s a ___________________________ Grand Trunk Ra.ilwav SvStem, HAJLWAY TIldE TABLE. ?,OWMANVILLE STATION. 0015 lAS?. G WEW!? Steil......9 sa. m I 'xpres -.4.40 a U 36 J.3,aM85 po m assr...185.m 6 e .02p.m. 3 Tickets ta certa4in ntssoIincorac sitir speciai holiday rtes an11nounced In anothor ýcolumu wiIi not lia bonoret! ou trains Nos. 1 or Brour & JuRY. Town Azents Keep S ,Tamarae a Cordial 1 -NTHIE HOIJSE- There is no Oouigh Remedy tÈhat will give you quieker relief or more com- fort and satisfaction. Its soothing and heal- ing to the l3onchial Tubes.,I lt goes to the rightt :spot< Lt stops the tiekie. Regular size 25C. FamIIky size 50c. Î Sttt& Jury The Drunggists and Opticians, If taken lua time our Laxative Grippe Tablets wlll brea k up a cold in one day. 25ets a boxc. Optician. If you need glasses at ail you need the best pos sible attention, You cannot afford to, have experiments tried on your eyes. We charge you the- lowest possible price for aIl the most stylish linos of epectacles and test your e- js in the most careful manner free ol ail charge. Wh'&en We Test Eyeîs It lm Done I>roperly. SQ4to0t t & JUry Graduate of: Detroit Optical College, Canadian Optical College, New York School of Optici, Chicaïgo Ophthalmie College. 1fhe wondrully ra:id qeet el D Qftcer's Baa e-Ki noy Tablets ia eur- log tir* oves*st kiduey, bladder and urla. ery' troubles, maires thoue afeetGd rejoica. %uck liseas4s aud disorders --£ laine or wek bacir, sw*linK el tire freet, puffinai tn.der the. e>'.. gravaI, brick depoeits ia lire oUri, ff4aîdîug, frequeut calîs durns tira day e UiFht, pain lu thre Ioints, urit -Cid ÏS the b[coo, drwies cbadache, rapidlsiI. et ieal,, habituaicntiao, .vu Wertrpar, 'Wakness of t"r urnta" or çaa lu cbldren and tir. aged-are aIh 1qoJekIy rciiecved and ?armanently cured *r. F. Dawmoa, Mass St., Kiscardine, Sel., sys: <Hard wrk and constant gt*oping., tooether wth exposure to coid ýb*3h czn sevra beciracho- en4dn treuMe The 9cretions. we,-e thick r aud Uant). Nothing rolievvd me intil 1 go3r e bottîs of Dr. Ptcher's Backache-Kidne-, Trablti,. They soon stopped thre pain anc' sc*r.a The! Kldnsy action beczame -'VrnMal aud heatlry. . airn xedn reteftul, sud gLid t. add Ibi eîrrry ,ie zexPreelons of gowî aeh-r utesgv tterauce b." it Îa nro Wonider Dr. Pcer Tabler, ure s wef <~'ere thc rscito a Klnyzenaitsd cnanige Sl*ntw not found in cewmmon iue'pil Te ètaàr la a LbattIs. Pricec. er ~f e.~ tdç,ugglsts or ky mai Tire D A simple and effctive rsemedy for SORE TIIROATS AND COUGHS Tbey c0mine the germicidal value of Cresolene wiIII tse sooti ing properties 5ol slippery elmn and lica- rice. your druggist or from usq, 0-c in stampB. £LPEmINOe, MmîLEs 0C., Limited, Agents, Montrea-l. 401 PERSONAL. MIr. H.l. Creeper, Toronto, spent Sund,%-,aI home, M1iss Flor'"e Sinclair, Toronto, lS visitlnz at lho me.6 Mr. T. Tweedv, Cobourg, le visitug ilW.m. Jordau'd. Mrs. Fired R Foley visited friends lu Toronto last week.