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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1905, p. 5

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'andiumk Raifwav Sýsitm, AILWAN TIME TABLE. BOWMAINVILLE STATION,1. INQ IJAe?, - GoîEO Wvl:q 1... . 9 o06. M, 1E press - . 5.02 a. m aS ... 1010'" -I1Local ...57 .- 49)p.m. IMiacti...-. -73 10 24PM. .11.40 p.m.. SLIntiayonly.' ais to certain points solt inL aceordane ecial holiday rates anno!cuncetilin an'Other will not b (lonne on trains -Nos. i or Svro ,j &J t,a. .Town Agents -spectacle Fitting is a Science Il requires skifl that cornes onlyv after years of study and ex- perience. When you purchase Spectacles, atÈ( ou rstores ý ou-agelt thre e cdisti net advantages : îs.An Optîcaýl Panlor. special- ly equýýippcd with the rnest accurate instruments kuown' te the Optical Profession. 2nd The experience of one et the oldest Opticians iu Ontario. Srd These advantages are free et aIl cost to yen and if yen ne- quire Spectacles you getL Ibm at the Iowest possible price. S:tott &Jury Di uggîsts & Opticians, One Application et Our Strictly -PURE- Paris Gren le btter than 3 or 4 applica- tions of the cheaper grades. Our pnie 25 ce a pouud, 5 Ibs for $1.00. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 26, 1905. Mi6sâMillie Beorne, Dandalk,,je heli- daying at home. M1re. WN'Diýkinson, Toronto, le visit - iug Mrs. Ci Cox. Miss E A Alun, M.M A., jvisitn friende lu Loudon. MiissiGreta Smsnl istignod lu Wýinnipeg, Man. Mn . Chas. Bill, Chicago-, 1IlI1, ihas been eitigrelatives bore. Miss Niel Gray, Toronto, is visltiug aI r. W. Dingmian's. 1 STATESMAN te Jauuany 1, 1906, for 2,5 cents te new subecnibers. Miss May I)OwuV]ing, Toronto, je visit- ing Mise Mabel Robbius Port Hope Council has grautod $50 te the Agnicultunal Soeiety. Miss Kate Dustan le visitiug Miss, Edua Anchibald, Belleville. Mn. J. Burns sud daughter, Whitby. recently visited fniendo bore Miss A. Rochefort, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. W. HL Williams, Chureh et. St. John's Suudfay School picnicked at the lake Weduesday attennoon. Miss Rtutb McPherson, Toronto, is visiting hon aunt Mrs. J. N. Lawnie. Mrs. Merl Nookes sud Miss Irene Mann are viiîngtieude lu the city. Mrs. E. DeHant, Danlington, bas been visiting Mrs J, Hl Gale, Port Wbitby. Mise Edua Anmstrong, Peterboro, bas returned home aften a pîcasant visit bore. Mrs. Kent, Campbellfond. is visitiug hon daugbter Mns. (Dr.) G. C. Bonuy- castie. Mies Minnie MePhenson, Toronto, is visiting hon aunt Mrs. Robt, Moore, Taunton. Mn. George W. McGill bas returned fro n auenjoyablo outing lu theNig ana district. Mns. L. G. Epsman sud daughter Ethel, Toonto, are visitiug ýhon sîster Miss Emer-on. Mn. T. G. Bragg. B. A , Dawson City Yukeu, le visitiug bis mothen af 1er two Sears' absence Pont H ope LJ. O.0 F. will decorate the graves of thein decoased membens ou Suuday July 30. Mouday Jul 'v SIst has been proclaim- ed bv tbe Mayor as Cîvic Holiday. AUl places of business will be clospd. Misses P. sud M Young gave an At Home lhuesday aftrneen lu houer of the Misses Thompsou of Peterbono. Mrs. Hoyes, Toronto, and Miss Me- Clellan, Wbitby, are visitîng 1beir ant Mns.John McClellan, Fort Bowmauville aI.,, ArW l*1T T Wil..