IS .M. ARlMOUR-iSsuer Of niauilie ReideDs: 3eeclb Ave 5-f Kjaie at -N PLVMER 11llet St., l3owma'n- vill, e Sefl in ordcrs eariy. 12 6w ~caF' vRONWAN lriDÎ- WilIpa sJ6c par 100 lb. for any qatt !good tove Plate Scra,ý frece from b'urflt OWN VILLE FOUaovN . U IBIC (7NOTICE-i hierebv giVe P ntic H5tCI wtll I nu De rsoabefor any db5intatdbyuarY person wtever 12w, S EPBINGC C REE K D AIR Y FAÀRMlelil(OR KJ al orToItet,-Siued wlthflt a Slf- mile 01 Bowmalrville staticon. Psssio iven thsFait.j Applyv to M. BlRsI, ox G7, Bow i1village. of EnnisMIte. 'A simli farm n.Of .7 acebeî n g sitate Lan'mpiojseC of pariaof tiio , t ('l tIse Soltli ! lot",18 ii',thse tls co(nces.sion afIltie townisbip o! Tiieeis'o. the remÉikse a god boue wt stone 0celar.; (jodbarn i vt'nstooe basemnl; frulit treýes an d emal fruits for a flmlly For on tise preilises or L1. * BsoN,. amton MRM LBOiIRS AND lFTIS HA VE BEýEN INSTRUCTED BY JtIse Domiiiiini oGvrmnset 'taplaceIm- grtants frani the UniLted KingdComi in POsitîOII aS farm labourers or domiestic servan tainibis vlinlty. Auy persan rQiigsuaIs heilp shocddd ntify nie b>' letter staing fuily thse ind iD Ielp requlred,l' hen wanited ndwgesffer. cd *The nanibers arrivIng ay notbe suflent tsuppi>' at requesis bat eveýry effort will ls& made ta suppli>'eachaplca witIs1-se1P reqire-d.E.BLMN Cainadien G(overiameïitEllploymflcft Agent, 5-Sm ~ ~ ~ P 0amniie .O..Ont flarrister, Souviior Nta>'pnWblhsetc. Private and Compan>' mioneys tla a alowet crrent rates. Agenit for TIse MidiIanui Losm Yjid Savings Com"lpan>'. office oppoite J. B Martyt' toreKiII. SW. Bowmanvillle. 52-ti Do W!NVIL. * ONT. GOLD MEDALIST 01 Trlnlty Un. ves[ty1 Toronto; Four yeasAttendîs Physician anýld surgen at M. Cre cptl Plttsbnýrg, K8. office and Resideneellagta t. t Tek. vixone No. 18. Veterinary Surgeon and Dent;st F.HriSSo'Lowrey, HZONORARY G R4'DUATE of Ontario A '.V'ternary College, Toronto. Specia attkention given to Dentstry Offeint Mr, W Caldwell's Llvery tbe night cails ai his realdeInce, Lane Villa, Centre Street, Day o r nlgbt calta pfroxptly responded tu, ueplirne nof126OffiCe 1î2l Bownaniville. NOVICE. As we have to pay cash on deliveryv for alilOur tock, we have ta disconItin--ue taking due bills at par, So after this~ dlate tarn pOT cent wili be takenl off al due bills tendered for goods. O. M. CAWKE'r & SoN, April 17, 1907, Bowmanvifle. Lawn Mowers. The unidersigned wisees to inforr al those interested in Lawn mariwers, that ;l'ais flow rcady with his new Ideai grinder ta sharpen and overliaul moIs - ors of evcryv dicription. Brlng your mowerE in- early beforo theo rush 16. if A. W. Pickard, EnsI End Biacksmithi, BOWM4ANVILLS MAREKETS. Coa'weted la usa FLOTuR, I 100 .......$2 00 to82 40 W«auÂ, Fali, bush ...0o On 't 075 ri Sprîng........n ot'i0O72 " Re-îd Fifs......90"t0 8) if 3oae00el0" 065 BýALIs, e bush, No 1 ... 0 00"le0 00 te if e" 2 C. ut0 0 ' 48 et, e ! ue b (0 fi ri 0415 "1IlTw o rwýd 0'J r0" 000 OTS, whi:fet ()......O00 I 0 40j BYE, if'--... 