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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1907, p. 5

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crand I runk talwav system1i EAILWÂY TDIETAIULN. EOWMUvILLIII BTATiO»iII Golue IUAff, Gens» We Zlpru 10 10 '1 cl..,, 57 8 536 P,m. ,asin Sc-. 56p Lei,. -64Dp.mIM '....i 5Z f Tizketj tu certaiin olt slinl co'a ùitb epelat hiliday aesa coneclUn lu nthor coluÀmu wlwînot betoionrot on trainsNose. io TjLamarac Cjordial -IN TEE HOIISEý- There Ï8 no Cough Remwedy that wilIl give youa qýuiekLer relief or more COM-1 for-t and satisfact'iOn. Its otiL nd heal- Izg o te i-ochalTubes. It goes- to the right pot. It stops the tieki e PRegular size 25c' Famlly size SOC, 4Stott &Jury, The 1)rugglSU. and Optiola&ns, Grfi$pü Tablets will break up a ccitt n e e da. 256e ya . Optican, If you need glasses at al -you need the best pos sible attention. You cann.üt afford to haye experi-ments tnied on yonr eyes. S ýi'We charge you the b i4possible picefor l the most stvhish Uines of spetacesand test your eyes mn the most careful amier Ire e t ail charge. Wlien W. Test Eyea It Iri Domne Properly.' Stott Jury, Graduate of; Detroit Optieal College, OýafaCàan Optical Cllege, -New York School of Optico, Cbicago Ophtbalmie College. -hq lb. cevertat kidmu>', bladder and Uri%- 5*" troubles, lakes 4b00. affict àd sejeic. suck diàceasêland disordere s iâme et Monk ba-ci, sw'eliisg oE lb. (set, Pumfnest eider the oyat* gnuvel, brick depolita la ab. vniso, cuIMnt, frequent çmli, diugn làc day or w.frt, pzin ina the joints, Urie &Cied k la b hed, drowaigessi, headache, Mpid W@q of £eh, kzi lî constipation, #'Ver torpe-, weakaeaao :f lb. urina-y 'or.' "an ildneaand tho med-are aul lujckly re.i.ved and perauan.ntly cured. b4t. E. DawsmC, Mata St., lKincardine, emys: "liard werk -and- constant- *t*cPia, toerther witb expesure te cld, 1r.0uXkt on sevone backîche and Kidriey gremfe. The seetnutc were tbick and ,ur .N*thingr retie-ed me uuatil 1 got * ci.. f Dr. Pitcher'ig Backache-Kidney Tablete Tkeîy aetu ztopped thre paLin snd àerenea.s.' r'he Kidm action bocaeâtl r mrm&il end healthy. (imr' exceedingly gratefut, and glad te îdd ig teStamcrauy tc teexpregaiGne et 1'owl have be2re ettoere rive tetternce te." -C Il is àô w.ader Dr. Pit.cLer's Tabiets cue I ell '.bey ar* tlhe Preâeipti..c of Mr.c DtýQ0lstanRid cçwtmin Ingre dete st ?kIumd iâ cermnaidny r1ia TablIs u abetîo, rie à e 155 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1,> tary i.Tep A iiple und effective remedy fvr SORE TIIRO.4TS AND COUGEIS They oombin4 the gernicldal%,&lue ot Ctmsoene o soote imhiun- propetles 0fciippery em gaod ueo. nuee. Vour druwis1 or efrom us, 90e in etam La«Lpq.. Mine 0,., Limited, Agents,Motel 0 EOWMAN ILLEJAN. 