(J of ýirt, Illa n:inýï, ci 10 vie i,ýe ocCide c',ý n I l ýÈd;tis ý)ic,) UTE and DIume Deutrûyef o J W Pli ,illý the House m M esmwr wo un ce noua pmm- oïl', jý-; [', k, ci) JýuJI l' il 3 lor 111,1 ni', Il' il, i', c>,ýu W it/ ou, t 'Unqualî.âed Success of Lydia E. Pi VUE l îNDý; PF-;T,'ý !SUSEPAVES AND ECONOMUý Uscal Tchansande Com-pcund in Casea of -Lira. Fo2 ris un npimc amen fqing if los JACI, As flic lo'v', dawils I',e th qf 11= 102; lui Cariadai C" a ukt, Uje ce. 'l Il 'l t, Ès THOSE IYHO doCt know whM Pï3ye' hine Oak poum! .5cW onnns ni fury on %OdSL dýs wd PrImue 1,1ý_ ils ai rit ce Io el PMI KT wasc m .,ý 1 , »W è issu, plan ou ihl, ni-, id and willuat, it (10 it. 1 fýon ý:anIcu., A in 1)i--- lusseuw ànd , ýe ý -ýýut, TH0Sýý WFLO do je.àn und aqwe,-l up iho li5l'ils; 1101 lutter u uch nul l', iý, 'l' iiII,ïs 1ý', 'vu, cumnwd ip Wst yoars la and what IL dons me uscg il ail fla -o lui 1EL "e "a 100", ý"2 UNIMA and tewvsud at %cir walm U as ÈAW but Oqi&n and ce lue courp Aoýi'h î! Inu, a uci rarry bus. Sho pronspoi rmize cet 'lalf lul'n îI v',hých m op tme Ià k L10rýV Sîr,--;1ý,turc- THWE IVHO len it erc being 1 la-') ludd Io b(ý 'nid! \"cciwn Cqcs 1 Mga mnIc dlly R3 9, sur 1 ý;g XJ lie Zn à 1 S ý,,,,d eured Of ail ni ailb-, or id en fcnue of exlwndewq a A J dort "Ili sugnu, andepii in and vicýs: Pd. U uIiiý1 ý' ý1ý sci îrý , , eubl, In linos nJoýsJ d(ý difi il Plu W pruensi sa îcd ce moi9y iasic. illd 'L Ji,1fýýe Ili I)II!icýr o cc upd plicace de os> cw ce M , cal don, I1eetrý-,ying ail diFcasc gornasr(1ný unis, und v', Mont or hmoq ullIV, dure and w ttnd l'ake in a uvea an 'l i Iýlý nli jý, jý', 's ýi-c ýÏ finarici- od ai Iliair, serv'l fi,)[ m, l's â2o relxlt"ely, aild ?X i sous ll"uldition fan ain in lia gial tab'je for idr of expaCL- ýkt onci', in ils I,ý1i',cas )ur Take a gooduist cabbago and cd lent m nmpes awl kal un Ulm M1. 9%t clathos Y a uia-,orUIýy y Branchial COUDS, Cr g,ý0'J ý4Iýpse, and solind nêeW-L H u, 1), 1 mIIý' ýýIIaI j, üf GUr! LA COMPI Chüls and Fover, lue hewi GWI, ýcharMY Ïwami cun me ho pourri into tue wilh Ijr,ýalîerl ni dis, bhosmes; and enss&Uv, M. SEAUALME, or ownsemmc Silo Am liwhIy wilh snu und p0pp'r, aird ÏRT bind witlh beaba egg. FOI lue CARTERS MPà U MMESS, coes Md dtsîre hm liaumhod to proscrit Famale Troublf s, ýÈ ITTLIE cavily iII Ille cahhagf, witI, be, stiiiung avoud au unsiolc vuneTed FOR TORPID LIVERc The adPrinwnt of expIcIres di Cicarrh, Ficule Appetîte, U,ý illo liriIilý- InId bolil An 1 bidon Lo comMubs lalh Iveum V01ceý 4emorrhaies, f4)c ail hl)urý scrve with cincs b n9 voin. Fhnnie îbx Y FUN CONSUPAUD" îir! ov-er and a good pou PMWU-Il 'l-le uni wdnUy and ccononscrHy A a queLn Foc IAURW M 1 01 to lier wiwIc, -hold 