rjo Vy0en knew thera ms bg mn;uy m i sn g pcultry? De 0en 'w thor 1isniera nuc-luroigagolcbtr thnin oloaÈoyting e ielencan d rChaarc c S\ tie mndtoba timeus? D) o ao yiïccubateýr iI f l a yua iga poittanu ther t -ou encen av onElyour place? ailailthee tmiea aratru,i ccad I con ioeit. Tmnofscf pepieall ove'C aahavaerv i vr ymaýu foiriiLast fîve ea I at toquota yen aprîýe on y Cihathaîn ,iIncubator -sofiONTUlE Iwanrt te im yuy Ciýi- .othanubock. Ti lecbater bock la it;ïc- Ilsedit, te0yen for jea i-,-ial cýrd. 1,Ct telî yen alot yen ugbt tm-nowvabouit tha ouity buines-lt allayou how e mke one eu e you more) ney thoLn >Gu cnok th husfa mre and wfli er, ro ublaI. Thîs ýbocktP e o yicbtr r aawyte r h-Ybý'ca Guarantea.LIe VWa ce en Výe tho lrgout -, wocd-working factories ile Le ennsry Wa 1iseù oprt lrefcimtcry at Dat-oi, Mîcch. We have the Le- ~ Chthon I-iubatîs cd Brodar wii moa ye noney,, for a r!j hatanu u1 uîtr c l otc l 1jve. hLthy c h;oknocf evary1 fetl g ut ooinl 1 a Wiiye r-utaformyvoc AoaD tMo hi ym hn off.mtsyo7-psa Pes ceof n yîur fo bato BoeCA acter ai Cijanhanu, Five Yeera I L ve r SpeakCngTihio-0u ghinthe Thilg.s-of aely L;,ýif-:eoive,-Zz-Iý dîesnanessaei lme past unto net mean îlh:t lman is fis oWfl,- God, ner îfai ers y tit, propiret s." Heb. iL, L it Ibflie I knof0 axv igher tflinhim- Thregh Le ges mcc ave wie sl;if dnsmcc lot by Itbe ]aivs ofu ionni~ferlagerligito thî eae vcyceirxeaio safiinio spea1', (t ani butiliil onl" lratitiio nge r stii cos u nd ops. orxvîa "Oîr neefi is flot somo ,si!-ange, awe- CxvI su u epi fîemseis inpirng veice ihat Iaolibreak îLe & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~u îeuvesar rereadcrsilence of thernidnight sky; cor ned Lîghi- ppel t hoi~uwn ln iohaf t. or wn oifsb nteesi? L vinet AN EAR TBAINED TO HIEA,, aione iotmo havc LeOdQd tlîu)se a, spirit Le undwrsîcori and reveren!ce xvhe. lLcugL ofien mîtokon or but ira- tLe sublimre voicesflt ire, ever sek peorhave cried. "Thus soitb îLeC ing n or worid. îLje vo)ice;cf îLi lord1 beauiy cf nature, îire jo cf living, îLe t wcuid Le stronge if in a wcrid 1f slriescf cvc-ryday rdIvin, e Lrrisni, îLe spoirifýts tîre might Le rie communioa- forces Ibalt are rookicg a new xvorid t- ien cif spirit. If the fairest. ibeught cf day as iruly as evel, cne was mctdo long coreî' Is îtha;wlieb wis g ienn OS ago. ixee lion wasau-ht e tLIÏi crhe helfeifc or day Las o esc L om ipotent lis alLer, l i eud odivine Iban fielibe ci long ogo; but ncm1ý way b iLsucb a tiLer I- hLe rnes;age 1ý-is Loictr eod; ,l it for hv'kt isblrn uLaxei an educetmdý race; if