CURRENT TOPICS. THE BETOF MEDIUM,. SYouinxay ftalklaab oyur postrs an Nax- Nrîvg0a Hiuerlaw ar suL - ynr ada uipoi Ihe tanc, but tlîay ai ta t ind e xchumstha cesti TaSedg yleagja pwappe al ticmoî ane - xarti a t îc tees tua-qestte0i emcempaZsalnanttdecparler stves aglew miotappar t haa prsenad îucbdif- Th tîxx sapa-isreadaiIdnteex-t-y prefit'iaie)Theicharm ena wa lana %orrattng as ceîtIi ciatatos(etal su e ma ila ruc ettxery ci it pulc5xuest txis,1lpt cit adB taîrl abe tk, i al papar ndt, hay lVR aat i urrunIn dl istrict,1, par :lt cenat.ivO e y 'i-ctthley vab '8hiTO odae pil f PerectioninknîctiotiIi saab.y' Tory mafi IdOWe eILyatorioLabava cans.ibutel $7.000.000 fer et ipubli , auitre J li len- re i a da heria stahe ~ R~A A It ate e essable. Duni"xg tha lasI A-rt clxx afi s' rad x11h ateeatadar DIUINESL ity ilas iha pro rtin!ccuîmg e uoiet l c sîna rSea OR~ILIIJ~HEL Ibe tata as beatincrasad aîd se EI I E C E ut'steixds la easoîtiaayhax . thal xvlia The OaCONSTIFATtztI til-gt l2son jund txlîc 1ntx i rii - 1 tig t o1uepro 1sgtî t -eaî gibsm ie' stateRmALlo W , KîgSIN. t e ixta te $2,30 01,10.Th i i ntrk h rema xetti f i l vî -- - __^ __ . , -:" p cges T a, 232 Coope)r St', Ja. tl, 19105. -Vou kiow watfearrul trocble 1I have lhad ah xnry life lime frem icenistipatin.1 Ihave beeni a dreadful sufferer from clhronic cemstipatieDn for over thirty years and I have been treatedl by mray pyiin and 1 have taLe ntmay kinds of preprieta'ry imedicines withouit aimy benefit wbiatevcr. i 'Look a puti for a long N THREE MNONTHS ý Fut--ivs did wha -Doctors and drugs failed to, do ini THIRTY YEARS. Frnt-ativs"cured the 1-on11 joh Costga 1o the wvorst case of chronie Constipation thlat the leadipg physici-ans of Ottawa eveýr saw. "ruit a-tives" gav,;,e this famious statesim uha-t lie had flot had for 3 yers- perfect hea1lth. M,1r, Costigan gives thbe oredit whiere cre-dit is dule-tLo " FRUIT -A-TIVES " -tue one remedly tha-t Cam, and doeýS, cure Con-istipatiolu. C.'lFRUIT LIVER T-ADLZT$ are the only remedy in thewol really mnade of fruit. Juices of fresh Apples, Oranges-, Figs anid Prunes are so coiri- bined that the wel kn-1own medicinal action of thle fruit is increased ymazy tinies. TJonics- are added, and tLie whole pressed into f ru'it liver tablets, "Fruit-a-tives" owe their woniderful power, and their wonderfutl success, to the fact that they are niade of fruit- that they ARE- fruit INTE NSIIWT'eD iEditor and PropIýetor. Sbsrit ,poiy xiua for Itha public; ias;uring iigtl- - --------- - it1rtct y) n aiv ance. Advertising ratus e u iye lqess';Ierduîotuianelbtmaat1dlaiae u-- trantentadvettxng. ten cents per il, of lîxa numbr etoficanscal a- buldng. ite eraroid xxo"lAdan sîrur-i NIWS rt nrtio: ie cents per lines chih[rr ate Subes,,et nsetin.Coatract rates te tcament et ofthe iav; Hdestrctiion11et[ lute ii hi cttu avramd I'FICuEW aii~dicaiomt. o ltjadacl the spi, blesema ut-r-IllI(tt11,dis Mthed iat tPle-bi-e aracensiderý lb uxxvacet ta autrît. ; en uicapper. fie xx cul etofpragrasa xxex asta ' uîldiîîrn au lntcts 1uthrc aetal prog ýressiveme% t-saîd1itaa i-1hegd