ON TUE F&RT pepla ad imoreofiabeas we ep lni imrovementisge tr then any other frelti of agriculture i ent1 ý ifi div 1p-sl"ai'ar.x per- ietl alosatietniv r daTh aedeooigreakbeb provement and lurinotsibuex short;1f gooti p, cspecaiiy forL. the double tht' pie flor conimon mllilk v 111e drt an luthand sieli f h sables A Doon to the BiNlious Arnyu compelled to) den)y youir- self mýanIy whoiesomne foods becauise you thinik they make you blos Do you i1klow that youir condition is more to blame than the fos Youir liver and stomnachi necd at- tenti ore than thùe diet. When you! find yOurself sufferirig %ith a and alanyn yposwl stoach rgultethe, liver.ndex- ercise tebwlTergoo-d Cf- feets a"re tfeit imeitly. Bcamspulis mn1g1e w Ith the cntentisof the stema ifi and make easyv work of digestin. The leur isingroperties of the fod, r then readily assii]ai ed Lý a n d the rsdecarried (off totirrita- t ing the îIntest;ines or cegn h BEechIam'sPussoudbtae whnvrthere is sick haace (Dn r aysrnti ta di- 1cate an inactive liver Soldi Everywliere. Tt, boxes 25 centsî. 01p1,ehcd ut ad 1rub il wel1 stiulae crcuatin. uhdry rd wra xxqin oic cIioth-ýaanilceopin Upon evey farmwerlnilsir kept for. profitPIhere shoubd hiaplaoe Donotlet ýthecxsgel bun11gry and uneasy. Gix-e fhem lte,i nilgend grainad pel by If s oct a geoti oIvliat1xiiinoii,- ls l a hoadache, a baehe, a sen- ;apuiite oot ae asrn cd sCIoetrrtiiy or twitching andiat enefbesreouîs ~xnontoilubl nevounesuSoething - mnustrbe wroiigwitb the lisead or bac1 l, a SLS wemn aaturaliy S sys,-but alI th lîxime Tt'l sosa;s sIùu1ilt bewehb edp tIb-,m' tise,)aitrouble very otten contliers ia tish iatù tîrevcgo iueeesfos wemnanly organa. la aine csesont 0f a s-ebreni, nittîliîgI ani ots tonVibe seait o! tiseditlil'bty is hare, A aotIb ief\Irwo nts anti a womaun Sabouildtilakrational treet- i 1îurh teet shuli be 4ýgi ceÏ,wanti ra re ment ferfts cure. The local dsrtrsselibetiem bi ai swIasw an i-CI mmaif thtie delicrto special Iqa-esstagoiibcdoetshort si organs et tise sex ýshenît ho treatediIesca! aiulyand Ssuataicaîiy. Ts o isuiih liica t iy Dr.Pilerce), uring a lonprietiof grstaa iu eett fi isene e ht' scuk - pracicebaudthat aprescription macle igpis IIp)etfthe- active mdcnlprinolpiles eofîIf bbcsex' cl hecpiýg ivee'onit n3&ivo Amei-'riconreof,,ts, rextractet by tlo iseIuel ont -b woni teucb ber jpig ruse ef cbaIcaîriùily ïpure lyoincurcd Beuelse grIn.i liervcy iglhy eveýr nineýty par cent. et sîcis cases. Af 1cr ts exm ays usugibs emdyfor many y lnrlbs dinkcf wr aeor 'a Ib1sam pvaspractice ho pput h csp il a inm, u h'dy tfusovnsvt ere9ie 01at wýouht mi-ake i, aslly prcuilrable, anti d ibwaoxv I l oaa ho 1ba t a ay stor re e ei--Susll or xvcm kpigs co beneurij"at Yen are net aht Closeyeuir eyes te ukxsh tl ugs t wisaIt is la 'IiIs th prescriofetDr. Piga sbow',isigna-, et thom[ipa hol P1ierce. Ho ýtella y ou c11labouit it andi o ain-t et)f tli es tp u tbel with ill Ibe igeintqpn-)(M aatiseeaiefglîa a i-bebotle-beyare ad 'sSliperroot I ~ohtie Sealroot, 1lapc Coliseis srpstrmth' ir0, xcotegiû IlooBlIne Ce nosb root aud1ripe: ,-mthec boga.