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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1905, p. 7

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11OMAS A;. IDISON, tif,îni venter, ini mappiugetI fprobiems of theftuegie frat place te tle ucsiyo g~~ ig w s~ fghting the bacteria -wh li ieUS euH disea Ses. lNe:xt te the actuial lbactria e0' 0 itre~ ~ ý3 th n,~Jueos enesfsan- ~~1'be ntl insut itts bite ijcajt -vlsmlaiyllwfyradcllrftlEvtao ~ e ort Gof .aojestvensiiy vn ,thenii oveýr our foed aJp isosls with l tyhid, eurasud etb1er pgesOf the the 1Nava1 Battie. %bumaln race. Dr. Pierce, te eminent pbysiciae'ilin-ff___________ faio, N. Y, y, If i,eh person 1Wificen- _idr bsystein as au aiuî et'Inu widh 1 OWJESTS QY'S REPORiT. xwhati,,3 geuerully kunu tofthe chat- he controls asage ad 'llsce 0ia 'teingads t lo-lgo i e"t proed provîsioniug aud that it has pleuty A (lus;ý atch tue n Paris saYs: Ac- 1 ei~ u cteiagu'hsfC i of âmmueiiition lu thîe dlipe eof goo e u ir tdPtrsueCr_1Ésrnibes the atil ei te bleW UP the blood,lbe wil be able te evercie the 'cor - eflcS etrbr Orel ~after chu had surrendered. le sencmy iu tiiese gernis of disease." Every e Ilijdunllt'ofLaI, i bertp. Admnirai asta a!,,o nier n heaitlîy man bas five million red blood hfut-ersky, in lits rep.ort ou the sa-u tbat a c rtyte nesupiners amih corpuscles te every square illimnet'ýrer O! îi- of t'e Suaet .olJaanu hicliyotn ier ere surredabyuthet blood. Thie hast toinie for lccreasig tserd csiedluiu r"tca ' .apatceujuat asthy eraoutt Wod orusle ad uidig I' , n he paviclannihilation ietesp'mazn.Atrgl tissue is tne doubt Dr. Pierce's Golden Me of bis Pro th, ship's mgazine. X strUggl biodcopscessu uidigup hat ~ futsy hthssisweeIfolloweti. if the rl's crew had sutP- icaI itiscovery. This tuedicina bas been on bad. l h 'y.had been (lut euiy hast'il, the.z inarket for over a third et' a cetury ýbut dishoiiest]y, buiît, o ,lns porteCi their efficers the ceuspiracy anid nýuuber:s its cuires by thse tbousaud. ft' thcîr armer did net agre wlth weul( have succuudcd. but nonset'f m a i y pop n ilatent edicines or teDiles thise n stirrud. TIhe Adm-rirai con- gre t,13 atent r1ve ioff1 ail lgures inluthecase et' arV I , _ere madeiup larreportf alcouelisud wu SbIriu1, lic heorpiuscles ef the blood aed t'th1)i ù Lm tureorsaiodypuofhd sakthmwcaaîýr for resistauce. What lfno qai qh hiiuls avere tibat bureliedl on the fouý toe nable snecdisau alirative extract, like Dr. bad. TWO-,,thjrdslfa et'thc did nethmte itfnogstu trtsbt rieree1's Goldeni Medical Discovery, made expioe. iNoue ot the shipsý waq able says it liited two heurs tee seon. c ro1ts auJ herbs, without the use et' aico- 11('i t 1sat wil assiat -the soiniaeb luassimi- i t unCary the u'uus':ar: ceai. Nouo liiug, or taking fi-ouithse food sncb ele- of t h eus rattaieed tho guaranfeed RUSSIASIS WANT TO GhO HIOME. ~usas are required for th-e bleod, aise al speed. The englues auJ boieirswere The St. Petlersburg correspondent 1;a!Ltarativeibhat xiiiassist tise activiiy et' the i oct' ced alwanys jreqj:uimro rpaira.ofteLnnSadrdciis o 1lver sud cause ilt t thow off (bu poisous qT,0 thirds ef tise clou, ijcuning 't hae odinormatin arldt aisteg i the1, bieod. Wsnwe ihave accom-piishad 1.. odlfrate htatog tilsn wve have putis ýe syste lun a fortifmad 1thuce et' Xîýce-AdInrai l bato2' s Jeu. Lnîth las been reint'iîtcucl godto so struuga1 that it cau repel these quadron, Nwere incapale Thogîe- ne d bis arîny la n celi preulateued aud 0,m o ieaewieh we flud a verY- inrirs w re ignorant eI' tho elenentary acl d h fte rosbs 'wisre-l thestreat-cars, thse sheps, ts ose'cu.tesii t the tlot ia fatretise