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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1907, p. 8

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a l 11 1v11 11m ý jj11 Our S>ale ianuary of Purs! Now is the tinte to get a bargain in Furs or Rlat8, We rmust mun off our stock in order to make roont for the Spring Goods, so corne along a.nd be suited. We quote the f ollowlng bi g reductions: Ladies' Fur Lined Jackets. 1 aly Ladyv' Liaed Jacket regular 866 or................. .....85750 1oaly Ladv's ýF ur Llned Jacket, rogular $8 150 for................. ........ $1000 La(diesr' Bocharin Jackets. 1 on]y Lady 's Bocharin Jacket, regular $50 00 for.- -....1............ 2 ouly Ladies Bocharin» Jackets. regular 846,50 for................. 1 only Lady's Bocharia Jaeket, regular 840M00for., .. .....-.. .. Siable Sets. 1 onlUIsek Sable Set, reCgular $25,00 for 2 offly Westeorn Sable Set, regular $25 00 for $42M5 839.00 $29.00 119.00 Grey Lamb Caps. 5 0111S Greý y Ï mb iCaps for -..............2 00 Bargains in Hats. R'egfflar 82.50) onoi fer ....... $1 75. Reuise 2 51, re is 1fcr .....150, Regular 2.00 01108 for......1 25, Men's LFur Lined, Coats. 1 onily Man's Fur Liaed Ceat, reg $73.00 for $ 83.00 I, only Man~s Fur Lied Ceat, reg $65 0>0 for 057,00 1 only Man's Fur LinoS Ceai, reg 949,00 for $3f0M Dyred Wombat CoatsuL. Spotless Wombat Coats. 1 oniy spotlloas Wombat CeaI, reg 838.50 foir >81 50 Bulgrarian Lamb Coat. 1 oniy f3lgarian Lamb Coat, reg $32.00 for $125 00 (Jaif 5kinCoats. 2 oaiy Caif Skia Coats, reg $2600 for ...820.00 Wallaby Coats. 2 only Wallabey Coats, reg 810.00 for ...... 880,0 Raccoon Coats. 1 lonly Raccoon Cc ai, reg $8.1 00 for. $43.00 Ail Caps, Muifs, Rugs, Collars, Caperines, Robes, etc., to be sold AT COST, Several dozen Hats to be sold as low as 50c. The Practical Furrier MarkusMayer, 1Bowrnanville. Holiday Gifts. YOU 'W1LL FIND uas haadquart- ers for many Unes o f preseats viz Carvers, Case Carvers, 515013, Dinner Knives aud Forks, Dessert Ktiives and Forks, Dessert Spoons, Bread Kuives and Boards, Pen Kaives, Pocket Kuivos, Razors, Riazor 'Srops, Scisorc, Chlds Sets. Our oitock for Wlnter Sport was neers snre complete lu skates. We hiie thG tollOc>w ig es - Dunner Tubes, Lïghtning 'rubes, Micmac, D mInion, PerfectM', R%3 Ladies' Beayer3, Crescent, EHockey lub, ~iClub, Hce Stickms. Pucka, Skate StrasShnGadno .~,,es &R4 mocassins Aiso) prepared for the Lumnberman with Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Buck ws and ait kinds of lland les. pR-Soie agent for Happy Thought Rangesg~ W. l. D"u'stan, Phone, 74. Bo'vmanville. ixAE VILLE,. ONT, L) MEDÂLIST ùd VrInity Una 'ersity, Toronto; Forr years Attendin> 1 ý a andSuSrgeon atM. Carmel Heepital - g, Kg. and liedence Welll"gtott St Telk- 4 1,ED TENDERS addressed 10 the 1 dersigned, and endorsed eTtudner for I al, Pelerboroug,1'willtb. racelved ai i ce until Frlday, Febrisary 1. M0 in- -y. for the construction of a DMilii 4at rborough, Ont., i and epecitcatlon cas be isen*anS forma eer obtaineà t ibis Department and at t ce of A, J. Grant, Esq., obafetnrgineer, analÎ, Ppetrbtrougb.ý 515teneri - re notified tIsait eLders w ot b covj[ ered unteâ$ madt on thse i form mou>pled, and signeS wltIs thoir 1,tendelr mUni b6 accompanled a ed cheîque on achartered bank madle e ta the order of the HonourabIe the er of Pubic w orks, equâ.l t 10 per cent ) MI!thes mouni tI thender.. whieh wll !