w III Second Week's Salelà Our1 sale a great sces Everythîig A.Bargain. We ae o th jup almdy and working hard evtiry nht deli'veriug town orders üa gettînge store l in ape for next day's buslýiness.ý NLýo goods soldalter 6.30 p. m. exc-eptatras Evqe Qr f3ry ý- bodywh can should corne in the forenoon, particularly if you want carpets or linoleumas eut to measure, Carpets and inroleums We hve lreay et Car!pets anti Linoleum-is for over ;z0 romni-ani we poabyhave ,eno(Ughll ePI t do 100 mr or nearly îwice as mu-lcýtl lt as has be soiti Theýse hýavelae been. sold te poople whol would oter ihave bougltin l Toronto. We are seIlling Carpelst- antiLioeusat bsmoniey than anyv Werchlaul eau liuy îbemn for te day f nom thewloe salera, Our conintry custoers flare nOligolig o f our sales of aliove. Huarry up or you'Ili'ce toc ae Cretonnes, etc. Ex:tra value aI 12 cents for 1e;15e d for12e reversihle eretonune-30C. for 25e, Curtai-n acný,imsapatimd ln23cntsfo'r. ...2e " 13 ensfor.....3c ti 1i5 centýs fr- - 2c These are thepritces we aie selliug lirnw goots whieh we have gel iu fortIbis prng3le are îimpertecI direct, marked close aiIhe irait priice and areIhe newest sItyles andi shadIes l e lepoue Regualar $1.25 vaine fer......95 cents a yaýrd 1,00 value for ..........7 coua , ard. " 85e value fer........... 68 cents 'a yard C 60e value for....t.......v auts ! yar 50e valuefor-----------:3 cerîts3a yard C4ie value o or.... ... . 3 2ccoulý3aayard 25evaue f r . . . ,..20eeuIsayarta On Ikgoa net111posiively new this Spriýg te e ductn-ions a"recligetr Laiers'Sk1irts!. $2,7-5 and ?M.00for---------------------$1.0 8,00 ai d3,50 for .... ..................0 4.00 andi 4.50 for ...............29 SOO--and 600for-----------------------3 7 Corsets. Ai! ge-od reliable makecs, G7uarauteeti quaality,. 50 cent cors3ets fo............39 ;entsý 75 cent corsets for ,. .. .s.. 2 cents $1.0O corsets for......... .............79 cents 1052 Cwcsts for -- -- -- --5 cents 1.50,,corseta fer.............1. 10C 20 Qoces for..............., 'Ribb onsw Riblonsarevery mnuchlidearer in tth6 whiemie, mankets andi lu facIý5 are scarce as well ase,.,ea Our prices. 25 ~ ~ j cetrlbn i o..............20cents 17 .-.................1 '3k 35 " "... ... .... 10ents -6e anti Se ribbons ail for 4----------- 4y and 3eCribons aim or 2 cents or iSets per dez yds Yen really muG uy rblon onw. Atcpt you wntîfr sm ie lwUilJpy yn 5-, n youar Money. The a"bove gives an ide--,a of how we are selling everything. We can only menttion a few flUnes each week but eey thin-ýg is on zsale at redýuced prices ail the time, Due BÉils taken at 140 per cent discounut, =TI4E MýA-SON e=0 Phone 6, ~ ëî I -.mq -WN.»~~- Ho,(rse ~lW AT MIAY lstto 4h 97 INGLE FARE fo rouad trip plus ý,0c for adisin opon good gohing May lI, iand %t FAIItE ANDU ONE TiJiRDp for roudi tnp, plus 5efor admissýion coup,,on, good golng May 2nd, ïSrd o 4b LOW rtes1 orflV. a until No0v. S1onuoun o! iMJames-l town Expostion. Choice o! Hui e For ff l rienars ea on So-,k Jury, Tewn.Agent, J. D, Mdouaïd, DistrctPasege Agent, Torouto. DL idNTI7S T, SPRIG TRME; Ibs ndreev our cat- aL ogue ,by returu, ma!, M'De S. Cenitral