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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1905, p. 7

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Te Favrand Strengthlî- H fE greatLer bodly and richness of Inidian tea whïýen e on{lbined with the Ldelicatecly flavored buttine tea of Ceylon, prodluces that "rich fruity flavor" ofied Rose Tea-a ta that is strong and crocs furthe r-requiires Iess to miake a cup of equal Strength than any brandl of Ceylon tea alonie. Red Rose Teca combines the strength and richness of Indiein tea anýd the de"licacyand fragrance of Ceylon tea. mon, .sarok ANGL9îO - JAPAN TREATY OPMS0 PACT STRENG-THENS rtOLIVIER tALLIANCE. Integ-i*ty cf Chnese Eampire, Opent Door, and lilaintenanice cf 'ç7rritorial Riglits. A despatch frorn bondon says: Thc tox-t 4of the Anglo-Japanese agree- mut, whicli was signed on Aug. 12, anud a despatcli te the British Ami- ba>ssadori at St. Fetersburg forward- iug a copy of it, with instructions to coasmïiiunicate it to thc Russian Govenrment at thc canîtest oppor- tuityl, have beeu issued. Th, preamble deciares that the, L~ vorsîe<sof Great Bitain and1 J-apani, being dosirous of repiacing1 tihae emetconclnded -Jan. 3, 190, y resh stipulations, have agrecet upon the fotlowiug articles, Coin fr their object tic consolid- ation and maintenance of generai p)entce -in iueregiens cof Eastera Asia and( India, the preservation of the coien)intcrcsts of al the powers iu Chinat by ensuriug tic iudepend- ence and integrity of tic Chinese Emipire and the principie of equai opportuisitiýen% for the ce maerce and industny of ail nations ini China, andl the maintenance of the territorial tics in the regions of Euastern Asia and ( India, and tic defence of their special ite,rest therein. Tie agrce- Aricle1.-At is agrecd xhcnevcr in ticepflnof cte Great Britain uiJpa ny f Ithe rîgits or inter- sIofnrd eil]te ren 1be re sjuepardy ic twe Gove lmuts fuiiy and frankly and censider in conmmen tic mnensures which shouid lie taken te safe" card tho'se gencrai igLLt. and interets, Article Hl.-If hy reason of amn uuiprevoiced attack os. aggressivc ac- tion, wherever arising, on tie part Arile], I.-Tn te matter of the present waýr Creat Bitain xiii con- tlu' o iintiain strrict neutrality w'hich rose ,-Great Britain-will -corne to the assistance of Japan, conduct war la coromon, and makce peace in mnutual agreement with Japan. Ari icie VII-The- conditions in ýWhich arrned assistance will be af- forded by either power to the other, and the means by which sucli assist- ance Is to ie nmade available, will be arrang-ed by the naval and mil!- tnry nutherities cl the contnncting paqrties,, who, from timne te tîme--, wilt conl muiee nuothr flyand freely on aI qesiosof muiitua,,l înterest. Article VEfTheprstagree- ment shai t sbjecýi. te the plrovi7sions uf article VIcornejlute effect imi- meuiately after icý date of its sigia- ture, and roma,-in flu force for ten ycnrs fron that date, luI asenel- ther of the higli conitractiag parties should lie uotifled 12 months before the expiration of the saîd teon years 0f the intention of tormiuating th!e agrero,,imt it shahl rernain binding uintit the expiration, of oee year froi the day, on which either 'of the contrcin arisshall have de- nounced it, but if wlien the date fxdfor its expiratio'n arrives either atyis iactuaty engagci;d in war, the alineis acto, saîl cotfinue1 matit enes'hallhave een con lafaiUiitli whereof the uesind dly autlsorized by their respective Goverurnents, have signcd iLs n ýgrece- menit ,and afi.xed their seals. Doue in dlupicate at London, Aug. 12. (Signed) LANS DO WNE. HAYASI. There igimore Catarriiin this secticnon ee Cmintry fi au ail oteer dfiseases put h gether, "ri 6 oUtil tbi ýa tfewyvrs was supposedtose b 1 i: i F- w a gi65xt man1y yFars doctors it.'