1le.Iîi(7 PERSONAL. I Mus. M. T. )k&bra.tams la visi1ting ht aI LakepaytcnoiriCbrne., liss uLiîli e Ptte, Now York Cit y îk ViSitine MIES Carn'e kmli n. Mlise Mabol Day 'iasgene te Tourn to tare a postion luI WhaleOy Boyce & Cçt Ws Ethel Freelaud iha s uetuLrned tI NoiihflldSerninir> ablter tire olidays Mu. asud Mue, Benry Meaýer have rus tuunied freinvlitlng trlende lu Toron tc Mise MVary ReneftetTret guettcfe! u. W. H.Wilam Curut et Mus. J. HJopkine, Oeirmw&, wîs ue et ber cousin Mus.E-% roid Foira, Thurs. day. -MISE Bidwbll, Coiberne, uecentiv vie. Ited heu elaeuMus. AX Manna, Raby Head"~. Mu D E. Simpson, K. C., recentiy visited hie brother Pu. John Simpsoe, Lindsay. Mus. M J. Haris, Oshawa, visIted heu grandftther, Mr. John James, Ttursday. Mu. Frankr Davidson., Calgary,' Alsw iras beon Yvlsitlnmg bis uncie, Mn. R. D. Dividon. Mu. a.nd Mus. J N. Faîrbairu aud Mise Rirea, Toronto, uecenlly vIsited fulends. toue. Mus L. Fâtenson le il Pontypoo attending tire weddlng ot heu niece Mii Mil&Td today. Mu sudMus. Albert Bruce, near' La- combe. Alla., are guesle et Mn. anc Mus. W. R. Ciemeus. Miîses 1dalPinot mnd Belle Murdef have been guesîs ef Mise Myrtie Me. Re- noido,Brookhîili Datuy, Mus. R. D Davidien attended tir funersi et tire laIe Mrs. BeutEey, Stouff. ville, Whro vas iu heu 951h yean. Heu J. M. Dougiss, Senalor, mud son, Tautilleju, Saqak., have been guesi et Hou. R. Belt tiri Beîconsfieid. Mu Wm Fnyne, Sprlngbank, Alta., le vllting is sister M rs, S Rieard audcter relatives l ia ie vicivity. Mn. Allen Ha ese, Eaniikillen, Mus E Tcrdiff and son Aibrnt Laï ton, visited Mus. Hayes, Prince Abert, recently. Miss E. Wa&hiugten, Betirmnv, wir bas been ',lellEng her mqirer. Ms.IIL Waeiingtou, Hore, Stree~t"iras ntai- ned l'orne. Frankrlin A. Houg-h, son of Dr. Hon- uv Hougir, Toreuto, fermeriy esilone Tire Wold, Cobourg, iras been eleci. ed Mayor ot Amherstburg. Mn. H. W. Ackrnm, Bellevile, ol the firm et Finkle & Ackermau, Bew- manville, iras been eected alderman ci lirat clty by a handsorne vote Mus. E.L. Lelgt, Toronto, bas be visiiug Mue. Jos Reyuolds, Oâlaa Mrs Leigir sang twiee Sunda>' iu Sim. cee St. Methodist Cirurcir. Mr. J. M. God frey, Secretanv Hackuey Houses Association of Amerlos, New York, iras been guest ef Hon.R. Boit] of Waverly Hackney Farm Mn. and Mre Jes, Bruad. 1 iilside' Linadsay, ceiebrated their golden wed- ding Jan. S. Mrs. 'Broad was fonmerl- Muse Cahinixe Bread eoftClumbus. Mn, A. M., Westingtou. Port Hoe iras sold bis tarmn of 167 acres iu tir townshipoet ilamîllon, near Preclens Corners, te Lawson Maciln, et Warir woutir for 41.0,100. Miss Editir L Fneeiand who went te Torono, lest week le tarin g charge eft cImsof musile pupils, sud continulng hieu studies with Mu. J. D. A. Tnip' at tire Conservater. Mue. Chaules P. Blair will receive for the tiret lime since ber mniage aItrh reidene etf heu fthen, Dr. Alexander Bait'h, on Tirursday aflernne n d Fr1- day aternon ad evening January tir 21tir sud 26th. Mn W. J. Young, Chatham, and Mise C. Gundry. Godericir, yesmarn ied receutly. Both are fermer resideuts et IJxbridge, Mn. Y ouug for merly be- ing editer ef "Tire TErnes". They wiîl live il Neepawa, Min. One-tird off tire prîces o! auj Ladies' eotir dooEand some il haIt-pricesat Coucir, Jehuston & Crsdermiu's. The namesof Mlesers. John Penfaiîud, Ed. Belman and John Gaud have beer meutioned for tire vacanoies Eu tire towr CounciE Annuai meeting et subsonîbens tb the Public Librar 'v wili te ireld En lire Read ng Reom Fidav evenin)gJar. iStir, wben tirereports et Dinectors wlll bc given sud the officeus eiected fer the, enuling year. A. nist iuterefting sund suthus lastie meeting wass eldb>' Albert Encauip. meut No. 12. 