Grand Trunk Railwav sStem. BAILWAY TIllE TABLE, BOWMANVILLEI STATION. 9081-lAGoU WS Mal.......9 Ova . m 'Express - .0a lu !(-,1' L csi.ý.7 57 *4....... 5 P.m asn Sr.. 6 .o..l.-(,i49 pm. IMixed-. 7 e M.10 14 pm, îcTketFste eertai ,il nIt$3SI n aecodae vtth sealhldyrates anunced i I anothe nouuwUfot be lionored on tra-insNos. 1 or Sror &Jun.Êown Agents Fýreei ýsolutely free of al inse to you we give, l St The advanltage ol our experience of1 'Over 20 years- in spec- tacle fitting. 2nd The advantage of the only coinplete set of instruments in $this county for mak- ma- a carefuil and ac- icurate examination of the sight, 3rd The use of our Optical room which is specially fitted up for Stott & Jury, Detroit Optical Coliege, C-.iadùian Opticai Collpge, New York Scliool of Opties Chicago pihameColiege. UvyRTE9IrE"N 1 'Vietu-S of 'B, Bookus for 2c A imiple effectV rmedýy for SORE THROATS ANI) COUQIIS They combine the germiicdal ialue cf Ciesolene tPith the oh~gproperties of sippery elm ýiand co rie.our druIggris or f rom us, 10e ' in siamni's LsEMŽle MIES c.,Limte-d, Ageýnts, MenýTceal. elo ffOWMANVILLE, F'EP. 12, 19(7 LOCAL ASD OT1][HiRWISER. MisOieVar'oe I istgfres Sunday at ch o3. Mrs. James McLean l isiýtinIg roi- atives lu Toronto. Ernie %Marks ,Co îin Opera House. MeildayFebruary -18. UePITNER Lîgh.,t.Prgesv dasmerit consïderatioei. Mkfs EiliThomas, 0O1hawa, epc-nt" Sundy atMissE. VWhite's6, ' irs. Harr Jb-.nsMi1bp, is ruiests cf Miss A L. ror MibýsEna Edger les ttending tme Mlienery peînein Toronbto. Remembler lte Old Folles'- Conrcert Marcit Sui. Opera Iluse. Wa-ît fïr it Miïss Edith Lbos4in. Strathroy, 1H guest of MrF. W. W. AJýuin itthe kPest Office. Miss Allen, of Bowmanville, 's the gilest of Mrs A., od-il~ro e poýrte'r. Rev. H. B. Kenny wasý guest of Dr-, ýJ. M Biaob t'recut Suniday, Mrs. W lm. Balkwilii, 84 Carlton St.. To'ronto, výisiîed her slster rs ei- aid Hbdi ,Ontarlo St. Mirr. Wm. B.oss, .13 Bowman St.. Torý- Ionto1 xeenîlty vislted ber dalit er NMrs. Rgiuald Rlloidridge, Ontario Si. The annual cirnversazione of the Ontiar'o Ladies' Coilege, Wbitbv, is an. nounced for Friday ev'eniDz, February lSth Ladies' eoloured eloth coats anid fa'l ohldren' coat--aII new good--at haif pries t~CouJ ohaston & Cryder£- ma'gn s. Miss Lillie Start, Curries Crcssing Miss Emima Werry, Týrone, have been visiting their aunt Mrs. Roger Colle, Centre 9t MISs Edith Lo)Ckýwood, EKir', p'upil of Ms Luttreil, bas passed bier junior exaMq lu inPano aut Toronto coc'.va tory of Music. Mr. W. F Eddy' Regirna, Sask, andý Mr Wm. Rickard, Nwcsti P 'were bin town Baturday and gave Ti ti, ES 1~Na friendly cal!. O)rang-e Day Bargains at T, H. Knigbt's Miodel Grocery nex.t Saturday 0111y, Caltionia navel oranigei 5 rates, at ouly 23c. a dczen, Mir. and Mrs. G L. Leonnox, Wlnui- perg, were recent gueste o! tieir nunts, te Misses Henýry,_ Welllngtorn St.: crrrecord dise, Vicoon d Ber- ,Gramaphouies, Edison Phono 1se sud records and ail talking Liýne goocde for sae aI P; C. peUhi- Barber Sbop. Lr!lars euitered te home of nî. snd Hoidaway, Pot orLfýpe, Sundsya' in, Feb à' wbilo îitey el. Tt touse was anacku ut a