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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1903, p. 6

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ÎWOULD BAVE TO STOP HER WORK AND SIT DOWN. DOW MANY 1 ýWOMFEN HAVE TO DO, THLS FgOM DAY TO DAY? MILB1URN'S HEART ANOD NE RVE PILIS arc c, blessing to womeois n this condition. "hey cure NroensSices asPalpitation oi the Iieart. YFaintand VzySpis eakness, Ltlsneand ail troubles pecuiar to the fedýx1e seit. M rs. jane alcuSallor,'.l nrc maitding teneysýbu ighcmntli alto 1is~ would have to e ry ,-work ash it do-iip. I seeracd toehoc ettingworse al the timS, until a friend i~iýsuetDtry MIL.- eIJZN'S REA1'T ANI> Na'_,, LPILILS. 1 Cao truthfuliy say th 0't they d iln ,lYeu claiu, for thýem, and 1 cao re-oRin them to ail PceSc rbor, o3cesfr$1t eals. erg Qr Tise aLlo'e. L-,iited. ToLoato, oat. Truubked iitb Kîdney lTroulble lur Six Mdonihs. Mfany I '. and W,7oren Are Troubied With y -uy Trou)ible, Some For Les8 Time, i !ne Fr Lontger-No Need Tc B~e Trotibed F lor Any Length 0f Time, Yf They Onuly O~e\ f The Cures Being made By DOAN'S KIDNEY PIS. Backache le The First Sign 0f Kidney Troube-Then Corne Complications 0f A'éMore Serions Nature. DOANS K~~EYPILLS TAXEN AT THE FIIlST SIGN 0F BACKACHE WILL SAVJE Y0U YEARS 0F MISERY. Mrs. William H. Banks, Torbrook Mines, N.S., tells the pub- lic about the great qualitias of Doan's Kidney Pis in the following words:-I ,Was troublad with kidney troubla for six, inonths, and had sich terrible pains' acrose nmy kidneys aIl the tirne that I eould hiardfly get around. Af ter taking aise box of flan's Kidnoy Pis I began; to feel better, and by the tirne 1 had taken three boxes I was coxnpltaiy cured. Price 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; &il dealers or Tise Dos.n Kidney F111 Co.4 T:oronto, Ont. TRE MOST NtJTnïITIOU,4 Epp s' s Cco .An admyirable faod, with ail its ntrlqualites inta-ct, fiLted toj buiid up and main tain robust health anid L resist winter's extreme cold. Sold in 1 lb. tins, Jabelled J1IUIES EPPS &, Co , Lrnited, Eomoieopathie Chemists, London, Englasîd. Epps' Coca ,Write for our intelrstng ho'-s "lave-t, ~or's IIeIl" and 1"Iow you are 5winded." JSend us a rough sketch or model of your in- ~ventinapo v tat ud wc iill tellyo C or UprovU s i w.xsri iiuOy a, È fre col ly as fui 1 rio ov th( f tui LO ýatentable. Rijected epplcolloes have ,nitn eîî successfuly ,proseited hy V. S,> ondut fuily eii~doffices h in ontreai nd Washingtoa; this qualifie.- usto poat, ydispa!tcli worhe eut quickly secure aet sbroad ans tPe invntion. ligetrfrne rninheti. Patents prnrured tlsrough Marion & Ma- ios reesie specie1 inotice urtlihout charte in ,ver iuc nwpsesdiib)ute thrnughout le Donision. Specialty : fatent bus3iness of Manufar- urers ant Ji Eglusers. MARION & ÏARlON Patent Experts and Solicitarz. «hCes: NeIw York Lite B'Id'g, rlioutresil LAtientic aldg,Wshîegton .C eaIs and Scoot-hçr th. Lungs andi Broncýi2al TuabE.?.Cures OUH COLDS, BRONC,üHlIS, ïHOARSBE. N¶ESS, etc., quicker than any rem- cdy knownl. If you have that irri-1 tatlng Cough that keeps you awakj,- at night, a doue of the Syrup MI] stop it a4 once. ýà- CIM 9999ZI19%619 folding