1.0 O-F at tiroir ledge meoins Moaiday evsnlng. Lt belng inu stallation uight brothens Alex. Smith., District Deput>' Grand Citf Patrianch and H Perrin, Grand Higi r Plesi, of Whitby performed the ceremonies in a meel ab!e mauner, Short speeches weesmude b sevenal if ter wich i-1 The cintarjo BUSIN ESS COLLEGE 16 tah e ot po anrssd suc- esfnl business C I:ege lt CansDa( F.1ud lsmetwiltýlv rýttended tai in Ainvnicaý Senld for catalogue., '.fW.) L N SO, F. C.A HOWÂAUD-At G race Bospital. Jan 4, the vile o1 Bey. Scott Howard, Ne*caetle, of a daugh- ter: Hoeai-Th Clarke,-Jas. 11h, 1 Ms J. H. Hostau, a Son, COEaY-1n Onarjan. 415, te Mn. aud Mrs. P. John'Cerey, a ion. SueuT-r-lu Oa5.-%a, ýJas. 101h, te Mr. aud' lins. Norinan Sliaia daughter. IiIAAC-;o WtLy, Jan. 6, to Mn, and lins. - 1 ,Shtiw'àl sesheci report le on anufrner paze' laiston>' of Bownianville is coneltided on an idside page Remuant Bargains tiis w eek nt Thre Mason ce's. SesSdvî. itir. J. J. Mason's letter ofet explan allen Io en an insîdepage. Obituaries, seyerai weddings, g-oldeni sud china, are ouian ineidAX page. Womeu's Institute meeting, CounLeil Reomu, Bowmativllle,Saturday Jan, 26 Big Burgalus aIl thueugir the store before steek.tairlng. Read Thre Mason (o 's advt, Gee. A. Payne, Camnpbellford,, bar. rister, le tire new Police Magitrale of tiraI towu. Great Bargsîn n l lu ide et Furs before stocktairing ut Cousit, Joirustoa & Cryderman's. Blaesock, Enniekillen, Entield,Ray - don,, Orono, and Newtonvllle news are on lauer paires. 1 Den't fatE te secure foneetftire ban- g ains now goiug aI Coucir, Joirneten & Cnyderman's sitocktaing sales. Durhram Rubber Company hockiey team defeated lire Ougan Comnpany team Satumdîy niiht in a score of 6-4. Tirueprofessional me» haye bached eutoet tie Town Ceuncl-Dra. Razel- ,wood,IHiffien and Baunister Galbrait- leaving Ihuce vacancies. Isn't Il about, tîme municipal herse play waas tox>ped? Mu. Robt. Debson, oeefethtie eauly seîlrse Reach-tfowneirip dled Jan lot in iris 891ir year. île lived on tire tarin on wirlch ho disd fou 65 reine continue- usiy Re wae tire tather er Mue, Alex 'MeCuleougir, Enfield. Severai times tbis week tire tact iras besu empiraslzed tira Tire Mason Ce. Overeouts are tire beet value lu Boy- manvilie Wiren people go eut and corne bacir and buy tirere le a ucasen î, f r Il A pork packiug business iras begun lu the town etof irwa bv a 1Glasgow firm. Temponary buildings have been engajred snd work le golug on nicely now .Areadv tire euroeund- ing tarmers are, marketing aIlthemr togre tirere, Mn. D McCuieugb, son et Mn. Don. aidVMeCu louir, Enfieid, iras been bon- oued by election as Fuesîdeut ef We6leý Coliege Litenmry Socety et Wiunipeg. Man , Mu. MeCullougir leélIriselirrd year lu tirs Arts course and expecte le graduate next vear. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Taire LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists roI uod mouey- if It faitste 10 cre. E W. GROV»s signaîture la eon each box. 25e. Solina Division Sons et Temperînce wili told a basket social Frldmy nigirt, Jan. iBtir. Homneand foreigu talent wil rendier goed pregrîm. Publie ccrdialiy invited-bring baskets. Pro. ceeds in aid et Sous of Teniperance Record and Siek Children's Hospital. Pnogram te commence et 8 o'cleck. Baskets te ho auclloed afler proruam. An unusqually goed lime le expscled. A voe HlandsoeieBell engin bas uesutiy been placed lu Ml. Caroweil Sous eof Temperauce Hall. A competent commttes cf mustlelaus weuo appointed and afier tr.ning, dîttereul iakes, a beautîful Bell wîs cirosen Tire new Scale Williams s lu Ingusat dsmaad. Nias homes wî re made irappv with in- struments sold last mentir Cli and see and heur tris famoe Piano. 'A. J. STALTER, OSHAWA. '8-21r. A GUARÂNTEEJI CUBE FOR PILES Itehiug, Blind, Bleedil, , Protrudlng Piles. pruggists are authuiel b refuud mouey i FAg QI.,tiaeî t fR0tEg çe ore in 6tg idays, Soc' Two weeks âgeo Mn. Wm.-lordan, carter, met with a ieavv lose by, tre7 deatir of a valuable horse Citizens and biends very lîberîliy ,contributed lowards getting anolirer herse about $90 00. Mn. Jerdan canet find wonds suffiienlly strong te thank tem al fon thein greul kludnues sud wiseeete elneereiy thauk lhem thueugir Ibis piper, Sweel Oranges, Louions sud Malaga Grapes aI Tires oTod's. If yeu waut s cup of good eûifee yen can get il il Peler Murdoch's. Wastlng machines save labor. Bay tire beàt We selI tirsinAucie TaIt, Aromie Tait wants ail yuur eggu and butter. He pays lire igiest pnices lu cash or gods. Deelded bargaîns belug gîven Eu Fur@ ef aIl kinds il Couch- Jeiruton & Crydenmau 's. Eggî ans scurce. Cal ilMurdoeh'e sud gel Gril eyster ehell and Pritti 's Poulry Fcod. Tweuty-five peu cent off ail mens~ and beys' evercoats ut Ceucir, Jehusten & Cydermau's. Ses tire longe diepisy ef Gauoug's aud Lowvney's checelates in faucv bexes et 1hos Ted's. encean buy a bachelor ton 10c. ana an old maid toi 5c. ai Pethick's Toba co Store and Barber choji. , Mn Edwand J&mieïon, fatirer-in-law, et Mn Gee. Wiiliams,tre Singeer Sew-1 WAÂRuXezsWjie- In Bowmanvlle,. Jan, sth by Bey. W. E Cariroîl, ., John Warren, Swifti Curreut, 8Suk, o eevev7uscot Buffalo, OIBR;Ha-seucu-In D mnilJn 0h 1907, at the reSIdurice of tLb.bjrie'sparenth, by Rev. Wm, Jouit5, My. Sniytth O'Brien "nd Mise Jouephine, daugliter of Mr, John bondih, 50th cfý Bowmanvlle. PiAnu-D,vimnsr--In Port Ferry, Dce 261h, by Rev. George Scott, 3Vilam Henry IFarr snd Annle Pearl Davidsoti, dauebter ef TLomas Davidgen, all of Cartwright SVÂsrrs-Pavuus--Atthe regidenýct of the bride'& mother. Mountain, Ont. on Tuesday January Mîl, 1907, b y Bev, W. T. PrIttIe, James Wesley Stainton, Wvîineff, t Chiety Eliza beftPorteeve oti, Ont. BLÂcY-SbCOT'noNtweatwt Jan.5, by 2ev, A. V. Brçwn, ]EL A, Vida Katharine, daughter of Mre. David Bairition Scottand Norman Forgus Black, a. A..