ý eIneti gI ycerlue. Ths a ionngredi- Clavas- iuay ant i alee wil b1fit,ý. enlta are aJl oxlotmAtirocemnmontiet by bo)he valushie as ÏtoLI gix-ca'ýIJw i 1b ise variol13ns edIcaian belus.Thus J. iq fllnwoM. De enelMtri, gi-smIlefouish bulL, aui i%,iI tenid tea foGe Cicaýgo, lsays et Lady Sipper lrt -cniin roo: "xorIse spcua inluece ~o -; pI) ipgs mui ha kepi g-ewIag. zierveus conditions dtoptinigpon is-,:Den t ici tisonsget of[ theis-tr ,a Dores eofensale-orgusai ;rasev-e pI, gewi--le acnfa-e.Tho aa-sii- etc.aIdinsli-c preving that pigs fixe 1le six Prof. John MRin atlise American Dlis- > nnî' VensaýItory, says oet >iicir Cebosis room iii nid cao ha umade ta xxesgb rfal rety. y ilss ocah affinhfty for tise Piga binii for latbeing sheuit be tom is orgns It la, i affcient asg eut fol, tua-cnt foc.groxviiluealy-, nti'l iIe ive Suppressiol. atseorie pltl ot i liitsy lqla urpassec1 by îne thcr ldru fuaia'il hlecaronceas imenlos, lehi1,gofegrclatoasî nîîîty la irrîtalîvean p-d a ntftle e congstIv conltios, haracýterizet bî y irly mild dragging toxv ins.Tise samnenliser .XVcn!bou)ul "i-d ea cie Lpfor, casys etf BineCoisoisibhat iftisa-s enJoyat 'qa betin prîsei bc shol ho ivenIL Wh-ercrpaution for won iusocitby-ey caneforAw'b -alrianl ise deicaislewomnenif tgives toue and vigor 0 rdutonettu lise parts anti rehieves lms-bispain.' Prof. tory sae ttise (oiae rgans ,and ilun tht' y-eut ai psuriascs-ya gives ýtoien acsse iblt. sbe, ant wJ iby gvn tsows ati Dr. John Fyteý, e SuglfkCeua pisocrael otcuifof et anil-a- Says oet tiIcerl rof Ht a fbSi' lie ~'vorI tePesrptioni: PUT NTS 'A rnsEd(y wilch lnvarhahy actsa ýasa uierlue i gý,orator anti aîx-ys b; avera t% A tuai Iii uýýbI cOnidItion %iicba makes for normal ac-hai hassatabawalahoc- tivitF.y et tise outire systeun, cannot tail t aste a ian. ho et greait usetulness -and ftet tumea Tixç s iacr.safuil poolîrymnuan us the' eue importance te thse general practitioere hw-iepr'ofits hy bis aistokes. medcno'"1 "In Hohelnlas we hava a medicansent Put up the dears bo tlesebcieco opi whlcb more buîîy answers tise aboevc xeuynught, te Lcepexvoy i-abs 'anti mrositharn anu eUser d-ug w-is whirh ohiu 'Odit'. T rn "e""ýiacquîîuuecd. Iutise treatment oif i carIy chieks are puît onOt gimnt diseases pecular te wemenlti lasrlijoi liu xiii ermelame. Place floo-r lu tisat 