with, fruit slightly waritned mncpltaigwl ccekd ard sweetened, and the remainular Waihsire known as State Se- RE. IN I 4t4 okabthe pace Fruatrjoies naing ,;UÂ, ,1 'ý- h bsON A I\O LEGISLATUR .L IE A [ pur pae ofaout t. rinjie nay g51 ý,cialisinwîll ba répudiateul by SociaX II these Dneotsrats, Who wiî sec in it a step The Peopils Representatives a netHtDUS EthHiluiLU H buttoward thPrvnilCpa. IINST HOUSEKEEPERS. P l the extinction, f thair hopes. They uea ofteL eSr TS TOon.zota idvdlaiinbsREPORTS. Fnrl0 h aeSr If euc-umbearsiare canneul in swaaî- îwàllhrocognig e thatofireportsuaiism basi A EIIU AIT. enod and spicad xinegar they areala- sanie advautages, after ail, andta, Abgach freoswreli Oliver Mowat. A EIIU AIT. moqt certain to, ha tough andl shriv- soto thaeoilItpa randO h table of tha egliau Egg9 Balîs -Chop tha wvites of 4 elesA. But if dropped in swoVet vine- -Ataraong wre u rea ",, ofthat ha -i" ulb edeg ery fine --and nas gaafewhours bfoawanto, theyof by Karl Marx, it is the test prac- Onai amo hchre treploriat f t the 3 oliis to a pastald add 1 rud ep hini-hcipes.tcal asea u1902 thora were 129 srks deptl mToot u i in tbesoo raadceaa Mncmat -uraypoae o voîving 12,788 porions, and 79, that was mortal of Sir Oliver Mow- bred cuias, deý-rfsüoncho- lie, -ria bccitnEýl orIn casa thaelHague Government establishiacuts, oenvring 1,912 days. at was laid to rest in Morunt pie pec parsley, 1 roundsng tablespoon use. 1bti oin ope should bo compeiled to ccp the 0f the strikes 53 were suecessful. aînt eitronWdaay fe- choppeul caîery, : cup, maî onnaise cans, cover the top with melteci lard, miiitury support tendered hy the Torpr fteSprnedn noon of lait week. Thetuerai was drs gitapon lenion mc.aulsa.(erman Eniperor, thora is but littie o ooiain Rass an appropriat>e tribute toe, oewto; sait and peppea to taste. lix a'i husm fto aiysest 200 miles of roads had beau 0f eried, in ' h carefully together. ]orm into sinaîl have g0t into a chrouic condition of ( doubt tht tWPoet-wln 4 ie eaoad602 foot ncamn W t the other grand, balrl nbae gto no appetite for breakfast, tpy this: MIrs.Aiidersona rm9ei classes in ilolianul will ho incliaed of bri'dging un'd las ro-sements, at a gue0fCneeaon ae th halls 011 outaat a fres'h eg in a--cul>,, til White .oce1y umn s os ll est that ivas in .hîm lu moilding bread cs unsbs, and egt n t e.-' akovlefe926 fry IsI smoking ywoa f CSnil, to look with favor on the sugges- thaulcatefe setionni4anad0la cook theiui in. up the cup with colcée. Stir the Fif dacorder of ecorder ofrr hol nerLntc n dotAyunssoe t n omgncuswoe Eggs on Fromage - Meit 1 tabla- egg rapidly te, prex eut curdiing Deeds, West, asth Gemna Empire on the footing uth c anuloIdioý1t;cAyluesowbe lisi 111e ho labos-ad sith patriotir spoon buttes- in a. saucepan, adul 1 whiie pousing the coffee over i . Ad! "Thera, are buýt few wivas and Of Bai aria or Saxony. They would $659,335.37, agiu'rt $623,675.77 inu ho lo acved ung theitst oftwa jcountry elvdan i oc a Baacot eap.richcgoate in these \-cri mcrtani anho hagerno' ûstal. tnritnehavéo aWoiute assurance of their 1901. The average cost per patient, ai or saised in beiiaif 0f a uniteu Do- agonies and sçi(h pain as blt te uhdth