'nd ilhofil of tho grI,2.te-t triump',il; or Lydia by tiie pLy, FOR VR COMPLEXIM eýnd naine, N1ý-)-,v, ýýk e=lýW22M WiS Wctllutâ of pu nmv yur cw tymurs, alma ip Un rasimil arc Olio of fluair, laie cliarni d l'hilham's Ve,7etablo C,,iopý)ueid Èu lý4',n3 M' tu, of grcund gin, iiIlý caille wdlil ail,," as it ci il') T rimor, rit, ta du a yod dwl y AU 5=, ffl8ùaýý9 -e rn thiýfil- of l'akirl", onc a i I;-ý e 1 i. Sucold nommong P1,11 inay niwsoug and get ce tes and Iàst nu ,IMI end il, not t1y în the. of cý,pica, eight taIn,_'e_ý oý 'lhe imid ý,f Illu!'ing 5tag a c 00-0 froi - its e4 or tho lwennen ilcradior9 pa ut Ar 30"? culOy. As n forerutincrq of il-enelc. ami louu. 011(I(" rivr chu p0pdcrýý, th or SIirý !Ji, o". ),nllsiis ail of danger nuty I)ý' , inwp ý_,azli fest ,:y %, subject lier UIýýughts 1,11rii flrý-;t la yn«Immion in lm mmt torribic lili the dfy dIgreIIcuiý,, î'igéluer nfIer1,-IjJIýý u Nc. nAIEP ce qwMon of fwd s"PAS, I>Eycbinü co1ýc111era and cureà Consaxnp- i-iIbl)jijg Ille ciripp-dig intl) If fi A pid nwma-y for m i MmmP=ml Lydi, B. P 'It ltonl, 1 tit,'n, bu it mu eý, ce Wmdq add a UH4 IL sic 111lustial pain extendill'i froin the peuï-d. has bun faumecLi hl it rlýeýcý ch , îlier azId Mfetz to %ýuIh illi 1=9 aldomen t4wgh de gn mid thiglis, -D IL The 'Illai; ut letist 1oIý prevelit its development hy utdng Ily- stir am) cc ober ingredients, ami idx!M" idsnpe Uanugh wd ruppong Lri It you havf) iiiysteî-loii;l if ear Î. y per CW or the of inost chine. ilero "Abulit tL là, of Chousand-q (If thoroilý'2,111y, in a lui -ill, tu tilýIli! are vndioý,%1donï, of hnfiplpu,,mýtîÎoa ulq-eratoiý is wasÏtLi in vo1uï1L,ýry and E1e,ý1Jï atatemeittIli f rom 1wi hý)îIrï. nu() Ilic. dut îla, l' cuý or don, t imiL ÏCIF thui Le, =W M c',kat ont qilib', clt,ýtn, il i.s :rcemn v«y nutéhon-Ahe squan! di aver Canuda l'h , of l.IýýeIIrIg,, %ýiIh(aIL iniliali- confirui ýl(Iur fears and i,,o týire>iiý,,Ii thl for ire, but Il etit.ce zx=ee M uNg re«, dubg "%Ch, as àMuuntIýy vý,Incr0 tbd Dr ljvýuî of nu i rr-l n SI Z. ten cants J,ýýr f-cal It My dity HyO ic P170 ialem and of onHS9 et homcri of a 0105nk ui 0 eraton ; swwc better lie exa -I;ý ducoille is sinail lis ývhflr0 Largo nues anl ou a noir or Mn of rnuiton, rcnovo bc (erd'i par ne ,ý, Ji 01 1111> ý11mllrkllb ll î,ùnýs ýitli ý, shari) loufe. sc,,aîpýý ili lut, twooms(l tue m incenL dulm" ha ilý-litrtlol-,. ('lontract ratec solim (if thp I d expensiýý% Lydia R Pdkhwal egetablo Com- .111, undor My potuid at onor and be ý11 felt '911 coiatmbi Ule lea.lit tion. Throü tmeri, well k:ýicwli ni Jupat ou thwL sKoks si ce han swa ghi itIi usc and Especrially Vec the goad hmm,. Ilazel Hilý4o'l aild Jahu Mi 1 IHNTS FOn !HE IMNtir -Hh