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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1907, p. 5

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Grand Trunk Railwav Svstem., IRAILWAY TIMETABLE. BOWMANVILLSI STATION. GbING UA51T 00356 WEMT $9zpresu '10 10 -K 1 Loüal.-....7..57 1 mixd - 16 p.M. IPassenger_.l 355 P. M L.ocal . 649 p.m. IMixed... 7 53T a Tinkets to certaiiipoinits sold 10 acýtCOrdan ce ÉIt peeial hollday rates announiced in another canasn lï nt lic onored on trains Nos. 1 or STOTr A JVay. Town Agenýt. ThatL Trouble,, We do not know o1 anything thatLit, glving such universal sts faction as our StýLomaoh alld Liyer Tonlo, Some customers tell us It Is Worth its weight ln gold 'but we co...inue to self the regullar ~1 00 oize for 75C. We have a 25e size aiso. la any case you get your money bDack if y'ou ask lor IL, Stott & Jury, Detroit Optical College, Canadian Optîcal College, New York Sehool of Optici, Chicago Oplthalmie College. N. B. BYOWManvilIe Views neatly bound ready for mallng- Price ioc. for 14. I of, lear ~Skins. The kind. gentlemen admire. Thne kind ladies long for, Thse kinsi that is produced by 4lreaff of Violets -Tis elegant toilet lotion com- bines FIl the essentlals of a true skiai food lu nourishies, vooli and beautifles the skia. It is flot sticky It is not greasy. The original and OUIy genuine Cre.%rn of Violets is sold only by Stott & Jury. Price 25C. large bottle. S'Ito-tt & Julry, The ]ruggists and Opticians. Sep. our town views, 10c. for 14 views. Dr. rul over o' se <set r'o Bacl&, ,forma ai n n _______________________________________________________________________ I CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLE13 A simple and (Aefcive irnedy for SORE 'THROATS AND COUOIiS They combine the germiidal value of Cresolenu witb tbs soothiig properties of sippeýry elm iand lino. rice. Ycour dIrugist or from us, lI. i stamps. LEXLfIae MsGo, LiitLed, Agents, Mronitreal. 401 BO-WMANVILLEL, MAY 15, 1907. MYR T St6ehe4s ishome from the Northwest, Miss R-hoda Verce, Toronto, spent Sunday at homie. Mr. Fred PtinuToronto, spent Snndaly at home. MiseNede s er-e from "Tronto for the funeral of Mrs Mason Mr. John M,,anning, Oshawa, was in town Saturla'y 0onbuIsiess. Are yýou prepaingi- to take part in the sporting events here May 124. Mr. j. Howard Perev accompaný'îed by a friend, Hpent Suinday at home. Miss Minnien Lindsay is attendiug Central Business Colleg-e, Toronto. Good brick residence to rent in beat' residential part of the towni, See advt. Miss Ethel A. Todgham, Toronto, is visitlng ber aunt Mrs W. J. Todgham. Strawberry plants for sale, good kinds, by G. D. Fletcher, Bowmanville, Mr. James Stonehouse, Port Perry, has been -elected a member of the Coun. cil. Are you going to try to win the $j5 gold piece at the guessing contest May 24? Miss Marie Luttreli and Mr. Alex Luttreil, Toronto, spent Sunday at1 nomne.q Miss Rochf3lle off the Haddv Mdillinery Co. is ln Toronto gettinzg the summer styles. Miss Renwick hbas retiirned f rom -vii. "ý luql9c L,1-S! 4M )1u1tI -o ir Mrs. Wmn. McClung and Miss jennit Mc"liung recently vlaited iriensàl Toronto. Miss Florence limery sang ail a W C T U rally in the Music Hall at Wbitbî1 Frlday eveang,- Mrs, E. E, Shepherd, Toronto, lh gnest of ber sister, Mrs, J., F. Hlonor- port Hope uie Mr. James Moore, Brooklan, vas