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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1907, p. 1

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tte TeRMS :-1il Pe An Ëm New Spring GoodsI Nowbere ehse ini We2st Durhamn WIl you flnd such a b-ig stock- of NETW DRESS GOODS. Sucha fine assortment of ladies' NEW S PRING, CxCOA TS. Such an immen'se assortment of NEW, LACE GI-RT*LNS, Such a big stock of ilkinds of NE",W CARPETS. Such a bigstc of Linioleums IN ALL WIDTHS. Such a~ choiee stock îo! NE VW R-EAD Y- TO'--WEAR CIOTHJNG and such a fine dis. play of Higho', Class Dry Goods of aUl kinds as, a -re sold by C4ouch 1Johnstonl & Cryvdermnan Glrocers' Due Buis -taken-, as Cash. O--uiu To-wN ,TAi)COÏDPr -0 EBOWMANVILLE, ONTARICO, WEDNESDA-Y,-A PRIL24197VOUnLIN.7 I * mi ~~~THIS W EKS S A S AN C , a Dyf,.hn.1 Vi r are -,ust needs tion, the They pe ouly lu t-AL ï 1317 SRest $1OOO SITotal As5sets $6801.7 paper are pinted this week an d nearly every borO ne the district will zet a Copy. W2 1have made 0every Page a lcal page-. If YOIu fail ta readj every paeof the eight yoÏL wilh i Msase i1mportant ne,8 PAGUE 2-Western BEaUk Report-Why1 MOney ha Scarce-Ciarke Counocil-Base Bail League3-Towu Couucil-Ad vrie PAE3-Count es-oricPr urn-es o! Mrs, Cubitt and Mtyrs' Horsey- Canada 'a Financlal Showng-Perana, etc î SI-urrent T'opca-ip ton Seoa eports--Police Cour-t, Terry1 Ca.s:e-Fashlion Hiuts-Pcetry. After this week thecre whIV be lesa ad- verîiaing and more reading matter. This paper lias so îmanjy readers and la 80 popular, merchants and other adver- tisera are crr)oding aur pages.Q But it alwaya paya ta read theadetemns For ai gooti cup of tea try, Haddy 'a de al îe a a'; 2 5,eandrici40eCp ac kae-a 0 god tea a lwprice. WW)ISTERS AND CI¶URCIIEb evJ.G. Mîllar, B. A, Knox Coiege. Toronto, preached excellent sermo»n ilu St. Paul's c-hurcb Suniday, Rev. H., Munroe, B A . pastor, wiaa ju .Toran1to. 'he bllletting cDmmittee a! the Meth. odit chnrch are preparing for the en-. tetlmnt o! the Bay o_!)_Quinte con-_ ference wbnih mecets here thO firat weeki lu June W. C. T U. uex re-giar mieeting- w1il be held ln the Pr'imary class ,roomn o! thie Metbodiat churcli on TuesdaY,' April Sa at 3 p. F ull atnac e quleFted. The Salvation Army's great annual effort for the extension amd support of iaoîayaud Social work by prautic- aI selif-denial idLWbe celebrated trom May 41 hita the 1 th The Army's aperaions aIl round tho world haive noCw becomoe s etesiethat iL is wel vlaefor a few weeks toeloka!ter the fence trade owviing triMr. C ', . Mout. joi, havng gaýne tÊo the No)rth-wstfr the aummer. Alilbusiness for this3 ageucy m;lt be doue throuigh hlm, Tuesdlay April 30 i5 the dateoth Sale aIf furniture 'and chattelsbeogn ta the M1iaiytin Estate, BOvne Water M ilîs 1Dont miss it Great O oporty to buy jhkOUseh"oîd eff ects cheap. We believe but veryfe Dry Gooda8 Hanses on-1tFide the ciLle-s carry aueh a fine ail-roGund stock o! general dry gzooda as Couch,. Johuaton and Cryderman iThey are týhe biggest importer,4a md' thelareatdeaerain lghcla8sgoada lu West Durhan, and dry ,ocds travel. lers who know what they are taikiugp, about often remarkz that tLhey do, not aee auy better gooda anywh-ere,. Juati now they show a parteularlyý finef stock o! Dresa. goada, 1Ladies' Sprlni£ Comts, ReaRdy to 1wear Clothing and 'Men'a Rats, while their o! Carpta and Lac-e la, wve beIieve, ýhe fineat showu býy any *Hanse lu these Couies, anid no better value