A 'CROSS COUNTER. TALK ustomret . lis there paint ecoomy in buyingj ~sDealer: "Sheýrwïn-Williams PainiÎ, PrePaPed,, is true -paint economny. t cost, nnea-ire than good paint ought to cost, is always full measure, and of the same high quai- ity throughout. t has large covering capacity, is easy working and saves painter's timne and the need of frequeut repainting. S. W. P. adds to property value in the hand- somce appearance it gives and the protection it affords against suin, srmoke and rain. t savea nmoney for von irom the timie -it is put 0on your house." RICE-& C0., Agents. . ~ '4'W 'JI"W ~.5.~ W ~ o o s o o o o o o - ~ A Our stock comprises ail uines of Us.ef'ul and decorative furuiture, lM the different grades-,. There is not-h-Ing made that we carnnot supply you with, and our prices are as low as the lom- est. Newdein constantly arriving. See Our Store Window L, MORRIS & SON, The PHome Purnishers Furuiture Dealers, Phtone 10. Funeral Direetors * - H ow About Pai ni ng?9 Tenders Wallted !or Dtggînlg' ýl'i , - A - r% P-% A - Il - - 1 ShoesWot ýSovereign Shoes As the Q ieen Quality Sho - is the leader i» style, etc., for women se bhe Sovereigu Shoe la The Leader for Men, Every sea soi ncreasis the demand for suso iyWe.. We have them tnalal styles --SOLD ONLY BY- Fred Il Foley, BowmnvlleOnt. New Tire Setter. The buse OoId Tire Setter, It la Our mott) to keep up-'to.date Ù1 ail Unes of Our busiBesS. Re8asons why thfis tire setter does iUs work hbetter than the old way: The tie, stavytIgt longer. Tiiere la no charing or brring the Wood. No danger oif over diohing the whoecl The painL is not scratehied or lnjured. Can get 7,our ýjob done lu onie quarter the time. We wllt guarante-e ail work d"OUE by this machine We are aiso preparedtti cut downi wheels or auy other repaira that your rig May need. LAW t M0WîIýRS aharpened and overhauled as usual. A. W. PI4JKARD, East End Blielksmitb, Bowmaliville, à-, t U'~TL~T7TT~ MAY Ç Qh ~..u. v~Â~v jj~1 ~ as, '. Drain, T e n df e rs w ill b e r e i e b v t h e n d rske up oStra iv5t for 50rcdýo!y, dri nBovm.viUlVle ü Eeuter'y. Thelaes or aniy tender not eeerlu a- ceptlod. JAMES DEYMIAN, 20-2w. Opera Housone niîght only. Friday,17. The 1Iing of PTramPs"" A Yankee Docdie Comedy in 4 bigz laughing acta. Funnjier than a M -iPrade at noon.. Ant enterNinment for chidren froma 6 to 60. A COMedv 3wittt a plot mounted WiLh SpeCuLsi acene rY. Musàical, singing and dancing specia!lis The show Nou have b'een waltilng for> introducing the favnrlte mil1 comedian DAVE DERDEN support- ed by a caLrefully' selecred COW!npany' PriCea.......5e. 25e. 35e, Seatis oufialo at MITCHELLUS DILUG STORE. HAMPTON. A great gioom was cast aver aur' i- lage on, Saturda-y orning whcn it was Iearned that death had entered another home and remoived tram aur m'Iit Mr. Fred, Tr Allun He wlll be grety miss- cd in aur comnmunity He was a very active workc.r in our lcaýgte and Sanday achool, being superintendeut at tec time0 of his death. lie leaves ta mour bïi lo-ss a wife and son, father; mother,J brother and sister ail o! whom reside lu Hamupton T'he friends have the beart- feit sympathy of the coîmmuuitv.. bunlaymolifl i~. J Y. Berry wilk preach a special sermon to rnember!s of the LeageAiM members will maeet ini the basement at x0 15 a. m. CnÂRÂOrER 15 MrDicNE-Iu meai- cine as in every sphere off human action, it la character, that tells. Every prescriptiuu that DR A. W. CHASE gave to hiE fel lowmen Is full of eharacter, luil of the honest, sterling which mrade the grand old doctor re, speeted, admired and loved by ail who knew vhlm Ttciuteerlty o! Dr. Chase is shown lu every one of his famnous CHiANGE OF BUSINESS L. Morris & Sont, Bowmnanville, hav- ing bought out M1r. N. C. Rundie wili keep albranch at Hampton. The present stock of Furniture must be eleared out and will be sold at a sac- rifie. Any orders for Undertakiug may be lef t with Mr. R Katerson, or tclephoncd direct to Phone 10, Bowmaanvilie, and same will receive our prompt and