beduroonis, xhsre-ver uîany 1hil rs ofmta ecrrddtelrae. ihey 7do noL cshar people ceugregate or wbere sunliight sd thanstnn u dagascar, l, tihe'tu omne af u-! good air dUo nef penetrate. anudfourtuen e-nwore executedà. ,Ad- tirevit0oi, udsincu hybcm Auepiosubstitute fe.r"Golden Medicaliniclal lloj ect visky had te tra11ýin n 'retat pence tabiugdicus Diseuý,very," Tisera is uotinig jusIt as guns un iwo et' ha ships. thse Ad- 4,1;,areleugîng te rtu!ru to their goo,~rdieaaa f isestuicit biodmiral Seniavin aud Admirai Ars~humus >. Somie o servers believe they ledfonJ ontiptin mau ieadqe'eiii', te resiore order. Tise croira had wiuuld1uentur anether battis reluctant- naathum surstouacis, foui taste in thel decided secnitiy te currecder te the 1 y Many aircady utilize overy oc- acoi, hiusaspimples, sud palpita- eneccv. ThLq was discuoverced tee cas:oii te rua. ut ieiei.Cestipatien is promptiy latu. Thore a anothur n(îay in cu'e b r. Piercels Pleasant Pelleta. OneViedmriiboto'scuaon for nd casesq, etlierwlse twe. neci' Fornonsa lciuud,, and Ad-mirai NVST ON F FOUIITRESS. Rojuestvensky bad difficulty in pro- A Juspaic ris t -'remIuianu Head- SETNCE sFit3MoNls. vunting the mautineers froem siiing quarters ut tise Ftront sys: ThreJa- Powe givs pnce.e ,rea a rtiR ofst he, kysadon.Ad- J mcue advanco from Coron la takictg tisegreter îar et ise ru Ion a utre eeîgetic character, EauJ Patrietisrun. neds patienice. ouls4 et o the battie Unit the Adrir- 1-:s, b1ing pttsbud tonard 'lusn 0pprtni~' 'ersrubbe1,r shues ai Su-ý,niavin audJ AJniiral Apraie n Iusgnu Ts oapn s sue Teehie reere tse an- e' pr- vennt lighting, aJ Wro'gunig t hve rcei.zed reintforcernucts fz-ý>m spectlve. e~~~rdurs. Thcy unly firsd Iwh cn bl il]Mrs iO un' anaii ~ethîg igit ae bttr an bp-sctotrpede boi tu te tcua aulu ifront et' Cou. Liîtevitrh. A linud1 pîes.tbrcatened te alik ttiein unloas !b!yl, o f Juaatesc u'ar Vladîivostoclc'x A ia eaube aunlous nitheel ho-1 tng ,cour. Iety uset ns a pull soon gels irayod ,iout. V'ltiîaig tise practicas tula tise priiîîciples. Tise openi huart aiways d th ie open heurt. Tisu et-s'aint!usidara minîdeusoet nay service. Sin's salary la ioseparublc tom ifs service. Informatiou la ne- usilule fori inspiration. The churcis needs men moiri thaut Meaeitgs. Blcsinga- are net lu bc measuî'ed luy Ibir huii. L ChS ie bompe la asure aa'y et' fidn i'ihle. Tlisectrocng-maa noverteus cure' 4 I- , ,-,i. 4 obeyed. -AU ,OtIDETIS IGNORED. If Admnirai Rojcslvet'sky isut uot heein nounded at the beginciug ot the batle the rcsîult mighaf have boula JUTferent. Almesi _-almulaeously wltis bis remevailu oa torped-o lboat, AdmIrai Enuquisi diqnpi uared. Admir- ai Fouikersasm aras Llliec, anti Ad- iiiiî'i-alNieL'galof'Wnho aîma tîtpepu- lue w11 hIe suilicrs, n-as> ubligcd te take commantl. Tisen tise rouI lie- gala Admairi-aiNiel')oatell"aord"rs n-onu ignouî'u. Il aras eveu-y'0e for bicselit. Tise cren' s et' aumeet'f ho ships threateued l]iitiseirefficces uniess tbev s'reded Aduirul" Pect'sy cami -otitld sl ho suÏje-Srp'isig, uandth eluerations appear tl e leConcontrat- inugi fla tdirectton. qh hoJaganesu advatc lntise Ta- iaof §a Sgisulien Sas reariset Viadi- mnirovsUaa. Tlise Jupcîîese nî'tillery lu- clodos 40 machine gens. TO ES'TAIILISII JAP ALLIANCE. 