aniy-vlere Give themn a cal. NESSAGE TO FARMERS' WIVES, Dear Ladies-Do y1ou ltnow T. H. Knight Pl! the Model Grocerv? i!f ot you are respectfully iuvited ta mnake bis persoual acquaintauce at bis model graoeerv ecans-e iL will pay pou and pIc cas bDýa in o tu&a amnt. aga, ousaec. HIe la.0goad and reatly now ta buy mli ymur butter sud eggs for trade or cash. lie wants all on haveý Ca el au wil tcyon well.If Mpoui haveutie o muc buterhe wauts it and ail the ezga -ou àhave ta ýsellfor whicb the beat pricea will be paid. Bning them lu freah, -pi'aue, Fresh lifibevery Tbursd4ay a dFviday auid thÈe beat of eve3ryîbing lu cýholce f alyFgroceris, fruits, sicand Provisions, UAN YOU LOOK PLEASANT? If pou can't l100pr1tyor- pleasantl 1701 cau loomk nalnr-a'i.Wben your frïinda ,see your photogjraph tbe.y ex- 1ý1avm "How Natural ! " ' Ian'1t that a tî'îe likeneas ;" Thev should du an ii MAY 1, 2, 'Iland 4,7 Are t ou goi pg ta at tend t he b,:; r,4ut adinNationallorse 8bow in Tortf utc next week? SiDgIe fare on G. T RH>on. WednedayOpenug day, plus 50Ce!ad- MIýSsion taShow; Ifare-apd..a 1third, plus .50c, for admission, May , 83 and 4h I L la t a b e3 h eq d i nl u t he S t L r e e Arena, the cit'aewbidn.7000 lu PrizeaS-bigger and botter thai eer word f!or the home r awa3- The Corner Shoe store Leaders lu Low Pricesl DRRSS SIE Highi Class Patent Leathe rs iLadies' Blucher Bootfs, eýreas- cd vamps, sîngle soe......25 "double sale .. 800 singesl (MI.,..,..20 dou ble so'e....... ...2 50 BlueberShagoyr weited, double so1 leow ;heels, round tocs ....... ...27 Cuban eeS-n'e w Swiue tocs..... ..2 5 elOaàk soles, new Swine ocr rondLas, leather lies 85 Rubber îhees,.,.,.,,40 These patent leathers have b eenl Our MePhersonS osaeamong' the moat advanced ln style mradeI, a-nd the prices are lowver than anyv advertised braud o! shae,_ Peple are shOw'7ing anunres havea splendid vainut sow Mi.ssesG' aud cudrnBluc-hers ý and St-rp Sippers, e'sand Boýys' la(Ced girlssizess2 ta 5 Ladiles' ea in variety.' O ur Whý,i te Sh oe s a1re now an dispIayý Fine Viçi Kid An i sa v ar,,Pty o! liglit' weýigÏht styles su;ited ta th]esao, See oaur wviudow prie-tickets, The Burts Price laý the Loviest, The Baln o~ t. Main iFour Crea! J, A, MeCOLELLAN, Ie Mdand Loan çald4 ýavigs Port Hope, Ont,. salibd18721 capital f ullypi n 86,0 OEDaLLAPR wiIt st art auaclount 3:p o en !t (.0apouudc ai ea and pidMa lst al1d Nov. 50 h lEVEET DAT Chat Clhe LACra man o eostlutt ayNt Ale-s D-,ýorLId vriiNotobe1 e If you have 1n90 or mat oicd ioi cin luor wieIon, Iformation awy ,g1adiy gN ive. o o n h Ae Lat o ai. livt fun ada in the be tres gofc ,il Comp2il IMI'COVD UEUA L ST ATE, at hal the-ciass ofaecurîy we ave t1o ofrt wvery teosfr.EilanI mmd Chat tChe FARM la, and lwyaillvzl , LCe funtýa il s ource (of weaith.l A HSOLUTEfLYPIVAE 5OLICITEt9. J. .HE M of Caniada, cuba. St. JOh'S Nwouind Yr A general baý-juig bsns transacted D r a fts onGi othe répins Ougloi b rs Baners' roney orderc sused. farmers' busiess.ý Depoits of $1 reeelved. !nt2rea.,tefom dateo C deIapoit p 4i 4 'i x yaN tob "rad tae or delay., Acconts ! coporaions fim entetaitheu-avery Comrneniale amd k,-iudly act o!f riendliness aud broth.! erly love Reý,v. Mr. Hipkin and fml will carry with them ,thie eaýtCem md best of P-11 ail urcizes TChe annual Vest;r.y meetifng waa heid lu St. JobnI's Chu;ýrCli an April lt "'be chnj1rch wrenarepart sahoewed theý the financýes cf the cburcb ta bl7e luea satis!actory conrdition. The Rectar re- 4a"Lected Dr G. C.,Bonnyas -lus i Waiuand the cougreg-ation eeet ed Mn. , W J. Jouers as-15Peaple'a War- Cteu. Layt represeumaqt!ves ta0aten-d the approacbiug Sp n1(ad reMear.W. W.l I'ambW ln, T. H. pry and W. L- Mal.