I ~~yg ~brooea kept for the purpese scruh il j 44 j, STO W O AN, eut. A minute or twe spent, i this way ++oc o-î ceawe wiiI keep if cean.L + ANDCONSDEIIGeed laundiresses when washing white About t steckings, whether ef si1k or, thrcoad, add t Ih JI IIIU ~ a tw drops of exalie acid te the w\ateir. R U UThe reasen e' this is that the acid 'las À- th fidiect et removing ,the staîns cueid + 1w the beet and shoos, xvhich. are enyFII î "st' lhen \vasheýd with ordtnary, soapi AT LA NT!C STA HP 0 TE That inaddressý-- xatrleclenfo washnWf- SML HT\AS El Sugar feekiesO o cutul etbutter ing Mtrs.Pkhm x es CANADIAN PACIFIC RAÎLWAY t"e cuslse ugrar te lýnrLaIII yeu re conifidinig Le'niptle ete har r eeedsitwitsthmdw aInd aldd pu,,e egseehal t cuptli et yeur private MEs te a wahn h pt vlimlrnwn lie ewite, trtIim d wtttit Ili slyfli thee spot-, twelk teaspeentu eti(ý soawmn1ea isle in utile hsoowa or m -ý ,via -or ahs prec W ith11 rte milk until if Ls ne lego tairnod. are decidolyi faucted feýr tailored -i Wv-nls. R Y Ldsstt,, in anl fleur,, 6neuh w te el iv hei s ieaescer t a finteletoia t - fce[on -)ile eto fine quality. srpd j.1~1atfA Sinkle caraway scerd or tho deugh a great many years.î anrd. hen bahxx wrlxer in nre nset~aeclr iasd -t xhe dry polish xvtlh heLe li-i qimple silLrt waist fashiou, but v 1titeo~tR f esired. Mrs. Pinkhami ils th,- seedloir and vinegar, Itixed iu equal xvhtt acsor in tie way etf starchi- IIt2W~hBdOeB ar MVIAIL SERVICE Macareni Soup, T i )e eue quart cit daughter-in-law ef Lydia propertiens. Ailin!nk alain shoufd ho re- ed embroidered cellar and pîaited irontth ~rav ou a bel in E. Plinkhani and fer Fine~t aor Fofes trest n-oui ntî bc, mayyisndrle îvda ena osbeatri sf11 For the Ioiani wi lite a )oi leaer tkeeu hal hemaaraidirection, and since t_ dou.ttf ila drtcd au'd hardened .: 7,1is eïpecially, on acceuint et ils easy SI â :ýlobtuleven il with several applica- lano~gfactlities tiis la ant idealï "E j\/l ~ ~ ESS ES" and put il in a 11111e milk or walor te her, decease, she inoiuxiih het eiv lo-ciic tmtrafri a i ru in tr keep It meisi, and lot teremainder has; bee aiey u ftewsilw n rae nat -esn*tCan FR011 ST, JOHN, N. B TO LIVERPOOL boilte pie-ces in the gravy, anid thon sick women frree, qmatrl-eurir vaihe l and trtil do telan Oesanmm torp irs eihe o amaeu treitn andel -tut; leet icll ofinophn charge.r March 6, Saturday L....... wht...aeîet;lti came etcagThe celas and Iront fitl thon are tlie NOT 'NAUC «:TIC. Mach2 iaEmress of relanl -.abl n aeei elthe macareni Ma~ enn JIN CASE 0F FIllE. lytigtaxoîteludrbi,_________ Mareh 22. FridaY . - ~~~~~suifer in silence ny-hgstsw,1heladrbi, Lonrch ,dOrSaturalng on Mpiafioba ilae o nehu ooe utug: and driftialong frein bad te werse, knom- Neyer Ion-e young cbtîdren alene in aind sîtil the starclîed,, look ta achiex od Lonon tre; sîlngson pplcaton liu gravy. ing full well that they eught tei have im- a roem xxith a lire uiîless propcr guards -periaps ail the moare 'effectively ho- Frm ONRE~Lan QEBC o IVRPOL Baan Sla.