1 utt objeel. A (tesIaîcis lrea Paris snys: Tise It. P'etersburg corrcspondtent t' tise Matin saysa ta M. Je Wttle con- sidcrs Sto aailiaurceet us coucluting lieae', hecausu bo Sas î'ceived lu- sliuctiens te puas o-'ei' certain Jlfi'tl- ulties, Ca ru tisaIt'fan itmtmiif hao chall prou e able l> etbltio Riý.seoJalauat.e alliance fui nutit neitcea trouaret. - Tise itcblug palan tries lepas " 'v, Young lanis. ccndtise roartît n-i lue'ý ,self off fer a helpiîîg haîsc. , 15very stibetryLthu luptate au Icîu rau mao mure mneasuu'e a ia ly ~ pures. A lonîtî's live, ae;igo its, aiLe thon a Iret' by its cueJ. Jrnnuae futa n îad u u X'eu dan tell viaIa man's ft'îîs tuhv o ues ltlis ar ptchae ailli bo it you kun- avsre hb\c ',soutu egud, at abcprai-s~ed cr hisi rjt te ee fconamaîeîpiare blu idng Maum ar as miel bora ledo Jea it w ilhsocene sti ips otut i 'ng punlk 1tii l useo rancisa s te bu traot by do- tllj ii hraiaiîag or hakiug iunimodeinte inig tiig.ovun. ______________________ îOTctESTIC RECIPE S. Tu Mix Cuaitiu titis Whlpps'l W alnut Ceamt-qj'arcupa off mcd- Crean.-Tisere uneclte ays oface- iotri bren-n sogar. One cup of En,- c amPliisiug Ibtis, and hy t'llowîug Fo~see i55> lish w alcuts--utacul; oiio-half cult, i'cita aeuî flsnasie B ELLEV LLE destisou' tuilik. Butter sizeo~f irai-rnill succeed. Souk tlise guatiîae ils BE LE IL E 11nul; ot-ac bot taspoluu of Sait; the pruluen cînoul t'fcei aatcr; 1 Business Col lege, tino haift' tacpoeîfui ot vouiilia, Bitli n-lcs ot t aîuandoeî istl aaer un-H Liutled tl i i hardons iun ire water; cool tlni emley disuolved, iuaving tLe dlighiy;chu ucti if looa amicreamas uhippmu ol a couid troiS, ansd ¶'r'miiug UEXCELIEI) culs auJ turma eut un hutîured tlin or, piai iecisiu eiuata Offrs Vek;,hoertd;ltu.. bdrIl pagr. spoucýfui aI a lime, user il, furnitîg ,îyWr;Frouîub ocd Gerinan. icuiied Del Toîagae-lioi a to'guo e lttu cîeuyevunitoet EeyDp 1"înent a peat. j anti wheu cuid Place Il lu a brick- ýJthail a spomi beoe e seiexî tuea J. Tuaw, bllvilef . riisJffrîI haped nsold. lutte a paint0f sasa- Apoul fei et' gin iladtiec. Te1 Smnctiy Ou t presidet. ue ud ci Jhe1ce si.anine ale dire that the gelatine blonds -ihall--box et' aoaked gelatiit, u wienjven ilIthe croacu itls u suai, fl ibl sis la dicuols ed pournthie coi ugsuîch desserts, teuclrinkie la aead lidtehe tugue u ime uîo !id.Wisun if tisenermssai'y anseul t'fpon'- 50 YEARS' old, sculouthie ico umaiîlej' i 1 ' ereci sui'ar, tisenth te geictinu; Ilis EXPFl~NC Irai; itai. Ternueut onn ceid ïllI- sulgar begitac te ol t îdtliýse Iteru ciightly -modilies tise ofpeatreet Bl t etM.cto5t'thun tbne' Mt creanm, uiil is uSoaiy ur peurndc et' cbcpped nir bc, oee- coJ. Ai.s' mmad tuisetodis usu qeatertu' npocd t nin 'c sot atti liaci etise glatine as hefure. teaspeouîaus, cacs, of sait amnd Itou.- portiets et it irilistise iiquid gela - TRD~Mper' ui, auud nmelclen allîla tue hoeat- jtiuie, thon stirinto the ubatikfethlis DESIT'I enoueggs aud a teacpeecuîtuifots ncieatn. hisarstuad Ilii apan et' CC.PvRlc HTS LC juice. Wom-lc iuî tu-o îblesguemafuis coid arater un is a cocol place ansd <toettyetera lnnotu ndfreawhstuer Mami O ettultcd btuler, aud pack ila atach careuelly. As ceeu us il sows invtuionisroabtsseiuebO.Communies- greusuJ muid. Coven; sut iii a î'cast I suvus eof tbieuLeng, iseglin te iriip (tts1xCt emldiia. Hane-book on Patents - -n ok!sol tfistemûerpdy ,eitt nrac. fues o Fenscriiig patents. iug pau of Soiiing wnl',ccaeteaoaya ia, h uerpdy Camans faiet ~reoiMnn o c. recelve len aSîeady oven tom' twe houeras.lI-ct uatltieemur anslath at tise lbat'getl id u inse nîld before seay -'jturtmiug out. oulaienet'amys jurna. ~ j a anur nmimenst te luaisilus em umiug an ugg hualet' (Ionet yesi otr nonhu, i.Soîbyai swsO5l t 'mitat jelîy. 