CHAN~GEt 0FBUÉIIoESS a.Mri Son, Bowmanville, hav-' ing bniugbt out Mr. N. C. Rundle wi1l keep a brancb at Hampton. The rsent stock Of Furhiture mu8t be eteared out and will be sold at a sac- rifice. Any ordes for UndertahiOg may be loft with Mr. R Katerson or telophoned diict te phone 10, Boôwiaaflville, and Same will receive Our prompt aund Most careful qtt(do"H L, moRRis &SON, 14-tW. phone Io, Bowmnanville. 1ýîç Y_ M . M.ARNIOUR-I81UOr 01 M !.LMarriage Licenses .Reglstry Office, Bow- manville. Residence: Beech Ave 51-tf. CRAp1RON WANrED-WilPav S oc, lier 100 lb. for any quantity Of good stove Plats eSrapfree froru burnt OWM AN- VILLE FOUNIjU 00 MUFLOST-Sable muff Iýost oIn MSUny Avril 21, between Port Hàope and Bowinanvjile Reward for returfi 10A. TàIT'a grocery, Bowmaoivilie. 18-tf, S PRING CREEK DAIRY FA RM FOR >>Sale or To Rent..-Situated wthlo a, hait- mi le of Bowmaniville station. Possess7in iven thaFai. Apply t0 M. BuRi, box 07, Bow manville P. .or on premnises. 13tf fl IOUSE TO RENT-A brick resi- 116ence, wjth vine rooms and piosets, and gocd. cellar. furnace and ail convenieunee; good stable; ý acre of garden wth fruit trees and small fruits, in best rtsidential part of the town. Apply to SrTzeamâN Office, Bownativilla.18 1w AMFOR >ALE-Adjoining the FAvilage of Enriskillen. A soieli fartu of zl e Nor yth of lLe ýSout, of lwt 18 in the 810 -Qcncss3ion of the towisbip 0of Darîtogion. Tbere ison thze pe àse agnod house witb Ftone clarood barn wilh tone hasemeni; fînit trees au dt;!i frnits for a famlly. For frtbe-r r l-enlarsý apply to MaIs. WM BE OWN On thie premrisea or I. L. Now, Hampton. DO!ALDQ. 1. iALBttAIT fi. Barrisien Solicior. Notary Pnbtlc. etc., Privatie snd Company moneya b Inra t lowest iurrent rates. Agent for The Midland Loaii andSavin1 ,Company. Offie opposite J.B Veterinary Surgeon and D entist FAI.S. Lowrey-, ll ONOEARY GRADUA.TE of Ontario Veterlnary College, Toronto. Special attention git'en t0 Dentistry Office in Mr. W. Oaldwefl'a i4very Stable; night calls at hie residence, Lerne Villa, Centre Street. Day o r nght callspromptly reeponded t0. Honse phone 09à126. 0 eie 12?Bowrnanville. FAR& LABOURER8AND DOfiE3ICS, 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY the Dominion Governînent tg place Immi- grants from the LUnited Kjng<lom in position as farm labourers or domestie servants in tbls vlclnity. Any person requlring snob belp should notify me by letter statîng fnlly the k12n of help requtred, when wanted and wages off er cd. The numbers arrtvlng may net be suffictent to supply ait requests but every effort wlll be made, to suppiy each applicant with hep required. B. BELLM AN. 0anadilan Governtuent Employment Agent, 6-m Bowmanviie. P.O.,Ont. Lawn Mowers. The undersigned wishes fo înform al those -interested In Lawn mowers, that li l now ready with his new Ideal grinder to,sharpen and overhaul mýnow. trs of every discription. Bring Sour mowers In early before- t'ne 'rush, 16 t! A. W. Piokard, East End Blackýsmitbi, CHEAP FENCING. FARMRSNOW IS 111ElM TO B1ýUY YOUR SEL VES RC T FHE OSHAWA WIRE FENCE CO'S Factory ,wili be soid In June and I miustl- dean ont ail Wire Fencing and GateF now in stock. Wire Fencing i s inucli dearer "han for some vears past, and yet ours la cheaper WIRE FENCING. 9.49 Standard S5ete per roa. 9-49 Speciai lJc0ts per rod. 9.50 do, 128ets per rod. 149 do. 28ts per rod. WIRE GATES. ý348 PlaRin Gate $1.8n ,.61U-48 do. 2 OC) t448 do. 350) 948 do. 3î.75 1048 do. 400 11-48 do. 425 1248 do. 400 12-48 do. 4'50 rein! orced joint. While the stcek laste. About le. per rod will deliver them ta Bowmanvi le, and Newcastle. 