Holiday Giftsý .YOU *WlV LL FIND ius headqurrt- en, for many Unpes o-i pres.ents viz CavrCase Carvers, Steelr, Dlniner KL1veo and ,.orTksDeisert KiiiVes and Forks, Dessert Spoons, - Rýread Kunies and Boardr,, Pen Kuices,. PoktKUiVeS, R9zorS, IRazor StrC,'F, sso'crF, childs Sat. Qur Ftock for Winter Sport was bave the liin styles: Dunner Tubes, Llghtning 'Tubes, %licmztc, Doilnton, Perfect, Royalq Laeies' Beavers, Crescent, Hockey Club,~ and Club. HockeyV Sticks, Puftks. Skate Straps, Shin Guards, Snow Slh«es and Mocassins 'Aiso 1prepareil Fr the Lumibernian wvith Axes, Cros-s Cnt Savs. Buck Sawvs and .11kiinds of Ilandies. yýeSoIe agfývt for Uappy Th-iought Raniges H.b Dus tan- ( 74 Bo-nil F. A. KADDY Wlshes al bis friends and patrons a happy an-d pro8perous New tear. Fromu 110W we oui' rockery and .Glasswatre D,,epaýrtment prev'iôaE U, stoc-k tajdng. These reductioins are for cash only. Toilet Sets.ý 10o o Tollet Sets rogular $3,00 Sets for ..............2 50 10 piece Toillt Sets reg ular 84,00 'Sets for.... ........ 3 251 10 plepe ToJlet Sets regularl4 50 Sets for. .. ...........8 350 10 piece Toiiet Sets rogular e$5.00 Sets for ...... ..........4 QO 10 piece Toile3t Sets regular 86 00 Sett<for....... .47 Toilet Sets wlth Slop Jar, two eipecla inos!ïe, one at 85.50 and othker nt, $7 0, worth eousiderably more. Dinner Sets. Our stock of D1uner Fets is griid- ually dlecreastng, we would like to dlean tbem al out by stock-takiing time. 1 only 87 piece for 84 50 wortb $6 00 2 1,n1is '9" piece for 5 50 worth 7 00 1 uuly 97 pieuo for 7 5Q worth% 9 00 2 oui3'97 pieco for 7 75 worth 10 00 2 only 97 pleco for 10 00 worth 12 OC, 1 only 97 piece for 10) 50 worth 32 50 2 ol 116 piece for 14 00 worthl 18 00 1, ortly 116 piece for 283QN worthl 80 00 This will -ive vou an idea of wbat we are doinig in the Croe-kery line, eyer~thln 111 be redluced, Reebrtteso priýes3 are for cash ny Ourstok n (roceries is cor-plic. FàA HADDm The Ontario BUSINE~SS COLLE 39th yean. Bellevil le, 89ýth Yean IN the Most prosperous and suc- esesful business Coll!ege la C&nadfý, ndthe most widejly ia'ttondod in in America, Send for Catalogue. 41- 8m. PicpL. To the Front! T O 0:MT 0, OIlT. AnSd 'e properly prepared for business poiin.We deal o'II nly ibGradei BusiessEduatin,-the kid ev ery youing man andn'11,1Soman soul4have. our, sehool1 has noi wie lretatnac nisbsoy Comnciow Prepare weLU and success, -S cecrtain. -NO trouble for Our gracluates 10 get poitioýns. Catalogue ree. W%. J. ELLXOTT, Principal, )tCr. Vonge and Alexander s8ts, W&1 We are specialists in ttis particultir 1%eld hiandling enly papers of Artictic mernt. You are sure 0f get- ting ' Something dif- ferenit" when yo select your Wal Papors fomus. B ig 20. Bowman Ville, 'ii~Kid.oUuveAlay BugiSalurday oDly et 2e a dozen or 2dz for 41c. Regular pie8ee .H ignatmre ' p~7~é.' KIgtModel GoeyBwavîe of. al olv5crates will ibu sid. .