'Po uaake il, sînilu sufiS- kccp t in otue glace al1the tinte, .2UN CoaeBesuyNew York cie-st laves Irtamu thei' ataiks le but nmovu il about lihe bol. B11 il fico, h-6 F t., WasbIslgtoeu .C. usake a cupte], gacke u iacmîme. Pour- When ste-,tieg fruit aiwa's add aý eveî' tburn n gmt t f îiliîîg -alec, 'glacis efsal it uîstise sugar, us il cou ut' lusely auJdlteegn-aimuser'Sellas tIcu hng eut the Ili-tavur. isotwa ner ft'e wnenly miuts, thoen 1 B'e aI imgsareu vury puinful anJ the a'oaMeusutrethie infusion samd udd 1poison oet heou nayludsrydb moureuaaer te nauke il a fulll gmt. 1 npplyitag a litho ond of cinnaumun " Souk une-huit' ut a package et gela; frein a shran- or smcail bresis. Shtne unelle-half ot' a cul)et' cold Siaoled 1cm,) glasseassolJ o w, snoter dînatouc Sot unter util w'aslscd in n-aria asntem' ivniiri soa 7 Jussoiced. Suir iîto tise islit imsfu- atad a 11111e lpeu dýiee nîuosi a souadJ ouete lbespooafui otonumîîbeen disaoiv-ed. Rittae in coldJ aaer. 3eeamsd taretabiî'specmfuiis oeýTh'ei Iik-chue le roubrussued for Dryan Tqhtpuvdred sugur. Moid, prefernusly, j five or ltua i nulus1a-dy. Thisf un n dvdual flcurial kueps t(,b!au' gicacsy u a ue Paerons Wie dg" eF. Pull' Oîulcîe.'-MeîfI a tabieapoomtul gnon-; eve-n if tLI, ise hin lails ou' thlseh inig kee-psar anau otIfil- tbuttter iii a anulýcegun, stir in a laruc,1ýisig sioeluuM usiaei iugs as tgltantidry astie uua hisoîtuetPorucin T den umlgauabtprke 2ice.N - et uould or rot hitoufe e' utnalk aad ceeX.1th,, bal vniiis Wutei' ata expose te I naton XVie Ege. Ils cla- Ibreminlmutes. Sprt ise yelks thu humes ot' itng soluho un ai prosproooo!,leai-proef tîl hites, un m ntsn tiird_-1 igiiat fla bx.Attenaards brusisover j anti Pre-proof. Youcsnto3youn - lboSpoumfuml e1t uit cîlad hnait sait- ail'is a n-euX.solution ut' guum arahlr. - wn reoflng, antditise job -vll puOotfIlt i ut'ouepepper; addtl hie 1 Cahisage is mande mni onsaîeiaume last a lifetimie aithout a ieak. vriitu sauce,betîgaitluJisisaJnîiio h bughuId s OUR FREe BOOKLET glives hii-mciustiiles, and fora m taxewaalers. IL cou)tuluýsali s 050f- tnighy conincig resens wsy oisut îmeh l ucuustaîing a level liai oiu'iich la agI le puodere alI Pom rsos tlul'suconehit iIiter. Cou or tise tîil off<c n peuple ailis avuJges- I-s aticeu. be etiniia liot jhu. Btin ialvesucssvena- is ise !hast reefinig for YU îîîsns0 ucatcup aitoyeeo~'mumvdh sn h rmsoeet Jees net handieP ro' rigc'triit tl aunnhs eillt mneiuas as nniati s l noATERSONil(i MF.c:Lmie, itsi' ie' s î Liitc ie n-oi', sueeewi NOne e :uih ave aWen Iaane I Ail people subjectt iiusatc, or n-i uie mns imchcds oraers, siseuld noe uwitiseout a bou of BEECHAM'S FIL"LS. Their ,izantircnuucs tn -inine m1!iutes, and can. hulibris grapes, blackberries, fcernants,rap horrles, cherries aad strawberýrlus puit -up la this way*\-are very goe)d, us ýtea as you wouidî preserveLs. anc1 tuake pies whieh are scnrcely luferler t~ thoe filied with frecli fruit. (Canniec Peachs.-To each qu'art ot rutallow a heaping tablespeonfiul eof granuuated qugar. lPour a utile %Wtur jute your kettle te prevunt the cetuî ronm buruing, t hun put la alayerof et'pachus, a sprinkiing e sugar, tnothu r la.yer of pench.s. more sugar , ad so on until the kettIl is CANNING I IPS Canned -Tonatee-Pour bl li water over the tomialii,-sPte luos(n thuskls. leievethee;drain o11 ail t he -juice tt Wl]] cene laa ruiýthetpressing ard;ip1tth1m jut aoi ketend heat hly osa Yqur tepourte il clruhnîe fot, pnttingthe nso h iu u theru lu a cool.,(iark I1ac1.As adi- ditioceai precaution, îvrap ach jar in j crto uxcînde Itue gt ('anned Flums.-Ti Wul ru uars of plunls. une pin t ofw atc.r, eue pouudl of augar. Put the sugar sudnc water un the steve la the preservinig kettie. Prick usach pluni 'ith a aurcdle te pro- v ent bursting, aud as seon as the sugar is dissuh cd flturn the fruit jute the ,- ettie. I-feat very slowly te a but], and ceuX. fer flx e minuItes. Fil the jars te the rims with th, plum, alune, llrîr r thumn the scaldiug liQiqui untîl filll te evurPiin le éanned Perries.