Smalisu o! moae-v wLs taken. Thers's manv a foolistitfllow wbo Tries long aud hard to, mont- Wbo ailawbasgrîtb ngsluview, Vet day lby day naeglec, ,talCudo Tbe itle thtinge that count. March t Stb as been fixed for the Old Felks Conicert DOn't miSs il. Sweet Oranges,, Le-mons and Malaga Grapes eat Thos Tod's. A nice lot of weddlng akeboxi tn Tusi STATES1MAN office. New Spnlng GootlS re arrlVing a' The M&Fan C'eSes adyt. ~1LyoGu Wan, upLoffnid eflee Von ege Il ai Peter Murdoc'sk. Bnclio! keýyG loSt iu town Finder please returnuteo baye' Photo Studio. Wasiting machines save labor. Buy te best We ssii titem Archie Tait. ing- at less titan cost at Thoe asn1R ý'Co'e, Tits MasoýnCo areeelnOvroe at eearng pice 83 ZIFu ail sizes 84 ifyon waLn a ocd4ikauh ittand---Ibe sutrtauXsatluOpera tLouse Monday and gel rt ose hl n rl' Archie Tait wauts 'iu eges -aud butter.11e pa. s lte getpries ;lu cash or g-oods. ses ,the large Cifspilay o!GanocUg'S and Lowniev 's ýchocolates ilu fancy boxes aI 'be Tod's. De)n't f ail ta secure some o! the bar- gisnow goengZat Coiuch, Jobnston & Crydrmans stcktalng ales. AI) menibere <J! Juvenils Branch No. 15 A. 0. F. are requeted to be pres3eul at ltanulctrsup Frxday TÎha Sentinel Star, Cobourg, - greeps witb Tur. SrÂinSMXAN that lte 6neW Counties Home should neot ho called a Houses o!Refuge. range Day Bargains at T. Rl Inght't3 Model Grcoery next Salurday 0111V CliforEis navel oranges. 5 orales at Onj 23c, a doze3n Stop ! Tite Mason Co! rcquest ltaI persons, fining robes, allers, whips. etc, lu leii h bors iEcd for csoe~ baüd sarue intote (ir ti,tore inslehd (if carr\îng lte srticle away. Tite owner invarïably calbk Fur itlulter. Me~r. tot .j ury have ieeued Pa sou'e.r etir crdcontaiLu--g fourteen Views to! Bo1vwsnVi le lIs lcely goîlen Up and as il les ail readv for mal inz wiii be a verý v oveiet and pretty g-if't 10Seud 10 friends â' a distance. Mrý, john Khsll-1, Orono, agsd 87 3 eare nud an ,oid resîdent of Clarkte twst died Sundayrorigfror lte effecîs of coalt gas. D ccesed lied wiit ber sibler Mrs. Brightiiwell, also n aged lady. - Bot i wrs ucocios hsxr dlis<overed by nihbr.The stove itad flot been p-pryclosed. HaVe.ýO1 Lhad ýyur p11to tlken at H s':' ui? be ' 5 111vsv usy but there le w) boter tuline titan the present. You willý wanit sore photos ron Enster glîts asnd ls only about six wee-ks distant, 50 c orne sud bnlng the cidre an%', wIl bc pleased Vwith bis. work. Now, is te limea, Doný't negleot haitildons.- Mr. Neil F;, McNacithtan. Conuuties.' Cierk, CburSavsethe new Counities' Home isone of the m et p-to-diate in titi Province and is wuii worth '% vieil te Sese-ilscmns lu evvotait. Visitons are amttdonu Thirsday eo! eacht week, blenlts heurs of, ton suid lweIve ilathe f aeoo nd be- twsen the heGu1s 0fm two and tfout, in lte afternoon. MINISTERS AMD CRURCHES Rev L. S. W j itt, Brizitton, preached lu Mark Streel churcit, Peterboro, Su. day. Tlhe Old FOike' concert under lte. ausp-ices o! thte 1 adies' Aidl o! Metitodiel ebkUrcit, Marcit 51. Opera Hlouse,. "An Oýllime concert" le being an-ý raugtd for te take place early inu arcit undir lteuLspiýes c01 