oilinafrddeig-S liconstantly until th.ixue , ery quicklp a-id also vary excellent- dru ai f ibsc Oif r~o hslti qaestua 'Icenyad snthe.mxteason st]y. Lay the tua slces xîiîls tPie WoImca ko.of whic numîmoomn ioeu 37 aaryof t ients wasn91901aaiTefry-of hslt iur- a i taste wath sait and parkaaonît etoeon ostn uc n knew the vaine ocijdia E. Pink- ,wihhabs just beau sanctioneci b er ofapatents$1031 lu59,01. nTfornCiiiross, uhoso storlinig boa- tu ont iunsediately on toast thact jput in a bot ovor over a deep dîip-! - markVgab eicnfee o in 1 laruajorit es ne nte DuththiePar-1907la.01. anther$m90,67a7.46slaiteî abdg insc bas been softened with bot iÏiilk and ipng pa.* it wi iibe hrown unI in rm aa madherIffereut l a la et enedutsytstt.e$0, 2,aai 9,74 ucess, ivili ever beho hlu hagrateful se- crusp in fi-on three to five minutesa4afrnayocreerawan exhibition of aumy terilencp toîvartl 1901. mmrneb te Pol fti butteti.f d. thoroughly roliable. Terpr fteIittt o Ly onnaise Eggs - Chop 1 sial sfuthos on is bot enough. "Ibae ea aseswhrewoenfusion ou thea part n b Iorpotf uelsiueîtiras-ubranety eol iii "Ihae ci ii'al coiutry.heBln sow ta ter wr onion fine, enti eook h iiithout If sausages are too fat and greusy doct r1frpar ihu praetDutehb wouid ba welconîed with fer- tIn d iosthttee vr athe tribute tisai was paitef bronin i bute fo 10usnuts;to suit the fansily, try puiting theiu b efwîo r e curtd laessmtan vo atBa>n.113 iuinates-57 moles and 56 fe-1hbu ou Wednesiday ail classes,,ced browning forc10tInnumaintenance waW-1a0 esictsinarticipuancverIttiBaslin thon stir in 1 tablespoon flour and in a iire basket undi cooltlng thoni threo montha afier ta]lagyour v -ege. $29le2.The au aver ainene 0 $631,ssanp es percts a mou une:ýsnoao cook, until h tfroths up. Add I iv e minutes lu boiliag water. lDrai, tabl9,omp.n8, wans oasersagoe of772$*1901pcs lbot tiý(r eues sweet mlk, aud eooklw three min- -1 in flour, alter piorcing aacb were-chronie and inrableiamaout Ludwig Borchardt, a leurneu Cor- us agiait 0j 1. Ofnrl ilcfeecs foino utes. Sesison with 1 teaspoon sali sausaga with a font, anti eiher bake cured, happy, and in perfect healfis man antiquanian, bas given us a average nuusber of pupils was - II wera forgotten, anti thelaes 0 ant a as o 31 bentheluau ovasior hrowu lu a coi es-refe atdo ~ rnma wt ss -as ugaîit 118 ins 11,01. politicai thouglitunaitet Irlu îîofn Jsaura is smootb andi thicit pouir it lu- spider.mecne Ihaaovrud imsf cursous glihpso into tPhcotiau The reposrt 0f'tPe linstitute for homago to onawoehiewiig f0t a deeop bot plate, anti caroîuîîp W hen russot apples ara f0 bche du, without gaiaing great benefit. A of timo bp discovering in a ssîunimp the ouf antiduail u Belleville tInun ou- the scrolof hlstory afs a breaktin 6 aggs.9 Spriakle buttereti a favorite wap wa cook telým is to few doses restones mý,y stren.