--lent s 1,,,la te beiiin'. iu a large Lutil e., Whcn tbey begîn te boit, add sl arin pro- portion of one tablespenfl eeach quart et' fruit. Pelure deing tis, bý)ever, if (bure ;-> riuiire tu t hu l'tl.dîp eut thesrls lt dperor cilp. It wl nvmces bernýýes (:)5,t dry brere uttn U, theusugar. This vi1inaesyu ciouph. Puil ail teet , fiIfiecu -"psycHINE" is a ivonderîui tonic. It contains medicinal elements net found ia any of the patent medicines. "(PSYCLIINE ", is a regular practicing pitysicdns formula. A tonic fer vweak people, for men of business ivorrieý, for the tired mother, t'le pale, languid girl. young girls just buiiling loto woma-nhood; elderiy pee-pie WhO feel ta weakness due to oid age find it a remedy theýy cannot do wviiouit. lt resteres vtitcre- ates richý, new blood, r-enioves al im"purities, Strengthens fthe nerves. if you ne a trial askdugîtfor Ail.BRUWSTSGNEDOLLARý-FrEE TRIAL LINEN. Hong >eee liimsen te dry, 'usiug taro lines ceuaparu!ýtivoly close aud paraillc for yo rte ablechothsacnd shoots. Tbrom, une solvage îi sdce et' your table- cllsuve'otE î lno Iwnord tise othý,er, auýiingil l l iibngo-,un about n qîeo'ný i aJhlgcrtuel liotacing týi 1isueaupin Il lai- tosaute nut. Tis sail foutu asert(t'tu as auJ willi îrceîunt, te a cnidinîe x- teul tise aalid burl u' tie table- niothitiu, aindy axealiho. jAiha, lse table itîcu la stiuroîî)ghly cried, uraael h itfo -en the"iitîe ani I tro-pond te clauttun fit., A a i lîrooin ta excellent mo-tlie pîtpece. 'lubh inehu, in oî'der lu brnig out hie bian hI glosa that m'ukra it ai- traîctivau, ch outiti ue amuemted quile reîasi'turehl-. Spninl' 1' lise table- ciotias fleiy, being surt-Iaitieselc- j aage endis on iesetitheda eis'li5are 1 liaorougiaiydanaî. 11011 tîp tigtlty, jpat'iug'tise rolili'oequioitly lu spucacd Tise nankins'auJdul-i iie-t choffld ho ont'anvetl alitnatiuti)Y une ttpec ait ollion, 'rat a nepkin fromu lise lice, thon cnee n-ich bas lucn earung eu et' nantis naIe", .Iltia ndry ua.p1lia, ant Ciln ngil, aols aamg Oui etanta a aea, uud au etso. Tison FUN AT O . Pun't haa1s)do t'a l11111e'Iui'ai home. Dii"t ssuîtuur Euse e1,st the sua chouud fade yourcareta and youu' huoitîs, lest a innty ltigis sisako downncerne e'oisf uthe, lJ ceuýeha tsene! If you amIte oruiLa yoîr sons, lut tiscîn tiainli lisal ail naiins and social cnjeymeîst utb(ho t'ft oua tise hrussoild ailitiutît1a- heu tîycerne borne ut ulgist. Vwn onice: a boulse is auge rdeJ as euly a place le eut, drink, auJ cooie'nte, sewerk 1a heguntu tisIends iiia garuhling- Iisousc!,gaund î'cea dgraio. Yo(unig Ppulemust baure fuianti mn- lua-,;tion soreesru; îif fcy lonul E'n,! il'ut Ilium o l Sonaasses if -iii ho seugisl aI otise-r auJnleca pro- fitable places. Tbcro't'o ethe tisre humrr hrigstly ut-nigist elpc1 îîîuko lise homîestcud deligistful wutis nil tiauce 11111le arts tisut lurenîs su gcrfoclly uuîdetlnd. bou't n riesstisebueY- at spirits et' tour rhilidi)î; huitan iseur's inerluiettmoumad lise lump aîud lireaide et'ho-ne blols, eut tise reutembruisce oet' any n ete ntsd ci- iuynce durimîg tise day, andtise besi safeguard liuey eau take asIi listem tutu tise arn iIs the infliiae et' a brigiat liitle domnectic sanotent. SELECTED RECIPES. Gerisau tis-Baitn'u oggs tiser- oeghly; dsslv w-o otue u'lt te nu onu plut t'ofn' mril:; av isen 'ofiiet dd t 1o tiseuggb, aud by Je- gr(_-e' , n-ork tue Coceq of heur it lise -m-xture, ailis'a jpinclis(t'sait anJ a lito ulmeg. lieutail1tegoîhe; uit juite susail gî'eased cuits ut once. Baku ýýfor filteon rminl1tes inn aSut even lii.tise peda ae ut'a auce avilis das-(tr egu, îîdserle lisefi,-viti cuartga ur ci i ii l'o'ue il1 Joap Worth are knowli ail over lthe worici, fu. 13l"111,11nly tea bull, n'bicl aud tise proof cf Libeuir excellence lies i may continue for , ibrce minuites. Canl in tise fact l1atisaI thy are !generaily and so], . _1ý.1-If the puaciss have adepled as the Fasledicine ,aftee been clî'pped iii owa' aea as th'eY are the firsl triai. pee'ei i dnot ad aert U L proent scorching. by thir purittytug efcttpon tise RSERI Thood, cleanse aud vivify the entire Raspberry Puding-.