- Miss Lena Richards reeutly visited rlends lu Newcastle Mre. A. S. Tiiley wIll receive Friday Jan, 2,5th aud Feb. 1 Miss Gladys Grahanm, Oslirsw, vlsited Mise Rires Manning. MISSCasie OGrairam, Osirawa, la vIii- Lng Miss Nellie Gould. Mr. S. H. Reyuold.c, Bothwell, vlsl.ted ld frienide here last -week. Mr. W. McCullougir, Berlin, spent Suuday wlir friende lu tewnv. Miss ÇGertrude Cawker le vleiting Mrs. W. J. Ward, Owen Souund. Miroü Thos. Hioar le vlsitlng irer daugir- ter, Mrs. iH. Goodman, Toronto. Mr. Herbert. J. Barrett sud -wlfee are vielling iris sister Mre. B. Andrue, Mr, Cirao. Duff, qRenfrew, iras been vleitlng at Mr. Edward Bellmau'o. Mr. W1. F. B3ilger, Toronto, represeut- Ing tire Montrea'l Star, gave us a cal Mr. Colin MïacDonald, Tcoo, and Mir. John iMacDonaldl, Northir Bsv, epeut Sunday at tireir !stier's, Mr. John Mac- Donald. We were pleased 10 note by tire ,trat- ford Herald that our former townhmau Mr. J. Hy. Kenner iras beauenected alde-rman o! tiraI city. Mr. W. S. Ding- man, editor o! tire Harald, hias alsebeen elected te tire sldermau's chair. We are confident bothirll give goed ser- vice and wlll do a-l1 lu tireir power te promole tire city's intereet. Tire terrible eartbquake aI Kingston, Jamalea, wirich destroyed tiroussu de e! lives, csuged grea't Rsnxiety lu Many homes lu Ontario, wbose loved ones were on tiraI islaud aitirhe lime. Dr. W. E. Tilley sud !amly were very suxieus sbnutbis son Mr, Herbert R Tilles' but were happy b L)receiviflg nes o!firis sale arriva,.inluNew York hiavinglefItirhe islaud jtl6t mine6 hoilrs before tire eartlrquake took place4 Ou the occasion o! h s re1ent mur. 1 rage, tire office staff o! tiie !Kemp Man- ufacturiug Company presented Webster J. Virtue o!tirhe purcirasiug departmeni of tire càmpauy wiîh a irandsome bren ze jeIock aud massive leathereeovered chair. Accompani ing tire presentalion were mauy coruplimnitry refereuces te Mr, Virtue as a busiiAess man sud as one el tire beet o! good fellowe. Toronto World, We were plearei 10 see tire action ol tire Couuty ntiloe Itire c.oFe ao tire old negime lu gezzeinouslv re-,me3m bering Col. Neil F. MacNaclitan, îirE efficient sud affable Cevuies' ClerI sund Treastirer. A more capable off ic. l couid not be fouuijd lu tire ounties, neyer seerns t10 consider il a trouble tt do an, thiug for tire concillors sud ht le a comprehensîve walkirg eucyclop oedia ou municipal law sudA procedure, se tiraI members are oflen under oblig allen 10 hlm for favons o! varions kinde. A fur-liued coat waesa most aceplabi( gifI fron tire memabers. Miss Ane Westaway,mullilierGle coe, le home for a short vacation. Reid &-Pearn's advt. o! Dolly Vandei Siroe le on anu muer page. See how thi lady 's feet are re-shaped. Ex.Wandeu Geo. Speuce. Reeve0 Co brias been appointed turuke. at tire'New CountieS' goal ,Dou't f ail to seeure some o!tirhe bar gains uow going at Couch, Jorniston Çrydermàan'e Ftorhtalzln,- îa!e- Mr, John Percy ha@ beenihonored b, ~i3pôhtf n ou lireRgir iciool Board Tue cehoie seair excellent one. 'Seustor Beitir will feel aI home lu th, Senate. Hie aiways was s good judg, o! irigir steppers.