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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1907, p. 6

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Do yen kuiow tisane is big mouey lu raisiug peultry? Do ib cu kuew there is more meuay iu fuuuing a gced incubaten thintalu mmet antbiug aise yen cao de for te ameuntofe. turne sud trouble il tairas? Do yen kuew my incubaton V, sill k' ipavyoye a biggsr profit titan any etiten thing yen cac havoI ou your place? * WaVll, aIl tisses thiogs are truc, mand I cars prove ilt. Titousanide ef people ail ovan Canada have proved il avery *year for thc Iset five ysars. s. - I waat te quoesyen a pica ou my Cihathtam Incubator, -sld ON TIME. Ivanit to send yen my Chattamu heek. NTitis induibaten book le free- l'il aend ilte oyen ton just a pestai card. t telle yen a lot yen eugbl te irnew about te eoultry business-il tells yen how temiaire money eut cf chc1res-il telle yen hew my Chathamu Incubaterwill maire yeunemore mnsta isu e anunaie witit bans-fan more, and witit less t rouble. Titis btoit telle ynio my Incubators are made-why lisey are r - tse hst avn sueute-audwhy 1 ssii titae ON TIME and oun S5-Year Guaraue. WeMy Company bas beers la business in Canada for oven 50 yeams re oua of te langeaI weod'werking factenies in ltecoeuntry. We e oparale a large factery et Detroit, Micit. We bavaete lui- cubaton sud Brooden business dewu le a science. Chtatitam, IucstbattoIrssud Breoders wiil maire yen usey. for- a -.Chtathams Incubator viill habith a live, bcalty citiciren eut of cvery fertile agg put jute il, in 21 days3. Wilt yen write-fer my beoln, .4/ today? De il uew wile yen titînir of il. met Say on a postai "-Please send me year Incubater Bock"- tbat's ait. Address nia perseually. Manson Cawpbel ~ g" - Tse Maiss nCapel Cg., Ltd. NOTUE-I carry large -Skandc sitlî)p romptly trous branc!it ieut CalLany, Alta,. Iontreal, Que.; Bran- " aa don.Man., Halifax. N. S, Victoria, B. c.,asd factory at Cittiami. .Gaat YOU CAM PAY WHE CUREDr WNO RAMES USED WITHO:1UT WRITTEN CONSENT. STRIOTORE AND KIDSMEY DiSEASE CURED. "_ .I Ssii crieturs for eleven yera t fnaliy brougbt on llrigts Dise ase of te rdncys. I had eauun*couforta*tle stûoting pain in the groin. and feeling as titougit seneting wae liite urefftra. My banie ,as w ait sud I could scarcc.Iy sloop over. Urine vas full cl sedi, ment. Had a dlesiro Stecrinate frcquentiy Family deatora, "e'calied spacialists, p atent meociine, aelti eltseia ail ued. i vas dis- ceniraged. 1 tad epenet hndreds of dollarssinvain. iusiiy 1 con- uniid Drs. Kennedy & Krgan as te iaEt resort. Ih1ud teard agreat deal about theru aud conci'uded tram te fatedtast ey had tenui eStablishod tver 25 yeara htm tey understood theirbusiness. 1 amn i.deliglited wtt te resuelu I oeaweek 1 fait baiser sud in a few S/ weoka waa enrAlýy cured. Hav e ained sixteen pounda lu weigt." G. If. WRIGHîT, Lansing. CURS UARNTEDOFe Ma PAY. 0,OOD PO1SONS are te niat prevaient sud niait serions diseases. Titey lpthna ery life b od cf te viesimo and unie"s enireiy ersdicated frrim the Eysem wiii ceoe srina empiesion. eivare ni Mereury. 