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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1906, p. 8

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NEWCATLM.BABY NEARLY DE&D Thma Gbsn 5 om îomBr Nt rs. Johni Cuddy, KiIlaloe Station, et Ont., sy -"My baby was 80 nearly EA O S P OPL Mr. and Mri3 D. J. Galbraith were dead that 1 had to place xny car close to lu i Belleville reeently. his breast to know that he wps breath- arley antedMiss Laîug is visiting relatives at ing. lie was lin this condition whien I >1London and attendlnig the fair. tiret gave hlm Bab'ý's Own Tablets and *.*.Mr, Geoo Col'will, Brandon, vislted ...r.........etht he wul Highegt Market Price iilb ad o sanMrs, (Dr) Farnoombe saveonc. aBdtsoon a pd hm alwel ay quniy o B rly a Caeoia Miss Kate sti-ggns, Toot, n îl ois flow two ý cars old and ls ow an ile un, ! ttwa vsiodfres er. weîghs torty-ive pounds and has nover1 Jj Ml ~Mr.ChaosWillliams and wîfeo! known a sick day cico I first gavhl John ~ L iniedEnnisklllen, visited at Mlr.A.EiswOrth's- the tablets." Baby's Own Tablots Jo n Mc-'IJ#ua mrs. w. H. Jackson and daughter cure constipation,indigestion,diatrrhoea, BowmauVille.Gayrco y vsted DarIngýton toething troubles, break up eolds, expel 35t.~~freinds, worms and give littie ones naturali YMr. S Jo38o was calied to Bellevillelelh ]e ndtemte a granltethat this medicine contains ~ ~thrughthe illns and death o! a no opiate or poisonous soothing stuf!. brother.Sold by ail medicine dealers or sont by ~ . Mr. Simon Ba"SkOrville, soid the Don1- mail at 25e a box by writing The Dr. ~ 4 ad cLeod residence to Mr. Fred Williams Medicine Co , Brockyllle, Ont. Graham. e Rev. W. H. Adams, Norwood. was HISTORY OF BOWMANVILLE, rocent guiest at Rer. J. C. Wilson's. Tliursday niglit last. (Gontinued fromfirst page.) * T ',L 1~~~ 11 t4b ,<Harsh purgativ e rmedles are fast wliole curont of hie future ife, Hieshand H1!II I.~~I.IIIUII.Fglving way to the gentie action and Rot into it anid was taken off at the writ. -M&IiiIf mild offeets of Carter's Little Liver PIlîs I aenwob htwe tocr h __________________________________________ I you tytete wl ctll and ail concerned Iooked upon it as an E~ l~e~L Conh s mvlg fomirreparable misfortun:, and no odr The Star flouse lias just reeelved a large quantity * ondhoad to omuilt wrfr of lg clssTalormad Sits PNTSa ery'lrge1W, OIJ RWND Kni hitteamstcr. among strangers, without resources and ofigicasTiOVR-inaeSuitsla Ntca vRERylreD MR OZIAL RofOWstNTrS.t_ Juie-mairied for life. But the darkest clouds S assortmdnt. O ECASalresok REE> ~ A P A '~Ms owl !Ws oot uc give lightning birth, the Pearl ls lormed * CLOTHING well attended to, No bettor in West Durliam esuf'Qivefu tion, a formm~ resident, lba e iî i cas bedau eagv i ast lng a Mr.W. H Poacos.hini only an ontrance into a new niverna Overalis, Slops and ail kinds of Gents' Furnishings. Finds Relief in Pe-ru-na. Mis. W. Cox, Hampton, who has a loened up a door for worldly advance- Pressing and Cleaniflg Suits at reasonablo priees. beeni viitrInglher niece Mrs. W. Pick. 12 pRU Y R KPLN ard, bs beenvery poîly.ment and now cornes into view a first TeGets iigEgihAto SUFRD15 YEARS. IE vou hadi taken two o! Carter's Littlee ntod ofbiscexoe an Mi. Gr A smali man, tanned- and bronzedi to a clear light nao~y q SI.JrFERED came into my office one day sud rolatedbuilt, with broad shoulders, keen blue eyes, lheay straiglit eei, jaknMruttnsforLades'Drsse. haLve Pille b efore e tn ouu ou aldthe tacts; aiso giving hlm a higla character dark mustache and square resolute jaw, dressed lunciethesta I.» * Mr.OzialRounds, Welland, Ont., a tae th a thct o tong e rba for more tban usuai ability aud houesty, aie to fashionplates-this is Rudyard Kipling. Alive, ale,agriv reirdlubrmnan.a eidn o va mt yufo cesonliiA appealiig te, my sympatliy for hlm or intense, quîck ln movement, - idcnca 1izia.frs sigd1 -JEFanyone e:se W1 Uâdbee O80 l1 ÏbY o-ne thoroughiy self-satisfied;»--one who je bis own court of apas HWefuud or ait cetury wîtes: BeyJ. C. Wion lias boon given afficted, ainmekoathesotie AB bythmstcmponctyet ia, ilga Bownianille ~ "For fifteen years prior to 1900 1 tWO WeekS houda'iys and Will spend tbem that liteid, emmeewa esieih e Artmay hek 1365. His father as an Englsma, aprfssri]a' ~I~was a sufferer from hay asthma and with his brother in MîchIgan. htlebism en hrwt oCrsma eko 85 i ahrwsa nlsmn éc aç laedwtortrew tz M. ,A C ands]dseer, ! hI'lelp himseif. 