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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1903, p. 5

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g fair Brushes ForXmas... Notingcangive more satisfaction as a gif t for Xma s tauone of our Imported HRand brus hes in Ebony or Rose wood. * Our stock is earefully Seleeted from the best line of *brushero produeed in the world and no firm outside of the wholesale trade eau give you better vralue as we import direct and save the wholesale hunses profits. * Our prices rtrn from $3.50 down to 15e (fo r the regniar ï« 25e lUne. We eau save you money on many other uines sueli as * Perfumxes _Purses, oe., and will be pleased to show you our O goods and prices whetlier yon require goods or not. À0 ÀSivi' & tJIJîV, The Draggists and Optieians,,Bowmauville. Opera and Fiele.d G'4lasses. Gan you think of tnïthine nieer for Xmias. We have some extra. fire ones at moderate priees. Sytott & jury Wrist Bags. The latest styles juist arrived from the faetory. Prices 25e to $4.00. cehilds purse to $4.00 for the finest quality in. cither gents or ladies' Grand rrh,ý Rai1wav Svstemn. -RAILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION. flome, FAST. -GollG WFlST-- Mail .... 9 a. m. Expre8ss ..5.15 a.;,m, llixpres.,,, 18 'I Local*, T151 Mxed.... s s6 p.xn. Passenger...1 42 P.m bocaàl.... 649 pm. I Mixed..... . 7 41 Express . il.120 ip.m. STOTT &JR.Townl Azents BOWMANVIIJLE, DEC.16 103 Additioual locals ou 2nd page. Watch for your envelope il, uext paper. Smart dressy Smas neckwar at Me- Murtrý 's. Renew your subscriptions early. We 1 OFF FOR EDIONTON. 1 TAIT & Co are off for the, Northwest and for fifteen days will make photos at a large reduction, This is no fake but gen- uine business. 47-2w1 Gloves that lit, suitable for Xmas gif ta at MeMurtry's. si 85 toe d of 1904 for STATESMAN and WEELLY GLOBE. Faney handkerchiefs le. to 31 00 each at MeMurtry's. Umbrella found at Ontario Bank. Loser eall and dlaim it Salt ÎB very scarce. A car-load just arrived at J.- B. Marty n'o. The good, opinion of our fellows is worth more to us than money. ('aliland hear F. C. Pethiek's new $20 Edison Phonograph. Iles a dandy. 1 Fifty different kiuds of Games for the ehildren at the GRAND CENTRAL.' Fair-Prize moneyý unpaid should be cailed for at once. M. A JÂ&mnR, Treas. Ladies' Sable Ruffs. the fiuest quali ty that monev eau buv at Couch, Jotiuston & Cryderman's Secoud-hand coal heater wanted for shop-Fire King preferred-Apply te West End Smnithv. Ladies' Fur Liued Capes in ail quali- ties, plain and broche, at Couch, John- ston & Cryderman.- ~Thohiata~So~ Seviceof the Trinity Sunday Sceol will be held ou Sunday. December 20. A Lot of New Carpets and. New Lace Curtains just opened out at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. If vou want the latest, best and hand- somest range made geL a Pandora, For sale only by J B. Martyn. Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrachan, Bok- haran and Persian Lamb at Coucti, Jotinston & Cryderman's. F. M Souch bas a fullli neot Hard- ware. Guns, Ammunition, lors3 Blan- kets, Robes, etc., at close prices. -Everything that-nmen lîke,- everythi ng- that women like in the wav of the Xmas ,rifts niow lu stock at McMurtry's. Ný,ew readv-to-wear sufts and over coats made up iu the fashionable, styles at Couch, Jolinston & Crvderman 's. S"Man superior and inferior te womau' wiIl be the subjeet of Vev- B. H. Haydeu, M. A., uext Sunday eveninx* AI! kinds of furs repaired and 'Made te look almost as gnod as new by. M. Mayer, the Furrier. Bring along your work. Buy your Tobacco and Cizars at Len Bottrell's, next door to J. B. Martyn's. Nothing but the best. brands kept in stock. Select vour furs early. Ton will bave amuch better choice. M. Mayer, the I _ m Not Two Wooks to Xmasa B3ut we have not forgotten your needs for the festive season. We",have the largest and best selected stock of Groceries- in town whiuh have been bought for spot cash, thus enabling us to se'l at prices that defy competition. We ask a compar- ison on the follo wingo Raisins Lemon Peel Almonds Uurrants Orange Peel Molasses Mince Meat uitron-Pee"Wans Oânidies Oranges, Nuts Malaga Grapes Now it would flot be a bad idea at ail for you to buy everything y ou ne-ed for Xmas at this stcire. Then you would be suce of purity, sure of getting only thie highest grades and there woald not be a cent extra for you to pay either. I We Can Handie Ail Your Butter, Eggs, Rougli Dressed and Dressed Poultry.j Don't Miss SeeiDg Our Chinan IDeipartment, Good P lace to Select Christmnas Presents in charge- of Miss Powe.r. Buv vour boy a sut reefer or au over- coat for a Xmas ;if t. Lynt aimu- Miirtry's. Do your want a coal or Wood Heater or Range at the right price ? If so Cali on F. M. Souch. Bear lu mind that it costs no more to get a good itting. well-made suit than it does to buy an 111 ftting, sloveulv- made one. To secure the formier leave your orders uow at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's -Cal-nidsee-our -stock of teatie-rl Goods, Purses, Wrist bags, chatelaines, card cases for ladies. Pocket books, cigar-cases, cigarette cases, tobacco pouches for gentlemen at thie GRAND) CENTRAL. REXALL HLDOYiS These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton Silk, Jute or Mixed Goode in one bath '1 hey are the latest and imost improved Dyes in the world, Try a package Ail colors at A.-L. Nieholîs' store. N'otrceT Brtbof 7,r fissail ïDeatb S 50 cents; insertion free wfln iar- rlage licences are obtainoil or funeral notices printed at ibila office. BORN'. CLÂTo-In Bowmialivlle, Pc. llIth. the BiRD-lu Bowinanville, Dee. 11,to iMr. Lnd Mrs. R. Bird, a son» SELBY-Ir. Newcastle, Dve. Stb, to Mr- and Mrs. N. T, Selby. a son. CLARKJ-In Darlington, Dec. Sthý, the wife of D. Clarke, of a sou. CuicuaNs-On Dec. 12th, to Mfr. and Mrs. A. W. Otemens, neir Tyrone, a daughter. GIBsoN-On Dec. 14th, ta 1Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson, near Enfield, a son, CHIDLEY-In Oshawa, Dec. Sîli, to Bev. and Mrs, W. H. Chidley, a son.,1 eawker "' BOWMANVÎL LE. M I Ess.s~s.sIdM ............................ . j M U*EE5555gMmu~455 Place your Poultry orders with us for Xinas. We can Supply you with the best. Weekly shipinent of Balti- more Oysters. Try tim They are choice. ý 1 We want your trade. if you are not already a customner begin -now. Store open every evening until after Xmas. 2m"IC

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