- Tnqpeczor of Scolei, Be- gina, Suk-. McDONua,-W iEXmzap-..n Oshawa, Jan. 0, by Bey. Father Maliey, Mr, Fredericil J. Ne- Donnell anct Mine Clara, daugliter of Mr'. 21010 Wbeeler, Oshawa. mua»OcR-On Jan. Sth, aI ithe Hospital, Port- Huron. Mleb.. Norman Rolland Mnidoch. aged 42 Stars. sonl of Willlam Murdoch, C. K. In- terred aI liowmanvmie. PitisoaD-.-At Los Angeles, :CAL,. Dec 2fith, William Pringle, fc'merly 'Of Orono, aged 74 jearn. CjcAmnxr.,-In Fort Ferry, Jan. tth, Caleb Crandell, aged 71,years, TuaNza- At Part Roue, Jan. 11, Mary, wlde'w of the late Samuel Turner, sged 67 years. In terred ait Bowmanvilie. BRAY-At BaltimnOre, Ian. 7tli, Betsy An Stevens, beloved wife of Mr. T-homas Blray, ln ber 79th year. Daily Fading Away. Thle rnory of a- W orna»Nade WeIl b> Br. Wllhiams' FInk PIS. Bad bloed means bad health. That is why Dr. Wtilams' Fini Pisl meani good health. Theyv actuaill maire new, nir blood which fîtrengthens every nerve and every organ lIn thre body. That is whv people who use Dr. Williams Pink Pille feel. bricht, active and st.rong. Mrs. Artirur flannigan Marshville Ont,* is a witnlesa te the truth Cf s1a1ements. Mrs. Hannigan sayr. -"'For neariy tteyearis 1 suf. fered frem 5L2e-flta (lo~s~s)a during that time consulted.doctors, witttcut berueficial results Mv com- piexion wa8 of a WaiX #appearan-ce, my lips anCi umes eemed Ibieedless I eut- fered from headaches, dizzinessý and palpitation cf theh iesrt. My appetite I was, 80 poor that 1 id 4 içt cane whe- therlJate or fot sud grow se weak, aud was eo much roducced lu fiesirthat my friends tirought 1 we s linconsump- tien. AsI have salitd ctetou'ed wiit- eut benefit, untiit te lest doctor, whom 1 consulted stdvired me te trv D-r. Wiii. ams Pink Pi. le. I foilowed his advice and lesthaaild(o zen boxes have made me tireweIi womnaû Iarn to-dky. AIl tire symptons of My trouble have vanî- ishred and 1 enjoy the very best f et itemt. 1 know there are hutidren.-,cf woen who are dnlfting mb the same con ditien 1 was, and te all sucir 1 would strengly urge tire immediate use cf Dr. Williama' Piuk illa."ý Dr. Wlliams -Pinir Pills do net &et up. on the boeweIF-i thty do Dot #inker wîth merê si mptouS; th6y go' rlght to thre ronoth ie trouble ln the bloed. Tirat le why tbiev cure cemmon aliments like rheumatism,' neuralgia, kidnev trouble. headaches ahd baokacbes, St.VLis dan-' ce, and thre speclal alments that aiflict se many wemen and growing girls. Sold by ail medieine dealers or bi' mai. at 50c a box or six boxes fer 82.bO troua The Dr. Williams Medicine Çe,, Brook.- ville Ont. ______ Common ,Sonne lu aaming. Pirateras why are yen ttylug t Pter - ferm lmposisibilittes; YOD cau no mwF rasoe good average cropu from wuvn aud playled out setdathîbn àorn can rtJis. Herses, Oîttle, Hoge, or Peulîr>' fron tthe nid played ont Sfio g ui Dams of fifly yeare age. Note tire lin proventent ln live stock ef ail inmdsIn a few years. Why dou't yen use the &me comnnon sens.ein gettlina ne-w and Eruproved seeda for your seul. Wby raias 30 Beheis of oste on an acre when yen cati just as weil rasge 7C te 100; and linoead of weighing 25 or 301be tte Buthel Et vili