-av te anne vrymediate assistance, but a natural medesty and tenders are lu use. caluse ef ceutnrast te flho soit body.' %4ýsi MWay 3, Prlday............ Empresi of Britaincod Ctthmubsal îcsn iettem eshnkfrmepsg Nover teave clothes. dryiug ai a ..Ure Lax ender aud whitte voile in narrew - May 11 .Saturday ............. Lake Manitoba i 1I ldesn aeo ý d-themaselves tel the qefosand prebable wilheut souîeene te look aiter thiem, isripes laprtt wtl ttiose rallher thick £0igd May il, Liday ....... ... Emprtseof trelard spentls ai selad et], eue teapbul examinatiens et even their famaily phyi n'lvrg e e ev-gcohswielw uhsadapet n May' 25, Sat'urday. ........Lake Chalnlopý vins gar, -one teaspeenful et lemeIïn clan, lItst unnecessary. Witbut hy anw ierge te atpsi bed om teavuîg cle the cuite aw rch tud aoc prt euez rI .J M SJuice, au aqarter of C teaspeoutnful or price ypu can censult a wemanm osdetnsts oft liklex iso wt the plaît- ).Ie Agn, ___oatnhtepe. i'I tt nwldefomata experience ie Pulleys lre1m xvhtch the utue ruay ho ed rucliug. This tecoks extrerely xvetl, AgnBowmanville. banane skias aud set '-ever tettuce great. r ag may ho xe te the kitchen col- but the lest dotait 'is a goed thing te leaves. Spri5îkle a iew halvesf et Eglisb tue ni r efcl ae se xa rm eas ttmdaeyAefcRmd o osia.8 xvalnuts and ai litle clepe arstoey MrS. Pinkham's Standing Invitatioùn ýadaeýae epaý,i-foýbcupi imciý(I oeoî the top i the saledad msreli- Ifa persenas (les stîeuld catch fire,, xvould miake the shirt au iuîpasstbtityf tion, Sour Siordaeh.Diarrhoea, Bag îsedino, r1Irafeîy. Welmen suttering fromn any tormi et, vrp tbemn as tgt as possible lu a irîîthe daing upstnpnt SuiaWomCnvlosFers- --Sultana Raisin Cake.flb leur oun temaue wekness are invited. te, promptlr rug or blaukot- indOrd4, anytîîîug xveal- xvts :i the- simpleat t ilu interldo neadLoss 0F 1SLEEp. Compare these Bargains with the C'es af buitlor ite a pouaH1( cf fleur eHCommnct banh Mr.Pnhm itnta eiýfra ebu.Ti lt eoataI 1,iutsh iheuro bargains you sae advertised in- the Tor.' add -r taseuu fbeigpwe,, Lyni, Mass. .11t letters are received, ex.linguish h lme adxi utn and-u butu ote n Eac Shille Signaureý 09 ono aprspuc e sli hre uneso sga adopened, read aud and answered by ,X NNhe a bouse is onii tire the tirai tbiag xxhicli butten)is thestarcbed, Irtill. oeuxae i uce ef ultans etu u wemen Ianly. A wemnan eau freety talî te attend ta taiesafety e the tumates. Stripesý ar6 prticulerly gccd for colI- 1 Squiare Pianios. ot her private ilîness te a wemian; thusI De net loSe W)eur 1ed try: I yeur ulea red ivaisîs1 ý iuH (t he little diagramr showsýV NEW _YIORK. O'ne Dominion l3ýesewood case, Car Jlmita tho diry _iigredî,ut, aud mtii ther- duebtcnMs ika n h i vthnkrhe xrlemuhsrpdgeafreta ctotes ved ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~> lesadlyeoe trn c1, uhy Ln aing, lin %vith greased wemen et Amnerica which bias neor been and nase, anîd creep eîong the fler t in lhe - udr Octave, a fine toned piano $100 00. pep1er euH, peur lu the mixture,. For broken. Out et the vast volume ot ex. thEt deer ar w1idex. The smako is les! Sipexhito linoen tiiloredsit r One Eiazleton Bros. N. Y_ Rose- F cak le this size bake lu a rue-derete perience which she has te draw fromn, tdense near the greund, enH renidors il uuaewith'the piailod -frittlso et sits ar wood cmase, carved legs and lyre, over oveii 1u ot1ý-ýjil au heur. it ks more than possible that eh e hasi mere easy te, breathie. xx iteanclkerchief linoen. A vas iEXC OYYWEAP7PEB. One Marshall and Wenadall, Rose redi or xvie bana uni] vol-y tender. your case. She asks nothingi rtu quenfty as pessible oer paraitin that euîd lheýy are gebled up. oveetta *wood case carved 1ege and l'ýre, lover Dra'in, pjut eue pluît threugh a fine sieve. except your geed-witl. and ler advice ba enustte îhe ap ucama etrtî Ien sbe thi strung Scala, 7 octave, $75 00. Add the beaton yolks ai txve eggs, saît has .retîeved theusands. Sures auyusifii ihtdlm. pie lotase hnteso jl aud pepper ta teste, eue teespoontu-l et -1an ->Ich orpe,1 eyteihi ~crt hu e ur hî u.Tis One ominon, octvebgh ~ molted butter, eue teaspoontul et eýnien she dees net take advantage et this $10 REWARD, $1le0alis eluliegàa rcexbf On oiin c avehg firsld julce and eue tablespoenful -ofchppedL: glanerons offer et assistance. il as cfa il is{lude th ItiseHI h rn tIexxtil m yeyo i hxiî cevdted codtoý$750 croquettes, dip -oach slighlly ia beaton beti et Lydia E. Plnkharm's Vegetable learu th at there ils at lesi eue dreaded disease Wihiiseprhse xr f TheiIre if-x regula a j5ieotinilif ate of-5B Onc Dainiel F. Beatty, 5 octave, 22 egg, roll in fine dry hroadcrumhs, autl Compound lit oce, and w-rite Mrs, a cinc bas hen able te cure lut ait lis xxh ithe saine grade et haudkerchio ef, v wit kîtops, solid walnut. high top., $40 00. fiy golden hrewn lu smîoking bot fat. Pikam, Lynu, Mass.,tfor speial advc stages,an thats.t Catair Hati' 0atarrb linont, eue ceîîld net get eut for xo1 tenu a this neeeticIxaryTehywl ohl t htyJl 6 vice'l Cu~re lis the ouly positive cure now knowu te the etrigothmdef Ore -Needhamn & Sons,' 5 Octave, a SoIt Gtuigorhreald Witbaut Eggs. I When 'a medicine has heen successful me6dical fraternity. Catarrh being a coustitu îureh bass ex on wheiî making. euH net fenîn lt eu îce ioube aMo bytrexuwa poîîe eg h good org'an for beginner, $15 00. OIne cuptut oach et fleur, augar, unelas- in restering te healili se mauy wemeu, tiouai diseaie, requires a constltutlonai treat for near thel il haxtag tbom niade. do main shoppIngand moearubltein Mper. adreB Ternis te, suit purchasers. ss xetbepeause ebadbt yeu caunot wett say, without tryiug it mniet- Halll's Catarrh (jure le