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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1907, p. 4

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Sale of "Left Overs" W'e are making & final reand up ef Wijnter Mre a nsd yenr beqt inu teroste demand that yenu take a loeýk __o as possibl'e. Our Overebees, Luimbenmfau ' ub- - su ad goin-g at rednuced pnicesýý. We aise have soeme edd Fizes in G ' oys' sud Ldo'Booti ,a tgroat re- ductioD. These goode are ail new sndO eau beý fouund durling tbis monih at tbe * ~CORNER ,SHOE SOR. * eid & Pearn, -l Opreosito Baimeral Hlotel -Bwavllle ~, ,~. ,, -w- v x'-s- v .~ v p HiolidayUiifts. YOU WlLL FIND us boadqnani- ors for msny linos ct presenuts viz,ý-- Carvere, Case3 Canre, Steels, Diinuer Kulves and Forks, Deisert KniVos asud ForkS, Dessert Spous, Bread Kane sd Beards', Pen Kulves, Pocket Kuives, Razors. Razor Stropa, Scisers, Childe S3ts, Ouar sekfer Wlntcr Spo)rt was noverimor:e complote lu skates, We haýve the tollowing styles:- Du)tnuer Tub)es, Llgbtanug 'Tubes, Micmace, Dominion, Perfect, Royal Ladies' Besyers, Cresceni, Hockey Club, sud Club. Hockey Stiîckp, Pucks. Skate Strapa, Shin Guards, Snow,ý Shoos sud Mocassins AIse prepared fer the Lumbecman with Axes, Cross Cnt Ssws. Buck Ssws sud al kinda et Handies. eýýfSoie agent for Happy T heug-h Ranges -"-M Wl. H.Duta U Phono ,74 Bowmanville. I DONALD G.,M., (*ALBRATI. 8OWMANVILLE, FEB 19, 1907,. Ba&rrister, Solieitor, tiotary Publb ii ,_________________________ privai, s'ud Cempany moue e te iOan ai lowesi curreni raies. Agent for TnhaMdiaud Loal epnetranssieeie &ns&Svîng ernopany. Offlce opposite j. B. Ae Mffatyni'Ristore, Kiuoe. S". Bowrýnvilie. a-t i etThie Nwte publisb the Lîberal platfonn as ',aId down- by Hou. Geo. P. Veterinary Surgeon aud Dent;si Grahami for the consîdrsiion of hie F. S. Z5Lowrey, readers. - == F.H SS owr y, Eterual vigilance sud co-oporatloin J.ONRAYGRADUATE eo' flPtarlo la the pricsofetsucces lunrunuing a Veterinary College., Toronto. Spe,,cial swl sabsns. Awy attentio'n given 10 Dentistry Office in Mr, IW. towilsWi sa1)sns.Awy Cldweli's Livery Stable; ni g icails at hbsa55' a favorable word et Sour tewn sud rasidance. ou l, Centrea traet. show lui ail possible ways ihai yen have Day oi r nflit calla prompotly respouded iîht Peterbore Review favors pnblishiug Noticett lflrdtors the assesmnt roll every iree or four s e~arsila ordor ibai citizens may bhobl te compare valnatione,-Capital, ides; shonid ho adopted bv Bowmauvilie EN THE JM TTER O e'tfthe Est ate of ceuncil ibis very year. -4nn B, urton Law iiate of thie Town of______ Bowmanv tille ini thecocu nt'y o!Duir- 1le the sirotions lite et the average ham, Wulow deo(easec7. i momnýber et parliameut accountable for OTICE le horeby given pursuant teo thiieaerly desnt fse mauv politiclaus? IN secto f ap 129, IR. S. 8., d15971 t batDrigbepswekGN. idM MIl perso 7us ig climsor demnands ai--unt Prn h atwe .N ,M the esit.