*lOMA-NNILLE, FEB12, l» 7 ,PuL- nn AeT(bMTMENT Wo are told tbat pi(tionas ar'e bting dlýrculztod lu the intereat of certain as* pinants, somo by lifluential citizens, re prosentlng somne of oulr leadinz- bus- ine8ssand profeosional mon as re.sp,(5c-t- able meudîicauts, bordenring on the verge ci dire pt-venty audprstil other slmilari 'y persuasive argumenlis that would make thesegetme bang thoir heade lu ehame could tbley hoear wbatilebeinig said about themnby their allegod f iid luordert toseuro signatures bo the petitions Shatfle, gentlemen! Such Ctories and retching oeb le unworthy of honorable monl and restpectable citîzons3. WbY C&11% yîou cond uct, a fair conteet and lot the b)eet mngànwit le isexceedingis' regret- table that mon will stoop ta sncb des- picablo means te Win an advafltage over comapetitors. A rUmor being iu circulation that Mr. Johin MeMurtry of the Wost End Bouge had entered the-race as an applicant for the office of posmasten for Bowmaii- ville, we ilntervlo8wed NMr. M%,cmlrtry tbis (Tuesdey) af tennoon and ho told ne that b. had flot applied for the office. CHOOSING A LEADER. Referring to Tiins -STÂTLESMAN'S sug. gestion for cbooslng a permanent Lib.- oral leader ili Otarlo,- the Ronfrew1 Merclir ' approvingly ades: '-As thse ed- ihors would have to do conidereble of tbp buriabing- foi: tâe leader on paper l wouldn't bô o so uch ont of the way that the,, shoiuld bave some say as to 'whom it sboulld be."* We bave no beetation in sayiug tha.t if the leediu)g tiberale lu Ibis Province will show a 11111e more rocognition of tie oditors of thoin politicl o(-Zene by taklung thoin ium thein counsols occas- ionallv tbey will not lose prestige theno- by, t may surprise soins persos1 know ta wieTHE STATESMAN h bas long1 been recogPiied as onti of the lead- ing Liberal counity papers tiu the Pro--1 ince , l1e editor and proprietor bas nover beeu -iven a place on the Executive of the Liberal Asso)ciation lu al! the 28 yeers that he bas been publisher of the ~poiitical orlgan and ouly on 0 ooccýas- ion doos ho roîxemben of being învited to a catluue(ofthe Party. 1fie was SEýC- rotary of the Association for many years. but even thon wasflot Pa mnember Of tise ,xecutivo or et east had no rigbt 10 tak parila its businiess besoand re- cording the minutes. At tise present timo ho bas no officiai connection with eithel, the West Durham or Dur. haim coUnty Liberal Associations. Gossi-p bas made manvý a bell on earth, Il bas su!lled the Character of many a noble and innocent man and pure and respectable womnn it bas made enon- les 0f life-long finonde, parted lovons and d;ivorced man and wife tlbas filed man'y e 11e w1tis miser v and hatred Tise tongue ni goeýsip d-Ipe a su tle poison whicb slowly and SeCn.etly oeats ils way in U0the vitale of man's charw3l- or aUd bligist bis rejgard for tïtruli. Teke cure bow yvou goeeip. Peterboro feir directore are wakiug up to the fact that professional" ex. bibitors from Toronto and eleowisee Fcoop thobu L, of their priles ofe red at their Full exhibition, loaving vory lictho for tho home- exh'ib)ilor4s Ais e remnedy tise suggestion is made Ibat their showv bo closed 10 exhib1,ition outeide of tise Midland Cotnnues. Thbis is a go(d su- gestion, one that was adopted by West Darnbam ton yers agond bas wre Vxolety SHAW' SCSHOOL Report foi Jauary: rV-Ednar Riekrard, Mary Galbraitb, Edith Bennett SGeorge Allin; Sn.1iii-Vern!a Jewell, loüy A]ln, Percýy Manning; Jr II-i Reni Jowell, Rnby Jewell. Florenicel Trewin, Carl Clemnence, Ida Wallon, ClarenrceLovekin, Le6ta Bragg, Ruby Bragg, Fren-k Trewln; Sr, II-'Iaura IWa-lton, Mary Whlttaker, Edua Trewluî,, Ennet at ; J-li n.