Mrlý. Pinkhaîri of Lynn, Masm., warrant, an( HeKav ut M Slial ýJ lIef)ltýi7, :hopI)ýd ov t h=drý m Ud kwIm this in lwr rolf it ti'ghtl'y ami nuw or buld it When clarifyill", c'c'tice výiiIl adèce. tumor A Ttike for imýAmalc,, the dis is a 1, , ', Rewl thegn gr,ýtcfuJ tnat, 11(3>Lliiig àe se,:Ct sible and be"nd the, R«A, leshng coqumuly, m't 11,, jimu-Il (Il b', Souur and convoyanSr, clynt cul of uwat 'rhý.Y u-ed ru'rchine MM! Vroinen ývilo havc been cured Ille. Vortwi froun Muoh she axt'j",,12toný aucl I; good hi,ýuh. suvo wdh usi oisâuwiCul bkecyr pbeel Imn a pmtpig ajoup the \mhich Dear Piiilliaiit:- (Flrst: Let(er J-Iiig '.Street, 1 ïrl11ýes her Ï11111n1rl,11ý1.11ee,1,1ý, 1 gu itie, lattai, ruùibý,d. ulijon_ý; or fl'oul 4b'a\vîý, ý1110 to trT 1 - - 1 e -11, nu bunianny t') i thi,)II looking oYýr y(air I)ujL- tiutit 11,U ICI. 1.111MIcE th") bý,nel.It cf 0fh-ýr ý,1ecrqIr-! rtýu,.n ci il, f',I)d Il a 1 Id in 1 -ýt l-cn gi h, of t i 1 Ille nnil ý;huoin sleaks, rùehc!n(ý 1 lia cerf urddl 14 abie twd dIfflâze). Ve 1jecort -e asily tun_,,cnsý coolc gravy »J nielied almw- ispoi. MM a bmuc mah si la d«Urr mici he Wb me 1 ha" a h=on loai U10 rili uni loin CIIC)lIs lli el A Lard and ,'4ýrY Ê - t11,ý31 gretefill if PM Wn 111,yr gm"d j jlfflatahlc, 'Iliti il ""à IglizîlýZZIM, IF. W iMY. pýu.'r in as nuwh gur 1 will be laor ROBERT VOUMO, V, S, pFepared wila a little illorc Grecil Ila.boz-, M-3 11111 a Umm wmt, m YOM dwny wmctrr P UP I"uopiu duw, Ile pygn, hwp me m 1 ý11111 " duo an OMMA-M"- aft,-r thret) yn Fa;iný.0 b. Va, cars Mern aie inany gmd pues cf iwat P Mme, pronouInred si-keor, fil Icf 1 I)IPcà 100 Puddin,ý ash 1 wul lae (JiL-;.-;ol%,iýl and LIVoine a jmw, ami had red,,i(ýed I>ellll T "w r, 119.11 lý:gitrmnc% 1 Dmw 1% Pskliaxn:- ý'.14ec,-jntl c',oin onntj, m Unt wutain Wm waste and mots un nt all lip-to-date dealem If ymr omces Y Mc UllDrd'Igli' and Auc a bu p Wn P aPéal for IPP nant bu Pymý,ý, in "I tAke the IL neral atora cennût guqiy V-t'illi or,11 piiit of Inuk. iI- berty t,_ý congrutulate you un ly disappeari mswencc direct- trftive- and rulty Llý juarchascli. 'or a,-Zli-,Ozt or ge î 'l * i I Il 't 1 hut Iaý 1acf;,)I,ýý hut-, lire tu briTig it the 1ucc*ý 1 havellad wblli youz wondcrAil w4bg iin nir4 t Uîr% 174y. one-half thý3 lulcl3 1>aid lm tho s1aks write Dn T. A. SIDelum, LimiW, 179 this cook Yerî vVith 1ý lu t IiY i Iý) a liqnid stahý. rnediciiie. Vegetabic 0 Humat Afao, Toronto. olp uwil aH An mHk is nMoGni by the t»bnmhou W M -- blake fagMhpp "Eightoen, moifflim agt ïny- lýtlri f and ctiol)s. Thiý 'IvoinaIn %vlIýJ Ls willing stünc und chop a qmsm ISMA ou hpl a PPL of tmpmdsc vvsh iwa ege, apped. shoruynÉerlfdtsqhadp Md> ýJýLJ olka tue SIMPSON & BLAIR, 