(ur inoe wne seaes tu cwlio t1arrs Inisallis [laIl 'i, coss apeal fai;5A 111 o liasnt.sine lime, pet s-ce r iîert.!t bardIl I-or, inaed, vi Tin-sl[ieudi t or --ia!u by tise x ay S tad 1 ,au f lilceyond an 11images-yleflpocti 1aatyint ngaI v min xli aven fea isai ilae wld,i retre(ot(1vîng îalelclal b 11eods(ox errmen r 1a-s lan h eips li lte puity a saraene ashe gea Slelad c tie lak f lumssiy.Ye ùe *venI tly are nt dedto' liilgea I'liut ta ului ,i-e îeIs seul !n l îxsade t) lim bra, i, reed1 ta sl -l ce,11W Tetl i, Iv' inger1,1-i long agol lamîliar teliu, cf a l t-alsw- il appia- fa lli t oli cars, ie n[ti ietlýý s lIa ior-wrld 4fplici s rea;m, nd eider11, Ile carcepiaIa ight ,ii nralos xliat frsbie C îl fsr, mati îtliaiseiigas wiltlgidaîîqt c;iliat, as ene put it lil i ý peviatca xiived Ua man , lusdii-FIO BIE neri eosa r ie l, Il iaugItI t ca iin imottag i aur indusit ii. juedcf en armiiantlyf a . A cure , ( is i(ý" aieiier tht ieisniee lin seas r Pluxvays (1li',t Tiaeis refalli'vliclweneeïf se' ssry l i ntse lea aC pniiile In aiilis elleeta ln~ lis a rnv t rstr irc us , iu l1 cho , Ilil li rýii1 a p, u rpsa exnk.edalf etio lîa ed i tIis w- Ibeuli xe c nl ttac islIses,l rombba iiawoma ce. Tex ]ve -dile- : s; tise Sispl erd casstm tlh Og îsoîxis amemw i uer as lring Ibis 110cR le h l itegsen p1su1: s anC 'xry ma 1î- if tse enan naxx. asiC - hiel iilxac- ulesxeiv nj d abr Ii aii il, ou sent « iiin cave f fr0,1s- ainC Clie. t. l ees lie havi fre0111 etuîssing Pi myleycfau i, H bdi(fhi.r îscsbefî. X\ela'ela ncaves r aîsd tu nvra;h I sii aulowlr feazati tmbv iverefunthar fion LE tbt vaar bt tua afspî-ing, as !ail Ly puit ng !hliu iitia, sxv in tisa fecl; uan -eare xverhug eut spni- PUremdcstIv sexetCes stili vî ara ý blu iéhetau Aeilelîls apprAreusison isitwta It iimmtit. an banîUtas eynd asi- i iai s e f1iii Niscy-sii eol ec f , a lstden sieler ads b oloe m ulin ici ales, ier h aeo i. nt HENHY F. COPE. t z a i wI lesnx a iai- a Ilio _ xxYliii hun. icv, n xse as>ree AND REAP A PROFIT C shsxa. ubn.c csîe n fNIIA~~ dallais. Il WHlestlieCesse xi W it trixsib iUx trasAAxiFiliiplie Tencens r-vstl i apacknge of m<snp msisCk je tc lsHet-, uixlelr olrwihi gueve ew 1île sian unes -4'adjsC<iole is alenli. Bu Mt h ~kirIblouseor j emet mkltg' nyAoW bile I-con 1tte as good Rnis nanasome as when vou ouht thenn, TLk means to you a - 'g !mnyClais several. times a Tc hizvceaiiy arti,,e of stiothItnp-wefL and fslxhyc Ilort d, iu e tu.fal!- in IAMOIND DYES fr putbdctre- sn R.lefrse Il substitires and dîes be, r ng faLne- names put up to look UNetihe DIAMONLI DYES Diamýrond J)i e Dirpetion Book, Card 1 JI Dyoe >a1 Pi - à i toSent t) ranv yad- d(C;Ss free ni cos , !,-vwriting ta Weis WcRiebrdsoLi G;,, ileM teî P.MQ ed( stomnach. Thecy are, a sale an TAYE CA]PE 0F YOJ E ES. an, g i mcilid -Ifiîle 55! ) stal ieus ls'ed crd ly l i 1z'tIc l-es a l,,ugh c~ es lis lutisic s-idesh Cavn, LgdI , Fair 0 b t r i t lsitai, fe'ilrom a w udaw c S-iw and vfromf l i teI vidsvi, ad. ~ ~ Sh Ii wsa reci idw lireugl Tih he desgCcýtidid. ihead bï ineen, )ear Mth er - Youi littie Cûnes are a conitant carc in Faei end Winter weather. Thy VMIi catch coltd. DO yoq k rOw about Shilohs whaadone fox £ouany ? It à s Éid Io haý the Oiy teliahle remciy for A di.sases