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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1905, p. 2

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I I e e ý 1 Al'LULSICR0? REPORT BULLETIN ISSUtEDl- BY TITE ONTAERIO GOVERNMENT. In Sorne Varieties of Cereals Yield Surpassed That of Ordinary Years. The AugstCropBultn abt to bc- scdbv theOtaoDpr- menrt of Agriclue cont ias 0'o 1«olloýi1ug Laccouait regar-dinlg coni- tions on the lst cf the imonth: iCail Wheat.-The har'vesting of this ci-op iras begun rathucr later that usual la mnost sections, but flhc weather was favorable fcr dutting.' A numnber cf correspoadents speak of rust, but in almxost every case it was (ie-cribe(l as being only slight. Somne couiplain cf the grain ns beiiug soniewhat shrunken, while others speak of it as being plump; it mury lie generally classified as a fair sampie. tie Spring wheat Is now grown in the western half of the province. and4 in the castern bal! the crop appears to be also decreasîng la popullarity. Barley. - This grain, like other cereals. wiil go considerably over the average la yield per acre. The condition cf the crop is variable, SOme Icorrespondnts spcakingof The test, s-cre-st, safest and moCSt rlal remedy for al Liver, Stomach and Bowel troubles. You will Save doc- tor's - ssckesand suifer- ini£o alwa-,ys have and uise Sold Every-wýherc. In boxes 25 cents. FOOD-POIýo NIN There are inmany nyslawhich foodstuffTs lay g"i\e ise ,ý,to more or less ser.ionsdiuraes fhatb and it ispurtiilarly dinig thel surmme ter thnt sncb accidents are iikely ro bappen. Officiai exas-, inations are constaatly revealinig how xidespread is the practice Of adding preservatives or adulterants to viands of ail sorts, and though it iiuist be admtitted that ia many Instances these substances are by their nature or the smallness cf the quantities used comparatively harnii- less, stillinii the mai ority of cases the conditions are such as to render their presence extremneiy undesirabie. But entirely apart froni thesc, se- vere iilness not infrequentiy follows the use of certain common foods. Ia animai foods, extremneiy poisonous principles called ptomains easiiy ap- pear ns the result cf bacteriai ar- tivity, and may cause wholesale 111- ness. lessrianal ad. Sille farn lI r- overnor-General will net go teý the men go away safely, four es- A despatch from Montreal says:- British Columbla this ya lcss mauual aid. Skiiled farm labor "I ued altogethew oe as 0yer fae e ers receive from $30 to $40 a month b JoboesofDrn vi dathw50ile at ork In mthe and froin $150"()to $2 a day during Cas' erve ood,and1 Gr e, iolnt e hops e o Wedneshay harvcsting, but ine-xpericeuced men hi o~ahaal0 n canow W aoGrandonlynkfeeffeeon imonthiy c get as low as hUtbec wsges. mach foritb mfevorfthfor ii t Élimedcineoenwhich womnen 1ego agt nasta anir l 1odesfone ain nd ae ,-nnn depend. Sold ln two degrees of and before the miachinerry could be5t Theimigrtin athî Uesi, Dr Caees .strength-No. 1, foi, ordinary stopped, nearly every b)one lan bis d]ro h . ,10d-body was , iLr c(. _owfýt Newod, great1 g;_ýrees etrongerA) 1or-pei, actjýliurc. otitstn NewYok stmae tat1,0000 bilde and erertoaieý, t. boxat Cases, $3 per box. Sl 1 i hstril nuies helived a aliens will lard iu t'he IUaite tae aldalr, rdn, Bts oTrnt., sfrCo'sC conty eci'e 82,7 imirat. orrat n Sgntuef r.A Vches jton not.AkC o ok's take coule 'of hour1is atrbe[Jdmte d u rin g th is y e air . L a s t p ,C r tA . e oi t b o k a u h r, o V ery ý the C o e c . i a o , Q t o t h eo n s io n e ) s p t l th ee t .I J 2 L C LQ pUoronsubstitnte. t h enrlusptl nd reain- Ifyouddyowilko what that mean-s in comn- mon ranges - it means plumbers, delay, muss and big bills -because common ranges are buîlt that way. As range grates must sorne time burn out you are certain to have that kind of trouble if yours is a Common range. If you have the Pandora you won't have any trouble, because you can take out the old grates and, put in the new ones in ten minutes, and a ten cent on TRAIN RUNý-S INTO PIVE1 Only a Few of the Ininates Effcct- cd Escape. A despatch froin i ,orfolk, -Va., says:--Aa excursion train freinK!iig- stol], N.C., for Norfolk, over- the Atlantic Coast Lino with 169 pas- sengers aboard, ran into an open draw at the point w here the road crosses thoenstern branch of the E-lizabeý,thRive.r, somne five miles from Norfolk, at 12.20 o'clock on Thurs- day afternoon. The lirst car of the train, which, passengers agree, -,as iled with p ople, dived head lirst ito the draw,_ which does notcx ced ory oo i i, ThIt -st ruck

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