-th andi case at Ahusir, in whicls somo Greek shouvedto ttal cost 0f' maintenance great Canadilan. Y ra rumbs nier the eggs, anti Pare, quarter anti bake them ni istlc appetite, and tonas u Lp the catira wanderer to Egyppîwas hurieul, a of$42,962M76, 6ans 47,523.2j All tise proreetings ixese solin Ibake until tlîay are 'Set. Serve ai beau. pot ail dap. Adul a litilo systani. Your -eîillbs been trieti inîu1901, and ~al cost per pupil ant i imressi\e jla, the extrema. Tlie OnC w-uP sugar anti pleaip of xx ner. xylsen anti fournI. mue,lisenca I 1fully entiorse csdorahie pout-ion of a poem de- Of $169-81, aaint$842 a1101. tolling hablls, tlie flagsaut Jslf'-uast, lfggs wt Drieul Pool - Chsop fine coiti h loolks anti tastes like eider if."- M-us. R. A. ANDERS.,oN, 225 Wiash- scriblng the defeat of the Persianas The niiuler ni puipils w-us 253. the nierrast slcy, anti ail fhebuother i cup drleil heef. aund put ila a apple sauce. ingion St., J.-e-rsoaville, Fia.-$5ooo ai Salamis. The poon itlseli, cor- The report ni the Miniiste*r of atteridasf cîrcurnstanices serve(d 1fo sien pan m4th 1 cup) tomnai es, a few forfeit If eriginal of abeve testimonial prouinggenu- Pule Wrsi I j trop nionhn mropap-ik ani CRIh MET. neness cannot bcproduced. tain slighi fragmseats of whicb as-e Pbiaorsi n intnore n-isg atititthe nombre nature o! tP-e drops of oion juicepaprika volume.NGIt shoT.vs thated nntteoGps-o -nhologies._olume.____hows______nthePro ciananson te faste, ad 29table- Take 1 lb. grain pepper, 5 cents' ofThoe oexteice andtestolnimo otluay uth letk asow ogies \ain thrare ,10t11llesa0f eru- sr.oors hbutter. Cook slow ly-for 10 1 w orth sulipeter, 2 or 3 gais. ,sali fsmo hmstoe vmr auioi h leikonGekwpl prtowt 1 ne nîsaunesadl 2tabesoon grtei Ito 00 ts nimea, nti3 ia.of Anierica go t0ove beyond manuscrhpt, but frosa tPe fact that construction. Thoe atrar-ra ï, ehee'e nd l3 îî'li beaton eggs. Stir brownDissolvewsantpoferhlaversesstion, tlîat Lydia E, IBank- until the umixture hoginîs to thicken. nssgr ansVgtbeCrnon i nonitevre tepo pasuua acot antieOttaaral ap03 Tb'~nr nonni-enbutioed iboiing inter. Let usent cool nice- correct ail sueck trouble at once? 0f Psslf we kaow ho iras tPe Tino- 0ighi miles ; Algosu et-i (. naul anprer toeus wbm Prydn piaoast"onandb nules; and musitoulin & NOith / lp, place oui a table and rab finis by remnoving the fca)use, adr-teswo.Drdnpae o ihSPore fîvo salles. ,. / t Sarns ieuth u0.olede j .mixture on the Pans anduthava them storînug tihe organ-Q 10 a JealtIly tsJueu un"a lxn To entn bsiasan hr Serve at once. lie 12daps; thon rlub again thos-- and normai. condition. amiti etnfiqie a lxn h eotofIoptl n hr Eggs a la Powesourt -- Cnt o 1ghPy antilici h lie f111 the sait is der's court anti who aulargedthe tPe ls say s two mcore County 1Ioufes I slices of Preati inorounds, toaston ofRfg aebe etbiiddr well ha, wlsen if shoulti ha traineti lyre.______________________notes " scend . anti bustor sligbfly. Covor wltls off anti Pung up to sunioke.tPskanihu'ipjpsnpu. iiig the peur, aC Porth- ant Whitb. minc>scoi Sadine, iap on fiha top ni Another îvay is te use 2 oz. salt- tes. nlIseil os npre"Te nme fptet ntehs- ~}~ aauh a nicolp poacheti egg, anti gar- Peter, 4 oz. of sigar, 1 plut sali, A C 7ES Ai.