-eted if thse party iendering 5dm tant dte a.entrart whsen calted upon ta de if Ie fail ta complete tIse work contracteS f thse tend er be net accepteS the chequie feamntdosa fnt binSÙse tie ct cepi twet oranuy tender. FRED QELIN AS, of Secretary. Ottawa, Januery 9, 4 7 wpape jlnserilng thii adyriueet 'Ut enlthortty rfrmn.tbC oaimn l 1)- IspAd f rll 5 Mrs. W. Cryderman anS Miss Mary Cryderman, Bowmanville, vlsitlng eI Mr. A.E Clouions......,. Mrs .D. Noble Orono, witi Mrs A W. ;Annîs. .....Mise Alice, Creepor, Hampten 1 wlth Mise jeaosie BiaghaM . ... Misa Lois Noble and Dr. Mackoroy, Orono,spent Suaday wlth Miss Maud Hodgson. ADVICE TO MOTHEtzS Il yeu have a baby or young chiii- dre n l ltse home always keep abox o! B&py's Owu Tabletiion hand. Doni't waU untîl lte Ue oanue Iack. for some time, au hour'sî delay may prove faal. This nmedicine cures etomacit trouble, cônetpatlon, diarrtoesamni pI. f svor and maies teehlng paunîtes. If cilidren are eiok Bayb's Own Tableta make tienâ well and botter ntil! an ôoaoional doue will keep tem veil. Thoi Tablets are good for children of ail aqes and are guaranteed teceno- hlmnDo oplate or barmf ui drog. Mr&. joseph Roag fla wtitnrne, Ot:-"6I haTe amed BabY'a .Own Tabhès and find then juât the thlng le keep chil- drenvweli. These Tablets are eld by ail Medieine dealera or jotn eau gel Ithem hy mail at 25c a box by wrlttin& Tase Dr. Wl;lm.Medicine Co., Brook- vls, OnPtà Careful Come in and look over our Various Linos, ail sp1en- did for gifi givlng. Even at this laet moment, when cvery section o! our store je crowdod le ils limit. We wili do our beet 10 help you make a care. fui selection. W. Tg kl'e, Bîg 20. Bowmanvillo, M NBWCASTL E. Mr. Jas. Philp vieiîted frlende lu Co. bourg'. Miss Aunle Moore, Yonkers, N. Y. is home. Miss Scobeil. Bowmanvjlle, has been visiting Mrs. Barron at '*The Wiliows."' Mrs Grose vited rlativu in Whitbv Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lee, Goderich, attended the Black.Scott wedding Miss Ugt, . .Elmira Collego, N. Y. recentiy l" iteB. hor ncl Jas. Phiip.Y it0ihruclM. Miss Luolla Colwili and ber uncle Mr. Leader, Toronto, vlgited'at Mr. George Cnliil s Mr. and Mrti. W. F. Eddy, Regina, recently visited his aunt Mrs. Basker. ville. Messrs Fred Graham and A A. Coiwili have moved their barus. Miss Pearl Pearce has returned from visiting Mrs. L&ncas;ter, St. Mary's. Newcastle Lodge S. 0. E. officers M , of Bowmanviile agfoio:-p.p,- Flarry Poarce; Presidont-S. Jose; VIice Pre9.-Egdar Osborne, Sec.-w. u Anderson; Trea.-J Uglow; Chap- W.- PenY; Com -lot, E. Thackary, I Basket social ai Solina Division Fr1- day January 18, Daisy Mission Band will entertalnata ai uts home of Dr. Treblicock Friday evening.. . Many citizere have la grippe. Vîsitors: MNIr. and Mrs Ezra Hanna wutb fricnds in ýliçhizan; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ciemeaco ait Mr. jas Stainton's; Mr. Mark Souci, Alberta. with friendê; Miss Ethel Curtis, Tyrone, Miss Clara Rob- bine, Bownxanvilllo, ai MIr. Jas. Pso's; Mise OIga W711ilims vipited Toronto friends recentlv; 'Ir. E. Harras, Rock- woo d, ai Mri. F. W Lee's .. . .Don't mis tie basket social ai Solina Frlday l8th Mr.T.Bakecr a'ttended Counties' Coun- cil and 110W I em for lte Aged ai Cobour -.Gordon Reynolds and Biae alsn re~oig'teToronto te leara tele,raphy-. .WIlI Thompsoai, Torot~,vauecdat Mr.W.1l. Glorrilll s. M.iesce EfiIs and Lena Taylor are visiting la Western Ontario, ... Rov. p Daniel Norman gave a good taik on c japan Suaiday. Speclal musie was prov. lded .... Mr, and SIrs. R J.Luke and fanîkIiiKedron, ai Reselaadvale. MrV and Mrs W. Werry visited at Kedron. Mrs C Brantenanad familv, Oshawa, visited