TERS '$1,PaFr Ânnum. OUjR Tows r AN» CouqTy E W 0R L AFTEIIIIARDS. 70.XA. JAME'S', SON, -ProprieorÉs DNESDAY, FEBRUARY $. !ý1907. VOLUME LIII, No. 8 * Our January Sale s a B.ig Success. Biit we shalt give bigger bargins Éïtili for the naxt few weoks before we take 80k S Ail ladies' colored Cloth Coata and al4 5 ch-Ildreu's Coats at haif-price. Twenty-five per cent off al Muf,11 Ruila, and Caperinios a-ad big reductions iD ail Fur and Fur-'lined Coats STwen,,ty.five per cenit off ail our C3ats, * ohnston d&rCrnydermanS Grocers' Due Biillq taken as Cash, ______________________________ The Corner Shoe Store Boots Shoes, YouLr cousain Harrieit bas been crow- ing to ycu over her nice 19ttlng rubbers, how long @ho bas bad thein. You may gZet a pair exactly like them at Burns' Corner Store, Oshawa, foir 58c. You bave wondered what the girl next door gave for those styllsh blucher laced boots she wears, She bought them at BurnÀ' Corner Store, Oshawa, and you may have a pair just lie them in your width and half size for $2.00. You have notlced the boots on yoi~r nelghbor's boy, bow weil set iup and durable thev appear. They arc higbi grade Gorman boots and your boy may have a pair Ilke them- for $1.15 at IBurus' Corner Store, Oshawa. Your attention bas boee drawn to worklng boots the inan on tho next farma uses, how satisfactory they wear, wet, or dry. Tney are îmade jf Eng- lish Imported oil kip and you may have a pair like tbem at Burne' Corner Store, Oshawa, for $2,50. -You hàave been somoewhat discontent- ed beceause the mon who work around you in tne shop get so mnuch botter valne lu working boots than Vau. Tboy buy at Burns' Corner Store, Oshawa, the best place for knockabout boots lu town, You cannot unIderstand how Sour friend downa streeLb as so much botter luck thanl you with patent Iatheýrs. Thie explanation le lhe buys the ,'Derby" $3 50 Blucher ut .Burno' Cor- ner Store, Olhawa, and the same course lg open 50 you. The BIIFIS Co, Ltd., Main four Cor-aern, Oshawa Phne 49 - Bmavle OnLY Orle Best tuteu in Canada. and that ûe isl the well-known Beet in Courses of' Study. Beet in numbers and experence of Teacçhers. Best inu socurinig positioms for Graduates. Have you rend Our Cat'alogue? ht ex- plains our methodo.. Qot it beo re yen dacidle which sohool yor, will attenîd. Yonge & Gerrird StS.., Tf)rontp-, -o-r Capital $ 14,400,000 H1ead Office, Montrealý Manger BwmaivileBranch. Midland Loa aD Saig Conipafly,1 Port Hope, Ont, Established 1872 Capital fullypald UpD....... S60, 0()0 esreFund ,...~. 5,0 Time ,,Depost-iS of 10.0and ïnpwardo reeelveed for any term o! y eýar3. but not lems than ,one year, At higîxer ratesoi ol1u- EeuoBand1Trus3tees are ahorizedl by law taü depos! it ,0ny at theIr disposai0 "it thisà may The fuiinds o! Olie cmayaeinvested onl1y i n icipl'deetreS and irst mo 01g 1 n m rovd ea etaewhith Mioney loaeed at lowest ratesoA interest anid on favorable terms. lu givng 'îorbusness Ï, thi Nomp1 y o slurastbct privadoy. No nfrma~oCIa b Qtalno b ny ue las ito youraffalrs. 28-6nt, g». H4HELM, M1anager.1 MR, MICHAEL LOCKmHART AND- BRIDE OF 50 YEA-R8 AGO. A very ploasaut eveung vas spent s the home 0f lUr and lire. Michael Lockhart, D uke St. on Tirsdny eveu- iug vbeun about 50 frieuds vesiuvited te particîpate lu the celebration of the 50th annivereary of thoir wedding day. The liras part of the evening vas spent lu slnging favorite gospe5l songi§ etl praise and tbauksgivlng afttr vhich th àoEv T. W. Joliffe was roqueted te act as obalrman. lu bis opning£r- marks ha expresod hIe ploaisUr8eonhe- 'Ii pjrozut on thbsv*ry happy occasion, havlng knovn Mr, and Mro. Lockhart a grent number et yeaus and epoke lu the hlghest terme nt their chrIstian Ôhrcesand