1 strongly advised that lie tectural sculpture in a Bombay college, and, wben Rudyardwssx i a * chronic das to grewltbak and rd am ow oldhseewhlofhi$ woutldgo te eue of these excellent schools shipped back te England to be educated. At thirteen oieutrdteUie fine weie ~~in Toronto, where they teach Tolegraphy. Service Ceilege ut Westward Ho, uncier the direcioneto ilia ofcfs 611waatîeatqd by eminent physicians awarded a number of prizes at Toronto. After hie retuîned home ho eutered into a The atmosphere was militaiy and Indian., aud ,was doubtiesaptetfco but, If anytbing, was worso than ev-r. Ask any '1JAP"l that you May soc, AUCTION SALES, 1YUF utcIwsi smsrbeacni WyteCawt erbhna correspondence with oui old popular aud iu coloring the mind of the boy, wlie acquired more by ucosiuabo- I tie s n as ano i bo. acnd-" th Czbartree. iehn,"a reputable citizen, whe for se long took tien than by direct study. It is true that hoe carîied off the(rzsluEgil The Yanks, Qed blcss the Yauks, says ho Part in everything relating to the good of literature lu a matter-of-fact kind of a wýay, as if it wero i sige hr WEDNSDAY Sep. 19-Mis. Geo. Ladies, read tbIs catalogue of cbsims. 1"Plowever, I chanced te tty pérunaThygvusRc M ntiTe others that occurred here: Thes. Yeiiow- ef the plunder; but otberwise reveaied rio symptemns of geus BScat epnton91treet, wîîî seli Bright eyes. glowlng cbecks, red lips, a and notlced an improvement. ThusTe aeu cýl ngnTa lees, but hoe was also conviuced that it At seventeen lie weut to India te work on the "Civil and( iiayGzte aIl o!lirtelhougtodntur e u mObsi ihu imsl hrencouraged, 1Icontînued, .and after tak- Mrs. Rateliffe has sold lier dwe&ing Wouldb dto o sor to get uem ut Lahore, where his talent began to ho recoguîzed in a hatparuznwy alt of lier hoBhold furofficeanifsmbotM skntdibyotheaeditor-in-chieor,.antrauge, t,,oweverathel'PlainryTalesa eromrtherHuis furnishingrs. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. perfect health. For sale with every ing several bottles of your procious sudM mothevod to Bowmauville, llsiry he Plan Tla A. Wý.. ToLE. suctioneer. package Holllstoî's Rocky Mountalu Peruna, I was entireiy weiI and a Coulel sud famiîy have also) goe to oiei possie. MrGray again turned whicli gave hlm his first European success, and bis "Depateal ite" F -1DAY, Otober 5-Mi, Robt. Wonns- Tea, 35 cents. wonder to myseif and friends. that town te reside, up sud with jbe persistence of the unfor were accepted under pretest, te humor the boy, rather tha o aymn coilt 5 cn 3 Dîintn.wll Wcent visitrs : Miss Florence Clem- If, at my advanced age, 83 years, 1 Miss FiossY wbo ived here with the tunate widow urged the matter upen my the editers discevered. saialo! his faim stock. implemeuts eus visiting Miss Grace S1cmon,Haydon; bave obtained such good resuits trom Iste Mis. Wright is.gettlug aloug spien- osdrto.Itldhmta i e A man ef supreme individuality, hoe bas the splendid couaeo i o etc.Scebui. Sle a i . m L:Mr. Russell Biugbam sud Mi. Oswald Peruna, atter se many years ot needloss didly as stenog-rapher lu a soliitoî's need any assistance and with oniy one victions. He daned te lasb England inte a figlit wben the Bc a omt A. W.Tons auctonee.lPolardToootontaotherthoes;lMsshomeesi;,Mtess auubenerdubte itooffieelu abrySounddbaubliecf ldho eylotteihep luthe t hlmimperteve ho courgd theceuorunhtr ovdlferliertieafort tlbe AýW TLautone.Edha Fallis, Toronto, witli Miss Maud effcaey in the tîcstmont et youuger It arouses onergv, develops and stim- post office. At at I yielded, being pur- soldions; lio inspîred those soldions by bis stirring, tinglinglisanmrta WVED)NESDAY, Oc3t, 10-Mis. F. L.Bragg, Curtis, Mis. W. Cryderman, Bowmau- os ulates nervous life, arousestecorg uaded that it was the best tbing ha o uid stauzas, whule Alfred AustinteLuetwswiigpn-eoaevro lot 13, cou, 5, Darlingtoevill sali allvle it .