e 'i TERMS :-$1.00 Par Ânnum. u ONADCt~ ls;taWRf ~RAD. M. A-, JAMES é O,?opite WAvaje. OWMAVILLE, VTL, WE DN ES DAY, J ANRY -RAY0. OUM IIvo Great Clearing Sale of Winter Goods ---:BEFORE STOGKT-AKING: From this date we wîii give one-third off the price of our best Ladies' and Mfisses' Cloth Coats. Some Enes will ho sold at haif- price. price. kA Also a. lot of Dress goods ,at about half- Ail kînds of Furs of Which we stili have a good s~e at greatly reduced, prices. Ladie-s' Fur-lined Coats worth $35 00 for $25; and $40,00 coats for $30. TweLity-five per cent off'ail Men>,s and Boys' ovet' coats Our-~tc must be reduced. and ail goods wiii be sold .4 s advertised. 3Woct * Johnston and oErvderman: J"; Grocers' Due Bis taken as Cash. ____The_ Corner Shoe Store The Popular Rllbbor Store RECAUSE FuIST-Our Rubbers fit weil S.ECOND-The'Y wear weil. TiaîRnD-They are sold at rock bot tom prices. Our assortment of!-styles in low-cut Rubbers, storin-style llubbers,' wool lîneti Rubbers, waterproof cloth top Rubbers, high- ont Overslioes, unhreakable top buekie Rubbers le complets, OUR GREAT SELLERS. Mer's eubbers ............... 80e Lady's Rubbers .............. 58e Misses Rubbers, il to 2 ....... 48e Boys' Rtibbers ............... 55c. Men'e Overshoos . ........$1.50. Men's Buekie Rubbers....... 1.55. We recommend, those te wear well, Bactrgtai ns Our store je gradually taking on a Bargain Day appearance as ie usual this time o! the year. Bargains in Slippers. Bargains in Feit n'ear, Bargains in Boots. We are Selling Qood Boo>ts. oheap. Study Otir Windows. The Burnis Go.,1 Ltd, imaiffi Four Corners, Don't Sweai 1 - - Off . .. cause ihe k-indg you have itI3 ii not aLre wltb ý.ur stOmach. You eA&Y you have tslsd ailj the ahcikintis but t 'h (r e lI OTHER, oue wblch l ienila prepareti and aain,- pepI'TIz'Ad te aesimulatet bv-thn Most deilat stomrachs, as It centains the Hypophosphites anti ,Qulinin,It le the Best TDuie and CiiBiae for Young and al., it le excellent.. Sold in 1 size oiiïy at 3 for 811.00, F. R. Kersiake, The Sole Aget. Phone 49 .. Bwavi, I A AWanýkI SAppication Formi for Membership lu the Finest and best Bu"sess rralniiig School in I Canaa,-TheCantr i siness3 * oleeof Toroto-romnJn 2nd., next, togðer with dotetled iInformatien of the ra avn *ages to be enjoyed, 'FII bc sent *free bv return mail on reuetof Ifriend or letter. Wîrite to-dyt W. H. SHAW, ricie Yonge & Gerrardý Sts., I Establishecl 1817 C apital 8 14,400,000 Rest -$11,000,000, Total Assets $168,001,173 Savings Bank Departmont. Hiead Office, Montreal J. A. McOLELLAN, Manager. Bowmanville Braurch. 44 Midlalld Loan and SavingS Coinpauy, Port Hope, Ont Establlshed 1872 Capital fully paid up. $80.0 Reeerve Fund ............. 140,000- Sev1ngs Depoaits of î».oo and upwardsý received and interest at 31 per cent paid or eomponnded bait yearly. Time Depgsïts of SI0'l.Oo and upwards received fer y tern, of yenrs. but Lot les than one year, at higher xatee or in- teret. Executors and Trusteeq are authi3riv"c by law te depesit Money ai thieir disprosai witli this Comtpany. bTe fund.s f the company are, iîvestud' only Lin municipal debenture.s and first mortg gson improved real estate. whieh gives a=go1utc Securlty te dtepositor.. Money les.ned