-D CO2IIIIIENTS. TPe poot repeats the supihicai taie piais 0f tPe Provinceo nstPe 1sý. nisb wiih pictieti bots. firsi rnbhnrg. Lait lie 12 daps; tisai Orphens, son of Calliope, in- Octoben, 1901, wus 2,287 ; numni Saienafake 2 intc sali1aibs orueh thei an p liic/on ART F MAIN~ MELES. sna as fraintrecitfr10ni.o P cesneatapiclcn- tevontoti the lyre antiflhat afierhni jadmitteti turing tPe peur, 29,833 jItotal aunîher ni putients ireat nient. sequences of tise passage of tise An-Terisaîstiee, thut un3versaiTGeeek Oneleis use gene'-ally consIiIeeal gPanhgaeia-stins e. - Ofveueong tsP P fn ouru3r13.T es more diflienît f0 nake tfiaisotîser ~ti-Strîke bill bp the Dutch Prlg hmeain thgavatam sosnstlf0 h. 0f veue n otes fýronu ail ant egg dis Pocs. D ut tiis need not pr - or O ver Six y T ears m ent seen s likely to rea ch e o ati te P1s i P s a î d s i a s o h u t s n t e ( o e a e t g a t ven anonefrin tteptig hem bIs. inlow SothIg 3yrp lascou.ny iieitly ner. lhis "anti now Tiniotîeus -bringeth to was $581,585.56,and thse Prov-incial If tfie firsi prnsciples ara canefnhly beau useti by milîlions ni mothiers for will11 h evideut if we look somnew bai light the lyre's msusic f in masunes l tl'cie aepne orm maint îace Ab e ve pe f - litm t b p n is n..e i irs ras chiltiren -whila feafhing. If dis- c ret y - t this e w lgislaton, n d tis sof a roass no tniso ung et 909 21; tis , anemoge rè osi p r patien t R E LA E II O IV R O- sen esuit in success. turbeti ai night ansd broken of pour pri3mising that lin oîlantioeaof theoetewrdatesr fsz;t90 1 h vr ocs e ain Awptb painycfiCuttinan Tsoofi sentresa na alstPe Socialister basajdapani by tPe muses." per uap n'as 83 1-5 C ; tPe 'rnig importance; to gia exila snssco i ! it yasinofchitiueng Tati ses-y-princpal anso h o0ilssbslf te rovici-, rnt , U , oil arene.Business t'uroughout fhe cipy heeusgwt r ioce Lnd get a botile of 'Mrs. bren aitainédth ie uailliapS bong Timotheus la now somafhing moi-xend ii fniscumaignti, Incc U3. ias practLically sînspeudeti,anti nsaup sai. Everything asusi bc iseadp ba- j Vhîslow's Sootlsing Syi up" for Chi- ont aiooaeib P tf.ta b ur "hco ianm"Teeaeaot10lonsfr olî f fhe winlows nf th(e pni1vchpal fore heginiing te cook an on>eloi - iirn aTeethlhng. h will relie-s teTP bthec il aî bcos aIbsnw orishin ts potatiumoi" ouhaags MglaenAp-(liernsu Hus nt Vo [ h tPepiaffer heateul, tPegamlhngs r litile sutifes-r hmminedlately. Da- lsue ia aa nefon rsesie msca o uetlsi, Cnai ni o ni route of le p nosess onge streC, flhisgs or sau lves ocam ut Pant. M uki 'peati p n i, iothers, tha r r io 15 150 s o an in flouses . Isrum ublejs na te Pno-ý w r i e , w t e a e tO onle large ona, us tbey nie more casi- jmistuke about t. 11; cures Diar. emplope f ni uap fleh rlliap to: flereurer to us. IfDryten bal ir P as ing an iaf-negate îpopulatîion ieelnt' vt o reieo .O se. u l sînnil oniclets ratiner than han aglta te1tnacs i1GeeeeYoc-p PanA 1 there ýweraevte\Wuras ip nangeu. T iaur thckuss, oels res ltiClle soffhand sequit sos-k itlout louve, andi, If the'flot violatedthétseunifies hp placing Of 109;ant1i Penuual exp ausui- tlat the passing nof *ils notaible ly naage. o isue ti-us a1 Guns, roures Wn olarofesfi.nt is the iuteome nA a bsirc ins n la nerscourt lho j tturc for smaintensanee, ausat front of tPe people was tîorouîgbly inousut- alsomanimportaist mquisite, ueaGm, dcslnammationi, undi tnprc îeadrsi hte (Gov emnni grant, iras $345, Od sirailpan Sevewihlouit elap. gives tous anti enargy f0 the wbola oj tie ti silmr e,,lyln g aebenfrotn u P'lain onr Pufïp Omnehet - Bout the systeni. "Mrs. Winsiow's Soothisg or sinie, ifla sef111 ifninbeaihpln oohvePo froibt044.22. TPe Provincial grant f0 At 2 o'clnrc p. au. a Priai service' punihet. Iencionb i aniudvi-now ho uppoans as a verifable pan-l theso institutions for fthse pai ear ha keepimsg îvth tPe ites ni the Prou.