Grand Trunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWAY TIllE TABLE. BOWîeANVILLE STATION. &CN AsT GoING WEBT Ma6il..... 9 0.. l Express-,4.40 a. i flExpres..-- 10 10 'w ILocal 7 7.. mixed..,., 336 p.M. 1 ase 3i5 p. vm Leoy.l.. 649 p.M. i Mixd ..7 53 v Tickets toertaoin lts sold tu mcordancé wth spécial holiday ratés annonnced ie another Colmme Winnot bhé honored 0on trains Nos. 1 or Sro'.r& JaTTowe Agente1 if you sufer from this most distresslng trouble e--auad tell us about it. We wiil be glad to test -your eyes in t0he most care- fui manner free of ail cost to you. Wye will also be glad to fit you with a pair of Our neat-fitting attractive look-~ ing glasses and aliow you to wear them one month on trial, 1f yourx headaches are not cured the glasaes cost you nothing. Stott &Jury, Graduate f- Detroit Optical College, Canadian Optical Coliege, New York Sehool of Optico, Chicago Ophthalmic College. The ~e kt Ce0oa%É1 .ON EARTH:- la flot too good for our ,e.nutomers. If we kuew of a better coagh remedy than, ours we would stop selling Our own make 'and recommend the other. 'We dlo fot beliove there ig ay thing betbter made for qnickly a-ad permanently re- lie-"g ecoug Ps, zolds, brou. 'à etc, tha te Cough cre we make. We- give your money backif yoican thiu.k of an-y thing yo evor ueod that was bete or nicýer for eldrnor Regular size 25C. Fa mlly size 50c, -tott &Juy Tho DLrugglsts and Optiians, s. !"-,, i;n:periorlty of Dr. Pitcher'a Backà *a.ýïs.e-Kdney TRfblétu over ether forma oi t'-e.tmenz ïn due to thé fmcli that théy ans t).prescription cf Dr. Zîia Pitcher, thé fMoUs spcîht- cUseeda ccsul an-i eed in private prr4ctice by hiin fi e--iy ara before they wcro givén to theý ipuJbiýc at largKe, Tâey CoetALedî expocalve a'îfcingredients mot (o-ued le aey cibes Kidncy remeýdy. la it mâny wondcu, thon, that tbey cureý lumbago, diabetes, gravcl, tlrgt'sdisn»eé un mid in the bloo4, ;heuatis. nUriegia dropýsy, irritAbîlity cf te bldd~r ae Kiey trouble£ cf QU4 ~fe~lcandchNaowlîene ther rémedice Rtad wînaî Mrx, W, Matin, Orange. ville, Ont.,bs te amy -.IlSome timé cge i1 iha-d a god dcxi of trouble wilb m.y back, -doba colidtt setticd le thé Kidneys. I was~lao roobl dt dizineas ce"d K.-ny Tablets, .and by théne 1 1 d .e"-dzu hicttie thé akecc beacke à -ig of diaxUn1ess bmd ail disamp aiu .. I onadérthé Tzbletâ a Koced a 9-. Pitui ai Ecç-Kinyait are xe.a bole t q ebelt-et CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLET A simple and effctive rexnedy for SORE TifROATS AND> COUGIIS 'rley combine the germiildal value of Czesolene with the sothing pYoperties of sIppery elrm and lîeo. riue. Your dlruggist or from us, 10ie taMPe. Lr=awmo, Co., Limi ted, Agets, MonItrcal. 401 BOWMANVILLE.JÂ N. 30, 1907. LOCAL AND OTHHRWISE. Miss Florence McCrimmon vlsited In Port Hope receantly Miss,ý B 17ton. biiSÎýting her Siter - tn-law, NMrs. -3 R, Pye. Rev, A, H. Foster, Smiîthfield1, vlsiîted Canadien Preos Associationi meots t ,Toronto Feb. 7th and 8th, Orga$n factOry beat Front Street at Xlock ey Thursaay nlg-ht 3-0. Miss Cara Colwill, Whitby. le visting her sister, MIrs. W R W',iliiame Mir. Herbert Wiley, Toronto, wa5 recent guet of Mr. J. Mclntyre. MIr, Harry Dunslow, Petirboro, hb-as boon vilstlng at Mre. Isaae Tabb's Miss Mattie Brisbin, Baunt River, Is attendlng BowmanvilIt High School, Mr. Perey L. Burns and bride of Gil- borts Mills, are guests of Dr. F. Hl. S. Lowrey. 