-... und.-, 1.. ,T n Buggiej for sale, see advt. 9000 girls wauted-See article. Re6ad '-A G reat Opportunity. " Biain pins le. a. bunch at Nicholis'. Panticularslof Toronto ,Fair ou an- othor tpage. Mise Sylvester, Lindsay, le visitiug relIatives bore. Bu 'y your writing paper and envel- opes at Nicholis'. See the Bell Telephone Co's. article on a.nothen page. Town Councîl report et special meut ing ou iuside page. Miss Camenon, HkMmiltou, le visiJtiug Mise Edith Fneeland. Miss Nellie Axiord, Toronto. is visit- iuig frr. R. W. James. M4ies Edith Butchant le visiting Mrs. WV. G. Yule, Chicago, 111. Report et aunual meeting efFanonrs' Inetitute on another page Mise Ethel Riekard le visîîing hon s15ter Berta Rickard, Toronto. 79 euh-, blouse sets, regular iSets., sale pnice 5cte a set at Nicholîs'. 1Mies Suntar sud Mies Neal, Toronto, have been vieiting Mre. E. 1. Osborne. Messrs. Neil aud Doueld McDouald are eujoying a trip te St Aune, de Beaupre. Mrs. P. S. Rom oough sud sou, Smitbs Falls, are visitiug bon mother, Mrs R. Richards. Bowmanville Lacrosse teani playe'l aOshawa Satunday sud were dot ost- ed. Score 7 2. Mise Pansy sud Mn. Theodore Ives, Torouto Junction, are visitîng at Mn. J. B. Martyu'e. Sacrameut will be administered in the Methodiet chunch nexi .Sunday lu- stead et Aug. 5. The Misses Richardson. Whitby. are gueste of Mrs. (11ev.) V. Hl Emory, at J? ho Parsouage. Miss Olive Riekard bas neturned frem vleîiting fniende at Niagara Falls, Owen Sound aud Torouto. Mns. Wm. Bnimeon, New York City, aud Dr. Earl et Rochester, are gueste et Mns. W. G. Glover. ,Mn. sud Mrs. Thôs Jury, Rochester, N. Y., are visitingber fathien. Mr. Wnî. Kerr, sud Toron te fnieude. ,Dr. J. S. Soeo nud Miss Aunie MamioMurrayTornuo, at Feston Panm guests et Mn. W. J. Bragg, C C. Mn. H. J. Kuight spent Suuday in Lindsay sud sang an appreciatod solo- in Cam oridgo St. Methodiet cbunch. Mr. sud Mns. Thos. Hoar are enjoy- ing a pleasaut visit with frieude lu Port Huron sud other cilles lu Michigan. The Victons played at Newcastle 1 Saturdav, sud were defeated bv the, PUBLIHE'sTALK. WOMÀIS'm AÂIN R us el for a n ew saubscriber te TuE STATESMAN f or on(, yearF and W wll make you apresezit of a year's suh. Feniption to Canadin GoodITouse- keeping, the boat llis.ýtrated monthly magazine of its clasi$ lu the Dominion. BIG OPFF TO ALL. If every present subscriber to this journal will send is a new subscriber from now to Jan. 1, 1,905, at2S cents the publisher will be happy. Try to bave a share lu the good wcnrk. THEa STATEs- mAN nearly 6 maouths for only 25 cents. Just thiuk of it. 500 pins for bets. at Nicholis'. Try a "Hiawatha" at Thos Tod'e 12 collar buttons !or Scts at Nichols'. Souvenir Po8t Cards le. each at Nieholîs'. Tenders wauted for building bridges See advt. Geo. Smith mak-es good photos and prices are night. Rev. H. W. Folecy and bride, Bayside, are vîsitiug bis father.' Miss