F t er (nt vu f,ý ,Sec F~SrleWaprBlw wuiei'e nle WIibc found ifroir 8 L.. tG- v .. rhtSlis "t rjele, irect- l'y opposite Drili s!Ad.1- D. B SIMSON 1~ ,C HA S P. et,., Morr is 1,i ck, up-stirs. XKi Êt Ntrcet. 1lio Wnîci P , a . so 1i Ci t0 ea o the Ontario Ba.nk. Priva.te monaya iOa ed at lomast ratai. MEN WATED 1. C s ioeh edcasee ioad i.Stocd emio enitoeoad,, m... W,, 1.~ iy ot y-, -'l'oi SALU8 ME_1C1NAL CO.,.Londwi, nlerlo, ina .'ci <cc.b ci)clpï-ce~caec oss. LM ,cleer i si5rec. Ue 'à-the utic .ooficisc.cc. i,, g inr n ohepiwo eit eta adlsi-l- modervate._Our stvntr'sAd 1P eUOpO reqcet Maio & arinNew York Itfe Bdg. STEA MSHIPS Caea..... .. Jan. 12 otsak a.' Domno n . _Fois. 2s Do1m-i'iio...MaS.î, 'Tise SS,.Canada is eor f l ltafeeiaSm cmiifnritabie steamiers l?! ihe Casazdian ti-ade, Tise SS. Dominion le nteS éýdfor isersede stea mers Fsali at'2 P mbut aiW!t ariaif Friday eeîiGrand 'uink raIn cèfromi M ion 1ctea1. L1o0w WInel v aL-s. Fied GClass $--)te 160 accorinigte tejamer. ScdClaSsl4i to$Lu . QI5aedingtee"0 er Psegîsber thed lont imore tisan twO ib ai shryBitsi, ia'gow 821.50. Le aes te sCniîvaadts oîiei Pass,es beftheS lun29 and 4 b»eribmon For ilinformation a1ly te M.A, JA E , Agent. Bowmnil or te D0M ýï TON'E, i t17 raet m H1O 1,l _J EAU) 1JC, U LA TUON81. A VYe'n ub-eds toftDmno 13.Landin aitb.laittswa n Aiberta, e[xeepttng Smind ii iot r eaerx'ed,mc beictaalb y any preon wbo iS tisesl head oýf a fam1iy, or 1ny mie ovel' 18 yearsof t ',te ie eteir t ee qareu eticaon et 16 acrles, mrorr lee. Entrymuetho mee pesonaiy att ilelcl iAudoffice for tUedistictlewhich tise tnd l The hme iadris rrequired te pceorm lie onlditi1on s cenLec1 e theren'ith lunder ùeefi tue JelO1 iîv plns: (i t 1ira'ýsxi ots esdu~oe u %uilivatioeiatend bu jltenU yceà for thre years. () is fo, ior(orsr , ite tfer le dec.ýeast'd) o e eft bi, der rý1(Osiasupecla f lm u ihovCuniof the laid eîîiered for,.tise aeureei ts sir.d nmay hasaleie 'y SuOis person reý-siding witists atsro mut her. (3) If tise su'ttier bas is -permanlent reelden-ce Upon faýmsî g zld eWIIad hy ilm in tiseVie- ity ot his umstathe reqiremenits;as t reeldCmeenemay ha atisfied by rsdneue titmnh'notice i-n writiirg s'uid l)e give ite isa(,illvmssiner of Iooi Liands at Ottaýwîs Ë t iti tjippiy tor pzAtn W. 1W. on D'piy Oeth ifi iîSter ef tise 1: tecrinr ,l. LI -Uu-iit 1,11Z pblCic atiofetibs a ,verît2e!lc,men U1 iiint hapauS fer, 49 ; i ses NOTES AND COMN~ENTS Prof, 'Store disccs'erei aînong dUre thungs on tise Cengo îLot c tison Ual imp~rtanec tires cccsriiisg te bsn' w c~li u sisi liait sylîcîs Le tnt bus