la town Wedaesdav, He is oifering hME fine farm near Zion for sale. Miss Aune Belîman, Colorade Spring.s, Colo., je enjoying a.Vacation at ber father's, Mr. E. Jielme,ý Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDermott, Port Ferry, celebrated the 25th anul- versary of their wedding MVay 2. Mr. ;%mes Fogarty, Cleveland, Ohio, visited- olsi frieads here and at Maple Grove receatly" vafter an absceace ol twefltv six years. J,.Il. H.' Jury spent a few days ai lasil week la Ne'w York looking up special inies for the varions storesin wbhich he la interssted. Hie s n-y frienda will be glasi to hear that Rev W. Jolliffe basi sufflicieatly recoveresi from bis recent ilinesa to at- tend church once ,Sunday. Mr Richard James, Cambray, bas been enjovýing a visit to bis brother Mr John James here andi with friends at Osbawa, Columbus andi Brooklln. Hon Seaator Geo, W. Boss, ex-Pre- mier o! Ontario, was married M1ay .8th, 190ý 7, to Miss Mlidred -Peel, sculptress, of London, R t prescrnt residlng in Tor- onto. Not one in twenty ar 5 free from some little aliment causesi b1 inaction o! the lîver. Use Carter's Little Liver Fulis, The result will be a surïpise. They ,ive positive relief. Mr. N. C. ý1aynard, who la on a our tliroiigh Engiand, Holland,Gemay France and Italy In the intereste of Messrs. Byrie Bros, Toronto. bas hasi a most enjoyable trip. He la now home. ward bounsi. Mr. George, Alex. Welch io! Rochester, N.Y., andi Miss Manry MeDonalsi, Bow- manvile, were unites inl marniage on May 8, 1907, Mrs. Davisi Dosiss, o! tis towa, mother o! the groom, attend- Mî1ss Florence E Merv sangant the recital la St. Margare-t's College, Tor- onto, Mondav evtsaing week, Miss E"mery is a puipil o! Miss Sinazrt under whose the direction the recital was given. Miss Ethiel Y. Klng"saag at the Samne recital. Mr. anîd Mrîs. L- D. Banks, "Pins Villa", Pickering, celebrated their si]- ver wedding Miay 8. Amiig ti-e gueFts were Mr. and NMrs.Fred Rogers, Whitbt, and Mr. andi Mrs. B. F. Richards, Otsh.- awva, andi also MIrs. Bolton Bankls, motb- or o! the groomL. The ibridc receivesi many costby andi u afu presents, ail la silver. Mr Thos Yellowlees, Toïonto, wvho con- ductesi a relig-ions census,, liWinnipeg 'was etrandb, the D)unham LOld Boys' Association o ! that c'LLV at the Alexa adra Hotel on Mayr6. Messis W A Windaitand IlHW Hutchinson and others o!the Association are o1ie time friensis oftMr Yellowlees ansi enthuisias- tic Durham boys. It's too bad to see people wbo go [rom day to day suiffering !rom physical weak- ntess when Holllster's Bockv Mouaitain Tea woubd rmake themn well. The greatest tonie knownl 35e, cents, Tea or Tablets. Sto)tt & Jury. Oneo! the best vwritten. best expres- sesi, best preseintesi comedies to visit Bowms-nvilîle this seasoýn wiil be '-The Ring of Tramps" xhich cornes to the opera House May 17. GO to m1eet "1Sunny Jitn," Always goinig onttd!is way b spreadhains.aassig inai ansrriiiz a light heart, a char- acter that good sensible people can view frnm in frort witb a feeling of iaterest. andi dancers surounsi tieprcpl characters, and patrons assured of! a performance weli worth seeing, t roubles et *ther Me ,rs th 9se 'inîd YVii Ha sature Concb, Johnston & ryderman'S. Openng ! te Milan Legue base ballpgame-PFot eHope vsBowmanviilei on May 241-corne and ses the fun. Teachers, its to your interest to la- speet Our Une o!f ancy china. BigS assortmeat. Prices right at Nicholis'. 