nt ais OoIg SrtMetedIICutclc A. E. bZcLAUGHLN. et reterm.Ioars ca;111 1 of ugtsetceacra- la.ierer, aprinantat-as t min- niirriemer Solicitorand Conveyncer. - lapt da i trqueiIflusiag of 5friaya evceig tec-tiake floK. Ring Street. xx'it sag seai as i-teMidl lc nta o et-n buildings,* il deseser tutieti. Ferres se dx nani nd vigareusl staad etcunmsv, eldfashioned woodel essige iasoe n cl d ROBRTYONGV.S. sote ndmeîxîtielmncoxpaisit î lbadetlihlnîbtîgIna,,place brighî, Mr. Ge(ge-oaîttPe-t1 lpebas f'ût-'ivEIN II flanEl 'Il ,1Y I, th lJOpite Tenl Hall En mtracOi o xri hedsi o oicae tceru nlsnthay. xxoti ihe $e)II rosi t-Ize effet-adfr the Setier. lie wiIt lier abjondIfrm110 tlifis Ariigi- lluet ilrt xas rs. 5cmles xra ocb hemcinîa rw 3)pin. Nigit calis lat residenice, diret-st, fera aae uuc i egr u-ttii a-i- htta tfta -udtcs t f,,,. 0lIta Y. M. C. A. 1V onimste DrilliRie17-I,ý .rag d,. iL[ xl pt u ile, urp ihs,pbre-siliisCIune a- slonli11utt, but W, e plaai e b- tu insiî whbai-a hare weuld 1ha neoaxraoxiraem-iteseair ceuglît Oitaimid enteraIlta e('ieePt-castha;i a \atDuthamt'bey, SIDiIPSOIN & BLAIR-. Ipu-paation3 for war. Prof. Jamnes etttîteapirit -et ber suxusa. 1Sha oIl uald lbas ixaci succeas*týul li Iiîciaii ta poils D. B. SIMPîSN, K. Cil CHAS P._ axr rue httaear îî aethet aven lier chirbeas, toî-mirivilîaîîOscd fiiait electini reuîxcilom' t Md- ,ILAIIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, hiom-rtyceno haaxaaiabatnMawcîM.S.JPcal etc., Ctorrts 1Btock,- up-stairs. King sti-calous forers ixxonta rachtng d-axv7n dnicilas, \ tesas ixtelb vals île i V'as lactad ex ar biis '"pponent Lhy a x LOtret itowmanvmlte. soticitors for t1ise litaloBail. Private moneys"loan- auto ipulses and axperteaces as pîimmî crevica, ta w icb vermiiiia muaifind iedgy- ai f25, -ta 9. Ed at towest rates, [ixeaand r udas aae seoe t -matîti. Bals, oons, îvdn md xx eais Afreragrosa-d heptcce gia- 'l cit. 1'fýW care' e:î îxWiew tsovecdng itase af e j l ult. Inua saxt,1e. onS lelied \May M A axoral substitulca t~~omthe war vit-tuas in Lot or ses, atttavIef Illoe rît7,a Nagia-nIb-Lk, flra eua'-gga o r d a hi gîxlr so c ial Poeolîri xx u l ara ia n!tet veux tm dxs insa . Clbe vs IIn i PROMPTLY E V, R ED td. taniauer Isîniman ifesta ilt- extrhîvty 111tiiiamifmni ebnv18".d atg -ivmeericndîthr if iiireatîze tIse advtsabs y xperts. Primtnaryaii-,-ýdx-sce free. Charges alats- iasradta m xa ust raepet epae u iteteutî bt-s cîxdIbaeae 2 aeta-dte1ehla stoderaLte. Ou.r IvntrsAdviser senitupon aeuexxtul. Ba I iabidgemt xnr Aaoglreptîipipae luaauttaîctsa g-ocinud rea l Ih lanferxeienLelex, atmi, ;Griîsb, Oshau. n- a x cl s t-t-i ods; anxd lIi iite tnta isuttngfif tiat-ltbsaIt cut. lIteL tlid io-lO Vih.Fewasupeacxîu- icaaxuuxg xxhin eechl nation, qeIte as'1 a illi- xset Iia t atlhavaenageaaecdsne12 yacga. Nýnatural il ,,wilstibstituaxt-aîxluti\oxil,'S'ýiceh-js conte 10 u Ilea c . . Alc-eander of "Dominion" Vp-r-a aîur id u n Iba shape et lt- e ea ovîeu ils a aunng the ente- o(id-xill feruit ixirt et xai-are~ -, Va mgne udgaeitracters, xvicbi. laatieleuithusiasîs. The demand toi' do net yct reai zaxe, - li may do for us j] li,,ha woIIet a teatîx. They miay a Debnn which bals bean se trameal- You rnay be able totemint ee routamge adenduranfe. tital ith p "ý.reepars, plantersan ---- es Ibis xintar ceanas -imaatland b ' t ',get withoUt àuiib-contines4JIeud aicr l et ,Fw bic'iara deaeoabia. taed ilstry la a Ley bîîsy place. along e xx a tcotal-lIIe hoedanocl uie bodnda'e e a-ah o uîigMr-. Aaadris h-eping Ibat hy Ihe KQWI?