t ~te~nx~ rnt. TE~MS :-$1.OO Fer ~~»Our TowN AND COUNTY FIST ; THEc WORLI) AFTERWARDS. M. A& JAMES&SNMrpitr In Âdvance. ~~BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30,11907. VLM II o Our January Sale a Big Success. But we shall gi ve bigger bargains stil for the uext few weeks before we take stoCk. Al ladies' colore4 Cloth Coats and a11 children's Coats at haif-price. Twenty-five per cent off alil Vutffs, Ruifs, and Cape rines and lbig reductions in alil Fur and Fuir-linued Coats Twenty-five per cent off ail our Coa ts. Don't Swear e 0 e Off. *09 à Taklng Eàeo, uth cause the kdinde yoix have trled did flot agree wîth -ýour stomach. You say you hava tried ail the oUi kinda but thora is AIN- OTHER1 one whlcb le sicientifieaily prepared and Oelng paptom4zed, le assimulated by the Most delilate stomac"hs, AsBU contains thea Hypo.phosphttes and Quinine. It ici the Beqt Tonle a,?nd Coid-reaker1 for youn-ýg and ail. For after effeS Of the Grippe ft is excellent, Sold In 1 size only ait 3 for 81,00. F .Kersiake, The Soie Agent, PhonLe 49. omavle OnIly One' Best i in the Uine of Business Training Insti. tutes in Canada and that one le the weil-known From OshaaVniao jIt is amuýsiug 10 note the way in which the BowvmaniviUe postmastership is kePt dangling before thie eyes o, oaspirants Prom a Staldpoiut of Claims ou his Party M. A. James of the SfATESMAN has by far the best right to be considered, for lie haq fougi- ht hepat tybaIlles u t ail tiîluns, Standing b3y ' tUe Party in bihe wrong the same as in the righlt, and alviays loyal te ks edicts, Butt by a fluike ini the silly way patronage is distributted in that coou9ty Mr James has been done out of his d1aims. Everyb-ody kuows this but it is so bard te do justice in party matters. iA n1ewspaper puibligher hae to stand ou the fighting lunes ail the while He bas to bump into e-veryboly. Those who want a row stirred up alwvays- procead to bim and order hilm to do it witbout maen- tioninz thair namies. If seyen mer, rush lu next day te pummrel the edïtor, that is one oùf the enjoyable perquisites of being general prodder for everybodv, When it cones; to 4iving ont patronage, bow- ever, mnen who dare not admit ho their cu-,sto mers which l side they are on will etep in and say tbe editor has no claims. Hie onaiy did w bat was his duty in fightîug the other part y at a fiuancial loss every day of bis life. Wa hopei Mr. 'Jarnes wifi1 cone ont andassert bi5;rïght. i1f ho isý fugied ont of a position which is due ho him let thl Liberais Ilook elsewh ere for newspaper support in future, w WýHITBY PRESBYTBRY Theý PresbYteary f Wbltby Met at Oshawa Jan, cLU. 11ev. F. Harper,. B A, B L). of Pickering gave tUe opening addresii, "Was Jesus a Poelt?" and showed abundant reason for an afflirma- ahive answe8r. Rïev, W. R, Wood of Dunbarton, waseteected-- Moderator of ME. JOHN VANNEST. FrmThe F m~gWorfd. Two of tUe oldest, if not tUe oldeet residents of Darlington Township, lDurham Co,,Ont., re at presexitresina1 ing lu tUe hown of Bowmnanvilie, in the Persons of Mr and Mme. John VanNefit Mr. VanNest le of!1U. E Loyallet des-r cent Ha was born near Riiingstpn, Ont. lu tbe.year 1812. Ble isnow in hie 941h vear, and le stili able to be about, an- joyiug fairly good hiealtUMsVa.s le about 10 years bsjunior1 but 1not 50 vigorous. iA .rapresentative of Tbe Farmingi World spant a very pleasant hours in their beautiful homie recently, when the old gentleman recalled many' incidentsï 91 hi2 iear1gv lite.with its çtflD'w]a and EXCURSION TO TORONTO TO-NIGHT. Wednesday Janl. 3ath, (to-night) the Oddfelows wili rmn an excursion to Toronto0 by special train as foiiows, Leave Newhonviile 5.35 p M. Pare $SI 75 *,Newcastle 5 54 P M. "$1,45 "ý Bowm-aniville .oop. lni ' $1'30 "Darlingutou 6.o60 p M. Si2 uiOnawm JcI. 6ý.3 pim. eSi C, Arrlving in Torontho at 7-35 P- lu Speclal train retumning leaves T o ronto at 12 mriduigbh. Newtouville, Porct Hope and Cobourg tickets wfll hagonod ho return on auy reLnar train next day excepting No. 4, leaving Toronto at i9 a in. The D.OG&P Co. band wilI be in, attendance Thischeap rate and speciai train gives a grand opportuitv to tha geceral public to take in the numerous attractions lu Toronto billed for his, evening. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Attend social at Miss Armour's, Beach Ave. nait Tuesday evenling, Good time fïor ail. Rev. S. 1'. Dixona, Tyrone, gave an address on2"State ofthe Work" aI Lind-~ say District Epwvortb Langue Convan. tion. Trlnity cburcb lInhend holding anni- versary servitces Sunday and Mondayv February lotU and Ilth. Watch for particulars Sacramental service lu tba Me3tbodlst C-hurch next Sunday. The Affin Bros. quartetteý will sing at the evaning service "Au old ime concert"' lebaing ai- rangtd for to takze place early in March under the Auspices ol Ladira's Aid M'ýeth- 1 n