0 spend Une tom and ports in prmar- ing rîeaI.s tor her table, will find --irasuýls elup one cumze IIIIIN -4 It;ýlf ofý Lhep adj hlf a Wnt A vdiogar, pje, swap end wu twa t"t 1 liad a t1inior &%na tunra quite zLï reilý,,hing as any in tho ecce Ili the plirclinqing of f,,yo4îz; !J îfic, rlli,'4ýed pel-l and two of suet. IIIIIIIidity cif bal fý,horII, ýInll foie u (le -gr> ail 0poraù0ýn, Guc4 unqi would bavc to the value o ,etc., %lorris 3111ock, u uttairs, KQ naarké, IL must he moohs that Acy jtïrer)ccý of tic b"m in bc moickel am RP Ume ingrcdý(nat- logother of Tu,, of luis So 1, Il -er, u., 8 ItowiýItLnyllle. Moliçitorw for blê) C Ife e,ý-. ý1 1-coilïc lýýiýs it is pm'elient fur nellralgul, Ment3 and la B. PL Mýnk. I'rlvate Ilot azid iL Ls a great te,ýxp_ slorcý for lit ý,ýt t) iNVýo og, decided tq. ei,,, ?,;d n'- týl l'ho rt'r, 1)t)Ifril)io a bIfflerod: rho *d et lowmat rat". Idén W synd We oxlva inomry and denu% bpst, The thrIRY, Camhill me. lt]ý,l scjaUc:Jý halit's Veý_ýa1)îc CompouïO a KaL ARe emm Il Mil symn SAWl- or an holm Empont Sud loue. chlf n pmMll of taizil,ý fille bottIts aâ directed. 'lie îlipaor iýJ clu. sono a nue HUI nwo moh v«Y smul nan dires lm- M'n nm&Mmg ami don ê1ygoncý 1 havei again becti to writý3 to h 7 iýff(jrr, àlany famidies dh-ïlý rot trust b nvieing facur Vr gawep Tum mil, tu cocc and lAur u niù mm Mmn qumAT of a pm»I A îwliy sin-elli- Intir SWA4 smwc VMUH. ded yWp a Ywh J son nud hmf m bu- QMI E. M balli VogdaNe COMPOUnd il WOMIÉ W ANTED t lipon !ln'.scý ch(Àce and omps lhrup %,g7ýht iin-4-cit" I1.ý; the say. \fany CIIII, bil, (if 1)ýil,-,iilg pawd,'!-ý the of ;nIeftiý a illis i),li'srilitil in à dblâ ý.îotuýý Plz% lwà -'l lis tci ýxiIfqp1cýA vue bMag PWA and awmom. Su usai you buy noms han Fmmu Two muwey qj"a pph as = n"br as VaIMc», C-I.M. ,. know w1tat il 4,e"ýis et ce Une if or naýIt1eýA výlih il Iiiiic liulif; a 'ï'ýJj,,j :Owpe IA nMd vif, a- %mlinoni fronl Ih1ý i[Ildt, I.z; ýa,_,1 -1 'y, 01, latnkb, It0dcfi freIyn 3 (o 12 cu0ý,ý rimi oý,ce'i aini', L Wposnoy - - qIýjj -1 iý chwal lowy, Van set aldol purohl;n-vwn ,ou have IW quad 4 Un nek is abici gmàmp,, iuil - Ivt, -Y -L Y-u,ý-k f- PDljýlti and a cuphil cf cAd écwd roo or nw- Ion br hakel apIde dumpingr &cce WaAr A, JiJlu)s,ý1i & WIktet f., Itý c0ýe1, uniii theý crust ût fat rL. el Il ay, P. >dom ce bu, DYACM, ment son C«nacla 11TOIli A etiTai in. 111011 add NC %Vdl- WhIkhow, 333 Fuorth .ývepuc, L'o ý,,erve,1 after roinoving Me fat and 1 sinnbus ami Il Umps emu&nu ce r-ý.ýilçing a C('ùIiît-I to bý, -1n-),ýt fiI.;dympet in ce mots Ile bMten oggn by insing son iilvm ce gravy, MWion h-À Inilk, Il lutts à a limp fer fcar m Prof PýF.rtEELM. 0. 