Erneline McMurtry, Toronto, visited her cousin, Miss Carnie Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. S. H1. Jeffory, Toonto, are visiting his mother Mrs. Hy Jeffery. G. B. Chocolates "The finest in the Land" a fulline just arrived at Thos Tod's. Ail kinds of Suminer Goods at re- duced prices at Couch, Johuston & Cry- derman 's. 1Mou's unlined coats and pauts at re- dueed prîces to dlean at Couch, Johuston & Crydormau's. Au Ice Cream Soda drawn froni Thos Tod's Soda fountain is a cooling drink tiiese bot days, Mrs. Geo. I. Buxton and daughter, Toronto, are visitipg Mrs. Geo. H. 1'ickell and other relatives,. Mn. and MNrs W. Mluuroe, Woodstock-, are visiting their son Rev. Hugh Munnoe at St. Paul's; Manse. Cougha. Céids, basnc..dOther tlu-oat ainents are quickly relioed by Cresolene tablets. ten cents Per box. AUl drugtlos Be sure aud see Geo. Smith's uew photo mons. The new white Tor- schon is a beaUty. Studio STATESMAN Block. Are you eendiug your absent son or daugbten TEiE.STrAV,&Nw? If not,why P [tileau iutenestiug le-tton froni home every week. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Tedgham, Mn W. H. Williams, Mr.'W. B. Couch, Mr. R. Bounetta, and othens atteudod the Cornishmen's picujo at Oshawa Satun- davý mainyr-uvesBtcko-adton te -of n-zLzi'awa manager UIHJUUVilU ZýluteCzSatVX Î ion -to theadWtfci the - Haines Estate- which 988,600 wil be extended on Miss Martha Whitfield, Whitbv, te Mr. Mercantile Agency has been promoted sale in another columu. A bargain for special attractions. Geo. H. Htogarth, B. A., Principal Of to the head office, Toronto, to take some one. Remember the date, Wlbitby Collegiate Institute The mar. charge of the operating department. The Junior Lacros-3e Team Of Bow- riage wiIl b e a quiet one and will take The Ottawa Citizen save "Mr. Los-, See the lovelv lot of Ginghams and manville pla'ved at Whitby Saturday place early in August.-Globe. eombe's manv friends will regret hie musilins for Sc, tOc., 12jc. Some 01 week and ut the conclusion of the game Th1 aetrio iilv tc ice leaving Ottawa while tongratulating themn are worth double the money at the score stood 6-6. The Gazette saYs: js To he aeffetthaMor. . W. odsonle him upon a well deserved pr omotion", Coueh, Johnston & Crydermn' "The visitors were a decent lot- of fel- t h THE Sa r 1.W*Hosn P as low, payd firan wee pety wllCanadian live stock commissioner may THE TATESMAN joisins ucongratulat. ----- low, payd firan wee pety wllretire i4 the course of a few montbs and ions. We always rejoece to hear of the Top Prices for Butter and Eggs, practised. The Keystoue says-"«The be succeeded by.Hon.,Jno. Drvden,,ex- succcss of West Durhami boys. ~adte twas e eoi ofailruplaving minister Qf agriculture for Ontario., Prinîar-v Juneniles of the MNethodist T. H. Knight wants your butter and andda the teani areen toicbe !congratulatedrs on a ranginga game with sueh gentie-, Nearly $4,000 in cash and value will Sna colwr i'uapoi tegfres Verv top prices will be manlv plavers as Boivmanville proved be Kiven atý the Great Bonch Show, to Port