ýe of the saii Ann Burton Law dacaaaed, Lî, A., Carleton, sud A. W . Caracallen, who, died n or abouLthet't12h day of November ex-MP, North Hastinugs, passed away, asare required te seud by pot pre pad or________ deilver te the uudersignad solicitors fer Mary Tewi 1y00on nts eg An,u olpimu, the exacutrix oS ihe will oÀ thelT -Wiuy oumu e eu aaid aeased, ou or baera the 151h day of1 scored for throe-fiftbis majoriîy domaud- Mareih A. 1). 90.tteir christian adunm Usud adr -ewith fulparliculars, lu r t e d topass Local option. lu the cara e! their elaims, aud statemeut oS thair account,, paîigiin juelosed 98 eut ef 106 places sudI the nature oS the securities (if anvl held by, vting gave mnajorîtios for Local Option, thiem, duly vauified by statutory declaration. I but lu 43 et these milnicipaliles the wxili And taire noi.ce that atter the .id 15thd et March A. , ,907, the said axecutrix w 0 f tho people la thwamiedi by the aubeo- Procced te dia'tributa the assets of the sa1 cratto dietum ofetihe Whitney Goeru- eceased ameugp the Parties entitled thertou,j meut, J% viugrgadoly te the dlaims of which sha ahal fheu have notice, aud the said execirix will uot belHable for said assets or aoy pit owmuvîî correspondent et the lhereof te auiy Person or persona of whose Wci nmotice shiahunit bave beau received by ber or jOono News '0 a pretiv lovel-headed- tier satd solicîtors at tha urne oS such dBtribn- citizen sud 'writes a lot of good thinza tdon, la bis lasi letter lho very saglys,,s: Pated the121h day of February 1907. W!e uudersiaud thaù t 11e rommend- MÂnT.A Nu Col.EIsÂN, exactrix. ed t osol the ohemica1 l tireeniri an FMIcitorsi for said axecutr-ix. 7-4W.1 The Noxt Is Spring9 Inu tee ,,autimne yen will need SehoolBooksansd -Schoo1 Supalies. You will need Stationery; especlally Linen Lawu, for letters muet bco written. Yen wiIl need books te re-ad, t-he latest publieations or ethers, Yon wii need Pic.ture- Post vairdsansd Card Albums. You are sure te ueed. fymun Bofk, Bibles, Faucy China c i other fancy geeds, Perbapa Wal Pper, Pic- tures, o)r Window Shaýdes e tc. P.TrbiCock gel eue simllar te ibe oid fire ougine wbicb wo had ai eue ture nel the South Ward. That emalbaud fire englue wss the besi firofiIgbblng apparatus tis iown ever had sudte do away witb Il was net s square deai te the smaller atepayere htie now proposed te e- store il, sud we tbink it les agond moe on theo part eftihe preont counucl."1 Bewmnauville cenneil Is wisely cen- iderlsig pmecuiuganoîbor, town teani. Part Hope hires a mat sud tis r. The siervice IncinIdes treet weteig sud The Guide asys the iewu tean lesa great saiug te t'ho corporation sud ih ml1ghtb2 ho lteesiig te know the awanut saaed for the yosr 1906). Betere the leamAwas kopiitttoFine H allit ceai the twueohýearas e folows- Street iwateing $130; camotakm.g FEiro Hiall $60; oxima fireein$450; work ou streets $250; a total et$19 The sal- amy paCIdMr,'Lezcr Ibis ) ar was $821 snd thus the tov,-n bas a saviug et $3651 sud ibo work le ooducted lu a mnch btter mannor. Wo htarbily agmeo wiib the condition thai promptod the Toronto Eveuiug Tolegrara te ask'Are notc ,ertain pas- sages in"The Docler" almeast as unfit te ha3 rosd aleuid in mixed sociiey as cor- tý -i