11,,111l' w,1Cý stidioa-4. A shoukh'r ")f lainht careflii- (1 fooll is tue Inc):4t vidýýI 1)oint Ili curdJing, peluni tho wiwil la si sauce FOR 0%,11,11% -lixly výl".ý,%S. .là , 1 !ý, I-oI',îi,ý,t! aller tile bcuIc, is -Jý,JJere ni rîtý douht trilit ft-mýJ Inu!ýos ý,r Nks Nonsavvs Scouang syrw hu lit FMnmp BWInIn fairly JU> and a good drucing in"W fs quite nuws ulanle lantbu yu. ps"MNabi JýaIi. and ',!W two or thme auvrics mdil b"n ilised by irillons of motIncs pr %uM jughi m, -ýc. equal to a leg y omb and some du4ll. Jeof 1, physinuy, ueu!Mly and up-q'- If db. articles ýnnd, jý>ýmý Croquelte.'i. --- On- ludîpnund; bMr ch'Wren wloc Lffën? l in ý 1 g il Adk J Upbe ai nigM and broken of yow Ami p,,, mt ki, ybd WM il evýýn -3,lveý,lflv nipaL The Pg Of 111%) ajýý, IlInd ail Iit ; . unorab, 6 swc Au co'si al,0111, ýhî,ue tiflles t1.3 j, e jaor o! the hairevrik, Ince chu ry hy a sok child supriti,ý,, inri'd (-ryinq hy soir IIIcriý, JO ulolo--y. A goad PM rWst of sur cýsi ruhý r,ý9ultIIc-n Ille Pxponlhim nf broM rnmbs, 2 raw pIgs jwaloo, 31 with lahi of GaUng 'Né% und ail ome th, S,.,dj h, C,,, 1 - cup bd nolk Nweety 1 baspeý,'l liliuly Ohn a a! mmil s"memt In the proler rnaiwer- j hi, jamilly, rnfnin ges l'h', or thl tw gmul criera, nf a nucf am get a Lottle cd "Non Whebwl m Éhý,ý kind of il star, bat J,ý; v-, h noi IANL aph a blrawn giclvy onny la hmIk , d Ut in her own top. , râný hi i1ctim aýý gond j, i glacci, 3,ý' tonsoui-sil pJwý1crId >s"9C in" qii bcmc Se pour hitle sucur lm. cJiJic(r'ýi laea italo IMI as Auoing as any prbiei agme forti ci cmpud nwmpn VMM 'Ille virtil Imm pirer In tu(ý soi nos, p-qq, Depend upon lu Mospre i,ý a d,_ýIioaIc J)run,,x raa.ýl. ,t ail IIert(,n(Lý upwri Au cots- ',Iiïiy I)II (n eu in Ud'; (]l'Y of hi,ýh ovct. lu, crun1L)ýý, -ancr elo'ely >lu , ïrlC( I- is nc, îrnistake ahouit il. P, mIreg 1 charme hy lu lw tic s1)býr. "TlIcý bat R rmons SUU nul, ppcen nmi eyance lurg puy lie ýiiand 4 10 suire L a iLs il$)Cii- filivl-)r Mna wilwed hy campo soulin Rpq IînJqIn-ýý. fIuýf3 îhîý ahnonds; busïnc-;n of cl la, t. Diancocq ingubt2o Un slomach and han nmy La corcs Mind colic, s"Rvrl3 thelof a p1dianC m a clernoproccaHy vory wrgý1, -Iught irlfa ftý1oltîr)I-, c-ïl lho: J'art A file 11,j-,ïý ï.- rub tic. iýnii."J1 a add iliol GumS 1 sI,ýry Ly FloaIIiý NIý Iligrain. hy M haong thtrir pmmt b«Nem ttsm"kd uduus Ini-lainnilLion, and ovu Q, 1 fIIlIî hord_ tiOn all An dMImnt Wal in HZ nmo-k"iel'. rItw ogt'a, iiiix -,viffi Ille, týp.e and nilergy tu Me %Quo çsfcfJý. o-t' ýda(1 oquadly and' Ho cun ami eamnàp mà myH iýýï mI arion, Nzw Yoïk l'if, ami "Non AVincow's SOOUong Sveup y of iho f4char skuhougd, the f3wl Ipancoco 'un", culs for than ;,,ils LICIZ, nýqIri,1 halr tho Nisimi WITTI logeiliel, and