1ev F B. Steele, a superanuuated Mehdstminister died NMonde.y in Belleville. Wie conlgratulaïte Mr R.1R? Waddell, Oroieo, on pasing his second year exams in Law. iM r.j. R Finkie is around again after a month's tsse with la grippe-the Detroit varietç. Mr Geo. Laing who has recovered from typhoid foyer, spent Sunrday with his brother MIr. John- Laing. Mr A Barber has gune to North York to nring home Mrs. Barber who bas been away sfinco Decemnber. Trhree new banks were opened ia Cobourg lest week - Tho5 Standard, United Empire and Metropoitan Capt. and Mrs Calivert formerlv in charge of the SalvatIon Armuy in this town are now stationod la Liadsay- The Royal Ban.k branch, corner King and Division Streets, le aow lan rua- ang, order and le open for busin e. Don't misa hearing Miss Irene M., S3heahan, B. 1, reaer aq'd impersoriat- or, in the Opera House Frday Fob. 8 Mr. and MrH, Richard Brimacombe celebrated their eg'oldt-n wedding an- niversary MondIay. Fal report next woek. Ladies' coloured cloth coats and ail childiren's cots-ail new good-at liait prices at Couch, J ohnston & Cryder- Mirs. W. R. B3onid and Miss Amande E Bond, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs M. A. James, end othor relatives here over Sunday. Mrg. C. A Oawkor, Toronto, who has so f reely assIstod et concerts In thls town manyv times wiil sing- la the3 Opera Hoase Frldey Feb. 8. Mrs, Wm.McevoisBr(ookhll Dairy, visitod Mrs. Jesse Yeo, Port ilopq, Iast wook. Mr. McRenaolds spent SnnUdeY thero a-ISo. Mtessrs T. J. Cole. S. Snowden, ïAn Wý R . Knight weroe t LiadsAV Pouitrv Show lest wek&and succeeded in carr.y. ing- off a G(oiy num ber of prîzeýs. M"iss andi Mr. Chas, Kei 1'y, Guelph, sang a- t Preebyterian annivertsary et Clumbus M,ýonday niglht, Thev, won gr eat applause, Procoeds $110.00 Hlon Edward Blako. meýmber of the British iarliamout for South Longfri, Irelind, sailed by the "'Minnieapolis", from New York for homo Saturdey. Mr, S, DP Webster, Mrpsdatiier- oi Mr.W W onV Knýo Road Bowmanivllle threshied, this winter 800 bushels )f clo-er seed. Who enu beét- this? Miss Mliidred Allen, danghter of Rev. Canoni Allen, MiUbrook, wll bc marr- ied to Mr. Louis Winslow, on Tneýsday Miss Eva Worth who bas beon home for some tý ime recovering from vitvphoid foyer nd .its effects, lot t Monday 1(or RohsoMinnesota, to aevcept aP. si tion oýn the sýtaff of the Surgical Hospit- ai there. r.James Trethewey, A, G. S. M., vioinit, i.Do-nnld Mcreobail- tne, Miss Ircne Sheahan, reader, Pand Mrq C. AI Cawker, solit--ali ci3eor artists Hïear them Feb. 8, A ploasant timû was spent et 'Ir. W. H. Mrcer's Thursday after,-noon who»ie tive childroi ewre baptisedi - oie be- longýing to Mrs. Fr»,i-k Wonnacott, threo to iMrs. JohnWoactan on ta Mrs. Mercer. The Renfrew Mru',fro-m its f.,, e Labuneis on thé G