paî,sages in the belegaphed vers- ions o et ha Tbaw triai 1pnol iehed luibisl countmy'? Ifi hero e te o "a cues of ltacts lu ibis COIuttry thoremo mua altoo e scen-so-ship et fition. The salaRecesuggeston l 1eue hap. tom ondmusthe( book sund tIno luu ýin cher pa-te le uunïecessarily profane1 snd Uuemuited for fuiyreadllng-. Ilu auvy tonise il is net la saUiable. hook for 1, Wonder if the editor et ToroËtO Nýe'ws had Bewmauville post office spil~ ment in mind when ho wrote that "Th1e Patronage Cornmittee ilanau ffoeiie nd af uluisanlce Part z xiidistribUItiofl ef patronag'e embaýrrasses hns <ltC ians and ila arlfesource ü emin-i3e8, evil- poakiflg and evil-dfln . The 8%stern curses politics and br&d, l-; juistice sud corruiption." À truer por- traiture of the preseflt situation lun WeEt Durhiam could rlot boegîvon in words, In converEsation wlth a To~refltc busqineFssmail aud a ait lsdern while diuing lu aL Yoflge Street restaur- ant recently the statemelit was made that counc-illers too trequentlY "pl5Y to the gallerles" witt a direct thought of the uoxt municipal 'election rather thlab the iudependenee of thought sudpaCtio that should actuate anueset conscieti- tiens Public servaut. IE members ef COUticil would act prudent1'!, dlgeil seeking tbe inelfar(iofotthe ratepayers thoy wiIl net sufer lu public opinion in3 bh mai. "Do riht th heavens fal" ii, a good axlom t'or the fQuncillor as9 it le for ever servant of the Reeve Treblleock ligs n~busy egrlv in the ceuncil as hie report pro- seuted at the Iast meeting wi indïcatce The firast et fthooýditor ef TmunSTATLS- MAN ilu 1903 When elected Mayeor was te go te Londen, te, trv t0 induee the cern- psuy freni whom chemical englue wrs ;beuight te take it back bat ne arrange- menit eould be effeted. Af ter keeping 1it at heavv exponse for attendcauice and supplies and ne benefit whatever the council bas cor-ne te tbe conclusion that We expressed whu t was bouight that It is net sulited te a tewn aud eheuLld no3ver bave been beiýghL iWe have pald dearly for tho ba-d judgmetofe the 1902 coure;l, A lady remarked at the celebratien eto the golden weddlng eft Mr. sud Mrs. M Leckhart the ether oven-ing that isho weuld rather oujoy the taver et ber neighberesud frionds aund beheniored ý 1 tho lives sud love et ber own fml le good te stop Rnd thlnk cahly sud serieusly ever sueb a statement as that lu ibis age ef treuuous effort te acquPr moLey If O--ee as money eueugh te provide the nees amcîfertsansd neee t ltewhy should ho 8e11 short mo3asure, put smali apples ilu centre et the barrel, water lu the milk, teli lies 1fer gain, grlnd the eniployee's wage dewu to the lowesit figure and d, other mean srts te gain menoy for others te squandor atter our daýys are ended? Thoeasunual baniquet eof Durbnm (Old BoWs'Assoiation ,houid appeal te a 1mucb xider censtitueucy than it usual- ly doee. Toronto residents from the Home Land et Durhami are lu evidonce always, but it weiild ho a teature ef groat interest were the attendauce ef representative mon from -each munici- pality of Durhami conislderably larger. si t is a la