55 cnly suppresses the aymipsems-cssr NWMETHOD pi-îi;eey cures il blond discecss forever. YOîï OR M DDL E -ACEG tlE.Imprudent acta or laser excesesa LÊ t- L n dewp ynur s3cieu. ou teeSlit 'exntomus steaieg over you. Meutaliy, piysosl uds! lyüye are flot te mari you 'ud me bc or stould be. re yen a Vicdins ? Hiave Yoent oiSec? Are yen inieudeg- te marry ? lias yenr blned beau diseased ?I h e enau wesaknc's? Our New ltetbnd Treasmeu t will cura yen. W\Vttitbas doue foreters 1il - ulli do fer yau. CONSULTATION FERE. No mater wta tas treatcd yen. wrte for au tonueR opinionuFree of Charge. Chargea reasenab!e. BOOKS F5tKE-"Tte Golden Moalletr" (illustrated), on Diseases noflMen. Scaied Book on «'Discases nof\Vnmes" Free NO, "9AES UED WTliOW l 1 ONE T.Eery- !t-hlnr onfldentllQuest'io,,nList for-oi rnm ntFe or icu. v . dS elyS. etot ih A GRRAT SEED BOcK, Ferry's 11907 Seed Anujal Xow Licady For Frec Pistribu ion. Ferny's great Seed Bock lsmoewneadï fcr distribution. This le th booek thAt every farmer wants And waiis for. It makie ne diffrence what other cata. lpgues are received, farmers are net satlsfi ,ec until they get Fer<s, becisuse it centaine better and luiler information. Ferny'e Sged Annual, in factAsl really more than a catalogue It differs frem te usnal seed catalogue inasmuch as It reslly belps eacli farmen or gardener te choose inteiligentlv the varieties beýt suited to bis particulan needs. The wiRe, selection et varieties 'resuits lu biggen, btter.pasying crops The ex peinoginod lu fifty years of suc- costul soed growing is thus at youn eommand. For froshnosa. purity and reilabillty Ferry's Seeds are in a class by themselves. They are kuowu al oyen the land, snd farmers everythiug bave confidence lu the name of Ferry, and kuow for a cetalnty that their seedoecan ho relled upon, Tbey kuow that overy package bas behind it the roputation of a bouse whose business standards are the bighest lu the trside. ~Just drop a postal to D> M. Ferry & Co. Windsor, Ont, and they wiii send von Li copy of their 1907 Seed Annuai. It's absolutely frce OBIT UARY. MARLY CAMPRnON BURK. Oue ot theolodest residents eof the Towniship of -llarwieh passed te lieir rewand lu the person et Mary xvCamû a,'0U ,wIeci f Ca ptalu Samiuel Burke, lui thle 87th Syar et ber age. 1She leav-es to sucuru ber loso a hàsband, îw,,o sisters. twe sous aud three 1lulies and mauy frieuds. The 4iieral services wore couiducted by -evý J. Kenkie, of idgetown, the rreeine bain- înterredl ln the Mapie L af Cemete'rv, Chatham. Deceased, li a of Me. 11 W. Burk, EDWAUD MC rAVIS11 There passed away recently eue cf the old-qrusrs of rl~vaitDba jentthe verFen ef Edward mcîavish, jr. .258ý L'xLg-side strcet. Dacer.sed came te Winuipeg lu the early eightlei, whon the preseut city wzs but lu uts infancy, Ho was bhem lu Bawmanvî1le, Ont', in 1853. fle was engaged lu