T. railw av bettweou Montreai audc Toronto wn notified that their wag-es wouid ho redueaed from one doueor to elghty enats e day. Thé Clarke 'Towpip âiBoard oft H'xalth iiedburning hedding e nd lotinz of familles suspecte of contagious dis- esos withont omi-pensation. As thé act ls înlieaded te pro)telithe public, thé public sho,,Id pay for thé l1os. A nuînher of triends suvruýIsed Miss Jessqie Witbeîidgo b,; meeting et ber hom.e MondaY Janneirv '2tst. The evéning was spliat in social games, and ablaedeuýce of musmie. Riefréshménts er éved aftter which mII returnýed toi their homes lii thé sma)l bonis oet thé A very fine musical treet vwae a ford- Gd a number eftrfiends Mn e ven- ing who assembled b iviato f Mliss Luttrèili et ber home te béai two oýf her pupil;-Mise Frakle Wîley and Miss Lockwood-givo a piano rctl - Thé piavlng etthèse youung ladfiews very bighiy comménted oni and they de- secrve highest, praise for thé ré-nditioa, cciii éJý rosemmeory, (Jt maey vor3y difflit ýýsélections. They are ce3rteïini a- greet honor to thelu echn Me utelwho le coiaered one et thé, I)est téachore oif musie lai Canada as, woii uvéiy clever muýsicien Mis7Flu-1 Emneuy e dded geei tothfi 7rto- ~me hi'siegingla fineî onrlt voîe ,two slo.Mis mrv >8'puî ,) Octîe)Laies'Collge nrioI alwa' ,ýs eadwtth ui -catipen ehere Mir . .Knighý btth pp ariutone. who is alwa %s-juèady to, asslst with hie ~~oee a eerygon cuse, aisecntui utod evera solo, :Thét1ank ofril aeï eideu te ies Lttei e heu Puils or af31 ringu sncbu a rplécasnt AUl Who enjoy a first-ciaus concert wili waat to go te the Opéra Houuee Fridey Feb H. A program et reai menÎt will be gîvea. Cole pup lest. Soe advt, Tea prove your business, find its weak~ nEsees Talk courage, egt courage, and givé 0'0'urag. A klad word couts notblng and goees One experlence Io worth more than tor théories. A dlean, vigereus, lMe iS a good aide lîio tecarry. Senetor Beith was home froim Ottnwa owv Sunday. EnthtusIaM sm uone o et héworid's greeteet forces. A nîce lot cf wedding cakze bcýoem t Tn STATESMAN Off ice. I'ear etfapiîLure is oneeet the meet peteait ceuses ei ffilure. Over3bees and Feit Goodri et redaced prices et Reld & Poara 'e. To know me5n study them, The study et mankind ile man. There je oaiy eue wey te succeéd. and that lu the honest way. A~~~o brka o eovos' echool boots ver-V chleap et Reid and Peerne. 2000 yards Embroidleries et Fébruary Sale prices et McMurtry's. 4 dozen 61' ' and 01.25 Men'e S'hirts et 75c. each et McMUrtrY's. Sngceéetlooi t en are yaiuable, but argument le more convining. 10 dozon heavy 26c. Wool Socke now 2 paire for 35c et McMgurlry's. Fency Dreedea and Plaid Ribbone for 88c. a yard et McMrtry's It le Weil te talk whea one bas Borne- thing that le worth the seying. Rzemmer the Jan nery-February Whlte-wear Salee t iM-cMrtry's. A zood business ilétte3r please8s with. ont betreying an effort toedo se. De yen waat 0,00 r more? A frlend bas esked us te place $2000 for bie.' The January-Pebruery Sale will con- tinue to tho lSth prox. et McMutry's. Reserve Friday Fob.3 te attend thé first-classeconcert la thée Opera