- polka of 4 eggs unti xerp light, att Syrup" for ehiran teoibing is piea- u- l e pe lu disant isfietiwifh the sornge, uand wlat ias înyth anti sur- j $74,502.83. f ablespoon' n bot wt (hoitivaier sauttef, the taste ant ihs the pre- btra heiwsbl tG-,trl jmaltas a more fonder onuelet thun scription o ne ofnitise ntestsanti wages paiti or tPeboums of laPer hoaimise now uppeans f0 ha f acf. ThenePBI CO, nent PI ou Churicias mlti t sena-fo aik), . le-sel feasponssalt id antaest fensala physirluns adnurses i ilb tlbrytP'e1r1'adbs'ave heen intimations that lumo- 'Tiese UBrdlmACof noainTS, meut Iousa e. P i ncialCaofuthe for dash of Iepper; theourî- in the thse Unitedi States. Frire 25 renta a resigîsfion wlll haeluuîîetiiufely ac_ timus matin manp innovations i nw s te-Pbisa-tn-" i lvr pk wt noino stifflp Peatea îvhitess nieggs anti1 botle. Soit tp al tmngghsts cepteti if the inferesis ni tPe i ail-lyeme aiwsneîmtiat iaos b 20onpageale atot ta uppmo la ienÂant moi rnon-.iis f conmbine canefully. Turntna imlx- tlmroughont tise woriti. Be sure anti ye-uicadwsrbue n rn trire ino a Pot Putteroti onelet'pan, ask for Mrs. Winsiow's Sootihng uap and tihte eomnrniip will par-! isimeulthorefor hy tPe Spuntan au- priation uusulr thse Pill0f soppîp TIPe manunmoih procemaSii uvas7 apreati avenlp anernove f0 a cool- Spup." mit. Otheuivise tise acceisiauce of thorif les, but blieawe have if set iirs $4,196,025. Ihanile lna a ner tisai ceflect9 or paf nitise tove Coni alntlp le esination wiih ha pnstponed ftoi In al pecos uthe varions depSrtrynis tPe cralit on the oil change. T*,ere ias untiii sughtlp bnow'n uaterncufh. adaI iaid.I-n veowilth nzau)tined PIs$,6463.2 n onuionownaan o n Occsion'alvturi thse pan f0 browm 1VIUST BIJY IN CANADA. ij adntnzauof heeti. la ane- avent whhl tPe , awa wel un l mly ie ufrdte ujc ing azs e ts esas:'e ni expel f nde -as$td a63.2. o cnuin ntlasia n ei-enlp anti slip a knife undner to emly asu mthoauje i olti, tPe anciont well-bora peophe Pe tot al cf unthe sni appmodebriSay cmt qir rg.,aa ai n- keep the renter frouni hurîsing, thon Canadian Cable Board. Purchases, employeor to possible embammnsseat I Pexaensiveeuchesthn auna cf $317,- plane on tisa top graf e in tPe oveIs Gonds ia States. -b qj j wr bfrbsrsin-Ithat rulo lus Spanta, thep Who are 768.58, wblle tPe over-expcnded is un exktee-qwars iflunchasctr ta fo finish cooking. Wiýea a kaife A desputch irons Ottawva srais: b ufigwoh !nelu ein- graceti with tPe flowmmr ni youfh, $216,406.44. ht-l ho-uîtu ia omt theat of tie enfr oma oi Tor lis aona osnîassîm iton bas heous acrepteti. A ronce ct- The total recelpis of tPe province pasa1 a given Point. Prom tP baraushantindrivanianfortu, bivi1gare gien as 54,291,082, nofivhichnset buisiscufeiti-i, nenl dymî,f ruouo h ot ta P aii al iat~ et resignation on tIse part ni several'iuigu uo ebCans