taken tInteriially. rsil Sopnad lmdrnoei -of doteec net- bieei lthpm' facesn directly uipou thebleod and maucous sur1- AME CH, LII{ED D)ESIGN.bu tlathadetgefsxngle_____________________ JAMzs DEYMAN, fer,, anc tlspoainfui eeclî et greuud cin- "Id o eiv týi1hl e" fcof the systen, thereby destraying the foi lîrose wlue like w ,alats buttoeoc0was ydipîsn vt ils luc at sitfAgent, Bowmanville. nemon, gingor auH soda; eue-belf tea- fûdtîc bf theldingeae, nstituetiendte back is te uîîake tie tient xtll tcha pcint-tbbc cellar- xvhicî ils te Le îo- ________________________speentul et slthree cupfuls af fleur. ai8ngaîrteengiswr.The pro co _____________________________ ainaise. Ai-range the Ps.h naaly in e sil- prtetors have se muicl faitlî in Its cu",a Ive aînd a gi-audiather's irilt sew-e OH . t A pîaced etl leasi once Huring the litotiinie Thi quntiy wlI ekeeuenic sqarever dish. Make e aexnnalso sauce, pewerstbas lîey effer One Hundre~i Dollars for pi-etty moeol la. et whte lewe. tucked 0i thf ai The hoat moiýdet eft h!-,-To ra ie-n en n la, aud halt a dezen me(diumi-sized fa - ~-- uui aeefcuiItotl cakes baked lu muffin pansý. A, lâte lauH have some leiuice, cross. cýucumber avyease tai It faill ioue Senti for, lao axer the OltO i'li u wihi graups ,fîex benrlTl,,-iiet linnceonfe eaae nwll oe and bard-hoiled oe,, ready Shortlv testimonials. tah.tee eaeo y eue idei e_7 'Zoe iile cieeteysor eed eSl he ere sugar sprinklod clivr the cîIte s il ges i g y.- Addreu, F. jý Oi1pNBT) & Ce., TetedO, 0. ba tha uile pîiïgsteabad \thl soit i ta ilh eu fSpntilo ,$ laste nmy persouis lir.uxynaiesuce aer Il shiouldl h,- Take Mtt~Famtlv PnIs foýr costpation, egdwl aebu oi h ct wIeiîledc ei icrddhebtSl hald b, sufitetî s l te Iea lte _Iai1 t;1ky pz1, orepai ou"li rece, c To make room for spring stock Pressed Chiuckon.-Th hickn bo T, make thIacptlie yekse to ECATL r sîathttckd ad u lîce im n cen e bcs 10 etk.,J'eopmpii.t rea a bugies la stock ai sacrifice rse axeg I aieHadt b-Fre itic tuero ar s 1ý1 We have the iellowtng: tiatil lie mneat xvîll slip frem the apn easeaeseoao miillehhrtybwteoie 1wa- Bari opBgge, e, inobx sho outaoeu ilto oes btepepperl, r.hall a ofseniie lest HokiAtxura ll. te l i abSeîc ff-tso t u o oaaî inn lraelto fieîIj CtOf raobo o en jcb and English miustard,ý in th dry Tli)s. Doganad Bon Meise ,lîit t4.) Saleoffil ) !ej"-i, Rubber Tire Covered Buggy, nearîy hpre pkiu oo me cakterlin eH a caI uHa iy inhofcaeue Xo-kCcorgtesrv a aris ulr ole ahltrfhbevastrkfa-îïmcdpics bthar clfli-n tt fivani new. t et atrîatgle hse tagither, thon stir i drapj by drap Duirham cdgIiA F. & A. M. moti i-ibcd w-iIt eL jabot ef fain plaîts lu shoor tît jua Lislngeîug ut te ouPat 2Steel Tire Covered Buggies, second ever the top and place upeon it anoteier d bhragi of telivo-n e of Wben u ick usaxbî xecultae vr autri pretty ofee fnilu chatr-iîoc uHpntblt cie îbrn euHd twn Hcselpeutî orfr bbn