- oery. The Aydchbiibop of!I'orinto atdmîn- .smtered ýJthe iîte o!fonira iiitSt. Johin's Cburcch Thursdmv eveuing. Tbis is bis finaL vioct A the parish ainca bis elevation ta h Ac% ihprcand EPrimafcy o! ail Canada. Anothler appeai for monrey for Mia- ulons was maede l a Mtoitcuc uua. The famine )asituation iu Yimlaterrible maOit uow, Wn î'i :ot be as w!weh Mrigte chng uS dïd o! the snurers there? An area o! Rntýy tbousaund sur lecompris. ng a populatio n!aout fffenm il.. lioua is affected, O!these, tn maillions arie ilrecly fstdïhî our mîlihiir-S ire- uow lu danger co! starvailon Th e ailiiar diat of the greatmasoaf te population la chopped straw, chaif, aav/es and staîkas, ail hoiled Woethar Suh r a "ccin ineviaby lads toi dropsy, famine faver, tý phuýs amd ot'her1 liorora. A ilitte mioney goes a lonz waiy. Ten cents a day wl save amh iauily.T-wenity ents wiL save a lifel for a week. love dollars wVUlSave six ilVes for a montb. Tan dollars maty eep a faMilY over ibe PiuchA. hund- red dollars wîil a a niahiCommun. ;y. Tne worst condition la vt La coma, nd- huuJrded8 of ousanda wPll die, niesa large suma sof! mouey and lbri iipments w o! odare irmudiately pro). ided. But whbso biath this wordld' ood, and seaýth bis brothe.r have nced,l owd shuztteth up bis bjoes a! compjas. on froim hlm. hOw dcllttelov îfGod l im"1.John 28:!7, pumla up tMm whole sstem. iiiraiviC'i'lly cu-ýres ka i lod i s e , 1rmpipe to cola ft la the býs ei reedy for arb rhematsmand dsesa At al fimes of itheyea-.r it la the most widly seful ei ie Thes sttemntsare confirmeddal Over 40,000tsîoii rcieih toyears - an ueuldrcr Initon ihavlng Ho'aadget toa.100 Doen Ox Dllr ies - Artïsadou't care to take ba ie The ean awet til crature that ho cauoot takas ý'natral sIfe utb uly , fldee. -Children'sIpîcturas1 sbiould b'e takren every yemn, oeaPeclmll1y Young' eblîden. Nowpo hvegai you rpiiug 2suiti ait for pour picinre. Yonlokspic lud apan malways luine cohs, aml gpa ahS sonAd e t!aken lu ihe pig îYon cau depe-l nd ugtigago ie ners at sRaya' SuiBwavle GRE XCITMeNT IS TOWN, Ifth pape !Waat Dunm reahl conld appreciata t'ho neductionàs at which The Mvason Ca. la aelling off dry gooda muchof iL ordered for thi Splstruade,they wauld cae to-Lo wu at Oo ta get a sare a!fthe hargains uow being offead by The MAsoi n .at their great Cag-f-uiessale, cîmlimed ta be anc of!the greateat dryv Z47o04sa!eaBaw u i bs eerha d. Crow,-ds o!fct bnah ve tirougedth stor e.Their staýî ff o ens lhas ba doubled and ye, they eed imore help, Sevn eka more lîike at wek ili do0 the tiktiaigout the ;dr-ygoods and reducing theclcotuing oe bal!' ever1.thilag iuplaaurfo buvers mnd te budgllua! Len cool. Thte Carpe-ts and Lnlusare s( champ tbeY are g;2Oingliý-ke'bot cks They are loveley pîan mndare, moat. Go u te ranonsIfyou posshy caLu and ha very c ireul l takug mesnsfor ca1rpets mnald ious We wmna o isas Rerd ie new mdvartisemeut î'Lon tha Imt a . DAd yaurend la« wmar ce p9ge munaiiruneenB? PDan-- lame muyhody if pon U ilta get sane o! the positve bagngaua uw gag aet The Mbason Cola great sal, the social ement o Stnua Tor- uto- wasintouibtedly tise mmrriag-e a! 141aS Maboi RoS, ange dugter a be.