Sllna friende Sunday. HIAMPTON.e Be sure and attend the Basket Social at Soliia Friday evening .. .. Weok of prayer was observed hors. ... Mr. C. H. Burrows lias recovered fromn hie recont linues8 - . . Miss Ada Cryderman is visit- iin lrono. . ... At the meeting of the Womea-'s Institute Thursday Mrs. C. N. Ruse gave an excellent r eport of the Provincial Convention at Guelph 0w- ing to bd roads the attendance was Dot aslag as usuel. .. .Missionary serice ths ear wers of more than ordnar inerei rida! evolnug Rev D Normnan, for 9 .1ears a miesionary in J apan gava a very instructive talk and a numnber cf vory interestlng Japaneso pic.tures were shown, Miss Ethel Van. NeE t of Toronto sang "The Penitent, " in good voice. Sunday aoueing the church was weii filied to hear more about the work la Japan., For an hour ho liad th~e very best attention of the large audience ..,.Court Archer 1. 0. F. meets for the installation- Jan. 23. Mr. G. A. Mitchell, Toronto, ls expected.. Annuai meeting o! shareholders o! Butter and Cheese Co., Thursday 241h inst, See advt .. .. By a misprint ln the Darlington Treasurer's annual state- ment of Decomber 15th a charge of 828 appears for care of J Chalice at Toronto Hospital instead of J. Charlish, GÊood I'oath Mr. John L. Hickey, now caretaker of the public 'and high schools, Trenton, Ont., tates:'- 1 ihave cused Dr. Chase's Kidlney-Livcr PilUs and have found thern t ho g-reatesi medicine 1 ever tricd. I used them- wheni in thc, lumbercap andi believe bykcigtekdnsad bowels re'gul1ar alid thegeealhat good tht they ',prol'fet -a perso01 n fro catchling cotgodi %ss hi' h arc so common ,in, the camp. I hiave scen hundircds of 1e)uin r. Chase's bld- aey-Liver Pis ta the lurÉber camps. TheY buy them by ii the dozen'Vwhler going hael, th(em they buy them w.leni they could get their mecdicine f or niothiing by goiag 'to the ihospital camp. Dr. Chasýe'.s 1Kidney-Liver Pilla keep My ilver, 1,id- ney3 anid boweis regular and my hcalth good. 1 would Dot think of bcing with- oui them." Dr. Chasel's idney-Liver Plus pos3itivcly cure biliousaess, constipa- tion and diseases of tho kidneys. Oas pill a do3e, 25 cents a box, ai ail deaer3s or Edmaasorn, Bates & Ce,., Toronto. r t' ýl P ii ý II1TMUSAND CRURCHES. The w~ fprayoer a bevdbyý kite five Protesitant Churches ina town la union srvcs-(ood 'congregaRtionS were present oach night and the ad- dregsses iv the pasitors wero much appre- clated, Special 4ervlesi are boing held ln uts Mothocist Church sach oeoning exceo rtdâ ALIlcordlaIiy injlted-. Rov. L Phelpm, pastor cof Queen S8t. churci, ind a sd well knowa lu Darlingtoni, with hie failliv was ploas. aatly surprised rcnî by being pro. eeated wlth an a ýddreHss and a hand- sioma warm-iy p-id.lid tuis c;hair fro)m bis, Woieato rp. Pheips r coived a a il vor ttnives sud Iforko, Misses Wla.nie a nd Glad3 s, goid neei chaîne and Ma1ster Arthur a handsone watc!s fon. Mrs. CRaline Sanderson, w1dow of the laie Rev. Rlobt. Sanderson, former. lv, pastor on South Dtarlington circuit, diei Jain. 2 i Coral, Mlicit Mrs Sand- orson who wasi a native, of Bloomifield, ln, te Bav of Quinte Conference Whe ho er hsadwa&, euperannuatedl they took up tir home inMchzap. Sitewas 75 yesrs 018 and le survived by two dauglirers and two sons, lie latter bolnG - Drs 1He'rbert aud Sanderson of û3 SOMMEýS' NEW 110MB Dr. J1. S, Bornera,; a West Durham boy, son -)( Mr. John Soeirs, Bow- nianvilie, bas removed b osplendidly equIpped and richly fitted new offices la tho new PFliett Building, 181 Yong t , Torointo, nearly opposite the T Eaton 'Co's, stores. Dr. Somers has duervedly won a proaineat place as a eikillful and succesoful dentiqt; amonig hie city competitors, and the fac, that ho Lismoved mb te hévery isari o! tie bustiness s(ection and taken such grand- ly furniBlied offices posseosing overy modlern convenieau'e for te prautice of dentistry shows that ho bas won a higi placo la the conlIdonce of the public.