&guend hetil ursthenoie lee tud Itrtsbi nachixs,,asntg ald hauti- tintethe roacladri- sufficiantiy toil hit - I j tIt~~~Lh, i. ghari imagîrnalIeaoe the nation and inig weodoufo puunping. Moea mr- l s i ataxilh bet pt bhus trees il tram moral stagnation and viosthnalt-Ihxvdrswugtthe-tune for soe enjoyeynn.-M\us'ice -, W TERROF SIT tie(,bondlaf et cec-iaism. V-Vodo îxeît h aleclricthyv. Aong the traction lines journxal. WAERROF UIna tari-ner lbas inalillda fifleen-________ OR SLIC1ER sec thalthl ibs tauo brmoxv vitues frore a bra-poxxer melor i smaii expjense But can you afford to? foi-tact- ccartle 1(ftai toteuiliza -oui- exn. xhoe apoetr is-put -te alemeosievcry e- n-URY THESE GARMENTS ARE \VU c axuatlia w'iuîllng te sutrenIer eut-- ratxahia use. Oaa bias, heen kiuoxvn letý1 J GUARANTEEO WAVERPROOP salavs e tidis tiflIhhumble, wticb sax alil the w aelneldan euct fodder THE LAIE AUDE IIÏHABNDEN. LIGT' COMt'ORTABLE-OURABLE LOW IN PRICC tho religionLcachct-s ýuniita i decîaîi-gf-' ffly cou-s ci an caverage cost of lxvo SOLD 8V ASJ.RELIABLE DEALERSte hoIbe tu he tofa tne-cteuaî dol clrsàementh. Sneigaselinaeutl- Il bacemles -nty scd capintul dnly lchî-ox e-w mîîîiisxil It ynerita,-vil bt c asIte aun- A 1iTWENTIETII CENTU'RY WEDN.ue ouaîdsihbttre hlsoesa ei.Pri e -cpa vi tex at-oves' quart-ais ci mtlolmsute mîsc1seici.Ailn a as-cmu vîyscesfi teeche,>But 1he standligs, Miss Agîicultuu'e ha5 heaut , Il lad Iaiimmxttgpial ewbgtthe. ovrtaxel e hysca pv rad was lihealler bh i St-iMeat-us Sienie.hne trun oem arameriatny' comeîn ed tole cm e oierale e h '1 ay xxeîe bcpt apatrfot-ers, in i e--<tliat dvins ing ahl l tintis cura' 0 umnr ifciy is fati-nofniet lIta mcxtm Ibet fthe course luxuI et tdl avdage il ouse, Buit thestap ,wes taben 1tm laIecalwhie o' truc lox'e nexer ruas scneethjl. The S ience i auncaxcataý,Ilas w'l1uts ýuseful. Ibis climarte sael ai fit-stilutlher case, XXE sellthe best grades odci flksbaobje tal, jaitea-smalasnîecrirîg recl' ýdlpIag exvsoxv tu-omît thefat-mit nosi salulcry catI inxigarating, and a oy alaVte oet aui, he wivould-haegrom ;as "Mt-. be-eic dxaltbtdatelxvthwcll-bepl sbub- rmi-bel Imptovemant usas very appet-- -,Fati,'"fancefa-aer""thao)reti lag- bcîy, 'the gi-as et xxichila cnt raguar- ,ic. nt.tasente unguardel and relaed possible prices. Prompt de- t-tuiiurist'1,' ca l oi pprtubions naines. Ifxxtb ancii uIiii icuui n a t.It aauetshe eaîmghl a raid, cxanar livery a ni d satisfaction Oui the other sida the aristocratie peu-- us -net nacassery anyý longer te cliaclapse toleowl, resuiiing, ibis meraing. enta ioodaI liva n lte bridesfaut-lade l t top efthie et-chat-I lt-cs, tut bar dealb. At