17 6w T. H. EVERSOIq, Oshawa. -It ********************** tûktebestpatrsfo three factories-f2rom 5c. pfr rlBorder sold by the ral. 8ame price as side waIL.1If Nou want somaeting verv* .~special, select ftom mv special * .tpatterns. Suggestions Zivýea.* Window .Shades, Room M ulding,* -r Shade lotb and eha-de paper. Watch my windows for* attractions.* SP. Trebilcock l Universally Acknowledged To Be Superior to the Finest Japai Grown. H I GREEN TEA Get a Trial Pa.,ket To-day, Lead rackets Only. 25e, 30c, 40c, 50c and 40c Per Lb. -i 1 -9 At Ail Groce te Delesincoarware, tov teyae saTnarle Phoue 66., Opposite Post Office.1 - *Gates!Gates!! 1Gates 1 Owing to the ýgreat demand and the ccarcitv of wood material, we will onuly make a limited number of the famous 'B ers'" Wood Framed Wire Gates, and we wouldadvise that von, E end:us a card as to vpecial siz2s and O8IDER Ný%IOW. AU. ordersj receiveci b-fore the 101h o rf May, will be filled for 3,00 each 1 W#3 wilicar a large ëtqck cî Iron Gatesý and WrFnig EOrder now that aur fonce gang may better be able to give you, prompt ser .ie Dont be deceived by others offering an infeir article. - N. BYERS, ..YJ3S EPort Perry. Enniskillen. ..e- Successors to C J Mountjoy, Fence Agent -1, When Buyi'ng Give _Us A -- e_ And look over aur stock. We havel3boots and Oxfordls for womnea from 8140 o *$ 85.0.FPr men we are well supplied j froin prices- that range ,fram 8$1.50 ta î 850.Now for- children we have ah E j inds in wbite, tan and black with prices from 65cts ta 815-. 50.pae * won't permit us to teli you al, Calana - _______ ee for youreelf. ____ Keid& Pearn, O CLEANEST STOCK IN TOWN.I O opposite ealmeral ilotel - Bowmanville. la Furniture Dealerfs, phone,10 Funeral Direetors< IIOWMANVILLE. MAY 1, 1907. Ranbieur, the ciever cor respondent o! the WEiSTERN 'IIMES. EXeter, England, gîves this word picture o! the present seaion ln Bradwortliy, Devonsbire: Farmers are getting welI forward wlthi their- Spring work. The, gardons are looling up splendidly. Seed beds are ail doue aff so triLu and nice, and the bedges trimmeti, a4d laokin.- quite up ta themark for this time a the year. The, baves are now beginning ta peep o1nt of their confinement. With a lttld ,i,uLshine, and a. few showers later on., eçeryting would lokl most bewitching and enjoyable.~ The Silver City News a neav paper reently started at Haiieybury, Ont., contains the anouncement -of The Empire Lumbeur Co's general stare aI, Lateliford, Ont ,c1 fwhicl Mr. Arcbie Campbo 1, tormer1h of Tyrone, is mana- ger.. This store is said ta bcouae of th tineet general stores nortb o! I'aronto and it carnies ai stock cf aver $25 000 The Post Office !s locatcd ln the samne building and Mr. Campbellis said ta be vers' popular among mineurs and allers as -hospares no efforts te please al. We cougrattulate Mr. Campbell on be- ing chosen for sQud a resvonsible posi- tion. West Durhavm boys usualiy get positions of trust and responsibility and se01ldom failta give satisfaction. Wc are p]eas3d ta recelvelrodi the fire committee of the Council the particulars given iu a letter appearing lu this issue We iearnied after the article in question formÏ;ed and intcende'd m'king correc tion which the lelter docs, We wereunaware of some of tbe precautions mentiorted a nd regret