at Iowest rates of interest and on favorable terms..1 gn givlng your bissinpaq te this eompany Y e B"e ulo tprivaey. Ne Ilafoirmaitlon ea1111beobt.atned by an y eu. a.u te ur affalrs, 28-6m. J, H. UELM, ~Munager. f Wecocîraulatm Mr Robt Beaith, and w-s aI sre ihat evry perýsou ln the Dî yIrepcieo pltclpro- oliitea jonsInthe cangratn1at4tn, on bs apoinoietct the Senat, o! Cnd.Tlîis ms al R upointinent, anbte hiem3nity l-3 $2 ;-00 00 a vegar. FoIlowing 8L1 depatcb te The Globe 'romin ttawa: Four Seat vaanle were flIsti ete3rday bv the Govern- ment. Hon, Geo W r ose, Torontn, ~and Mr. Robert Befi, Bowmanyill-, woeecalled to tha upper Floupe from Ont'arie, manti Hon.Jobn Coetigaxn M. P. and MrDaie imor frin New Bus W!ck, rdr. Ro*oert Beîfth. ex, M, P., Bownîan-' vi13, 1bas ieiîg'besu oue ro! thC edr lu the s ýtoCk -raisin z lndustry ao! Ih3I P'rOviuee.1,ms a e0-on'Mayl7b 18S, in Duirham cuni'Early nid l aeqIIived au exteca'-ive ko1d~oi luSI( sok beedng andi stock asi thie lins to d teItuorting and . lreidng' bas %ttpIqIa ldaMnatonal i ttoanti ha la rpputefi tehave owned. Som!e (o -ho best borses lu thîe eut~ lias beeauaCîiel- cnnected withth Tpooto orse ,Show nd ma:-.y turnes ,%a a ._suceeseful petitr. BuitRo etBihsbrain wFas fot alway,8 t'hiik. ing cf bi stock if ami4. Interestetiin publc afaire ,~ iberl o!pronounceti opinfons, anti pnoses,ýsing the confidpne of the members thagt party ii bis n; ative comnty, halie eecedto the Ibupe o! cozmnonsïn l1591 fr West DuîhamY A iiuli186,and la tha byeeeîo roustitu Niy r Beith isPreeh).Yteriau ;11 religion, ant IFl ceuet with al number of fraternal at social eceis T~ug iarriet iMr. Be-'tihbas ai- ways been apnna t ý,oCÎl aL ater both-i in bis own borne towu anti at Ot- tawa , DuIring9 hie temure of Office as a tniriber o! the fouseso! Coinone he bas been ao! immenfse benefit to th2 In- tereýsteo! Canadian frmeýrs ant soc LEARN DRESSIVAK[NO !N TWO WEEKS. B IT SE, 4ATOR. Ws tach you eyerytbiug, from the enviabîy strong financial position nati Plainest walste to a mosi elahorate tollet 1 lth the ce3ntral, handsomti1 and nodern that eau be put lu the fashion booke, qnrtr ow nearing- comnpletion1 theýre anti will -ive anyone -$25 whoý af'e i shoulti be no doubt o! the sucýees o! this haVing taken a course wlth us, %eaU1 local brantb. P how us an article in dresemaking thev1 can tetfianiDttgether, not ouily1 HOME FOR THE AGED OPENE D. the lining, but ail the oter gooýý,e lu c.oats, shkirte, wrappers, waistos,3eves, collars, e3tc. WySpnti' monthe at a T'hursday n'as a great day for Cobourg. shp hn o do nothing but, hem, Hlund'reda from Durbni anti Nortbum- 0ve3rcaSt, sae n bu ooks anti eyel, Anti berland atteutist the openinig co! the thsu eien vofret t.iouzih wbat doe n' counties' borne for the ageti The1 Lihig fr uwill nwL or isba ii rialiv madtie oveý, altort ho-,;,ta eut ont a dress at the edf- a anti improved sa that i. le a pa3la ye1ar than ýou titi the first day- you compareti nith ite orizin..al structure, wnt there Whv speuti yorte 1hr hn ewl tal Ouu tme An addition bas been built, the exterior wcek.rewYu en cornte anti u ltryo aof the building painteti anti the jailvard weeik anti teeaforcomaseandwhtrfrawalis emoveti giving to the Home the weekandseeforyourelfwha itis ppearance of. a mausion set on a bill. like, and as there is no ÇpEy lua avance, The site le admirable for a building for Toeu certainly wiAl not lo.