~ Sr, Part Il-- Ewert Clenence, Harold Hlart, Rene Jewell and Mercie Wa-lton, Victor Rowe. Erle WValton, John Trew- lu, Jin Lovekin; Pt 1Walee Bragg, M4au-ice Hart, MargaretQebats F. Mi. GALBRAITH-, teechen. Derngeent0flisealiver, witisco stipaïtiou, injures thse comvpexion, lu. duce pimples, sallow skis. 'Remove the cause 1w niîng Carter',,:Little Liver Pille. Qne a dose. Try them. MiSs Lizzie Penf,ulnd, Maple1 Grovo, le visîting et Mn, W. C. WeïrrVs .- ,Miss Georgie Langnaid bas p neumnonia.... Mr. and Mrs. R. Peecoe, Enfleld.- visitei etM. J. T. Rundle's.Mril, S hompeon, attending he on nlier Mrs.; Gornil, waes called to, Toronto Saturdaytâ by the serions illuose of ber bugband now..em, fron Mn.-A. Logart'e.- --- THE P. 0. APPUIII-£JRLIN 1 ý Mn, WIll Baker, Solina, visltod bis unCle Mn, W. iH Pe7ce. nr. Edgar Qebonne and wlife visiîed Mlbokfiende roconvly, Mies Flon)enýce Pye, Enniekilele s guest et Mn. Weil. Bowen'e. NMn .Cngo, Bowmanville, visited et J. M. Cobbiedîckt'e nacently, Mnr. Freuk Kenefick et home fron Detroit on mco.uut of his iather's deatis M. George Grav le naking prepan. ations 10 quit the fiarn, and at presenit bas bis mmid and bourt sot upon Bow- manville. IL's the hivbost stanldard oI quaRits, a naturel Ioule, cleaneos youn sywsten, reddons tise cheeke, brlgbtens the eyves. rives flavor to al %on eat. Hollisten'e RocIlry Mountetu Tee will do Ibis for Co. 5 cents, Tee or Tablete, Stott and Jury. A party of our Young people drove dlown luc Thomas Moffat'e Tu-osday 10 rpend the eVening proviens ta the ne tura of Mrs. L, W, Atinson 10 hen home in Saek. A veny enjayeable lime was Spont. Wby don't -Von tny Carten'e Litto Litle Liver Pills? Thse,' are e positive cure for slck heedacise, anud, ailtise ilîs produced by dis3ondered liven. OuIy onle PHI a dose,ý handeone young Cyedl filly, eiggilà montise old, to go te Saskatclisewani, for the modest enin of $800 Mn. S B Scobe'i, St Cathanines, wae lu town Tusa.Ho was aI Bow- menville attise wecddi4ng of hie sister Ada, ho Mn. Geikie, grain inspeetor, at Fort Wililaia. Tise annuel NMissionery serviceýs oathse Methisiehuist, ere ised Sundas' 11ev. G. W. Heuderson, Port Hope, w1ll delenbs popular lecture in lis ý chunei hane Fidaï e-,eniug Mercis 1. Mn. Georg-e Gnay bas purcisaseLd tise - Tradonrs Bank pnopenty frein John a ll MNiss 1izzio Ainley, who bhas been ani invmlld fo-r rmanYy yeers and bas beený livinz witis ber sister, Mre R. P. BuIler, et "Elmisurset" died Thutrsday o! pneu Imoule. A tissus huildor, neconeli Uclor, bid Up weste fonce. makes strong nonves and munscle. You will reelîzc alter lekisg 1{Ioliste3r's Rocks' Mountalu Tee wbelt a wonderful benefit il willl be ta oun. 85 conte, Tee on TabIetý. Stoît and Jury. Scisool trustees are: Dr. Melntosis, 1ev, J. C. Wilson, Me',sns Ug-low and Mc-Len, W H Andorson, Secreta&ry, and John Douglas, T1reasuner. Tise action of (atneLittle Liver Pille ib plemaent, mild