Ladie's' Aid Metit- oilCiturcut, Wait U)r il. M11I St. Prsbterfau Churcit, Fort Hope, bas beûn sodt h e GF . rR for $6200,te esgregatlon ntaling ltel matenil, A spur une o! railwýaysle 1 be btailt on lte ste. RsV. V. Hi Emery bas neceived a cor- dialinlvitation le romain a, liird %i sar pasler of Bowmanville M1eltodiet Churcfr-and s resclutio t_4-apprecatton o! hie services especiail y ite interest o! lte boss sud yoult o! hie charge at lte evenlng service lunlte Disciple' Church next Lordse Day s speciiofr ary ehunches of! Disc£iples lu insIn Jampalca, wbieh tba-,e sufforsd sucb ser- loue resulîs by tue rCecent e5artbq'uak--e. M'esers J. H-ellyar, jr., Dr. J. M.> Bnirnacom oeil Morris, T. E. Hig. ginhotban, jas. MtLcan, John Staceyt and Q. Rehtdeur we efected reprèet- alives to lte Quateriy Board of lte MethCediet Oburcit, 11ev. Tr. W Jolliffo, Dr. W- E. Tilley, T. E. Hlzggnbotbam, sud NM. A. James werea appoiulted to reprteseut Bowman. ville Mlethodist Churci t 81lie Dominion Alliane meeting lun Bond St. Churcit, Torouto, next Wedneeday aud Thure- day Feb 20 and 21. piarlinigton sud flowmanville Sabtalt Sitvool vine ii bnwll h eld Ebenezer Tuiesd4,y, Feb 26 Titres sessiou-8 W11lbb eId commnieing a Io1 a. m. Mr. Thos, Yeilowiees,Proica Extenision) Secretary, wMllbe preseuit %nd a number o! oLhers wil l ake part iu lte prozrami. Let every echool be repreeented Pand isee-ihat a report o! o! Y'our echool lspresented, Rarneuber liedate sud 4bîe'tre. 11%ev.- H B Ktepny, Feuielon Falis> Draie wo excellent sermons lu tbe Metitdis hitsuuday. Mr. KenIný le (me of the yolung-er n6mon o! te Bay o!ý QrIiaîe cconference who ie cornlng napid- iy r tothe fronztt lIe iý s a di Î, let tueont akýL a croful observer -î uenu eu ven Lý and i-ves bis heareTs ltse beneiit o! hieý wonk. Hie diecounses were higitl, aCpreCiatedsud i te ont' tinWill giadly welerne titis preaciten gan; Trinaitv Congreg-ationi it,,Cuurch ia h R6. W. Hipleii, lte pastor, vreacbed very practicai discou-rses t10 rood c-gr gne'gations. Thee musical serviles by ltE choir under leade-eitip of MNér. R' D. Did'on, wlit Mrs. . ,Lupnev ora- ist,' asised by Mrs. flarryJouso, ,Milibrook, Mns. C. A. Cawker, u.W Freelaud and àMn. b IJ.- 'KLl-b we rnue.Ch eenjoua Molanv ,yësiniËLn. hv laisseryed a very tlngue, spiced bceef les. bread iandbut whicit were ail fullv on1( part O!flts pro,- g-ood. -Pastor Hij chair sud afler a sud byV Rev a solo waýs nieelv su Ion, a qularlel by- Climie, àMesere. Chj Lowens, 1ev. W. Toronto, lhaePastg Conigregalloual Chi gave anai ddresF:, vlew" that wvas fuil paIlles sud comimon TORTURED BY lHD1GBSTION, or. W il liants' Pil, k PIle Cured Arter Jioctors 11.1d Filed. Mne. T. J. Jobin, ff8 Kin- sîreet, Quobe. wvilf t he circuflation manla- g-er ! L,'Eveuemeuî, le eue o!flte best known sud meet esîlmab)e ladies in lte cily , and bier statemoul litaI Dr. Wil- liajme' Pink Pille cuned ber o! a- very, severe atsck o! indigestion will brnlg nope te similar suffeners', Mn. Jobin es-ys- "About a vean ago 1 was seizedi witit indigestion witich biI adaiming eff,,Ct upon miv hitalt. Day bv day mv - treng Ilgnew iless. I suffered fromn