business lu Lindsaý ,Out. fer eyeral1370ars, and was aise closeiy conueed with the-, Masonie order. bing master of the Lludiay lodge for seme time. Since comiug west lie lias been actîvely en gaged lu mercantile jaf faims, being a man of very keen buiness instincts. His kindly and genial disposition, won for hlm mauv warm friends Most of his business interests cf late were cautere4 lu Lowe Farm. Man. 1Ho là survived by a wife and three eilîdren, vis., Bruce and Francez, aged 16 aud 10, and Mrs (Rev,) Bryce Innis, of llewsrd, Saok. The fanerai, which washield at Mornet, Mau.. was con- ducted by the Masous and was largelv attended. The interment took place lu the family plot at Morris. Deceased Is a nephew of Mr. Malcolm MeTavisb, Bowmanville. Builds up waste tissue, promotea ap- petite, improves digestion, iuduces rc- ireelung sieei, gives reuewed streuglt and health Tuat's what lises Rocky Mounitain Te% -dees. ç5 cent Tea or Tablete, Sold by Stott & Juryr, druggists. Editor W. E. Sma-,ýitild of tht Ue8ý j, urnal the Reufnew Mreury, eue cf the best local papzers lu forth easternÀ Oataneo, bas beau elected bRae£by acclamation. of Renfrew have honored trern'selves by their choice, as Mn. Smalîfield made mie of the besti mavons that prospenous town has h id Editon A. Gravelle eofJ1li3 Journal le a counillo bvacclam~ation aiso h-via praved hnim3elf a cap&ble mnunicipl The life story ot E. H. Harrimn c f man who reongasîized the Union PM c i, Raiinoad and ceated thle "Hrrisusen System"of Westýern noads is ut 1iset tol1i at ieagth inu the Jzan'uarv Rviwof Riesb ai Sydn Very uile rnît0llcfai u îrtenienaur : heretofer boîn pritd concasuî wecent visios Mr. and Mrs Bert Ste intbu, Toronto aI Mr. Tises. Sa Mte r, .Harve' tyadePeuusyivania, aI home, Mm Alfred Hogarth et Detroil:;Me8serb ihos. sud joý Awde, near Acl -IaAk,, wiî hi feuds;, Mr. and 1Mrsý , JIt Luke, Kedron, at Yk'r, W. Werry'r; MnI..Frastir sudM S3 Effle Viea 'a ý .N Jai Riggs, Manitoba, ah Mr \NAra l'av lor'eî;m. J W Brooks at Torouto, zre tklug aPou. eaI Smmchrwl ci lolegnpisy, ro.t.. Mir F. Rock- eeywas clmm'ced trusîejon Wednes _s..,Mr. TT BakerS bouglit a short hem cew aud caf ant Lieut-Co]. Jois A. McGil;ivarny'esalýe ... .Lovai Cusa- ders gave aunex ,ll ,"rzgnra Fil. i'ay attensoni. BgePa ransd Gor- don Mrntgnssierv auetioned cff te bas- 9zets. Ivt was a Cecided s ucces.... Nim Ed. i'undile sud famnily nowvoccupy Mn. J. 'T,î:u ,de8 vacant bouse ...Dr., Noîus5nii Hlatîle le pnactieinin luBrau, Co-... Dividion coutest was cecided la) laver ,cflise brottep ... Sors ef Tens pera5iîce will bLod s basret social Jan lý8th, f r tseSous ef Temipenace Ho Slieg service at E dad was weiat tecded, 25 aembrrs, in chsoir under traïiug eo fM.r. A B Crý dermpau. Siug- ing was pnaiseworihy .. . . Mm sud Mrs J, G L'angmaid Icolobratod thein wsîd olagday ou Fsid,.y. Among etben delicacies whielh were on tise table was an EtigliEi luis puddling 8sent by thelr brothîer Mn. -Fred Brooks of ilddle green, S(,,ne-rset,'bi-e, E anadsd MnArtian Q LVcst.9rolu egee(t C CIun Mr. Jas eakcca 3,solda cf t!u1rý bled 'ho'P~ he pecte te.viei0 their hrethreýn lie. e ou F4day eveu u a, 25 : .X lna Dlv Ji ono-iers wrel 1t!ed by Bre. S~burmidgeD G . Il, se l'we: W.