1 Port Hlope Skating aad Curling Bink Co, at their annual mneetIng- declaresi a dividend of 5 per cent tu the sharehold- ors, Large Stock o! Fieldi andi Garder Soeess-alfirsi c'lass. Don't bu-tIil von eall on Murdoch and ses the MangLola and cora, Ladle-,' Sprlag Coats and read-to- wear Sktrts-Mttade np la the maost up.. styles at Coucb, Johaston& Cryderman's. The teachers will be here niext week. Prepare for them. IBIIy vour lhair- brushes, comib and fancy toilet soapa ail Nicholîs'. Dning house cleaning yoit will want tu sort up ln the <rockerv and glassware line. F. A. Haddy. China Hall Gro- cery, bas soins bargaina. A lovely lot of Dress Tweed.'l, Veneli.- lans, Broadcloths andi ail kinds o! aew Dreas gooda, jnst openesi at Coeuch, Johnston andi Crydermn's. Murdocb's "ideal Pence" the flnst andi bes l Heavy Pence brought ouit-put Up aow for 5 years andi every one that has bad t wants it again. Caîl ansi ses i t. Get your wvork dons andi enjoy the holiday by comlng to Bowmanville Mav 21 Lots o! sport froin maornlnzunatil nlght. Sýýe fi rogrjtm o! 2th May sports on another, page. .Victor record dises, Victor a.nd Ber- liner Gramaphones, Edison Phono1 grapha and records and aIl, talklng machine goods for sale at P. C. Pit- ick's Barber Shop. To be free from sick bheadacheâ bil- lousneas, constpation, ete.,use Cater's Little Liver Plis. Strictly vegetable. They gently stininiate the liver ansi free the stomach fromn bile. Do not forget that Conch, Johaston and Crydermani show beyond ail ques- tion the fineststock o! Carpets o! ahl kiasis and Lace Curtains ia al qualities showa hy any bouse la West Durham. "The. King of Tramps" a -Yankee acta, bc comes to the Opera Uast Lmay 17 coatairw more actuai wit, mor innocent miisehief, imore admirable act- iag ansi goo(lsi sngbng ansi dancing than is to be founs inlanay teIt o! the average Sc cailedeomedies Priesi 16, 25. 35c, -Artists bave no trouble la siesnring mosiels. The famious beauties hatve discardesi corsets ansi bave become models in face ansi form sînce takMing Uniiister's Ruckv- Mounrtain tea. 85 c--tts Ton or Tablets. Stott & Jury. eàuadian subscribens to thiS great family jiurnal wl coufer a favor by~ belping -te obtain a feew subsu-ribera to inake up for those we sitand to loosýe in the tJnited States by, the new posal treatv. Tiii STATESMAN WaS neye1r a better local paper than îitiLsa ow. Seýnsi this copy te a trienld ansi ask bim or h'er to take il for a ysar. Ses the ode.- we make. Timn CIRCLDNMagazine fOr May il&re- dolent with the breath o! SPribg, andi full o! boundless ife ansi ensergy. Tbe original articles are more and more la evidence, zansi theîr stnenZth auns timea- iness showv that the plans laid oUI monta ag arematnino aiel.Sendi for a eopyý to Funk & Wagaall Com- pany.4-60 Easïtt 23rd St., New York, city, U S. Peter AMurdoch reports hiýs sales for andi IDEAL NC for last week tïIe bs3st lie ever had. It will Pay you tre give- l a cah before buying. ila "Thc m 'o! Tramps" which leomes to Opera Ho'u. Friday May 17 there isna young meus Mix -Clyde Long, whoSe stge p ortrajyal andi character malt -upc!n "The eareeow is saisi to be littie short of rveloï-s Crities pro- nolnnes h as ae4iastage crea-tion be- yos prson, T he scaresrowv nance, as done h/i Mr. Long, la onle o! the bits (! thus show. Prices 15 .25, 35c Providence June 2. Haydon June 33,-July 1. Base Une Union S8S....... May1. TyoeS. S.........MaT 19 Eldad......... ....My26-27. Ebenezar ....... ......... June 9-10. Mapfle Grove.......... -. June 16-17, Enfield S S.,............ June 1(3-17.1 Muff Last-see advt. Foley's for faro footwear. Mr. Hlays wants to pho)tog-raph you. Spring hata have-arrivesi at Mlavers. Come to Bowmanville May 24L Great. day of sports. Oranges, the sweet, juicy kind cheap at F. A. Haddy's. Dahia, bulbs, pansy plants, etc , are for sale hy H. J. Jaekmaa. Boarders eau find a comfortable home at Mrs Warder's Queen St. -Dahtia bulbs, pansy plants, etc, are for ýSale by S. J. Jackman. Ask to see the new Spring bats just in at M. Mayer's. Tbey're stylish. A lot o! tea-plates at Nieholîs' to, go at 3 cents each. GTot busy, get your share. Accounts were recently sent tu Sub. scribers. ln arrears. Have you pald Brorms and brushes are no w la order -F. A. Haddy has a good assortmsnt at right urîces.- Home meu -err whea they seeký the praise o! certain of their telows instead of their coademanation. When a teacher loges lis entbnlsiasm la bis work, the chance of bis succeed- ing la irrsvocably lost. Men's Ilats, the Iatest EagliEh and T his Weck at -", . '., H1-v il RPIeÀsss...At Ohw-nîeLaMay 4îi, MNARLoW-At 599Spadjpa Avenue, Tr*onto, Ma;y Sth, to Dr . suMrs.Frelierick W,,. Mar- STUJaIIS -[lDarl gou 9a th, te Mlr. andt Mrsl". 1vau S1'tubf)s, a 1soni. KNOX- [fiOr»no, May 4th, IVoAMr. 1d ii:rs3. A. In CEL l larke, May tbtotMr. a»d Mrs R'ichard Hloel a daugliter, ANDBSO-InNewc.stle, May 'Éli, to Mfir. andMrs W.11.Aoderson, a son.ý FAO WEL-AI Beb GroVe, Po'rt Perry, Nlay sý)th VoC. F. Forwell. K. C., and Mrs Farweîil. S tSe aiason., AlA R -41141,D. RAB IEN-IiWLE-AIthe Obrîstian Parsoin- aýge, U>stawa, M'lay ;fil, by Rev. C. E. Fockier, Mr, Aurwharren sud iiss i8ýEmma Rowier,. bolli of Car-turigbit. TATIERSLL AWRL*-.Atthe Presbyterian ~huychB~te, Mîttnasatuird-ayMfay!4th by Rev EJ reeed r FeeikA atr saill, fomlu]y of Orillia, and Miss Ida -May' yoLog est daug1iter o1flhc late Jam'es Lawrse, 1sIso...I Ba anileM onfayMa y lath, Eliza beth Ut, rejict of the lite Samnuela n ageà &.1,ysars. 1 unieral from bler late resiclencie todlay (W4ed.. uesday) ai 'i pi.. J.IINUS-Il EalSt Wllbýy, May Id lz WikeSOle1oved w f0fJas.Jeknibr ,t4ih year. MARTER-OD Ma1y 10, at is laie sdene,12 Flm GCrove Avo ne. Toronto, rGeorge Frederick1 Marttr, la iis 1551tb vear. ARICLES-At Port FHope, MaLy 10111, Henry Arln1ss, aged 76 years. ÂLÎ,SNil HampÈlton, Maly lIth, Frederick Thümas. Alunfii, iged Se years, 8mats AacusasAK-î Bowanvi!eFrtday, maty 1Mb,. Greta V.,daughîer of M. Pl Alcumabrack, HAW'nlOaN-In trke, Myird, Samutel UH, law;horue, age :;-) Year's, )AUSl the Genleral Hosital. T-OrOtos NMay lVh, Fr auk Waldon, Nevwcastie, aged 83 years. iarlohw, beloyed wife 0of Wilila'm cLaugblin, Éli ber 7iiue y" r. W~aIîPort Perry, May 6,' Muogo Weir, iii bis 7-iud ysar. Koruas'ew-O "May 9, ai the residence of ert Rtefrae Syas Hope, May 721, David iskill, agod 8 8oy esarji. HOAR-Ilîtt Darïigion. Nbav StbEdgar 1Ros.sell s-ou of thl 1ate Thiom;as R. Holar,' aget 20 yearýS RsvNo,as.