Bus- g s * * * * * i * I e-, Toronto, Are you going to Paint t ,Spring and what kinid are yncu going"P to usýe? Pril31 m Paintbs are e to' answer everyv question. taiyPwr Durabilit , apaetyail are eomined in e orreet cdi egreesem, inpu, pmPure parut. They also guarantee saesaction and eau bc eid p whe !teygo onthe-,Y are there toestay and ith0 maieasonabie apopou f plre suceess 18 asgared, For Sl b H. DSTA N BMAY yl pLLEA Mr. John IiMaizE i idhome atFPerry-1 towu. Iss; Helenie Hunter Is home froi the jjity. Mi,. A. S. oro anigovst ed frienidsihere. Mi' aniD'Mrs, W .7 .Bnet ow- man-ville, visitod Mr, 11bert Coathiam. Mr. eo.Beatandsiqter, MiýssME BeetPort Erian vsitd tcesr bror miisViola jak visited ber bo ther,Mr Jaïvis Jackýson, PortHoe Mr. Harold Cooper visited bis grand- moth, a. m Cooper- , aIPtrry-, town, Mr. 'T, N. i adand iiss tn Boý"wmanville we're receunt gupsts at Mr, Hl. C. oe' Mr. erb Ride'sfurniture andi eff ects were hoe. t ooto3hr ho bas a joba bakaiblg ALL nseouu cêUSE-bya bilionsq state o hesstem eau hoe are-1by us- !;1g Caiter'sLitho hLiver Puis. o pain, gring or disconifort attending9 theiruse. Try tbema. hmssAlah Walsh 1 conslerably il- proývod in hjealthn. Mr. audc Mrs. A.F. LitGo are owsettleýid at Sintatutar Mr. P . EDucseri ome f rei complted i irt year termn' lu engine- erinig. ale, Mr. Wm. Batten. Her Sister,î givoý-! 'c zt. saacionan i . ,su.cc arter~sqLtîl ie tiv ea'anan his4 position, ol the eahigstaff at LetbrigeAlla , te bocome editor o1 the Herald one ofthe oihetandÀ neweWs't local papenrsin the WeCSt, Mqr, Austiu wPa ; frmer principal of our: Seronsin he ntee qtofEducat- ion were preac-hed in the Mletbodliat churchSunda v we-ak ini the3 morning bus Rev. j. CWloNwate and in th eenngbyRev. V, il EevBow- mnan ville , Both ermnons vwreuibl,3 efforts Lagecongrogatioris wore, preEent There' a, neeid inevery homeof a medcin tht ceaningand!ivigor1at- cng thelimekidneS and bowels wili reoeail poisgons %waste matter iromthle blood, cure biiiousneass, kid. nov derangements and constipaton,1 anld bY se0ding prevonit foers, colde, dropsy -and BIý£gI t's disea"se No,) med icie atitis te eedseweIi as Dp, CÎLsEs IiE-LKRPirL, ý,as la prvnby thLetestimonliale appea.ring iu ail teaýdungnepars Tho e rmains of the late 11ev' Mr. olcw-ho iid.i 4aI bis duhtrsat Niagra Fats, m~e bronght he for h)url îai1',VWe',ds Deceasedi Uved for a numaber of xa retlred lxKndli Mr ohn ipeNwate a bret r-ipla . ý ws is aditant -PORIK AN bEANS Thc mcast timely I ïdi i f', ret hiswahr Ge oniy thebesn;ci artk'c.5 and l1% jBee LoinsUnon Suna annlversErv SuCAyriaT 19ý Dïer, Osage, wak , Who bas beoa vieil-1 a..t. Mn-t s atte d io br nce Po!Dyr tBeliliethewcd Ginig viittiMiss RubyThoînton. ls eitGa ajtg ing he'sfoi .s~.t ewLwl la You HAD TAKMEF 'rwe' om -Cre' pnn irsSowb ~ ls ai !!Itie hver Pille efr( e3retinig yen son, Beileviile, la vitig hmonm wwud net bavehati that coatedta tngue pare. Waren, . . Mrs.'W. H Antierso erîbati haste l te i mou natb Ibis merning le enOying Vist rm bu ermte, who Keep aalmvth pou forCoccmsinal use. annîVet frein Wndsor OU Fntay. Mn. aul ainsuryarnivetiMuta 1v'. .A. MKm o vgweo pent mrinÈrom