. o.ocîii lclsense an~d Pr seritied J ILUSRAIONPAIS.Are You .AT NOnR RENITFW A'ND SI- Up to the tlarkç? 00E EXHIBITIONS .If ntfeigas; well as youi Provincial Departinent Is Arrang- Shouild, do not rraake the mis- ing to Have a Numiber of ta'Ke of Iettinig your heialth take Educdational Featuros. came cof it-self. Resomt to Ail the atgricuiltura-Ll societies lu the province have benwritten to lbyMnS H. B. Cowan, Provinicial Supeýrinten]- dlent of A2rÎricutural Societies anidi b urged to appoint delegates to attend ý"'(- either the Beachburg exhibition, ns LÉ1 North Renfrew, on October 5 anfd 6, SoId Everywhere, lit boDxes 2, ,j et, or thé Slimcoe exhibition in Norfolk ________________ County, Octoben l8th and l9th. These are two of the veny hast 9. A special eýxibit in The Dairy puroiy agricuitural societios in the Department prpre y the(, cheese Province. They both have splendid exporters of Mur al, an Mr. N. grounds and buildings, the equal 0f G. Somerville, ISupeinten jident of any in the ProvWce, and the groundsathe Governmnent Cool Culn oom and buildings are pnactically ail paid at Brockville. This will inictudo pro- for. The annual report of the Northi penty and 'mpr -erTycenstructed Renfrew society for 1904 showedl chceese boxes, strong boxes, brelaen that its buildings are worth $300,boxýes as receivel al, Montrent, im- its lands $3,000, total $16 000, wilfi poe packed bxssoing the liabilities of oniy $400. Tý'he report cheemucl too large or to smal of the Norfolk Union sociaty soedfr h oxes he; ees1lipp1ed le, that its'lands are worth $3,0G0, tsppry n(d jl impr operlly crued buildings $6,500, total $9,500, 'Vitliceeenefcia(heeec amortgage of only $00 heOt t teSm xiiini di tarie Departinent of Agri"ultuneizc s tien to the abov , eewili aiso"e arranging for a convenltion of [repre.a gmkan rcompe"tition o scntatives; from the oth!]er agricutr es back ta. front cf tho grjand ai sjcietieýs lu the Province Lat each! stand,_ competî(tions by sehool hld- of these- exhibitions. Reduced (lrates ren for the besýt diidsudand are beiug sccured over the ratred,ideioutration) plots ituta inm- particulalrs of # whicli will hbo mnîil-ld thods 0f growývjin farm criop-s and your society inter. It is exetel crops suitabie, for the isrit thatdegae will be ale to aten s lray tne dleaeswll lie at aîfrats. betaobti fulis inforion aIi)I s TheDeprimnt ietevs tat he o te ost of caiof teefeat1re.s, ime ilis coinrg xhenthei;re will lie z a -ho ýjtliey deTg1sire totrodcethem material r-eduction in thenube of ait their exhdibition, ;,nd1 poin1tere in societies in the Proveince and that I regard te tha best mtoduf man- instead of holding se mrty exhibi-, agiug th-em. tions, As these havue li) eafr some yoners FEWER AND) LA E two of thie bcsýt exhïibitins in the exhibitions will lie leld. This will Provinceu, and the pia features make it possible to arrange the ex- have been a îe or th'e purpose of hibîtions into circuits and for tic illustrating to fatir mainaýgers and varions educational institutions of directors tha,-t tiey eauv Le pujt on it the country to prepare speciai cxlii- is eannestty hoped il liat eerysociety bits te take from eue exhibition te that can do so will arran-geý to send another. To iltustrate what can lie dlegates to eitlier euoe0f these cx- doue in this direction the Depart- hibitions. nieut is arrangiug te have a-numiber of educationiai features at botli of these exhibitions;. Delegates who at- M. DE WVITIE CHEIERED. tend witl lie able te gain fuit infor-1 miation as te the ceet of introducing Russian Envoy .