lier halside xvere-ber guar anteed. Ev ais "cdeitppeî-s,,'" ttaîsecs," I"ignotý--as fri t axi a Ig;lehred hy paent pick nuotean îd bar cdvotel friand, Miss al jays,5nutxsrtiîy Ilentaer the lon 1se- ers, uviteixplncb fîom-tbe bu'aucbautd tra itelluifd, xbo cainehbatetthe, John iIbet&So~ 011xvitc'are eiuis anti, cnlility' t'igeaci ' he iaappies dout a ceux as chuta htdding et a lriaadship hatween tireur Bowmt-cmx ex-avd. thxe fricton xx )e-awoxay wilh lion of oîjur twanttetut cemtury utnioti ha- sacrifice. tinta, mutuel prjudicas aubsilal as the lxt cen Science aldAgriculture isle ha 'iTe funcral set-vices bat-c ssre x'ary parties carne te bnexvech othat' bat- reecluallina e trnîeus automoiýbile. sacci- intpressiva, an-I the elagani whit ve.l- et', acda ltiat the nuplieus xx're sol- il,î1y ocigîtel for use on-\eun iit-y roas ,i s etread cabat uvas eeuiîplctlhibuti- 'y antîizel. Clestiel Cce-s actaI as btide- vxI,i i il -v saxa tege f ite taaîiiy clint a nrorusi(iti f the ahoicest flow. nîi;Fait- Fie a, as lady ut u-eaiiixg. cgIo,,prelu!iet. !tas twe seat,,3ct4-a, tha coauibnit.lens fr-ontlier devotal I llIe I alu, dctIPuiumreiy Pem ith bcl x llacbeseltta I n plejfic-unOs, s i, Newly titie anxeng bithar- 5eIllride cxx aay. Apollo, iLoIiit i e- uriug <ipeca atyi,(,habilfer podue. esrnas lîvutlymua pnil ot-itlia st-ims be uxiîe Ntx'ocyI,îqlraGir ,,oeï Thsetoue-asetsyphy cmxlie' A * s u Meudelsheua xvldiug îîarc, 1h aux deelop tanbot-e-pux-c-, x'uiha fent awiyocqcirc frindsshowiba 1bousrhtntd N îv ueAt-Ji tat-id"maIîI ui sp' t xet aîa cxleuvtlix'lla ci latt,svnsotex te lte neidy t Gu-oflc-it-iil. ati il l-uc Ixa seel lîu'xxuu- cml aravisaaux liIt-as oma.Mis HatîdnIt i -ànc lirsbcin a ectlýTIIS HAIR BACK. dxvtytewa'IclfelIehl Betore decidiug wheýreteIo îcate -n1 dIxttlet. 00SîstOwa îrcl VsPretylaSWetleSats xoan tîitejluclaea in t1he West, let lus tci yen about dl ictre;Net cx i scagxatW~~VPiloya a oxcxvîl it ctvr these l ande. Th'Ile bLSl tlet - uvwa. etae lt usfa-evy rada1ricia Manulell. Ma ryvlnillcslîc a mlai et earci dan itfui cti n ifiduas. I il. rfoi- ' Write ius for tiiil i:!ato a -ptil,îeIlits t-eut, thIp a Ot iiai i ct eentdidan n l h ih tdau oesc iu - aou cop,.clrnleca secal i ai p-iuii t ut cif efetis.Tu- 0way(h ro ai- il over i li ead. ut riit-oad rates, etc,0lii ttc i natïh x vlit~r-i stik andi s J luxuiù int s ny one iasamcd'avraît aimre Localreprseataiv'I'anterinP iL' ~'lied y gaLine. Frîi bus ohemv Ile affct'. Herpiý;cide dstroys Jthie CA.M E '-lbluira o v lîchhatîeigtmthtua" dindjrif. Thling Jhair, Datîvr, My6.197 hatei Seliu Âaet; tdh ain, damie endotha buidii~s.addfina"Iliy Isalesý, se tht th e caielup hecii- ttt- aSe1qîB c- topgffAngiai-vtïoce inia awIe 9~q ~, i, i~se c-Liei eeeina xii -dçh-<-es l ., ,,n> effiler c, 0uý:lntîrolth (nin, aise and aery Cistiýian schbeal-teaclïer cacasyoruncoascîaouslY jisstnx ing teý seL up standards sucli as thea ea int e inid -et the pupil. WHA T ISASHOL Ever*y sebol i i i car w ir igbtsI A 1 duý.TIes1eis.1Tha1pu tLins t athrs, yîld[I beatîtuls col- tes t hevoi teaie, acunrs urna Theulari, laxx' and r ,idr and aan- ateu fe l xirtues. Ibi istiaciae b- phasI i!