~~~ ~~ PMs oaWr; .A.. B-G. Sta~n: RS. RuisAunis,; A. R i, Miýss Bu', Vice: F. S.. S Snrlidze; 'mete, Ms . . Rede; ha.,Mme. L. Shîrde: Cn -WH p A.,Cen. MicesMinDle LBatker; 1t Sent. ,e Lois Hogartis; O. Seat.,, 3- in Mulgn ,cr5 ; Il lv P ,A. LT asc; ane misse caPaôuos; Supi. eo LoaiCru- sanea-IrS i s ti ge. éOODS Or, q!ALU'Y Ya an alwase maIre a gci meal with C areaCsuued Mc-at3. Hoady te e'tt wiseu the tîn iLe cgeûed. ENIUSKLLEN Presb5terîau Ne Vears services sud tap, wera an a]i r' uuad ucces. Every otne cf the actons snd speakers were tbtýre as advertlsed and performud tisir are wîhentreeatufctinPro. ceeds $1,30. A quîit. inade by the ladies ,wasau i à, tgMn. u A. oie, frein vihleb v-,s erani btea 55 sudz113 ADDRESSED TO IVORKING GI RIS file. Robitaille Tells How Kz as. P.Ir-Ic barlla Adylce Helpa Work;nug (ils. Girls 'ubo work a r o particularly susceptible te te- maie disorders, es- pecially those Who acobiiged testand othe'ir feet trom miornîng until eglit lastoresý or facto- ris 1Day in and day ~-S~g~ 7~,u/~ nt he ïirl toile, andleb i ýittenthe bread-wnn er -,f tho faîly Whther slle is &Ïckr or well, wnather it rieor shines,'she miust go to her place of ern- Eloynîlent, perforin the duties exacted of '~ rîeand be agreeable. -Among this class the yee of female dîseases are earlyiy aiiifest by *weak and aching backe, pain in the iower limbe and lew er part of the stomach. ln consequence of frequent e etting of the feet, perieds beconie pain- fui ai-d irregular, and frequen,!tly there arc faint and _Idiz-zy spclie,, ih lose of1 appetîte, unýtil lue is a bre.Ail of these symptome point to a derangernent, ci thue femjale organism wbivi cau be ýasily and pror pt)ýly cured by ý Lydia E. Mu.Aimna Rbîa ,S78 rue St.ý 1,r îi,' ois ' Quebec, Quebec, telle what this great mcdîcine did for her. 8lbe writes: flear Mrs. Piukîan: 1U ver-work and long heuren attbhe oiMc, together vwýith a n eglected cold, broughit on a 'very trilons îfemale trouble uiitil finaiiy .1 wvas aunable ce oote -work. 1 thu theuglit ol'a friend who had taiccu Lydia E. Pink- ham.s Vegetabie 'kompound 'wlhen ber heatth waa n, i i CaIne condition tbat mine ýwa a< sud trighwy sent out tor a bottie. 1 iii lirdtat aciteck two more before 1 reaily vegan te impreve but aller that my recoery was very rapid sud I urne bon w'ell and able to go cack te w vork again. I certainiy thiuk your medicie for sick woinen worrhy et Praise and amrndieed giad te -ndoree iL."'1 It te te mucligirls that Ma.Pinkhamn holde eut a heiping hand and extends a cordial înv tation te correspond w ifii lier. She ise Jaughtes' în-law et Lyffsa JE. Pinkhiaîn andi fon tu cntyýfive cvars has ceeu advisiug sick wnen freo ef charge. lBer lonïg reeci of et ccese lu treatinq.g woman's suls