> Dr. Samers has ahown his business oen- terprise by iaserting a niodest card lai Tria ST&mrsyîAzsglving Bimply hie ad- dreso. so that any of our numerous roaders lan the city or out of Il ma-y know whare 10 go whea t'hev requiro lte ser- vices o! An Up to-date dentisi who caa do lte finer class of gold and porcolain work. WNISKILLEN D)eposîts barlng ïnîro& .................Dpe. 8, 1905.1 Deposîts not bearing interest .......... .. 14,2569,828 Intereest cre on doposite ...........108,118.56 Total dep)osits ...............826.435,658 77' Nots e lte aaklaCirulaio.. .............. 2,820 791.15 Balances due ta ocher Banks ta Canada .. .. 4,898.61 Balances due ta Agencios of the Bank and other , Banks lu foreigu countries.............. 542,828.26 m *903.n671'i ' $86,3731576.01 845,487,516.98 PROFIT AND LàOSSi ACCOUNT By Balanco of Profit and Los Account, Dec. 8o, 1905,. . 7,162.122 "Net Profits for the year, aler deducting Charges of Management, and accrued interest oon de. posirs. and after maklng full provision for all bad and doubiful dobis, and for rebats on bis under discount........... ............ -.... 604,495.77 Premînni on NewStock ........................ 990,000.00 -81 631.667T99 To Dividende, Nos. 74, 75, 76-at rate of 9 p. c..... .... 6228,396 62 Dividend No. 77- >,t rate of 10 p cI ........... ...... 95,:386,00 Transterred re Rosei 'a Fund ............ >.......... 990,000.00 Contributionro Offic.;rs' Pension Fund............. 20,000 00 Wrîte off B'ank Promises Account..... ...... îsoooo 00 "Appropriated la writln.-,.ritlsh Console down t10B80.78,000 00 Balance carried !orwar d........................ 74,875 37 RESERVE FUND --16 ,579 Balance Pt Credit, Dec 80, 1905............... 88,400,000 Premium on New Stock................... ......... 990,000.00 Balance at Credit, December 31, 1906..................... 84 3%,0o.00 Average Capital for Year ................ 3,531,469 16, Profitse....................i7 Il per cent on Capital' EDSON L. PEASE, Genernl Manager. DONrALD, 6. -M. ALBIt&IT B. BarrlSter, SolicItor, Noter Pubi ., etc, Privaiseand Company mone81,11toan aet lawest enrrent rates, Agent for TIse Midland Loan and Savinga Company. Office opposite J. B. artyn'sl store, Rigi, St. Bowmanvlille, 5-i iTeterinary Surgeon and Dontist F. H. S".Lowrey, [JONORARY GRADUATE o! Ontario Vterinary College. Tarante. Seclal attention given ta Dentiatry Office ln y,W, Caldwell's Livery Stable ; night celle et hi@ roeidence, Lamne Ville, Centre Vtreet. Day o r niglia calte prompîty reeponded t, Rieuse phone ne 126, Office 127 Bowmauville. To the Front! Attend the famous 4ELLIOT TOROWTOI OUT. And be poe rp ared f r 'iee poitP.ere.eap,,nlyê,.10rHgh Grade BntesEducation,-the kind eyery y..n man and woman sliould bave. 0ur schoo bas now the large8t att=ein1itB bi8tory. Commenceso rpr well and success is certain. No trouble for our graduates to, get positions. Catalogue free. W. J. ELILIOTT, Principal, 31 Cor. Yonge and.Aleaander*Sta. The Next Is Spring. In the meantime you will need School Books and Sehool Supsiies. You wil need Stationery, especialiy Linon Lawn, for letiers must be written. You will need books to read, the latest publications or others. You wlll need Picture Post Carde and Card Albums. 