1acase la seonwichotes nîrsn Hecoaaniucpliin cciin. somind iciation ber tiss remetal agent. Xlie ' [ sta bai priniie Sanrie Aclgfrom iseeidttoot-that us tise, state peiedsi--bacitacise, tizzineq,anti 1i11t1ifr atase vi ol.1 paiisin oat unbeerahie. An honest anti Em-hyliaIrei hck viige go a satfe remedy which ne weman can usfordi lau osi-ebo water ntd-Iin - te bac tise eportuiyofetfryng for tise,. II)eI, lcaddý,s u(c-ak(n a womnaa's viîality ls Dr. Plerce's Fo- bovcî rcu in luy'ei1g cisa Faiivorite PrescriptIon-an henesi mcldi..cui a Ige fels'fect fiensnt o fs hoict cinewhch bhas tise largeat numrbor ! - e of at'lcxx- ay-sagise chou-ceaI. cu res te is credif anti a teservet pepu- *B acol'slcigbth'arly layes-s, larity fer twe score ycars al ever tise Unted states. yuuayehbisse5-I010 llet ina in a Dr. Pierea's Pleasant Pellets cura bih- Ia)er htxii ewc-i ~en 1Il.1 lurinujea, sIek ant iblilous headaebeo, tIz- onîstbialsari lu u x zilflcas, ostvenesa, or constipation of tl-cj Ioisep I I gg el)i os flsy nel boveîs, luset of ppetif o, cotedtfougue, rie !aie I i, aldyx bte' saulr stoma ,ých, wsaty belchings., "e I h ,"pain anti disiress aller eablnig, anti- kmtederausgemeclts et tisehvr ODihNf -u OS steacslatiboes.ý C Perouswis ar sojeo teanyet Csudient nîaf aTi-r;isted er Ib ie.r 'tIîs ial til t'l uil oe t"l aaîc o I gi-cl i d ii e sglit'uii i-PilIr-\'qt bo'eM Asa danrpii. a rmae tiasio , île a eri dy. To e - !1-isus -c fpl [osise sc oi21 ux liv h iars rsn o xe-soseslo oiLsu.,a0f à roai-st'Iel-- h 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T 1ý1 - - l Ted xxl.scry ing as if Ilis- Nrtn uli bre, austi 'led Iti efottn r Ismilyh x& baeutl oy b Ir iet i lj \wla b eiats lu i ng ta bcdfa e. ot a dayihe f icealy cs I la gvlonda it wl i)l.n e'aui et ol i Jerk xvas nllyi shor leit il lonmass, l fny uIl "But f1yihere arelidosky-snii dookcysha asTeiele saiik, "anti Jrk la bb sinbaithlevr xx-." i-le roit sa b-sa cci isc"L" essa sam ling. ars, mant ied blieuÏrau- a! isiu ibe lJýInch Ani nxvJrkhti tebels"ti Threwnln hlptolleihe, erTe, laie Ma idita nt i IýJl I ant ii etîsi-, xverIlacpo- ekt'Jek.Sin lti clyure xi bs rac- b't iiigs îe TrIen ste shagy jekani xi.sper iii lit s "Ton n axx- I xx-d. orlît lici y-ou go if i ct-nid elp ifu drop ise. dai-c my no. lxio cfIhnr1" rexvifh yeneOslya it cie bu-cati xnti ex'c liiyes- îcnai AN\sti Jerk gh eve fisc iyuthat mesf "ls, o iutesrsla-isdantheubbtiludis nosouTets leeHitCoc. il.iti BPut lieu klhey raine le taLeJcltoaxva Te Nlpeti c"I aisi ci-led y I s,(nel. Ht irfeti te thnklscxv coînforL ialn.hoek xx'ouiti ha i11bt Iousg4) han, fou- iich au "MyeIii soNtgel cxi emngs wcni ta cd xvsiha beoxy heaiatil ex ortugh bati v ntiex beoxa eut la