000 060i BUoJKWHmA! l'"............O 00" O 50 PRA.s, 1Backoye, r bush..o 0 o o 't CaniadIan Beauties OÙ00 O75 SI Mummoy i' 0 00 0 00 t Smaiî 't O 60 in O 70 e Biue ' 0 00 '0 70 CLOVIuaRSERDn.......00 8 09 TIîMoeTr ysn.......2 00"3 00 Burrait, best table, IP 1.,O0 0 '0O251 JG~P doz..O 1 ..."0 O 016, 1Pýbuh ow 0 5 0 06 BA.ton . . .. - 8 10j A 'CROSS COUNTER TALK Cusome~ "o~vdo yu now tecolor lShewinWUim Pain, Pepaied.aredual? -elr The cloain. SW.are ,durable and lasingbea! of the high qualifies of raw maerials used, the care taken in manu- facture and thesAkli empyd ià miing and gridbpg.Thse S-W. Ca. bsifs ondry color plant and Prc(ICes; dry colors second te nonte for billancy and strength; orteits own inîeued il mil! and ma1ýnufactures aIl pure li nseed il for S-W. Prdct- as its own lcad and zinc minî!es, a npïlos a lairge staff of chemwisita m intain tesndarm faira w materials a"d finished roducs. "Wh nmaeis of sucis quality, coinled with the thomouh asimlafing bhey recive in mixing and grinding, is isured lisee moat permanent and durable colors àtàspwosbet a manufatue.e S. .P. wears ais long as, an>' paint can wear and retazins ius brighî,nesa and reheafor(tise greatest Possible me' Foor Sale Buy Dlealers %n Hardaae, Stoves and Tinware. Phone 66. Opposite Post Office. 4~rGates 1,1Gatos I GatesttI O-wing ta tue great demand and the ocri> f wù6d kateral, we will only mrakýe a Iiimited niumber of zhe lamons E "Bscrs"Wood Framied Wlre Gate-s, and we would advise that yau Eeud us aL card as ta apecial asiz9s and ORDER NOW. 'Ail orders reccived beore tise lutht of May; will be fled for $3.00 cact. t We will carry a large stock of Iron Gatesanad Wlre Fenîclng. ,rder now tisat aur fence gang may btter be abie ta «ive - you prompt sert ice,j Do flot ho deceivod by otiters offering an -inferiar article. Ne BERSq"Q, O. L YERçS, Port Perry. Ennisklillen. S iluecessars ta C. J. Mîcuntjov, Fence Agent SSttylish Footýwear !-Men ~Wonen_ O We invite yvou ta see Our' Sprilig dia-play of Boots and Oxfords, we glnar- anee opu0tatter y our taste, that 30ou Ocan be suited.41 IA couiplete lune Of Children's aRnd range af beavy goods for men Is ver>' Caili aud Sec us, Lt is a pleabure O ta show goods. S Red & Pearn,H SOpposite Balmioral Hatel- Bowmauville 80 WMAN VILLE, APR. 24, 1907. Mrs Asa Gardn, Ottawa, Dom,,inion Superintendent cf the W. C. T. U-. ad-~ dreissd a mnass meeting in thoîMcý--thaod- iat Church LUL>na>afternoon aol "T'hat boy and gzirlaf yo1urs " Sle la a very c3arnecit forceful speaker and betr address was a strovg appeai b fatisrs and otsr.ltiF16 regýettab1e tstmore fathers were net present to hiear hier, Mûs. Tisas. ba&r, President; of thse local r ,C, T. U., presided and M(tiss Emier>' sagthat ver>' pathetîc soio tse "Bird Il a broen Pinion" lu a voice tisat wvas inguilarIv' suîtcd ta the selection3 Site WaIs hlghly oplmntdbyMs Gordon. 'Rer. Vý . i.Emery(ci0osed with tise benediction. in tbe evening Pastor Emekry gave Mrs, Gardion an- ater opportubi'y tW Speak wheil sie ddesathse îlargecoreain - plinn hwaiew as c '0edta Its ýwork ;and masig aohrsrg appeal tg ailpresenft ta begin a %n ew lite anýd ta b6 ready for the Miaster's service. 