and naturel. Tse.y gentlc stimuli. a thie liver and reg- ulete tise bowels, buit dou nI puLrge. Tbey are ,ure 10 pionce. Try tison, At a business mteeting; of thse Board of hie Metbodfist csuncis it was reeýolved te extend an luvitahiÎon 10 1ev. Inw;n, Canton.Tienteo!tsrenngg of lise Circuit, ws alked over, aud tis feeiîng of lise peopIe uviil be aserteined 10 place befone lisedistrict nmeeting K Tynone in May. WnIV BEAUT'Y FneRa ~uyis rare, Il bsIlouge v-, perfect iseplti lu t cm as Fun s tie bodgels tim atid watead lise ni rves hecom-xes exhoaut- ed beauly fde.wr l ow teni selv~ tie gO f healtisdsper and~ ~~~~~d hest cre 'ie l c o er- .1 à r M.Stan iey Avery isis itinlg at Haxp!o...MrandMrs A vW.Annls atîndthe wedding0f ber csna Cavn,.. MssEdîh Skiunttr ennt Sundav aPt ie. RE.yn-.mind Davrhas zona e1 to is heuncie, Dr. Davey, Duiart. who le serlouRly ill_. Mxrs. Jamnes Colacutt received notice of the death of ber brother, ME. Yh1ll-p Frise, O)akwoo.... Mr Albert Cleone' childre3n bave measîe.. .. A jnumuber of PeopleD are laid Up with sevore cods.... T3ronie League yiEited Uampton Lege Friîdýy venlugg n4 d r 1iaatY entertalisu by tile fInonde there CLARK'S Ox Tongues are a littIe botter ira every way -more tasty-- morare carefully Eeected. TIt' worth yo-tir while to lîlsiet on Clark 's A very sud doath occured at the homb of Mr.. Herbent Tink near Bradlev's' school, Darlingtcon, on Thursday, Jan. 81st when hie nepbe5w Mr. Bort Tink of London, England, dlod. Mn. Tink had been in Canada ovor a ,ear, and sever. ai times bad visitod bis uncle, and had mado Manlv wa.rm friende SnIb is coin- imunits'. Hesns a fsotdr ation, which was borne with great paft- ienc'-, and altbougbi evonything that kind fiendei and modical aid could do, hie passed peacettily away. The funîer- alto Brooklilu coînet ry on S@aturday Feb, 2 wras conducted by Rev T Sriow. don, Methodist miinster. The floral tributos were many. We oxlond to hie relatives bore our sincý0e osvmpathy, and mont ospoially 10 tho boreaved parents and family in England to wbom the ne of big death willi be a great shok:-.... Our Epwortii League bas eeaEed for the wntr..., biss Kiinney, Illinois, le Vlitlng ber cousin, Mrs. C W.Soc .Ms Mahol, and Mr Norman Wbite, Asbburn, visited Mr,. Clanke Wilbur Suntday weeký,...lm r anid Mrs A. Drew, Oshawa, vlited at Mr. JoGhn Pascoe's. ILL "EHmPEnrnEom A B.AïD hivER,- Carlyboe justly attributes the ill-tem- per whchmad hl amonster in the oayes oftho world,to0 bad livor. No- tbnjg makes one feel more miaerablo or g~myamidiacournged th'ais lier complaint and consequont tbillounes and d.yspepsie and notbing 80 proMptly and thoroughlv Lots the liver rlght and overcomoe, these ailmoents as DR.CýHAÂB'S KIDNEY-LivER PILLe, the great family t THE End 0USDI FourDays quick s-elling before we take stock, To make the neit four days the best of the greatest sale we have ever had we will offer in addition to goods now at Sale Prices the following:- 10 Overcoats, broiken huIies, sizes 34 to 40$ reg $9,00an'1 $10, sale price g.o 18 air me'sfin Woscd and Sotch Lý,TweeTu - r1,reguiar$30 aicd $3.50, sale price-----.... 