eptht' goien.irsntly sard! I e uîcataxx-ful iai, i omt ox'a lu1ýsooui shrilae lt iegs-. x-iiil bhnt 1dm bupin axtibaugsig xes sfoe boy ba Ales I bat, butbesllhtio t nieresfgigalseiviiiigi animi,"eebsutl its ltht xvkly t iscol aà s gadea \"nInylti ry i rtutsbetl. bi l!ea-Jweii Phid "l Jisutioi, bx as~ ~ ~ ~~î 11 xie-e'ge ht lh e-s bue ,I i vn' iimI -ix iots li-bsis Lis osigl c la-c isc . to 'IleisonslaIc ise.' lIi "Xud tes' usse. bec.'-aiet eil-"bo jOl," IDe asi,1"d1 la te an i 1 usi 1nia di1e 1 If i I 1u1yi' xx ils ar oin, ves cra lffe vhit Se al fac chîbti sb bs I l 1Ii iixxo i 1 ,1 i: 1c i u kg cs ih o Ssl '- an ILellhu aisfcse iotkîcv xi nîlgt ioppes. ot se nrd uaik-av be-aarat, o' ek 'at1 a tga oi gisfat clea tl 0b tise hune.' lJ. Nelîs tch!rdleug1 ie I lei-y Io 'Ixl )ie disetoit as abeot ihir1u1orîing fs e paseds B i A ýw h tanes. acdlý,onlîftobepnisd,' c ouf mî ynxxolds,"bggc N xTh e uxsiy vs, . in in a sc a Ted.'l .,il( "nti hall gol hl a. 1papa.isec mor e bis y-c." ýdlý, "Ife he csiu-e re .111 uissi n suc,. sacniîduit uee-- 50 aisorh, butifsardl mAve t bsl;jgs, oltHen ýi't-irl b ,pebriting JrkgoI *'c, v ut e stabe, antilhvd nias le e "Oh en ees.inerlnglexely, dl taîbes," she osait, giving huai a ulsa alasl risaqucazetii frcth otet hissa.e "Tou Grmpan la f he ussi s hurrnil'Jou tisai ec bc, at larges utu u anti la JacîsailIchntIlb. lüu ii al bvise t e sslh 1, lianeveu 'flue P 1pi3 ol en in Ccebracle flarFos ilcrel o rly uin Erec viccc brais Esie. Cria1sa0cut[LNciv Tea!s PTiC l IlHEýIlANCE. -scv, ilîm ul xII-i le peu iosum morereue i iitsli;ts uaseiaa xx~~~~~~~ caoscfs l asbes xIsisi-Te! "lus uinci ' sui 1ih Isssitte t. tls, - îsmeususnhlos fruute '-sx Insus- aio reith xu e a LJîhod 'l 11fi-ensih Fia t tfla a1si-'caNssoî jail L 1su il ~ ase miexx sith l l'int1y id s hei ise an l.il, hlasebr des-ij e11IIý1t ls th'kîcao.xcx tle lslit1e i- prliicsr ts l 1l1ise a s~lsi l Li t uest ife 'îiy l tteit xla ils-i pace ArUxiitrhe Itic ecaisie xxi ohsi i 11lascu-ele. sd oals n dcl piotesion i c 1cii jncI halet1xx"Li Asu fco - xx Isiis butala d,,Issiuss is ussealr ex -ro!fic uIsuycs" fia bel. A gi-il j' inease I tse]x l'siy 11,u sy iseId I jt auy i i e!il, iss ns oc cuas ituseoplEn vhx put n -cet sAt rucsasaugcCtebobunislcabout ry ampaessses 0 )n NI That -,in ndesn Mrsý. Pinkham yoil are co-nfidîîg yOur prnivate lus tue a woman1U' Tho pesnstMr"'. Pinkhn la Ibe herdecas, hm tivch as bren freeiv esgiven, osck mwonea. any wmon Soffr Aucn slne antidifsalong fo bat t wrse kowogflillw(-1ll tat they euotght t'o have immediate assitapne, bt a naural modesy in.pels ;thern te hrnkfroîn epsngIeacv to tile questio.ns ýandipoai eaiain of evenl thir family phsirian.Tt is neesr. ihn oe Women Snffring fboni nao binof feaeai k-pc i Mr.,.'