Bowmauville Thursday afternoonj. paid. Don't hesitate to bring al vour to be." be held iu conuection witb the Canadian The novel feature of the outing was the farm produce lu the provision line-he National Exhibition ut Toronto on unique aud artistie. vehlicles in which eau take ail at best prices. He bas A mooniight excursion under the September 4tb,1 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, in transportion was given theul Mrý tindertaken 1.0 supply a irm lu Montreal auspices of Durbami Rubber Company premiums, Including special prizes 01 David Mutton's traction engine was, en- and can handie a ton of butter a weel< Baud was gîven -on the Argsle 'uesday cups aud medals. gaged and four wagons decorated with and 1000 doz. egge. fie wauts vour evening. Between four and five hund- vama esi ohmefad edrsemrmtoset-e rw rucanwl pyahorrd. red from Newcastle and Bowmanville Eay amWe ttohlsefadhis bcessteamers.mote etc, dranpoueau lp- cs rtae enavdýte ai adreoamaildtie y to master a trade or professionbytesamr weeode with Cali to see'hlm about it. eToe he aitand eport na ge od tme. Read the display advertisement of the merry youngsters, the cavalcade pre- Th budfuuihe aunane f usic six Morse Sehools ot Telegraphy in this, seuting a novel panorama as it passed B UGGIES FOR SALE-GOOd second We understand they havemade ar h -Bh-rncplsresbfre ,hn eagln.tpbgyfrsl rangements for.-two or three more issue and learn how easily a young man >throung othe Liniae.Trhets befre alond Mclauhi o bgg orsaecheap monlp tes.Ifa peaan a teor lady may leara telegrapbly and bc startn o h ae.Tecide ls eryuwlike buggy oniy usedoe lasR tes and>a we c otedteres-hueasued a position. enjoved the outing very much and tesao.Apye SAEMNofflee. 10 tf, hos an lagelttendce Dr. shul sud .S .BlloCp sdbracing lake air sharpened their ap- COAT LOST-Between 1Bowmanviîîe bealag ttnane r.S!C HfirCp- n petites to relish the edibles provided. anctOsliaa.o RIl ERT 13UVERS. A snap lu Prints worth frem 10e te 1210 yd for Silk Waists in Black or White, regular $2,50 te $3.00 for Two pleces onfly, White and Black. 'Lawn with Satin stripe worth 20e yd for TrhnLae însertions wortli from 6o teu1, y4, chance for, Secyd. - $1,90 9c yd. - .-Se yd. Mn. Arthur Ce mbe, nephew el Mn.. , li. anau 'ir '%j. ualieweatîipr was lucai. a"'-'IY5 wn COat with brasé Ibution S'Fiinler Bonncasle ereamoig hegest atwiIl be reardeti by leaving sarme et SATES- John James, Churcb t., Bowmauville, the tin wodding celebration et Col. sud Bwa____bs___ ta ouny.DA ofe f The superiorityof Dr. Pitchees Back-1 wae buried lu the debnis of s coliapsed Ms .A ad Pn oe bc d te Lindsa.y Friday and played a OAD , .G BRI. ate-dneyla ue t therfactthat tforare sfIdeng thatWp nna egdinstce d estrctonin10k place at Ganaaseka, thein baud- longu game with the home atearu Barnister, Solicîton, Notary Publie. etc. the prescription of Dr. Zina Pitcher b that city ton dis aie. Ho bad a some resideue, Moudsy Julv 17. They wînnîug by a score of 4-1. Saturday Pivate anti Company moneyis to boan at îowest er, he ecoied anvtin nd rantewae gftson