-Daily Recorder. Cartwright township'Sunday Schoo convention will beaireld la Methodbs Churcir, Black stock, Friday Jan. 25, tMr. T. J. Cole, Maple, Greve, wasi Imost succesëful exibitor aItirhe Nap ante Pouitry, Pigeon sud Pet Stocl show. Miss Smith, mlliner, le leaviug towl and laoffteriug he roucehold fumnitun sud house sud lot for sale. See calg notice. A destructive fire, eccurred Saturdai at noon lu the factory o! Rhrys D Fair- baîru Company. dealers lu ladies aeck- wear. 8-10 Wellington St., oronto Loos $20,000 Cause o! fire unknown Iusured lu York Mutual Fire Insuranem Attire close o! tire January sessic n oi tire Counties' Couneil at Cobourg Lieut. Col. Neil F. MaeNachtan, Clerà aud Treasurer, was presented withe fur-lined -coat. Messrs. P. C. Ti ebil Tire anuwl meeting o! St. Pauls' churci wa, held Thucday Jan. WC~h Tire reports frým -aIl thiescieti28 In connlection wilh thé congregation siroed atifacorvprogýrese. The Manager s rePcrUt iecucrentireliv f ree of deht e. Hughli ro~ salry as nceasd $00OQ Mesers. W.H. W1l1lam5 Geoý Pearson nud Ed, P. Cirr were elecad on Board o! Man- age-riMreiji arewsr-lce art socilheur was spent, refreshmeuts cesi u n ercd by the 1Aa 'Aid, i- F ARM TO REFNT-146 acres e-il1ready for crop, lot 19, con. Î, Darlingtcnj. Apply to EZBà HR6ssiA, Ennilii. Co11i8 pup lest, S13e advt, A nice lot o! wedding caebxît Tnu STATE-ýSMAN iOffice9. ae0e & Mesis. A. Barber and J_. G. Mari- Lng are toýwn .auditors. Oversiroes and Feit GoodIS at redUýed prices at Reoid & Pearn's- A broken lot of boyýs,'sciroo"bo otfs vers.'Y cheap at Reid anid Peïrus. Do yoti want $1,000 or more? A frlend bas3 asked us to plaqce $,2000 for hlm. Front street beat,ý Rubber Faýctory il, a hoceî) match Thursday ulight 4 te 2. Mlayer Spry's inaugural eaddrePs !S ilu Town Couancil report Un another page Gladi to see a large attendauce at the Agricultural SoCiety annual meeting Great Bargains in ail kinde of Furs before stocktaking at Coucir, Johnston &Cryderman's. Chief Jarvis le President o! Bowman- ville Horticultural Society'. See report of annual rmeting, Editer Sangster o! The Farmlng World recetir yisited Senator Beth's Waverley Stables. Mr, Arthur Mineaud bas resigned as engineer o! P1ire Brigade. Hie retirement le much regretted-he Is a firet class officer. Walter Wright is President e! West Northumberland Agrîcltural Sioclty Balance lu treasury alter lasI year'ae operatiens, $429 62. j. B. Martyn bought from Wm Ovens, Clarkevr 90 buehels aleike. What farmer in Clarke or Darlington bas sold as many bushels? Mr. John S. Mooreraft is tire new Secretary-Treasurero! cdWest Durham Agrîcultural >t5ýoclety lu place of M. A James who deelined re--election. Wou't the Honorable Bobby Beltlirbe3 shocked when h6 sees thre blemishes on tiE old political herses In tire Red Chamber ?BolveRecorder. District Deputy F, H. Lazier, Brigh- ton, le; expeited te instaîl the officers of Bowm,,anvilie Lodge, No. 99, A. 0. U. W Friday night this week, Ail mnem- bers attend. Rfeimns Our readers wil be pleased to note the ticess o! Miss Harriet Joillîffe, Ot- 3tawa, granddaugirter o! Rnev. Wm. Jolliffe, Bowmanville, as recorded lu another columu in Ibis issue. Mr. John A. Charltono! tire Toronto Police Force made iis annual vieilto West Durham a few weeks age and favored TnEarà STAEimAIN with a eail s is many f riendr a re always àdeligirted to sce hlm Mr and Mirs. j.