Îinkham i Lîî a ssImm AI litters are recivetioposeti, ras!ti davnsxerd y wmen onily. A won; can frely aU of heýr privateb"' ilînesate a airman; ihon LmIasm'en esay-isedui th ewemeramuoniece e n10 Mrs. )W.inkia ,wen boe.Ont' of the vast volumeofé M eperince %hph à-hm astu draxv -from, it la inorie ihan pssbl itatisuli( as ý ganet ihevery knowhid thai llhep yonrcase She a nihing la rinru h relieved thouswands,. Snreiy any wm rîch or poor, is very foiaiif sue doc ytetmnIl ht tes a no hi neot taire aiaaeof Ibiýs gneoulflýr vaine and xvat youhv ocfor ime, o!asstne-Lydia E. iakham Mat -[Pçi- "syou k1now, 1I wrole y ýou that 9yt cin Co., LynnMs.dro adImaihv noeaino Folloýwing we pullsh tw letters olifotlv.tthnwoayoul, teIling frmawoa who accepted this yoam lns ollowc111rydfc inviatin. Nte ue rsui. ad iarnelirciy wel. I con walic miles witluiit an ache oýr ia pain, and 1I owe -y Fist latter. lu, t yor udnt f0Lyiaý E. Pinkbam:'s Vg Dear Mrs. l'ilkiim cabl Copouti.I ws1 ve ry s-afering "Fm o ii years F bave puferei smethiag womuan wonld reat thp testimoilan terrible cxery moth. lise ýýpinýnsre - r""e tse he x la vitsn s e cruciating ai.7id 1ceaiadiy stand tbcm ilonrrmedy,-rsMyimm iè,5 My doctr says I have a "severe'fiea'eand E. CapielSres, ashngo, troub:le, andti Iiua, g tirugh an opm- Wheo a medicie has becasisesia atin ifI want te gel scii.I0donet wat1l Abstrng te healiswse mny wmaenp tlie su l, mitt1 f ai oiyoîip il. vnose testîmony la s uquatinale relieVe fl--c flM rs Mry JDilnsick, 59f b vol, cannotiei-eh va, wtoitrying il, and E. Capifol Sfs., WaAhîgton, b.P. "I, do net lbihlve lt xxýiii hulp m. If Second lettr yu iare iil, do't 1hesýitate îý,te ela betîl Dai m ur. 'Okhm:- of Lydia E". Pînkhiam's Vegetoabl1eCo- ,AMe o, i ig apfilypa icpouati atmonce, andrti ue, W. IPiJhai, Compijouid, I'ain vcry auxions Wtelcndyeu1ndni ways heiptul. I~~~~~~~~~~ tyautiun cfcsics-ble bc's o- xx c( 'lli., Iý1 l p îlOtSE IlE'cN j 1 X )D 1OID0 usiscl tlsiuslîc- ase Ssi adi pt'is.i oiIu aligrc tdsao bonca tijiai ix cqaeiy irfetiu lus iriss a IiSi-ssliis fen ms.ci ssssspscaî e t nsvbsIe bas ii tim'ht' ar %soxuM nTuoalisltretc-hisg r usis1 xx ib iscoiis ui 1xxliii' . as- i - 1 V,îusfs ns satcsi'i u usaa Ifam fex c- aLa[nawî fIu 1ousintiCii r res ~hl s i'ytcmJuaks na Vzcus '4 e flfsU ,, acaia. rus es x,~ Pco$p Ar ox Psxir15 O1 ii peaa " b t sahI o orEse 'eca - tio n sh lol 1 p ctaml ier l sgxving. playrim ai ied cbr on l it lsc scx in there 1xvihher. i Cetitomlllieosnsep i itiDci lus. t1 ý.,' li l v "Ahnx 'etsnidhmsaerb bitsf ?"ake, ian a "XX e havent any,"1rinî-ncd 1AîVlen i lies nye "Oh xv bo 1e omeve , i dA' lesaisIeaxysern rts ad AND CONSIDER THE ALLA MPORTANT FACT