that we were ignorant of them, as we-had no desire other ta give citizeý s the facts.' The Comniittee when they were suppli ing information omitted by us miglit have supplied the information that -we asked'for and wthich the ratepayers who will have to pay one Mili on the dollar for repairs ta the fire engine would like ta bave. Naturally the Fire Comn- mit tee is held responsible ta the tawn. Dues the committee assume n responsibility for the accident? an NOTICE TO U. S. HUIJSCRIBERS. After May 7 the new postal treaty camnes into effect bEýtween Canada and the United States whereby Canadlia:n publishers are eompeiled to place a One, cent stamp on everyý, siLtgle paver sent ta a cubseriber in theU.. and a cent for everv 4 ounces or fraction thereof On parcels Of vpEeurs. lefetofore V,7 have paid ý a cent a pound in bulk.. Publishere of country papers are ,an- nouncing an advaxice of 50 cents a year on. subscriptions towards the 'extra postage. AIl United States subscribers must naw pay $1.50K strictly in adv ance, and those in arrears wil ne charged the same rates afler Ma.y7th. We gîve due nGotice8 taaillSTATESSAN su.bacribers The dollar rate will be accepted for ail arrears to Jan. 1, 1907 1, paid by May' 7th butý for thisyuear 8150lnst be paid in advance. DURHAM TEACHLR&S. Citizens are okiga they.aiways do with pleasant ý,!ntiipations to the comiiig convention of Durham counity High arid Public gc-hooi tes chlers Who meet in the AsemlyHl of the Hligli sehool on Wednesday and Thursday May' 22- and 23. Il seemes a long time since the teachers met here last and they wlll be heartiiy weieomed to the town. Nature wl11 have,,put, on ler Summer gRrb by that' time ad heiped. by the citizens' effoî'ts around. their, re. spective homes, we holpe ta sets this beautilul town lookinz its ivrettiest. 1The executive c3mmittee o! thEa teachers' association lias the arrange- ments almost completed for the con- vention. Copies off thei programme will be mailed by the secretary la good 'ime to the teachers of the county. a list of whom appears on another page.A o f the leadinag educationists o! the county have promised to take part and a successful convention le assured The local comlinitteet have been very fort-unate in securïng for the evenlng, meeting Prof. P. H Kirkpateick, MI.,A. af Toronte-Conservtory o! Music, pro- fesear o! Elecution at Kýnojx Coiiege and McMaster University. 1He wiillgive a recitai on Wednesdi;y eiening and on Th-ursday lie wîil a-ddreseé the teachers on 'Prfi3diplés o! reading and their application." It le eýxpected that there wiil be a 'ery large attendnce-1 te3achers at thîs convention. OSHAWA.t Mr. John Currie lias been appointed Manager of The Reliance Loan & Sav- inzs Ca for thi&etown.. .. Mies F. Ricli, of Orona, visited her aunt, Miss Scales ...11.ev. W, B. Tueker, pastor of Medcaif St. churcli, exchangod pulpits with Rev. C. Adams, Brookiin, Sunday avening ...MisAlice Smith visited friends in Myrtle . -Mr. kgoy Cralg and Mur. and Mrk. H. J. 'Craig. Midi nd, visited relat Ives liere recentiy ....Mrs. Manning vieitedhlero ster, Mrs. T Brantan, Whitby... Mr.and Mrs. Grills, BlIev'iIle, attended the funeral of ber mother, Murs. J. Craig~ .Dr and Mrs. Jas, Morris andý children, Grimsby, vîslted their parente ,.Mr. and Mrs Bull. Clnciunatiet.re1 gueste of Mr" F. Bull ý.. Mr. and Murs. J. O. Cliffrd bhave returned from a tw-o montfits' visit with relatives in Maine and Bosto.. Mr Kenuetb Halikan, sion o! Mr. 