maLie ber fettcrs ot adylcae oiuutold value te evcry ailig worksng ,ýgirl. BïESS'S POULTRY PAN-A-CE A Dit, lime AStiCLARK MAIXCFCTURERS o,,,Du îlJEsS STOCK 1EGOti-Dit. Prdss POULTRY PA'Z A CL' A-f5 STANT Lorsit KI.LER-DK.IL ESS IIrALING EOWDER. ..Nise Gtie R in tston wa.o was marr OS Farmner'eý, peultny men and stOcchîvsn se b, Wb. hte waeeueet us op.genemeUy î ili ha icleresed su tise fol uas cuug ladies andd will ba greatiy se'v u lttr whilii was rceuntly rmc- mmsad. firoîur choir sud Oy thi e ci.rad h ll, Ï,eîsar'. Stott & Jury, Bow- coeniniaiî. We wieb Mn. sud Mrp, Vint- îleO tue ever', sueess lu their new ipherecof mrGzietnOnaL -iwu tfents l'f ... tf.îs Cdc, Moejs'jw, le vu'it GTarn N od stoci .-usstasd pot luit friende lire... Mr. sud 1r Mn, n sokma' tndp. James Stainton visitca, Mn PiedRiig' thiegs dont lok bid. Hersas were ers, Whltbv ,. ..MisMiaule Trebilcocki aCver qulte asevalu.ab'c as uew. lio.yp trab euttaI Dr F C. TIrebilesek'ë;.six cents site baller. St.eep bringisg' Miss Johu,-ou, Biacks5toek, aI Mr, JeÏiî a faricy pneu aîd caitlla leekieg upý Cowliig's- huw prîcýcI grain ads.udh i ped steak - _______ ins afedîuig sua more ef il this wÎL- Thnt's the heu-e tieDocter buili, Dr. Hesau cm befo reNc ace ingy Ttc blggeý,t houe5oeu sece; D. as tca odtsnhlscras sud tisaI ce rity is resusIe Foeding Tisn toitgos h,- budent gol Our meney l inteabtenice et Dr. lies Stock ccd For wo lake lîodister'o Rocky Meur s , bIe1-besiuse di;estion voiries tain Tes. f rc us 25 te 50% wasîe. lica'ay feeding Su1d b; Steth & Jury, druggIsts. tasevy ga. D.ReSoc ____Focd Eupplias engan needs durinig Pes-.esFes wondcrÉal medielu'ii poeer trenuone taeding perieds upon tise ovrnthea hurm,,.n bedv, removirsg ail dis- coditions cf wbich hinges thea stock- ender fren yo'r e siem leiit Hli aieprofit. ,MAark Nou, we ilisure lu- itster's Rocky ci'futaiui Tes wiii do. creused tbrift. 'usa iteUcimas i wise ales encei, ic'ps yeuj we i. p5 [code Dr. lies Stock Fooed eliminietes cente, To or Ta blets. Soid byStett & en ten, s eOUiî 'i O is part Jury, drugitists. beeause v c guaranlee rit. We Mr.Ký-. Eirdl'7 Wilniet, for :the past hava een ou aliag millions of chances tour yeams uîinager cftlue IBank of like lisese ever 'y yean fer lise pa2t ten M1otreai aI Peterbere, was bonered by ýears sud if il wae net, making gzood tise leajiing business mien of tise City, wu would bave bea u etof tise busine-e who preseutcd hlm wiîis a cabinet of long agij. Tise wrttem pereeualiy i as sterling cl cm sud a cabinet cf peai more confideýnce lu Dr. Hase Stock Fend handied kuires sud ferLs torn me. today tissne erebecauso ha is feeaing Veilmet sud au appraciatire addmegze. it te lis owu stock, ou hic owa fartai Mr. Wiimoî le heing transfenmard tetise aud lif yu havesa single ihorse or cow manazeme)ant oetIhe brauc i erans, tes5t Il iurselves sud Iben ycu tee wil ____________________________become aneîîthusiastle attesteae ofils _____ enite. Conceulug lise sale ef Dr. Hess Stock Food wou'd