o! h ir 2 passgesin children. h is abouey ameauspte1usnt îo take,Its uîued acroryumoy is returned. h price is 25c. per bottIe. and ai ae,11 ;s n edicineAl 3t This emedy shouki ba in veryhushoi Do yo iWsl i to visit Caifornli, Iexc Florida, or the Are vou axious 'w escape the cold wVeaîhex1r and sino-w and spend thle wner inth -LAý-IOF F]Wjr rANDFLOÏVERS7- Winter tourists tickets aieo o sale daily, and If you are eontempiiating a trip 8ee that y our tickets are routed via thec Grand Trunk. For fufl in form.aton as to rateS routes, wand train mservi<s e e dlon STOT &-JU0RY, Towxn Agenits. J. D.~MDOAD irritîcu seewal liaia situe ee ui, . n'ue tst hIt ba1lance, a gust cfÀxind uslc etA i l ise tui-a i-ca e nd 1 ile;ailii, tsar bbc ni istaî vs wa srggisg ýýIs ' Pivater).ý a nlh îinctvc ielied cWt-lunl e l1i h usobiaaCi urCleupstsI tise lCL (UieC Ai terife)ciemsf eC liglý '1I; lýliey Ixx es-e srnder i usa- 1l Cietescf te p i()i-. But w Ianillay î-eclid l, il Ili'i g 1a111nîsised eye, cýi o isawas n pn ubeia inain on lis surfac uf Ic xatar IIot taile Luy'si1 ti011an bnd I set (Il c i as ic blie x resokdan îsi isakr racsd axi'kisepl crn 1dak eut( l)ise 1 1tile gr ,boldoganC ilr uscl P1Iy in bil iasid t(e lg usur- l n-a lie or de, , daPgj o Lilepi-everva. Causd tie Grant Explosion ins ar- ýllPid i itruekanil piee A~~~~~~sc;.; Cepaitrn aabukn lem isl~~o PiSsa sy I adic legi lai-les 'if ba Bedasi n ie i S- À ian J Jui 1i 28, 21 otne. Neabde If you wanlt iniforiationi in re- gard to Wnie and Western cities an1id towns,, inflorm-ation about the wealer cndtin, te chanoes for1 a sitation, (ýiithle coSt of board, busiessopportuLnit;ieS, take off er 'No.l 1 ,fyou ,are nmore itrse in the agricultural situation,'.a-nd 1,in quest of information in regard to -txin nd faryn. Iands', take offer- No. 2. You mayifyowihwt- onut extra expense, hlave the Free a fin in Western Canuadaý-. TO THE CANADIAN STrATES-MAN, BOW- MANVILLE, Elncloed ,!find .~, _finr which serl n,,me Mani- toba Free Press a5id CandianStteannel_ pei offer No. -FrVE M1,EN KILLED. McIEE's MANYV %NXDA1. Powder Expded ibc anuhllinis Coal CIn apbltieFin, î,Cosspeli A Ces l( lieusMalo, 11ii, sy epbl iesMeistreal s : Ts an espkoesiMan e pxdani ie ess îua- artoct lePuaiwa son (Cy anC Big Mudycol ssiîs iii en kda i nteix a isetaiie c A 1illC an11a-ex a ur. B ili;gScii , asi >sec litiaI-c c~ul iau'ts, ur plea olf guilly cftthsaîl. For Infnts aud Uhidren. E-tyCliieli -nsraiassiV o TDe Kind You Have Alway S Boughttasa-cciivipeenIv. r- Signature of ~Cnp~l l ~nswii oe$600 fi L iý l BETUN ilP1.Il Il POSw.a ba 4,00ca i l-wahus i l oEl l i eu Crel.1, 1 kuoî',tei o I caes, xi tl s i - A~~ýj Cnsatc1tr s 1a liiec.,Jiy geîî'ssa I i cDhsx a tss Is lase TIc Dtaixia Ln isiols c i 'fody i iiAltl 5quuste- i istt t dWs AtakSick Heaen ,(:Cand ail disoerders arisîng fma wakDi- gesio , sugýsh Liver or clogged Eanels Behm's Pui and are a woid-fmome iine for the cure of these preaient, comlaits.Thieir cst isa-tilleý; thei -a duty.For yu lieaith' sake, insist on echmsPi .Thecy do more Kor our body than any other remedy. KrtOwn ýanid ùused iy h1un1d1eds of fïousnds Il over tie globe. ,epared ly by Thoinas Bechami, st. Piiei enahr, sgad SMIdby W l rwogsts i n ada endi M3EtS. krnrica. in boxes23 cents. L-ý