HAIF DUR,1118 AREOARL "Every family should know the important fact that catarrhal diseases claim manyv thousands of victimis M' Canada each year. In spring and summer, catarrh o! the stomach, bowels, lver, kidneys and pelvic organs ,ès Most common." --S. B. HARTMAN, M. D. 41New... Wal vvi -apers. 41 Our eales of Wall Papers increased grea t- 11 ly îast season. Antiipatipg a stili «router de- 41 miand this season, wo have importod a stock nover before oçualled by us i n aount or var- 41 iety. In addition the dc Signe are particularly i> 41 pretty and attractive. We -will bie pleased to 4î show you. 4î 41 Bhoom Mouldinge to Match aUl Papersm Big 20, Booketore. Bowmanville. ~ 4At tBater Ç etaveour bos bo new Go &ort ellein andure yougwill t ru *t ouirseif thcy are the beat unes Q we have seen aS yet. 4Jaland ____inspect them, ___ Reid & Pearn, 44. ýWANTED !ATONGEONassAIRy good man in each locality with pig, or ecapa ble of bandlng h«rse8, to advertise aud intr duce 0ur gnaranteed atock and pontrYy specifis. .1 eprlence nec.ssay;,.. Iry ont yourlwork for you. $25 a week and expenses. Position permanent. Write W. A. JENKINN, Manu facturlng Co., London Ont * &M - WM Empire WALL PAPIERS The largest Une in Canaida seected froin bthe leading factories of Europe, tbhe United States and Can- ada. We guarantee our papers to be of the, beet stock and coloring, Thie range of Our papers will, meot bbe purse of the poor and the rich. The mnost artistiec effects can be had for littie mofley. shipped the sanie day as received. If your decor- ator caxinot show you our Bmplee, write te uw. direct and we will send you a fuil assortment, express pro paid. Emupire WlliPaper Go., Limited 56 King St, West- - TORONTO. 318 Donlald St. - - WINNIPEG. Ml.Dî1ilng, Decorator, Bowmanviiie- - Local Agent BOWMANVILLE, MA. 7,ie7. FARMiERýS' FRUIT MEETING, SATURDÂY MARCHb 8. F111 mers of this district ai e requestod to mneot at Council Room, Bow nanville, at 2 p, rm. Saturday next 10 bear ad- dresFs by Messre Sherrinlon and Bae , Gvernment lecturers on Or- char d Cutureý anS Co-oýrPation in haridling fruit. A largo attondanco bý desirod. Corne early. C11.0 AR,1 secretary West Dur ham 1 Farmers' Inestiute M1r. Geo. P. Graham, leader of the Opposition, annnunsAes that If he were miîiuster of education, ho would abolieb text books below the third, and probibit home or niglit exorcisles. He muet be vory popular witb the sehool children, but uufortunately lhey have no votce Neither have theîr mammas.-liCng£- ston Whig. ______ Whitby le becominz arnbtious- ,wanits the Goverurnent to build a new post office and cuistcmns jbouse liko those in Bowmanville and Oshawa- Mr, Lyman T. Barclay has been to Ottawa to FesE about ià As Mr. Barclay inaY be s;elected as the nexl Liberal candidats for tie Houes of Commons, lb le under- stood that ho has influence that will have wigit aI Ottawa. Great intereet le centred lu the choies of a, candidate to bear bh(ý Lîberai stan- dard lu West Durham. A convention le called for Une purp)oso 10 meet in the Opera Home8, Bowmanlville, On Satur- day of next week April G; at 2 a M Three or four names are belng discus- ad for the position. 1ýI leoxpocted Hon. Geo P. Graham, Leader of the Opposi- tion lu tte Otarlo Legislabure,will ad- drose the meeting. There are some compensations aven for SuBdcy.School beachers. lb muet have been somte satisfaction te, Mre. W H. Pearu last Sundav 10 have abouti twnt young men of ber bible lase mriwith ber to the W. C. T U raily lu the Opera ilouse and .11 was a credit to them bo showv their respect for their faibbful teacher and their echool by appoarlng ilu the)ranke cand attend- -- ng the service. Mrs. Poaru has js reason to fool prouid ot ber boys, In &anv case, ;l did us good te mee bhem and thoir manlY con-duet le3 wortby of fuil praise Miss Annie Wright, B lacksbock, 15 visitiug at Mr. W.- Werry's, Rýoselcnd- val.... Mr.Silas Wiliiama razed a barn Saturday ...... Mr. John Vice'e hore dropped dead aI Bowmanvilie station Thureday.... .Mr, John VanNeet Intends building a new barn this summuer. Mr, J oseph Oiatwoïrthy le lhe contractor .... lire. Wm Werry is vistlng ber son Jame8 Arthur, 5wain Farm.. - r. A- L. Paseoe bcd a wood bee Wednesday Il... A fat ebeer owned by Mr. W. Chas, Werry broke îe lg. . Miss Lola Ar- L-e le lu Toronto, .,, lieserePercy aud Frank Viqe are home from tie Mallîa-1 bIc, Oshawa, for tbe sunmmer.... Sons ~Ici was $iled4Filday aniffit et the de- bate on the felew races. Hamptoni epeavere were F. C. Groat, C.Johine and F.T.