terrible fieadacites, dizziness palî i- tatiou of ltse beant amieeeisees I was lunttis Condition for about six menths. i1coneulled twe doctors sud1 aithough I !olliwedthem trealment careiully it did net bealp me lu the leasî. Last Ocleiter, Feeing thal Insead ef ne- gaining rny healtit I wae gnowing wenso, Aler I had taken lhdi5eecoud box Ibere, M'as a change for lte beîter, sud aftsr lakinglte pille for a mentb longer lte troubl eutirely disappe"ned, and I amn Rgain en iglte bcst o!fiteaitt, .1 se mûuit confidence lu Dr. Wiii. iaams' FinitFilleltaI I aiwayp k& p tem lun te bouse and taketem oc- caeonally as a eafe-guard,', Jus't as sunely ase Dr Willilams' Pink Pille cured Mrs. Jobiu's indIgzestion theju eau cure nillte other ailments wbich i, comne from baS blood. Dr. Wiillams' Pink PlUSactually mkenew, ïredI biood. Trhalle te one titing Ihey do - buitbsy doe il weli- In making tii n-ew nricit biood tiis medicine strikesi nîagt thébrocf sucItcomi-roi. i rnnsas ariitaahsAnd bacit- acl5~ gnesiwetnjess-, ïnervous de.o biiivneutigarheurnatism suad thew totnigwakenliug alimenlitaI al- fleCt womien and groiuggm. Yo14 C an gel 4hess ipille freux any medicinie depler or b)" mail au 5,(,,cent1s Fabox or SItX boxes for $ý2 5U front Ths Dr. Wi1I- - HAMrPTON, Mliss E Ee -IPickýard, Neweaslle, lej vsiling iter aunt Mrs.'W- Cox wito bas b)eUn tesîloUe lî l'but leneoredrecoven- lr ...S.E. l[reu11Clis alec eslitlzt- -iy btter- ..Albolit 510 emrso Ty- rnosEpworlb Leagule speul aq social Ieeigwitit h 0-3memlbelre o! tihe League bore- Friday venn . votioniai exýrciiees wero conducted by I lteprsi4nîlilerwiic 1ev, S. F Dixonl. Ilion. Pres. o! tlite visliDng Lauwas calied to lte chair. The Re!estrncl- were i(er.edasudailtlu- joyýed 1lhi e veniog'selrtnmu.. Mn. E. M oore sold s.; 8 sean old ClYdes.ý daiocolito10Mn A liawuey, Tçrone. Oran age Da,; Bargsis-See Knlgt 's Grocery wintdow next Saur-das-. lOti. ta Rev. <1W. ter, resideece cf ber onris, Mait, Féb. 5, i. Man., ~nd Miss d Saughter- of Mr. Thomas' church, îWisheing YOU 365 days of SProsperity During 1907 For the next 30 dayE ltereduee oar stock of chinie, and glassware, we wîîl offer the followig- 4Îj 10-97 piece Dinnier Sets EJe g. price 8 12.00 for,.089,00 4-97 piece , , Reg. pries 10.00 fr,,,.. 8.00 4î 10,10 piece Toilet ýSets Reg, prie 2,10 for ...., 1.90 4 Teat Sets Reg. price 7.25 for .. 5.85 4 Tea Sets Ee'g. price 10.00 for...8 00 Ini fact evrt ing n ur China Department will be iold at sacrifice pr-icus îo mate room for ouir new spring - owho hnve bnaHur lie akopthe -higli class of goode we carry. Do flot miss this Opportun- 4q ty7 of purchasing the betGooýds at lesthan. ýoELetSe 4Î Our window displa-y, e ~~Cash paid for alil farm produnCe. TePopalar Grocer, Bwavle Furnturoc FurnfitureI Our sitock opse ail lines of useful and decorative furiture, ini the different cgrades. eThere 1à nothiLng made that we cannt supply you with» and. our prices are as low as the loir- e-st. New tdesignantantlIy arrîviiý.r;ý S-ee our Store Window- L, MORRIS &-SONg, L-27 ~The Homne Furýnishers B ùwma ile ,anr-,el no, Furniture Dealers. Plions 1!0, -uea ie4r -r --t -r