inflienice for goed ln the communls.y. Mr, Fred A. Haddy ( trIeud of the family ail his lite> rend the llovlng addreso: 18571, 190)C)7. To Mvr. atul rs. iMichacz Lokhîart, on D.1 ARFPnsr.ins-We have taken the liberty 0f1viltin jeuthie eveanng te spend a pleasant hour vith yen and yeur famcily, as it le just fit ty years ago that yen embarked ou th1ý voyage Oet 1fe together. lThe skies may net hkave maaje een clear, but there hias been more joy than grief, more brightuess than sbadov, and mocre cf hope tauu disoouragement, -Voit Lave beeu bies8. ed vith a numlerouo tamlly vbo are a Credit tW yen and teo slo.The Almighty lu His kinduoegbas permit.- ted yen te Se. your Chlldron's cbildreni and yet the cîrce le nubroken aud not cniy se, but amid ail the upe and dowus et lÎfite yen have be esared ftl achi e-theýr. -It le net giv-en te many to&epend ha-It a cntury tegether; tbrougrhout yeur uuDited lie yen have onijeyod tie respect and gced viliet your neighhore, and botrthan ahlor many yeare the favr t Gd.We nov ask yeu-r accept- ance cf bismprse cfgeld. The amount 15 eentains e otlrgey but wvo are aesured il vii hoe valued by yen becâuse &f the respect and love tIsat goees vth 15. Our iatsdsr n ans ry et s tntIberealnngdaysetcfyour lite may be the brigiteet and beet et ahl and when your sun shaîl set at Ilifgs close may it sot as s;-ets5 the s3tar cf lhe MornLing v ýhich geeti net dewn boblnd the darkeaed West but mnelte avay îluto thej brightness et Honven. Signod on behaif of thse cempany. ' .W. JOLLIJRS'u Çomlmiltee F A, HAD)»Y. Mr. Mayuard preeted lie vorthv coumple viti a pure. et goîd !rom their trieude and neig-hbors - $25.00. Mr. Lockbart althocugh very feebie spokea fev words cf' Ihanke and Mrs Locibart supplentented hie rexnarks vwith sultable expressions et gratitude. OSHAWA. Mlarks Comedy Co, wuwawll patron- izýed ho5re laet weok. The speclalties ,were good. This town onicys hockey immensely and for dessert a Donnybýrook Pair riot thrown ili. Saturdaýy weok we had; floodg oi fun. Editors of this great manuufaturing contre need conversioni. They imagine our citizene doepend on them for politic- al enllghteumeut. They don't Cho. Mine Hoat J. Smith of the Commer- cial received a rold handle ebony cane and Mra, Smith a gold mountod am- brella ou,) the ove of their leaving the ho)tel, Hood's Sarsapari lia Purifies and enriches the blood and buildid up the whoie syetem. Ih radically cures ail blood diseases, from pimples to secrofula. 15 le the beit remedy for catarrlh, riheumatlem- and dyspepsia. At al imeg of t he year 1t la the meest wldely 1usefulmeine These saeet are confIrjned daily by cured men aud women. Oyer 40,00 tstmoiaereceived in two yearq - anu uelaled record [ Tnaigt Si havlng Hood's and p$ it1 toa.iw >Dostes OrtDollar. MUr. -Alexander Lockhart et Toronto representilng thse family, addressfed bia parents ne folove- Dear Father a' oir 15 affords sme greiater plea.sure than 1 eau express te met on at th@ dear old homie on Ibis ausplet;ccansion-tIs 50th anniversary et your veddling day, The one regre t la that the vbole fnmily le net promunt te particIpate in tIse houer oet tus occasilon, but vo knev tIsat tbey are now wth us lu spirit. 