- T Cistantyaly ho laedo ter hiaga ýIba He , bu il ias aisj atu in th ciag oe.e tinasChlistuanani Tnsh C.hrismodacerofispunderi Iain- fluence atChrist-ian in if h be anv, carns t anarhee tideofCaraist. pawertuit Ttï' e quae f ailybisrelatians foshar. Hs mdeit seehis bbce thatIIIj eACrst pricles i h t-li vtews a lisneetdt, feain h ether pJoplev ai geing eut et is Christn priiples nîondth inse h upls.Tehetse m itehrs of shaxa ie eppsita eeict. rutthe aa net ofChsen teachars. A teachieof is th mtaeldarge opinuion tHais eking asctl, and h rt achrks, ne nmi ar cenI-i vias,buot rigte teshiy taia uma thearts. al das i arkteflest. He niche maimprrssinonsh fthaetaneyeri Inca retr oltan tha pdoreacher. H spands o re dlia xth e ebîrk n than -tht minisar de oxith bnispeùpl. H thachers eucationpleo ed. lathhide eut thea eacharsl is tetreetothe tecebaor )prtxi m ii a deepr ,,tdeimore x H TSIai impresSia n hVuuethn b minstr.Sehaltechas o ou eaiz tbatyau ra ding ha aetChi? that au ac woking n Hi x m I -Itle -e-micle1- principles cf-fruit thut can restere the grent eliminatiag organ- thse Kidneys, ]iowels and Stkm-to their normai condition. That ie wby " Fruit.- a-tivee' -made of fruit-cnire Coîtipationi and cause the bowels ta nuove tiaturaly- correct alI Stomacit, Iiver, Kidsîey and Skia Tmoubles-and build up the entire systeu. If yen are sutflering es the !-on. John Ces;tig-ar1did--CTRE V'ýOURSELF as h lid «-witb "Fruit-a-tives." 50ic. a 'box-or 6 boxes for $2,50. Senit on veccfipt ef price if your drug.gist dJees ýnet hanî,le thenu.I sýaîcries3 otitliceut-seoo-tac '14xoum ha enly a' sîigbt apreein et thi noble armi tuxras elct-in gal mtathan em teIls. Usi ld lobe et anybtuxs, Iols\ ni ijt ot il palla os milas. Th straiolc teacxerseut. in iecix iîu et b baltar wee ju. Uttias oaa h s m l-u atinsharai s Iit, it a at- te eai 19 alnv teits e ttr ocuain, l taoites bt-e tei 1 [mm fro 11m ihe uepiiim 0 F o Inge futeantamot hritd e i th iptl pil. ie'Hte ahr.Tacls ugt Dee t h e ltanhi, icise17eifii ignatueo ' CASTORlAl For nfans an 18idre M W. Wace LCUNI. ' J. W. DKntgt rse......$15 Me1(Clelati& C. cutg ... 27, T. Hight-on. -,vr........ 24 75 \ýV.-FsIih Satu.Wor.........3 Be. Jannpinga, we............ \V ric.aîs.wir .. ......4 ,W. Waie...........i6 MeCtelicri & G-e., lrbe..... 2813 I.l. Duatani, supp l..... 51 MCiell...& ... cîig....2t7 90 t'-d. iglnlober..............2 70! Wa. E titt . gsiue .... .. 235 Sx. Fierey , tslug i-aalinl36 Bai alaitenC.,cl......A2 \" i.staI ,icpies....88 111,; Bre, usite'sig.... a Joh Lu, cx ccate uxiins jY5 of Ottavwa. A s or mn eteIto pl presýcribed by Dr. A. F. Rýogers, 0f Ottawa. Nethmng _eeedte do nue ail y good. Finaîly I. was advised by Dir. Rogers te try "Fruit-a-tives", and atter taking tbem for a f ew menths I feel I am completely welt fronu this horruble cemplaint, I have bcd ne trouble 'witb this complaint now for a long lime, andI cen -certainly state that' 'Fruht-a-tives" is the only melicinie 1 ever toolc that did me any postive good for constipation. 