TAI D 1872 n I 0F CANADA FARMR'SSALE NTSDIS ,COUNTED Tis ,bank makes ia specialty of discounting F7armers' Sale- Notes at lowý.est curreint rates. If you have frienids in Westerni Claada, if y-ou are sceekinin formIla- tion onoeri te west, this of- f er wf appeal to iou; I OFF~R NO, i Yic r4ait zba Daily irec Pr S Postage prepatd te any addresina te DnAme. If ipraire Frmo ode CaiandSal aboutmavll thenth hala plait cf Looks f bread that hve Le4en qst!.rcd IIp)wii l beatea eLg, brin'g TO EL EORANGS.3 Forbrekfateut tbe peel so as to leave aiiicb-v ideLbnd about tbe cen- tre, teetL aný1,i !tunai oside out 50oas 't) leaxe11 ecios ui; fasbtlogetbier peA , atben pel dowa, Utuckiagpoint 'in; orce cetins aifruitopentai tho pmay a 14airmvd egge îlh for tascil!fuls f fn c'il Ad 1 a inc fl ;;i 10 lic bi and beat until dr ad 1cm.Pou lU yolk ovr te wileýs, (dIagt:1 gra oragepupt fldganis xitections I bnd serve. Orang Bavrois-Disolveone-ourl o: apackge c gellin n on-tbid1 c I noacP"u iuage juie-d pt candie paed TU1EJAPNI3S GI2l (OOD 3XAPLv. it is a poer fCherry lveo Ladta iahyr -on Ciate lbasieofai sJrn eh.( l iatrej aise rCcogn,,;asoiP*.f g-,,JiportaDee. able for tha'ir hlthýi,, endurance, pa- tineand ekli. The cherry tree l ir, ïmost highly prized of ahllunJapaný. uItnot-only gives forth a beautifui l Los but the wild cherry tree furnishes a bark whichi le Most highl.yprized l iediin. WYI)-?CherryE ,fr LI n is Ul The Mot mportant Household tem neot ol upisclrand fiavor to mipsacsad gravies- but a quarter teaspoîful in a cap of hot wvater mnakes a brac- iiig cp te the invalid or convalescent. Arinour's Extract of Becf 15, more e~onclthan others be- cauise it goes fouir timeýs as far. IWrite for f ree Booiet 'Cuilinary Wldnklea'> whiCh teils hcw ,0 -use rtu'sSelid Beef Exîrac"t. 85 AMU LIMITUED - Trouitoý y it i, heaiseta ponu ,rng mralad, P n bisa wite HINTS FOR THE HME., Unas one S vck Fo aNesos eaacj aRiacn iin brt le vi ctbl u t -cfýj Ice sheil. i man a m a l1i smweomr y tecarry off think c tf th ime, and )(it seas vl 1!for my hubn'fmaiiyta I ne\ r thetndto appîy vfor a idivrc.At lasIj caethe Cisýis, and I\etron te e a lriend wlîivh iias a Iractical hous(,ekeepr, and bl ber ly woes. thin isbehadfound the roiat, cf the £-Vil cook 'Mydea,' se eelaied,'il js a Ln, c 1»ether (ey are ta arry 0on a largeincare or c amaî oneis evident fr'loncte e ort f doei !c science schoolý, litw'hihprouspect,-iveabrides form fa ïloir prapor"11nof tle classes ln TIuE BEST Bl,[EACHEFI. Amaug t e ~lcacbiers used in the laury are salsoda, ammonia, borax, lupct uecîride of!lme, Javelle wa- tcr iiaad the vtarious twashing powders. Borax and tur!p.-nîiae bbc lcton the lisI, iand arle cspecially geo for hinigctton and linea. Silsoda la cr cauýic, il solteas tbe dtrt, ad mesils reme\al easy, but ilf usedc toc stogai nert rcmaoved il rots the clb i ad niekes il of a had coler. Tbe aiction cof washing pewders is p)ractiiclly tU samie. Ammania la less causic. hiorde(o lime and JavelIle wate are ,ffly useýd U) remuove obhstinatej stin r dsooain.If iheýsechenil- Iracdsl-,d herine n 'mia 1vacrtaneutralize tiltcid l 1mWes, anlwole gio ds yelo; ~uhgtan te ygn f heair.,if' the clutios rc nelb'I ghCrisd tho color jil awy b a, nemalterý wht .agcnimy a e tmaaR,ý i e ýtbem PASTE THIS TN OUFI COOiK 1300K.- ia g. il Ie:dmutae1ve tmertut al. a.a ekis i ~ t equire at cry ot oienat Susmust nica hu.bu. imer !' ii dtbings accd tUe gî cae ,cry bo beoethny go la. Biedthiags sihaulatmlfe _h idY Uave AwYs r-ouglit 4, and w i ias be-en-' ni ue orovrn Oyers a orne tosigniatore of anld. i benmd udrls pe- ~on~ suervsion s'inico its ifancy, Alown Setodceveyu'Fths Ail~ ~ ~~~~~~j ConefetImtton n "ut -sg_" r u Castori P is a armins ustFýItute foýr Casý'tor 011, Pare- gori, Dopsnq d SothIîng Sy p lt s Pea Ut.L subsance lit ageis its gzaralite. lt destro-ysWom Colle.,Lt relieves eetin Troubles, cuýres Constipation nd Flatullency. LEt assimlittem ithe Fond, egitesth Stmcaand oes givingý healthîýy and niatiral mlee-p, Deap13iru the ,Signature Cf The iRd Yll ve;A-ysU oulit In Use-- For Over 30Years. Vey'lcouepytofnem yà1ipur Act c clovre