-e aan'thing bv the purpose f or which this one la ta be tmyving We have taught over 2000 la this way in- Western untnrio anti ail euit.M.n m.JlnF eii recoinientiit vemv highly, We tes ch a n et Kendal are Superintendent anti ouhon' to uýe the chart the first day Matron, respectlvely. Henry Johnson of you r îhu ndte ecmec Hastings gave 81,500 towartis the ex- t'e ar wih u ani ten e cmmecepense o! remodeiiing the building anti Von at cutting. equipping it with the most modemn con Charge for full course only 810.00 ta veniences. Those wbo iaspected the be paiti nhen course Is compieteti f Home on Thursday wsre mucli pleaseti satisfied, including one of the rMost Per auth the internai equipinent anti tho fect ftting systeme ta use, w-hidi we confortable quarters provided for Goti's give free.. poor anti areti ones. 'r"1is building wIll An aeneing class will alec he tauzht be m ore coinfortahie anti pleasant than for those n'ho cannot coins lu the da..hlai!o! the homes lu these conutes, for Ia this, class we teacli sbirt-waists, it le provideti with several elegant bath sleeves, sacques anti ekirte anti charges roome n'ith latest appliances, lavatorles w-lu be 86.00. boume (rom 7 to 10 goodi euough for kinges palaces, nice We guarautee that the, waists matie beds, sitting, tiining, n'omk and smoking by this chart will not dran' or Pull ont rons aIl suttably furished. e! place n'hen raising aria. A riseto ftebidn h We wil teacli at Bowmanville from PAfte ipaecton cfte builading0t0 Feb. 6th to Feb. l9th. Hours 'for day iousts, aparaýentit betn'e 00 nd 40 dlass froin 8830 te 5 AIl wishing to 1lucludîn atve coanties, the uiep leamu or for f ulIparti culars ha sure te airpentivsadeang ubc ses us atBalmoral Hotel on Tueetiav men, sat down ta1 a repast. A short pro- Feb.sth etwen 10anti5 o'.ock gramn of speeches foilon'ed Mm. Etinard Feb.6thbateen10 ad 5ocIcký Weir, Wartien, On hie riglit were Hon 8 THEI MISEEs ELLISON Nelson Montieth,ý Minieter of Agricult- instructors lu Drese Cuttiag tire, Lieut-Coi. Neil F. MacNachtan, 3 4 w. Drawer 771, Stratford. Mr. Davidi Ommistou,K. C. Whitby, Col John hughes, Reeve of Clarke; ou the lef t were Dr. Biruce Smith. Inspector o! Mr. Robert Gillies was presenteti hy prisons; Hie Honor Jutige Beneon;, Sher hie dus lu the Port Hope publie echool if! Proctor, Mm. Sam. Clarke, M P., with a beautif ai fleur de lis tie pin ýat p , Mm. H. F. HoilandP M.. Cobourg, the close o! the last terin o! echool. col J. E. Faren'ell, K C , Whitby. The A number o! friends surpriseti Mise speeches were ahl gooti. Mr. P. C. Treh- E.M. Weeks by meeting et ber home ilcock and Mr. John Miller, J. P. ex- Wetinesday, Duriag tas eveniug Mm 14. Wamden, epofre for, the Couaties, Coi C Pethick read a ver' eoînplimeutary Hugheg, Col. Farewell, Mm, Davit Orm- atidress ta the family anti Mm, Arthur iston anti the Cierk of Peterboro for Mingeauti preseateti Miss Weeks with, othem municipalities. Col, Farewell mae a rocking chair anti a jardinera stand the moet hunsorous speech of the day a!lter whicb aIl joined . heartily in sing. Mr. Sain