m anC e n I ~ - . ~ ~ I V I I Cenuine itti iv r Pi' t/lst rrw isaxt. eo Groirg te aniouo orhe Beoestartlng ne-zt erlo rdeV l ipeZ Free Presa. ,See greact cub offr ouan inuerpg. 400hert eaing. a ci3vedatoc bv taking of cf rter's Lîttie Liver Pila imeiatlyaUler dEarer, Do't Mr. ha ro, Toronto, renew13 iDg his subst! iption to 'l iHa STATESMAN,ý Wecn't got along vej1rv w2ll b6tUcr weverY year, 1 Ili nk, 1 hFve read; il firom ilfroin ts firat pul cation. Thec lvelected rii erscfCourt, Prie f ntrlo No io m A O. F, ère: Rie~rs;S.C. R -W. il Woed; Trewa-urer-Wm. Pailaton; ScyJN 'A cDo0ugail V. VW .n. R ii rng j W. - ~Thos. Sprs eia fie-.S -iley, M.D,;S .J utn J.3B-11- N, oe;Jnio-hg Legc; Tu~e-.Joliw, W. W, Alî,J. T. îflooper. rganuist-Wm. Ridin; Muscal Dirý.ctr-Je an ders 11j ou ard fIred takino. the laemd. Wonien certain4ly do neglect themiselves, They work too 'ha rd-over-tax thefr strength -and then wonder why they sufer with diseases peculiar to their sex. Most cssof ficlale trouble start whn the bowels beýcome inacivethelddeysstrainecd -anid the uknfot care-d for. Poisonls, which soulIlave the system by thesýe organls, Lire taken u1-p by the blood and inflame the delicat fate organs. on( LuMUEM %T1aBLf.) tomb~e the CAUJSE cf these diseases. "Fruit-a-tives CONVENTION IN MARCK. Tho eenhanmlmeceing co!'the Caîtadian Âaeitonfrthe Preýven- ilo f conu,Mption and otheýr forma cf Tuberculosîs wll be hdd luOttawa thue "lsth and l4Ëh 01f Maârch next. A puic meeting cpf tene sc t he asoci- ation a d d of0teciizens gn utlya wheh RisExelaywlprldil NoralS chooj! ca W àEdnesda', cveing MrehlBî, t awh0- Dr. Isheard, the ehairman cfthspi! etsrio Provincial Board o ea(d wîlddle Pa lecture upon Hri iTiamrto Th aunl eein ocWf t Pres byterielWomeu's FoenMîsonar-, Socl'ty W;19 Leldi -aa~Vdedv 'The nwyeetdofci rS:Psident-' -MsSc-'t,Potery Vcered UnsMa ri zcr Ashburn; Mrm.ASV Brown, ,Somnervllo, miss Mooreruft; Bourilanlville. CorSecMis J.Panton soush New Eookq ilu Publie Library. heMmu WhoBome Agaimp UVSwod for LMfe ieInve o f 1910 'Van pai~ Saepre I he van, Tofleerth', Io~wa. A Weuen oi BbyiooJMd y Beiîi more, WSY oM beStTho FI hîing ProefMKorso Pce i e, H aLehi-,htmand ohble it takes Doyen ne xy nbt 0l soeeu of Veoy. J mv vou - e-smr nrofe- fl, n1-111iýý1 The %auel meething e! tk he Lbr ïco-i.evativB A- latoofWs Dur attndnc peantfrmdil pmarto h The presldent. T. H. Pow7ero, cf U rly, cccupled the cei,Lsd afler semeîntroecîyy rnara'caed on h14 report, vLýcixshfOwecla& goudLbal. ucluthe re Ty Ail the ld c(.Me r., wera.el,%Pti *y )-L UI nyMnr ;mua catn ave jn j;\onyurpe? milI, ail th 7,ie thinga; are truc, and 1 ciin prove it. V3 ~ ousn~sof luopie ail over Canada have prcved it every I vantte ooty ui a price on my ChathaiIcbtr -sol ON IM.I wat teaend you my Chatuani býoek. ,b~icbtr 1- is laIrce. 111 send it tA yen for Pat a - ota trd Ittelaye alot yu ugbt te know abouit the on' use ' it eilïye hew te make money eut of yenamosremney tuan yen cen makewi en-fr oe. end-aitz esa rouble This bock taesyen hownMy Iiicubators are nmade-wIIy they are nhe bat ever îvn1dan bytSe'11theni ON TL«Eand ou a 5cYer Gunee. M, Comm Aoybs been iu business in Canada for over 59 years - e - a,(- e'È c ttel-reîwoeerI ctovi --i-nlk cut epeatea lrgefaccryat Detroit, iMicb. We have thlu.'3 or~.one ,vho ihiok îlot ra~ hthat they feu lut( ~ ox gave relief as!, edte use these pil]i orwhen Ilwaseu ce health and vligoý iL bxsto malke th ne urfsa utntiued îe camea -and I speech. el. WOBDS. "A wernan alxxaya insis[s on havin~ lite lasI word," remarlçed hie man whe thinl~s be knox-i s immun nalure. "Yes," enswered Mu. Meekton, grim. Dues. reme ,emethe air r neyai Ion ai- .g s TheLzý ai Sociely - la on the Ugande ~ist amid arnica the cars are e venhilaters are mat mosquitûes. ~en tiuted glass, ger te see the aud i nl M 1ac- nom. 'Of m mm Am dm au IR mamomm 1 vd,%nliv 'l' - - - -- -- y --- -- - - --- f