Is siiotrte THE DIVINE VOICE SPEAKSmaiingc y siredgel bini h bol ' vetcoIeNIstnmnîe rn di gc ot ný1Sin a!r dingsteîLelýie rocimen Il fals netfrora Le ~kis; it i iet I il i oii iî tmr ie lv ccoisne n irieuuoiSi tenerLfwe mn c mn visions ccd pereiivi. îlot7i is er Gi pkstmencasieîle issci e aidibct Hecio )t Sun Ler raiber tanbye cr.willngteIri-. hee on' Levee Les lhngsLav oc deppcd floTherish findr [il le ngsIotc thîe Tue îLe pueJin lîcar sec hue;jLipcce-er r' v;le aege n o. sibnc )istnet flvto ft-Fotto. " "sl fi-m w iiut, bol frm wîr,,tbi God clous mn ucU1brîilue iomnenor Amcliel îLe v c eor i n he Nsîghngs ollwifer l asc Hedfl eat y . COPE, i li tîî cmandînntsethe therir heiis frerston."nsb L GiirhooDG-land Sct.çEmd'oiare The gilio keErct.iLne!- .skcn has plenty Of' rich, roc!blo-Iod; she i3 plumnp, actfive land eegtc Tke reasoil i8 thlat at a periýd when, a girl's digestion is ek cotjE uIin . provîides her itfh po-werful nourishmient in erasily digested frm It is, a food ithat builds and keeps up a - ALL ORtJOICSTSî 50o. AlN $1 .flO. I i y THE D7AD IN 1906. vUlli Oaeaery,196 JÂNUÂRt. 3-33ry Jane üG&ydaqnaga 66 yeers, narvoe oprorîun. Leawn cyiPulis Il-Ann NewmagaVCe,.A 21 W W 14 -EizsbthYJas, 86 82, oit ea !)--Tary Colmüe 75e, ea 71,i 16-:oan, BowUg daeoi ea 192W2, Mir 65 8 3, angln. 26---rchlbal aï. 77îthcw, eau7 aTcwý au hur tdint, 12-Thos. iaLt 3wg, e41 ya;r 14 -Mary FmAnk a mS, 72 ina 1-Mai; Borhagradu2yPor,cii r %;-Repa~.shotEga , axheof Wo 27-Malo. Ciangisicn, eg583ycurs pqruiia,%troka. 21-FpuytSeMa q ESagramcd44%yanra 3-E1I seat aneaWt yq Wag 2a Mi -~ . loaesge 1y1 peealu 213-Rachac 65Hug Ai, ref finletas 26-EarrDaer, g 84 78 ya&g.s 27-Wn 41.clapli, a 5yara MY due to ilupropter ouir- coud, 110L aitoic. jýBeef is the rnost Ms dtreuAs the best fr builingtula rutow oditon. But te e 'oit peoi'ïin ' taarrt ail tedrckTi , ge 1 -s 7-ykMllrae.Grh, g4mot 2hoiea lofnt DUÉLA . "Ciý G. Is asor oue when yen buy Dr. Piarce'ms DEoc-Mîuiîî family mcrd tones--ber ail thae grd- 16H Li on-, g 5 era y ac1ta anteiring lîtto theai are pri-ied on phidfûfoer. the botfle-wrapîuers aud their formuolas -Haroid Tpeea21. yxaoe are atfastef umuf oatit as beling cempice e nptlce. aîidcorrect. YouknewJrstwlatyeuara î9-Baenry Mdltee,ea79J yera, p:tymcg for cnd fLot the Ingrafleuits ai-e Leart fa ilure gpter-d fi-ontNafura's iaboratom'y, baîng 146 G ràca LloaY r, ' 8 ymr, dl ot. selectedfrotheiîe mest vatuabia native maedicinal rects found growing In eus' Amnerîcan foeqas w,,hile potent ho cure Fr oll I SIXTy 1>ZEUIpS. ara per har e a te tite -Mcm dalice woin a l .Net. e dre Mrs. WnlwsScotling Sy1-,up)Las i een usef b; uufllmccs cf iuflosfor a i 5 f r x fLer oildi-mibio 00tccibing". If is. res v ct - oi-Ledaf fi&g.1inaf -c (cf y -p~~~ ne i s fcrviz,--U, o;-,-by -isel Slil-Uf1eMi0-ad ( - cn ~~ ~ sagen poqSseýSCS nis pan of CHn eteftn fermen1t, ntiieofaolugdemi- SccliigSi- ", o;;ld-n ettn cenf.' Giee!e laaan ipratpart l eicayfic pc ,mouis Dr. lenMdicai hcvr 0 hr sc ritk oi t Ihcu poor cptt.raing ein nsouzoemdne-yt L hiissou ccli bflousteasacfklîui'e dernge a a!saiefer aIlieaesof îLe uosbu letaf etfml lyibn nslasas cLo1r1o lestme owteaeL11e, lcý orpli rans. Even iniisucraieiwP;fl' onac!o)e Sk y ail efgsIf w icld te fuis soàverîg- rm dogis-ih-ogoo îe 7rl. 3 edy if lis use La perseveroi, i,. l hoi ueafmifi"i.Wîc' o b Cotai-rh ofthîe N osai passages,ifl eb igS;u' wlle t aking teGle aia Ds ---p - ce vry"i for tue mucssr cnfbuica t-aaet, tecleanmu t1le psae roy ib fouoeiots i1iaASd tuo or ilirea tlmqg a da-ýy ifh Di-, Segeý's ieli esî> stwaoac cf t-ani,"ment genorsilly ure.s îleweý-ýrst n.ecmüEly g enel lewbila î-U, reic case, barmem;y gnuas u ite eaieg ice 1 lucouglis mcd hoarsaýeýsa caulsaf bl-y brou- rdln uhiepeu fumne eoralflwr c11iai. thuroat auud tumun ff-tos.e'cetcon- eîn ietamul bbesser su7mivrionbi tis dvnced stages.t le "Goldeny l44r liiedicai Discevery" i' en', a tiiiautrmi- vraH. PEkadMuA.Elhdt ed0y. especiaily l in s atute. iu-ecMia D -. c' antcecd MrsHIfTile(y cougha caised by irsltattoîî acf icongestion of e rcem, tic uiochll mcou mebraes.The "Dis" . oa.nusetTudn revouy "is8 net se good fer outo "ýcourlis aria- ViLleâi-f a a. eig ia iainc icr froci suddau colds. cor miust it bLeax- ovëaiel actevoe -j raerty ias. iected te cure consumptiouu luiibts advanced iiktri i.H ul;mfEaFeca stages-no mediciuue wil do tLot Lut for al the obsticate, chu-cdc coughs, oLteL. if ceg- IlMOr;, Weh êtweamuachpsautd 1erted. or badly treated. Iead ne te cousucue" Vihatee -rn, se iciaî r-ue tion. it ha tha Lest madina fiat cen ha'take-r. wse pregidat cvr n y Misses fiee _____________________________ and__ stGga, Toronto (çito were mdwes 27--Eizbeh oiiseae 5yemr, Vanolone and Eunry, of heen, v!na earped --heifbu. tha deinleet of lenebas fi-oi it lrg ilr gtale, ýguiileing 'har gia hfeund!mdeed.d 3W ,Wardar, m ga 78 yrm,e)Lï mga. 9-Wii. John JtffLjry, aga,ý 40 ycavq, 1-Jaea . FMberv, mg 7.5 yearg. 