-in Darlington, May 17, Mary. retin't of &heý laVe Frncs eynidis, agtid 82 To Ulear, U 7 50 oats foýr 6.0Coats fo Gr 9.00 Coats for 10.00 Coats for f4,7 5 5.75 6).25 7.00 7.75 Men's, YouLiths' and Boys' Suits5 AiU of the 'b;aace ofor stock of citigwe wvil eleai. at exaetly estprice. Also spe ials in Lac cuitainS and Lde'rs Trunks, suit cases, etc., .at FoIe,. s IM. A. Jamnes selis ocean ikt-i ies. Flower anld gardea seedsPAt Nicholîs' -2 packages for 5 vents. Some snaps la Dinner sets CaIIj and Dahlia b)ulbs, pansy plants, te,, are8 for sale by S. J. Jackman_, M. A. James la agent for, ail leadling Canadian) and Aniericant steamslips, t! Olsi DutchCleanser wl s ou tcon- siderable work-oniy 10(,a Haddy's. If you don't get one of our catalogue, sensi us word or cail ansi get onef at Reidi ansi Pearn's, We are heasiquarters for evervthilig that laslup-to-date la the shoe une Beisi ansi Pearas. 'l'ho teachers will be wirh 'ou next ,week. Take them to -Nichlils' ' o sýe, the Picture Postl Cards. Maple Syrup andsitSuar at F. A Haddys-tbe nlght kind. Aise self-: raising Buckwhea-t Flour.f The people say we haveý the fiLiest ino o! Oxfords la tuwn.. ai] ansi ses them at Reidi ansi Pearn's. Every teacher will waat a souvenir o! Bowmanviile, prettv littis hancl paintesi pin traye from 5cts np aI Nicb - A choies Stock o! Men's ansi Bo\.s' parfect ftting Reiady--to-vear Su__s Just recoived at Concbh, Jobnrston anii crytderman 's. Toilet Sets-Dont think ou cant a!- ford a new Toilet Set W'e will makeý the pnicea right. F. A 1Hadcdy. China Hlall Grocery. BARBERaS' HoLusÂ-The barbeýr shops o! this town wil be closesi each Moaday afternoon duriag the months o! ïMay, June, July, Aug-ust ansi Septemb-r. ' The D1. O. & P, Co. Bandi andi Base»' Club are planning for abMg day la' Bowmanvils on Mav 2., Watch fer sports prognam ansi partieulans la larg* posters. Couch, JohDston & Cryderma.n are showlng a big assortment of Lînoleiinq, la ail widths ali bougbht bof une the recent asivance ia price 'bihey show ten di!- fereatpailleras in four yards wide. Harsif Phlox plants 10, clump or S' for 25e ail S. J. Jackman'e. Pav uas 81 for a new subseriptbïon to TEiE STA'TESMNA,-,andi We Wili make suaf a present of Wehi-ly Globe ansi Cao.- ada Farmer for a year1 .Charles Doolittie, alias MageMrrs on. escanesi !rnmth Cnues' Hns, bast week ËBe was f ormezl1, a noates resiidentof CaýStîetoni, aýnsi about !orty years o! age, A number o! friensis o! Mn. Boss Hemn gave hLmtaanothen surprise, partn Tuesday oven!ing May 7, reonj t bis going to Toronto. Tbey preseaot- esi hm wltb a nlcely worsieclasidres andi handsome golsi watch fob. Miss Belle Murdoff reasi the asdress ansi Mn., Chas. Mason madeý theý presient- ation The usuai goosi time was en- joyesi by the boys ans i gis. Ail ouir eltîzeas are pleasesi 1 wal-. come back to bsns our worthY towasmaai, Mn Varkus atrwho bas been laid aside inesEasteý r wtb ;îa a gravitesi atta--k o! broinhitie -Î tr-. ei while on a. viit to) their agbe Mrs Fred Rob!in at Hmltn r M1aier la une o! our oldest an ! tost respectesi business men, on(b o!f te. ver few wbo have been lai active bunsiness. ever sincea e began on bis own Rccouab, bers. SEED CORN,. Just arrivesi. A quiantity o! thileai. lng varieties o! corn fo- ens;lage puus poses. Prices rigbî. 20-1w. HiamptOa4. DONALD G. M. -1ALIMAIT". Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Pubt;c, o#e, current ratee. Agent 1cr Te Mdiand Loan nSavniGQmp)azn. OffC ice opoite .,P Mar.