fý-u1n dito q'IdUngýchiIdtV!I teething is tlie cor nry Pi ff'r lho,ýo lmýsI ýiiï,' jcta cgg, lrod in ýIIlùý ',njýJ J,'ýý ýiJe of onc doomed frun', Idw habi', Inoniy Tom, Acq Uwn y awruw Mc Cakm-line w!Uo augar thwe cm:ke- mulILs. placo La a vrOp babke', i ' 1rI1IIdý1t, tn L,(%, tlh'-, 1)IIýýàs of i ait, i (be femala I lI,ý IIm, si is, luiller u1w mIJý, orc, e111) ci cook fur ýJc futir illinut nt ficlion, liro ,utriý Uhai, mI)- M cýo( ûm"ImKi hy nn unw"y eMhn ùs Plirs a toi cas, lahing ami luirLý,,z, in !hn hý0, ')IL 1 twentyave ceAs a boftir ScW il èp 009 fI-IS ý,IIln qwnse Ês 1 couggois %w:wghoýiî, de coMd go, M-iUi tne Torn Iý,,; law'oilýý 11,1i elil ot Liwiv m Hi Np-b M.SS,,y luilion tu !,u,1eý JýfI;Jr fýjIlr i Inellibor-, 'ov by bn.ý surtý ulla loi gwdt calaillity mon li) ýia,ý cmami the l-unarý L'Iiltcl" ctc_ and 1ý 110-SE swicting mods in semna wbu De'! fi OW, FUS. oloinen""s ->[ lihen, Ifleru, cil-d niach', 1jey is Po&Wo reaý-;oljalIl-, ul bi, boir Evuy 5umr"y--- xvWY mms"y say bc éxpoled end ohlénod. This Va Caký-0rîe eup sugaq on; bble 14 keep houemKo! buls and i aciiy. 1 lie îATE1ý n'ý JIJýo11 à-dlýrýý-nt cal), tu lAverpool 1 mous rn-0 eywstjw Y vegowbhe 1 Imon buumq con 9P me elil) loulor. \\-I-lýIlný cail !'Il fcIInIýi Illaki, a 1 unions ates the Enai insaimeni ul "The V soch may bo Aught in strvsnn and, olie-half ilour tu hc, Il p Anmg mmou couqau MMIA 1 C A Froib end nuts 1 nnow a PiMp shff baîfvc Tac caka W c0apy euh Un Mon nt m, Aphu"" Thi, u151wul tiý ý,iaî , tù I I f, Uboft, SIJtu,ý-. Wn"er rffl,ý, g,ýR)tJI co!d 4-ir w1rm. u',connis and fclating ha 'i , "Tue 1Ie.slýi- For Th* sý,4. ca2kDd,;. b cîqe M, the fastÈ.%t M;mî; il cc ensyul j Ai Mme" by A"Phian !%go \VsOÉ, Wu n 1 A greai ý)f food i.,; !\",a cups lulu. Jolics flic ""-) ICAP illings Iid(ý, il, Il_ and n') Z',,, ïIoUcý-a1J1,I_ý II,-, 1l'alladq The M u" t Ar Ae table or Mcexach by usIng J us lITi(ý-illIif Cný0 I-a],1ýaf', (,niý-Ilillf tu ul Ilio Niol-Iling S. 1 ', ( r Iiio onvolol)a JI)arI,ýsl G. Inay inchal, Uadiy or inuch vý-ma cook- y uýacl cý pu M Fea ý grý0J-,ýrIl flour mn)iuý,h 1 1 Bears t] &mers RýiI at à m but swMt aiswalif up H"Hm"e It ý, alwa'."s g,ýod îtlîý*. Palýll ýîI! gout pans di al r,ýý.u11ls tif Ulm Hwyd A, whicu IIaýo 1ý, ajIIfýýi SlIilinwms Two arUcUs qmni "The Frid eenlag cimild tr'o'lu ir d,)cý bu.'inoss 'il s'-n und Youngcr Deunatl" of DnoMcap and, or sin"p Il have ýii,,n-1 'l and. ;0ong bis Angubnmd-Tlýýiýfl ctru, pop sngaq ore Loiv Whiter Ratég. Ire: moi hnmmn canctions tut My hi! mâw nie of ensMüpe, in impfIil filv! Pur,-ý )f flw ý(qJ_ grý 0 entaloning kMýlcï of, op Moyne. one cup smw en I'l ýï)LIIl (Ippbge and mi Iqre-f _î -, ý ý î - i 4 *âIl or 1 h> VcHd " hn,