ipeMn. hr a fow daVis berelasti montbbas einrwu- o as b Ge deaingltu real esato. lHo eat tebis eArzeontatRsaburn, Mn vsiîgbs itr Ms .Elwrl levîîltibi boteraIAIer ha v is îet i nthei gsrau-ter, Mrsn . , bbev. WIHEN ,ýYtUR HEALTH FAîne,. Wuat Pleaarýud anti-taugbter,Bwxaile Tîu- Gooti ealtb le ie cap"iflet vsîot bs fAterrueenly M y W, pensns bo annther lieliboo ti wtbCc-x, Hati)on, wbobs iousenil coaunti mine.succesis for the SOMO weeks aI Mr WA Piclardis bas atrngant aentfo thsewh.cssreturnet l'oe,- .Mrs. Baàsrfeileait- bloodt ta nilivAti bso erve cos e in friýý and a 1Saer.nt-thrWint -lIed wi'tb viseIr aud .euorzv. i11% CAL. cpoints.,..esrVierege happen with fadbing- j( ï. halinioriisKownRoy Gantir aiwdLute rsrn i awell te beed the W roesyxp-! NicfiolsBemavll'1ttniei0h tom cfnerousexhustnaknti to vkeop Sb,ýamrock DMeic ni'aconcerthabo bel a bgbwator -0a rk by usngDis, Moutinday ,ýeneung antidert nget CSabNEnF.Xori, lm OBITUAR1YNoes siM.D WtllAMS &Son, where he aise orkifr ,a number cf i ears aud thýere are versfow homesý in Bo-w. Mav joue ORCuARD, MarZEALAND nimanville where the occupants cannot point 't o riiece cf %wo-done by he1 The nian riendeinCUiaada qaudeaie- dcasdfor them i1Ho -m va1ea wher ecf 1Eu john Orchard will Celan daughter of the late Ambrose Oger of ,wlth groat regret o! bis deathin Christ, whih union one son, Mr. Adolphn, L, ccâb4, N "ew ZeOaland, news of wich Nichos, end one daughterMis bas just remAbed is sister, %csGiffrdNéichoîs srvive te ourn he o ,ýS fla 0f ChlswothyDevoshir, 11 waskindand oving falher. bis Wifcavn wel-kownthouhou te Bbl Cri3-1redowceadhlm about twenty.seven mn connexion, and many of our readers rears.Deasdwsagnros wil doubiesaretuember bis woyk and kinclldis Uposition lw" shvn visit hre s=22 years ago on the occa- herywModor ver5bodand ea er sien- ottheaqni-a-l Cneec.The radvMt ae advle. ewasikonly grentt yipathy je featfobi ai redasndisotbcmasaps WVeokil Nws. i ty. The manpy letter rà nd ind 1words of sat- received by tho famiiy DU. cAS. COULTUU. prove the resPect i l -Ili Chho !fiwas heldl a"d ho wiilln ermebrda1 Dr. C. ouitora weil known dent- îidfiu ndgo iie li of Petroeasuumbed teaerysipelas w eizm Friday, at the home o! bis cuiMrs. r.ALy NicoU soun of «eeasei l8 A,1eal n, C o11oge str eoet, To,ýroit o, D)rte rprtro1Th, i, E Bs C'oulter was bo rn In Clarke 'To w isbîh Edde rmepstrwh ;jy Derbam County, 77 years ago. 11e largeptoaeaiisraiyepc- waûsnroti8ed de~hntstrv in Strathrnv e s iswrty ahe as nthe twu. andafewad remeovecite Petrolea, whue ehb had been pruAetsng teuwthfin a feýw weeks o! bts deait-. Ho save three sous and two daughters. The! bo"dy ws ake-n te Petrolea for Inter- maent, Ho was a bohro r.Js Yer Pitt a,-Ok, cdand tee '~ Of ii~.. pr-IIsýlu in teprrosý- 001 fl anýi 'a inumabi etis bhappy couple whieh drach bas CIio seartei awiirGlden Wodd«i %Woani alhtlears unes c bey bad ln Mr. kewboe d~tbwas due te oit! ago, hd ea orfined it) bslid or soverai Montbs de was o! an mxexceti tg a fauI, xdfew moi Enbis rêtAn cf meet uri 8-ea hlm M, Oe wscetis wbib ccrre Mndy Apnil8bws Iremoved oe uo!the ldat esidents cf th own et Bo!mavlilo DecasPeti a natve o! evnsehieEnganti, He wasDbr, atibrought up lu Taviek, na r Pl mou 1 h anti ae oce!',aatlil?