'Mrn. Gordon îta avr'bus' 1womtano. Risc expecta ta-, give two, or three a,1dresses each d1ay uring te nlext few weweks auid wiIi procee e4 ta Wininipeg and tise Coasýt on a tour of work for God and lte eause of temper- ano. eMiss Emoerv sang a ver>' pretty solo "JeassI my cross have taken" Thse past wee3k bas beenà a ver>' anx- ions period ta those Who) knew thse big tire englue waa aut aobf ies.The tawiibas becu at tise mercy cf tlie citemïical englu)e, tise Martynb -aud en- gine and witaterer private app1ieu1ces arc owued lu lte townt. Perbapa lise loas saidi about the reai condition iu which tihe îown ba.s been for sererai Months tbe botter naw, Tise big tire englue bas been sent ta Londanonfor repairs and asondhd engine af sallîer size bas been put lui serv ieee. t is estim ated that tise lujuiry sustaiued by tise big town steam- e'r and conurrent expense of reparis aud otberwise willi coat tise town Close outo $200.Cti7ens are daing soýme strong taling and not withauit suffis-r tout reacon, Conditions wore pretty alarming Manda>' when a tire alarni sounded for a tire Iura aisod ai, r.rafr' about 10 a-m. and W, 12,30 noan a second alarm- soiinded for a miniature prairie~ tire lu tise wesaned, tise grass iu Wil- liama' flats isaving cauit fire and tbroatenied for some minutes thse ontire business portion of the town Tise wind blew frais> outis wcst a gaie and ise fireeWas driven uip to King and Quoecu treets. Sa deonse was tis aoke tha t nqoanc could live iu Il long enougis ta do anyýtiing aud had any buildings c"iaugist ire titre was no se.ivation for tise. town under existing conditions Fonces took fire but no futher seriaus damage was doue, as the roadways stopped thse furtiter advance af tise THE WESTERN BANK. It la Dow a qu arter, of a ûOutury aince tisis progressiveý institution first opened ts doors. saya tise Osiawa Vindicator. Tientv-five yearq aga Februar>' lat, severn Mou1good aud4 truc banded tbemx- seivesý together ta start a bank bere, Tisey were Messrs. John Cowani, W. F. CowPII, R.-S. lamlati. Dr. Mlntosb, W. F. Allen, T. Paterson, and J. A. Gibson. Wlti Mr. T IL. MeMilan as cashier tisa> set thse Wester n Bank afioat uipon tie troubled wiaters af finance. TPoda>' eacb. and evorv mau oftem las stili aI bis Post, titere having been not a, ingle changeouiitise directarate <dur- ing tisaI itýug portaiL Il isas pleasod Providence ilu this instance ta permît titese venoerabia gentlemen ta sece te succeýssîn resulits cf tiseir splendid eu- terprise, and ws iteartil>' congratulate tem,-anc and a&l, together witb M. litMilla.,u, pou the, grand resuits tiey bjaye aciieved. t is wortisy ai reinark tisat tise sitareisalders have Most fittinig- iy added Mqr. Robert Meb'ûaugisîlu bt tiseir nulmber, sud bis career iu every- respoctentities lmta aIeranIswith! tise, otiser dîreçtars. Tishe *Western Bltik Qi O>uv(da ,is just uo)w passlng 1b sïrx mifflion , 3rmark. lu has greaily eteddthse acope of ils subsiidiary work, aud tise onormaus do- posit Shows tisat il en1joys thee unlimîted confidence c>i the public On the aibor haud, tise bank bas cnfd nceluthe publie as weli as ln tise future af tise caiuntr, for it lenilsinanciai trougth te every worlty effort ta stimle te bus- iness witerever ià aperates. Manv a mn awes bIs position in tise busiîness wor-id ta tise freoel> xteuded assistance. of titis popular financlai institution. Thse tawn of (Jsiawa la jnstlv proud 0of thse Western Banks, whilc bas made town bIiding a speCiai feature oaitis' woürk durîng tise past quarter century,r ,aud it bas flourisised lu a Ilik degree. I Big Dress Goods Stock!C The matter -s imperative with the large stock of Spring Dress Goods we