'Wm. Haînan, lias passed bils final ex iminations att1h Royal Coilege o! Dental surgeons, T'or-1 onto, admitting hlm ta the degree o! licentiate nf dental surgery, ... A very sad. occuirrence toakr place at the rosi- dence o! Mure. Pike, Bond St, Tliursiay nigh. Mss I;nnie Fsbsr. dahtcr 0f th lateJas. isher, o! slburn, and grandldaug-hter cf thelate Timaothý Pish. eýr, cf îown. Who bas for somne time past been residingwil Mrs. Pike, was seiz- ed with an epileu)tic c )vlilsion during whlch abe turueti aver la bed and sm-otitered to death ln the piliow. She had retireýd in h-r usuial and apparent good health.E-arly Fridav mnorning a fire . destrayedte Sash aud Door! 1t ctoury, recýently acquired bv M r. JOhn, Stacey Lose $2,000Lîsurance $6000w. lThis waa tho former Furoýt & WoodI factorv and liad been refitted withi ma-ichi neury and a large stock of lumbclr,, etc., had been received. The 4S5th regiment wiii camp in Klng. ,ton tlues year and wiol l ave ()a 3une 17.1 0( L su in 2oth Centur Clothing e ew a- 1" J Whts Herre Is Rîghit. What's righlui style, what's ri2ht in quality, what's rig-ht in fit and riglit in price, made right, look right and right is here in 7Readyto-Wear. Clothing-A1J 'Right. Youtr Suit Is J-eere.. Tis spring has opened u-p and we are sellin~g the fine clothi ng we handie freely and you will be doing right by.yourself and right by your purse in niaking the most of this store in, buyrng your elothing and other wearing apparel when you knowW What s Right Is ilere In 20 Cien tiry Branid Clothing. Yowrttention Fzotr A. Int. We give a special Invitation to ail men and theirboys who wish to wear the most stylish clothes ever tailored for any business and selling at prîces tIiat for equal value have neyer been approacheci hereaboutis, MVadle To The MViniute. The elothing we hanche-anci seil is tailoreci with ail the skill that you'd expect froma the highest priced custom 1tailors. The styles are down to the minute and faultless. The fitting, quialifies of 20 Centuiry Clothing garments are perfect. TPhe cloths are good home domiestie and imiported goods. And every detail of the makingr is carried out with thie'rnotion ofd pleasing, the most partîcular people who may favor us w7ith a eaUl. rIo get aLcquainted with 20' Century Brand Clothing it wvill pay tLo gli'Ve US a eaU for your Spring Suit. -~ ~~~ îleIN M MUT? IIWest End House. omnvle BLAOKSTOCK. The Presbyterians of Bilcks.tock and - nnilskiilen -hav'e extended a eali ta .R6v. J.ý C Forsteur, of Red Deor, Alberta. ...Miss L. E, Sliort, Janetvj:le, VI bitod hore recontly.... MissH Julia Cook bias ;tarted dressmaklng ...Presbyter- ans bave renovated the rManse f r the reception of Rev. Mr. Foriter.. ..,oh >dist S S. anniverary May 24.... Mr. L4ewis Swaln-lias -taken a position witli W'esteurn Bank,, Travistock.... Mr. Thos. Venning lias mêde a large nuin- ber of ladders this spring. ... A very pleasant evening warEsspeut at the Mapie sugaurisocial in aida!f Mission Circle'. To Mr. and Mrs Kidd, a daugliter. Mr. Samuel Woad has bouglit- praperty in Oshawa, and inteude moving theure. Most Dreaded Form of Kidney Disease Mr. Daie(l Browvn English River, Ont. wites :-" For threce years I sufferel-d front urinary t(roubIles, partaking ofthew na-t ure off stone in the bilder-, or gravel,. and thli pain wiul I iendured can crci lie~~ decie.Iwasuabeta dlo auY wokad reunty ichrgdblood. Tho0ugl 1 spent hundreds or dollars in1 doco.r' ill