welgh 40 te 50 Ibo te the Bushel. L coatts juil the am@ te vork Rud mannire tire land le ReI 30 las It don Ee 8013nalhelc te r a&cre. Who are the mon vire aire utk Enàg touey un sire farmil Thre men whý, are net ia fraid te apend a few dollar* #*aCh year for Emproed and selecýed Seeda, Here are a ftw implýe ef yiýeIde b> farmers, wirieh uusulta are weli authenticakterl, facto, net b>' the Se.d mon batby tire,. who mre uslng the lrupoyed .rind of seeda as gEven ire low. Our oas a re frettn, Inperted seed freinailoven h ol dtlytse on eut Own Sed fertas -before being sont ont Thre reposte sent ir. te cor Fir., of yieldu from hutndredec diff.r, frouam80 te 200Bushei.1p- a-re;-ti 1 reductior-usee Toilet Sets. 10 [iscs 'Follet Sets regulaâr $3,0,3 Sets for---------2 50 10 plece Tollet Setts regular $4 001 sls foi' .......... ...... ' 25 10 pie ce Toilet Sets regu lar $4 50 Sets for .... .... ..... 50, 10 piece Toilet Sets reg ular 5.0Y Sers for ....... ..... ...... e ( 10 piece Toilet Sets reg ular $6 001 Stfer........ ... .-... 4 75 Tollet Sets witir Slop Jar, twO speelal unes, one at 85.59 and other att 97 0, wonth cousiderabi ýmore. Dinnor Sets. Oan stouk of Dinner E7te uis gred- uliil decreasiug, we wollike to ean them i l eut b- stoek-taklng 1 euh 8 *7 1pece bor $4 50 wenîrh8$t00 2 euhý 97 piece for 5 50 worth 7 (0 1 uraly 97 piece for 7 50 wortir 9 001 2 onI3 97 piece for 7 75 wortir 10 00 2 oul': 97 piece for 10 00 wortli 12 00 1Ioeuh 97 pièce for 10 50 worila 2 5 2 euh 116 piece for 14 -00 worth 18 00 1 otaiy 116 piece for 23 (0 Wori h 8C(0 Tis will give Yeu au id,. Ilf wira we are doinzilu tire Croci4~ is c.vcnr thitug r 01be reduce. Remeber hes pni.'sare for casheuh OurisAicm 'le " Groe)Is'D plý Y F RM FOR SALE-73 Acres for 5280-5 iieu nertb of Oalawe. Ar.P IY te j. Y. Com ampto;.ýw 'i]ag C',Li Censes. Regl ty OfMice, Row- maciville. Bsdne Eeh e 511 M. R"UQ FOUND-Uarrla-ge ,ruz bud ..Lt lu Bowmanvilie. E-iinder ïay b ave saine Vby payîing for t}ile acvt. and 4,pgying ai rËz $rÂTEtSEABLofIee.3, f ORSALE-25 acres Ifor 8ale beiug -F(lrped of part of lot 9IPctue 7 con ' South of tniekilen. ApË1Y to Jno. 1. Mc- Laugi~in, Oshawa. Ont. oli8 50 Mf XTQUN"ýG MAN WANERD bot1 Aud OW!l ownritijng te0DEÂWSýR B, flowXDai- DEN TIST, Opposite Eaton'e, TORONTO )ROTICK TO SHARBOLDERS. T BiE ANNUAJJ GENEHAL MEET- -in h hacodr of the Ilamidon Butter & Oheeue manufa turina Cômigaly Lim- Ited will bc beid in the Town Rail, Hampton, Thureday Jannary 241h, at 2 e'elock p. m. for thei Purpest of electing a Board of £Mreetors te serve fer the enouing year and the tra555.ct10f et Sucb other bueiness as may properiy Cerne before the meeting. Faim T. ALLiN, Secretary. Dated at Hampton Jan. 101h, 1907. 3 2V M-n Furniture! Furniture! Ouar stock comprises al l Eoos of useful and. decorative furriiture, in the diffecrent grades, There is nothing that we cannot supply you with, and our prîces are as low as the 1ow- est. New designs coristanlty arn ving. See our Store Window g L.MRIS&IN The Home Furnishers 1 -:Bowmanviile and Orono. Furniture Dealers., FPhone 10. Funeral Directors OuJanuary Stocktaking Whîte-weair,i ..AND-.