( Han G W. Rsa, ï-M. CIhanr.esf Leslie Wilon, son o!fr.fi0P nt kWilson, The marriagataok paeu n mIdA Audew's Cburch, wbihhwms a mass o! îalm mdfiowrs.Tne bridewoea 'ruiit reation o!"ItelceUven luchessti, with tulle veilaud wneath of'oraruge blassoma, aud carris ianztful bouquet c! wita HUSPrd urchids. iss Téixe Philip, ber ana wh te pont d'eprit much ruf!ed oseri pale bone 80qk, wih binlathaReri wrr Dr. fý G. oa n Iwr ~mrisMr.Chet, Mn. Chad tk, 'Mr Rngh'! u1 Mnrrayï P And r. Du' as Campbell Afier the cerenonit a -Fceptif)n was haiýd at 1tha home o!che(i ni eraoon Mn and RMrs %Wison lfL ou1 d eis tnp ta e rm udS a, he bride wIl, - nga r 'rtzgr a 't ailor17e d su;it", baet ta n 'lc- Onreirreturu theIvi ru- 1 cless usiness, ve cave long seen th t tLoe p blc recognze pnsh and matlauchig nt lu busines-,s is b6hnc îhemu, nd( is warth*y tof confieence, and certainly[3 the public hav-e sonthei7r ppreciation i Mr, and 'Mrs. Foley's coaar.d gnd buisinessqualifes by a o r d n h m a m a h i e r l a tS ae Wo yenl", ugo the3y moved intc Z1the large and ceniýral p0remiss;v1caýted hy the post officeee2 they Paveen joy d tili a xger lnce as;e T hey ar plauning fÏor a bib;g ndayï, i sKar. TheIr motta atillisl:Hibs grdsat mra0rte coat and "ThFe Maple Lea fPorever R,,ecent visitars: Mr j , I. WilllamaF Oshawav.i Mran. J.A, Werry and son' Erreat, Swail Farm, Enikllna Roeiandivaleý r Arthur We0stlakýe and rsD. Cameéron, Oshawa; MigsSe, %eî e t n t r S Ui a s W l i a s ; t î a Litlian Van Neast; Mr. adMra. C. Thoas, Taunton, nt M,Iy. ruea Edlor andlaM. A Jume, r. . N or m n J a m es i a ud so t a t -oP-,nvilla t CJaoVnes~s Mr. ano Mrs Richard Pso, E ied at Grand na H g rt';Mr. J Arno,, ~I e i a ; M r an d MN rsý. VW. N . P aseneý at nnkiln; r and Mrs. Riet. J. Luk1e and ebîd1en, kedron;mr. and Mr, TV. Pascç,oe an-ýîdi daughlter> lmtn wvit f rienas lhere, . .e1v. S. EDiKxon. Tyro)n, preaches hrenext Sun--Day. . , Divi sion debate rdynig ht on TaTxing B-achelors vwas givea in fayo)r f Ie iiegative by a few palxnts. us 4pr i 80 la the dav C th e M rl E t You lC I-iltrust a me2 c n te ýstýed 60 years! Sixîy yea'S, df experience, -think- of that! ExpeCriecec with Ayer's Sar- sapriilla; the orginal Sarsa- parla; the Sarsaparflfla the doctors enorse for thlin blood, we,,ak nerves, general debility. ut even Ch!, grand id medicin e anant do ,se. work if tJe liver is iac ive nd lthe nuit, ye ,hold Cke lxatie4dse,!of AyeB Puswhile Caking the Sraarla tiAI vi0ce * foru 'a-,f Il cnredea. kd ---------- -- Tu !VUULD aFTERWARDS. TORONTO ROBSE SXOW. !SThe Weat Durhamn Agricultunal Societyvwiiilrlîd aStallion and Bull Showv at Dnîli Shed Grounila, Bowman.. villa,- T'hrsdr, Ma'."91907, wheu, prizea Will be(3ffeed as follows:. StahlIion, rged, Ikt $5 2nd $8Il rd $ 3 vris, lat 5 2nd 2) Srd 2 Canadi'u-bred lat ;-)2nd 3S3Srdf3 aes, a ny age laýt -42nd12 Srd i1 q Facku ey C a r ( e i t r d tallion, age d, 1s t 85 2nd $8 rd 2 agdyrs 'Ut 5 211d 3 3rd Pony CIaSF- Stalion, any age l t $ 5 -2nd d $ 2 -Agcultural Ulssa- Mares, any age 1Ist, $4 2nd $2C Srd $1t Sandard bed or 0'l d n-r cas m y Stailîln, aged, St '5 2 nid $8 rd. $2 aged S yr3., 18t 5 3n 8 r d2 Bulis, (registered)- Dnrham-L, - lat $8 2ad $ Heýreford, lat 13 2nd 2 Jersey, Ilst8 2 n d 92 HoIstein, lat 832nd Judging 'nil beglu at t1 30 p, in, Eun tries mait be înade at Secret aIry',i offIce up ta 12 o'ciock ouda(Iy o!shw.Ad-. mission 25c M a n a g n g C m m i t e e - W E . Je w e ll A. E Clemena, 1H. C, Roar, F. Bnaer, F. T. Alfin, J. S. Moorcraft, Sec,-. LtwA- AL

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