- B. Russel1 and daugirter, Wiu_ïnipeg. Mau , who have been visiting relaýtives at Cobourg Were geueStL, o!Mro. R W, Jamaes, 8Thurtsday en rfoute to vîsit relatives at LI.mptou. A verv HiandFome Bell organ iras reeently been placed lu Mt. Carswell r Sons o! Teniperance Hall. A competent tcommittee cf muelcians were appointed 8and after tr3 ing different makes, a %beautiful Bell was chosen. Tire new a Scale Williams la lu great demand. 1Nine homes wcre made happv with lu. )f struments sold last mentir. Cail and seer Fandirear tis famou iano. A. J. )f STALTER, OSrlAWA. 3-2r. fWind played fearful havoc Sunday, aIl1 ever Ontario, blowlng off roofs, fel- 0 ling trees, smaasiing windows, demol- 1- ishing chimne1-, s, lev elling fonces, dam- '-aging siipp!ing, iijuring irarbor piere, 3,1scattering.trade sigýne about streets, etc o1Niagara River was raised bigirer thau e ever before known, waters (f Lake )Erie being forced by western wlbdes 39 Great damage wae done to Gorge Route electrie raiiway tracirs Bon. J. M. Douglas, Tantallion, '3I Saskr., h&s bought two o! tihe et sear, ilng filfles te be found lu this districti Ibotir sired by Prince Priam, Senatoi 1- Beth's noted Clsdesdale staliion, oe from Mr. Hugir Greeuless and an othei infrom Mr W, E Jewell Thoerepald, le we understald, was $800 eacb. luis fi Thie le eue more instance of tire prooi >f o! tire statement se often made le tiresg ýYcolumus that it does psy te breed te tir best sires. Encouragement le irereby s!! orded-te ail irorsemen to breed oni: tire best class o! herses. We congrat ulate lion, Mr. Douolas&SoneulecomI iug ôWhOlfi Go!tiheÎÏ tfo Prolsng Il )Y les d. A GUÂRÂNTED CUE ?oit P[LWE eItching, Blnd, Bleedliig, Frotruding Pllea eDru teareautomoeney rfuu ,aPAhuWCltnen t tailsto cure tn 6to !414 ys.59J1 st MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. a_ ,k Special services are being condiue lu tire Metiiodist cirurcir, n ey. J. J, Rae, Pcten, will lectur( e lu Port Hope Metirodist Churcir Monda3 le Jan 28 on 1 Froni Iufancy te Age." Rev. W. Joliff e preacired l in rlnitS ED.- 1 Ho-In Torouýto General Hospital, Ian. lth, Alexander Mtchell Hoodi, Mllil(en's Cornrers, aged 22 3'ears. M ONEY TO LOAN-On I)tZood FirSi mortgagesýecurity. WouldioDan 51000 or more to suit requir, iments. Appfly througil M. A.JAMES. STATESMAN oOlCe, BoWManvIk4t ,COLLIE PUP L05T'-Stra38d from lot 7, COnI ,1 Darlingtoy, a colîle popPabout s mohe SOIt. Xeshow Ilu color. Short ta. Suitable reward for ais return, to W. E.JEEL box 82 Bowmanvillle. 8W* B13OYS WANTED-By a promînent monthly magý zine, wtth large, hlgh-clase circulation, local 1 .,ireSeutatiVe tO 100k afler renewals and! Inerc ase subscription lstinl Bow. manvIlle, Newcastle. Orono, and every other vity, town and village ln Canada, on a salary basis. wlth a contlnulng interest from 3 ear to y ear In thre business creaPted. Exporlence de. 3ix able, but not essentiM. (7uod opportunzy for the rlght Vernon. Addreess ubliehier, box 59, Station 0, New York City, N. Y . 