udable undertaking te strength- on home ties and b atteudance oet& gdl number treni the ceunty St this- banquet ou Tuesday March 5th at the .Grand Union Hotel, noear thle Union -Station, Tlorouto the good-wilI eft ibe Durhamites will beI shown te our city trionda fromx thie couuty. Ticý,ets for .the banquet are 75e for gentlemen sund 350e for ladies, Csigary must bhoilu dire longiug for, 1spriug when a citizen writee: Wbat 1with ceai at 98 per ton, retten firewood 1 t'$l'2 per cord. lumber frem $30 te $60 1per 1000 f(t., rentais frein $25 te $60 per îmenth and psy youar liglit sud water tax besides, taxes generally on the up- ward meve, eggs 70e per doz., butter 35 su ad 40c. per pound, petatees $1,75 per .bushel and ponds going dry, water connections frezen al ever the city sud ;the consequent scarcity sud high price eto mlk, s blizzard ragiug aud ne wood or coal te ho had. ail building -trades a t a standstill sud hundreds et eur Peopleonet t fwrk and mueb sicknes sud distress prevailing, yen must ad- mait, sir, that average wage-earnersxn Calgary te-day are facing' an, alarming conjdition ef thinge. Mr Chas. P. Modiand 0 eto, Nevada, bas seLt us a copv ertithe Daily Journal iiu wbich we find an artile" IlWhst Reno Craves l ie. That paper interviewed leadliug citizens wh(e Ulauîimously col)fessed that the3y like pie, the old fsshloneý-d kinde "ýthat mother used te miake" la the inter- views wvhich spread ever three columue et the Journal ne mention la made et Our speciel variety et pie; the tootheeme. psate pleasing, deljciouti chieken pie. Those eighty million pie esters et Unce Saem eau learu much from John BuilI's beys about tho best pies lu the weld- chieken pie sud deep apple pie served with Dmvnahire, creain. Evenl those Liea ian l is comnty le fast beconi- lng- a b,,-wordd aare What are the leaders delug -te save tho parti? it will ho s dead issueý soon troni the dis coýrd and rancor cana d hy the rmnpu- lairaetpartv' patronage. breaiches haKve beenà made lu the rank's thai wil nover be closed Beus tL( T kr u e I t . 1 Wbien bnwin- dyevor oeclr ingz, sce that your mol(rcbStit supplies:ý ye ih the D1& MOND DYES; n othier braud dves are as g-oed as tue ýend toVefWels ï& Richardson C, LimiedMonrea, PQ,,fo ur Booke sud Cardi et Coîl-osýa'l sont FrEEtos addreSs- i After Inventory Sale of Furs, HE PFOSTMAýSTE R PROBI EM The vaipsmsesi uBw Jans P)e, made se by the àodeaîhut MrJ, B. F,rbairn, bas net been CIl el yet, ai- though iboero are a inumber tfi sspirants for she position. Ameng thý,se who have cl4ims on the position, n mne stand ont,,,( promîneuîly as Mr. M. A James, editiorutifTHE STATESMAN, one if the meat progressive sud selld Liberal jour- nais ilu the Provinc;e. For iwouty elgbi yours Mr. Jamnes bas foughit the batties en behba!f f the Liberals or -cod g-V ornament, and thronghont the riding etf Durbara ho bas a great mauy friende, *ho believe bis claime te recognition a1re groater thain thes"ofetauy oethie othor aspirants. Thn appoime6nt given te Mr. James, wi!li meani thai the business wil1 bo coudlucted in a businiess- likàq mauner and