mnost L . >ORIs& SN 14-ti, Phn 10, Bowman2viile. OBITUL&RY o o o o o o 'i o---- 'I 1~ il! 1 *.1 Wo have iearned from differeit sourc -I es t1hat certain personq who ahould cm- play their talents iu d oing good rather than s3thrring u.pnunples saut feelinigs be- twesn Citiw'Cns have been t~n to per- muade th-.ose who tpok part lu theý "Olde Fok~Concert". Itatpur com1menta in tho ar-tic e publ:shed on April 5 on "*Moueoy for thuirce" was a censnre on tbom. Such am idea as, ref6ecting ou thoae Who conitribUted to bbe program Ioan that OccasioDnenver entered our tbugt.V(We tro)ug1y objeeýt ote reising o! mouev for the church by sucb memtna and said so. We boliev'e la sîtraigýht g-iving from the pocket ta the plate, and rcfecrred ta that, concert as one' of the methoda of raisiug moniey ifor tho cbuarch auF which we d ëisapprove W'e did not se it but some who did s'aid it Vwasz afl11rigzht but odh.o been botter under auspices outaide of the church, We repeat emphatical- ly that wo had not then nor have we ha", since the alighZeat d'3eire te say anUý uniriendly word of the3 Ladies' Aid auder whoso auspices the Cnte.rtain1- ment waa g-iven or'of those who conitrib- uted te the program., We were dez'aîi11g our aieec te a principie and net attacking the5 ladies who werc responsibie for the event. W6 invite every person te visit titis departumeut titis wcck 10 sec lte have lu Carpets and Curtainis, etc. We have a room furuiished u ip stairs on. these geoda. Fe sure you don't misa the stowging titis week, sitowing we pur pose for Carpet Squares. We have without a doubt. the largest variet y of Carpet Squares titis season that we have ever hanâdled iu Tapes-bries, Velvets arid Brussels iu the following sizes: 3 2;3x3; 3 m 3ý,; 3 x 4, 3' x 4; 31 x 41- 4 x 4; l4mx 4ý; at pricýes to suit every person. Lace Curtains. rYOU WaPnt Lace Clurtains Ibis season don't forget to give us a eall this week and sec tGhe valucs we are showinig We have ail prices, from 75o 10 06.00 a pair. We w-ill mention one line iu particular that we have in a fine nett eurtain 3ý yds long, goed value at $2 a pair, to elear the lot at $1.50 per pair. A chance for OCrtâans. Oilcloths, and Linoleums. Wc, have cvery width from -ý yd to 4 yds wide and cvery quality obtainable. The very best Scotch Linoleumis that you eau get. In spite o! the advauee of these goods we arc stii seiliug thcm at 50e a square yd. Corne and. have a look at thcm' even il, you don't buy, it will convince you o! what we have. Table Linens and TabÏle Cloths. We have about 25 or 30 remuirants of Table Linens put ont for titis wcck at priSca below zo.at. These consist of alize and prices, but the prices w-111 sait cverybody. Table Cloths iu ail lengths raug'iug from 01.50 b 0 6.00 and even te low price eue is pure linen cvery tierad of it. Taýble napkins lu ail sizes and prices. Curtain lVuslins. Madras andi SPOttel mualîns for curtains and drapes from 15e a yd up ivitit finïlshed or unflilishcd edge. Have a looe at our Madras Aluslins wibhlte lfancy eolori2ngs running brogit thcm. This îs something you don'î tsce every day. Be sure audi see thtsdsly We have ail oter Household YL~rniýshings but they are too numerous te mention. We have mentioued a few lunes to couvince you of how we are selllng these hues. Ah we ask is a eall te inspeet tibis deparîmneut even if you do't buy it wiIl do yen good to sec lte beautiful display we have. Bring Us Your WOOl JîOHN MCMUNRRY, IWest End House1 Bowmanville, h' a'u,--- AUCTION SALE, SATURDAY MÂY i18m - Mrs. Archiie Allen will sali at ber resîdence, Brud- Shaw StreetBw 'ie, the wholc o! ber bauseiteid effects, including' stoyes wbicb are almost new, carpets, black -walnut furniture, bedroam suites. diuiug aud parlar furniiture, diahes. etc. Thourougb bred and other bens. Sale at i oelock Sharp. Sec bis. L. A. W. TOLE Auctioneer. O! ail the fruits there are in the land, That graw on busho reea, 1 wouid give 1p.bte Cl cceat eues For Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Stott & Jury. TYIIONE, You hardlly rea lisze tbit laMedicine, whe on ta kln - Carter's Little Liyer Pilla:1 bbcy are vcry smali; no bad affects; ail troubles 'rom torpId livcr arc relicved by thair use. Base Line Anniversary (S, S. No. ;U) jnextý Suinday May V9th. Rey. H. Mua-. roe, B. A.