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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1905, p. 7

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UWon~ yon be guided by the e zperience of others-take wa thley took-and cure yourself as they cured theruselves? Fruit- a-tires cuire the cause of the headache. Trhey reinove the blood poisonsrwhic ýcs it entirely relieve constipation and toue up thse nerves. l is LeýUtter is the proof thýat pu-ts au end to doulit: I hve rid Pni-e.ties adfonnmd them splendid for headaches. 1 feel w imuch Seler aeeI ooiienedtai4g t 1. think thcy are a splendid nliedicine, and mmi rcciomndig tem e al ny frieds2 Mrs. J. W. IUOG hmsileOt j 5e.a . I, or Fruit ie Tabletr. TIhe-- Whole Universe Rlst n Lar= miony and Equi1libiumn 'The servi-ants said unto hlm. Wilt thu that ne go andi gath 'r up the tan-'? But he sati.ý Nay, lest while ygthr up the tares ye root up 'Hose the het witli thoîn. Letthie both grow together until the har- vest-dVattewxiii., 24-30. Wecds arc ýthe plague of. agriculture anti (rioi g. It would be easy te werlathe fieltis if it w~ere not for thfat inisibleuenrnTv that starts up every lier, ývth oxtraordinary per- zisene. ndfellows after the sowcr e o gooris,(I. The sower of geeti setsa snan who does net spare hiC treublo hmust be clear sighted te insurn, thc quaiity of bis seed,,lhe rust b untiring la tilling his fildt ai trnngovrthe soil. But wbe-,n lie lias endoeti is artimons ayswork and bias returneti homne te o a \vll-earned rest lis eue- miies ar"'ise. Ia the greund over wici the pleugli andi harrew have passed, and, wulich lie lias clear- ed te the best cf lis ability, gerins are hiien which lie cannot readli andi which bide their tiaxe. On the othorha,, t!,insof tho wn carysedsthat nbd gvsaii,, tally carrnes out ttîroughout the Pis- tory of tPe world aud of the Churcli. The province wberein the lamer feel- ings and convictions of monar- d velopeti is here pnrticularly coni- mondedti t our respect.'1 I nover reati these ,vords, whicli are yet decisive anti positive words, sufferiug ne doubt or exception, witbout a feeling of sadness, a sati- ness causeti by Clie inîpessibility fer mon te scee evidence. A few linos higher up'it 18siti, "Seeing thoy gee net, antid ann they hear net." The twords tere!bout te mcdi- tate on ar a man-ifeaýt proof of this. Heon is a paraîll. that conniains a direct toaching, a parable that la like the unfurling of a lag, tlie flag o! respect for thse opinions of others, evea if tbey are set forth ln a shape that may seoin to us dangerous or xrong. It is the formula of the lib- erty cf conscience.' Well, thon, those wbe have beard the disciples, the conteasiporaries of tho, Master, the witnesses of IRis teadhluma, andti t whom the lessoa was elnndprivately, with the most druntnia oitails, have Chist anid of humnanity ronewved by 'I'ini than this very injunction- "Le-(t thern botiî grow togaether tiutil the hiarvoa-t." Natural mean does not allow con- tradiction, any more than 4,-he wlld bird of the woods wiil allow a fei- iow senigster te live ln the same radius as himselef. He pursties him, hunts bise down, attacks hlm and ends by dostroying him or being de- stroyed himself. Natitral riean awnrds Io hiiseif a -zertaii domu;iLin of thoiiglt andi belief. as the eas of prey looks upon a certain portiion of the desert as his own pr-orty andi allows no other animal -within its precinets. Go for the comýpeti- tor, wçilth toth ani nail. until one of the two is vanquished! Natural meau, in bis blindness. in bis coin- bativencss, which is net enligliteneti by the wisdoin fromn ab'vo. lias a borror of contradicition and is apt to doclare that Got 1i iseef is against it. The contradicter is the. eneiny. The one who asserta what \ve deny deserves to cisappear. Andti vet wisdom should tes cl us that, n we risc ho-her ia the inner demnain oif life. it is ne longer by the ficneicss of fîglit and by exclu- sion, but by mutual unclrstanding anti by the co-operation cf counter factors, that pregress lu life is achieveti. CHAILES WAGME-RI. TI-E DIVINE ENGINEER. This wvorid is like a train of cars W\iýh Qoti as gner Ant(i wc zare onlypasogr WhLo vide~ away fromj licre. Th1e big red son is the lightitlront The gree n nieon aut the roa1r; Tlho twinkliîg sarss are signais tr-uc To show the track is ecear. The years-they are whirling whels That speeti along the track. A1nd of ten, oh how often -ne 'Have wishied they would tura back. Tbhis werld is 11lke a train.0f cars That goosawayfrese hore; Ant ond iii lýpassengors Who trust thie nier -Charlus T. Grtee ni Sunset Maga- zine for August. Nature llelpslUi-o-na (Cure S~To nqu~ f uIi v t Scalp One Mass of SorC, Hairand Eye-Brows FeIl Oul-Agony for Eight Long Years -Dctors ' ere IJnable to Heip Fier, SPEEDILYCUE fi1 hati sufferet terrible agony and pain for