have tha-,t it is an opportunity forý you te get a good choie for yjour Spring suit, WIe have S,-'cotch tweeds, English tweeds, German tweeds, Mixtures. Frenchi tweeds, grey E-very lady will be k 1' delighted wath te quality of 811k Warp lienrïettas, Mlanne, Estrella, or Cingalon. Dainty and Attractive0 In an immeinse ranýge of shadings, checks, stripes3 aud mixtures, two and tree toned combination shadings, shadow checks llackandi white checks, colored checks, light, mid and dark faucy Panama weaves, homespuns, faucy worsteds, etc, Qualities and weighits fôr t&ilored suits, itreet or bouse dresses, children's dresses, ranging in, price trom 50e. to $2 50. High Ciass Block dress fabrics, silk and wool maixtuares, fine woolâ, San~ Toys, wool, Panamaa and canvas weaves; fhtie, medium and coarse weave si French voiles; fancy weaves iri ail wool fabries; fine venaetian e1oths, etc., al weaves and weighits from 42 to 54 inctieswde EMnglÀ,iIsh Car pet Squares, A special purchase of Tapestrys, Brussels and Velvet Squares just iln time for the house-cleaning crusade. A fine new rug to take the place of that oIId carpet which mnust corne up this year, and sc cheap, too, in spite of ail you have heard about the big increase in prices of carpet stock. How We Can Buy' TÎhem. T-hese handsome carpet roze Rugs corne to uts from a noted rnanufact-~ tirer of whom we arinually purchase hutndreds of dollars worth fi ll ugs and whose p-roduet we eau depend upon as being the very bjest grade and at lower prices than any other house can afford to seli themr. We are the sole agents for these squares. AIl. sizes to c-hoose from and beautifuil patterns Every one of them in agooci varieýy of -ý-ppular shaides. Ail handsomely bo*,-rdl!ered, suit- abfle for most any room in a, home. JOHN MCMURTÏ>RY, Welst End House,, Mr. and tirs. -.F. Hulbert, Oshawa,i .visied here recenti>' . ..Mr 1F. Ormiïston1 is home fromn Ontario Agricultural fCol- lege. .. Mr Jo N MCui-lloeh cutihisi hand baJIy wilb an axe,.. _.Mr. R. Mc. Cuilocis, barristan: àMr. G. mcCuilorzh, Clifford, and Mr. and Mrs, Tiss Hili, Ta'tciito, ,verla here ta a1tpýnu tise furicra-l of Mr John McCulÏacis, sr , which wras a ver>' large anc.. .is Gertie Martin, Hanmpton, is ylsitig aI Mr, R Pascae's. Messrs. Alex. MoCullocis and D Ferg.1 uson have been îiuvesting inlu orse3. Sabbats Scisool is being re opened i;is Mr. Donald MIcCuiiocis as superiutend- cnit,,-.Mr. John Davidson, 'Asisburn, visited Mr. W. , J rito. The Reattoire hou se and lot are ta be sol d b>' auction. Saecadvt, rTe Epwartis League meeting lu the MeotisodiFt churcis Tuesday evenirog was very inter-Ssting. Miss9 Gertie Yaung1, tirsI Ylce.ýpresideuî, cnu te e d vatianal exorcises aller wiici Mr1 Arthsur Trebý baIs chsarge ai tie mneeting. Misa EmIily Milis read tise bible lesson aller wiici"TiseGleainer" a paper publisiied by the District League waa read Mr. Fred E. Foley read lte editorials and cnnus Miss J ennie M oLean lise articles cotributed, and gathered, and Miss Stella Mason ti Loagu2-e topýI2s aud Miioa> atce.Miss H. Moris contribled aà piano sootiseîC'eClub sanig a.selecýt- Ian mind tise affiects a chorus. It la lu- tenided tisat "Tise Gc r hhb read lu encis League lu tise uistrc »owmanville. A. DOZEN REASONS à b 7,77 1 MR Qe M-WWMM L