1 expreýsstheir sentiments vheu 1 virib fer yen mauy Isappyyears jet together. As a fantiiy vo have much te tbanàk God for, having al grovnuUp vithout oe being taken avay. We are aise grato- fuIle o ;u fer your earneet ChrIbtianà training lu our jouth vhich led us te soek the st4raigh>t and narre w path, Your example and precopt have beau sncb as vo bfave beeni justly prend. Nov, doar parents, vo ask yen te accept thie glift etgold &asan- expression et our love for yen and vo pray that If vo ntay net aIt mecS ns a family bore on earthi tIsat vo may alilmoot aSt the great mar- niage toast cf the Lamb wvIs ervomnzy aIl ait at the rigit baud o! Ged. Thse purs. o! goîd front the famllui- cludiug a g-ift frant Mr. and Mes. Han-, voy contnlned *500oc Kind letera ot congratulation ver. rend front 1fr. %nd Mrs. Thea. H. Loekhart, %od Deor. A1berta; William and David Lockhart,- Coluxmbus, Ohio, and Mr. and lUrs. John Harvey, Eas Livorpool, Ohio, Severil od frîends cethle !amily sai mauy klnd Shinge about thse aged coup- le, and very suitable bnief speeches vere madn by Messrs. S-. F. HiIi, Joe Jeffery, M. Mayer. R. Stanley, Ml A, Jamea, John Grigg, Dr. Brima(combe, W, Richards, Isnan Hagglth, Geo. A. Maynard, Tics Bottri1ïW. u T4ucnk- or, Lewis Hamaley, Albert Norton and Mesdames 1T. W. Jelliffo, F. A - addiy, S. F'. Hlul, W. L. Keje and D. Norton. ,Mr. Nichael Leckharî vas hem in Nevry, Ireîand, lu 1824. and lu 1552 caete Bcvmanville vhere he vas entlcod fiethyMrManchestor, then byJohn idTo. Cugand F.1 F. McAthur sevenal vears eci.h Mrs. Loekhart (forntorly Mary Ganuen) vas hemr in Hauley, Staffor-dahire, Englanld, and camae te Bovmanville vitti ber parents lu 1854. Mr. and lUrs Look. hart bave be3n members ofthle Moth- o-diat Church fer many yoans. They have fiveý sons und eue daughtcer. Wil- liam and David rosidlu Columbus,1 Ohio. John in Marshailtownu, lova, Thomas in Red Dooer, Aibenta, and.Alex- auder itavTeronto, The daugitonr Sar-ah lenat homo. Mrs. S. F. HUlI, 3Bovmanviile -hwbe v1 bridesmid fiat the original wVedcling vas seated beside lbh. bride et b'lf a centuary. The greoma a a Mr. S. Pollock vie died nS Coldwater, micn,,, March 29, 1900. but a letter of congrat- ulation front the family vas received by Mme Lockharl - Middlesex Brand eanned peasais fine, Saturday uext 2 cane for 15e. T. a. qKuighatli Medel Grocory, Bovmnnvllle. William IB.Whlto, Toronto, grand- sou eftShe laie Daniol White, Bovman- vleemloyed by Charles W Kolth, -pnrintor, ilobomne street, hnd tue four fing-ersofethie rigit baud cul off Thurs- day memning vhile opernting- a printing jpress. The C P. R 'IEmpress of Britaîn" made Si. trip front Halifax te Livor- poonl 5 da"s. 23 bonne and 30 minutes, thus betiug the Lucanina e' tie Cuuamd LUne by 19 bours, proyiug tIse Cauad- inn route le bc tbe quiekest mou' o be- tveen Amenrica adEuropc, Thse Treut ValIey7 Canal oiflet thal bas been under censideration fer years bas been decided inlu ajon o! Trenton againet Port Hope. This l ie uis ment EnetDunhant monrts fox unn ~dowu Hon. . AlsvnfrPortj Hop)e is tho e bss and loasî expenesivo rouite. GoverEmenl reports aehuew-i lodgo Ibis but the "Open son", front Porti Hope is iuagnified luto a hng-hean thus lurniug the scale lu favon et T7renten Juvonile Brancbh, Pride el! Durhamt, No. 150A . F , liad a royïal -00d tinte aS Ibelr aunimlal oy Stor Supper ia nigbl Bovon members vene inillated thus making niiknewov efnhers ai-1 oady for 1907. This branci wlas or ganiîzed lu 1885--21 jears age-nud nover had tepaya funenal boeft. ktý bas nov 55 nembene and 8550lu thel treasury. Afltenabuandanc et o-ystersý and other good thinge bad been enJoyed a soeial tinte vas speut bv thse beys lu g-antes, etc. Mr. W Paiptena, S3c- setary-Treawzren, thinke hohbas the fel t iot e! bois tl e o feud lu any invenile sie-ty lu CaÀnada. Gnose ho hbas, tee, lUIN1STERS AND) CHURClîrs More things are vr0auýht b)Y praverý Thana this wold dreameoIf" Social at Maéile Grove hrsa 6eeûing PcOb, 28 Good timo for aIl Rev. W. J, Jojliffe, B. C. Lý. Cjintorý, bias been invited to remain a1noth3e CRer. Itey. B. Greatrix, port Perr ,ba been in1vbit ormi a 41h year bil bis Board.' The Christian Guardian sbouild be lu every Mletbodist