House. Reservé r oui séats for the concert on Feb, 8 aut Big '2.0 Admission 25o and Spring geode are arriying se wlnter thinge must go, Corneerly te Reld & Peara's. Archie Tait lwanits ail your eýggs and butter. Hé pays thé bighost prices la cash or goode. Egge ar8escarce Cailiet Murdocb's and get Grit oyser ehoill and Pnatt's Pouitry Food, Se the, large display of Ganong'si and Lowney 's chtocolatés le fancy boxes et rhos. Tod's. Lord Stratheona, Lord 111gb Com- mis sioner ton Canada, *aled for Eng- land Saturdey. Tweaty-five per cent off ail men 's and boys' overceets et Coucb, Jebestoa TePower te pleese 1luPa tremendous asset WVmluable in busîiness, aIso la ever'y walk etf lité, &rd Mi J. Tretheway, riolinieit, la tho Opéra 1bouse6Peb S. Yen crj enuy e bach6or for 10eo anc an odmaid 1er 5c. et Petbick's Tobaccfo store and Ba«rIber shoD, Reid & Pearin's aý Dolly Varden Shoe le0 on an inner pag;e. See how thé lady 's foot &are ro-shaped. Don't feu te socure somée of thé bar- gafins now going et Couch. Jobuston & Cryderman's stoektakieg sales, 25 par cent off ail Mufle, Ruffs and Caponines end big1-réductions la ail "Lî-do et fuis et Couch, Johasten& Cryderman'o A first-ciass oîicÔfrt wilil hégivén on Fridey ovennlg Feb. 8 le thé Opera Honse. Mr, Donald MIacGregor, Tor- onte's popular bitone, and Mi. J.Tre- tbeway, violinlét, enÏd othors wiil fura- isb thé progrem, .LS.Wight--eBvA-B . Bi ton, gave Trim 8TATESMA&N a frleadly cii vesterday. Hé was enroute to Port Pleîrv tei officlete et thé maîniag-e of M'iss Britton end Mn. iake PoIlerd, T'rone,, wblch tksplaceo la town te- day. Professer Wflillams ceiebrated bis sevecntv -alntb birtbdey on SnnevH was9 bora ln a Brnetable, laDovashre le 1828 and came to Port Hope lu, 18632, , Wiiasi hale and hearty %et and la meny respects eq a o nsan of hait hie ýage.-PoiI IHope"lTimesMn iiinslived la B(IwmenvilIe for ea Lime. Women'e 2Instituthlymwes hoflathç3 Thrnelar thly meeting 0f ïathé Council Roo.n Saiturday atteunoon whesi a ) u u ' ,i ecue, U1aU ieoSw scrcePrtSdi e LUn N Gaud gave an ex(ýcellent peper on MaigSoupé, whieh was followed by an initeiesting discussion. Miss Stéphénsg >ave somýe -ood suggestions on thé cané et lampe and Mise Haycrftt gave a paver on "ITon Bookseéveryene should read." Next meeting Satnrday Feb. 23. Ail ladies wili ho weicome. Mus. Fredeiick W. Trebilcock, recel- vod for thé fluet tme since hem mariage Thnîsdav itternoon and evenîing. Mue. T. îeeoived le hou wedding gown and wae asststed bv ber sieter, Miss Beatriei Tamblyn. Thé deeorations in thé drawinàg rùoom were pink roses umd terne and ic thé dieing roome dlaif- odilis end hUtée etthé vîllév. Mus. NW. fberner ( GfuéwCoo, d ndhé Misses Hel- onL Wmlbidge, Kaithleen Meth aInd. Berthe 'rtamibîra of Bwevlewere !In chng e thé tes roomn.-T-oOeto Thte sccond carnivel et the seasox wes; well attended on Tuésday niglit and thé es wme lu tain condition. Ail speaa highix' et thé managers cf thé RliDk, Mesq-Ual Bues wbO are doIring thlu eir to puovîde a good place et cjoyectfoýr their patrons Thé pize wner eE: Bt csne lad &gen-MssEdlitb Richards and,ý Mr. W Oko; heet comie gent--Ga'o, Potteî; béeýît esue ilundor 15.yrs. Dora PerC,; beetotume by uder 15 vrsis lrszhei1 Dae';; b"st group-1 PerCy acKd Fuaukï- iliis Cals Geq nAd WViIï Bagniail and Arthur Frisé. Béai théIl'l K'il <ii 1 A lx uîyS Belti OPPER STILL 009ï). Foulî DOLLAR P.