nerydrfl, unCaé ha h acfeCal ord wsýset bot 51,483,0 4 lanfmemncCusevu lantis 1 w1imh recedati tlse catafalque, thé plate, gaînsiubanti serve immédeihate- rucasn uple o teIlleieplysiil argardeti as proof'143,8 t ilsionor the auchossi art uu-th noir $122.855 froni publiceiîstttitcsi oum' jhiieten cr-Pgs n n 'dir- lp. Staae. Beiag isîforneti of tPe coins- prsumptive ni conspinacp, mcd sMill hua1 "Wr h t 1196C,72 Pomin i 'bd adl reutatives oniFFa- liamieut, t!,e jud To Folti ani Tmurn nOtulet-Viutlplai, t bp Sis- Wlllians Muloc, Lord abeitanf a'eiat ral__ann m e pans oun1110iy anti ali rigisi anJgles to fIm10ode he outi o te lijonSnit in ludeirlir gt. 0mae5i o ue mniPît uchsdu b1,tooruis niiniat otieoufot Ruu a knife aout te auge tf0 iniinimhava co ,seq1uenftlp ea bea oin 0hmn tef-j~antid trsi tahi et mn solit i npahux l is ou- j ieuing lner"if ha Put knýiown thaf ta I',lit te sr (enta-le ws shesnlygran!d. moa f hon l ace iba kifeunmni, sut tat ln futuîre al possibe 1Ona niftwo iinga xvýiii iohlow tIselpAi Mounete Pfeasausi\tt -pe ainsspoe ur- tisýe balfneatresi LtPe hantile. tip tfbejtpplie a-rë e t0 hopurcîsasetlinhaCun sa ge ofnii ii- - , poafhauraufeni Laanihuintretis lIThepeoifs-ehaUn-~0 pan f0 nearly a vertical position antid apsae P niSnsebl.j0ieusltrwud ) ,n-hl sSireu OitPe Presbî te:-ian cnreuli nuniplat anas o mî Elberfhe'.eemef aitaton ro-Pav imnonal-dern'r 1 t ofsssphsi and lixe-tichai-g's. Cîicish iashbeit, antialler théstes oî'ersu-siinutbreakag. lace Potvokothp ifaînog Duth wokmug-..hvetyfom nora- TPe latter are railîvuy suhsity fus-i, Izeti isinplaesoastofld antith vlimri tPaaio -rolandi stonas, Sir Oliver Mourut 'was or ng-ize hi an .tha twntyfou Co- 126,177.11 ; anuities, $0,C dilsh ni-or the paisauti genily ha-saut menn wil presentiy iSubside, or the! turles ait an ho was gon Ps oans mniîucipîal drainage dobc-tures, ' ais-at. togeiPer 50 theonuset will fali inwndh oniat ie 0 tP 2.1;$, ______ tIemgt îc.Ilague Go-sernnent will Prove inca- wol efudadgvn t h 2.1 uusversuîy grauf, $40,444,- DOCTORS TO GO ON STRI-IcE. the igh plce.womrld. If was tPe practice con- 7.5, andt common achool fondi ni French Omelet - Break 4 eggs su- Pbeo iprsigi htep fo a'boivi, udt 1-level teaspoonasali antimn-$9,9-8 O h ntr xend-p eath- pben mprsisi ihh ori unes - go f0 pianoealiieaynnn b138Cîh îtuexculPysîcians Enployed by SirIs Fnnd a few grains peppan, 8 tablespoonspoa. utP satvtese- script hnan muaîîy case for 'theen-us îoîîows : Sreis ivater, anti Peut onllP ufil weliltoin veîa tlcs ucsîîptenfuhîsment oi the seul on ifs lonsg 1Civil nvermnt, $285,03 -le- AtiptrioaBs-nsp:TP bnte.Psst 1 talsoonahuttes jtte iisaioj10,71; dins' i édcl ego -lsanon--ta blesto unoueetfnanisoesfo AI plt usHlat u'l autoit ourner. Foi-Papa ofher iats snay 1ifo, 54,7 innsnfio sdcl~nool nnae ta intoan oeletPanand en ot u- upPysicians týiro, -g-inut Cennsany w'io Pouri P ooe.Shako fise upan l -he1onîne-wen niwas amae0f, aveu greater imsportance1 ni justice, $432,753; educn.iat 01 ur in the o9e; îlheinstitutionserm tin-waie osîyctiby sit f ont soruofies fouîit P oseo hgt ata i t 0 el ~ ~ne niopmttib Petu Is on fIîmiea ihc iisuieo uÎ-.Thp nm

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