ssy tisat il me- quimes ne çeddiing, ne free plises, no misreprerietation, simoirv a 25 xîouesd psuah $at2 00, 100 ihi $7 00, ted ln tise lewit dosie. H esuuîs guaanteed, Anîeng aIl othen very busy Depart- Y eCmeute of oun establisehinet theFe days isoun Itiformatlou Bureau We deubt mueS 'wbether lisere le anoîben Institu- tion lu the land wisose ifitieonceis more widelv fis., Keep'Ibis information Bureau helore your patrons. If youi haro an aillmlg animal write us your- I self ese 111edepartment le alwaàs attise i disposai of oun customere Wo have jasl started Our' uewepapor campaigu ou Pan-a-cc a, the guanan- tee-degg pioC uceur.Eggs wavetiever iigite n lupnice lisa nt pressai 13e- niombeil itrequires oeuh four seidiienal eggs pan, year ve py for lte Psu-a-ce- Acnes-- rurlisirTisereut are positive. Car goode iselong a.ogy'our SO! day and Paîns. týck heesuse itla iisa ver>' Ist lime le sou tht i Tise lime le onder le now Ilirst's Pain nxtermiinator unles ou havesR isîput on lise way. qlÜckiy reiie'veS lamne backs, Vouns tmuiy, strained shoulders, spraIned D c. IIES & CLAR, U -4klsbad knees, Asslad, CieU. ~~ bruises, Tis g are the efflîsîs 0f Jeru. H is" a in setlaLsdLge, Ni 3J. A, F. % A. A, GýB. irsts ~-atn C., wto ac re tn<ît22d cI lirthe nigâ oethlie tes,1vai tf S joitu fs ve rlsbv Bt. Exte mrn z.or w. l .u1. i3îi [ 1, D. D). G. M, ý40 years thaeid reliabia family lIre. G1,. C. o'yie . M. madiclua. 25e. at ail dealars'. W.1u .Psisn . P. Ml, T1ry Ensl's Little Iiver PIl -n, turai l il ,.1.zy. W. teucadsfetic.Asakyourd1eaiclIel.Mr muCealoI'î, oý r saudus liandsoma . ruJ.Lybe, Treag. 1. F. DAILLFY CO. Imi; ,Bu.PGS. abals lir, u. . inu, Oru.ani2t. lime . E. Ken , Y,qG. tu'.B e.'lIe-H.Sp , . reîdfossitishe dc'iî ai-o pay $rj-o a box, if ucaarfer Bu-Ju. 'lie firet box gives snIcb issaaum- lef-and iOafterwardelaie' sauyevr tratce ef pa; i and aFrenca-that uferaraý w'ouid netha wbc cti theus at assyV price. 13-u etsel5c alage bo-ud la ~ ~ ll gurloi.t ue iue The foilowing report is for December 1906, names cf pupils aceording to tuert: Sr. IV-EIna Riekard, Edith Ben- nett, blay Galbraitht. Se. 111-Verne Jewel, Perey Mien- ning, Roy Allun. Jr. 11I-Rsby Jeivai, Bert Jewel, Florence Trewin, Carl. Clensence, Leta Bragg,. Ruby ]3r'gg, Frank Trewin, 1teguie Lîcvekin, Ida Waltou S r. 11-L anra Walton,Elua Trewin, Euie Hart, Mary Whittaker. Sr Pt Il Adlu Anale. .T,. Pt II Evlart Clameras, Uereld Hart, Mercie Wallon, John Trewin, Erld, Welîon, Jiiu Lo'skili. Smý Pt. -RýaJewel. jr. PL. L-Walace Bragg, Margaret Gibraitit, Merris Hart. At close cf seheol terni, twe prise, gkiven by Mr. Trebilcock, were awarded fer geseeral proflcieucy te Edna Rie-kard and Herbert Jewei. F, M.GALBRAImH. B Lfâ-aU&e 0 a x At the Nominationis lero, tbe ocM Couicl were ail eurued by acclama- tioni Severai other n.ominations were masde. but all netired lu tarer of the old M"Embers. At the meetiug a<lor, tei-,notip affiure weme dhÈccssed. but everythleg paed off quietly. 