1,Tu v~te~nx~ ~n, TERMS :-ý1.OO Fer Annum. OuR TowN&:Ni A1rTÉRWARDS. M SDAY, IMAY 29,197 New Spring Ooods I Nowbere else li West Durham MilI you find such- a big stockir of NEW DRES-'S GOODS. , I le.. Ef Vou are run down, î o'verwork, physîical or nment If you laek vijmor if yor pe,'tte is poor, take a bottle and Willê. It is 'tnerve tonle A lesh producer A system blier and A health giver. Larïge bottie 75c, LAID TO R8EST. MsS. MASON,- Tha funerai o)f the late rs3 Macoll, <reiit of thle lat aisoll) TwhIo8a death was r-E- Ir 1ast sse took plce V tenon frcm hr ,at.nr3 *W. Jolliffs ii0 devoted to ï ervicue for hoi ever ail open mL she ould WAS a trua nIT 11:L L th fro. 11EV. WILLIAm JOLLIFFE, Wo we sr hiOme sters for -) imh Ch le She ,a far as ts means 3, from per and îys from S JIpnit'ie .A.