home. hi bas bee5n Mulcb improved. Rov. V. H. Eitioryv ili proach nexit Sunda.Y even'ingaiJ16ho Methodist cbureh on "la bande fcf wedlock."' le it possible that theCfhrîstian Chuzrch of todav bias grown 500 nice and tocu dalnty for itswrk-uda. The Old FOILS' Concert under thue auspices cf the Ladies' Aid of Methodiet church, Mardi Stb. Opera Hlouse. Bey. G. W, Henderson, Port Hope, recelved a c-ordial Ivtto to reMaîna pastOr or the Method1lst Chqrcli a thîrd year. Bav cof Quinte Methodist couforene meets lu Bowmnanviile lu June. Elar. yard styleet billletti?3g le under censîder- atien. W. C. T. CI. will meet on Tuesday Mlarcbh atM 3p. m. lu the Methodîst Longue Room. Pull atteai1auce re- quested. ASh Wednesday iusbered lu Loe, Appropriate setvices were conduzted by Rev. W. E Caeroi, B A., Rector, iu'st. John's Chwrch, Bey. . W.Hedro, Port Hope, lectures lu tie MethodlsBt chnrûh, New,~ castle, March 1, on"Croakers, Loaferre, aud Ploddere." A vo"y bearty and unanimnous inv1t- ation from Welcome ulrcult Board vas extended te 11ev F. J. Anderson te ro- main a third year. MUr. J. H. Devltt, M. L, A. pDreïeuteM to the Legisiative Aoâemblv ýpotitlo.. Presumably for temperanco eglto fromi Bowmanville, Eldad and Neoasmti Methediet Chulrchos,; 11ev. W. Hipkiu. President of Toronto District Congrezatioixal AsociatIon, de- llveýred his inaugural addreess utt5h., quaîterly meeting lu Bond St. (Jhuircà, e,ronto, Weduesday . ,eig. 11ev. W. A. Bunuer, Ceiborne, baS been holding reývival services at Salent whicb le effeoting quiite.au awakenfng, Mre. 1Bnnper attends and makos hersele ve)ry Usefulameong the youing pople. Rev. à. 0. Crossiov, Tabernacle, Wbltby, bas been ivted for thIrd year, The~ Guardian savs the debt ia been Yeduced o-ver 52G00and s"» spent la repara. Ii leruMote4 the CoirevW soon appoar ID surpîlýe8 and caps. Special musical meeting lux the S. A. Barracks tue(Wdnsdy)evoning by four 'Hallelnjai Lieutenants" from Torontoý. Theseeullmenareeoed IngIy good sololets aud laygens and yenU will greatly enjoy the Musie. DOn't maise hearing themt, preached very accepmably:lu Trînlty' Church Suuday le spoke for thiffl- quarters of an heur at the sGervifes, boti. being ahi. discourso. Mr Dixon waa gupest at the parsenage. Pastor lp.. kin preached atBarrie. A good cogeato as at the Meh, ediest churci Bunday êvening vheu P&ev. V. H. EMery preaRch8d especlially to, mon. The maie choir conducted the musiFieat services very acceptabljy. Mr.z H. J. Kuigit, the choir dirertor, vas, to-iil viti grippe to attend the servic- es and CapI. , C' King took bis place. Mr. H . H. Knnor, of A.,c b Coýlleagilte Istitute staff, Pete-rboro, jand son cf Rov. WilfiamS Kennier, Princes Albert, dellverod an admnirable3 address, ai George Street Epworthl Leaguo, Peterboro, on ,'Tho H-ymîi cf the Meth- odist Churci". The Kxa~nersys "Mr Kenner'B remtarks abovecl a vide range et stndy and reseqavck and were much apprecialed.- 11ev, lsaac Couch, B. A , B. D., a Dar- Ilnglon boy who le, tho firet Me3tUndistý minister 10 serve four yearS ilu Wood- green Tabernacle, Torouto, hasý been lnvîled le Gore s1tree3t churcb, Hamilton. Sinco lMr. Ceuci aseume3d charge 1t 'Woodgreen church there has been an. increaseo eaw 20in emborýsblp, the bulild- ing bas beon-renovated, a nev pipe organ installed and a parsonage bulît, Boyý S. W Faille of Hailo b oo invlted t ? ucceed M4r. Couci. Own Hair Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Canet do le? Havein' cnough hair? Ih must bc you do net know Aycr's' Hair Vigor I Herc's an intro- duction I May the acquaint- ance resuit in a hcavy growth of rlch, (hlck, glossy hair 1 Ume this spIendîd hair-food, stop your fafflng hair, end get rid of your dandruif.