&PnERSFOR$2 00 Any present subse.r!ber to Tfii S7rTEs-. mA.N who wEIlpa v for ies own paper to Dec.31, 1907, avd obtain for us a, new subseiber for 193j7 and psy 1us832.00, will be given &a year'e froe subecription to Tain WEEnLY Gr.OBM Rd CANADA FAùusen.for hlmiolf and aISO for the new subscriber. Ibis offer hoids good to Feb. ut oaly. Tun WuBzi.v GLOBE le the best farmer's newspaper la the, Dominion). Alorders muet bepsent or paid to M. A JntAs & SoN, Bowman- ville, Ont -w NotOes o17 ts 2 ote arigs 50 conta; Deaths, 50> conte, each în-I serïilon. Wfnnfuflorai cardo arel DrIto ttt! à lIce,jin sertion free MCONAL-In Bowmenvilllé, 0onJan. 18, thé wife cf Mýr. jobn R. McDonald, ocf;a dangbter.1 RÂAtuam-In Woodstoek, Jan}, 25th, to Mr. and Mis. Wm. itankin, a son. Mns. Merl Nokeis, a darghtcr. <Ellenor .Aud PEAREx-In clanke, Jae, 20, to Mr. and Mis. W. H. Pearce, a "on, GRAHIAB-At Purpie Hill, Cartwright, Jan. 17th, thé wilféof Mr. Job Grahamr, of a dIangh ter. BALLAGI-In Stafkvile, Janiuary 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. A. 1. 1. Uialagh, a Bon, BowFîN-i- Iaîke. Janoary 23rd, tb Mr, and GAEFAT- At Port Huron, Jan. 1ý, te m. and is. Frank Garfat, asce. Hr:R IG -At MtceielF Corn)erg, àJan 121h, to Mmr, and Mis Jas. Herriing, a son. MzLosg-In Llstowel, Jan. 17, ta Mr. and Mrs. Géo. Meliosé, (née Nellié Gay', a son. byR1ev, O . RMamék,L Mdia , MrWilliam Béacom, Cambray, amcd Miss Lonsia M., dob ter 0f Mr. John E, Fittail, Fenélon. RICE-AEEs-t théresidene cf the brldté's mohr m.22, by 11ev H. V. Moonitéer, John M. Rice, V. S. Bobcay én niMiss da M., daugte -Ml.Jean yns Ooo EEEUS0-BEDLE-Atthe Mthodisi Parsonagé, Eneîie Jn 3d y 11ev. Thos Seowdoûn, W. J. rgasn d MisS Effile J. I ord~, ifnDarlingiioný. CAEArrEBs.Ros-An thé Préshytérian church, Oshmwa, Jau, 22nid, by Rév. James EHodges, B. A., Mr,.' Iving J. Carruithér,, Wln-1 nipe , M4iss Eda 0. XE.Rose, yonungest d tcr of Mi. Aiéxýtnder RosOhawan. WRîGEÀT-SMépr-In thé ,Presbytérian church, Oshawa, Jan. 23rd, by 11ev. Js.Rogé. .A", Mr. Geo. C. Wright, Hlabtlngs, Mieb.,, and Miss Margaret J. Slth, (11,Y dmoghtém of Mre. J, . C Smith. Oyshta. LANGMÂmI)-U £-inColomnbus, Jan. ith, ati thé résidlence of thé bri;dés parents, by 11ev E, E.floward Myrtlé. Mm. RislW. Langmmald.l and Miss FlomecéE., daeghtcr of Mr, W. B. Guy. COUTAG-AnDarlingt on. on Tueda(iy Jan 25,190, MrgaetCourticé, te ber 7S1rd year. Duesoiî-ie Liedaay, onJa. 7, UHonJohni Dobson, Sénator, aged 82 yéars. MCBBàDY--At Whitby, Jan. 27, Daniel iMle Brady.iin i Sisiyéear, ý GAxm)Nni-In Oro7no, Jan. 23, Janet Rénwlck rliet of thé laie John A, Gaimonér, Esq., le hem 9S1rd year. LÂxutxx-In Bewmanville. Jan. 24. Mr Jane, daughter cf Mr. Tlmothy LzrÏkin, 11 Mbr leili year. BnysoN-In Gnderlch, Jan. lC5th, Mary E. Gordon, bélovéfi wif e of Thomas Bryson, agefi 35 ycars. Atrréd aiOrono. ViRTUE-In Uxbridgé Jan. Blet, Florence Smith, boiovéd wife of EâwardVite aged 34 yemms. TiompgoN-At Rochéstér, N. Y., Jan. 28md, Fléanior, widow of thé laté Alexander Thomp son, aLged 81 yéare. Rnî-IiEnnishilien, Jan, 24, William Robbinc, agéd 82 yeame. Wéebstr, in bie 5th yéar. GUN_,i-1c Cédai Dalé, Jan. Birdf, George Sinclair Anniand, second anid déarly belovéd àon of AIexanmdér and Ellen A, tGurn, in bis 0Ioth year. 