eiglit long yecars frei a ter- rible eczema on the11 scalp anti face, Tfhe best doctors were u-nable te heip me, andlI lad spent a lot of inorey for anyremeieswithour rýctiving any benefit. My scaljp was covercti with scabs, My face waIikLe a piece of raw beef, my eyebrows 'andi lashes were falling ont, and soCmetimes I felt as if 1 was bnrning up frein'te ter- rible itching and pain. 1 then, began treating inyself at home, anti now my hcad and face are clear anad I amn en-_ tirely mrell. I first batheti my face.with Cuticura Soap, te applied CCutîcuraj Ointmenttothellt Iiicteti p arts, nnd to'k Cuticura Rsletfor-the blood, was greatly relieetafrthfrsap plication, anticnd neius fCuti- cura soon matie a comite cure. - Miss Mary P. FaY, WsbrMs. And Itching, uim g Eruptions wjth Loss of !Hair, Cired by CutiýcLra. flathe tihe affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts anti scales, anti soften the thickenietIiicticle; dry, without liard rubbin rg, anti apply Cuti- cura Olutinentfely eallay itdli- liug,.irritation, and infilmmation, andi soothe anti heal; ai, lsy ae ui cura Reso1lit Pilîs to cool and cleanse the bloo, A sinigle set is often sufficieni ý,tûelcure the rmont tor- turn, disllgu'iing ski, scalp, anti blood humours, withi losa cf Pair, cf lssfancy or age, wlieu doctors, mcdi- ciue, anti ail,tise £ails CaticumS..5oP, Outinent, anîd Pille art,8.1àilironîhaut the würid. Depel,,LouiS,,, 27 ch.risrhoue Sq.; Prt,, & Rut de la PAIX; Auutrâili,,R. t. Co. d,,Sydacy. Potir Drg 2 O~ei. orp . n, 9.1o 0 SlPro.P6 ~MuSid Fr,," At Àont thie Ski-. Sea! P,, and fair." A QUESTION ANSW ERED. The world is suc!i a chery placo If we but se"e it se; There's beautLy eeyhr es To set the heart giow keasnion niits. THE LOUNGING ROBE. Thie terni lounging-robe realiy cov- crs a imultitude ef styles, froin the original type-a plain Mother 1IIub- bard-tbrongli the legions of kimo- nos te ceujntless extravang-anees of lace anti crepe dc chine, enibelisheti by a -wealth ef hand emnbreidery. There's ene weran-a very occas- lual type, inclecd-who lias an ela- beorate robe hauging in the closet of ev1ery roemn in lier big lioino-ready fo-r her gucsts, Anid sueli robes as shie intdulges in areý "dreaseis," in- deeti. Iîeavy crepe de chine there's a ~vide dillerenico between heavy and1 site pale ;sredes, iser lu cx" au over, Jnpanese fashion, witli lieavy, flat silk flowers, kept Frenchi fashien ail in a single teno-the exact shad.Ž cf the robe itsclf. Insteati of its bengharactcrless, becauLiv of tho jiimbleofo Frenchi and Japanese ideas, it's the lovellest creatie",nuim aginable, and makes yeungi un-I inediately fersne slight inîdisposi- tion-just enou(gli for an exculso te posepitrquy in it. IReal Jpns robeý,s are there, too, with )aibarkground cf soea pale tint, lsnt with a greup of butter- flics, or chierry blossoins,,any of the char acteisý-tic decorations of the mys,É,iomnlinring East, donc ini the gay colors that signalize that werk. lFor the rest, tberc's a pale, iride- secout heap of oxquisite robes and sacques; lingerie styles, with the waist shirred or tucketi into the long, g-racefu l unes of princes stylesý; there are shecr swisses, with lcor embroidery. set in lu odd,i beau,-ltiful ways; there are muils, with ribbens pulleti througli box pleats, aInd soine of delicato Frenchi stuffs, iry anti beautiful. that are almost submcrged under the bilo\s ocflime lace tbat continually foen and b)reak ever thoin.-- Sho is the rare exception, of course. There aren't many of us who can afford te indulge our whin-s in such luxurietîs formis, oven for our singleselveos, lot alonte for our guests; but every wonxan lias te have at least eue of sone sert or other, and she owes it te hersai! te have as pretty a one as possible, anti te keep it la' the dainticst sort ï, The Qold Dust Twins are always ready to work; they are certainly artist-s in the cleaning line. There's -iothing cleanabie whioh, will" not, lean-and Ido it better, more, quiokly and mrore economically than anythinig else can. Yeu are flot serving your'best interests if you're trying to keep house without GOLD JDUST. O-THýR GENERAL Scrubt:ng floors, washin Cciothes and dIshtes, cloaoingr wood- tSSFOR I work, oit ;:otti, silverware and tinware, polilshine brasswok "CL:) DUST I euingbti roow,. pipes. etcr, and rnoldng the finesi t so ep. î d b T à . 1X. FIRAN CMPN? nteal-, . C-aesolfAPiRY fSO. DON'T READ THIS. Eve,,-ry Day is Bargain Day -1 At thei ~ ?ope' Feland Lumiber Dpt We are stili, handling Best Brands Canadian S Cements, British Columbia lied Cedar and other good Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and flenlock S Lumber, Dressed and Undressed, Doors, Sash. Blinda and Mouldings. Fresh Mined Seranton Coal, Cannel Coal, Steanm = , FE-T-4 ff-, 4Y ý, l ýýC càiý -9à,

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