sycaith blîroogîr fautt or misfci'tone Le lest lite i-osp-ae4a-nt~e-- N-ahi ec-aarx--fL-at--tls-esra-hia-5- len ne change la Ihis respect sUret tUe wiîtle ussan conse, Lot ce for bock os 1' anti on rons îLe weolthy have hc"a ai~cgont anti tho poot' sersite, ci'inging, cîsti srhcnsing. Iii Mi sut, tas teati ef hue paxver 0f n'eotlts Laiîsg cisc cf Itie vires cf cix ilizotion it te aI uts xx amI aîneug prinitirx'e pe ,1ste. Iii prcpsrlioo as cîxiitzotton iisci'coes tL~ rirh have greolcu' actuai pcrx'cr LuI lise poor lsase grecter tîsiepemîtienre ' i ttiooght. Otse cf cor miliiertoires nsriy I Lxiv iu'cîuries fou' Loyouii tise iniogino- lie C IIIIC lulcsLut l l-l ' LU i>(tUaoUI loc. theu'tiou ayliisg. I-Je xill lie Th',ng feeilin L ot îLe iii,, te osan te gl- tnsg ise Lst cfLIns o ianycase TUe feuils cf fie Boutulce sscI u' t ) Ui id race. TiseAnsricanl negrejxph vetl lyatyinti uH nslflsiisss i a îLe L ildernes, rentefosheilr goi, îLe pexVilc ot,îL roac cI glianticeu îl sui1isiente ie plve t i s'cohternsxrc ci dicoecipioa he exerts cc i îcol. Se11'utile cnis aisîlîeit tar t Ilcnleni'c0ax hifle1 stos wiic iiscoohis.Seliteroxygen ie~~~~~i andu dt spiciise - cu5iis tuai n Ltetîg îanî ois leenry sd tUe oticlsnsn0', ti' e tlistîîcf thtip pt. , -Ilei utite'iïacrhnauvi 1totciltheo pruorîcci is stronge, poe, lanes-tili5 c bLy ionteria2ýi 'lî9,tlîDrsic L ' èc tSpu of-priuis f tis muiufaetore tn cote ca o Leople f sh nî u*suhonath ogrinal ri'eof hie tsroi setîst collt cTsis igstc st iîdiing c bsa lîrte I coisi'croupe xxoieeIleos ni, Useýop gol cf lîcuna apinseIluîoly iocinti Led fcornung'rpaun sîgl lacît.th gr"- i' arByofîthcfes. int s Drîus. f iserear ox tSpiyc xof Gerisais ho'i ie 'orfer hc--dandi Tuopi setnog25) tii ecutteas e'agîrs ai txx'ji-syyoî-Bs & lx',at a-hallpc. are ail iinproved ty thle addition o'f a small qluantity of 1 B' a ef da as ou Ina tf Ise miros usn mi oCluo sil CU Et- R HADACflL plane ia p cpuyai' e urhaausiuLe lecat The CnudonP fiO L iVE5 Iciet dars.w api nes is le. Zpyouilu-apSA019WSiverlic ftewrt ha L rmtv tous ÀU O P~O c-s.Leas Lu shh 1!ýicat is - ableISlrG 11IE.g LesaaosljreIIonlw o ý1!îLe 1 Ilwcf pa al'.0ud 'i tls us ot Tisa Ganadian StaePan 1 uise 'uIoucLiith o' c o e evcy edusdy leun aits tofc coxîentatei oup )stoch Ijt ge forLimeis as fr asotretrd 1Cuinay Wrt-i! 1 "t ellehc1 Chalng Dlh. Sendi for MiL. t ARMUR ItITE aîernL TiiPivej TuESCENE F ;d UEltEING Ex icrsIlrachc siecih' l mc vs, Lu oxpcc.,FItng te oseo un Ntîti' are unt ae osuca stcsjiIi hed i these os us' frinda t-ti'>10s -to l Ieaom yond exlontin.ai w 'oui ehyo Lelie f1 hy eteluîc mr esc ienli ; utasal f s auofrtnte haý i ed tiI (ILlo onsnss x Accei in x r v)i iiii vt,' r an -lxx aita 01f shv cf2usignaion.Iýo t Tale anunîprlet hiCnch f hos" kepngcek). M0 iepicad a' cen fte rsul rlor!g stutiy.