beeth Messrs fitl Mere I l Toms, euHi ecter acorduen pis. laid y lion doi ul'ine Open Buggy very strong for 810 00 chicken. Place a hcavy xvoit ou bbc vandgr iop byderp.fl Tonfe uaMr.Cis Ceterbv ama.d Tie( ;Ier. othnxvies ibis yeacaî or ton ait. coanidtc gilbete S TU DYyU E8 2 Cutters, new, up-to-date pî dloilsadutlcd. cool place, -or ou !ee, tuttl îequirod. Mrs A.J. Benucritt visitod ba aetprehahly ta au oulibrotdored barîdker - .iss cot-s Xîî l t aub pai-c o( laid Bice auH Cbicken Pie.-Parboil lbhe Pineapple .ae-ra oehroe r ud Jh.Wlisn chiot linon waist buîîeued lu thie prOlScla. Oik Cutr eodhand, ia good order. chickons, baLe them eut anH lu, bbcb hall caplul et swocl mtlk euH the xvhites Mr. J),i \\W Bradley toit ctire et but mnade le w ear wh aun ope] ni i is piîiclied tegetier anH dui,Tixx h ix Parsuait eouine h hrhlesc TSI.,~rd frn k"o-,%Iii th enhe outb a ' et h eiett nidu ag teste. Wiu tlhe rie is Heur. stir it !lu gsbae tf.Si int euHe gh. s 1ceL ain lest, xvek llr og fron coltar. Tcahiv Ibis, et course, tractivly. 1'brick fairtemcîrmtealohnd eulsl n itee tabgr-adoe-bell cuptuis et fleur unIe wica laid (lit siicu aster wîtb nnpa It finistïed xx a e ck bau-d-.ie ~tto~ a depbuoradiselnîwi cmplfutnebkSbtngtiieper WIiselav iihs t ige.il e tahlospeaonful et butter, a plut[t, n cftg cspeitl-fbI gAov MdAseepnreetl auh abak hitx a. vic lorinbc en.bilwlldub roearere bdinhoofee xl iti wbitewist cellru eeuHe cutn ore coller eubnuterslaltceu fsaSCp ductison ad il gariesc.i toogi miik euH tlîroo weli-beaten eggs. ýSea- der has heen siftod. Beke 'the cake in r-upt stoc et ipes. whbicb ta fIiishd w ilb e hulb)niolýe nti atbcue ,a - lv respoasiblo partiessoun the chieken wibb. sait enH Periperi threc laye rs la joliy las. To mae the A a a e -r ine cattleo xxafon fIlic purpose oi laslonirig ticsecai 'vihp i Iîe kl s retatoyl swauSAIRÂJuElene, Mapîiger bakiag-dish, Histribute btie pieýces o0I fiîli, pnt ta bexvinu flic white bv rluippialoeb EtoI an I ciA I1P iîblo bal- hoxv elsq 'no ieuryas u-tat (If aol cokpm __________________________ciekea uapon Ibis, and cever witli thoeg.eethcpofle i uc rmbccec nues et in unl w cre led ic hadkreif utuenj- ta le orn xvlth i,, -ckn o cvcti g a choppel pîieappie euH euer cuipil îI i the M\,ýsrs. Bicha ýi-H euVFeu l. se________t______e__ crusi is Iormed. euHbaettel go on boatiag, grlduely edingsnay le Boy. IL .Muio, ruH i our- ttio toevicolrT.1,E e on Brown Paddiug.-Sîx oues ieolý,.set Nà fleu 1111 qies ie - xite xx-ui- sxoneofseoe ecupuofa little miore suigar, until the mmxur SA T CEnwî t-ah 4I V - ~~ fsuleur thiek enea gh 10 ho sproed xvilhout a- Aîeithbadfnel ieirll duti LIi I Oui aedArl1,07 6 euxg ouffe ete euee teecpta out UflUh __flic p i ate treile hall e trespeenlul et milk, oue the otln to ce Tke ortet enugi -,f I riun, ta -e ace rs egg, one lever teeispooîîful et cabnt cake- led iet thed fernaîler ILtfx e aeawniîghshl ta ll