&ccorde-d a Hearty' these feature-,s and as te tlie best Welcome Home muethl[7<s (if conmucting fthëi, at their A St. Ptrbrg esalisays": exhibitions. The evening of the frst Wtte nïrrved lieeatl,2 day a meetinig of. the delegates xill o hrdy n lie lield, wlien au opportunity will liear.onTusayadwsacr- given tliem te discuss the varieus cd a very licarty reptn by a features of the exhibition and other largo crowd of officiat]s anîd others. matters relating te thc mana gementtM'lhen lie lef t St.Ftrsugin, July of fairs. a srnall delegation ifoiofficiats ac- The special features of these exhi- companîcd hi-ni te thie raitroad sta- bitions will include: tien te bid hlmfaewll There was 1.Demenstrations luithti wornen 'sn n publie. demonstration whatever. departmc1nt under th'e drection of1 On Thursday thore wtore, seovea or air - M. U. I, t'utnam, amperinteneent of es5- tsneiia ofnf01Uici, (le- eur is te -ai.ti'tmeo peonce d it leomn' T ,oabile. Sience las poraCatarrh toe i nai Wmns stitutes. spte 'the carl iy heur cf the traia's coistutioli'ct disess3e au1, '!herefore re uire- 2. Live stock judging coMptitions arri vai, and an ntuiatcrcowd coutitaticaýl treat1înent ïastIs CatarrhOr' rfrer'sn.c 00o 0 epe miiufaetuiedby F J. f 1) y & Ce, Toledo frfres os . 50o 0 Olo, is the eonîy c 'tsoal cure on tle 3. A spoecial exhibit prepared by Tie Russo-JapanseTrat will Market It s taien i- er, -xiy ie doses froni AMn. F. C. Elford, Chef, of the Foui- b-c signcd eanly extWcok. M. de 10 ctrops hto a tea-Poonfet.1h acte dii ectly ai trv Division e i oiin De- Witte lad nongintrielw and the 10 d and mueus srfceof the sshmofteDmnn They offer osi edrdotar o a aepartmcnt of Agriculture, illustratis g lunecd wihh ýForeigu idiuite Lms it faits te ue.Sid o(iretar's 011 tes desirabie and undesirable types Ofdotq- tiseoniass F.dno.T rsn. e-mile - 1Address, F J. CUENMY & CO., Toledo,('_ birds for fattening purPOss ceived ni Petenliot and give the Em- Tare Halls Fauîily iliis for Constipation. teuing iratesý, packineg cases, methods tic treaty itee-li witilietaken ta - et ofpackig, tap nestse,_c etc-. Ftrfby (,Co]"untLmsdorf', wi 4. An exhihit of 'desirabie and un- eounîe-signature wiîî comaplote tic GRADING TH1E G. T. PACIFIO.' desirabie types cf hogs, withî sides xectio. ftcintuet -iof bacon show ing injuries causcd býýeeuW fth .iuet Work West of Portage la Prairie tic. treatmcnt and mictliods of handi- Being Viga-rously Pusied. ing lioge wlien alive j JAPýAN 15 JUBILANT. tenancd part of tic cargo, wiile tiec ciîlcren is scrolula; in adlts, building recorýd is gi-eter tian ever. slip mas nonacèdd ly dames, mas Consumpil Bt ae orCrnacwiti tic total figures fer blown up at 9.53 o'cieck eon Thurs- rvosyasi hv arelu day merning. Tic. Suez Cana lis,' lood ; both need more fat.,peiuyasi t shows a mrvelu C incease.In last vcar's re ordsv b-F _kc nconsoqunce.These--dîseagss theve-on -lean- oral saillions wcre npeetdby the ~Thouroid'srecrd uanel a ies. ats the best means of new C. E. terminaistic Faton Excsion9ane, cnfistd tef aEast ,overcomino hi'codlvr uhbl, ,tic ga os rks iaproveme1nts Exhag, ositd irtofavatý gthm;cidlve il1and ether large structures. Ticre cotunîn 0of grey smoice