0cr R&îMn. G. MeLinguhat, wlll Ibis yeam lie aise a mewrber of lte ConUes Cocr'. 'The o'ben mîembersareï' lVesaJas Byesma. R Jbb,'. Bruce and G, Hoey. We are 1ii iollsg for a reauollon of r5xeG ibis yesr. Thse Methodibt AnniverBgry on Dec. 23rd sud wats a fine auceuia. The Rev. Dr. Shorey., cf Oàhawa, Clisirman pneacbed two e'cqueut sud fotoiblo sermons ou Sund*y; aud the Ohearcis Choir rendered good service, O.s Menday tes was erred intise bae- mout of the Chursei, after whicb a mnta exctPent Lecture wsgiven by Rev. V. H. Ecserv ef Bownianville, on tise rsubjeol '-9 OCO radles by land and Seo." MLe& H Joues, ef Port Penny, fanR beautifully; and Gramophone, muzle Wiu, iitîeisily ,enduied. The 1resýom, Rev. R A Delve, eccispied the chair. On Thuraday evening a nicet succee6îni Sceisil couîpleted oe eof thse beat; <J-e. e- mar anLcivernarles ever heldcb ere. World Wicie Articles, A Wot1kly r(p-int ef articles sud c2trtecuam from lending jc urcais aand e- vees ntfltectluig the cutrent thought cf belli henîlapheres, 'Wenid NWide'ih a marval of Intereit eud cheapucas as a higb classeecctr1c; il wlli consre favorabiy wlth ay- sMiog ai severbl ti.nes Ila price. For th~e email Eti of 81 50 Îk hrina severy usoli for a yeur tisehrt articles tisaI eppear during the week ia the lesding Briti8b, Amerloan and forzign publîics tious. Of maris ltappeals te the thukiný elesucat lu esdlicorcinun'ty, theevbo want te knew what lthe a'emld thutukers are vlîlnkiug; but tisais urili fiad it as fuillof rate entertaîn- niant ai cof wizdem. It la ab2oe!utc.lY wcrld wlde X lîs lu'1ereBes aud hui ne axe te gr'tud. Taoe sauai ubzoniptlon laciuder 19016 canicstnred, a mest eon- tertanag review of sha oeil yeam. Samoplo cepy fres et chargs te any adr~.The aoual 5uluser'ptien prýoe j 81 50, aud thse pubVsera are John liDaal& Seon, of k'nroea. Me. and Mrs. Tàea.Dünciteî ara gi§stiug lu BcwmaanVilu'. Mr. and Mme Oîcoisard, cf lihe N'nis Wes, viîited ber unela Mr. Jue. Rick ahy. NMr. aad Mn1re Fred Rutherford have reumned te Buff io. Rerv. C. Adamsansd wifeï vleited at her father'o, E Co,ýbblediok'a. Airs, Eimunid McNaugýhtao, To'outo la visltiag liersll, Mrs. Gardiner, wbo le at t R SUmenI's Misa 11&ty Thornon sang at E'lza- bethville,Naw Year'a aigisi, Mn. sud Mro. Richard Ileckln visited Map'e Grove reoent-iV. Mre. Wm. Gorry aocompinled lier son Auberaun, home te Guielph. Mise Allie sud N e 9ýlii aud Mr, Chas Wighst, Providence, vitted at Mr. Wes. Tbernteu's. Mr. L-imue Jackson sud Misa Maud Hedw3e, Toronto,vlisîted bis f alter, Mn. T. W. Jackson. Mr. sud Mrq Alf. Ilill, Port Credît, aud 4lr. sud Mri. E J. Synsons, Wel- corne, vlalted at Mr. R H ill's. Mr. and Mn.. Odie Lâpp, UIarwood, suad Mn. aud Mme. Jas. Fairbairu, Tor- ýMessenger Stonses.' Ston:es, illustrations sund ane letel are porisaps the md te aturea cf stîrso' tien in île 'Nmnriber Meiseugon.' Bab the atonies ane se careolly cliosec ltaIt they oxerelse a hesl hy influence up a tle lives of old au! yeung. TIen thon. are spoisi depani