1 1 You are sure to need Hymn Book, Bibles, Fancy China or other -fancy goods. Pe rhaps, Wall Paper, Pic- tures, or Window Shad os, etc. P., Trebilcock The Mason Co. ~ Stck*tkinglimle oowa Q Now is Che time for snapý. We always leadi in values, but ipow we distance competition, LADIES' COATS' at haif price and nice one3 too, they Q must be ail cleared out. UNDER.WEAR sellig like hot cakes, big snaps in every sizes, either Childme, Ladies' or Men's. SOVERCOATS-our valueb defy competition, for variety Q pleases al, We are inot aware of but one sale that we lost dueing this season, there is a reason fo~r it. We undoubtedly have the big choice and bargain values. Our reductions are startiiag,* * Boys $5.00 overcoats $3 O-Men's $7.50 over- ~-SIITS for ME~N and BOYS-We certainly are of the opinion that we have our customers well pleased and they certainly should be for they are well berved, no store any-where will give you the al Q round'values we do, a Close price now aud again to bring trade and the bulk of their stock marked IQ p at 50 per cent to 100 per cEnt profit, thât ja the way they do it and we can prove it. REMNANTS SALE,-Scores of remnants have been laid out this wçek on our centre table for quick sale at Bargain prices, lots of them uat haif- former prices,,dress goods, shaker flan nels, priDts, shirt- G ings, towelings, muslils, embroideries, -wrappr -_ 'ettes, silks, ribbons, table ollclothq, etc also erW' Q of carpets and linoleums, ini our Carpet Rcoma. We want to clçar them. out and have mre ridiculousiy low. Come quiek. mre Thle MaCson1 Co%. BOWMANVILLFJ, Thirty-Seventh Annual Statement -O F- Ihe Royal Bank of Canada.* To theý Publie: LIABILITIES 1 Dec. 31, 18906 817,407,740,29 11,957 895 7G 99J139.53. -W24665-58 74,888,06 571,942 42 83G691,364 22 95'386m0 391.3D 74,87-5 37 D-c31 -î9C6- 2,199 482.25 148,000-W> 2,433,98g.00 561a,862 94 1,160 705 20 1 168 000 00 2,473,9219,2 8 011,20181 5,609,388.19 821,578 097 08 .22474 95 23,033,061.17 8,99601I 789.887 77 10,000.00 To lhe Shareboiders .1 Capital Paîd Up ........... .............. Reserve Fand. ...... 1...... ...... 1........ Dividead No 78 (quarterly ai 9 p. c. ) ........ Divldend No. 77 (quarterty at 10 p. c ) payable Ja 2d 197 . . . . . . .... .... '..... F or e i i e d n l l e .. .. . . . . . ASSETS Gold and Sîlver Coin............ ............8 Dominion Goverament Notes .............. Deposît withx Dominion Governinent for security**o! S note circulation .......... ..... Notes ef and cheques on other Bank*..... Balances due front other Banks in Canada,.,,,, Balances due f rom Agente la Great Brilain .. Balances due front Agencies of the Bank and other Banks la foreigu countries .......... British Consuls (preeent holding £800,000 ai 8o) Other'Governmnan ad Municipal Securlîles. Railway and Otior Bonds, Debenturos and Stcks Cali and Short Loane on Stocks and Bonds ... Quick Assoes. ............ ... .......... 8 Loans te Provincial Goveraments .... ........ Current Loans and Discounts ................ Overdue Debta loss provlded for)............. Bank Premises Accouai.................... Safes and Office Furniture................... 3,000,000 00o 3,400 000.109 65,000.00 37.162 22 Dec. Bo. 1905 2,129,767.29- 1,547,778.25 130,000.00 2 841,416.388 188 694.45 38,M4.18 698,925 27 1 241,000(00 2,295,607 86 2,810,245,77 4,977,434.82 18 398,9-13.15 8 861.49 4447-29.76 10,000.00

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