c:f~~f Woa Mxtefirsoaadfnlifi ;1l N 'IIITBY PIIESBYT[LiY. ielyî cbopped pinoappie, uînlil as, niacif I-x-ifan neomb, St. Malîbexiysetn cf , tii) ms ,hppd snob. I3eat th, egg well and ýhas'heen edded as the idiriîg xvileH I',iîe ccpe St. Glogu ThErc U t- ï i iute the milk aund treeît. Mh u tc eehr Voî h eo r tlt udx e1huiî xvlth Boy.n 1,tî hun aviprsîIM I WALL PAPERS tioroughiy euHan pour the, mixture intc a Ac'elr wsbl t iaty0C~r~ B U r~ i~ xxe h puddîîg ald r ain AcH put ai fhiek tayer et this, pinoappleSat îxe I aoradstearu tt i or l hree her.wlcpai'cn.eHHsletdbssolduhaex flamed SkIi- Suff'ered TerikýIY 'lantr u ted nui-cS i d o1ldTaio etbl - Tuîuîi ouil ou a bot Htsh euH( seree- xvîk ttr rinaibto ecnty a -s-t. tiu MLltuandb o;ii,,!mn lep bv Trn~~ lIrxihbot b-eaelIe xt aHs à I tIOUSEHOlD 1 T!N T S. i rîg-suxy.MteToHroDctrad eH uucrlu. aiyi9OOp n. rivu CI The Iargest Une il, Coli -ee CaHau Nin -vs îoal -- thet rihet îi'r na ette C, CeOil- ,-,,, uauldeu thev J.ir C.el a-nserdae fbed United States and olt- dar we ihreitleeHml u romoxo' all theu Has, teutak a b'it cfone(e r uehaie uli- HL ada. *cuie tebtespeaultul ol suigar. Boit go n t- flanu sýpuiukIed wihparathta atnd ri qoîdîo ardeî bieîïdîî eLcgî ihh- odce e tcRc iv ntil il aconsesbeibl ii bxttnteuynae~Ii~îGn-o i~-uiîIi PICTURE 0F HEALTH 1h h.CoPrxiiptul We guarantee Poolni euHe suce bhutc wiPOa biLe Gdo cern0 Pcu bn ýý Ile amnas voit.III euHl 1ev i tahîe padýinýg-ds eu1pu Iîk sý1tins eau ho takeuî eut Polie Pi hpcagdttiXiti s -d-s en Court - iMy baby's face and neck were ceT letHv.touuiuli. l is 11\Itnsi al nilArl31 opi our papiers to be of the ti( reani oxor them. MeLe e meringue bv rabbliLng pare.ffa -ou tbe stas, let- 1beiîug iln PPtpar edgult.Haeewihtcigskusiiaiocemiteucuoîi ic M.t'cln Ict rîiOCounaClsoaaMn b.s stc a. .ooig wtt th- wile -I lieý egabac Yn ls k I ii. hnwnî lu xxe elmrx-c tet gocin xski a ienu; aseufeet rril fova ycema. BleeRsîceL eonh -'le paîpb L'cui b 1f ta, Clrdo ahigo rgn Cuuttnr tii,) 15 iv a0iti iiuiasigl ntfu-r ieo~sS el, th iu uIL'uue in-ie i 56 Kingý, St West -TORONJO ieegtae0e.o il-o yv'-,Oc b uhbn xihkree1! s enisIl5 veyhtu s eI s Gnmut i geij î h lfcure h uhrpronrsthuetilli ithro - .......~ xx 11 cudbe. honuveIlsuiîrd,>ierer mepeu4 ipaît uH acut aqumuit cf aitthIsle g-tes nd ctienet th di- e-' Woaron xiît teî@î-îdi- do~oC n eH ' m ix s' " ni1u etd I uuiutIjil ti Il O x i u-ul hc ictv tesi ýS Il.cr vunoo 1u 1: cý' i voi \'c tr - 5iui iLliuiect it o msinr f umu Bowmnvile- - LcalAget uuire sesaaug.bru ioienla ase sed ane catieuHtulixv OSO ~mobte steo n t tx ui g efljiuui 1ît5~ it.Sixmonhi'uctce lt ~ttt g bxd4i- Ii Ser'o t'r ,'ud.quueki Hiepper. Feu rugx' tals n-g-~ ssuaou uticur sodi 00 - - i t ni' 'cu I b~'îa-'oosv -i- - Otawacf ntetio ieappy uirolt,,' CnsOiuutt s ie v .C Imd v- ju a vek SOhd EVCry,,ere. ta Lcrs L5 cents, TOrtI o if- t Z Suui SoSo DruaS siu,,e 'i l - Iv f~tli