5-Tî~ e MutDiroh,agýe 24 yera, 5-Thomi2a(w Beaîr gc 8yma 16--meine cMunrycge82 yeera, ipatuys'e. 17-Bot Chala, gG 19.yeere, septarw 20-Jmep Lauitîa, ge 81 yeara, menule çlacy. '21 ---Mi!derad Vt aog7 montits oungut Iun cf Tirer OtiTOiSEhe 3-Gi'uta M. Vîmumen, cge Il mu$mths, ch' i.s'e îrsfmntmum 43-A~rns Lutltia Giberne, i ya.ar end ohtder~ bilesit ami. [HusbýjRa d "Nw r, pyou donr1t e- soyng.YouLno I ul1jic for yo- ýu" i " h, ei gra i i ý;Ilk hi.,~~~i spon " Loi LveymmLo pt Le n peceJc cbihenl, S r ccdthee xviiLopeccaq'uosdgmin'a Th wcrsth t u bonus i nv -rioso e. AU W, CHoAo.8AEî Cu$ i Ca. Teemte fma4 tifahl*. 'S~H' 1' H H ++t~H"ifrk* T Pashion Hints, g~+~ ++~ EVENINO COIFFURES. E'ver'ybodcy lk-nvvs that 'Cod L!%ve 011i is a wondlerful fleh poduerIF ycu can t t Nobody doubts thatit is thie ge est erich2er cf theblod, F yiscan dgs t It is well kno-wn tt I'hophr sthe ideal lnerve and brain tonic, ifit is pmope-rly administered, ',IlF," ah! there's the rub. But everybody does nom know that Cod LI ver 0M, Mra and Phoaphorus have at last been cormbined P, mit emuln so platable that anybody can take f;, so easily assimilated that the siallest infant can digest it wîhcut cdffcuity and 50 perfectlyand siniial preare tattise vlue cf the originaligrdientsis enacdfcurfcld. This emnulsion i3 ncnas Parfcuirly prcttyornafuintv forle Lo(ir iare lomadLe, aud1 îL g r t Leon Tlc nol-vv ornonuent'lls ar lg cd l'-iray 11d1 A ve te m n f vî'e1ttng ltkg1fly uom L Lir, amcd bb v ceme chnge femo tse jevelcd onibs fy(' toi ebow, Cilawi airlscfm-- mcd!ln; J î'clfs cr belersocubnl A-fi v el c di o r L c a d lia i b u e k le w ý,i i i cxvcf tlle dovvntiîregb hicakes \If epili frot bc uki anm W pal, toseuda voriinie iwit ah ~ ~ W îL ok li scI i I c Éo. p til) mofol ,cîrm-iedcl mn1bi 1ck ,mor emriooiti ouf s 7.ol bmoL cs coi-ledA fi h tcter. h îiie b uile, sp! n I vl smi, pa1 bonds maiinsa evl efftiie tis and fmit arund le Lau_ Fi-n ci- c o f iir wilic 'uc is, ws hi oý;n uei'oo idecMamon 4mIesollo î Ibeng dpnidtiecc nm iîe fastena sef, f;ým1atîraiet. A;rIlîc ,i sio lcw e xic e otif lasf b; c themoho ciLeafdrsssanf in pie au nfe an the. (.nvevc MEN, yen become dL811aftt- enEd vl vhau yn ei te mynup. tomes of Nervous Dability and ~- 1,declc eaag upen ye)u, 12Lr- nerfe ,a tlire glving up lM despair. Yeon cet suivosaif wea,hlave littie ambtio, ipinta1ti5e1)aCLc holow ye tie d umerolig9, i-l1 U'l recfer te ho clone. dls5trustfu), ~il 1h5~ It peor circ'ulatin - refuge. %i lli te hnaIL vou euîa, îurfythe e4N and resitce r ou te a man11Y conition. OE iArayon P vîtîuIm? lave you lest leAra vea ti- medig iarry? Hs bILaod heen dIss(afic? ? lv; yenI any wealmness? Oui îNow M'thod( TreýatYnent will1 cure youýý. Whsift 1, lias dome for ethars It Nwilt de for yen. CNUTTO R~I 14o mattar who has