the s.ervice al tbat euld ho desired. WEAKBNED BIY Là, GRIPPE. EÂLTH AND STPBaNGTII REGAINED TuneuG Du. WILLIAMS1' PINS XPILas, The after effects et la grippe are more serIons than the Ileeae its;elf. Is8 vIctime are loft Ilow Bplriied sud de- pre3sed; they are tortured wltb head- aches sud bieaches; ,foe-r aud chilis. It leaves the enferer' an eeasy prey te bronchitis, puieurunîsl, rheomatiorn and oftten hat most dreaded et all dis- Bases, consumptIoýn. For the after effectsetfla grippe there Is anltl ne medicine cati equal Dr. Wiliarna' Piuk Pilla. Every dose e ilpg make ujew, ricb, red hleoed hat drIvea dîsease tromu the aystein, sud makea wveak des- penIdent mon sud woimen bnigbht, chOer- fuI sud trug. BMiss Euigeuie Donald- son, oe t. Jerome, Que., found a cure threugh these pille after other remiedies had failed te belip ber. She Oaya: "I book la grippe sud dld net seeni able te shako It off. hItdevelopod ie obron- chîtis; I cougbed day sud uIgbt sud grew se weak that I could hardiy move about. I trled remedy atter rernedy, but aB netbing seemuod te belp me, I bo- gan te dread ibat eouumpîlon Vwas de- veloplug, sud ithm y case was incu- raible. A filend nrged me te try Dr. Willlanna' Pin~k PIleand following thia ad vice I get a aupplly. l'or twe montha I ieek the pýiafatbfully, tollo-wirig ibe directions gîven for thoe ia e. sar thaukfnl f dld oc., for they f ully re- siored my sirengtb, and I bave sinco eujoymmd porfect b-ealtb. I wil1l always advlse slck sud slllng people te gîve Dr. Williams, Pink Pille a trial fer _1 firmly believe that they wlil find great benefib troun iheir use.,' Rich, red blond le the eue ihIug usi- ed te maintalu hesltb sud strengib. Dr. Wllisama'Pnk Pills actuaily makirlch, red blood. Tha le the reason et their great popularlty le every oentury lu the worid. That ie why they cure auLemiN; geueral weakuess, rheumatlsm, neural- gis, Indilgestion, Si, Viuï dano,pertill 1paralysîs sud the W11f1e et ilhOod sud womauihood, wilh&Hai 3 isdltreeelug beadachea, eldeachies sud backacbee, Seo tbat yenge the genulne pillaý with the full name, "Dr. Wlim'Pink PIlle for Pale Peopile" on 'he wrappér around each boy. Sold by ?%Il medîcine dealers or by mail ai 50 conte a box or six boxree fer $2 50 fromi the Dr. Wdi- lamas Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MAPLE f*ïOVH. A secial under auspies 0f the Epworth Leagne will ho hold lu the Sons' Hall bore, on Tbursdav Fabruary 28 at 8 n. in, A good prograiniwfil hogîven, Rev. S. F. Dixon, TyVrenîE, wiil give an ad dress. Mr. Fred R. Folev sud Mises Florence Eruery, Bowm n ville, and talent from Ebonezoýr will aise labo part. Ica cresm sud cake will ho sors'- ed ai ib close. Admission 15c. Dou'i mis t if yen waut a ploasant ovoing. Mr J G Burns sbipp,ýd six et bis puie bred White WyVanidotie cbicks te W. G. Rogers, Grand More, Quebec, ai a tanDcy price. fh alway s paye 10 have tIno besi .... Mr. Hsrry Wilcox,Leskard, ieont Sunday ai homo.... Miss Eistella Reynolds le vislting ai Rev. F. J And- ersou'e, Welcome. - - _ Mr. L. sudyMipss Hilda Cryderman visited ibeir eleter Mrs. Harry J. Heldge, Orono, ... Mr 1 Burns, Janeiville, lisitugai Mr, R, Burns'. ...