ý cfWv bss. lie srncee easp prenlessip e cabnet aklng sewas n aposhitinwheu ho came te ana t) cem2maniagot itain.,as bis îtrade ie wonl . 3 I any yca-3 for ,1-the laIe oben Man iaidwbenthie 1l-ae MrW P PrwerS'uceeded rMai-. i ing hoc ,sti5,11retaibed'bis pu0î lton u b bus' -iness h i î,b! 1 ýla , Snoýw '.a rir.îed nouilby aI Batons, bs aceptoi a imilar. posýition wiv;tb the Sinýger Sýew iug Machne 0....Ro. H T.Lewis, Co- Gee Scct PotrPi-, attef l ueCI he meetingrcfDeauery.bore..,. n.,W, HI MoooHanptnDiit Pr 1'e ETL. C. Eatidresi taMeiai1t .auoTnesdav eyoingý. . . Mr. 'Wmi Angý-eil whoudewt a serionas Opora- tien! aI theijracot Ho11spUta. orotoil impnvin.... M. Geo, J. Sýcoîba genewletbeve P cfi oasiwher e o l nuc the Pediar Metal vRofiouC..., drs I~ ~ ~ u LC wu'adehe Bell Tolophefine Ceivec-uperating - aI rvnhrt DuriegbisabsnceMr.A, Cnie inesof! over 5 vers urationMarg aretBîow, wiowf tho Iltejoseph Cr a paseiawayv lu lier 738rti year o 3 pi ornu m Pererboro, secamne te Oshawa b 18 Pl andi bs resdu emr 'U1 eir i r-Sh waa as I l jMemb er o! t he Iivee t ilstaodst Ctuchý, iud urî1ietairby Joepbo!osbawa waIlwaysin fli smpahy he l Geo.1, H. FoGrils FlebaniMsA FoWke andi Dr Heurt; Pients, Dr. Anmtnog su«b. T. Carswell; Eln. F ~ ~~P hJir. ertav. Au, San Y - an, . , Ha«u ; r as rr 1 optma 11wlunusr*a The ImIfrriage o! Miss EffieLs Keown of 54L Aun I hot, Toon the 8 ta ThomasMcKown Charton orcurýcently of T waIs sor nzdahCla Apr by tho1ev r.KrbMebd îeter. The bride )wore ber ira sit o! fgrey, -vwrn wîih a 5wbl trim-med wih pae blueand fe Thoq bd asthe recipieut cf, ber of beautiful aud costly preýseË tsfidte the great regard kii s he 1hed. byv a, larg cic ïr c! ier)f andaqanaçs Mr, an Dýoyen, a f£cor visitiu'g placeýs cfJ on the acfi coast, wil c Sattie. U S. ., for a year, wi wïvil return u -e inluTcont bride ï3 Is rn-duheof 5M Mrs Thmm CePer, BowxI-tý xjý GAN EB-EBAIiISH-fEl'BTHE RILH, RiED BLOD 1) R. WILLIAMS PINK PiLLS ATAL VAE Tý3heaealsb anti ha)ppiese cf growinp- girls nti wo e cf mature .ý earsd pnsupon tï he blotispiydhr is a criaisin th liteou! vory woînan when there are dtmsesng headaches and baWhches; wben life soeur a sur don aud w'ýhen some Ome eil treat ouied witb even tebsf jthoir rao Lt is at Ibis protzhat Dr. iiams, Pnk puis poea biengte women. Every dose icreases the rlhnes and 1 the retines o!the blood supply. and nbie newv bloond stengtbens tbe organs, enales them ta throw off dcsase anc, anti dizinucspud ps that,' bave m:îýade life abirdean. T e -are- girls and awomen lu Cana~da i owe- >hei heltu nd appineýs to Dr, l>ams "IPipi'Pilla,' Mrs. une co aid, o! Sugar Cmp, t,,lj ope down. duitvery ak andlhad au appe- foît that mvcoditonwas woa.I deeided te try Dr. in-1 PikPilla a-L.ti gol a dozet onbX'ý i beeothcy were ail usüd i haý4ii do myboaoor wthu the atgeDr. WIIilims ;lnk ,api been a great b!esslug te me. Yen eau get Dr. wuuuiai fqnk PWuis forF Pi epofrom a1,Y m4iîe ea er7 pr y , sîlfroins heDr' ll~s ModiÀ;r(cinCe. BrGciIvii. l.,. I 50ý' cPs a box or six boxes fr cr a 1 a fartrial-bywî,s4ty v 1 e***** 1 LI