'SCOT'U--At 97 D'Amcy St., Toroito, , 25, Mm. Hi. A. Scott, Wif fth ae na Scott, e ber 90th year. Intévrrd at Port Hope, EDcOAR--ITI BwavilJan. 24, Tbouxtae A. Edgar, ageýd 41 yéars. A Mothier's Pride. A mother'a groateet pléalure is "a seolng her littIe oïes bright, piayful Led he4ithy, Thé well ohild lea bés9 lng to the home, but thé siek child le a régular littie tyrent. A fév doses ýof Baby'g Owe Taiblats yull make a slckly child wéil, oiz'an occasional dosýe ull provent sieknes, Théir la aotbing te equal libère Teblete as a cure for stotu- ach and bowél troublée. Thay wmake .Jéeathng -easy-ekup colde - x-oel- worms and cure sImple fevers Bab,, Own Tabletsi are soid undér thé ea eléea of a gevemament il2ilybb not f0 contcairh one partiolé of opiate--thev neyevcr do haîrm-always goodi. Mis, (4 M. Kémnp, Osirlton Piace, Ont., Beys- "I have giron Baby's Ove Tabiets Io littiée iac eéws a n eek old, and havé fooid theni a splendid médicine. At éeveu -orthjE he wélgýhed ovér twenty-,sx poeunds." Thé Tablétu are Hsoli Dby idrngglsts2 or by mil et 25 cents, a bo)x frn wThé De. Wlluiams Médîcin Co., Birookvile, Oxàü. BOWM'ý)AN VILLE MARR&IekS. FLOUI, f 00Ots........8200Üt,3 U 40 WEAc, Fait, bush ....O 0 oi"ifO075 il Spîîng......... 0 00 '0 o72 is Red Pife.......0 00 g ý8 ; 's Goose ....0 00" 06 BARLE, , V bush, No. 1 ... O 00 f oo fi if s2 .0 00 tr 048 il fi 3 ,0 00 " 0ù45 fi etTwo rowed 000" 00o0c OATs, white " « .....OeoLiu O 85 RYE, 11.............0 ù)0 0 BUCKWnsAT 11'...... 00X) (O)60 PilAS, Biackeve, f -bush.. iO f0 s' 0< " Canadian Beauti-es Oo 00 ()O 75 a Muimney Il Q 00X) fi O a~Smali 1 "Il O060 s O70 n Blue ' I ()0O 0 O70, CLCeVizu SER......7 ()00'8s0,3 TInmivny 13»pl .....0 00 0 00 13UTJrE, best tab'l, Ulb.,QO00 a')O25 .OOW V 0 27 POTATOnlS, e' bush neW .()Oj40 k- 50 H.ev.t in ..500 W ' A GUARANTEFe CIUIE FOq IE Iicbhieg, , Bleeduîtz, Protrudlle Piles, Dmuggls4eare tauthirized 10 réfuud mccv tp PAZO itinent fmls to cure in 6 to l4 da, i Page ot local news )on ins"ide. Inside Pages are veryiltorstn1 ntroLelgislelure report on inside Sweot (Oranes, emnand Mlag Grapls kt Trqos. Tcd' Oronto nows Con inside pagve. wodozen1Womeei's Viol K7id bot Ilouwntac", of god ffeec tlngreport'on, muer page J. E. L. COLE, RAMPTON. payse3.00 for No. 1 Horsehides; 0ý1.10 for No. 1 Lambsklns; 9c per lb. for Beef- b ides; loc. per lb. for Caliekias tic per lb. for Tallow. Bay Win. Davies Co. Pure Lard 20-lb pal for $2.75 VeaiR, icalvea wanted. 5-2w. FVARM TO RENýT-146 acres ail ready -A or erop, lot10, con. 7.Darllngton. Apply to EZRA, HÂszN, Eflfllkîilln MISS M. M. ARMOUR-Issuer of .YMarri age Licen ses. Registry O ffce, Bow- mauvilie. Residence: Beéebl Ave 51-tf. S EED BAriLEY-Tfhe undersig'ned Ibas an1%'tlty of silver King, 6-rowed baîley for se W, WtRRY, sonna. 