meula devolsd te Temperauce, the Snndsy Sebeol, sud the homo. And a section en'ftied 'Llt- lie Folita' ta priuled lu extra large type. The paper la so popisian Ibat a vas% number of Snndsy Sahooli lu C.naia sud the United States are uslng l te rgreat advautage, Inennlng à more regu' iar attendance, bealdes extendlnz thelr Imflence tom good in the bomnes oei sotiolars. Tise 'Nontisemu Messenger' la pnobably rend every week by weIl ou te a quarter of s million people. sud for that *rasacu the prIca te .xtnemely loir. Sanspies frise on ailcsln 12 16 pages weokly 40, s year. S S. Cluesas speci*ity. Pria.tan ap'lios- iieu ,Jsn Dogri!&-Son, ihsbllisherd.- Montresi. A 1 etter Fi om Mn. J J. Masea MR Et-Irrc,-Wiii yen ildly allow use the nie of s fe hues lu your val- nable apace te pulcly thian thlie many olectens ise voluteiiy effaned toe su-I port ma for tle ciice of Meyor for the yesn 190t7. IlId I cenaaented te rmu, I bhave notithl easi doubt, bol, 1ahsould bave beeun lectAd by a bane ussmna- j nIrty. If Myiy es1ne was mansiy t( aevcoethe cn trc tu satslsy personal &sn- billon, I s ould cîrhaiuiy haro enlered tise ceabapt. 1 did net want lte c fflics for lha owu salie, bus was willng te jolu iwisis otis en anu ndeavor le raite île standard cf mualfcipal politice lu mur leostl Vlaw te progrensive acinTise ta ct 'iliat Coulnt s9eonuse0 asaddale nounamd, careiy tise ce- indifanece t île ci z n 0 pall SttIccuýid de o hung rsbu' retire eh o~. Isci atmiGAlidàtIun0i>' pr- en uondit'iu ocn~tc f tis Maye'. Cairwsmud nt tu cfmu tià not Vsry ornmental, I dsclded l«siAtot put tbe Iowa te thi exPenae ,!an elece tïen for Mayor, Pailthe tý hczr pooltion. havfng been fixed by schusaîf on. They make oefe tl as tbou gh IiWe wss worth living Take oeeJ Cfarterls. Little Liver Pille aftte eatlng; it wilL rolieve dyspepsi.a, aid digestion, givei touee ard vigor te the syotem. Lessi Option wass sarrnisa la thetowu.. slip of Manvere.o, oMeinday Iseit by sà vote of 533,for snd 213 againsi. Il a w e feit- Ob, howeier, ta EsitWhltby by ix vote$ Toronto Jsnetiou carried il for the ýaootd' lime by 322 oeij iiy. Can cure your Cough or Coid, ne questfion about that, but- Why goo allte touble nnd î,ndtheu fhvu ieçArpo ffl.llad, vwheu n au eçpipite dny * dug tor in Cnaaand obLgi-n a bottie cf SII-LOI'S CURPE 10or P quarter. WYhy pay tevo t) five dlas Wh1n 'a "îtwe nuty- 'Li V 4e 'cent bettie cf SILR ill cure ivou ) as quickly? Whv net d a unrdec thousande of Cndaehv doue for the pasýt tit-o yeane : let SHILOI ibe- your d,- ter heuever aCog or Cold appear s. SFILOll wili cure yeu, a-nd -ail duggiet n pts q ifssttm t with apstieguaaîe T'he nx lm ou av Couglior Col cureIt w e THE 7D'7 L [L, lLn I Rle levy steSel late ln ail the drunia, CioaUy ly ded Thrang Icnt and very strong. Solit by agents. Have a look ab Sainpe roier Noue ge.nu1ne wttheut the name " BISSEtL4." M~anufactured by S T. E. BISSELL, ELORA, ONT. > Write for bookiet ".

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