%tyni's store. KinI. B ýLowinin .c,li U -tf QSCBAP MO1N WNE-iIpay Stove Plate Sr? rsfrom bnlt~ OItl VILLI, FOUSIï)i X)P ~,IFF OSTSabs mulIlost 0on Notce 0f Brtis,25 cents ; Marnlages. Pîrinted at titis <illce. Insertïon free Aiii . A-IOBowmv lle, ýMaywl121h,10M S W. tlacson & Sn 300î ds. of Swiss and Lawn Eboiee Edging,)s andinetn-wthfm l1,;toj 25c. yd your choi@ýe for8x yd. 500 y&.of Swiss anid Lawn Emtbroidereed Edgînsan -netin-wrh rm 8c. to 121c. yd your ehýoice for Ce-y'd, 5 ~nMeu"s Ceord mbricShtsrg Z 5 c each fw, 40 eae'h, (JoI-ored Jap, TfeaSJ oeerIeua 50C. yd f. "eRg-a 30e 21c yd J~Ie'Lung Gloves nCDtton, Lisle andSik Ladies' Sp,-ring Câ-oats. Only 27, ail new this sprrng. ~3ARV1NG BABiES. The ba-41 who8sIffera from indigestion is siinply starvhiug to deatb. Ir!noses aldetire foef ood andthe litt)e Lt ýdoes take does l'O good and the chilsi ispoe- ish. crosý ala nrstýeSs. Mothers will titd no otber m"edi.-ne as Prompt to ;.uro as B3aby 's Owývn Tabloe-thecy al- wIaý s. do zood!-thý-yey ca't possibly do aîarm. MIrb, James Savoy, LittIeLkum. eqjuI, N.B., sai S. 1believe t had it not 4»aen f( r Bab v',sOwn TaIkblet m 1child would have been lu ber grave, She was com-pleîL,ýy cradowu, would refuse food, and was rapidly failing. obig 1 gave her (IdI ber anti good lutiel . bg 0m;heuseo!ofBaby 's, Owu l'abiet4 nsi theso have chamged ber lime-a, ilL nd growing .child ",Sold by rgisso by miail at 25 cenâts a box lrom TJhe Dr. Wiliams Medicine (Jo.. B~vlleOnt. LAMFOR S(ýLE--Adjoinjing the .1.ïvllage 0Jf Enuiskien. A Sinal f arm aof £7aee, betg situaied sud comnposea oS a.rt of tle oiotbe South, ý o! lot 15 inti eSVb eoc.soof the owsbpofDaî,ýI itoa Thiere i.ý on the premises a good beussý . ith s tont> celar; good haro wiitbhstone h Ieut;1 finait tres ýaod small fruiits for a f alniiy. F 01 fuýrtber partiulars aopty ro Ms.Was. O ou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~13 tiepeisso . .BfaHgtn 4r-cluite mes, ONT. mi ýtau "Il Pandird Batik, Absolutcly Pure A Cream of Tartarf Powdelv fro rom alum or phos- phatie acfid Mi~NoRme Baking Easy ---------------- W HOUSECLEANING AIDS !l 3 * Cà * ~ A E.A addy offers a, few aids to h(usecleauing, * OLD DUTOITffOLENSER.--0O'e of the great aidcs to homse cleaning is OldI Duüth Cleanser, Have you t ried it? As well as becing the best It is the most ecoloia elnse i he market. Large size perforated c(i(ati only 10e. Alwýays ready. No wasîte. ,SOAP--Also a large stoekoaf Soaps. Soap Powders Soap Chips, Ammnonia, Metal Cieaners, ec BROG3MS-Brooms Qbave advanicecilanpYice, bu;t.havýri 119made larze prcae erlyv in the seýabon we oaa i e Iou e x tra- good ale.AgodokyBom wefl md special valuje 25.Could flnot be sold to-day under Soc., * RSIE.SCUStove, SoWieWsh anseatai * iEALTF-Do'tforetthat Ildeal Tea is the tea to uso. A good Toa at a. fow pic special at 215c aud 40 per lb-, * Butter and Eggs Taken.ý CHINA FA D .G IALL, AHCHIA * GROEIGYOCER-Y SWallhPapers i e 01yualïty. 4Te Tothose wbo -appreciate true art dýen our WIall Papers wil ppeal very stroýngly. We- have the highestqulypaesti s-,prIng ive have eveýr shown. 4ïThe price-s now rom bc, -Per rl pvrs Bordera samei prIces pe-r rol as thepaes I Moudingsto m2tch ail 2z. per ft.ý 4f Bg 0,W. 'T.ALLEN, A 7]4add-f. -1 1 i A-Moaie comed . - -L -r -1, 11 "I dvIeý eýý lýýmome bnards

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