î'I A certain wcosan haiephoefr infe'md s,"baet tic a eeirgu y, r u" plu- seq ucni "at gt Ite hestp tisiies c l mo ite, ech Laohe Laelui that1 Ie, iLllsnctii uns I)euct!ing i 40 fer o (cIsinl iclue- o ahsece c themisies.s(a lrge how once forshe a.s scalhy, nti or an putiihg ileLbm aoutdone-thirti Icfsonft ef luatas oft c cfi 11a1(dfie'iii csli icc, tenWrkerlgtierati grle os-mUaTE IF D FR1 OLF cooke mhxure.ita:lnc put ,,,,,Iin onye L Ii l-oir, t ingleh cf clt anethe l ay lIer ef Hîîe puîtJtilisg. iBonf i ']Ua!Ue 'dm cf aten Il. i-,eheeg w te f Itise eggcsîAlîf, theýn n i oi Éi r.-tc..thoogi l",camL tgîe anti twe laaspooe ns oienWu. Pilel te îixtoî'e ýis net scs encg ligîl'> ovr Uesrefac f Le poduheîIjg Bisi utou ics \ l'itIhe muron'y aui in Illecfboterin e gilI f e:g !litr.theilA.Discov'ery thet is E Icreseriog U" thesvteleiig wbiis ys okeo sifOi pie. Bell oct atfi i -iai e coa irsLge Woitîeiiiilcvms ein. - Cut\ lt' M,ý lrec-qcaa1 itLcr f1 eoîi inakb1 nces Att noctrlatistw luisin itUC aseat orA Pnotende îuon iontîsinsuprip ni "'si ia I star tcus ntil tedu, p a ie ie p-iesi ac',to oly51m OnM înlv oin tts ighthleMik sy si ni pplr;cotiuetiigL ant npeîL dte, enoxe hestne pot, anti ake f rine Loue Inl a nîctii- FruI't Iseîlps te keep one he i1althy. (-ArshmaL .w )r'eas t au', THE ing a - E U PIEi se m d of rn i l-o h i p r lina cf tIe syhilei-)pink shownanti cut theinin po ticeti cîgor THE ANITAY LICHEi.et fui LcUbs acurtiv afect i;11 ____ l lan in ssus1chas l îLe eoti nlcj ring îLe le lodwsorh sklita-rn. unii - t"iitýJst h lenab 1 t5 oeremea isa SE's0IBL SUGESTINS, hi tais '> SSin.thefuiif yu plose ivi'U 1,eishe ialfu's l rep -' -Wet cnedine M e ternacist, ve Pine'Gl~c. xs xilî ccos ag bsou roi, tse ltlreu, us isu b.vls kdnysorsiun 1,1 hiun ise (-sifts/'.coti y 01 usilsîs c L aaiy A wiý) rr s ysra htntr Atuo~d it Aîs.ei itteLe ' Ici l i I Lcovc.s ttei'ousse hilieiopasicol ltd. l fitfon thtsm sheulntle Zo ,I on o i">' s ia. ric pndin Ieork W, 0sdetth sne tune ta rudst aples, orae sg ),c oits Nimer II F isi oL ith O hofruitsIl Lx ohsoirîte sanitory roui co oi sep. l vi stan fuid f tU c t c uIie aa enlcdofx 1 ~ci-npau cedti l replclng ne atns lil oinunt app-hIfI te pain(jadoîhcoî,nkigce iissp- ofln w tpinipe yen cfia paiaffusoit astite ihas l cc ereifor ani witÊ out ise !r;aeu nîlscausei bel suds n 0er onta bteassesat rnisLe