shooting sçy- makes the best and healthiest ar vn120 mrebidnsti ward. Witlîin a, second of tic pres- fat and ycnr te date than lastcr u i ing of tic buttosi at tise iring peint, mnajity of Ihese are rsdnc.Tic w hidhIIna thirce miles distant freni-i report, whci spea_is fer itsecf, ije as tihe Ciatini, a column of w ater, fetioes:- 300 feet higi, rose. Etigit seccndsi 1904-Fermits 1 ,768 bildings, t aten it had isen te a heigit 0f 1,- 2,268; cest, $9,651,750O. 1-00 feet, and la four seconds more'10 omt,271 ulig il mas nens-iy 2,00-0 feet higi. Tien E '71T 19'35- erts, ,7 buiding wrckage s ose, immense fragments'SîN of iron soaniiog aiolt hundrede of fee. Tic total dunatien of tic as- TAKE OVER C. A. R. LUNE. cent uas 35 seconds. Tic wioie Is the easiest and most effective body et water in tiec aiali for a fori of cod liver ol. flerl' a Gralld Trunk Now Op,-erates MVr. distance of about 200 linear yards naturailaorder of - hig that Bootl's Railwny. was appnrently iifted- and ttii-ownu over ticelianks and epreaci over a shows why Scott's'Emnulsion is A Mentreai epthsy -i mile of tic country, dGoe.itinig thon- of so mucli value in ail cases of m2,anagement of the Grandi, Trunk sande of dead fisi. Tic vegetation i nslîway anneunces îsat t-ic Canada in tint section was destroyed. Machý serofula and consumption. More Aiantic Eailway Lias been t aken of the arecicago i-c1i on tic railway. fat, more weight, more nourish- 1ov btemr, aud titl,,,tic foliow- Subsequent i essigas ion siow ciInient, thIat'S -why ig oadof directors la eneet fiat 600 fc,eet of ticucnet ank ef tciedVbs.M ays .H. -vitzuh unesmorelexecd. SI- SOT &BOWNZE, Cheinists cetc fiee-îs .Hys greterpat of il,1c tame!vaiscd beay lic nccssnry to.bAUm' 5Ocjd$îOO (, dnt.; Pn-nK Scott, secret'uaryV-treasur tislpesibyas;1-. . aiker-, generai audtor. BIG SHIP COMBINE. Aniglo-Japaniese Co. Wîll Have a Capital of $25,000,000. The Lond(on Standard's Liverpool correspondent reports the for mation of a big Anglo-Japanese shiip-oxxing and carrying combination, \,ith a capital of£500,00.It xiII take over aout10 strimsbips, vary-iug from 2000 to3,000tons eachi,wih ho used; for., carr-îyilig sipmlents te, and fro ndia and China. !PortAr thur w\ill bie thle Par Eastern head- quarters an distributing centre. The J apanese Goverrnent lias grant- ed concessiens there for xvrehouses and docks. The combination, f urth- ermrore, proposes to acquire, severai largo cargo steamiers of frorm 10,000 to 20.000 tons, to carry freiglit di rect betwe(-en Japani, China, Liver- pool, London, AnitxerP, and some Frencl, i .port. It is believed that Japani's exý_pert tracte xiii receive enormous developinont, and that it xvi h ine witli China's, whule a brisk busine1ss will lie donc with Dur- opean maniufacturers. Sir Alfred Joncs, senior partner in the firm of Eider Dempster and Co., Il. 1D. biot, and -sexteral China merc]itîts are mentioncd in connoctiùon with the, plan. CANADA AT P1TTSBURG. Great Interest Eecing Taken in e Exibits at the Ear ln:A. B3uriisý , ,h ias charige of the Cana1,dian exhlibît aLt PittsbuIrg, 'a.. is iii thecity fori, da or t- wo to, arranige for theta erae or somie minerai displays at Liege, Bei- gliurn, t'Othe Canaian seil -"CIion 4of the Impe-(rial Institutela bonon, ng- land. 31r. Burns brings the best of news from. the Pittsburg., Exposition. In the five weeks during whicli the fair, lias licen running ho says the people have visited th(- Caniadian building in groat nuimbers,,. The at- tendiance at the fair is, abouit 14,000 daland