ÂlUa SUa,-r.,.KeocA. L. Pascoe and B G. Stevens, > . Mre hortrldge mi Messrs. W. Taylor and B. GStvn odc S. S RevlewSun day next..,.E.ieetion of oficere aI Di- vision Good Frldav night _. -gr, F L. VanNet's cbhimney lblew off bis homse with higb wtad last weok... _.Mise May and Master Fraudes Werrv , Eniiekilllen, art at their grandpcrente' bore THE LÂTE &»S. IINOHAl. Af 1er c liagering ilnesR o-f over five1 raonths from p&raiyels Eiizabeth Manii, beloved wlfe &f Mr. Thomas Bingiam paeeed b rosI Frldcy afbernoon in ber 68th jear. Deceased wae c faithful member of St Faul'çe burci and n good neighbor and kind friend, ber long ilîness and suffsring were pctlently borner and see assed tû the reward of a, faitbfuil life . The funerael Mogday, afteynoüa wae lhirgely attended and the3 floral offeriaigs very beautifu!, Rev. H. Mu-rnros, B. A,.ler pasbor, conducted bbc serviýe, Tibekiadly disposition and generolte hospitellty of lii. anid, rs. 1Bngam bave mcdo their- home the Tendczvoues of Many relatives and fciende. The -pali-hearers wers: Messre. W, IL. Williams, John N. Law- rie, Geo. Pearson, Thos Tod, A J. McCellan, Jas, Smith. Amon.- rela- tives and frieu4sdý from a distance were nobiced ber two brobiers Mes8e. William and Isaace Manu, Bobcýaygeo9n, David Bingbam atid daugIter lirs Donald JRrniesou, Woodville, Mrs Archie Binighama and wîlIe and Russel Bingiam, Toronto; Dr. Rutherford, Thos. Cowan, lie Misses Colville ronoi; JamleS And Samuel and MiS estJ0521 flinzbam, Tyrouio; Ephreim Evans,1 wlfe and son Colville W., Yelvertou; Edward Chnnuon and wifo, Lindsay. This bIter cf 53mpathy ftom decoas- od's former pestor le so touchingly and boautifuly expressie of the character and life oni?4rs. Bingham tiaI we bave requebtod the liberty 10 publishiti in Ibis conneebioni: DEsA-qN MaBiNc-HAm,-We wero much grioved 10 soc lui The Globe tbilemorn- îing tbe notlce of your sorn 0w eudbo. You have our sinicere eyMpatiy lu Ibig bereavoernt, and our pra.y ors thal God Maý comfort y0U. Mrs. Bingiam was ne who won mnany friende. She Was so gond, 8o kind, and go frlendiy witb evorsone, and ep) hospitablo. No oas who vlelted atvoiur borne would soon forget that warm bearted, wbole uouied Christian woman. Aud tien sbe weq s0 ready te hclp ln every good work, Tiho church will grebtly miles her-she wfp.5 alWayoe çQ ý,dvtg Iend a holpilig9 icnd, She lhasb' I lonc poorly, wâ understand, but shei let rest aow; and f1 le witi her-"5Blessed are the dead which die in bbc Lord. They xosb from iloir labors, and thoir works do followA them"- 1 trust that yoil are " ouref ln [air hoaitt. We uuibO in klnd remembrauc- es and seympatby. Your-s sincerely.- LI DOIUGjLAýS Frussaa, Troronto, March 21, 19)7, The Orange Grand Lodge of Eastern Ontario et Brookville c1ectod Col. John Huighes, P.M , Clarke, Junlior D)epilbv Grand Mas_-ter. Grand Lodge wlll 'Meet aI Port Hope il a eci 90 Best 'Value in Dress Skirts> Ever Shown in Town. 9655 We have juait opened out ouar Ne'w Spring Skirts in every style ïn bak-ukd pleated andl strap tiriminga,, also double sfürt effect , Lare: 'Variejof checks and plaids in navy brown and green with self and buttonedI trimminigs. Greys i pleated, tucked and button trimmings also navys and greens iniee y discrip- Imported Dregs . GoodsrJust -Arrive d. We solic-it a. cail from you betore purchasing your new Easter Gown, The leading shades consist of Light Greys in plain check, Plaid a,'nd striped effects iu silk and wool goods. Also a large choice of black and pîlain colors, Silk Blouses. lu this ';uew tadseeori- to no-nec We have th-em -nu white et black in every description consistinig of tucked, embrôidered and lace trinîi, med in long and short sleeves. Prices to suit everybody. White MUSlin Blouses.