wipc- offMliI o lh, evy IilAI N TS ric tsI iiil carxac r. Drysi imi i1 ll lie d a, i neis e, Paer in kileu Wlseu Lyiisg ai'pets-Nex c put ve'ssin.m is IhIs . u , taie1îx nisi xrile togeorra-pt-)dîv cti L f icc ls Itr cdmks ts a iesn ihuatcty aot Cnd' s- jqnîuia dry, as tise dmp xiii caustuosfor. I 1tîi eelcaL tci spte iu ' unso L îpo te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q tc ut niix niniiijr oU fT OîLe Ofleor, âWitl tge Ucnd Sloi UscO tcfte iKicpp -lsou ndu fnM ffîits h ea sit Sitî'cil te-i tliseIIiss aw-a. iL' ul ri n t cv1 i _,M ig xcus getet tltlihi pt a dsî ast Lka Kuchlsati anrvsink ant i rnge iies îeY'eisW0k evXr xvih vsipticocsi hel w'ueran i e ta, r o, le To» lcasMimkixs niieors Ue ,ripeptlseîssclear Irodpuais ycfgoease. TI e tisg MogazisC fr FICbri'iry l pic MfUssuelî. DoL l - oîer ts ias diet> n lu ise traiîsage yies iduslcesa'efli uî i e xxtio Iih. lisîs xc a n cris". cleco n n t "[luai hava bo n odeot y scer, ani N tWychsîniu veW r iiexs, xxunor tic o ptU:,ý,j 'an, If a lce iijel La uset il-:wîlh reu ter t in as l iahie s îîew w erk dtif r Ot a -. d'o,, seres f p i -- sho )f w e,mL'r, il dry jusn tîsuh 105 Wleu oasun 'alin1 cf ýI'ctroe\g',î xIldi ie atulos fh c-es' prliulr tteilen; h~y10 l- 1 tLe gravy Liiukue %MvhhLuhieranti lietidxxelc',aisti seilsss moxil 1L ion ar i cI t divly aniti 1poil tue per er epeiaen fî'ons ai xv i' - ui eî i s n1îr t ILuikgeayshîtnesem e ua. esewiîsblnusangaorPIs Nexv Ycilm i l'>. s~iî Exercactiplae o teace tu laecipesr e ith hreiat .anti quclt>,asiah iceai a inslii 'o etihle! I le vn aîe rilcis 1,are i' ne oge hi o a itue au ssw lec l n id Outie uiO epiGe f vhllepaerani iar i Hhcil Ir î'IgiîIt coi il]sand[t eut of lise-'uIs heendissts d. Base nll ;Suî e /e.o f hite ac otleaer Wilrmxch ilîd a'grciie. ' I sea iss cdncile tlcuî co-s octcti ais un cl rs ac'c i sine trpuatrniî peuyLlro u hm u;i l cîe e'rtu'sn e ls paexhu ti'> v i asd iaîslatipeiL vih tlioe r0"0 Leosî i ftfo tbeiebîs. 'h hsureiflL;cur tUe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ilcg grtxcftawHiLisngosf pse> sol Uephe ti dî'ne-tr a ee eagra xcîtpclrti cluaîscs. Oshyiii îtrptinal 0" 15 l lxv, oke ma Le akei; ati f ll- wcs p-1 ao couîa stt uecssuuy e apl afrnitre 1siihbîgi elow spng cke ani isuis o-etiwlse "fi eglui' aui ue ' Ye ati thuLii a- îeliP acn a UC îîy L e uiii x'n clyaiit e unlr ra-,chr e'ctrx xo irso eo rILulce yheîusî f tsu ______ lemon-aqucezer, far luîey con siso aceitoofegityrts h n as S o m s ens ell')ing chaosccfrlCOIbo l s u unisussii'- lentntu Lsc 'e-. Dpei m i tel i )ý I- i ia.tîo iili i ' h i sli qfor