17 Men' Sutsbroken -hues, al sizos reUlar$10, sale priee.... -$4.90 10 dozen Winfle Ca--hmere Iosplaia n d-ribbed, oar 50ce une for 29C 5 dIozen VWomen's fine Winter Underwear Vest& and -drawers, 8some plus,ýh hned, regular 50e liue for ...... 2< 2 dozen Womeus luss iWapeete nieeiy trimmed, ali5 sizes, -'eguiar $1 00, tsaIe rc69 2 doz en Woqýmenr 's luss Wrapperette regular 50c, sale pie The Bi-g Fui Sale is in If uh swing',ý Buy your Purs now. Remember thebotale, you can get a bargain there, (-e, our Croekery at ut Sale prices, JOH1N MCýMLJzRV, West Elld House, Bowmanville, A- Laý grippe and whocping cougis are prevaîent. .. rs. Thos Asht.iâ and Mnr. W. Creeper are recowenlng mon a grpp... n.W, HI Bol -Toronto, whio le receving fron Ivîphtoid fever Ile vlsiting at Mn . S. Trewin's.. NIMr. T. G. McGIll aend iangister Rote. BetbauyV are visittng Mrs Tisos. Ashton. _ - - r Egisent Wight, Pon2typool, wes home 'un 4v... n. ills Asbton'e 11111e daugisler Wlninie who bas been slck le necavelng. Cougrtulah ouslMn, anad fvrs. Reuiben Asiston on the advent o! a s'oungIý son.. Salo)m Longue le expoot. eta v!ýiilaur ague WIedneda Fb D0... Mr, and Mrs. C. Cooper s"Pent Slunday et Salom.. .-. Mn. C. AoyWho gelbis baud cauight ;u the cogs o! a chahf cuIter le inpîovWug. HnVW MOTH-ERS CAN DRESS TUEIR CHILURENJ STYLISELY AND SAVE MnEy Wise imoýthens narely bu-,y 110w dl iug for thoiIltte ono3s. yot tise c non are elways wi rl s 53lishly drees cd Suite for b03 s and dresçeee aBd wrai:s for tise girls tisaI bave becone feded and diseolored, are qucltra nsîormned into 110w tz"rmei-t8 by is help (,f tise IA-MQND DY-ES. Tisýe rn3iahlt- atud papuan DJIýAMOND L)YS cnet huston cents per paVIkag7e; thv re eas leUse - indee i a uttil ad othiers oCnd sieao crso DONALD G.-1M-. (*ALHURAITIfl. PriVate aileCompauny monlers to 10an at bowe2t ouirrent rates. Ageut for The Midland Loaa anSî CGOmpaniy.Office Opposite j. B &artyn';s store.snz. St iwsaville -t Veteriaery Surgeon iand. Dent!st! F.H.SLowrey, H QNOGRARY GR4DUATE0f Ontar4z Veterinary 0,ollege. Toronjto. Specia attention givenl to Deristry Offi'c in Mr, %V CaldWVeli's Liverv Stable; nighit catis ai 1,fr restdence, Loa'V *eilla%, CeUtre Steet. tz,.11 "ole poeno 126. Oiîe 12-i Bowmanville Sprilngý in the meanti-me yo1,1will nieed 8School Books and ;School Yon wil need Stationery, espccially LinIn Lawn, for letters must be iwritten. l'ou wiýll need boojks to rcad, the latest puablications or others. You,, wilI need Picture Post Cards and Card Albums. Youo are sure to rieed ITllrm Book bilesFany Cinao --ROYAL- DIRECT SE1licEs PROM Peadtickets issued from ail poins l Grat Britaln and - Irelnd aieaScadinviaand the Continent, Spec -ial rail rateýs 'romncpint ci f'Fo fult informaKtion as" hoirates, a(onmoatlon and ssïllngs,-Âpplýy to M. A. Jamesý, Notiete Gredib j-trs ,o B- mn'i e fotr m arW d W, oased. ýij ,Ii , ait perlns hahiu dams or cdema wh dc d o boute te 12h dy s OMemn, te excutrind0the Wl u saiS~~ý) naeseon iwbfr 1 e1,-h y o Mad . . 1907 their crsian odsrnses snd~~~~~~~~~~b adrsewb fl atclrs uwitg of their diy ofaeetcfteraeos an h atr fth euîie i nM eSh A,Fu L- otie ifoarerte amdÉdh a Phon West b la -qý - ý'38e