-Spninkie oe systern, csusing every ergan ef lise cup sugar ever eue quart raspherries, body iseaithfuily te continue ils ai- mcharlt he 'stand until tise ietted function, thereisy xuducing aý suo'ur la dissolved, stirng and mnasis- .perfectly balanced condition, and i. the mnixture occasiunaiiy. Squeeze inakin lifeý, brougis a, ceirse ciîeesceiolis. Theve sheuid bu about eue cup o juice. Add beiliug wnter te make mna în their copulation fer keP_. uehuit uof iiquld, and put It on te in fug peuple l (God Health a,.d lisei. W et tismec tabiespoons et' cern- GoodCo ndition. starchin l a ii ttle rold wator and atir 'tth ie beiiing syrup. AclJ a sait- PBL-wÈ1-à PeULSý spoon eof cait auJ ceuX.tua minutes, have stood lthe test cf f the most isfirrlcg lrequerntiy. ient tise wisites, exactiug experiencet1hrough mnauy oet Lace eggs atiii, but nul quito ry vears, and aile thecu itîto the thickeue Prepared osly byTona Beecham, St. syrup leust beýfoe removlng it frei leleus, Englaid. the tire. Turci it ie a minod whicis Sol- veywbreAncated ee- ~ -ha been wct in c-Ad nater aud set ifa nyl a reld place. Make a - cuctard auceuwih the solks uofthe inuch ut' the jic nill i b lst uJ egs aud serve with il. the piecus willi tc uehn -nper Pie. lal'cthe in'o cruaits Te bigbten tîtissel obiilis cl, tIling et' old ii'au. Whouu Af 1er caeh o liee'a-n Iiig tbeyreadY te serve liii tho un Icrcrust sbeuld bo rubbed iti tsa paper n'iti raphevries. prinkie tisickiy or -a seftlahr Wuwhy ueonitb îaovn-deecsueuar, ndd about two Jiin, cdean wif ltey-oclrdrot- tablespoons ut thieccam, auJ cuver teustono1atnd oel, -npplied vith a with tise top, cruct or with a m-ern- chamikus. ýgue. Strnn'berniea nîny bcusued ia A wekau erysver J'or-housu- tise Saue way. e axlves -is a abl,)or 'fiatchit'igberj ansp'erry Prescrve.-Allow equai ibun tise kitchun taleou n'isinih te eiiof st',ir auJ Inuit. PIck oe r do werk nbh qi res )(isunlnover 'rit ý'caret'ulIiy uJ ay acide tisé -or weuld, wtsu ui acne-lruIu- iaetbernies. Mas lencu. Ano)ther la a hbroad strip îlti tis 'îndraJptont e e strng-atfaicied te heare bu, uamiues 11dA hnaqeu',lu t'roîu wilia beidcr, n'hicb is ai-j e ;ieT Inîejars, fîillng 1sariy t'ull. Wa~as 5r bud. uJaropo et'iroug'is a ciseesecleths put fiais lîqiîid apreus, we know et' n "dusliug u ebl vlsts tge eiv aprun" whicis saves eue woman muciu obi ih'Hesgr env averlnas ! bdy uJ plrt- 1 theo ccciii, thon put ln the avhole ber- wearnos of ody ond pirthe ries; leftisheni bell up once, sim aliron ivitis a long pocket for t ishye' oau iii uue i featcw dster anohcrfor the ciolli, Biltesr conui hr s and stili unofher for1e r ali avhisk "beut unough te fMI the jars, thon brucîm, vhich saves manuy a distract-! u iebre akaJbl i cd n'bîi re rund tise room for a par- oc ar.Fihejr nisa ticular dester neded for encish TrI~ily Y OUNG FO LKS THE WOOl-SIIED PARtTY "-Maillma," said Derolisy, -I wisis SI conld haiVe a wood-sLed pnrty." "Wbat te vyou men by tisaI?" au- savrot As. Spear, in somnieue. thse gir l l dîas hvesaiti tisley jcîst love '0te ly eut ta;n a aide"n'eod- sihed, n-bure thýre are Ilotasu;A siav- lues aan molis