-Misses Miunniesund Norsb Hemn are visltiug frieaude ai Osihawa. - ..-Miss Nellie ililer is ai home.... Mr. Fred. Tamblyn. Orono, epent Suuday ai Mr. M. B. Crydrmns. Miss Biens Niddery' bas retiuned homo after a pleasani visit; witii trieuds lu Cartwright1 . ... Debate ai Lpague nexi Frida-y nigt-Soliua 8S et T vs Hampton League -. Mies el,41recïhI.inlQvis- Ladies' and Men' s Fur Coats, etc. 1. Lady's Pur. liued Coat, fine Euglish beaver sboli, Hanipster lined, long length Coon Sable collar sud revers, Reg Prie $55.00, Sale Price------------------.3 9.50 1 Lady's fine Bekaran J3acket with gir- dit, fine Sable w1llar sud fronis, a beazti- frnl Jacket, Reg Price $75.00, Sale Price 49,00 1 Lady's fine Electrie Seal.)Jacket, Miuk colt-ar sud front,, girdle, Regular Price $70.00, Sale Prîce------------------48.50 f Lady's fine Bokaran Jacket, fine Sable collar sud revers, a splendid Jaeket, Regalar Price $60,00, Sale Price---- .,-350 2 Ladies' Fine Jokharan Jackets, Ceeun Sable collar sud revers, a fine woaring Jacket, ROg- Price $50,00 Sale Price. . 33.50 1 Lady's fine Bokharan Jacket, Ceeu Sable collar sud reveros, a fine woaring Jacket, Reg Prie $45,00, Sale Price. -, 29.50 1 Lady's flue Bokharan Jacket, blouse front, girdle, Reg Pric 4$4 5 00 Sale Price 29.50 2 Ladies' AstrachanJackets, good moui- able coats, Reg Pràce$830.00, Sale Price 19.50 2 Meu's Wombat Coats, good clear skins Reg Price $25,00, Sale Prico .. ý....... 15 50j 2 Men's black Bulgarian Lamb, natumal ekns Eg *rie 3000Sae rif%..190 1Man'fa dark Russia Lamb eai, 1Be kharan cellar, Reg $30,00 Sale Price 19.00 1 Man's Russian Lamb Coat, lighter lu celer, Reg Price $20-00, Sal e Price...,. 14.00 1 Man's Cub Bear Ceai, Black collar-, Reg Price$80, Sale Price ..........13.0 1 Man's finýe Ceeu Ceai,, heavy natural fur, Reg Price $60,00, Sale Prie------..39.00 i Man'% fiue Ceeu Ceai, heavy natural fur, Reg Price$5.0 Sale Prico-........50, 1 Man'-s fine Ceon Ceai, natural fur, Reg Price Y$7.ü0. Sale Price.---------..31.50, Ladie's Ruffs, Stoles, Throw Overs and Caperines. 1 fine sable Stole, loneg length, Reg Price 835.M, Sale Price .........-,..,_822.50 i tine Grey Squirrel Siee long leigt-h e EReg Price $25.00, Sale Price......... 16.50 1 fine Stone Marten RuIl, Eeg Price 819.q0, Sale Price-------------------i.O 1 fine Grey Squirrel Throw-over, Eeg Price $16 00, Sale Price---------------. ...1.1, 00 1 flue Grey7 Squlrrel Thmow-over, Satin Lined, Reg- price *12 00, Sale ......ý... 7,90 1 fine Ceeu Sable Stole, Reg Price 816.0, Sale Price----------------9.50 1 (Ceeu Sable Stole, Eeg Price $1_0,50, Bale Priee . ........ ......8 6.50 2 CGrey Lamnb Stoles, spleuddtu, Eeg Price 810.00, Sale Price............. 6.90 i Isabella Fox Entt, head sud claws, Eeg -Priice $11.00, Sale Price.... ý...... 7.50 1 Ceeu Sable Rifi, long length, _Reg Price $9.50, Sale Price............... 6,00 2- Sable Enfle, very fine, Reg Price $10 Sale Prie-............... ý.........6.75 1 Ceon Sable Stele, Eeg Prices Sale Price ....................... 