14f, SITUATION WANTED-On a farma Kby cyoung man. Apply to ISRAwtp B, T~RSALE OR TO RENT-Pianing îL F mili and blacksmitb shop. Terms easy. AppiY to Mis, G, C. RA1N1as, Bowmanvllle. 1 _ _ _ _ 5-th S ERVANT WANTED-For ge3nerai1 s honséwork, Apply to Mai. T, R. Mc- MURTRY, COtt aF w a.5 -tf MIONEY TO LOAN-On good firsu more to Bitreurmts Apply through M. A. JAMEs.SAE5AEoff-ce, BowmanVle,4 tf C OLLITE PUP LOST-Stra3ed fromi lo)t 7, con i. Darlington, aîeollle puipabout 9 montbs aid. ! ellow ln color. Short tail. Soitxble réward foi, bis return to W. E. Jl wzii-, OR SALE-25 acres for sale belng- F """ompoied of part of lot 19 la thé 7 Gon. of Darlin-ton about threé qulartýert4 of amile South of Enélln Apply to JNO. 1. Mc- Laughlin, OshaWa. On.BOX 480 50 tf OYSý WANTED-By a prommnt monthly magazine, with large, hlgb olaes 4circuilationl, local representative t0 look alter ireRewals andi increase subscription lin lu Bo- mnanvillé, Néwcas;tle, Oroiio, anid every ailier City, towil and village ii anadlona salary basig, Wi'Cà a contLinig Ineresi froiln) ý: car1 year In the business cereated. Expérienc0e de- sti able, but not eisential. Good oppoi ely or thne righit erson. A4ddrées Publisher*, box 5) ttin , 0,New york Citýy, N. Y. l 1w DR.mJ.F, P.MEs, 1 t DI!NTIST, Opposite Eaton's, TORONTO 181 Yoge St 8 6 os. tStreet cominissioner W'anted, '%XTANTED-A-n experienoed man as ý iWorking omms cineronRonds and Wnlke for the Towen o f Bowmaniville. Ail ap- ? lcaton fo th)psit' iio hold hé addireýscc o théli undcrsigned on or béfore Febru'ary i,t, J97 JOns, LYLEý, Town Clérk. 42 Sprilngdale Farm fur n )ACRE 2, Sltuated on the rear oL e f lot 16, con. 5. Pickerlng Thit f ami le one of the bést in thé townshlp bas finle oung orchard, large new barn and sheds Zlth tabling underneaili. Gaod frame bouse andl drivleg flouse, ale dairy wlth neYer failing S'pring in sarne Well wateredby neyer failing sprlng creék. Wéll fenced with wlré. Tille and sou l iret elass.- Near Post Office.pchool and railway. Fer terras and other particulars apply to J W. HoGLE or T. Poucnzs, Biougham. Ontario.4l' F. A. HADDYI Wis-hes i hsfred and patrons a happy and prosperous New Year, Prom now until Feb. let we wiOli make great réductions ia oui Croekery and Glassware Dp lt pre-vïous- U, toc1t taking. These reductionis are for cash ouly. T'oilet sets. 1,0 pièce Ti 't Sets regnian $83,00 Sets fr-... ......2 50 10 pièce Tolieot Sots rgir$0 'ýetofor...............25 10 pièce Toilet Sots ngnui ar $4t 50 Sets fou ................. 8 10 pièce Toilet Sc etsngnier 05.00 ýqetq for............400 10 piece Toilet Sets regular M6 0 Sets for.......... ....