ý We have a large range of these goods in every size you wn.lc trimmied, emnbroidered. The goods consists of mull, Persian and india Linen with long or short sheeves raniging in prices fromi 75c to $4,00 Long Elbow Gloves iii Kid. If you want a pair of these gloves in white and black for, Easter we can supply your- needs,3 We have themn in every size, every pair guîaranteed. Other Importations. In Madras Muslins and cm tain muslins of every kind, lace curtains, Damasîk, Art Sateens, Tapestry Curtains, Table Cloths, lTable Napkins, Steam 4 Looms, Factory Cottons, Embroideries, Insertions and allo ver embroideries. 4 If you want a Spring, Suit or Ramn Coat to suit, you will find it lu 2Oth Century Brand at the West End House, We have Suits in ail tweed an)d ,worsted effeets, black and blues, double or single breasted in all the Iatest styles fgr spring UOW awaiting your inspection. Give uis a cail before yo&i buy a suit. JOHN McdýMJRT10RY, West End House. Bowmianville. I I ~6. ____ A very natural likenesei of Mr, Jamesý5 D)eYma(n, Dominion agentr, Bownan- ville, appoars in Canadian Musie Trade Journal,. Mardi 15. The Journal save:ý The "DPominion" domnand seems 10 bo out growing the demands of the manufactory of "The Old Reliable." The firm Is stili behind with orders and agents are clamoring for goods.- How ever, with a full complement of work- men and the entire plant running over- time the managemenit hopes lu the noar future 10 be able to shlp promptly If Yom want a. breakfaest fGcpd that wismt. your mouth water and at the uame timc. prove meut healthfu4 ad ntritious .... As,,k yoizr Frocer for REJr-%L IA N CE-4 BREAK<FAS'T FOOD New, Daintge, 2elici, Jm.nll 5c. Trg if AJ'K FOR T-HEPV*PL.E PACKAGE Thee l abakngPowdes' t wIfl Pay y@is te try becauze t meute&teuu te Fou, giweue bettur recuite, nsks feod healthful and I la 08 n a Cau8i Q1uarantes 11ef Stiufaçtios,, Âsk yenr groer f oi RELIA NCE Relia ne. ?Iciw#PosPeiCarda; ~FRE Write, us ai once na iiiig your grocer and thIs paper and ive 'il1 senS ldyor a izet of four, lithogr-alphedin brilliant colors, fre:Potag,-e prcpaîd by lin. IntrntioalFood Cn., 7ORONTU. CANAD.A m iss M. M. ARHMOUR-Isasuer of Marriage Licenses, Reglstry Offlce, Bo- avil.Residence: Beecti Ave 5-f BARGAINS IN PIANOS. I wanit to clear ont rmy stock of sec- ond hand Pianos and Organe before the end of March. I amn going 10 o W chleap Ifioui have -the cash to) pay down ail right. If not 1Iwil]' give yoiu ea8y montbly pay- mente or arrange ýpaý montsito suit you if you are thinking of getlng a new iulstrument, corna in) and see our new stylos of the old reliabloDnino Pianos and Organs. None better and fow as good. Pavyn£ents arrangod to suit purchasor il-tf Agenti, Bowmanville. ROYAL MAIL .ST-ANERKs. St. Johin and Halifax toi Liverpool. Paiin........ ..... ..Sa,;eAprîl. V1rglnin................sat. 33 April. Tumean.................at. 20 ApriW ViCtorn...............- t.27Api Montroal to Liverpool, Vîoina.. .............May 1, May Si, aune t Vlriiian... .... .... May 1, ue , Jly 11, Tu~In......... .MaCy 1, June el, July 19. Specli DubUln Exhibition Erie Corizithian._.. ..... .. May 9. Juine la, iJuir1M pretcrlan _........ ýMay 16, Julie 20, July 25. sicifian.... ........ .._May 23, Julie27, Ang. l MQngcin.........May 30, Jly 'Ç', tig. 8 Ratesj and fW1l informuation front Klan Uine Agent, Bowmanviill DONALD G. ]1. CALBERAITR. Bareesoicitor, Notary Publlaietc 0riatemnrCoapny moneys to loan at l f îurntrtes. Agent fur T ha Midland LIa andi SaLvig8 Oompany. -Office ý'ý B Kurynçs toeKlutst. Bowmanil 10 WKN VILE. * ONT. G OL MEDLISTof rinity Un- VeernaySurgeon and Dent'st F. H, ô,Lowrey, LTONODRA RY GRADUATE of Ontarlo A... eerinary College, Toronto. 1 ,pecizi attea(nton ven to, Dentlsiry Office iu Mr', W. DadelsLivery Stable; ni ghlt ealls et is regid2uce, Lorne Villa, Centre Street. te, . Bomnv;e GggSeiling Out. I of~ for sale my stock of >11xware, granite and filverwarc, coofls, bruicse, Statlonery, dry goodEi, CUtIery, etc, eJi boxes, Positive barzain fora an" wiLt' carry on ppddling. Nû,ao&i offerý refused for cash or, pproé pap3r WilI sel! en W0oe Or separateiy or wîlhire a good ma tû Fso JOHIN GRIGG, 32Ontarlo St.,Bwmnile "bone 17 84tf Wanted furCsh 100tons al kînde ecrap !ton, scrap copper,, zinc. led, oid rubber hoots, shùes,- and other serap rubbe-r, etc, Wil caîlat jour place or yoi May write or phone. JOHN GRIGG., 82Ontrio St, owavil. phone 178it