4 4w. Street Commissionr Vanted, W ANTED-.Ani, experienced man as WorkIng <ommissioner onr) -oads and Waîks for the Town of BowmirnvýiLle, Al ap. g>lctnsfor the poition shouid libe nadressed tie undersignet! ou or before February 1isi, l".7. Joiiu LYLE, Town Clerk, 4-2w Springdale Farm foir 1 5 ACRES, Stae nteru This farm la one of theetbent ln 2ie townishlp, bas 071n YOUnoard, large new barn and Sheds' wItb stablng underueatb. Good trame bouse and driving nlouse aso dalry wlth nover falllug sprlng in samo. ellwatered by neyer. faillng siprlng creek. Weil fened with wlre Titis and salli flratclass, Ner Pogt Oflice,Fchool and eralway. Far termsý, and othier particulars apply ta j W. HOCLE. or T. POUCiiER, Bîougham, Ontario. 42%* Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist F. H.S. Lowrey, H ONORARY GRADUATE o1 Ontario je^rnay Colee aono pca a ttention1,giv.taleltryOfc nM W Day o r ni t Is prmil inre'ne ta Hoteproen1 ËfIe*h Il.manvlle, F. A. HADDY' Wishes ail hi@ friends and patrons a happy and prosperous New Year. From now until Feb. t we will make grcat reductions jr our Croekery and Glassware Departmoalt previous t, stock taking. rirese reductions are for cash only. 10 picce Tollet Sets regular $3,00, Sets for.... ..... ..... .82 50 10 piece Toilet Sets regualar$400 eets for....... -... ..... 3 25 10 piece Toilet Sets regular 84 50 Sets for ................. 8 50 10 pieee ToVet Setsregular $5.00 Fets for ........... ....... 4 0( 10 plece3 Tollet Sets regular 86 00 Setsfor ................4 75 Toilet Sets wltir Slop Jar, two speclal lines, one at $5.50 and otirer Dinner Sets. 0cr stock o! Diriner SctsIolagnad- ualiy deeroasiug, wa would like te clean tram al eut by stock-takîng lIma. 1 ouly 87 pièce for $4 50 we rtb 86 00 2 ouily 97 pièce for 5 50 wôntir 7 00 1 csuly 97 place for 7 50 wortir 9 0 2 »13y 97 plece fer 7 75 worth 10 00 2 only 97pec for 10 0(,'wonlh 12 CO 1 anIs' 97 piece for 10 50 wontir -12 50 2 ouîy 116 piuce for 14 00 worth 18S 00 1 enly 116 plèce fer 23 00 wortih 80 Co T is v;ill gaIve votu i des c f wc are t!orng lu tire Crockeroy eyerSthing wrLl be rt duee,ýd. wvhat lLie,i J E L. Cole, buteirer, Hampton, ex- tends compliments o! tire season te ail aud wisiree le thank iris maany cu@lom- ens i n towri snd country f o r t b e i r patroniage sud solicits a centiuuauce o!(lire same, Tire qinaiity sud price o! meal will be igirt. Higirest price paild for bec! bhides; sireepskins $110; Calfskins4 10c, Dpýr Ibs; tallow 5e per lb; hre-ie3.00 for No 1. CaIlle kilied for 70ect 5100,Ne 1 lard lu 201b. Vails 1$2 75: Breakfast bacon, smoked bsm sui-d rolled pork always on haud at ight prîces. Veai, csîves sud Iambe waiited. 3-2w, J QCOUITIGH Mre. A. Wybera P4 ientçiughter have returued lreîi% vlcÏilg friende iu Tyrone .Mr. F Wý.Gav Winnlipeg, levisiting -1 home .. Mr, John Bear iras beeti viiting iris sister Mrs. W. Yoe, Bnock. .Mr@ - F. Nicirols visited friande on Icgo sland recently. ... 