fiex4ers, brussel spreuts and brceimay bserx ed atter coeking tende xiit tbis t dertbbepsiouct oesa apeon cliepped paisiey nd fjuj,, iceef *[E TrI rct1cs tuteleetul Hyiene Ga~tycnduc- emlon, a littlie sait and p(Tui Plac ii . .*,jjj jj~jjles toiloe4et iteý, ccd 1lose eflite Is + W ith Duebesse Sauce.-To a iquart f D(if FOadIOffice T oronto tih'e seteables, ceeoked (leader n dd 9 F2,1DOD.Trot GIRL BABY'S AINL ECZEMA TeriedFivDe Dtrors bt Grew Worse -t» Agony Eightn Monthas --Parents Discouraged, Until They Tried Cuticura Remedies IN ONE WEEI< ALL SORES DISAPPEARED- cOUr littIS irl, on. year and s aitf old, was taken with ezema or0thatIl,, wbat thîe doctor sa&i iii was.ý W. Male ln the f amiiy dotor and he- gave some tablets andU sald ah. wold 1be alilright in afe-wday .The sasema ew wor9e snd we cuàIli d udtor N.2. 1-1 Ésuaie -howa tsethingý as soon as tiie teeth were throu* h ae would bj ail right. BUt b.he st grew worpe. oc- tor No. e aald It was, eczemnia. By thus tinie she au noehing bt a yllow greish. sore. WýU,he sai,-1he couic1 fip er, 50 WC let hlmr try ir. about a week. One nmorning vw. iscovered a- ittie i low pimple on onseof lber eyee. 0f cursa e w.Phoneti for dotor No. . i amne over and lookect ber ovur &ni saîti that he couli not do eny-. thinig 1more for lber, that wt had better te. lier to Sorn e yes peCiRfist, iine.- it 'Was 14n ule-er. So we went to Oswego to doctor No. 4, and he sad li tii. ye- ight W-as g ,nue, but thet he coutdiiep jt. W.thought we would tcy doctor No. 5-. Wýe!lI, that provedi tht5 sanie, only ho chargi $10 mnore than doctor No. 4. We were n.Darly iiscouragad. I1ý oua of th-. Cuticura airismusla tise par)[Cand thought we wouidtry Che Cuticura Treatmnent, se I1 went and pur-ch1ee a set of CuticuraRedis which co,3t me iiiudlathýree dayo ment, andin u oa-ekail so)res hai dis- appeaared. 0f cournse it cei ,dnet re- stre ii, eesight, but if we 4 hlised (luticura ilu thue I amn onident It woîid have sevai tii. seeye. h'iuk 0here is neoemdyse gond fo ayia trouble0or impurity of th1e Hiod as (luticure, M.11ndMrs. Franisk Ablitt, R. F. D. No. 9, FJuiton c, wao 1Co., I.Y., Augurs 17,10. Coin letc e ial i505 intema r4ai 5tmninifor 'vr Limor cf lofants. Ohkire, tinOAuuitis me- fateet iieUr a anteso Ie 15 Sia. cii Er ru tmnentte ileal the otcr (Sien or le tut, frm cCoot g r ott [PI". It Iiiv ori, Poiter ng &cheu frp- îe r ulS rt,.Ctira Bock c, th kie block maiteia1 yen itappe teto have anud1 let our curi oins talilever it. Every lio,ýlej eastly eau beseen A geod wyte ea mica in antv tbat bas beome hlcnd with amoke is te ak it out ot he steve end w rasliiit with x linegar. If the ,black dù(es fot ome 011 i îmiai4itely let it so-ýak a tlexhile. WahgLace.-astedeiiy toutside edge,ýilafii n acolx grthan lace, wash, trtliclli cd ilace ill dry lu pertet shae andw0th lsswerenlae SeerlpaPc aubestelcedonen leth if lzirg(,eieneuglj. Te gýive theliue pesatodoi take! -go lireuigli reawith Iie shvet an flic- lieseotilblieas croeas a osentou lie ursate. Proteeting Wal apr-We wsi ilng ieie or txiibe tfound a gfreat c eieiete hvea istrîp et tfin teineIlis r wilifiud afooit in Ilangt wlic eaulye ield aoy heberdIlhus pretctig' he alppar. ln iis wayi ouigbily witbout tIs laast ilipury 'te tlle it fay lie ade ('as zgeed,( as l if ta kin te Ilio L 1Ceet 0ohen lIe ai e e- 1t an g,1a titl isfnasml oee0 ois , supglu; insde