Ireýe;ved nm relipf, n)nd nt last diddtInt I would neyer bu bl ta work azgaýini. '-Wýhile ithis condition 1I was icdvised ton t ryvDr. CaeKidneyv-Liver Pis, and, thoulh I had no faith 1in thene I de-. cided to give theeaýfaiïr trial. After usýig one box I feit a decided chanýge for the better, and after taking five boxes 1 feel like a new mnt. 1Iarn1entirely ont of I can honcmistly recommend Dr. (Chaýse's Kidney-L il Pi taanly flo frr end will clieerflly verify tliýs staïteme)(nt tanyone writ'ingme Dur,'s Kidney' -Liver Pis,on pili a dose, 25 cents al box,' at alele, or EdmansLýollnt, te & Co., Torcnto.- I 110WMAN VILLEý. * NT. OLD M DALIS u 'rnniY Uri, Foot;Iour yersAttendlrg hyienadSrenAM. Otrellsiosptl, Offie an Resdene Wellx'ton L. ,Tef.- PORT DARLPNGTON HîRBOR ANNUAL MEETING. Nthe annuel GENERAL MEE TING of the Stockholders of the Port Darlhtîgton lier- bar Company will be beld at the~ offices of tise Company at Port Daingcon, town of Bowman- vil le, ou Mondai' the tbiîd day of June 1907, et the bOurof FOUR O'CLOK In tbie fiernoon for the electli' ut Dtre etorls ofthtie said Con- peny for the en6ulng _y ear and transaction of _Eune business as mu y caome before tbe meetinlg. 'J. A, MCCLELLAN, Secretary. Dated et.Bowmaniylle, Ma-y lfi 9P 18-2w. AUCTIO% SALL 0F HOUSE AND LOT Und,4er aild by virfue of a power of qsLe8 con- tail'ýfil.edin a"ecuain mor i4:gge w iwlll',.e-pro- luved et ithle of sale iliere wili bho offered for sale bty pbieacio tthIe Qneen' s 1Hotel, Osbaa., on Thursdayv the 23rd day of' May, 1907 et2 o'eloCk P. In. the foliowing valuab'Ile proper- ty, viz -A I that certain parcelor traetof land S1Itiat]Inltbe Township outialiirgîoi n thie Cuutut D ïurbnin bèeoin ooed-af that part Go ot iitbrTtt n tbe Eightb eýonces,ion of Ille said Towushîlip described als olors- et li îlet.uc o a ouseNorths seventy four egesEast of the caîna tram ihe norih North eat;mangle 0f 1land ormeprly cdeeded ta Thomna ITiiorite. Thic north seventy fouar d1egrees Rotwo chIaiIlns at'. Sevenity five links thenqce suutbL sixteen degrees. Hast twxo ehaIina, thece onî seenty four, d'egree.s, Westt w,, eainsa and sev entv five lii, hence nrtl Sixteen degreem, West twQ chaina mare or lesi ta thle place of! boginnlug1,. OIn Ibis property laàa amali bhouse witb out- bul ingsinfair atate of repair. Ta-n s 0F e LE-eln per cent or the purcna'se 'l'ne y to lie paiel duwn e-t limne af purChase,' eolwltbin filteen days thnereafzer ta matý1e nir une liait of t1îLe purebese money, andi for ihe bailan(ce tett? us easy and ta o emoAddknown et ti.te of sale. For furibier palrticularsa ppfly t J. F. (ala sVenido, 'as 8lbeitor, OLsba We, Ont. D Lt'd-t 0 W1aet A pnr'211 t,- ,- ý A DOZEN REASONS Tlere are a dozeu reasons for b»uying. "Qucen Quaiity" Iliches, bOut s our own comfourt le excuse eno"ugli. Iley easethe foot because theyý fit 80 per!ectly. Tils- seasons Styles are striking-. lv handeome and more Ari four Comfort, Economy, '"They fit Where otDhere fa&it 'Eelets ineyer turu BIas3v," Freu R. Foley,_- Bowmanviile, Ontarlo. ~i~pply 2' Fllrnitnro! Furiitre usOur stock comprises ail huDes of ueful and decorative furuiture, in the different grades. There is nothing made that we cannot supply you with, and our prices are as low as the low- est. New designs., constantl -ir igî -See Our St ore Window L. MORRIS & SON, The Home Furnishiers 17 nerp..4, byiniz aitijaten ana eornvosea Gi k.r. a. LUullbklcu LLiatýwc Hau Dee]r- MISI 1" lýý