-4 75 Toilet Sots with So Jar, two speclal lines, one et 85.50 and other ne $7 00, worth consideîably more. Dhinner Sets. uaily -decreasing, wo would like to clean thom aIl ont by Btock-takiing timo. l only 87 plece for $4 5(j wortb e6 O0 2 oelv 97 piècej for 5 50 worth 7 (;0 1 e)nîr 97 pièce fo'r 7 5o iorth 9 cc) 2 ouk% 97 pieco for 7 75 worth 10 OC, 2 oeiii 97 pieco for 10 00 worth 12 î1O 1 onis 97 pièce fer 10 50 wjorth 12 .5f 2 oni' 116 piece for 14 00 worth 18 OW 1 oih.116 pièe for L2*,--" wO ,rth 80 M This will givû yon an ide cf -wbal wpe are dologlathé -Crocýe-y lUxe, e-vér.thinig wili ho reduced. Uomembor theoepruces are for cash oniy, Oui stock ,of Goeisi opoe F. A.HADDY Chn bi Goor Dwa yvlo 4qWshin O 36,5 days of SProsperity During 1907 For the next 30 dsye ta reduce our stock of china and glassware, we will offer the foliowing:- 4~10-97 piece Dînner Sets Reg. price 's12.00 fr,., 89.00 l S4--97 piece , , Reg, price 10.00 for.,. 8.00 10-10 piece TPe St eg. price 2,10 fr,.,1.90 4 Tea Sets Reg, price. 7.25 for .., 5M 4 Tea Seto Reg. price 10.00for.,,. 8,00 In fat, everythhig in our China Department willlbc Ssold at sacrifie pricesÊ to make rooM for Our new spring Yon who have Vi8ited our China Hiall, know the higli clase of goode2 we carry. Do Dlot miss this opportun- 4~ty of purnhaing the beet Goods at lees than cýost. Seo~ our wý,i-ndojw display. P.ar4h paid for ail farmi produýce,,P A r chi e Ta i, Furnituro ! Furnîturo! Our st'Lock comprises ail uines et useful anid decorative furiiituire, in the differeut grades. There is nothing made that we cannot suppiy you with, and our prices are as low as the low- est. New designs constantly arriving. eeour Store WIndow L, MORRIS & SON, The Horme Furnishers -: Bowmuviileand Oroino. :. Furuiture Dealers. Phono 1M, Punerai Directors O ur Februaryv. Stocktakinig White,-welar, ~,AND ,. Remonant Sale *si ___Nw On----- zOur White-wear le the fin est we have ever shown wompos- e--ý-Cre ives rwrSitNgtGws and-ostCvrDaesSitNgtGwe L DCAPAGINS 4 ony Ldie' Catsreguler $6'50. Salea r~,,,,,... 82 '2 only Short Coats regular $5 Cce Sale prce........80 2 " " 8~~~1.0 anid 32C Spce $0 5 GrisLog oas 0é, 250 enai , hi rco...200 j I Ldis' aiorma~eSirs coieregular e2.25. Sale pc. $ 75 ~ ~' " 2.75 * ..82 00 >e:61 $ 8.150. b'< ".-, s. ,. 'T n C ~4,00., ~ ' ..-9 n &~O ~ 'J4eWý E E e q E E E 3 doz Ladies' RAd Sateon-Skirtes Hpeclel reg. '31 2.5 Sale pice. .98 Ladies' Wuappera choies, regni&r $10GO for .............5e 6î 1.25 ton.ý........ ........9iý5 C' a, n 1.50 for............. $1,15 STAPLE DRY GOODS SPECIALS: 4 pteces ouly Imponted Wrappertte rgg. 150* for.......îe 500 yds. Canad'n aud-Amonicen Wappenretté reg.e. for .... loc. 100 yds. Ifeevy Crash Towelling reg. 10e for......... .Ic 100 yds. Check Tea Toweîling rog-. 6c. fer .............4~ 1 pièce Ueblèached Trablé Linon rég. 25c. fer ...........1> 1 pièce Bicached Table Linon reg. 60c. for......... ......483e 1 " " "[Or, -,75e. for..,..............57e. I '$1,00ff ou. ,..............._79c' 5 oxily Colored QaUts ueg 1 ()0O fr ......................76e 6 ptecos ouly striped Flnnltt r 8e. fou..............~c 1- pieds Fsýncy 7Wite Scrms uog. i12,fr........9 25 d f.L-is Knittéd Whif e Vesteand rawvers reg 25c. for, ........... ....................9. e cst pieux. OL- env Muffe, Collaus, ils. Cleamla.g Sale <if Cinîci tOi tIi uts 4 eve ~ s e e <ifs or Gauntiets et exectly ~ ig for M'u cr4 Boys wiîî 3 5L,, t i- Bowseatwille. I 4 i m u vu I- -uu Ir 1 - - -ý m M 1 L14-A ý-L mT