î c epit poss tentiAiiulcei, am s saîs fei LasxsrkMLrnusLoîscuc x ifUat e-ysatosl ficîh' xvlh ppprcil nti driItiusg, oiwitt. Isoir fts nietosc eu1ets u~slu vs aî'o ctr cari e, hicsS LeinaT!tily Yr% tis'ilydM L saajel aee rexa er.oxxLeU lcclslitiZoulti nýoverle Il er rht: tics shon ult i llirxelepit porc, xtiî, hîs H aîuie I ghs uc îl jit-i 'licnuu'se Le felioxeeI, ie aus 501Lav c roais tî "% CîL -s cii piaceti iiiatU aer Lg aut Ln tky L e'scl lsiriifutc ius"fi ugssifls ý,ol, u near le lire li Uccl îS.Grael carfoi'> c-e AMsIihs ccl hruixle u sr1ai\oîtl 'ux' f îe le onrai ic g'cî imcxcssiî e e ov i'tl thVd, lan i oIrî i nitio 'ix' fr FHray I ci s U roke~ asîti pn iil. iaisil Mlre sI LIwugj uetun Liliy o ev0ftehss Beer eolig ~siea ek s cli (l a ept(sI sl)w e'. fi 5 ho'PacdeL , Ne[vl Yei'l, . fi t (vhe Ihrouhly ecoedi w-îbso ielU or f so c tipetitus;MAsi n Zue de c a p Ynnsh o cisis tts colers coi ui/e il o plish. Alle huIer ai fsx tLlspcOul c ccnîus x ililie nukduy uh sx 0ud cce tuiycfJ.svll eiusai choppamisset, a eIlaIlig, pppel'cloni ani alib Ioe. cci thu coa Lo- - ti tuexx cl, n ~'d~ 0us i/~~se tluin ic' M îteifxxitrs esetouisg"c tertipltetoAy chopa ua.KEIGFIHV'TlCILBN us ux scsis-utisccsstshe Spu~~ 4C-e xuluchatft fMreISeA 0"!- ci-utis, îs, Lte er qoric c ~n Thee N100îuuehnegrcli ifienr clre hitt xxatt xvîul. lInistiugth uor u a eleIiy î . u îe niacucsic hlrcswic u tiiki' ri'"nueha-unA i ~iFigs adn Ps aed arnctiInedîcnalytai u ritmcs Whero eaifrOuiý t o ayhepedtolçe Ia on wa, îthshort, ound atuallycurof To ,he m r Mlable sii 2i c'fý1 e tr cpudt odr it ino taiets 1osipto, Iilc fne , Ionab and 1 lin Aeo ins i in"1 nd - on 1 J-effeot, 1 i aea u~iue. T oi drnglt desflt hnde heg, ei "Th [.1iy 1ie Cn' hylther E me SonsNYxvY1HJ uMy if ese Fa ' Joal i iyna ; jra jp1, Ln ucess Magzine for iFe- mayLa poset te Loi sîs Jie l recf ciL Tg lh pt lt pini iby are wondezýrfully j anroifI, as it Ssrosthe ,gcrm tst cassITheAne m ascauseshair teAnoi ldyustaîlt-l-u s '"nne~ dge fail cu, anditer baltne"se; inlusklling l 1et0S a>.ati5 0 cis iu ci H pciestops failnm ra nti prd vents a reri s hcîeîsst. "te"c-'1uin.I' hal nse bhis aianideelishair drese- Cueo 1 u aI i dd10 v,1 î 1huib~I-~ue ai inig, for l, lentis an ,aristncratic chairsi tui ao ee n']il 5w iîcî' rb, ihe i haietat te quite SistiCtîe. SolS niotJelIt" 'iieisu le.<- hy leaSig dme lst se% nMr0e.ln stas îîeiuh', <1'> nx 11;i-iî"' i for sapete Tht TirpicIdaVCo., Dc'- .Ul el"nx agi'"i. ai i treit.Miel. uepîe," cps.o'sî id. uîa 'I iA! XUGQI Two Me51 oneed$10.'tif'eîon tie eO siil" 'I STQ1'T& JRY5SpmeAgna buct caou"