Clarkre spoke for the Ontario ingl'They are Jolly Gooti Fellows".Ref- anti Dominion Govemments andi the adi- reshinente were serveti anti a good 5soc.tiresn'es a masterpiece ou cbarity that il tins enjoyeti. dit hlm great cretit. litev. H. T. Lcwis reeti the ecrlptures anti 1ev. Mm. Quar- h rngton offereti the dcdicutory prayer anti Hou. Mr Moutietb accepteti the building en behaîf of the Onte rio Gov- sietathe occasion. Dr. Bruce Smith as aconstitutional diSeaSe nas the last speaker. originating iiM impure blood T ha new coun tics' goal wasvilted by and requÎrmg COnStitUtional, are sa far behînti witb their work ta treatment aCting throngh it will be a long tins before itw'il ho andpurfyig t~ b~d g reatiy for the prisoners. and urifingthe loolfor Mayor»elet Sory, Capt. W C. Klug, its radical and peifaflelt Councillor J. Jeffery, John Lyle, Clerk, cure. Be sure to take Reeve Mebaughlln, DeputyReeve Wight, Mr Henry Elliott, Clark cf Hoods 1r a Darlington Mr. Geo- A.Stphene, Mm, HoodsSa saparia jjC. Boar, PeietWs ura Nasal and ather local form of , grcutual Socitr tW.Rcard, are quickly relieved by Catarrlets, J P-, ex--Warden. Newcastle, anti oth which allay infiammation and dC>4<>iIXe e weepres8nt frein thie locali4y. dicarge. Hood's Sarsaparilla, &M dmMMists, $1. The inany frlends in luDarlngteu of Catarriets, mail order only30 cts. Rev. J. Hl.oliver, Sarnis, wlll be ples For testimcofe remnark*ble cure% sed te leara ha la Dow recovering tend fo>r oser Bok on Cattaxri, No. 4. uicely fron t tpho1d fever, anti wihl C. i.H004 Co0., LweIl, $..m oon ha able te take bis n'ork agAlu. TaRKRYS AND) CHICKRNS. CARUSAL JANUARY 22 The managers of the Skath2r Rluk annoriuce a carnival ou Tuesday even- lnig Jan, 2)2. 0Gocdpr;7cH wiýilb8 offered. Adrnkzioa 15e.Seso tichkets onsleit Dun!stai's hardiware store Go wlth the glitering thng al enjoy the fun, FARXE1<' iTITTTRMEETINGS. The upptmentry eptings al the f arners' 1nstitute of West Duarbam will ne hald'as fiOwp: Newtnviie, Fida-p. M. Jaz 25. NecasQt ie,Fri-,day e, 72veingan 2 5. UrOrîio, Satrday Jan.2. olnMndýay jan. 28. Nestietoni, Tuesdav Jan. 29, COUNTY AGRICQULTURAL SOCIETY. The nnusinmeeting ci West Durham Ag-r1.nîtural Sesywl b be slinluth.e Co Ui oom, Bowmanville, onWed- n-Iny, a. 16 at 2 p.in. for receivinig th8 reports, elaction fofiesandi gen- (ral bu;iness, - H. C2. IOAr,M. A. J AM US, President, ecretar7y. D -DU WANT Fu OS? 1 hO) best tins ta buv furs is right now. Markus Mayer, the only practle. 111urie lu this part oft Ontario, i4 holdirg a great 'clearin Jannar- al as indlicated lu las largeanonemn on another page. It is &eiwavs wisesc te buy furs from a fatrrlerwh ooutl knows hie business as Mr. Maver doeS. Yen eau sRve blg money bv investlng lu fUrs now for the longm end o!f winter is tili before us. These are posiLjtiv raucinaad .youca dpedoM He3 wWilnot Seli you a %goýod Imitatio)n for % genuiHe article, Onlyv a fe3w po are iidges off urq, so th?; it ;s a wise Jtigto de3al with a miaiwhose- work Yo a' rust when bu7lug what voil canet s'afely iLidge -yourself, leCRa wbat M. Maor le;s ffring aïnd it blaý stor3 earlv for hast coieHe,3 wll 6ae yjou W1,Iýl ndgiîve youbg va U', A PROSPEROTUS B.AWK Tue Rial ank ofCanda)y ts -%,s. sateeo fr the -dorar odinz t,!o- Se2 qsiatemieDt (on laSt Page o! wihheTÉoronto Globe 0 f;Janilary TeRoyal BanDk'sa nualsttm was issusito-da atiShows lmArked' rrr,-rssaili along'thlAia n. The prfitsý on tea-verage capital ex-,cecedt 17 per V,ý ' r amnount to 6,45 with 8990,0)i ?f 1,6k167 Tebn'sqikassets amount to $21') 578 097, wile public deposts areoe to 88,2 00,000 " A brancb oýf this bank will withiL, a few davý f be openet l î the Hiors-ey block, on the corner opposîfite he w Postl Office. The Manager will be Mr P. J. Micelwho le well ainti favorald known to the local public having for wany yeýars been on the safof ithe Ontario Bankhre Judginýgfroin ic planls oe ne office It is apparent that L the bankdere to make this branileFrocially inUviting-Z and convenient to the public. regularro aQ To h letr of Darlïngtoný. LA-DIESAMGnrLsu- de*ire to slnýcerelY th-kou for the very able supprort accorded meat the polis on Monday Jasn.7. As ln thle past, sa in the fat-uire, 1 sk-alh use nmyb4et cfforts ta advýance th-, general good of the muna- icipaiir, la return for the -onfiîdence a gain re3posEd ln me, Yours tritly EIiER Mu0rSON, CýAR» OF' THANES, J E L. Cole, butcher, Hampton, ex- tendls compliments of the aeason teaal and wlehes to thaynk hi8 many custom- ers3 i n town and( coulitry f o r t h e i r patronage and solicits a cOninance o! nfthe saine. The q1ualîty and price of meRt will be right, {ge S t prices paîd for beasf bides;ý sheeekis 8.10 Cafskns l0c, par Ibs; tslw5c per lb); hre-i "s.00 for No 1 Cattle iilied for 70c to 81.0. o 1 lar nlu2olb. pails 8275: Breakfast bacon, smoked h4a ard rolled pork alwaye on hal dat rig-hl riee. Veal Tûe fin-ancial stat1-emenPt presented by the,, Secratary-T-reasurer at the annual meeting of Clarke Agricul- tural Society Wednesday was brlght. est in many years. Tbe statement showed the receipts from iast -year's fair ta have lbeeu the largest ln the his- torv of the society, wlth the exception of the year 1896. Officers elected were: President, Mr. George Davidson let Vice Pres.,Mlr.J. L, Powers; 2nd Vice Presîdent. Mr. M. W. Blackburn; Sec.- Treas,, R. Moment' D ARLINGTON AGRICULTURAL SOC1ETY.ý MNI F. T. ALLui TRP-ELEOTRDPRS- ENT The animal meeting of Darlington Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall, Hampton, Iast Wednie1daiy, Treasurer W. F. Alleu presenPtced bis report which was adoptted 4 Avote 0f thanks was passed to M1r F, T. Allivè retiring President for his ifthful ana efficient services during the year. kt iras decided to merge the funds of this soclety with those of the West Ridinig Society for exhibition purposes.ý The election of officers and directors resul.. ted as follows:-President:- Fred T. Allin, re-elected. iVice President W. E. .iewell: 2 do do-A. B. Cryderman.- Seccetary-M. A. James, Bowmariville: Treasurr-W. F. Allen,J. P, do:-Dlr- ectors-Alfred A'sre, A C. Allun, Capt. W. C. Frank,T. J. T. Cols, Jas Le3as,, John Oke, J.A McClellap H G. Paseoe rnos. Power: -Auditrs-J. S.Mo- raft, J. U~ le. t h eCugh This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more -it controls the inflammnation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a te.tiruenial- 'Sold for over Nïxt7y Vars.- W Ob . Aiu ÇD M.AIR Vina f MOMM d AL"rIm. it*