medîcine more reliable, noue so ~ d o - W a l t i g certain te produce a thomougli cure. H h 1 Oe pli! a dose, 23 cents a box. a e t C t a t ,b y l n 13ORN ORMISTON,-On April 20, near Enfield, the ' w11ffe of Geo. Ormaiston, of a son. and Mrs. Geo. Preston, a son.a 1Mooa,-rn Newcastle, April 15th, te Mr. and ?4rs. Wm. Moore,.a son.Sp ia V alue. WXur,,e,-In Taunton, April 18th, the wife of Fred Wil son, of a son. MARRIEO.

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