1 cen conscientiously recommend "«Fruit-a-tives" te the public as, in my opin3ion, it istefinest nmedicine ever produiced. (Signeld) &4,14le a414, sut)slamlia 1 I)III[41111ýS 1 tu lime wblc!b w2s ur4sçzihed bvtllelatg Dr L R z('blir-cla TIIE IDEAL TEACIIEB. To Leginaet the mast serions phase -of a sebeel teacrhis woîlk and inflluience, il ems nea- îte prasuppose ltai Ibe ~ ~ idel itachte h ung i eat Citritian Cetin Vi l)tbat aly a C-Lit'i-ian l iCher ],cen uill a ileit du- tics and asuma il ibe respeaiilitiesj cilds I ou lia l ntuse xihilse xxichbaihe g1wicatarin lu ce foi-a and erity on ith1a1 ( cild a destiny ni i toi the parant, thapastr e-the teaýcher. Toa our mmiid thera-L is ne reem fer de- halae,fer the ideci teachar xiii strive te îtteld the younig lite se Ihat ils passes- set' wili ha fitted le make the van haest et bath xx'rids. Prof . Linin Hiiull, Ph.D., Presidemit et John B. Sasi University, niches this pointi s my clear, in a rcecaladdrass an "The Chisýitan Mibistry and Seheel Taaching." lia said,' if colrrcctly 4raported, that Jeass wanl about teactîitg, precaching and iîaaling. Teching was an essenlial part of His public miîîistry. W'e haxaot nfl la ltae habit oetlhiaking Ibat praauhîing alana is Iinistarial set-vice; or, if xxa admit thet teaacbtng is a tarinofet minis- tariai aciily, titat il ta endy surît xx han it is on thea-îiAiacýly raligmeus sýubjýýelt. 1 inein aithat if ta bin eh c 0r1da in a raiiu piît, wilh distinctly ra- ligieus anftý-isin viexv, that it is atChris- hian mntrwh thehasubj ci taught ha lîelgia rnt. BELGIGUS IDEALSý. TtiecIýas underlyiag the public eah ing etf the Christian scbeol-teacha ei UL essantial i t]i algieus and spiritual. Tbcy,ý invelve perfect standards etf honer endi integrity, sincerijty and cander, punity k and swaatness, btrcngth and steaditiess eft- purpese, heiincss ln lbanght ai-d righteousniess in lite, kindness-and gen- tlaîxss, patitafce and paersevaranca, fdlity to dnty, devotien te ana's lasb,' strength and sanity et judgment, nehil- ity et mind, sympatby and loe in friandship, accurary and thoreughtîess lai ona'es w'erk. Al et thesa tbings ara religions ideals. They mey notet apa- ,culiar le Cbristianhty. Thay nîay ha tound, many et themn, in pagan sy7stamS et philo soplty. Wbatex ar elsa Christian- tty may ha, hewever, il is ihesa tbhings Mjr. Daniel Brown, Engish ver, Ont., wites -" For three y-ea rs 1 suffered from urinatýy troubles, prtfig t he njatulre of stone in the blad-der, or graive, and thec pain Twieh I endured can scarcely be describcd. 1I was unable to do any work, andi frequantly disc-hargad biWood. Thiough 1FI ent hundrcds et do)llars in doctoi'bils I recived ne rliend et lest dacided that 1 xoudd nyrh ble to werk again). "Winelathis condition 1I was ,ad-viscd te try Dr. hs'sKdcy vrPisk, and-, ithough I hatd ne fnith la thLemIn1de- cîd ed ,te give t hemIl a'!fài r trial.. Atter.ï uIS ing one box I fit a dccided chanqge f'r the bâtter, and afteýr kigfive boxsi 1feel like a nwman. I1 arnm n'r l et et pain,and haN e ne more distharge et blood. 1 can honestly recommend Dr.Cas' t lit - 1 t M