their nturin je urneiv thtiy played a Current rates. Agent for The Midianti Lean famous speciahit-woeeused successfuhly minaculous ogcape, beiun' cul sovenely nciezaai i udgaiean it e eat Peterbono with that tbmandMaynso.anyS.officeappie J. B. and tested in private practice by bita for about snuudens sud otberwise bruised. Mn. T. G. Jackson, as agent for Mn: which provedti te strnugCor thom sud at 1sor.B mavle 2i tnany years before they were, given to the [le was bunied untîder the debnis for hait A. S. Toele.v, Whitby, bias sold the they lest bv a score oî 6-2 Wo are > IR3T-CLASS FARM FOR SALE or pUbl a argo. Tey con ain expensive an heur sud in a letton te hie methen cheppiug miii buildin g sud land nean wondering if Baudmaster WV. Roenigk F oretcning10a-s u(tto- 8pecific ingredients net ound iinyothet aud sisten lu Toronto lbe save ho had te 1uzp-tcwu station te Mn J. J. O'Connor did Det Ikeep theon up teO laIe Friday stipo! Pîeet,i cg alots, nth on idney remedy. Is it any wonder, then, bite the onde o! bis fingens te keep hlm ton 6150. He has aises sold the machin-- niglt'Lhe press speaks in kindlieet sionroati. Apply onI)remýlileee to EnCOBNEZLL. thtthey cure lumbago, diabetes, gravol, tron becemiug uncouselous while they ery et thie miii te the Levy, Westman, terme et(I the Zames buot twe luinsucces- Pickering, Gui, 28 sw. r iht's disease, uric a id in te blood, wene digging hlm out. Seme et the MeLean Machineny Ce., et Toronto, toron invere rathen 10e miueh fer the AN FOR SAIE OR TO REN r- <-eumatista, neunalgia, drepsy, irritability reseuing pantv told hlm ther nover ex. $450 ad'11 bil ýe ebipped away streth o ur tean M,110werenotlini FARMfr f 2 )ij ý ce rh of the blsdder, and Iidney troubles of old pectedt t gel hlm eut alive The se- immediatol. - thoir best tori the second dlay. Iow- ard o lýt 7, con, 5;. Darlington. Gcooti frame eople and chdldren when ether reinedies cdent wasecaused bv the ,falling etf The nedg, 'S Wilnid, owud bystilîl chaude nt the borsepantdcas yt o hrcan ouEav aSte brn igh brick wall while a stonm raged ha fth eg ad1>vt 1O-T Read ,what Mrs, W. Martin, orane- vth e' clone farv ou the brick cottage thlPisn e.,Tnote whi Tora-ktniîth f et Leagsdt a he p ppon-'rne 1t vile, Ont., bas te say "Seme time ageIwbene Mn. Ceombe lotiges. Four per n-Ot. te 19u2, wlhile on rout bve xhibotiTon me et ntg en wnut Au VAMF'ý AL -Iutihfo bad s good deal of trouble with my back, sens were killej twô enon sd wo enteW W0 Monea ofbas berTe anaed bv exhibito gane beweon owauill FARMLot32,FOuRtlEessiohnte due tc, acold that settled linltheKidneys. wotn, The Winuipeg FrePreses nW . pneo!Peeig. Th rsdayetero nr,ýo îilb lvda a w 0acrLsof , ourtblncesIod ans Cni m-,ei 1 was aIso troubled with dizziness ad saye: "Of the injuroti Arthur Coombe dredge liei; midwav betweou Newcastloe bnda tenonfr$10stti. 10alesof gootile aui ooi e qrelan tmoder isth retstsufrebenztsuDv;ad Port Hope about 2ý miles from - For particular-saprly toMîss R,,upswjcg Bo. keadache. lethe greatee suuener, hing Ibe euhshore lu 78teset fwater. Mn. Spinke avse rW tno nIepeie.1 f 1 started taking Dr. Pitcher'a Backach.