boardsanauJham- mers auJ-" -Juat like ours, in tact," laughcd Mes. Spene. -1 thiaX. il weuld ho a nice idea." "'lhon we'l bave il," Jecidut lier- etby; "auJ ut irîcat ho on a siorcuy day, isocauce ne like te hune lise rain spalter den-it seeins so 50 -I thieX. it eau ho managed," said meý lser. "We musI lry te intereal papa in tise malter. I tiik tisero muualbu nilttle pickiug up clone el TisaI evenitg h)rolisy sut up ýa hiait'houe inter than ulsi, gepuin ber Invitations. The fullowvu îoe igton ]Ule gIls floîund o u thln ekaasqýuare et n-bite biisar, Yeu ae coldiiiy inilc d te a WcooJ SýheJ Party aI llorelisy Spuar's ou tise first mm i-'ulurdny alr noue, ut two o'clock. A long "sgll out'ineue alier" çvas putieýntly passcd hy lise cage girls, auJ o at lcame a icuLot -ySuturday. Nt, i, wasa to , iny litliduy soceolad- ly ý-icemedi, aud ut taxe o'cieck tua 1ith -o ion1 cl fgures caime ins dump line tonu rd the bouse. fiel waups aaune lct't in the kitchien, au i thon tise clildaun trogud eut te the gî'eat, aouuy shsed. 1Ponothy's fnthcr nuu a chip-buder1 aud in bis luisuteehooIten w oi'kud upun coîco amnali bout in tiese hed. Se nb'oia tue gueula tiaioeut ie caa fasi a nidX wa'îm ,si ela t omi c rar, in a hidi bitch bar .waa .iaiug co'cfrllbl: tiext, tise gucd-sized beciy of a sautboul, nesllcg on iîocks lu thinside otfaviichIa ld a ahuri stop-ladJet'. In th, bout noue stocîls auJ rush-, ions-, nieI oms is dock sut hiorolly's nisoie fata-ily e' ol is i i.du,ý,Iy dress. The ise gs ancet about' amidceNa ris- i mcci allac Leguei Peints oet' tise ruait auJ snaid Ibene %ta sdm01 aale cuEDugis oumside te s3ail il. t The legs ort\n1a'1(liiad buta roiked up liin suris a v aa- luniake a gnadeai fligisi et clairs lu the top ut'f tb' n-eod-p1e, nisre a, tint hourd noas standing. Facs guaFt n'as al iA le ru p tise»clair-e;anaddriv aiMa fii the hennrt. Tisere ww-s a pin l t ise shape et' à daiuly bircis-bark heu- bout box lied nils baby ribboiî, lu, tise ou' uho coîîid dr'ive a nil n-us- out "atriking off." Tbtowere aviole tarrels uof cicoî w il' siavinga, lreîn n-bich tisey Sret tise lunuttat aud aî'ranged eut tliseir iscdafor curns. At fleuir o'oc camue tie- reluecs- nIns, parI t ofiiichwnas ice-cr'eam served ln litho bircis-hueX.,ceps. Bel best et' al-a surprise fer 'Dur- uthy tolu-nas axhutiMe. Spear carne oui ailis alray. Ot3 arichsa r eieven 11111e bouta4-perfect nuodels cf a brig ilis ail sails sel, and roes yar auî',anuhar anti cabine ail in correct pOiio. t he Sitrn eof orabout wa painted un tiaîv let- tuîa lsonaneeoft' li 11e guesît'for "Secis a lveylime!"tisey al sAid, as leylad- î'o:-uisy îood<l iiigisî. "A-' odche prly isise Oný1 il cane tIle girl said!, 0os aise her-ied b Joute,_",Th,'î'u! liue nie! W, bndý swtis a gent ltiinte I turgel al about iseanînglieri pti-. 110W MANIIIALS SWIM. Alimosal al aninmais imatear oa te an-im w'tioet laving Lu h Iarii.-A s aoun as lsey alaujt tise waaer. <te ave dIrivea iin , tisey ictaivî ly makelis pr, rta tio i uJ pret camu,, Liraffe eauJ hantai, aviirscont:- aoaýs waale, und iîgtaflus auilJlme u î keys ditewnl if t.hy eter if. No0w - cnaieraeaiinpt sot sue, if i aua'tfer us Vou hoe a.grandmna ah nIl," ueisy te- quieber'?". ha muosi. us. You woulduu't, 4 That is the rao why $5ooo.oo reward will Ibe paid by Leve r Brothers Limiited, Te rontou', te any perses who; can prove ta co ntains any form of aduileraition whl-atsoeer, or conlains any in- jurious chemiîcais. Shunukea wooleus, fraycd lilens aud sere chapped bauds are evidence that ail seapa are net pure soaps. Sunlight Soap is guarantecd te be a pure soap. IDealers are aulhorized te retumu purdhase noney te auy eue finding cause for conspiaint. Sunlight Soap is equally goed in bard or soft water. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITEO, TOR~ONTO 1001 Theres coesy, gncd wýshjSi imhead for the Sunlii;ht ,,,aide aud thon bof h the latter sýpecjle ton- age te cross walur-ways wben fhey,- are driver te oxîremîfles. mcl nu usjj- man -boings uccasionaliy eau Lteep themeelives abuvo water through ce frigbt. A fun theugis able sawiý,mpnr is the rabbit . 14le submergeaIlais betdy, with tise exception et' bond and tuil. Tise latter sticks away up lit> theý air, and his bind legs ma-te "coop- suds", as hoe chorus the aater madly te gel away. But vilisahilbisaw- n'ardnusa ho isa swift aimeru la bealun ouiy isy tiese quirre! uni eg tho land animais. Tiose quirrel swiuss w'ith is islen tail uni-away clown n lutie wale and bis bond heiJ high. Hoceae tise wavea like a Juck, aini a an iu a row-boal bas au hoie au do le keep) abreaet of this wîmming aquir- Onu lbing tisai noue et tiselindi- living animais does la bo dive. No malterlion'lisard preaset a ewlm- mine, Jour, rab)bit, aquirrel or othier pureiy tiesraidatahuili may le, Il n'ill romain abovewau ner , But tis Imnuskm'at, beaa'er, ic-bear, aut J 011cr dive immediatliy. IT DOESN'T PAY,. My young frlcnti, lur ara aay things in thia ols uII ua' IJectpay te - tgl as or selfoI foiL-uer thaon ouae vrts il tends ýte Jupresa .you' nîrkcl queý- lation. If dcltctpuy te lie, for your le muat ail be 1ept on file, uienialiyý, auJ in tise course u iteseme etf -ibeni aice îtlcertain teg-el ou tise Nvrong houX.. A hian iia-d-a licIter mintory than ucny oe.eis nai te g os- secs. IL do. ut pay te iny to gel a liv- ing' nit]acut a';rk. X e'awillaaoric harderancIAgct, a per eliv ing 'vliss if vou did linesl wonk. It ldotutait puy te ho a pracîloul jo1, cr, utile -iou eau cujuy the joke I hien you isuppenta tebe tise a lrim. T oacI tpsy te reast aahcn yeu ouglîl te bue atwork; if you do. you -re apt te bure luiork aa h Men you ouglit teo eer-'cting. Tl dues-iiI pny te cr-,-uver aplit mil1k, neither doos Il 1,,ny te siaili, tIhe mnik.. PACIFIO COAST EXURSO During June, Juiy, Aîuct auJ, Sel,- tomber thse Chicago sud N sW'esternU it,.wili seilltrom Cicage untrip exceursion tickets te San ,,P.aacLes1 AngeesPortland,Or ens& Vancouv-er at ver.,., ats.Cerres- rondirgly cbeap tares ton ail peints la Canada biscice etroule, lýest et train re'î"ulimts.Rates, ftoldorq sud t imformattan cati o btae dfosB 1 Bennett, General Agent, ':.Ena-£t K St , TGronto, Ont. -w TimaBRIGavWATERS ANO ýRAPPY LANDS Lindsa- te Cobeeeuik and Lkte 80 miles et as picturesque scerux' y suiîd pepular surmer resorts as exiat l, u thia Province ot Lakes Excellent s'tean- jbosi service tbrougiseut in d ail1y--coc-i c tien with G T. R. andi C. P. R. trains during tise season. June isItetuOctober lt-tae beaveEs Lind,.ay tor kturgeou Point 'Landi Boiscaugeon dailv aI il a ni. sud 5 45ý p. M. except on Sattirdays, wisen ts evuuiug hboat awaits tise arrivai 0)f tise G. T. R. andi-U P. R. evonlng tan from Torouto aud Pert îHope. June l9th te etmer-tae leaves Lindsay ti-eky(ocss Wedesd1 sandiStras>o eeo il 1s, Rosediale ant Cboon, rn- ingsae dfty, Junil9,tueSpebr tt.Sem ers leaeL.-fedfor StonyLï1'ake Points dîclly onParrivietf alil G. T. P. trainso etnga uii2h~al with steamer ifer Beisc Chemong sud ~ ~~ýî Boerenat Urig is sn pericti Bus co,,nR-etion is giveýn hetw-4en Petechoro anti Cheon teand troi Burleigh Falîs, oc. g niinter- medigte Pei-nts daily. Fer rates fer ecriotar elme. cards, folders, t.. appir te iseTrent Valley NtiainCmayLi!nittd, Bobceaýgon Ot.25-tf. La sict eulire

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