ý -Remnant Sale __Žs Now On__ gp- Our White-wear is tire fin est we have ever shown. coxnpos- ing-CrbttCovers, Drawers, Skirts, Nigbt Gws and Waiste. 4 4 oly Ladies' Coats regular 96 50. Sale prieos............8. 2r 2 "et" ' 900 ..... ....$600 E 2 enly Short Coats reguler $5 00 Sale price. .............2 oo 1 21 &1' 0.00 and $12.00 Saie pries. $&500W ï, Gir'ls Long Coats reg. $2 50 andS8.00, Sale prce...20 LaisTilir-maie Skirts cirôice, regiuiar,$2 25. Sale pnice. .1 7e 41 Lades 1*275 'o"o20 4,00. -$ .2 Q5 E " ~~~~~ 50. .:' 3 500,.' ,' . t O ...3.75 4 3 dt-z Ladies' lied-Sateen Skirts spécial reK. Si 25 Sale pnice. .98 4~Lstduel SArappens choice, regulir $1 00 for.................. 75c. * 1.25 for........ ......... 95C. _ .." 1.50 for ................. $1.15 STAPLE DRY GOODS SPECiALS:- 41 4 pïeces euly Imported Wrappertte r"g. 16e for ............. lic. 1 500 i-ds. Canad,'u aud Amnericsu Wrapperette reg. 12je. ber ...1()r. 3 E 100 3 4s. Heavy Crash Toweliing reg 10e for .......... ....6 100 yds. Checkr Tea Towellingreg. 6e. for.................. J41e 1 piece Utibleaeired Table Linen reg. 25c. for...............9ge. :-z iplece BlAsehod Table Linon reg. 60c. fr........8 I "~75e.[Or................. 7c. 4 5 euh' Coloriid Quiîts reg. si 00 for................. ..........3 0 6 pees euly striped Fla'nnelette teeg. Se. for ý ...6..... 41c 1ippeso Faucy WWite Seritos reg. 1-ec. for ....... .......e 25 doz. L'tdieig' Knitted W bite Vetts and lriere reg,. fur.................................. ......0 Choieset fanur Muî"P, Coliars, Rufis or Gn &blt e xtativ c.*st prce. EOur grt ciearing Sale ct Clot1àhIngerMai B6ys '1 wWl NeIdoo" r) te "Iard n-)k. Qr'vl - 1 Holidays are Overc Sirees for thee nlsing gçeneratîlu bhave alwa% e been eensidened an jim portant purt Inu cr steck (f forit. wear. ISOME SNAl>' Se verai brok-ltencue rav- uau priée $1.25 and $1.36$10 .now eleaning ut Some better Hunes rega.- jar priées $L50 sud 1 4Q2 uo aeg in$1. Fred R. Foley, Parler Shoe Store, Bowiînsnvillo. Ap Wishin YU 65 dayso SProsperity During 1907 For the next 30 days te reduc.e our stock~ of chine and glamsware, we will ottor the tollowing- 4~10-Wl7pece Dinner Sets Reg. price $12.00 for..6.0 4-97 pieco , , Reg. price 10.00 for.:.. P.00 10-10 piece Toilet Sets Reg. pnice 2,10 for ..... 1.90 4 Tes Sets Reg. puice 7.25 for . - --..F 6.85 4 Tea9Sets Reg. prîce 10.00 for.... 8.00 In tact everytîng ln our China Departrmert wilI e sold at sacrifce pricos te make room for cur ne'w spring importations. ,Youwho have viîled our1 China Hall, kaow the higli clats of gc>ods we carry. Do flot miss Ibis opportun- ty ot purchating the best Geods itlfIcas tiran ceet.- Ste eu window display. « ~Cash paid for ai]. farm produce. Archie T ait, ý4 The Pocpula,ýr Grocer,. Bowmanvillo F. As HADDY Wishes all hi@ friends and patrons a happy and prosperous New Year. Prùm now tritiïl Feb. t vie wiil make great reductions in car Crcckery aud Glasswiare Deparîment puevieus tî tcl- takiug. Tirese for cashironiy.

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