t l4rck weeit xxjii nt touch eide, wiheutauy xpe niortrouible. he n oviiug ael ttbs loesntIs tack, pioing tbem lail lup rendr1r nly a texv miin1Iutes t lime. (D olit mcxc tI'e edge e! lsecapetuijjl aýýi te ut (cks liox e cbeinirdnsoved; jthe', bfa111 V) Il thoberaid fqtthe em oo treper':Cjsous cl onrli t bettetissu ilole cln.Lift iltcaretully ut 1-liieU u d il' miiile 8ai tIse sainielime, cany il 1 nul ut nlool.s. ill temLi,- 'lieuse r milagin ad ri aessvt ieds cal! be Isurned. Vi Ise aprsai etlIeIlerxitlw de n eIcd eo sed~ syll îul "Il rxt I d ee xc0n papers uîîdcr h i aptIetah n ciarsier. iii aloi e bus fticewpape w nil Jcipnne sheuin be sli~e m tie u i Ilet'.SrlgcnIlylsebtse xx t oîe c ot wit o retSon l oivar nîgli. lu tise meruicg peur oil ilie sîa ad use equal parqs cere ani suigar. 'Thien l ýIis i d te tIbre a iys. Stir one la a wii.Seat air tight. Alleýr puittiag i l tse au drep i l uwte clver inm. Ginger Sas. acuip et sugar, ce tIscea eggs, ue eapo t rea ginger, eu tasoonbain sda, ou dupa fleur. , tghb ï han 1c'1lt ou a oa ni cn lirgul iïra mi ilohe ilu,,a usoierate even tfocrfIîç l Blc euSeup. Oua quart tci c liosteIra rse t xx vafec, id nirasatritfee sr.Boit 4 heîu ogliash treg aclairad1 U teaspeen et ýfbutter.paperouisaIt Is tsie.Juatbatoeseng acid a Isar boiei ggschoppai finemi a Nu Mrc aad.Four peni.rhn ïl- aaudfolrr lamon. Chp ltineni aniteios inte ud put aýjit togehbfi. Dc nt ea mol uliaor 1lamons or londI almni. i ue p wteruï; ad lti eue i na-qartr bocs.Pt iii jeli- lygisassd cvrwt plaalil. Frii utaags.Takýe euhail pçcs ee hitinch tîik;putilu)oi buitter or lard. (dr'p HtJIs pces ta, ou E\celeut Cohia. BcdI mreaeggs adi ila ccp e grnlaiiriga , u liait1- cîp lidsird leo it c r cour ccam, sud d i ee espenu vaihas 1[I11e ncl',~ c pnci e sal. sti is utle era Iha pýluIlb et, fler.ou laseenullikig osier. lis unlastt Uat hif o ngh teý, ý Stte togc.*d- Tthp a'0 ce1 Al Foraiiet ans age d h ll et tenste Tool ciiioYrundavebic:tewave ccci eu p thîietrir)sekuiht p-sinteckseaornafeeia OAE F ONE'S SýELF. Heaaci ch ut iisu lly ilis teIl A e l toic, ipalid la bot isaýter qcicky xxrag eut ciapliaiqicl ose tIa sat t p in xil, u o TIei neif ietic reý1 u îiyIsi s mage, oratha, o hnolm lie xvte svenapp41 lueiîpl u walr, headlIgb tl xvrug on t i ap- et he m iules ifu ii lseuiIa l l ke t1bfot. Th vrua e Is eixvtr plica- boar a recoguiza ii , , c b olnextent teIsalo-o r licg are tnîsilesin o grnt 1vxit Izyetsbae coru aiSes. The ktei deigas 'r,a moade e itareuniAthe lcorv, IsIuh s ise hc, o acirdýee ii lbexvr ou o ie trachute tmyagi. ri- tien s.ffnrmop lhr 5n nc n sa o.ptan- *~ ~ ~~luui- e%\ cueicccsi tes sd e fit~~~~~~i prgrî.n rsueo cria lieu~~~~~~~; n-i1oue1er(j~t aan e ul eu ai ncee iscahdsaI -t larlar. 1eue-qurter ecuce (et Isl r- istenie oui', [oaa-haýit oin-- iriigipl sho onil! toc -sesc i eus Beaiv sd se Th,, l ite tet. Ian Ibai ENGLAND'S 14ED ROSE. Ple tIsefloal Cmýiablera et Eglnirci figresas ncic ibe j"liainia et ber eoraetigisîbecvi oi lvt ari 'mex ace w 11eet-tsarigili det1 FIse coui- ,ica loner,1bicis hall htu li- no rubbck by VTbibant, ceunI etA fiuisîi uI-lie piaile etShas n sd' (Utir ts clpes etcf rreh i iai týiriga ifrom Isae Holy LardIIte lits biom n uFrane tIse Ce-untcafil teudai titis paa-nnel. ed rose- ancmi ýicnogaite aciclîmli-tze Il lu tIse gdasaroui is castie, xx liera it Isa leverý spîe iitîtugiseul Fronce, seti