1ev. D Norman. Japan. wlll gIve an addreýssln Ebenezer chuncir Ibis (WedneFda-) eveung. --untî vsitorex-.mîse àsi . all COaUm wicirer sster Mrs. J. L. Di"k, lier cousin, Mîiss May Gu (,'Il is Magggie Okeo witir ier broîber aI Fort Ferry . ... -Miss Edua Va.nCaýmp, retur- ned le ber duties at CliftouiSprings San- italuiN.Y..Mr. âýoble frietcaif home3 froni Moorefield.... Mn F. T Guy and famiily aI the Langmaid--Guy wd nt aIcoluubdas. -. ia dM. Pow- er, Clari7e, aI Mr. Tires. Power's. Sweet rnges, Lamons suad Valag-a Grapes aI Tires, Tod's Two dozen Womeu's Vici Kid boots aIta bargain RËelid & FParn'e , If \ ou waut a cup of good coff ee-, OIT eau get Il at Peter MuÀrdlech's. Wasilg machines Rave labor. BuNv- I e-besî We Beil tram. Aromie Tait. Cartwrighrt council, Orono unews, Corinlies Council notes oý nnmer page Deaths Iu 1906 sud Intenmeut8 lu Bowmanville ceîetery--feeinmuer page. Read wiraî Maple Gro7e truatees tbink o! the new Sehool Act ou anothen page. Report o! West Durham AgrIculture I Socety annuel meeting on au lucide page. Sprng goods are enrlng 50 'tinter tirings muet go. t(omie egriy te Rteld & Pearn's. Archie Taitl wauts alil , iur eggq sud- butter. Re pay e ir rgireet pices lu cash or goe Decided bargain.e belng, giveýn in Puirs of aIl kincis aI Ccr 'L-1 oliiston & Cryderman'ti. Eggs9 are scare Cal at Muirdocr's sud gent Gril eyster sheil and Pratl's poultry Food. Tweuty-flve per cent off ail mn' sud boçe overcoats at Cclih, J o hus-ton sud~ ~ ~ ~~~er Lonrs hclae ufu 0bxes aI riresp Tod'si. Yeu can !buiy a bceo for 1e ana1 aold madlt e t oilksToao Stq'orad Barber sirop. One-third off tire pnceso! ný- Ladies' cloir oatsudsom athaîf-price at Coucir, Johusnton Crdomi's. Gon o1 laioco-Nnheî Befre tariugnexî S.ýpineiugoder W!nnlpeg Froc pres ssec great tclub cffer o ,n a muerpage, Our stock çcomprises ?Ia i nes of useful and decorative furniture, in the different grades. There is nothing made that we cannot supply you with, and our prices are as low as the low- est. New desig'ns (constantly arriving. See our Store Wilndow L, MORRIS & SON, The Home Furnishers Bowuianviizle anld Orono. Furniture Dealers, Phone ,10, 1Fumerai lDirectors- Nr StocktakingWhtwar ... AND .. fil Remnant Sale __s Now On--- Our White-wear je the firicsI we have over sh1w-n compos- ing-Cmrsc Covers, Drawers, Skijrts, Nig'pht CGowns, and Waists. LAàDIE3' 5COATBRGIS 3- uyShort Cotsrgu&r$.0 Girl's Long Coatis reg. $2 50 sud ýà.dÔ, Si $d~-..2 0 Ladies'Tailr-ma1eSýkir ts choice, 8ua 2.25. Sl rc-17 flLadles' 275 Sal - e..$2 00 j ,, ' 6 00. - M'..4 75 o-3 doz Ladies' lied Sateen Skirts specal reg. si 25 gale pnice, .981 s-aieLr ieabncregularSl-&I o . ..7c 1.251for............... 9 1.50Ofor.... ............11 E : ~STAPLE DRY GOODS SPECIALS : 4 pieces ouly Imponted Wrappertte reg. 15c, fer.... ...... ... le. 500 yde. Canad'n sud Amenican Wrapperetle reg. 12te. for,.., 10e, 100 3 da. Hoavy Crash Towelliug reg. 10e for ........... 10 d.Checkc Te4 Towelling reg. 6e. for............... 4c 1 piece Unbleaced Table Linan reg. 25c. for ......... 1e 1 plece Bleached Table Linen reg. 60c. for...........e 1W 11 1 "Il &175e. for .............7e 1 $100 f~~~or........7e 5ouly Clored Quille reg, $10QO for..................5 * 6 pieces enly stnlped Fiaunelette i eg. Sc. for ý...... ..,...... 1 * 1pilece Fs5ncy WIiiit Senims reg. . for..........