(il 1)0.Mr WcJ.f1yeuth it Makes von Young again undertake te, obtain a living sud in due guananteod te offend ne eue. Thon came bis naaguificent Rcsini- e!le amsok mlmnsecCl'utt and Misses Aida and Elsie ___________________Tbat's what Hlollister's Rocky Mountain course hoe came into the office. Thus 1 new classîc added te oui lîtoraturo. S-eebills, L. A. W. ToLE, suctiosieci Coliacutt with relatives bre .,.. The Tes will do. 85 cents, Tes or Tablets. came in teucli with hlm and got mixed up Kipling le the apestie ef the stronueus; hoe loves colon urausi il song service ceuducted by Mr. Baker, -1~ Dr. Browu aud wifo, Toronto, Miss withhis future, my interest Coutinuiug love; lie is thriiled by stnuggle, by pewer, by conquest. Hl hw mnwt Sundav cvoing was weil attendcd. r anniua, Liudsay, aud Mi. sud Mis, along the road tili ha reached the place the prîmal instincts aud Passions, nature unvaîuisbed. HIs( e butt PÂLL FAIRS ]Runnal 1sM eleome,were recent visitors whore they ail converge at last. But bnutality, tearioss te the peint of frenzy, but nlways sincensualy bt BOWMANVILLE ......... Sept. 27 28 Mn!r A A. Bowenman, wifo and chid- e! thoîr coui-ina Mr. Asa Thompson aud what a read it turned eut te lhe. There wbOn lie lots the Oriental iu bis nature koep hlm close te theIdaleisro Lîrsv............. Spt.20-21iorn 1i f z for their beome at High River. the Misses Thempson. was romance sud tragedy euceuutered at realed 'te the wonld as ne other Englicli wîiter lias ever doie Sothdsario....Os....... Sept. 252622 ZAM-.BUK CURES PILES. Alta., aft'î a two monthe' vilit wlth CRIPPLED P Is 1)NY isAsff-61every stepping place along Ahe way. Ho Entered.according to Act o te Parlimen fon ds, Sulatheyoar i954, by W, 0. Macic, it tiheDptmts riiu Pooroe............Ot. -5ACAO 2 YAR3 DIGýarids her.. tes ers Bake r gae was tîoubled fer years witli kdurdis- was a diligent studont sud eagerly did his ___________________________________ Gobur...........Set.2t25 *CS*0F1*YE- -I'NDNGs birtday .pîry ,' bertyut g frine3 ase sud Dr. Ciase's Kidue-Liver best te become a souud eperater. Coutrary Toronto.......Aug 27-Sept. 10 CURED. IStîdy..Ri~ngtu lifuPlhave entirelv cureclmd Wc ebsepcttesi ok~i ul Cotaý.Sp -5Friday u -s. . rsu i. " u m vhgi o i epcatos ttokhm ac Ceta aaa*àR, O ia Set -5 That -painful ailmout piles is cuîed by'Ta yior tîcsated tho1iviiotocecmbegan the useotesplscudoîbugrhahoatiatdeacmlii s-lsu........Oct 93El Zam-Buk, betb spéàedily sud perman. F akPnidv e oa i id L0e Sept. 25-2c) euisbe1 w Mts Amelons.... of r.ZTlBaae ceau1go0te theHld sud work like auy tuecarry hilm thieugl, bu,,t as the days Oct. 2-3 w -os For 12 yeais 1 hpaebeen,'liste - 17- e orSeTi ~ t~ a.-[W. H. MoseSul asdlt eli u h etam trudng ile, sd bve1eenus ,g cinînosiug cceu> ! sat; utla --i1edte ygto.ser. ssu d le ws b auditte i with eud te a oercmearoelntln e 4ua stns: Mis- %Ir sieWassams, Bewmau illesnt, Hwawa may lielpiug Toronto; sud Mis. Wm. ~ugustahenChîi YOds 1 f ÊS ;da tehmain uuinterste i w a i l e * ta eaesliga 5 fftiet ek ate a aIhghs mîetvlucihn en uchlre' haeaiseseet. M Mu Mis. Rs ssce, nfIf,,aI rretedsudaymt-e bi gult. Ic ouu woan ivig wth s, issFany scdetevfer go wytepocr mioi vcolrigttoeermrsIl -And atth isW.AWht sdMag r wn" L bag tae sbau fui romcad, mx jauisety tIakilswesesarem ssu 1lfii g a1t, 25%i1,.offfranma.AItoiduotliugt Isai -,urale

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