h- eaof e!ils Isiîîig c'oma frein' fic Ily!,,asrearaias se chr ic-Iion sudI foc bridai wv1e11hs. Beferre ectThiiboutiiei tic gos-e uts dangliter os xsILte teE- muiDuke e cuofî.snetts rnisdeatbli tae keetLacote ba t iglisIfer bIis witesihberita lce, s~blch easil novcouý 'lIptiiteicc cf rovnce Headota Iseci eY as ls Ierali adgeouias iý a rr Prvec."llts elovcnhesesr di', waa kîiena os lIe Roa tL«ýau- ît he rosa eccuseidaîifed0s1lli tand DepIosits inay bcinade or withdrawri by etirof tetwo emerof a hueod Tl lIs for n of account is speci allIV suitabicelfUr tho0-; lihving in the Co unItry, as elîther nIenmaber Can attend to the banking whiea in tewn. In case of death-, the money may Leie ithidraT by tile sujrviwo( withouit d(elay or Cost. Write o1 calilfui furîher particUuas. îinterest added four tines a year le ilowitlia retcrushpmpnI1i'>' OU1 t% S a~ IseIro t lpse arouni Is latI) oitgt he .ýmateriaiblt place,ýiLt, le~ ~ - tblig ttIse foreeniug bock bell, inste itlis beýiîîg geld se abhout thelin, etof ckan ludeCIg linnoaw1bich ilesa iiuym is tieýdInlua tuil EutIle o w wth Is.trnser ithi isr t ïsa Thse liair, etcourse, tillal i; s,supi-bnduwo,0 passai areuitHe col- i ný g t e l b t x ý lv e I s e r e l b e i a n l r a n > i e d s c etf i s h a e . T y a r ildr th iee iebim nui tlat i lleu o be ticatuie v,lin t Jlite dýowA'- aeyFrntwmncensas a P vard urnig bims oi we taara ir ale Ut. hua rinatisi n arkr bua elvt .ANET1VILLE, anu esrtlitp Ihotui 1-s 4ever teshu- h get the oui, r.J0111 .seeatreernc t isa way [they\xIi 1 hes oleyx l omneop- setova Ih aleuler ud ie reui eatinsJune lIst, as Hire pati(rns bave tise ~ r nclleaJNicoMreditîticuri. secci aehs na eMr% MLlrpI1 Mlinglei l asd strasv maklevet(ls.j NMrl, Mrh onswle m'idlsnui eueamai ~izedmusroen cmmenldù amci ,'we xvil iiiii . bahusi-eovR a wiîreltrame ta us cestut'Illnlit aev~ lai traatg ise top etlise ýmcwn sud ItIse boýrder mb otIsaf beiter jiud fin tc.siie et tha brim are 1ma1ie e(jalayrTuesday, NMay 141h. T1ie !ulIterat1te ePl aittaValandiý iannes('4dge, perIsai Il cntiiecmteyo T,ffMïy c o u l eit1uc a s . T o e s e t t e e f it t i A, w a s v r Y l a r g i l a t t e n d el d . M r . c r-eamsrw mta iL ,a a figeL4 , i) a1S) ccd îseMil baslIwi\ akna very actve fte leerpators, c efrec.partluchrciivikliaivin.g be nod anI1 bncli et fpiak rosas term distehrci u ý eaS. I lit trtmlming. 1Mc'. Henry AnLder-soný ,fetLnsla Therelaàa pepiîLhat ing we l f hm (q) king p eldien. rn ir Par i, et hlaok lace, lIse b)rjimheni la]uigIeps e velvet, suid liued n thl a suwcessionf NI r. OlnBrihw aal te b cber hlaciýor ecru Vlciecslace aoc giafter a bar'd tusale vsfi-5 tiiî.A celustýr et pickShaided roses mss al ppartrimmiîg ias a len aiv teetibplumage. Thewre is"te ,lieos uýDon t pui tiu t, te esadxl r a arage as evei,r e- black ot, el i lo go t1ale a s tob ry7ouALa pair cet 10crinoline, fine sýtraw ccd lace.ý anitus hes tht'. ail blacti bat stilli l l aprteua ccd pepular alassblîscîtel.Thmotltiytuadbilngu FASHIOf(N NOTES.leea,2,9 tataoa esev. usuallî lise sametamoiitieatloc ot tIs cld-4ntebellor p bcelia shirt. S your powers of resiStance weakeiied. fl- Take Scotts Emaision. It builds up and strengthens youý,r entire'system. It contains Cod Lîver Oil an-d Hypophosphites se prepared that it is easy to take an-d easy to digest, ~ aa - ML DRUGGIST8: 50e. AND $100( 999YVvVVVYYV~VVVVYVVVV~VV 1-