2M~ 2 Grey Lamib (aperines, Eeg Price $5 00, Sale Prices----------------------... 13'2ý5 1 Grey Lamb Caponne, Reg Prïce $5,50 Sale Pnice...............90 2 Marmot Mink Rafla, Eeg Price 8.00 Sale Pnice----------------...------5.00 -ICapnne, Persian L=mb sud Ceeu sable, Reg Pn'ice 15.W0, sale Pre,.. .75 1 Caýpenne, Eleetrie, Seal and Bokharan, long front, Reg Price 16.M, Sale Pis9. 7e 1 Ceeu Sable Enif, Eeg Pries 4.50, Sale Price .............. ...............30 I Bine Opposum Ruff, Sable tails, Eeg Pnice 4.00, Sale Price........... ....2L, 90 1 Ceeu Sable Enif, long length, Reg Price 12.00, Sale Price------..--------850 1 Black Gppoeum Stole, Sable tale, Eeg heg Pnice 7,50, Sale Prie............5S.00 1 Black Thibet Boa, long lenglb, Eeg Price î.50, Sale Price------------5.25 2 Pairs Grey Lamb Mille, Eeg Price 5.00, Sale Price. _ . ... ..3 f Ladies' Muffs. 1 inoi large Sable Muff, cushion shape Reg Price $ 17.00, Sale- Price------- 00,o ifline Grey Squirrel Muff, cushion shape, Reg Price $13.00, Sale Prie------------8.5K)0 1 fine Isabella Fox Muif, Empire shape, Reg Prico $125à0, Sale Price----------.50 1 fine Coon Sable Muif, round shape, Reg Price 88.00,- Sale Pnice ..........---5.50 1 flue Ceeu Sable Muif, round shape, Reg Price $7.50, Sale Price-------------4.90 1 fine Coon Sable Muif, Cushion shape, Reg Price $T.50, Sale Price-------------4.9'à 2 fine Mink Marmont Mnffs, cushion shape, Reg Price $7 50, Sale Price ..... . 4.90 i fine Black Thibet Muaff, enehioni sha-pe Rýeg Prico ý7.50, Sacle Price .. ý. ..,~. _5.00 i f-ine Coon Sable Muff, rouand shape, IReg Price $6,50, Sale Prico............ 4.00 1 fine Grey Lamb MNuif, ýcushion shape, Reg Prni.c$.0 Sale Price .........., 42,5 1 fine Grey Lamb iNuif, round shape, Reg Price $4.-50, Sale Price .. ... ý..,, 2.75 2 blaek Haro Muifs, one roundý, eue cushion shape.,Reg Pr-ice ý),Q0, Sale Price 1.25 1 brown fare Mif, cush ion shape,. Reg Price $2.00, Sale Pri4ýee IM..~.. ,5 JOHIN McMLJRTRY, West End House, Bowmanville. 'I IV g NBWCASTLH. iMiss Fie Gomme is iii. Mr. eoJani~,on as eenlaid np Mliss Minànie Lovekîn bas rotnrued te Torouto. Mm. Everson loaded a car fel as for New York receutly. Mliss Floronce Pyo, Enniekillen, vieit- edai Mr. W. Boweu's, Mme. A. F Little, Oreno, yishted ai Mvr. Mm. Geo. Barfoil's Miss Tîlda Mollet le vlsitiug ber uncie, Mm. Thos. Mollet. Two cars et caille wcme sbipped by Dreyer John Sheppard receutly. Mr. Wslker Milîsen sud Mies M Couch wenite Oshawa receutly. Mies Winuufred Farueomb, London, Vlsited trieude lu lewn recenily. John Atkineson pumpeses retnmniug bto hie Saskatchewan home ai once. H. Woealherfil bas retted ihe Argali proeomy te ho vacaied by-,Chas-, Wilsoýn. MiFssMay Rowlanid entotaiued W'ed. nesdy eeuin whn avemy euje -1 able limne was speuit. E Dixon sud Mîsios Clarbe sud Lock- hart, Eizabeth.yllie, called on frieudaý bore receutl., Mionda,, week Misses Alin enterbain- ed il] bôtofet Miss A. Wkey et Lind eayï, who le visilug bore Mm-S. (Dm ) Anreot le ,, home frein Cee fuIi1, iwhoreshbo vliled ber dsulh. tem 1t's tc ihebesi standard et qnlÀilt7, a nalumal teuic, cleauses yoUI, simn reddene the cheeka, brigbtene the ves.