- eule et six stili confiued 10 bcdwlIrciebe$0ofrdtnthVtena SrgnadDnit KldreyTablets, and by the lime I bad wl_______te_50______frh_____ay Sarcoý ýldDeti- n.od one bottie the backache, headache location et the dretigo. I *id feelings of disalues. had ail disap.. A GUARANTEED) CURE FOR PILES. F'6ý. H, S. Lowrey, fcared. I consIden the Tablets a igoed îc indIlt. Bleeain, r Protruding Piles. lP.' oiedicine" iO' Druggistsrc fi2nd mon,-.ey ilf PAZO tINTMENTT 110CUE ACOLt I) XNË 0E DY. O r ,T h L U N N E t b ý t ilca e a k c h - i n egal e i ( i l o c u e- e a e n a t e f h9l n e s fr ý ti i n g v e nr t o Cd çio , E~c. T o r n t o p c a tablete, el b! drogestso r miAt by mail -i l senti 50e luam ,E aaitw le fowrded 9I Ï ggsi rfIM!o nd t )'mocy IÎit faiJt 141r po l,P ~ e fiesrstec ne i darte-CTs0,. elpi 'lai t u j t oi, i E .rv'egan55OfVlVs2* ar lrnofPryen $2.75 for - - - Ladies' and Misses Corset Girdiles, reg. 5Ce pr for $1 .75 38e. Ladies' Shirt Wait Suais, a few left at leSs titAn cost et manufacturera. Ladses' Muslin, Lustre, Silk, Satin and Print Blouse s at E Lades', ïylss-es and Children's Straw Hlats t -cost price. Summer Dress Goods of everyknda-, bargaii Mcn' an Bos Sitsal,25 ecnt off regulh Bargains al overte eseleerdpat Swill pay to investigate. Grocers' due bVHstknascsh Dclear at litent, that CýATOR-Neair Saleme, aligon uly ltb Io r. and Mns. FullerCator ason. ADAMs-A t the parsonage, Brook'jJl - t oý ev. and M rs. C. A d aun îs so. r eJiý j Mrs. Jas'. Lycett,a daojgher,.tl' àý RATc LIFrE..în Newcastle, July 16, to %1 an 9'.. Thos. Ratcjffe, a son.,s~i aeris f~, dm in ~ ec COlE-nlarke, Jnly 14, te r ni o . Chas. Cooper, a daugbter. ale1eir. ç'ntanddsp Mîc HîCKS-Near Leskard,Julyî4tb,îo Mr. andilpure ei-cang i-i-tî l r.El. Hicks, a son. Roa Vss'RSS...n Oshawa, July lth, to Mfr. adW hile the R y l3Bakîn Pw eri îtore Mrs. C.. W. Vnrsadaughter. (ide Jean> ~absolutely pure ctd halthful, te o-1-aite HORN-în Listowvel July 1:th, the wif3 of t - ~ ~ 'Q uî J. B. Horn, of a daughter. prshSow nIos t ter dl!]1l_ rt a y YEO-In Oshawa, July 15th, the wif e of Thos, w l ste cem o atro h nre Veo, Of a son, ela h ra ftra ; FUILTON-In Oshawa, july 2oth, to Mr. andi Mrs Herbert Fulton, a tiaughter. depended UpOIIju ry or CouLTA-lIsn Barrie, JUly 15th, to Mr. andick tJ otin ete Mr&. WiIll W. Couthard, a son. riig bsutadckt ot,..ete MCFALoNE-In larlington. July t4th, the au , m o-ao ulhrcicd Wife of Mr. Geo. MeFarlane, Toronto, of a son. lm a in i o sup rcaid ROWDEN-In Oshawa, JUly 15, the Wie 0fW, h nls f nai as Rowden, of a son.Th Governinent Anls f-.aî as TAy,o-în Oshawa, July 1.sth, the wlfe of L_ Taylor, of a daughter. XAIRIIED"As a restilt of iy fivestigation, I find the SIPSN- ANDERIEDoono. nein Royal Baking Powder f ar superior to the others., Jaly 5th, by bride's father, 11ev J. E Sander-Itipucoansoe twheoeigrd- son, Miss May Sanderson and Rev. J. M. et i aures of gast renut hlesm gei Simp80on, Toronto Junetion. ,tig n so raetsrnti STAPLEY-1MCDoUGAL-in Belleville, July 19th, Robt. Stapley