ai aian £ s I toeauandî complezte stock Prices arej patronagewf IR Bom Meats and always rgtand your I 'be appreciated. Martyn, i Iti 41 We rscomm.renid theeta wear well, Bargai ns our store ie graduially taking on 1- Bargain Day appearnance as is usnal th L time ai the yea, Bargains ln Sl-ippers., Bargalue lu Fi eit rwear, T ho Bllrns Ool IMal"i Four (3ornerg, port Hlope, Ont., salshd17 Capital fually paid lup' $s.., 3000 Reservc3 Fuund 15,00 sAvilngs Dtpos"Itsof*.0 upwarids, reeive d audi) nrat at 3Jj per ce,,nt plid or compouundeýd hýAf yearly' Time epsiscf $0.0and upward8 received for any tn of y enr,. but not ls thaýn oasyear, ai hfghor rates of In- Exeotorsand rusts. re authorizedl byýLý, aw tedpcsit, noiuey at theîr despo)sai weti thz hii ompauy. The fuuds of ti. ompuyar, lnveat ed onuly iu municip4ldeeu rs nd fîr5et mragson lniproved real estate, wvhieh gesabsalute seeurlety tU epstOs ony lae t oetratein fîiuterest No jformtioneaub. obined by au a steor fai inga oftihetimeas. Opinions a&re8or larýgely Iu these days by tearmet presented by the wiriters i the paperu. What fi' the mreaning of editor? What 1La anudtr A man wbo educates or onllghtens hIe readers. Editors mould publie opinion, -People look to them to do this. The man who has not the cour- age to express bis opinion on any given or hGoe a an who is flot af raid ta ex- prees-ýU h iiws than condemn hIm fori hie Ccuceit or attribute to hlm vindietive or SlInister mtvs le one of the constitional diseases, t nianiests itsel in, local aches and pais,- infiamed joints and stiff muscls,-ktit caimot Êbe cured by locald applications', treatMent actins thbrogh coure ofthegreat medýicinàe whic bas permanently thorud oetcases. i .m4 WfOM.~ ~~a No, 7. .-. ,LM-- U , *ýrm offies, nere Is an scutorial rrom thli Port Hlope Timies, the lsading Conser-1 vative Paper of Durham County, tha-t sclearly Vex"presses publie opinilon as it le frely expreseed on ail sides and bs ail classes ü! peýople, lu Bo far as to Who should rece3ive the appointmeont, that it Is reprodlueed: "The appoint-I ment of Mr. -Robert Beith ta the Senate' wil make improbable the appointment af his brother, Dr. Beith, ta the post- Mastership of Bowrmauvllle. lu that case -,ho appaîntmeut 0of Mr. M. A James ta the postmiastershlp may bei expeeted ,flr. James lias exceýption-1 alI stangdaims upon the Liberali party and fortunlately for Bowmnanvllle, he wouldl malke an excellent postmaster. His appoIntms1nt would 'le a goaýd one andud bie popul;ar." The Cobourg Sentinsi-Star, tho chief Conservative 'jou)rnal lu Northumber- land Couinty, says: "lThe Bowmanivilie pOstmy,ýgtershIi s tfili dangling before t he sys of the few lntearested, The! man most eutitled ,ta the Office by party fidellty and active work Is àM. A. James Editor af THIE STATE5Mi. ,We haDýve not been able tae se e üye to eyMe with MI A., but we have manhod enough ta knowv that a mnan who speýnde bis time and brame luinthe lutereste a1 a Party lm MGsat entltied to the con6ideration of thpt party. IJt le noot a matter of patronage nly: ho 8 le eftted te iii i thé péstîon, ud le yetgood for 201 yeare eg c, Conlduetor Ransorm Norton of thim taw.z, bigEany friende Will bc pleaeed, t learu, 1 I nowConductor on the 'rer- auto -blontreai mafilexpressaud pas- senger tralli. Bowmauvill ie boys ,- uall)y werk up te the, top- For that lDaln druf Ther.g is one *hïpg îhal wlil cure lt-Ayer's H!.air Vig«è his P roulrSclp-medî.ie. hqulcklýy dostroys the germas ,wh-Ichý cause th4s disote.. The uaheahthy scslp becoié ! pears, t hs 0dis-appear.4 1o you-heialtby hair, n'Odan- dru6,'0"l.plss>s rupos