inte>rostcenresIn the C'anadtian igoods, whici contitute the most atatv xiiin fe-a-. ture on theà grcmnd THEFTS 0F BAGGAGE. C. P. R. on Track of Systematie Looting at St. John, N. B. A St. John, N. B., despatcli says: Tihe local police have seized a banjo la a Carleton lieuse and heid it as part of the property stocni fromn C. P. R. pass-erigers' baggage in transit throw,çrhelrp ibirilo- the yeaýr tic C. ýP. R.lisadtound of dollars inu daims fur trans-Atan- tic b,9age stolca hein passengers. Tlie selleries consistcd chiedly' 0f aeci~ nîd aimable articles, The rioeswere commiýitted by pensons wie md eaccessetute i"aggage lie-- fore il W a[mput on tic teaersgo- jing teErpoo fe imcig tak'en from s ýteamrs cm gCanada. FREE SPEECH IN RUSSIA. Censorship 'of Pres l Now Prac- tically.Abolislied Tice Mlscew correspondent of Ticý ly go to the Judiý cal ýc, -m iittè&of the Pi~Cucl Just Com Ù3nmon -Scns and EXTPIACT OFr -EP will simnplify many household difficulties, reduce your table expenses, and add several dishes to your daily menu without additional expense. "CulBnarV Wrinkles" tella how to use Armour's ]extract o f Beef in the kitchen, 'at the cli1afing dish, and in the sick- rooni. Sent postraid on receipt of -naine and11 address and a mt-al cap froni a jar of Exý- tract of Beef. Sold lby dritggists and grocers,. a 'van sic did net wage is the cern- mniny exprcssed opinion of tic Angle-Japanese Tneaty. Tic news- papars here regard it as a diplomia- tic triumnph, layiug tic foundation for an Anglo Japanese niastery of Asia. Sonie fears arc expressed lest ire t aladu et ha iuuiiW551i$U5vebs nar1 hene on Wednesday. Tic heorses lie-!. camne figiteneci and raun aay, lice j jcoming tangled in a straw staci, Nvhiciscui-tfne-ud-15015nd-the, A MONSTER NUGGET. Husîdred and Sixty Pnde af il- ver in Cobalt'Mines. A Ceblat dcspatci s,,ys: Tic third usenster rsuggct lins hem feund in tie Tlimmins mine. 1it migis 160 1)ou îid s Mine mnager.s are invieg difficult in stepping tic stcaling of siuver., - -- -1 BASUTO RISING FEARED. Flytng Farce of Bitteli Despatchied Frout Pretoria. A despatch from bondon enys:- fît is stated tint a flying ferre leit1 Pretoria eon Sept. 26rli for tic bor- des- of Basutoland. Since tic dentlt et berothodi, tic pararnout eidf anci tic report ef tic last German I deetin Somti-wesý,t Af-ira, tic Bais-, utos hvebieen rstsada like feling !lis liensm nng red eburst ont a an moent Yugchepfs arc traveýrsjing-tIIOcdoua-) tlint l aimed more at tlý i BeersI t1int ti isi.It is ntgdta tic British resident at Maseru bas urgcntly appcnled to tic Hligli Cern- usissienen te a-rm tlic farmners living Hlalifax Gunner Fonnd, on Rani- parts With Tirant Cat. A -dcspateli froni Halifax-,- ,rae Granison Artitic;y, Vmas (jidedca on thse rampants of tietit;ci11"11 at an eariy liousr onu rii s a ia ing, with a big gasi in jiss1tii-ont,, and by hie side wns fou,:," a razor.- King was 35 years of 01-e ûu u- inarried, and iad filtei) ycasser- vice to lits ci-cdu. No ri-on is given for iadt. DO DE-OBOR ENTEiliÀ?RISE. Coinnmnmity Vindertakes One of Hea-viet Sections of C. T. P A dcspatch frem Wisssiýi ss :- Tic :Doukiýober coromuinirt: son tracteci for eet tic lieh,'nt cr tions ef the C. T." F. cutcin and wiil put a tiuad innda iuadred teanîs on)ic ijob st ensic.. -e iv, fr r Car,' caesper box. 2, 10 rie di tf.Aslç for CaAk'AC oas Compaunr.; tien Sbtit. rigilts 01 the hi-h eontracting- par i-.1i --di- and bv ccirRtalýÈiv ' Fýî .--r -r -1- - 1

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