tîaated yen, write for an honest orpijea Fra Charge. Chargea reasonabla. BOOKcS FREE-"TLa GoIlden %Mitor" <iitustrated>, ou Disoasea of Men. Sealad Book on -DiseaseS cf Worea'- rea. ESTISISInD25 YEAPRS-MNý CrRr-NO PAT. N Melimenct D.O . NO nameg an boxes or en*velepeÉ3. Zvery#Wlnu; c ntdeet- i Qe Ues Ut anîd cezt or twepatment liREL, C . ichfnýIgaîî ve and ,IWeDy St,, Detroit,, ih - ' col; ongsm'aobasifs vvay f bcii if esLeccffoiorr rcr li; rceeu J.rcsandm imtrfi;Bu-iti,1 llcaue r-ju la îLe Ona rCmeldY t!isi is guaranteef te) cure youu. Yen cou igai yocur v- "- b'sck if Býz-J4i lfes lcoi hue pv 'te evei-y clairu nmamie bes il CeniAof thile Iebru i;,Deliecýnator sco (ilutrich; "The Mohmng'ci t1 a Cbrmjiiing W [," "Au.. .. 01f i Beau,' L isilhtsInoto cuni ilurest e dic'îf lIsta î Ieling1 îmj'u ifu u-irf t f o i rer 9 bclm îrîn" b 1 i zbf M Lda ulste;"Cn Odece af Dlia-,"b; îdaadosn iii' ~ ~ ~ ~ A wLtoP-ilrscfMiihdff, vlim Gere;oq Pmote bi pucf un dsoses"heSpoeretMrf0î ;idJeol .;"; "T c Fuc Js uti ýýInc,' b ), îLe 'uyiei Pepl; TheHoîe - Caiedai-, a vaentin co,;lIn - b - \Viimfcf Fes "tise IIw mutcf Wcmmy imob"l;Gblle y aîsn;"h (a- fts Wmm, ;tiAiaM (Jolroitu; "alua onHeci Maknge h- b;AiceM.Iclog;"oaitu t L -I y I - fo- pem elfbuthÈa egi'boa. -O b Il l dreg,-u ts, or gant'1 prepail on'. of pt tp-e. h-c or ctti.f5 e l- itneadalr, "fessons z lntAyessmkn ," "DdlAmt îLe Point cfhie Neoie, sc elanea, "'iLeKîoLne A71-ife1lci os e ateo o 99q9999999 ~ i acepain in îLelc etc,acig swelîan lnaafoo.fhes an'd s -essFheaiaICf sa lneihing ciatwi c: Ifa it lec icteys 10 .flueci'iii pu i -eafre0lin ttc bloof, chya irritat;in oftiJte blaffer, aouf gives gaau sl TalidyisvLr, ON. 1I v tkntli-ce bo-xes c"f ye'sr FIn. .Zu unis uf ted grýatiy Lbeneof b; tisas' voc. Lay ave aistrciy ramilovef flue peins s'mminy Ihand f hespef h fore in; eye's havce ntbral'y fisapeao Npy aukleswer emdy savrella n, o iw soc. a Wbox. At f-gitor resnf-cf, on1 uucept 0f pri-e. 1TE Cl-APUI-ICilrfdIÇAL CO,, LiMiTUD W1t4000f4, ON-, 41 1- . ý '%"à q 7çF EUUL hswpdottthe Il' "FERROL" has bruýght the odru and uni, versailjly recognized virtues of Cod LMer 01,I-on and Phsphorus wiîin easy rec c ,f thec mul1tudes who need them, "FERROL is the only perfct emusinonf COCd Liver 011, becauise it isth only one that otan IlION and no ruso is per fect wvitct it. Th-at is why FERROL is an nqule systemf FERROL ifotapatentmystry.Tefomlp reypubîILshed. , hlars ried by te hast hyriians ila euom-sd by the most mcrament Mdljourakla Iàiused àin p .&Muinen !oipouan!SanMAauneisietc R . ithel oz urugi~ts Bomauî1Ie 41