andi Miss Mamie m. Mc-. EWYR Dougali, both of Oshawa. ROYAL BAfflG POWDER CO, EWYOK WIGG-At 289 Coivin St., Rochester, N. Y, We always underetood that Port BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS, July,1Sth, Clara Mae, tiaughter of the late Hlope whiskev was verv bad, but Bow Benjamin F. anti PhYlhis Wigg, aged 3 years mauville whiiekey takes the cý,ke fo, Vorreeted eaeh Tuesulay andi 8 months.1 LAMBLY-In Belleville, July 28, 1 ReV.0,11 causing roautie ideas. Lasi weekasu Lambly. aged 62 years. A ex-President'of Ithe innocentmrantfrom Poutypool, drove FOU,0 100 l'os ........ 82 40 tei 82 80 Bay o quinte Conference. into towu, aud atter sampling the WeHSIATlr, Eal, bush ... GO n0 i O5 HILL-In BoWmanvllle. July 22nd, Elizabeth liquid fine, tried to drive his horse aud 9" Sprng ...OGO 00 il O0 Sleep, reflet of the l.ate William Hill1, aged 73 rig up a sîbade treen! Whst was Ifse Red Pife.......O 0 o'i 1 10 orflwhawre Il Goe00 In Memoriam, tepo lo aI to pay $12 50 as ...o... o t 08 IVEII-In loving memory of William H Ives, fine and costs. We think 'it ýS mean BAItLEY, P bush, No. 1 0. 40 il 42 (Willie> accidentally tirowned off lireezes euough 10 sellsuch liquids, but il is theoIr if 2 0 O40 It;f,' 4 Island, Stony Lake, July 26th, 1904, ageti 22 concentration of mesnose td charge t if fiB 3 .0 Go0t G yeane. ',Ont of the depths 1 called unto Thee.', hi,,, .,, ai*. çfr d.,. fr t _( ..wrf 1tilTwo rowed 0 tO 4: THRE ACTIVE MAN'S FOOD. Clark'e Ponk sud Beaus contain ail tbe essoutial euergy producing elemeuts cembined witb tastinese. 5e. sud 10e per lin. Tny a Fruit Sund Thos Ted's. Souvenir China, lovely goode at Nieholis'. Buv vour P>try supplies at P. Murdoch Pur nepairing uow on at Mavere Fun store, Bewmanvillc. New wodding cake boxes-lovely cnes -at STATESMAN office. Blood meal, Meat meal. 0Ovser shell, Mica gril, at P.Michs Try Lowuey'e ceîebnated imported Obocola les at ». Luttrell's. lia ua iýtLor tr&,,atng *il J('U Uo ( Star.-- ,Seud STATESMAN te tnieude. -Ouly 25 coule 10 January 1, 1906 Have ',ou sent THEa STATESMAN t10 vour absent frieüd ? Do it uow. 1You eau buy s New Lincoln fountaiu Peu at STATESMAN office fcr $1.25. IL le equal 10otCher 82 50 kinde SThe August number efT Ihe Bouse- keoper centai ne au article on '-What t5e Mormon Womou Bolieves." The American Iieview of Reviews for July contains an article on John Paul Joues, the feunden of the Ameniesu Navv. Weekl v Globe, sud Canada Fanmer and Tii, STATESMAN t0 new subscribers oulv 6 j cents to end of 1905 Order to-day. Theno are no f'twer than 266 claisses pnovided for in the special prize list of 1 OATs, white tt ......088 40 RY t ......0 00" 7 BUOKWIIEAT In 00 Go't PRAs, Blackeye, 4r bush.. 0 O nO G Canadian Beauties O0 u 7 n Mummey if 0 00 t00 ;tSmah n 0 60 n O 6 " îBlue n 0 00 v0bc CLOVIMR.SEED ...... OQG WG Timomi' SED .0 GW GJO 13jT'rER., best table, P lb.,._O0O - 06 M ]S edoz ..... . o0o " ý1,8 POrATOES, VI bush new .0(00Gt- -' 00 I.--tou .. .,7"on 1,7 5M Anuallý!y, to fi ýthe new position s reated

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