Grand Triink Railwav Svstem. RAILWAY TIME.TABLE. BÙWMANVILLnu STATIoN. Goxue SAIT GOIMG WiU5T Mall-...... 9 06%. m. 1 'Express '-. 4.40 sa. 1 mxpreus - 10 10 m [Local-.. 7 67 w - d...5836 P. I Passengor-1. 36 p. m Loa.,. - 6 49 p.m. 1 Mixed... 7 33 Milli......10 24 p.M. Ticketi; to certain points sold in accordance 9- 't h specal holiday rates announeed la another ,imux wIlnoet be honored on trains Nos. 1 or STeTY & Juv. Town ÂAgents It Is Worth A TriaL if you have trîed every ether place l ,anfor eolnfort-giviag spectacles do net be diseeuirag-ed. Tt wil eost you nethiag te have eur expert optician test your eyos earefully and sientifieally. We have helped others why I fot !et us help yeu ýÇhen We test eyes it is Idone properly. Sto-itt & Jury, Graduate of.- Detroit Optical College, Canadian Optical Oollege, New York Seheol e! Optico, ChicF.go Ophthalmie Collea-e. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORlE THROATS AND COUGIIS Tbey cqmbine the germici 'dal value of Cresolene wilýh the soothing properties, of slippery elm and lien- XeU Yor rugist 1or froui us, 10c *inistamps. LEEMtO iL£s Co_ , Liited, Agents, M4ontreal. 40C 8OWMANVILLE, MAY 1, 1907, Saturdayi, May Il ATTENTION, FA 'AS ND FRUIT- A meetIng wil be h0id in Council Room ut 2 p. m. oni SA'i U RI)AY MAY 11th in the interest ot co-operative fruit handiing and its beenefits to the grower Meeting wili be adldr(assed by Mr. Elun- or Lick of 0Oshawa, Manager of the South Ontarlo C-o-operative; Fruit Grow- ers' Association. H.C<j bAR, 18 2w Seu'yW',. D PFI. 1 ront fishiag sefison opens today. Mr.s. Loseombe, "'The E1rms", wilnDot receive again this season. Dahlia bulbs, paasy plants,i te., are for sale by S& J. Jackman, Mrs. A. S,, Tillev wili receivo tho first FridaY in May and flot again thie seasoun. Mrs. (Dr.) W. T. Wilis rd, Torontoj Junction. ie visiti)g- ber mother Mrs. Jlobt Coilacott, "The Evergreens." Rev. Dr, Gardîner, Belleville, 'a attained bis rnnletieth birtrnday. Ho bas been eeventy yeari a Methodist, sixty-six years ra Minieter,ý One cannot hielp thýinkinig that the big' maistakeo f the past Was seiiing u l South Ward enginie, and -there re" many of the Sam(" way of tl4inking- News Cor., it is said that one Mill will be, added to the rate of ausessent of the town to pay the damaze the fire e3ngine sustala. ed April 16. whicb wiil bring the taxa- tion rather high. Mr.. Cecil C. *Forsyth, erganiat of.St An4lrew's'Presbyterian chureb, Peter- bore, bas resigned and accepted a simi- lar position in Cambridge St. Methodist- Foley 'e for far» feotwear. Milkpans and pails at Nichalis'. Pretty Back Combs at Nicholis'. Diamond Dyes 8 pkts 25e at Nichoils'. Mr. Hlaye wants te photograph you Spring b.ats bave arrivedttiMaver's- Oranges, the sweet, juicy iind chaap at F. A. Haddy's. Dahtia, bulbs, pansy plants, etc . are for sale by s JJ 'ackman. Boarders eai. find acu rabehome at Mrs Warder!'e Queon St. Miss Frankie M. Jeweillus v.siting relati ves ia Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. H. L. Creeper, Toronto, spent Suîuday and Monday at home. Ask to see the aew Spring hats just la at M.Mayer's. They'rostjlish. 1Mrs. E. J. Carr le vlsiting her daugh- teýr Mrs Geo. A. Sellar, Ciîcago, il. On Friday laet Mrs. John Somers 1fe1 breaking ber right arma at the ebeulder. Durham teachers' conveution bere May 22 and 23. Give them a welcoe. Strawberry plants fer, sale, good klads. by G. D. Fletcher, Bewmanville, Messrs. Roy Beaten' Wili. Colis and Mr. Rico, Oshawa, were ln tewn Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dale and son Mellville have been"viiting relatives in Torento Brooms and brusee are now in order -F. A. Hladdy bas a good assortment at right nrices. Sprinig shipment cf six and ton piece chamber s(ets and parler lamps just ar- rived at Nic-holle'. Get 10 cents worth cf Pop Cern for the beys at Murdocb's te bring them Navigation- on Lake Ontario by the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Comn- pany opened thià week Miss Euuery wil tak aIiteê uuun ber of pupile la veice culture commenc- ing after summer hlildays. Mr. Ueo. A. Seliar, Manager of The Fedearal Steel Fixture Co, Chicago, III., vîsited friende here recontly. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson ef New- TESTS syîi VsîTUEîE 5 et;Deaths, 50 c enteaoh In- Dr. J. 8SSoe, Toronto, visited his sertion. When funorai are parents over Rnnav. rInted at this fie isrinfree o HOUSECLEANING,,AIDS! P. A. Haddly off ers a f ew aide to bousecleaning. * OLD DUTOIT OLENSER.-One of the great nids te, houise eleatting is 014 Duteb Cleanser. -Have yo-u ried it?ý As well as being the, best it is the màost economýial Uleanser in the market,- Large size perforated catÏi * only 10e. Always-ready. No wast'e * OAP-Also a large stock o! Soaps. Soap Powders, Soa9p Chips, Ammenia, Metal Cleaners, etc. BROOMS-Brooms have advanced lu prie&, but having Made Wlarge purchases early in the season-we, can give you extra good value. A goodstocky Broom, well made, special value 25c. Could flot ho sold to-day under 20c, *BRUSHES.-Scrub, Steve, Shoeo, White Wash, Bannister, a ailI grcs * ÎEAL TFA-Don't forget that Ideal Tea 's the tea ta u8eo. A gocil Tea at a low price speciai at 125c and 40, per lb. * Butter and Eggs Taken. CHINA ràAIAng I CHINA O * HALL h1 hIT HL O *~~ F A. HRY DU A Y~ GROCEItY Wl Wat Papersý 11 0e f -Quality.