- , aad Bey, W. J, Cad man, towii. wfl be preuIt, and aiLso Re.R. J.ala;; Pearce ýaecorinug te M honday 's repart bias receivod 4583 voties iu District N. la he WOYlds ontatf mr a f ree trip DR.J.S.SOMNERS Opposite Eatoa's, Vtcriuary Surgeon and D enliaI FAH.S. Lowrey, ElONORARY GRADUATE of Ontario LA.Veterinary Callege. Toronto. Spý,ecial ttnlngivea ta Dent9try 011ee lu mr, w. adw Li' very Stalle,;trklfh:calîs atI 5ia resdecebone ilaCent re s ta. DaLy o r oight calls promipt!y reepan(ýed ta. Hnose phone ino JEs. lEe "! Bowmanlvïie t'O LouaonEUngina AsaMis 'earcs-- is only the lady se far nominated sast o!' - Oisha&UaIlVWorld aubajcribeOrs ln Eait- ein Ontanlo shaulti vote for ber. $Ince __ . Yaen wiLlwaubte oSeo my Mrs. E. J. Vanidobuýrghl, Of Eastern I thre are-rom 5e.per Wellacl uvnue, t, C bîrius, ont., 1 Y-raIl, Border seld by the roll, wnte: "or tent-oneyeas ~ aS ame price as a ide watt. If bady alhitedwit hert rouleiio ye Want samething verv ounssad rmp ntImbs, 01 A" lo il special, select from mv s ei twthn ftomsles and b-ý p te Suggestions giveni h e adache11s. I1becae wualk, dWl-' -~ indow .Shades, tated ~ ~ ~~NI adèaitd ycon( Ition 4 ~ ~~~~ýu 1iiesnr n was mmade worse ~ ,,. ~1 ~e~' MasSAIýUELMASON . A dear, good, truc, lnd, loving and lavable mather in ILraci bias passed ta ber reward îa the deccase o! Elizabeth R. Maison, relict af the late Samuel M ason Auntie Masoil, as many ai us cnllcd lher, was barn at Lanlivery,, near Lestwithlel, Cornwall, Englanld, ou March 3rd, 1r and passed into the kingdam of the rerleemed in glory in Bowmianville an Monday Mav 13, 21907, being la beu S6th year. She was a daughtcr o! John and Ana Sweeî. In ber youith she came ta Canada with ber parenits wb purcbased and stied on a farmr in Darinigton toýwnsbip, near Eben- ezer. She was United in marriage ta Samuel Mason 0on Januiary l8th, :843 Aftr marriage they came directly ta, Bawmanville wherc Mr. Mason was en- gaged in the harness and saddlery busi- nes, Se bs ived here ever sne ove 64yeasàM Maan diedOtoe 9,89.SurviVing ber are tbrce soins -SamelW , merchant af thistwu Frank H1-. and John L. of Davenport, Iowa. An apted daughter and niccc, Mrs, W. 1. Evans, resides ini Toronto. BesidJes the aboae are ninegrandchildIren and ton great graudchidren; aiso a num- lier of nieces and nepbewvs aud thre brothers wbo mouru ber deatb. Mrs. Mason bas been a consistent niember and active wvorker ln the Metbodîst cburcb ail ber life. First, witb the Bible Christiaus and thien with the Metbadisb cbu-rch of Canxada. She hasaaIse ever been a staunch triend and earncst advai- cate of Temperance and will bce-ircatly i-nhaed 1b the many warkers lu tioat noble cause. She was fo)r same years Presi- dent of the WavVmen's Christian Temper. ance Uin SUPRTTOSO 3I :assO ail supe3rstitions probpbly t he moat foal- ieh is flic Idea, that whenî a rasja or sare la heaied and eurcd by moans of extarD- ai applications lb wiill "strike lu" and do no furtber barm. No repubabie phy sician will givo aay countenssuce tu such a notion. Skin diseases of evcry form and especiaily ez7ema, sait rheutjm, scald hiBad. etc. , are pronptly relievedj andcerainy ured by Da. CHASEg's When Buying Give I __ Us A E!au And look aver ourt:stock. We have baots and Oxfords for womoit frm $1,40 te 1 $5.00. For men we are well aipplied from prices that range from 150t $~.0O Nowfor (ehiildren we haveai Ikinda in white, tan aid bak ihpricca ragngfo 6csta $,5. Jpc won 't permit us to tli you ail. ('aIl n( _______secfor yourself. Reid & Pearn, CLEANEST ST(YJK IN TOWN,. <>nnnsite Balmoral intel - Bowmanvîlle, ï«ýý i 1 tu 1 , Amk --&- AML -*. Hlousehold Furnishing Departnient! Jiu w m'a -rN v 1 LJIE, Iiiil 1 la, 1 -V a - ýqR el 1 !