ý"9 zives fiavor te al ,ou est.Hoite' Roc[ry Meuiniain Tes wvill 0do ibis tom yen. 35 cents, 'I'es or Tablets, 'S'tt icuJury. Mr, "-,amn Bm.owusuad two os r busy cntting Summ-rer woe luShanty- Toewbo stlonded the concert Fi BowmvMIlle gC ivenIlby MissLnt& pmnoned vemy fine, Mo)re cases et sick haahblos ntse, constipstiii, eau ho cureilu e limne, with lismudins ud fer lees mouoy, by usi>rg Carter's IÀtti Lve Pll,1Ihagnub y any et0er -'uea asï Mr. Went Beamoitsud wife who ba-ye been enýgged wiîh Mm. -John Colson, at GOpey,60 iles weof riBit ale0 Mm, Rosa wbvo ila sbrolher-in-lai.w et Mm. Coison, bas a large vînoyard. lîCe a gOodl old wenld afier ail; if ou bave ne friende or money, Iu the river yen can tal;' Marriages are quite comtien sud, more people ihere woiild ho, Pro "Mied yeu take Rzocky Muti Sietti sud jnry. The fuanemal ot John Konuefie took place MendRy weck te, Porti Hope Doath came af cor a brie' i1Ineýs. De. cesed wae asssitu t Manager ai the Govemumenitlh batchery homo fer neary 8 esansd possessod a tiore kuo)wledge et the systoni. s lu oevurphereofethumati action, il la characler iliat tola. Evory prescription that DR A. W. CHAÂSE gaVe te hie foul- ewmou le full ef character, tull of tho honeEt, 3torling charatcter which made the grand eId dector resimeted, admiredi sud loved bv aIl wbo knoew hlmn. The lntog-ritY et Dr Chas le ebSowulu e"er eue0 et kbis fawmeus tamiily mediclues. Mss.Bren Mcbaýughiiu sud Rgeri Becaeck sbtendd4tIno. couvraszione at Ontarlo Lde' o ,'Wbit1hy,1 Friday tiiplt sud repoirt aqcodrni>ni.. ..Mm. Ezra U iuna as mtîid 41bis t arin1 te Mmr. 1John1Raiioivationd ILsgeiug le Lent, Michigan, . -. Rev J. P. B""r, Hamtipton, wili occuipv ihe puipit 1)(X' S yasvevenirtg.. .Visitera: M 0ss -F& sud Mfies tPiorock. sali Ste Malr ie, sud Mrs. WrRbb nudMesClamaà, Bowsnsili, t Mr John Pve's; Mis- Ev Such iïiitn ibe it.mM J.Peaieiavu uendeirgone uent icst pesinaGeLf ilspital;, M - su ~rs.C.11.J. Meuubnjov ai t Pr. MissV. oseai Efled; issPeari Rarnwith bÙer bitter m.Wbbr V Ct, Tee Irto. L ~ â iiKid V (l o ?, aisys Blîgli h -iM 171 COURTIÇE Miss G;ay. Einniek iller', is Viffltrli c aniti m. Nîc'hole. . --Lm r, CG. Eoitne61 Gratton, ca;àled homo rocently. -.,mr. F' W. GR", Wn anpgsd bride, visitodl home betorelieaving tor home._ - ,ev.J. P' Berry, B A. Hampton, gave anl ad- dreaii itthe 1Leagno bohre on Cobalt. W. ÏM tS. conduci service ai. Ehonezom ,nlexi Sunday evo:anug.. - ..S. s Conven- tion home Tueý,,sday 26;>Cth al day. The Ontario BUSINESS COLLEGE Belleville, 89tb year, 3911b ear., le the meat prespemous sud eue- ceseful business College lu Canada, -aud the nee,-t wideliy stlended lu lAmerlos Send for CataIQgueý. J, VW, JOHNSO-N, F. C. A, 41-8wm. Principa1. We have taken stock and find that weC have too nnny furs.1 We have decided flot to carry a garment over. We shpldni't either at these prices should -we ? Lots of Fur weather yet. This is a list of what we have and prices, -V-%,# V-I*ev-v Mr -ýl M

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