- C, 25 dï Z. 1L¶die Kitted Wiriîc Vest sd ra -es eg 2e P_.URS- Ciroice o!,fAu-yMuffeCollrsRuif orGa u t Iexactly c351 priesý. y_____ Eui Car grat Cern aeo itigfor ë!3 sud B3ys wl co tinehis mentir. ç Nexior to Standard 13ak. B -w.7ui jc aF - 1 f . @ertion. Wenfanerai carddaare pne itiai, offie, Insertlon froo LuEE--n xha' , Jan. l7th, ta Mr. eut! Mrs. Fred E, Luqke, a co. INGSÂAM-On Wvedlnesday Jan. 9Ltb,7 ta Mr. and Mrs. Wm. IgeanAoLiv. Ca. N Y. (flv, J ,ie Wtlllaeis) aý son. (Clara Williams Ingraha.) JÀERLL-ANDE-InPort Hop e, Jeu. 151h, by Pey. G. W. Hlenderson, Capt.JÏ.14n J. Jar- reî and M1,isa Lucy Lander. bot h of Port Hope, H¶uaav-ornAt thie residonce of tire br1de% parents, Jair, 16, b y Bey. J.,F. Cisap manl, Pontypool, Mr, Tiras E. ahry Winnipeg, Man anï; MisaelleIýn E., anly dangirter of Mr. 3 huTï-a'odd, ?ManverFs. F ARPM FOR SALE--73 Acres for r 505 ie o f !Oshawa. Apply to J. Y. COLP. Hamnptov. 3-2w. M IýSM,.114.ARMAOUR-Ibssu& of Matrriage Licensges. Ee-gltry Offlee, Bow. mauville. ltesidenee: Beecli Ave 51-tf. I UG FOUND--Cprrlaýge ru.g found R-na omnvfe Fînder may havo same by paynig for thîs advt, aud applyig tTUE STÂTESMAN oS'Iee. Il tf ~~RSALK-25 acres for Sale being F O yposed cf part of lot 19 iii the 7 (Joni. of D. linton aboit three quarters 0f a mile Souilri , k!leï.Applly to JNO. 1. MC- Laxgbllni, shawa. Ont. Box 480 804f D£NTIST, Opposite Eaton's, TORONýTO 181 Yonge St, 38 6 mos. NOTICE TO SHAREROLDERS, T EBE ANN UA GEAL MEET- ing of the ehareholders of tlheH AMptonl Butter & Cbeese Manufacturlng Company Llm- ited will be hein ý the Town HlI, iHampton. Thurfiday January 24tb, at 2 o'clock p. M. for the purposeif electLng a Board of Dlrectors to iserve for thice nsulog year and tbe trsnsaCtlon csf sncbother busine8s as miay properly Coue hefore the meeting. FRED T. ALLIE4, Secretary. DAted et Bamnpton Jan. 1bib, 1907. 8-2w Hlolidays are Overm shoes for tire nlsng generation hiave 0alwaus been Ceusldened au im portant partin lU or stock (cf foot. b'vrlbroken lines reg- d ular pnIce 81L.25 sud 81. 35 *1 J no lestriug aI ' Somoe botter lhues regu ' Iar pnico 81.50 sud $12 now claarlug aI 1,5 Fred R. Foley, Perler Siroe Store, BGwmanvillc. CARD OF THANKS. Remeberthee prcesarefor cash oniy, Cutrstc f roeiss opte F. A.iHAD1DY, China Halll GroCer, Bwawle 1 Wishi*ng y0U 36,5 days of SProsperity Dur'ing 1907 F'or the next 30 deys to reduce our stock of china am dglassware, we will offer the followig- 4~10-97 piece 'Dinner Sets Reg, price $12.00 for,... 8q9.00 4 4-97 pic,e ,, ýe Reg. price 10.00 for....8.00 10-10 piece Toilet Sets Reg,. price 22,10 fr...,ý 1.90 4 Tea Sets Reg. price 7.25 for . ... 5.85 4 Tea Sets Reg. price 10.0for .... 800 l In fact everything in our China Depaitment will b--e Ssold at sacrifice pricer, to make room for <'ir new spring l importations, l Yon who have visited oir Chhina Hall, know the l 4 high class of goods we carry. Do flot miss this opportun- l 4q ty o! purchasing the best Goods at less than colt. See l Ou idwdisplay. l Cash paid for ail farmi produice. l 49b eArchie ÎTait, The Popfflar Grocer,Bwanil, b 1 Toilet Setg,